id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt bz60cv45q9x James Michael Donahue In Search of a Global, Godly Order: The Ecumenical Movement and the Origins of the League of Nations, 1908-1918 2015 .txt text/plain 347 12 40 The World Alliance possessed two intertwined aims: firstly, a union of Christian churches that could complete the Christianization of the globe in their generation; and, secondarily, the establishment of a international federation of states, bound together by a free covenant before God, that would prevent Christendom from ever again descending into civil war. Key figures include John Mott, Charles Macfarland, Adolf Deissmann, W. H. Dickinson, James Allen Baker, Nathan Söderblom, Andrew Carnegie, Wilfred Monod, Prince Max von Baden and Lord Robert Cecil. cache/bz60cv45q9x.txt txt/bz60cv45q9x.txt