The register of the Paulist Fathers 'T-heee£ii5-Kr _ fve '2-55-2.S' THE REGISTER OF THE PAULIST FATHERS JANUARY 1949 THE REGISTER of the PAULIST FTETHERS "'To me, the least of all the saints, is given this grace, to preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ/' — (Ephesians iii. 8.) JANUARY 1949 CONTENTS PAGE LEGAL TITLE 3 OFFICERS ELECTED JUNE, 1946 4 LIVING MEMBERS ACCORDING TO SENIORITY . . 5 HOUSES LISTED ACCORDING TO STATES .... 10 CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF ESTABLISHMENTS . .19 PRIVILEGES GRANTED BY THE HOLY SEE .... 20 DECRETUM “NUPER NONNULLI” (Separation from the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) 21 DECRETUM LAUDIS (Approval of the Society) . . . .22 DECRETUM (Approval of the Constitutions) 24 FORMER SUPERIORS GENERAL 25 DECEASED MEMBERS 26 COMPLETE INDEX OF NAMES 29 Legal Title The legal title of the Paulist Fathers is The Missionary Society oj St. Paul the Apostle in the State oj New York. Incorporation This Society was legally incorporated by an act of the New York Legislature, March 24, 1870, under the name of The Missionary So- ciety of St. Paul the Apostle in the State of New York. The petition for incorporation was sigi^d by Fathers Isaac T. Hecker, Augustine F. Hewit, George Deshon,: Alfred Young and Joshua P. Bodfish, for them- selves, their associates and successors. The present trustees are the Superior General, the four General Consultors and the General Treasurer. Popular Nome The members of this Society are ordinarily called the Paulist Fathers. In the Annuario Pontificio the name Paulist Fathers is printed as their recognized popular title. Likewise in the Decretum Laudis, granted by the Sacred Congregation of Religious, Paulist Fathers is given as the name by which they are commonly known. Present Officers Elected, June, 1946 • Very Reverend James F. Cunningham, C.S.P. Superior General Very Reverend Joseph McSorley, C.S.P. First Consultor Reverend John T. McGinn, C.S.P. Second Consultor Reverend John Carr, C.S.P. Third Consultor Reverend Henry P. Fisher, C.S.P. Fourth Consultor Reverend Edward H. Peters, C.S.P. Procurator General Reverend Bertrand L. Conway, C.S.P. General Treasurer (chosen by the Council) f ' /9‘^f — 4 — Living Members of the Society (Listed According to Seniority) Name McSorley, Joseph Dec. Conway, Bertrand Louis May Harney, John Bernard Apr. + Devine, Dennis J. Gillis, James Martin Nov. Mullaly, Edward Joseph Mar. McMullen, Orison Joseph Apr. Cartwright, Richard Stearns ....Apr. Finn, William Joseph Sept. Devery, James John Apr. 4* O’Neill, Thomas Lantry Ryder, Thomas Francis Apr. Towey, James Patrick Apr. Burke, John Edmund Sept. Smyth, John Carter Aug. Quinan, Guy Francis June Petersen, Theodore Christian. ...Feb. Orchard, Walter John Apr. Buckley, John Joseph Dec. Donegan, Jerome Patrick Jan. ^ Miller, Arthur Raymond ^/?.?./.l!.Dec. Hoey, Peter Eugene June Morris, Joseph Aloysius Aug. Noon, James Anthony Sept. Malloy, Joseph Ignatius Mar. Finegan, Joseph Henry Mar. Malone, Austin Apr. Doyle, Basil Joseph Mar. Lynahan, William Anselm Apr. O’Brien, Justin Jan. Bowling, Benjamin Franklin ....Jan. Llufrio, Charles Edward July McMahon, Joseph Aloysius Mar. Latchford, Stephen Brendan Apr. Peters, Edward Henry June Hurley, Wilfred Geoffrey Nov. McNab, Francis. Richard Feb. Frassrand, Michael Xavier Dec. Tierney, Thomas Fergus July Blakeslee, William Francis .Nov. Linehan, James Anthony July Birth Received Ordained 9, 1874 Sept. 7, 1896 Oct. 18, 1897 5, 1872 Sept. 7, 1896 Dec. 28, 1896 25, 1875 Dec. 21, 1899 June 9, 1900 5, 1877 Dec. 20, 1900 Dec. 21, 1901 12, 1876 Dec. 20, 1900 Dec. 21, 1901 24, 1879 Dec. 18, 1902 June 16, 1903 26, 1879 Dec. 14, 1904 June 14, 1905 27, 1874 Dec. 14, 1904 June 14, 1905 7, 1881 June 11, 1905 June 9, 1906 25, 1874 June 11, 1905 June 9, 1906 13, 1874 June 11, 1905 June 9, 1906 16, 1880 Dec. 19, 1906 May 25, 1907 7, 1882 Dec. 19, 1906 May 25, 1907 20, 1881 June 16, 1910 June 21, 1910 17, 1886 June 16, 1910 June 21, 1910 6, 1883 June 16, 1910 June 21, 1910 1, 1883 Dec. 21, 1911 May 24, 1912 20, 1884 May 8, 1913 May 17, 1913 16, 1885 Dec. 18, 1913 June 6, 1914 5, 1888 Dec. 18, 1913 June 6, 1914 29, 1885 Dec. 18, 1913 June 6, 1914 3, 1888 Dec. 15, 1914 May 29, 1915 22, 1887 Dec. 15, 1914 May 29, 1915 29, 1888 Sept. 11, 1915 June 10, 1916 29, 1889 Sept. 11, 1915 June 10, 1916 24, 1886 Sept. 28, 1916 June 1, 1917 8, 1891 June 14, 1919 Feb. 2, 1920 29, 1893 June 14, 1919 Feb. 2, 1920 21, 1891 Sept. 9, 1921 Sept. 24, 1921 19, 1896 Sept. 9, 1921 Sept. 24, 1921 10, 1897 Sept. 9, 1921 Sept. 24, 1921 6, 1887 May 12, 1922 Sept. 23, 1922 23, 1897 May 12, 1922 Sept. 23, 1922 13, 1894 May 12, 1922 Sept. 23, 1922 18, 1900 May 22, 1923 Mar. 15, 1924 14, 1895 May 22, 1923 Feb. 2, 1924 20, 1897 May 22, 1923 Feb. 2, 1924 12, 1894 May 7, 1924 Sept. 20, 1924 28, 1899 May 7, 1924 Sept. 20, 1924 4, 1899 June 11, 1925 June 12, 1926 14, 1894 June 11, 1925 June 4, 1926 5 — Name McGarity, John Edward Mar. Murray, Albert Aloysius Jan. Robert, Francis Bertrand Mar. McMahon, Thomas Grant Apr. McVann, James Anthony Dec. Burggraff, Aloysius John July Michell, William Allen Aug. Bergen, Peter Joseph Aug. O’Malley, Eugene Francis Dec. CoLLEARY, John James Apr. Moir, James R. Goldwin July Carvlin, John Francis Feb. Barry, Donald Louis Aug. McGinn, John Thomas Oct. Carvil, Joseph Felix May Overend, John Aug. Fisher, Henry P Feb. Johnson, George W. P Mar. Cunningham, James F Sept. Prindiville, Raymond J June Gilbert, Robert E Mar. O’Hern, E. Philip Aug. Byrne, Edward J Aug. Broome, Francis Nov. -f-RiACH, John M. ?kVA^.-.^.l,.l.^.$^(?...Aug. Jarrett, Earl Monahan Dec. + Ward, Paul B. Jan. Meade, F. Eugene Sept. Murphy, Robert J May Kenny, Basil W Mar. Troy, Joseph F Nov. Tarrant, John N Dec. Stanley, John J May Holden, Vincent F Apr. Lyden, Leo V Apr. Fox, Thomas A May Stone, Francis W July Fitzgerald, Maurice M Nov. Forrester, Donal F Aug. Fitzgerald, John F Sept. O’Gorman, Walter E. R Sept. Paul, John M Jan. McDonald, William P June Birth Received Ordained 20, 1898 June 11, 1925 Mar. 26, 1926 18, 1889 June 11, 1925 June 4, 1926 1, 1898 June 11, 1925 May 30, 1926 4, 1902 Sept. 15, 1926 June 9, 1927 18, 1902 Sept. 15, 1926 June 9, 1927 28, 1898 Sept. 15, 1926 June 9, 1927 23, 1904 Sept. 15, 1926 June 9, 1927 28, 1904 Sept. 15, 1926 Apr. 16, 1927 6, 1901 Dec. 15, 1926 July 31, 1927 1, 1897 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 19, 1902 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 9, 1904 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 19, 1898 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 20, 1899 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 19, 1899 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 23, 1899 Sept. 14, 1927 June 2, 1928 6, 1897 Sept. 21, 1927 June 10, 1929 30, 1904 