id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 0c483j35215 Melinda Varga Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems Approach to Hard Constraint Satisfaction Problems 1904 .txt text/plain 363 12 44 We briefly present a proposal for a modular and programmable design for an analog hardware SAT-solver, which solves hard problems more than 10,000 times faster than state-of-the-art algorithms (MiniSAT) run on digital computers. This problem appears in many real-world applications, and it has a key role in the theory of computational complexity and in particular NP-completeness: if one would find an efficient (polynomial-time) algorithm to solve k-SAT (for k>2), then we would be able to generate solutions efficiently to all problems from the NP class (Cook-Levin theorem), i.e., to a very large number of hard problems. cache/0c483j35215.txt txt/0c483j35215.txt