� Theological librarianship an online Journal of the american Theological library association Volume 1, number 2 • December 2008 Editorial W e are pleased to present to you Theological Librarianship’s second issue, and hope you will find its contents to be stimulating, enjoyable, and helpful.The publication of TL 1(2) marks the end of our first volume/year, and is a good time to express once again our thanks to all those who, in different ways, have helped TL get off to such a fine start. The leadership and staff at aTla have been supportive and patient at every turn; the advisory board has provided wise counsel and peer reviewing that has been diligent and uncompromising; the editorial board has been first-rate and very collegial; aTla members and readers have provided helpful input and affirmation as well: thanks all around. but year two will be different from year one, in ways we can still only partly see. For one thing, we have been the fortunate recipients of writing projects, which appear to have been out there before we began, percolating, and just waiting for a venue like TL to be published in. That has been both welcome and helpful. but in the next phase we have the intriguing opportunity of marking out topics and themes which we think are especially important in our vocation, and then identifying who we think would be well-suited to exploring them in print. here are some of the topics we have in mind: Management and administration leadership special collections history collection Development We’d welcome your suggestions for other topics, or your questions about writing for the journal: here’s to an even better second year of Theological Librarianship. Respectfully, Ron Crown David Stewart Managing Co-Editors • • • • •