May 14, 1928 June 10, 1930 26, 1901 May 14, 1928 June 10, 1930 Birth First Promises Ordained 4, 1903 June 23, 1924 June 14, 1932 22, 1905 June 23, 1924 May 28, 1933 6, 1906 June 23, 1924 June 11, 1932 20, 1903 June 25, 1925 May 21, 1932 18, 1907 June 25, 1925 June 13, 1933 19, 1895 June 22, 1926 May 21, 1932 17, 1896 Feb. 2, 1927 Mar. 8, 1925 15, 1894 June 28, 1927 May 21, 1932 2, 1897 June 28, 1927 June 15, 1935 3, 1905 June 28, 1927 May 21, 1932 16, 1907 June 28, 1927 June 15, 1935 22, 1907 June 28, 1927 Dec. 22, 1934 13, 1905 June 23, 1929 Feb. 12, 1936 20, 1908 June 23, 1929 June 15, 1935 21, 1911 June 23, 1929 Jan. 29, 1937 11, 1897 June 16, 1930 June 10, 1922 20, 1902 June 16, 1930 May 26, 1934 28, 1905 June 16, 1930 Feb. 12, 1936 16, 1905 June 16, 1930 Feb. 12, 1936 9, 1906 June 16, 1930 May 26, 1934 9, 1907 June 16, 1930 Dec. 23, 1933 14, 1903 Sept. 20, 1931 Jan. 29, 1937 13, 1904 Sept. 20, 1931 June 15, 1935 15, 1904 Sept. 20, 1931 Jan. 29, 1937 — 6 — Name Birth First Promises Ordained Holloran, Thomas M Nov. 22, 1905 Sept. 20, 1931 Jan. 29, 1937 West, William Mar. 10, 1906 Sept. 20, 1931 July 2, 1933 Sullivan, Walter J .Oct. 19, 1906 Sept. 20, 1931 June . 1935 Corbett, James B Mar. 14, 1908 Sept. 20, 1931 June 15, 1935 Masterson, Harold J Feb. 1, 1910 Sept. 20, 1931 Jan. 29, 1937 Spear, Arthur J Mav 1?, 1905 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 24, 1938 Joyce, James E Mar. 6, 1906 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 24, 1938 Collins, Claude J Sept. 7, 1907 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 12, 1936 Dixon, James E Jan. 8, 1908 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 12, 1936 Tiedeman, James W Aug. 17, 1909 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 24, 1938 Burke, Eugene M 10, 1911 Sept. 18, 1932 Apr. 2, 1938 Maguire, James J Sept. 8, 1913 Sept. 18, 1932 Feb. 24, 1938 Flautt, Henry B Aug. 15, 1900 Mar. 24, 1933 Feb. 26, 1939 Davitt, Peter F Feb. 4, 1908 Sept. 13, 1933 Feb. 2, 1939 Mitchell, John D May 30, 1909 Sept. 13, 1933 Feb. 24, 1938 Gleason, Edward J Feb. 6, 1911 Sept. 13, 1933 Feb. 5, 1939 Keyes, Francis C Nov. 22, 1912 Sept. 13, 1933 Feb. 2j 1939 Slattery, Joseph Jan. 10, 1916 Sept. 13, 1933 Feb. 5, 1939 Burns, Joseph A Mar. 10, 1911 June 17, 1934 May 22, 1937 Sheerest, John B Oct. 12, 1906 June 17, 1934 June 16, 1937 Malloy, Richard A Aug. 7, 1909 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Mannion, Francis P Sept. 28, 1909 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 McDonnell, Alonzo J 19, 1910 Sept. 3, 1934 Jan. 28, 1940 Gouch, Walter T Jan. 24, 1911 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Lewis, Paul H Apr. 5, 1911 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Carr, John Sept. 18, 1911 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Farley, Richard B 9, 1911 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Burggraff, Alvin R Apr. 21, 1912 Sept. 3, 1934 Dec. 20, 1940 Curtin, Patrick J Dec. 20, 1913 Sept. 3, 1934 Jan. 28, 1940 O’Keefe, John J Aug. 3, 1914 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Ryan, Richard Russell Sept. 10, 1914 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. 2, 1940 Donovan, Charles A Nov. 10, 1915 Sept. 3, 1934 Feb. ? 1940 Walsh, James G July 27, 1907 Sept. 7, 1935 June 7, 1941 McLean, James F Mar. 12, 1908 Sept. 7, 1935 June 7, 1941 McCormack, Thomas J 3, 1910 Sept. 7, 1935 June 7, 1941 Maloney, Paul V Feb. 6, 1912 Sept. 7, 1935 Sept. 30, 1937 McDonald, Edward J Julv 16, 1913 Sept. 7, 1935 June 7, 1941 Foley, Joseph R Julv 28, 1915 Sept. 7, 1935 May 31, 1941 Burns, Robert E Oct. 16, 1908 Sept. 8, 1935 Feb. 5, 1939 Lombardi, Martin B Nov. 26, 1909 Sept. 6, 1936 May 30, 1942 Ramsay, Robert J July 21, 1912 Sept. 6, 1936 Jan. 28, 1940 Nugent, J. Edward Feb. 25, 1914 Sept. 6, 1936 May 30, 1942 McMahon, Maurice E Aug. 18, 1914 Sept. 6, 1936 May 30, 1942 Whalen, John P Mav 9, 1911 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Kron, Edwin B July 2, 1911 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Name Birth First Promises Ordained McFarland, Stephen J 24, 1913 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Wilson, Clarence E ....Nov. 16, 1913 Sept. 4, 1937 Jan. 31, 1943 Lux, Michael J 6, 1914 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Farrell, Aloysius ....Mar. 1, 1915 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Dimond, John J ....Oct. 11, 1916 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Donelon, John M ....Apr. 14, 1917 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Harrington, James J ....Aug. 30, 1917 Sept. 4, 1937 Feb. 2, 1943 Carpenter, Ralph T ....Sept. 18, 1911 Sept. 3, 1938 Mar. 25, 1944 Prenovost, Emery J ...July 4, 1914 Sept. 3, 1938 Dec. 18, 1943 Walsh, Robert J. Quinn, Joseph L 8, 1915 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944>IAA/^ ....Apr. 10, 1916 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 6, 1943 Burke, Walter P ....Sept. 19, 1916 Sept. 3, 1938 Dec. 27, 1943 Lawler, Edward R ....Sept. 23, 1916 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944 Bradley, John J ...July 8, 1917 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944 Manning, William F ....Aug. 2, 1917 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944 Flynn, Joseph P 19, 1917 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944 Walsh, Richard J 12, 1918 Sept. 3, 1938 Jan. 25, 1944 Sampietro, Vincent J 12, 1913 Sept. 2, 1939 Jan. 25, 1945 Ryan, Francis X ....Mar. 6, 1914 Sept. 2, 1939 Jan. 25, 1944 Payne, Richard D 25, 1917 Sept. 2, 1939 Jan. 23, 1944 Maguire, Gerard E IS, 1917 Sept. 2, 1939 Jan. 25, 1945 Keating, John J 10, 1918 Sept. 2, 1939 Jan. 25, 1945 McGough, Francis T Aug. 31, 1910 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Griffin, Joseph T 29, 1914 Aug. 31, 1940 Dec. 18, 1946 Foye, Harold J 18, 1915 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Roy, Albert J Nov. 27, 1915 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 CoNLiN, Leo E Feb. 13, 1916 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Dalton, Walter J 21, 1916 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Gorry, Edward J July 26, 1919 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Maguire, J. Arthur Sept. 20, 1919 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Ritzius, John F Aug. 8, 1920 Aug. 31, 1940 May 11, 1946 Diskin, Francis X Mar. 4, 1918 Sept. 6, 1941 May 11, 1946 Duncan, Arthur L Jan. 8, 1919 Sept. 6, 1941 May 1, 1947 Moore, John T 14, 1919 Sept. 6, 1941 May 1, 1947 Hunt, Benjamin B 23, 1919 Sept. 6, 1941 May 1, 1947 Reynolds, John C June 27, 1915 Aug. 31, 1942 May 1, 1947 White, Charles Skomro Mar. 29, 1918 Aug. 31, 1942 May 1, 1948 O’Looney, Martin J 31, 1918 Aug. 31, 1942 May 11, 1946 Hayes, Joseph F. X Aug. 30, 1921 Aug. 31, 1942 May 1, 1948 Powers, Harold J Oct. 20, 1921 Aug. 31, 1942 May 1, 1948 O’Connor, Norman Joseph Nov. 20, 1921 Aug. 31, 1942 May 1, 1948 Finley, James Joseph Feb. 4, 1915 Sept. 8, 1943 May 1, 1947 Lohmann, Bernard William . 