id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt lever-burke-1857 lever lever-burke-1857 1857 .txt text/plain 341928 14728 76 We 'll not have long to wait for that, cried the other; see there! I lifted my eyes as he spoke, and beheld the pink stain of coming day rising above the top of a large mountain. All the Irishmen I have ever seen, replied he,--and I have known some scores of them,--were bold, dashing, intrepid fellows, that cared nothing for an enterprise if danger had no share in it; who loved a difficulty as other men love safety; who had an instinct for where their own reckless courage would give them an advantage over all others; and took life easily, under the conviction that, every day could present the circumstance where a ready wit and a stout heart could make the way to fortune. cache/lever-burke-1857.txt txt/lever-burke-1857.txt