id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt g732d793z6t Aida Ramos Economy, Empire, and Identity: Rethinking the Origins of Political Economy in Sir James Steuart's Principles of Political Economy 2008 .txt text/plain 354 9 29 Using historical and literary criticism to recast Steuart in his proper social, cultural, and political background his Principles can be read as a policy handbook for smaller nations struggling with political identity and economic survival in the face of the rise of the imperial power of Britain and France. Through the application of ideas from the sociology of scientific knowledge on how scientific communities and canons are formed, the dissertation also places Steuart in his proper Enlightenment context, and acknowledges that his work, which is reliant on local oversight and knowledge, is anathema to nineteenth century British needs for universal economic policies, and, in doing so, explores the political and intellectual reasons why he was written out of the canon of economics. cache/g732d793z6t.txt txt/g732d793z6t.txt