id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt m039k358m5f Alissa Russell The Influence of Control on Daily Affect Regulation in Later Life: Longitudinal and Developmental Approaches to Understanding Change 2012 .txt text/plain 279 9 22 The main objectives of this thesis were to investigate whether: 1) there is a daily relationship between environmental control and negative affect, 2) that relationship changes within participants across three waves of data spanning five years, 3) the age of the participant (when the study began) influences the daily relationship between environmental control and negative affect, and 4) global levels of emotion or environmental control influence individuals' relationship between daily environmental control and daily negative affect. Global emotion control (but not global environmental control) moderated the daily relationship; specifically, on days of lower environmental control, individuals with higher global emotion control had lower negative affect than those with lower global emotion control. cache/m039k358m5f.txt txt/m039k358m5f.txt