id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt df65v694z8w Xiaofeng Wang Exotic Collective Excitations at High Spin: Triaxial Rotation and Octupole Condensation 2007 .txt text/plain 203 9 48 Some striking differences exist between the level scheme and deexcitation patterns seen in 240Pu, and to a lesser extent in 238Pu, and those observed in 242Pu and in many other actinide nuclei such as 232Th and 238U, for example. Moreover, the Tilted-Axis Cranking calculations provide a natural explanation for the presence of wobbling bands in the Lu isotopes and their absence in the neighboring Tm, Hf and Ta nuclei. cache/df65v694z8w.txt txt/df65v694z8w.txt