id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 4t64gm83k35 Joseph N. Laski Value Violations and Satisfactions in Intimate Relationships: The Value-Consistent Action Measure 2022 .txt text/plain 157 4 15 How closely Partner A's actions align with Partner B's values likely affects the emotions and relationship quality of Partner B, with greater alignment predicting better scores in both outcomes for Partner B. Behaviors that conflict with the interpreting partner's values are considered value violations, and behaviors aligned with the interpreting partner's values are considered value satisfactions. To test these assumptions regarding the role of values in interpersonal behavior interpretations, a new measure called the Value-Consistent Action Measure (VCAM) was administered along with a variety of measures regarding emotions, values, and relationship quality. cache/4t64gm83k35.txt txt/4t64gm83k35.txt