26, 1919 Sept. 8, 1943 tA'M Perone, Rocco F 1, 1920 Sept. 8, 1943 3, Seedorf, Henry Warren Dec. 4, 1920 8 — Sept. 8, 1943 /vx&Y 3, Name Birth Albright, Charles W Dec. 18, 1920 Lloyd, James Bernard Apr. 3, 1921 Marley, Thomas Joseph Aug. 19, 1921 Scott, Robert Titus Oct. 21, 1921 Maher, Edward Anthony Oct. 30, 1922 Mitchell, Richard V Aug. 11, 1922 O’Donnell, Robert Austin Mar. 14, 1924 Weber, John Edward Sept. 3, 1924 Whitley, Edward Daniel Sept. 8, 1924 Lynch, John Edward Oct. 21, 1924 Kenney, William Joseph Apr. 8, 1925 Burt, Ronald Francis A Oct. 13, 1921 Higgins, Edward Sept. 12, 1923 Barrett, Robert Cecil Aug. 7, 1925 Fidler, Charles Francis Nov. 4, 1925 Ziegler, John H June 3, 1925 Lyons, John T Jan. 13, 1926 Hagmaier, George Glein May 23, 1923 Lorentz, Raymond J Oct. 4, 1925 McNulty, James D June 3, 1926 Illig, Alvin Anthony Aug. 17, 1926 Quinn, Robert Francis Sept. 15, 1926 McEleney, Neil Joseph Aug. 8, 1927 Draeger, Frederick Thomas Sept. 13, 1912 Chase, Maurice Gordon Mar. 17, 1919 Aylward, Gerard James Dec. 22, 1921 Lynch, Kevin Albert Apr. 4, 1925 Hanly, Joseph Martin Feb. 7, 1926 Alston, Patrick Lionel June 8, 1926 McDonnell, Lawrence ViNCENT..May 10, 1927 Lyons, Edward Joseph June 30, 1927 Riley, Patrick Gavan Duffy May 2, 1927 Hunt, Theodore James July 31, 1923 Wilhelm, Anthony Joseph Oct. 11, 1924 Baer, Robert William Dec. 12, 1925 Carroll, John Thomas Mar. 30, 1926 Dewan, Wilfrid Francis Oct. 6, 1926 CiEsiL, Norbert Robert July 27, 1927 McKernan, Louis Francis Oct. 22, 1927 First Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. July July July July July July Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. May May Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Promises Ordained 8, 1943 3, 8, 1943 May 1, 1948 8, 1943 /nav 3, /flPY 8, 1943 /V\e.y 3, 8, 1943 //1ay3, 1 9 1, 194S . 1,1945 1,1943 1, 1945 , - , 1, 1945 . , 1 . 1945 8, 1945 ' a I I 8, 1945 8, 1945 Y: 8’, 1945 1946 2, 1946 16, 1946 16, 1946 16, 1946 16, 1946 16, 1946 16, 1946 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 8, 1947 19, 1947 8, 1948 8, 1948 8, 1948 8, 1948 8, 1948 8, 1948 8, 1948 * On July 13, 1929, the Sacred Congregation of Religious granted to the Society the Decretum Laudis which states that Pope Pius XI commended the Society and praised it with abundant compliments; and that he further approved and confirmed as an experiment for seven years the new Constitutions. On December 17, 1940, His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, in an audience granted to the Sacred Congregation of Religious, approved definitively and confirmed the Constitutions with changes and additions according to the copy in the archives in the Sacred Congregation of Religious. — 9 — Houses Listed Alphabetically According TO States ; CALIFORNIA BERKELEY (Archdiocese of San Francisco) Newman Hall, University of California, 2630 Ridge Road, Berke- ley (4), Tel. Ashbury 7371.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, August 15, 1907. Rev. Francis G. Quinan (S), Rev. Richard J. Walsh. LOS ANGELES (Archdiocese of Los Angeles) St. Paul the Apostle, 10750 Ohio Avenue, Los Angeles (24), Tel. Arizona 97785.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, May 1, 1928. Newman Club of the University of California at Los Angeles, 840 Hilgard Avenue. Tel. Arizona 39078. Rev. Robert E. Gilbert (S), Rev. Joseph P. Flynn, Rev. Peter E. Hoey, Rev. Earl M. Jarrett, Rev. Richard Malloy, Rev. Orison J. McMullen, Rev. William A. Michell, Rev. Arthur R. Miller) Rev. Albert J. Roy, Rev. James P. Towey. SAN FRANCISCO (Archdiocese of San Francisco) Old St. Mary's Church, 660 California Street, San Francisco (8), Tel. Yukon 6-4388.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, January 9, 1895. Paulist Circulating Library and Convert Center, 614 Grant Avenue. Established October, 1930. Hospital—Harbor Emergency. Missions—San Francisco County Jails and the City Prison. St. Mary's Chinese Mission, 902 Stockton Street. Chinese Cul- ture and Language School. Chinese Social Center. Founded 1902. Rev. Claude J. Collins (S), Rev. Joseph A. Burns, Rev. Jerome P. Donegan, Rev. Charles A. Donovan, Rev. Richard B. Farley, Rev. Donal F. Forrester, Rev. Edward R. Lawler, Rev. J. Goldwin Moir, Rev. Martin J. O’Looney, Rev. Paul B. Ward. The Society is incorporated in the State of California as The Mis- sionary Society oj St. Paul the Apostle. — 10 — CANADA TORONTO (Archdiocese of Toronto) Church of St. Peter, 647 Markham Street, Toronto (4). Tel. Melrose 8483.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, 1914. New church erected, 1926. Convert Center. Established, 1938. Tel. Melrose 8483. Rev. Francis R. McNab (S), Rev. James B. Corbett, Rev. Edward J. Gleason. Rev. Basil W. Kenny, Rev. Maurice McMahon, Rev. Justin J. O’Brien, Rev. Emery J. Prenovost, Rev. Francis \\ . Stone. Rev. William West, Rev. Clarence E. Wilson. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON ( .\rchdiocese of Washington) St. Paul's College, Brookland, Washington (17), D. C. Tel. North 4740.—Established as St. Thomas’ College, 1889. First House of Religious established at Catholic University. Transferred to present campus and dedicated under the name of St. Pauls College in 1914. Paulist House of Studies (affiliated with Catholic University). Apostolic Mission House—Lnited with St. Pauls College is the Apostolic Mission House founded in 1902 by the Rev. Walter Elliott, C.S.P., and Rev. Alexander P. Doyle, C.S.P., with the authorization of the Catholic Missionary Union. The Board of Directors of the Catholic Missionary Union at a meeting in July, 1940, at which His Excellency, Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, D.D., Archbishop of New York and President of the Board, presided, voted to transfer the Apos- tolic Mission House to the sole direction of the Paulist Fathers and allotted funds to build the new wing on the campus of St. Paul s College in Washington, D. C. His Excellency dedicated the new building, January 11, 1942. Courses in Convert-making are conducted here for priests and seminarians from the various houses on the campus of the Catholic University. At present, 85 priests and seminarians represent- ing most of the orders on the campus are enrolled. These courses are conducted by Rev. John T. iMcGinn, C.S.P. Rev. Thomas M. Holloran (S), Rev. Eugene M. Burke, Rev. John Carr, Rev. Richard S. Cartwright, Rev. Benjamin B. Hunt, Rev. Edwin B. Kron, Rev. James A. McVann, Rev. Thomas L. O’Neill, Rev. Walter Orchard, Rev. John M. Paul, Rev. Joseph Slattery, Rev. Robert J. Walsh. — 11 — ILLINOIS CHICAGO (Archdiocese of Chicago) St. Mary^s Church, 911 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago (5). Tel. Wabash 8600.