id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt yonge-sword-1859 yonge yonge-sword-1859 1859 .txt text/plain 24539 997 83 Let not those who have no temptation, who live with those who regard falsehood as a great crime, and perjury as one almost beyond mention or possibility, look upon poor Ben Sylvester as a lost and wicked wretch, if he were grievously tossed about in mind during that month before the Winston assizes. Of course the first impression was that Ben Sylvester had been captured by Mr. Elliot in the midst of mischief; but when the school-master explained exactly how the matter had been, Mr. Conroy did not look nearly so much displeased. cache/yonge-sword-1859.txt txt/yonge-sword-1859.txt