id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ft848p60v7m Raúl Erick Juárez Hernández A Convergent Approach for the Syntheses of Sideromycins: Mycobactin T and Gallioxamine B Conjugates 2012 .txt text/plain 286 10 23 In the case of pathogenic bacteria, the importance of iron-acquisition has resulted in the ability to recognize and utilize exogenous siderophores, which in turn has been met with the generation of drug-conjugates to combat siderophore-mediated iron-thievery. The identification of these molecules has sparked the interest of many laboratories to use siderophores as carriers to deliver antibiotics and other molecules of interest, inside bacteria Because in many cases, siderophores are exclusively recognized and acquired by a specific microorganism, the possibility of designing bacteria-specific antibiotics makes the study and synthesis of these molecules an exciting area of research. cache/ft848p60v7m.txt txt/ft848p60v7m.txt