id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt marryat-phantom-1839 marryat marryat-phantom-1839 1839 .txt text/plain 141056 6328 79 Before Philip Went downstairs, he inquired about Mynheer Poots. Philip, would it not be better (instead of leaving me in a maze of doubt) that you now confided to us both all the facts connected with this strange history, so that we may ponder on them, and give you the benefit of the advice of those who are older than yourself, and who, by their calling may be able to decide more correctly whether this supernatural power has been exercised by a good or evil intelligence? The holy Father speaks well, Philip Vanderdecken, observed Mathias. cache/marryat-phantom-1839.txt txt/marryat-phantom-1839.txt