iii EDITORIAL: IN SEARCH OF A “CULTURE OF WRITING” In Search of a “Culture of Writing” At an ATLA conference presentation way back in 2003, I tried to make the case that our vocational community would be well served if more people wrote (and wrote well) about the work we do. Whether that case was persuasive or not I’ll leave it for others to judge. But, going on twelve years later, there is a lot more writing about theological librarianship, due in no small part to the existence of “this here journal.” And I’m more convinced than ever that this is a good thing. Example: when I want to remind an administrator what our seminary library does, and how it fits into the overall enterprise, it really does help to be able to remind her of the existence of a broader community of religion and theology librarians, engaging creatively many of the same issues and challenges elsewhere that we face here. Beyond that, it’s very helpful now to be able to search back issues of TL and sleuth out worthwhile submissions that pertain to a question posed by a fellow faculty member (as I did again just the other day). Apparently this phenomenon (which I would describe as “the gradual development of a body of literature stemming from a community of practice”) can be referred to as a “culture of writing.” And it’s also handy to know that there are (at last count) ten ways to create a culture of writing. (If only we’d known this a few years ago.) We’re still very much a work in progress, but there’s a lot to be said for momentum, and we continue to be encouraged by the variety and the caliber of submissions we receive, from librarians like you. As ever, your ideas, proposals, submissions, and input are always most welcome. Thanks, David P.S. With this issue, we say our goodbyes (with heartiest thanks) to our Bibliographic Essays Editor of the past several years, Dan Kolb. He has been a delight to work with, and we wish him well. We are sad to see him go, but at the same time delighted that Suzanne Estelle-Holmer (Yale Divinity Library) will be stepping into that role immediately, and will be responsible for our Bibliographic Essays, commencing with our Fall issue (Vol 8, #2). http://www.annhandley.com/2014/11/20/10-ways-create-culture-of-writing/