ii THEOLOGICAL LIBRARIANSHIP An Online Journal of the American �eological Library Association Journal information The purposes of Theological Librarianship are: to foster the professional development of theological librarians and to contribute to and enrich the profession of theological librarianship. TL publishes essays, columns, critical reviews, bibliographic essays, and peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of professional librarianship, within the context of a religious/theological library colle ction encompassing interactions with faculty and administrators engaged in religious/theological education. The primary intended audience includes: professional librarians in colleges, universities, and theological seminaries and others with an interest in theological librarianship Further information, including Author Guidelines and instructions on how to submit manuscripts, is available at the journal web site www.theolib.org. © 2015 American Theological Library Association VOLUME 8, NUMBER 1 • MARCH 2015 ISSN 1937-8904Editorial Board David R. Stewart, Managing Editor, Section Editor for Essays, Bethel University, St. Paul, Minnesota Ronald W. Crown, Section Editor for Peer-Review Articles, Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Gary F. Daught, Section Editor for Columns, P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library, Milligan College, Milligan College, Tennessee Daniel Kolb, Section Editor for Bibliographic Essays, Archabbey Library, Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Saint Meinrad, Indiana Miranda H. Bennett, Section Editor for Critical Reviews, University of Houston, Houston, TX Advisory Board Christopher J. Anderson, Drew University Jennifer Bartholomew, Luther Seminary Odile Dupont, BETH Teresa C. Ellis, Hardin-Simmons University Alvaro Perez Guzman, Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana, Costa Rica Theodore Patrick Milas, College of Information - Florida State University Mary Linden Sepulveda, Seattle University Jennifer Lynn Woodruff Tait, Independent Scholar Mariel DeLuca Voth, Independent Scholar https://journal.atla.com/ojs/index.php/theolib