id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt k930bv75p8f Philipp Gollner Good White Christians: How Religion Created Race and Ethnic Privilege for Immigrants in America 1904 .txt text/plain 363 10 27 This dissertation's implications extend to the present: despite the contributions of their busy, world-bettering activism to the vitality of religious life in America, the immigrant religious groups I am interested in probably lost what could be a considerable gift to a culture still fraught with racial tensions: the instinct of ethnoreligious minorities that declined to exploit the advantages of their skin pigmentation, but opted instead for a wise provincialism – a position on the sidelines of dominant culture. This dissertation demonstrates that various European immigrant religious groups harnessed the cultural capital and coercive power of white Protestantism by adopting a posture of restless cultural activism and fervent missionary zeal, as well as a view of ethnic boundaries as harmful to proper religion. cache/k930bv75p8f.txt txt/k930bv75p8f.txt