id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt bv73bz62g4f Elizabeth C Koeman A Multi-Analytical Approach for Developing Nuclear Forensic Methods for Source Attribution using Trinitite Post-Detonation Material 2015 .txt text/plain 273 8 23 Overall, the results reported in this doctoral research clearly indicate that a multi-analytical approach can effectively provide accurate and reliable chemical and isotopic signatures of Trinitite in a timely fashion (within hours to days), and these can be employed for source attribution in future investigations of nuclear post-detonation samples. This dissertation also includes development and application of novel techniques for the purposes of nuclear forensics; e.g., a methodology using a fluorinating thermal treatment to separate natural and anthropogenic components, and 3D imagery techniques (e.g., FIB-focused ion beam) to find bomb components at the nanoscale within Trinitite. cache/bv73bz62g4f.txt txt/bv73bz62g4f.txt