id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt m039k358k6g Sara Lynn Crosby Poisonous Mixtures: Gender, Race, Empire, and Cultural Authority in Antebellum Female Poisoner Literature 2005 .txt text/plain 352 10 24 In short, this literature enabled a debate about how power should be distributed in a 'civilized' society, what boundaries and structures constituted that civilization, and which configurations of race, class, and gender should wield hegemonic authority over it. Narratives of these mixtures could figure structures of power and identity that ran the gamut from heterogeneous possibilities for establishing more egalitarian modes of authority and androgynous forms of identity to hegemonic possibilities for rigidifying social hierarchy and clarifying boundaries of identity. cache/m039k358k6g.txt txt/m039k358k6g.txt