id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt np193774c6m Rafael O. Ruiz A New Type of Tuned Liquid Damper and Its Effectiveness in Enhancing Seismic Performance: Numerical Characterization, Experimental Validation, Parametric Analysis and Life-Cycle Based Design 1904 .txt text/plain 348 10 27 The research presented here introduces a new type of liquid mass damper, called Tuned Liquid Damper with Floating Roof (TLD-FR) which combines the favorable characteristics of traditional Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLD) and liquid column dampers, and further examines its efficiency for seismic applications for Chile. This creates a vibratory behavior that resembles other types of a linear mass dampers and a framework is developed to characterize this behavior with a simple parametric description that can facilitate an easy comparison to such dampers. cache/np193774c6m.txt txt/np193774c6m.txt