id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt west-refusal-1810 west west-refusal-1810 1810 .txt text/plain 152267 5862 64 After a pause long enough to give vent to those signs of contrition which she thought must move his flinty heart, and which indeed would have induced him to pity any offender but the slanderer of Selina, she exclaimed, Is it thus we meet : 'Tis weil,'^ returned Lord Avondel, that we meet in circumstan- ces vi^hich allow us to retrieVe our errors. Have you then, said she, indignant at his cold- ness, utterly renounced the woman whose confidence you so earnestly solicited, and cruelly betrayed r No, madam, returned the earl, with a look of ineffable disdain ; Lady Avondel shall find me faith- ful to m) vows, and you may depend upon m v invio- lable secrecy. It so happened that Sir Walter Mandeville, in one of his .warm eulogiums on Lord Avondel, used the same exclamation of admiration that had burst Irom Lady Selina on Emily's discovering the mysterious picture, and with all that warmth of imagination which teaches young people to believe that to be true which ## p. 55 (#59) ############################################## THE REFUSAL jj is only possible, and also, that the object which occu- pies their own thoughts is the only one in the world worth contemplating, the amiable girl persuaded her- self, that this most distinguished of human beings, the celebrated Lord Avondel, was equally esteemed and loved by her two nearest relations, and was some- how connected with the melancholy of her dearest aunt. cache/west-refusal-1810.txt txt/west-refusal-1810.txt