id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt g732d79512m Michael Perlman Equivariant D-Modules on Spaces of Tensors and Applications to Local Cohomology 2020 .txt text/plain 311 11 41 In another direction, we determine the D-module structure of local cohomology with support in Pfaffian varieties, in which case the simple composition factors were known by past work of Raicu-Weyman. x GL_2 x GL_2, or when X is the space of alternating senary 3-tensors endowed with the natural action of G=GL_6, our analysis entails: classifying and explicitly realizing the simple equivariant D-modules, and determining the corresponding quiver with relations. cache/g732d79512m.txt txt/g732d79512m.txt