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, October 12, 1903. Hospital—St. Luke’s. Rev. Michael X. Frassrand (S), Rev. Donald L. Barry, Rev. John J. Keating, Rev. Francis C. Keyes, Rev. Stephen B. Latchford, Rev. Paul H. Lewis, Rev. Leo V. Lyden, Rev. Arthur J. Maguire, Rev. Edward J. Mullaly, Rev. Eugene F. O’Malley, Rev. John M. Raich, Rev. John J. Stanley. ITALY ROME (The Apostolic See) Chiesa di Santa Susanna, 14 Via Vend Settembre, Rome (105). Tel. 847-616. The present Church of Santa Susanna was built in 1597. It rests upon the ruins of an earlier church, underneath which are relics of the house in which Susanna was martyred in the year 290 a. d. A document signed by Cardinal Pompili, and approved by Pope Benedict XV, dated January 10, 1922, gives the Paulist Fathers charge of the Church. Cardinal Bonzano was appointed Titular in 1924. He took posses- sion of the title January 17, 1925, and publicly approved the appoint- ment of the Paulist Fathers. At his death. Cardinal Lepicier became Titular, taking possession on January 26, 1928. He, in turn, approved the appointment of the local Superior of the Paulists as rector of the church. Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of Westminster, took possession of this title on the Feast of St. Thomas of Canterbury, 1938, and wrote a letter confirming the appointment of the Paulist Fathers. The present Titular is His Eminence, Cardinal Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit, who took formal possession of the title of Santa Susanna on February 24, 1946. The church building is a national monument, and no modification may be made without the permission of the Italian Government, i A Paulist Procura and House of Studies were established with the I approbation of Benedict XV, in August, 1921. Rev. Edward H. Peters (S), Rev. Walter P. Burke. — 12 — MARYLAND BALTIMORE (Archdiocese of Baltimore) Paulisf Preparatory Seminary, 605 South Chapel Gate Lane, Baltimore (29). Tel. Wilkens 6694.—Established, September, 1927. Students intending to enter the Paulist Society may make their High School course and the first two years of College at the Preparatory Seminary. Catholic Information Center, 125 West Saratoga Street, Balti- more (1). Tel. Plaza 3207.—Established, September, 1946. Rev. Alonzo J. McDonnell (S), Rev. Benjamin E. Bowling, Rev. Walter T. Gouch. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON (Archdiocese of Boston) St. Ann^s Church, 70 Saint Stephen Street, Boston (15). Tel. CO. 6-2620.—Placed in charge of the Paulists, 1945, by the ]\lost Rev. Richard J. Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. Total of 27 Newman Clubs in Boston University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts Dental and ^Medical Schools, North- eastern University, Boston Teachers College, Simmons College, and other colleges. Hospitals—Lying-in, Beth-Israel. Rev. Henry P. Eisher (S), Rev. Robert E. Burns, Rev. John J. Dimond, Rev. James E. Joyce, Rev. Joseph L. Quinn, Rev. Richard Russell Ryan, Rev. Thomas E. Ryder. Catholic Information Center, 5 Park Street, Boston (8). Tel. LAf. 3-1919; 3-5520.—Established in 1945. Rev. John F. Carvlin (S), Rev. Francis X. Diskin, Rev. Maurice Fitzgerald, Rev. Wilfrid G. Hurley, Rev. James G. Walsh. MICHIGAN DETROIT (Archdiocese of Detroit) Paulist Mission House, 611 West Boston Boulevard, Detroit (2). Tel. TOwnsend 8-4700. His Excellency, Archbishop Mooney invited the Paulist Fathers to Detroit in April, 1940. Newman Club, Wayne University. Tel. TEmple 1-7122. Rev. Walter Sullivan (S), Rev. John E. Burke, Rev. J. Aloysius Farrell, Rev. Martin Lombardi, Rev. James J. ^Maguire, Rev. Austin — 13 — Malone, Rev. Richard D. Payne, Rev. John Reynolds, Rev. F. Bertrand Robert. GRAND RAPIDS (Diocese of Grand Rapids) Catholic Information Center, 329 Monroe Avenue, N.W., Grand Rapids. Tel. GLendale 4-6114. At the invitation of His Excellency Most Rev. Francis J. Haas, the Paulists began work in the Diocese of Grand Rapids in the summer of 1947. The Information Center was opened in September, 1947. Rev. Paul V. Maloney (S), Rev. John F. Ritzius. MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS (Archdiocese of St. Paul) Church of St. Lawrence, 1201 Fifth Street Southeast, Minne- apolis (14). Tel. Gladstone 2329.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, December 15, 1915. Hospitals Attended—St. Andrew’s Hospital, Rand Rest Home, Nightingale Home, Gladstone Sanitarium. Rev. John D. Mitchell (S), Rev. Edward J. Byrne, Rev. Patrick J. Curtin, Rev. James Finley, Rev. William F. Manning, Rev. Robert J. Ramsay. MISSOURI MONETT (Diocese of Kansas City) St. Lawrence Church, Monett. Tel. Monett 424.—-Placed in charge of the Paulist heathers in F947 by the Most Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, D.D., Bishop of Kansas City. Trailer Chapel in use for out-missions. Rev. Thomas J. McCormack (S), Rev. Edward J. Gorry, Rev. John N. Tarrant, Rev. James W. Tiedeman. NEW JERSEY OAK RIDGE (Diocese of Paterson) Mount Paul Novitiate. Tel. NEwfoundland 9-3481.—Estab- lished, September, 1923, in Ridgefield, Conn.; transferred to Oak Ridge, N. J., December 5, 1924. Rev. Robert J. Murphy (S), Rev. Henry Flautt. — 14 — NEW YORK NEW YORK (Archdiocese of New York) Church of the Good Shepherd, 608 Isham Street, New York (34). Tel. LOrraine 7-1300.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, July 12, 1913. New Church erected, 1939. Rev. Peter J. Bergen (S), Rev. Ralph Carpenter, Rev. Joseph H. Finegan, Rev. C. Edward Llufrio, Rev. Stephen J. McFarland, Rev. Joseph McMahon, Rev. Joseph A. Morris, Rev. John Overend. Church of St. Paul the Apostle, 60th Street and Columbus Avenue. Residence and Parish House, 415 West 59th Street, New York (19), N. Y. Tel. CO. 5-3209.—Parish established, July 10, 1858. The Paulist Fathers first took possession of a house (one room of which they used as a chapel) at 14 West 60th Street. A combination rectory and church was built on 59th Street. This was a temporary frame building which was used during the construction of the present church. The present church was begun in 1876, and it was completed and opened January 25, 1888. The new Mother House was erected in 1932. The Catholic World (a monthly magazine of General Literature and Science).—Established, April, 1865. Publication and advertising office, 401 West 59th Street, New York (19), N. Y. Editorial office, 411 West 59th Street, New York (19), N. Y. Information (successor to The Missionary, established in 1896). A monthly magazine devoted to the explanation of Catholic teaching. 401 West 59th Street, New York (19), N. Y. Tel. PLaza 7-4578. Paulist Information Center, No. 2 Columbus x\venue. Tel. CO. 5-3209. Reading room and library; convert classes are conducted all day every day. Established, 1943. The Paulist League.