id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt qj72p557q7c Augustine M. Reisenauer, O.P. Augustine on the Resurrection 2021 .txt text/plain 368 10 32 From the witness of Scripture, Augustine grasps that our integral resurrection consists of a twofold process: (1) the historical and spiritual resurrection of the human soul from its death in sin to life in Christ; and (2) the eschatological and fleshly resurrection of the human body from its temporal death to eternal existence, either in eternal death or in eternal life. It then investigates his articulations of the fleshly resurrection of Jesus Christ, of encountering the resurrected Lord even in the scriptural proclamation and preaching of his resurrection, and of the twofold application of Christ's paschal mystery to the whole human person, by way of sacrament and by way of example. cache/qj72p557q7c.txt txt/qj72p557q7c.txt