id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt bulwer-paul-1830 bulwer bulwer-paul-1830 1830 .txt text/plain 180488 7009 69 If it had not been for that dear angel, good young man, God only knows whether I might not have been a disconsolate widow by this time! While the affectionate matron was thus running on, Lucy's eye glancing round the room discovered in an armchair the round and oily little person of Dr. Slopperton, with a countenance from which all the carnation hues, save in one circular excrescence on the nasal member, that was left, like the last rose of summer, blooming alone, were faded into an aspect of miserable pallor. Mr. Brandon was, indeed, a barrister of considerable reputation, and in high esteem in the world, not only for talent, but also for a great austerity of manners, which, though a little mingled with sternness and acerbity for the errors of other men, was naturally thought the more praiseworthy on that account; there being, as persons of experience are doubtless aware, two divisions in the first class of morality,--imprimis, a great hatred for the vices of one's neighbour; secondly, the possession of virtues in one's self. cache/bulwer-paul-1830.txt txt/bulwer-paul-1830.txt