—Organized, 1924, 411 West 59th Street. Directs and maintains the Trailer Chapels and finances the construc- tion of churches in Paulist parish missions. It publishes and distributes The Paulist News, Techniques for Convert-Makers: sponsors the print- ing and distribution of apologetical and devotional leaflets; furthers a League of Prayer for Conversions; promotes the Paulist Purgatorial Society; supports the courses given at the Apostolic Mission House; promotes the Lay Apostolate; and collects funds for general commu- nity enterprises. The League of Prayer for Conversions, known as the Thursday League of Prayer, was organized in New York City in 1912. Its ab- ject is to pray for the salvation of souls, and particularly the souls of — 15 — those of our fellow Americans who have not yet received the gift of faith. His Eminence, Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, has granted to the League, as a special favor, the privilege of holding a day of adoration with the Blessed Sacrament exposed upon the altar, on the second Thursday of each month, in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, 60th Street and Columbus Avenue. Exceptional spiritual favors are granted to its members by the Holy See. The Paulist Press, 401 West S9th Street, New York, Tel. CO. 5-4028 (formerly Catholic Publication Society; Catholic Book Exchange; Columbus Press).—Publishers of books and pamphlets. Established, 1892. Director and Manager, Mr. Joseph C. Menendez. Unity League. The Catholic Unity League of the Paulist Fathers, 415 West 59th Street, New York (19), N. Y., was established in 1907 by the Rev. Bertrand L. Conway, C.S.P., with letters of approval from Pius X, Pius XI, Cardinal Farley and Cardinal Hayes. The League finances public lectures for non-Cathollcs and conducts a Mail Order Loan Library of nearly fifteen thousand volumes of Catholic books, reaching more than two thousand cities and villages in the United States and Canada. Hospital—Roosevelt. Very Rev. James F. Cunningham (SG), Rev. Thomas G. McMahon (S), Rev. John J. Buckley, Rev. Aloysius J. Burggraff, Rev. Joseph F. Carvil, Rev. John J. Colleary, Rev. Bertrand L. Conway, Rev. James J. Devery, Rev. Dennis J. Devine, Rev. James E. Dixon, Rev. William J. Finn, Rev. John F. Fitzgerald, Rev. Joseph R. Foley, Rev. Thomas A. Fox, Rev. James M. Gillis, Rev. John B. Harney, Rev. Joseph F. Hayes, Rev. Vincent F. Holden, Rev. James A. Linehan, Rev. William Lynahan, Rev. Joseph I. Malloy, Rev. Harold J. Masterson, Rev. John T. McGinn, Rev. Francis T. McGough, Rev. Joseph McSorley, Rev. Albert A. Murray, Rev. William P. McDonald, Rev. J. Edward Nugent, Rev. Norman O’Connor, Rev. Walter E. R. O’Gorman, Rev. Francis X. Ryan, Rev. John B. Sheerin, Rev. John C. Smyth. SUMMER HOUSE (Diocese of Albany) St. Mary's of the Lake. Lake George, New York. Tel. Lake George 594. Gift of Charles O’Conor, Esq., of New York, in 1879. Buildings open from June to September used as summer school for students, and Retreat House and Recreation Center for students and fathers of the Society. Rev. Emery J. Prenovost, C.S.P., Procurator. 16 — OREGON PORTLAND (Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon) St. Philip Neri Church, 2411 S. E. Tamarack Street, Portland (14). Tel. Empire 1800—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, February 12, 1912. Rev. Joseph F. Troy (S), Rev. Joseph Griffin, Rev. James J. Har- rington, Rev. E. Philip O'Hern, Rev. Raymond J. Prindiville, Rev. John P. Whalen. SOUTH AFRICA JOHANNESBURG (Vicariate of Johannesburg) Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Mullins Road and Geldenhuis Road. Tel. 25-2688. Address: P. O. Box 77, Cleveland, Johannesburg, South Africa.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, November 2, 1938, by the Rt. Rev. David O’Leary, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic. Rev. John J. O’Keefe (S), Rev. Walter J. Dalton, Rev. Harold J. Foye, Rev. James B. Lloyd. SOUTH CAROLINA CLEMSON (Diocese of Charleston) St. Andrew^s Church, P. O. Box 112. Tel. 5451.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Eathers, June 24, 1940, by His Excellency, Most Rev. Emmet M. Walsh, D.D., Bishop of Charleston, South Carolina. Missions—Walhalla, Fairplay. Trailer Chapel for out-missions. Newman Club—Clemson College. Rev. John M. Donelon (S), Rev. Theodore C. Petersen. TENNESSEE WINCHESTER (Diocese of Nashville) Church of the Good Shepherd. Tel. 2691.—Placed in charge of the Paulist Eathers, 1899. The parish comprises thirteen counties with churches in the out-missions of McMinnville, Alto, Tullahoma and Shelbyville. Trailer Chapel for use in the twenty out-missions. Rev. Arthur J. Spear (S), Rev. John J. Bradley, Rev. Francis Broome, Rev. Peter F. Davitt, Rev. Basil J. Doyle, Rev. Arthur Duncan, Rev. Charles S. White. — 17 — TEXAS AUSTIN (Diocese of Austin) Church of St. Austin, 21st and Guadalupe Streets.—Founded by the Paulist Fathers in 1908. Address: 403 West 21st Street, Austin (21). Tel. 6704. Newman Club, University of Texas, 201 Guadalupe Street. — Founded, 1908. New buildings erected, 1913. Classes are regularly conducted in Religion and Bible for which credits are granted by the University. Rev. George W. P. Johnson (S), Rev. Alvin R. Burggraff, Rev. Michael Lux, Rev. Gerard E. Maguire, Rev. Thomas F. Tierney. LUBBOCK (Diocese of Amarillo) St. Elizabeth's Church, P. O. Box 1658. Tel. Lubbock 21755. — Placed in charge of the Paulist Fathers, July 1, 1940, by the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, D.D. The parish comprises seven counties covering an area of 7,000 square miles. St. Joseph's Church for Mexicans. La Mesa Church. Newman Club of Texas Technological College. St. Marys Hospital. Rev. William F. Blakeslee (S), Rev. Leo E. Conlin, Rev. John Moore, Rev. James A. Noon, Rev. Harold J. Powers. UTAH LAYTON (Diocese of Salt Lake) St. Rose of Lima Church, P. O. Box 126, Layton. Tel. Kaysville 187-W.—In July, 1939, at the invitation of Most Rev. Duane G. Hunt, D.D., the Paulist Fathers began work in Utah in the town of Vernal. They moved later to Roosevelt, then to Bountiful, and finally, at the completion of the new church at Layton on April 11, 1948, they took up their residence in that village with Bountiful and Clearfield as missions. Rev. James F. McLean (S), Rev. Francis Mannion, Rev. Vincent J. Sampietro. MILITARY SERVICE McGarity, John E. (Army) McDonald, Edward J. (Army) Meade, Francis E. (Army) — 18 — Chronological Order of Establishments 1858—St. Paul the Apostle, New York City. 1865 — The Catholic World. 1889—St. Thomas’ College, Brookland, D. C. (later St. Paul’s College). 1892—The Paulist Press (then called the Catholic Publication Society; changed to the Catholic Book Exchange; changed to the Colum- bus Press). 