id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt hq37vm43827 Anna Catherine Siebach-Larsen 'For in the Boke of God Is No Such Matter': Visual Epistemologies and Vernacular Reading Culture in Thirteenth-Century England 1904 .txt text/plain 323 8 17 Each chapter of this project uses a manuscript of a popular vernacular text—Ancrene Wisse, Robert Grosseteste's Chasteau d'amour, the Miroir de seinte egylse, and the Enfaunces de Jesu Crist—as a site for which to approach the ways in which optics and the image were used as a means for exploring the creation of the self and its relationship to various communities, arguing that visual epistemologies were at the heart of vernacular literate experience. This dissertation contributes to current work exploring the interactions of language and culture in the thirteenth century, text and image in medieval culture, the history of the book, and cognitive studies. cache/hq37vm43827.txt txt/hq37vm43827.txt