id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt dz010p12c46 Paolo Paletti Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors: Device Models and Experiments on Two-Dimensional Semiconductors, Including Demonstration of Electric-Double-Layer Esaki Junctions 2019 .txt text/plain 356 12 38 Ion doping employing the solid polymer polyethylene oxide:cesium perchlorate (PEO:CsClO4) is then applied to decanometer WSe2 channels to form 2D lateral Esaki junctions. To properly characterize the transport properties of MBE-grown WSe2 thin films in a FET configuration in the presence of Schottky barrier-limited injection at the contacts, a semianalytical model has been developed and validated against experiments for different TMD channel materials. cache/dz010p12c46.txt txt/dz010p12c46.txt