1895—Old St. Mary’s, San Francisco, Calif. - 1899—Winchester, Tenn. 1902—x\postolic Mission House, Brookland, D. C. • 1903—St. Mary’s Church, Chicago, 111. 1907—Newman Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. - 1908—Newman Club and St. Austin’s Chapel, Austin, Tex. • 1912—St. Philip Neri, Portland, Oreg. 1914—St. Paul’s College, Brookland, D. C. (formerly St. Thomas’ College). » 1914—Good Shepherd Church, New York City. 1914—Newman Hall, University of Toronto. • 1914—St. Peter’s Church, Toronto. - 1915—St. Lawrence’s Church, Minneapolis, Minn. 1921 — Newman Hall, Columbia University, New York City. - 1921—Procura and House of Studies established in Rome. 1922 — Santa Susanna, Rome, Italy. 1923 Novitiate, Ridgefield, Conn. Removed following year to Oak Ridge, N. J. 1924—Mount Paul, Oak Ridge, N. J. 1924—Paulist League. • 1925—St. Francis of Assisi, Los Angeles, Calif. Exchanged, 1928. 1927 — Paulist Prep. Seminary, Carroll Sta., Baltimore. Md. 1928 — St. Paul the Apostle, Los Angeles, Calif. 1938—St. Paul the Apostle, Vernal, Utah. 1938 Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Johannesburg, South Africa. — 1940—St. Andrew’s, Clemson, S. C. -- 1940—St. Elizabeth, Lubbock, Tex. 1940—Mission Residence, Detroit, Mich. 1942 — St. Olaf, Bountiful, Utah. 1943 — Paulist Information Center, New York. ^ 1945—St. Ann’s Church, Boston, Mass. 1945—Catholic Information Center, Boston, Mass. — 19 — 1946 — Catholic Information Center, Baltimore, Md. 1947 — Grand Rapids, Mich., Catholic Information Center. 1948 — St. Rose of Lima, Layton, Utah. Privileges Granted By the Holy See Members of the Society, both cleric and lay, may handle chalices, patens, corporals, and other sacred instruments.* The Superior may erect oratories in the houses of the Society, pro- vided the places have been visited and approved by the Ordinary.* During Missions, Novenas, Retreats, etc., and in journeys connected with them, the Superior or his delegate may commute the Office into prayers not notably shorter than the Little Office, or a third part of the Rosary.* They may do the same for those who are impeded by preaching, hearing confessions, sacred study, composition of books on sacred mat- ters, or care of the sick, with the obligation, however, of reciting six psalms with as many Glorias, seven Pater Nosters, and two Credos.* At Missions and similar exercises the Paulist Fathers may solemnly impart the Apostolic Blessing with a plenary indulgence. This Blessing is not to be given till after the days of the exercises are half concluded.* The Sacred Congregation of Religious in rescript 5164-41 has given to the Superior General the right to grant dimissorial letters for a term of five years from September 12, 1941. Renewed to 1951. (Paulist Archives, New York.) The Sacred Congregation of Rites has raised the Feast of the Con- version of St. Paul the Apostle to a double of the first class when cele- brated in the churches and chapels of the Paulist Fathers. (Rescript in Paulist Archives, New York.) The Sacred Congregation of Rites allows the Paulist Fathers to cele- brate one sung or one low Mass of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle on the Sunday following the Feast. (Rescript in Paul- ist Archives, New York.) St. Catherine’s Society Each member of the Community has the privilege of registering the deceased members of his immediate family in the St. Catherine Society , thus ensuring them a perpetual remembrance in daily Mass. Privilege granted by Pope Pius IX, April 7, 1870. Rescript signed by Al. Card. Barnabo addressed to Father I. T. Hecker. (In Paulist Archives, New \ork.) Decretum “Nuper Nonnulli” {Translated jrom the Latin) GRANTED BY THE CONGREGATION OF BISHOPS AND REGULARS Separation from the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Certain priests of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer in the United States of North America recently presented their most humble petition to our Most Holy Lord Pope Pius IX, that in view of certain special reasons he would grant that they might be withdrawn from the authority and jurisdiction of the Rector Major and be gov- erned by a superior of their own, immediately subject to the Apostolic See, and according to the (Redemptorist) Rule approved by Benedict XIV, of holy memory. If, however, this should not be granted to them, they most humbly asked for dispensation from their vows in the said Congregation. After having carefully considered the matter, it ap- peared to His Holiness that a separation of this kind would be prejudi- cial to the unity of the Congregation and by no means accord wich the Institute of St. Alphonsus, and therefore should not be permitted. Since, however, it was represented to His Holiness that the petitioners spare no labor in the prosecution of the holy missions, in the conver- sion of souls, and in the dissemination of Christian doctrine, and are for this reason commended by many bishops, it seemed more expedient to His Holiness to withdraw them from the said Congregation, that they might apply themselves to the prosecution of the works of the sacred ministry under the direction of the local bishops. Wherefore His Holi- ness by the tenor of this decree, and by his Apostolic authority, does dispense from their simple vows and from that of permanence in the Congregation the said priests, viz.: Clarence Walworth, Augustine Hewit, George Deshon, and Francis Baker, together with the priest Isaac Hecker, who has joined himself to their petition in respect to dispensation from the vows, and declares them to be dispensed and en- tirely released, so that they no longer belong to the said Congregation. And His Holiness confidently trusts that under the direction and juris- diction of the local bishops, according to the prescription of the sacred Canons, the above-mentioned priests will labor by work, example, and word in the vineyard of the Lord, and give themselves with alacrity to the eternal salvation of souls, and promote with all their power the sanctification of their neighbor. — 21 — Given at Rome, 'in the office of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, the 6th day of March, 1858. (L. S.) G. CARDINAL DELLA GENOA, Prefect, A., Archbishop of Philippi, Secretary. Decretum Laudis {Translated from the Latin) GRANTED BY THE SACRED CONGREGx\TION OF RELIGIOUS Approval of the Society and Temporary Approval of the Constitutions The year of our Lord 1859 marked the beginning in the City of New York in the United States of North America, of the pious Society of Missionaries of St. Paul the Apostle, commonly called “Paulist Fathers,” through the efforts and zeal of Reverend Father Isaac Thomas Hecker and his four associates, all of whom had been dispensed