id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt kk91fj26b0m Bradley M. Minrovic A Non-Toxic Small Molecule Approach to Combating Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria 2019 .txt text/plain 473 15 31 Furthermore, a narrow-spectrum antibiotic synthesized within our lab showed increased worm survival against a multidrug resistant A. baumannii strain; tested at 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg, worm survival was 22% and 32% after a six-day study, respectively. Antibiotic-adjuvant concentrations, where the adjuvant is tested at 50 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg in combination with an antibiotic, have increased survival of inoculated worms up to 50% over the course of several days. cache/kk91fj26b0m.txt txt/kk91fj26b0m.txt