id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt tl-2029 Wright, Logan S. Religion Past and Present 2008-11-19 3 .pdf application/pdf 1646 71 49 abbreviated Title of reference Work number of content entries “a” through “ab” number of see references “a” through “ab” Total number of entries “a” through “ab” number of entries in common with RPP number of Unique entries vs. RPP EP2 4 1 5 3 2 ER2 16 5 21 6 15 ODCC3R 27 7 34 20 14 NSHERK 57 17 74 28 46 RPP 41 5 46 n/a n/a While Religion Past and Present adds significant new content to library reference shelves, it is clear from the above data that it does not entirely displace the importance of other reference works. it compares favorably with a range of reference works that are likely already used in academic and public libraries. cache/tl-2029.pdf txt/tl-2029.txt