from the vow of perseverance in the Congregation of the Most Holy Re- deemer by the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. Forthwith by the authority of the Ordinary of New York, their Mother House was established to- gather with a Novitiate in the aforesaid city. These priests proposed to themselves, besides the general purpose of attaining their own personal sanctification, the special purpose of wor ing to promote the faith and piety of Catholic people, and especially to effect the conversion of those who are separated from Holy Mother the Church, by preaching the Word of God, by writing and publishing books and pamphlets, and in general by every kind of apostolic activity approved by Ecclesiastical Authority. All the members of the Society lead a common life under the direc- tion of a Superior General elected every six years. They take no vows, but upon the completion of their Novitiate simply promise, first, for a time, finally in perpetuity, that they will strive for Christian perfec- tion, by observance of their Constitutions and of the Evangelical Coun- cils, and that they will devote themselves to the labors of the Apostolic Ministry and to the duties entrusted to them. — 22 — When, with the Divine Blessing, and a notable increase of member- ship, the Society had established fourteen houses in several Dioceses, with the consent and even to the joy of Prelates over the subsequent abundance of salutary results, the Superior General with his Consultors humbly petitioned the Sovereign Pontiff Pius XI now gloriously reign- ing to grant approval with Apostolic Authority to this Institute and to its Constitutions. Therefore, His August Holiness by Divine Providence Pope Pius XI in an audience given to the ]\Iost Reverend Secretary of the Sacred Congregation in charge of the affairs of Religious Orders on July 13, 1929, having considered the commendatory letters of the Sa- cred Prelates in whose Dioceses the Society has houses, and having hearkened especially to the petition of their Eminences, the ^lost Reverend Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, who are at the head of that Sacred Congregation and who had weighed the matter mature!}^ at a plenary session held on the fifth of July in this year in the Vatican buildings, was pleased to praise with abundant compliments, and to commend this Society, under the rule of a Superior General. Besides he benignly approved and confirmed as an experiment for seven years, the Constitutions of this Society, written in Latin as contained in this copy—the original of which is deposited in the archives of this same sacred Congregation. As by this present Decree he praises and com- mends the Society itself, so he also approves and confirms its Consti- tutions as given above, with due regard to the jurisdiction of local Ordi- naries in accordance with the Sacred Canons. Given at Rome from the Secretariat of the aforesaid Sacred Con- gregation for the affairs of Religious on the 13th day of July, 1929. Alexius Henricus ^I. Card. Lepicier, O.I.M., Praejectus. ViNC. La Puma. Original in Paulist Archives, New York, N. Y. — 23 — Decretum {Translated from the Latin) GRANTED BY THE SACRED CONGREGATION OF RELIGIOUS Definitive Approval of the Constitutions The Society of Missionary Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, whose Mother House is in the Archdiocese of New York, on July 13, 1929, obtained from the Holy See temporary approval of its Constitutions for the sake of trying them. Since, however, the Society continues to abound in good works to the advantage of the Church, the Superior General with the approval of his Council has humbly requested from the Holy See the definitive approval of the Constitutions. His Holiness, by Divine Providence, Pope Pius XII, in an audience granted on December 17, 1940, to the Most Eminent Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation in charge of the affairs of Religious considering the letters of commendation of the Most Excellent Ordinaries in whose dioceses the houses of the Soci- ety are found, and having heard the judgment of the Commission of Most Reverend Consultors, benignly deigned to approve definitively, and to confirm, the Constitutions with certain changes and additions, according to the copy preserved in the archives of the aforesaid Sacred Congregation, so that by this Decree the said Constitutions are ap- proved and confirmed, all things to the contrary notwithstanding. Given at Rome from the Secretariate of the Sacred Congregation of Religious on the aforesaid day, month and year. Given at Rome from the Secretariate of the Sacred Congregation of Religious on the aforesaid day, month and year. Vincenzo Cardinal La Puma, Prefect. N. 8718-39. N. 36. Original in Paulist Archives, New York, N. Y. Former Superiors General of the Paulist Fathers Very Reverend Isaac Thomas Hecker July 7, 1858—December 22, 1888 \'ERY Reverend Augustine Francis Hewit January 2, 1889—July 3, 1897 Very Reverend George Deshon September 9, 1897—December 30, 1903 Very Reverend George Mary Searle June 15, 1904—June, 1909 Very Reverend John Joseph Hughes July 30, 1909—May 6, 1919 Very Reverend Thomas Francis Burke June 25, 1919—June 25, 1924 V'ERY Reverend Joseph ^IcSorley June 25, 1924—June 25, 1929 Very Reverend John Bernard Harney June 25, 1929—June 17, 1940 Very Reverend Henry Ignatius Stark June 17, 1940—June 18, 1946 — 25 — Deceased Members of the Society (Listed according to Seniority) PRIESTS ^ame Birth Reception Ordination Death Buried ri 0^ Birth Reception Ordination Death Buried C ° cd O O O a; £ > > > ^ g ^ ^ ^ s ^ c/j Z Z u w ^ ^ ^ ^ C >-l >-. >H ^ cj o O O O ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t/5 o ^1 tx, CJ ^in Z ^ ^ ^ Qj a; i I c cj & 5 5 5 S •3 Z Z Z Z 2 S c^PJOOOOOO ^^>>>>>> D — I -d- <0 fO ro O' O' O' O' O' 1—I cvi 00 VO ^ o ’—I 00 1—I rs) CNJ 1—I ^ ^ CO CN t-h 0 '*'<0 cvi 0 t^ 00000't^f^c0 ro 1—I t-h CN A a oj cJ^S 5 a Q ' 3 3 a u aj 5 4> 1 < < S o a -Aia 00 O O fO fO p. 00 O' O' O' O' O 00 00 00 00 00 (T' CNJ CVI 04 -p a D- a D, CO (D (U 0^ OOOOOOC” OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'^ i-T 1-T o ^t^ccr,-HTt Tt*!