id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt lever-kilgobbin-1872 lever lever-kilgobbin-1872 1872 .txt text/plain 211519 8922 77 The little indiscretions of old men--especially old men--with these women, the lapses of confidence they made them, the dropping admissions of this or that intention, made up what Walpole knew to be high diplomacy. Your statesmen have no need to be journalists, teachers, tutors; Frenchmen and Italians are all these, and on the Lower Danube and in Greece we are these and something more.--Nor are we less politicians that we are more men of the world.--The little of statecraft that French Emperor ever knew, he picked up in his days of exile.' cache/lever-kilgobbin-1872.txt txt/lever-kilgobbin-1872.txt