id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt scott-woodstock-1826 scott scott-woodstock-1826 1826 .txt text/plain 186910 6083 65 Worthy Master Bibbet was a little overcome with liquor, (as is his fashion, good man, about this time of the evening,) not that he is in the least given to ebriety, but simply, that since the Scottish campaign he hath had a perpetual ague, which obliges him so to nourish his frame against the damps of the night; wherefore, as it is well known to your honour that I discharge the office of a faithful servant, as well to Major-General Harrison, and the other Commissioners, as to my just and lawful master, Colonel Desborough I know all that. I will now ask thee a few questions, old man, said the General, when they had arrived in the room; and I warn thee, that hope of pardon for thy many and persevering efforts against the Commonwealth, can be no otherwise merited than by the most direct answers to the questions I am about to ask. cache/scott-woodstock-1826.txt txt/scott-woodstock-1826.txt