—ii—tcTcr rocOfl -vO 00 r^t^00 00 r^t^-c^t^t^ 00 00 00 00 00 ooOo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tJ- O' O vj c O 5 o o U 15 a ^z Q o u S < z z (U — Q ^ C 5 5 =3 H-> I—J < < tJL, •— » i 3 O 3 3 ^ > I—> C/D H-> I—» w Name Birth Reception Ordination Death Buried Complete Name Index Albright, Charles W., 9 Alston, Patrick Lionel, 9 Ayhvard, Gerard James, 9 Baer, Robert William, 9 Baker, Francis A., 21, 26 Barlathy, Arthur F., 28 Barrett, Robert Cecil, 9 Barry’, Donald L., 6, 12 Bergen, Peter J., 6, 15 Blakeslee, William F., 5, 18 Bodfish, Joshua P., 3 Bowling, Benjamin F., 5, 13 Bradley, Charles E., 27 Bradley, John J., 8, 17 Brady, Edward B., 26 Brady, Patrick J., 27 Broome, Francis, 6, 17 Brown, Algernon A., 26 Brown, Louis G., 26 Buckley, John J., 5, 16 Burggraff, Aloysius J., 6, 16 Burggraff, Alvin R., 7, 18 Burke, Eugene M., 7, 11 Burke, John E., 5, 13 Burke, John J., 27 Burke, Thomas E., 26 Burke, Thomas F., 25, 27 Burke, Walter P., 8, 12 Burns, Joseph A., 7, 10 Burns, Robert E., 7, 13 Burt, Ronald Francis A., 9 Byrne, Edward J., 6, 14- Carey, Michael J., 27 Carpenter, Ralph T., 8, 15 Carr, John A., 4, 7, 11 Carroll, John Thomas, 9 Cartwright, Richard S., 5, 11 Cartwright, William J., 27 Carvil, Joseph F., 6, 16 Carvlin, John F., 6, 13 Casserly, Charles M., 27 Casserly, George J., 28 Casserly, Martin J. H., 27 Cavanagh, John, 28 Chase, Maurice Gordon, 9 Ciesil, Norbert Robert, 9 Colleary, John J., 6, 16 Collins, Claude J., 7, 10 Conlin, Leo E., 8, 18 Connolly, Hugh J., 28 Conway, Bertrand L., 4, 5, 16 Corbett, James B., 7, 11 Cronin, James F., 27 Crosson, Charles R., 26 Cullen, Thomas J., 27 Cunningham, James F., 4, 6, 16 Curtin, Patrick J., 7, 14 Dalton, Walter J., 8, 17 Daly, Thomas A., 27 Davis, Charles J., 28 Davitt, Peter F., 7, 17 Deshon, George, 3, 21, 25, 26 Devery, James J., 5, 16 Devdne, Dennis J., 5, 16 Dewan, Wilfrid, Francis, 9 Dimond, John J., 8, 13 Diskin, Francis X., 8, 13 Dixon, James E., 7, 16 Donegan, Jerome P., 5, 10 Donelon, John M., 8, 17 Donovan, Charles A., 7, 10 Doyle, Alexander P., 11, 26 Doyle, Basil J., 5, 17 Draeger, Frederick Thomas, 9 Duffy, John, 28 Duffy, Joseph, 27 Duncan, Arthur L., 8, 17 Elliott, Walter, 11, 26 Farley, Richard B., 7, 10 Farrell, J. Aloysius, 8, 13 Ferry, Michael P. L., 28 Fidler, Charles Francis, 9 Finegan, Joseph H., 5, 15 29 — Finley, James Joseph, 8, 14 Finn, William J., 5, 16 Fisher, Henry P., 4, 6, 13 Fitzgerald, John F., 6, 16 Fitzgerald, Maurice M., 6, 13 Flautt, Henry B., 7, 14 Flynn, Joseph P., 8, 10 Foley, Joseph R., 7, 16 ^ Forrester, Donal F., 6, 10 Fox, Thomas A., 6, 16 Foye, Harold J., 8, 17 Frassrand, Michael X., 5, 12 Gilbert, Robert E., 6, 10 Gillis, James M., S, 16 Gleason, Edward A., 28 Gleason, Edward J., 7, 11 Gorry, Edward J, 8, 14 Gouch, Walter T., 7, 13 Griffin, Joseph T., 8, 17 Hagmaier, George Glein, 9 Handly, John M., 27 Hanly, Joseph Martin, 9 Harden, John P., 28 Harney, John B., 5, 16, 25 Harrington, James J., 8, 17 Hayes, Joseph F. X., 8, 16 Hccker, Isaac T., 3, 21, 22, 25, 26 Hewit, Augustine F., 3, 21, 25, 26 Higgins, Edward, 9 Hoey, Peter E., 5, 10 Holden, Vincent F., 6, 16 Holloran, Thomas M., 7, 11 Hopper, Walter E., 26 Hughes, John J., 25, 26 Hughes, William D., 26 Hunt, Benjamin B., 8, 11 Hunt, Theodore James, 9 Hurley, Wilfrid G., 5, 13 Tllig, Alvin Anthony, 9 Jarrett, Earl M., 6, 10 Johnson, George W. P., 6, 18 Joyce, James E., 7, 13 Kavanagh, Eugene T., 28 Keating, John J., 8, 12 Kennedy, David W., 27 Kenney, William Joseph, 9 Kenny, Basil W., 6, 11 Keyes, Francis C., 7, 12 Kron, Edwin B., 7, 11 Latchford, Stephen B., 5, 12 Lawler, Edward R., 8, 10 Lewis, Paul H., 7, 12 Linehan, James A., 5, 16 Lloyd, James Bernard, 9, 17 Llufrio, C. Edward, 5, 15 Lohmann, Bernard William, 8 Lombardi, Martin B., 7, 13 Lorentz, Raymond J., 9 Lux, Michael J., 8, 18 Lyden, Leo V., 6, 12 Lynahan, William A., 5, 16 Lynch, John Edward, 9 Lynch, Kevin Albert, 9 Lyons, Edward Joseph, 9 Lyons, Francis P., 28 Lyons, John Thomas, 9 Maguire, J. Arthur, 8, 12 Maguire, Gerard E., 8, 18 Maguire, James J., 7, 13 Maher, Edward Anthony, 9 Mallon, Edward T., 27 Malloy, Joseph I., 5, 16 Malloy, Richard A., 7, 10 Malone, Austin, 5, 13-14 Maloney, Paul V., 7, 14 Manning, William F., 8, 14 Mannion, Francis P., 7, 18 Marley, Thomas Joseph, 9 Masterson, Harold J., 7, 16 Mayer, Otto G., 28 McCormack, Thomas J., 7, 14 McDermot, George, 27 McDonald, Edward J., 7, 18 McDonald, William P., 6, 16 McDonnell, Alonzo J., 7, 13 McDonnell, Lawrence Vincent, 9 30 — McEleney, Neil Joseph, 9 McFarland, Stephen J., 8, 15 McGarity, John E., 6, 18 McGinn, John T., 4, 6, 11, 16 McGough, Francis T., 8, 16 McGrath, Owen A., 28 McKernan, Louis Francis, 9 McLean, James F., 7, 18 McLellan, John J., 28 McMahon, Joseph A., 5, 15 McMahon, Maurice E., 7, 11 McMahon, Thomas G., 6, 16 McMillan, Thomas P., 26 McMullen, Orison J., 5, 10 McNab, Francis R., 5, 11 McNichol, Thomas J., 27 McNulty, James D., 9 McSorley, Joseph, 4, 5, 16, 25 McVann, James A., 6, 11 McVann, Martin J., 28 Meade, F. Eugene, 6, 18 Menton, Timothy V., 27 Michell, William A., 6, 10 Miller, Arthur R., 5, 10 Mitchell, John D., 7, 14 Mitchell, Richard V., 9 Moir, J. R. Goldwin, 6, 10 Moore, John T., 8, 18 Moran, Peter J., 27 Morris, Joseph A., 5, 15 Mullaly, Edward J., 5, 12 Murphy, Robert J., 6, 14 Murray, Albert A., 6, 16 Nears, Henry T., 26 Nevins, Aloysius R., 26 Noon, James A., 5, 18 Nugent, J. Edward, 7, 16 O'Brien, Justin J., 5, 11 O’Connor, Norman James, 28 O’Connor, Norman J., 8, 16 O’Donnell, Robert Austin, 9 O’Gorman, Walter E. R., 6, 16 O’Hara, Louis J., 28 O’Hern, Lewis J., 27 O’Hern, E. Philip, 6, 17 O’Keefe, John J., 7, 17 O’Keeffe, Henry E., 27 O’Looney, Martin J., 8, 10 O’Malley, Eugene F., 6, 12 O’Neill, Thomas L., 5, 11 Orchard, Walter J., 5, 11 O’Regan, Peter L., 27 Otis, Michael, 27 Overend, John, 6, 15 Paul, John M., 6, 11 Payne, Richard D., 8, 14 Perone, Rocco F., 8 Peters, Edward H., 4, 5, 12 Petersen, Theodore C., 5, 17 Powers, Charles J., 26 Powers, Harold James, 8, 18 Prenovost, Emery J., 8, 11, 16 Prindiville, Raymond J., 6, 17 Quinan, Guy F., 5, 10 Quinn, Joseph L., 8, 13 Quinn, Robert Francis, Q Ramsay, Robert J., 7, 14 Reynolds, John C., 8, 14 Riach, John M., 6, 12 Riley, Henry F., 28 Riley, Patrick Gavan Duffy, 9 Ritzius, John F., 8, 14 Robert, Francis B., 6, 14 Robinson, John R. R., 28 Robinson, Thomas V., 26 Rosecrans, Adrian A., 26 Ross, John E., 28 Roy, Albert J., 8, 10 Ryan, Francis X., 8, 16 Ryan, Richard Russell, 7, 13 Ryder, Thomas F., 5, 13 Sampietro, Vincent J., 8, 18 Scott, Robert Titus, 9 Searle, George M., 25, 26 Seedorf, Henry Warren, 8 Sheerin, John B., 7, 16 31 — Simmons, Gilbert, 26 Skinner, Albert T., 28 Skinner, Robert A., 27 Slattery, Joseph, 7, 11 Smith, Michael P., 26 Smyth, John C., 5, 16 Spear, Arthur J., 7, 17 Stanley, John J., 6, 12 Stark, Henry L, 25, 27 Stone, Francis W., 6, 11 Sullivan, John H., 28 Sullivan, Walter J., 7, 13 Swift, Hugh, 28 Tarrant, John N., 6, 14 Tiedeman, James W., 7, 14 Tierney, Thomas F., 5, 18 Tillotson, Robert B., 26 Towey, James P., 5, 10 Troy, Joseph F., 6, 17 Walsh, James G., 7, 13 Walsh, Richard J., 8, 10 Walsh, Robert J., 8, 11 Walworth, Clarence A., 21 Ward, Paul B., 6, 10 Weber, John Edward, 9 Welsh, Oliver A., 27 West, William, 7, 11 Whalen, John P., 7, 17 White, Charles Skomro, 8, 1/ Whitley, Edward Daniel, 9 Wilhelm, Anthony Joseph, 9 Wilson, Clarence E., 8, 11 Woodman, Clarence E., 26 Wyman, Henry H., 26 Younan, Elias H., 27 Young, Alfred, 26 Ziegler, John H., 9 4 51