A b r 7 / 3 V - PRAYER-f̂ MPHLET omas G Biecker fl SPIRITUAL REMEMBRANCE OF MYDflYS PTT In quantities of a hundred Your Hospital Name and Address Printed here. Imprimi Potest: Leo D. S u l l i v a n , - S . J . Praepositus P r o v i n c i a l i s P r o v i n c i a e C h i c a g i e n s i s S . J . C h i c a g o , December 6, 1944 Imprimatur: • { « E d w a r d F. H o b a n Bishop of C l e v e l a n d C l e v e l a n d , A p r i l 6, 1 9 4 6 by THE BRUCE PUBLISHING C O M P A N Y Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ondjfflörf Copyright 1949 ¡sismojJ Jo idnbnoq v uvm iJiS v Supsvj 9ioy\[ • D Ì 3 I S 3H1 UOd IHlHdViVd USAVUd v-mmpun ajajtfuioo uyniVD'XDIS °N 3 I V 1 S 3 N O Z XJ.IO MOIinillSMI ------- 3WVN. SS3UQQV NHH23H B U S I N E S S R E P L Y E N V E L O P E FIRST CLASS P E R M I T No. 2635, Sec. 34.9 P . L. & R.. Cleveland, Ohio ®i)c Jiookötorc J O H N C A R R O L L UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY H E I G H T S C L E V E L A N D 1 8 , OHIO PRAYER CARD for the Sick PRAYER PAMPHLET for the Sick POSTPAID POSTPAID 1 Card f o r $ .35 1 P a m p h l e t for $ .15 3 Cards for 1.00 9 Pamphlets for 1.00 100 Cards for 25.00 100 Pamphlets f o r 9.75 1000 Pamphlets for 87.50 Please send me copies of the PRAYER CARD; : copies of the PRAYER PAMPHLET. ENCLOSED is a [ ] check, [ ] money order to cover the cost of material and postage. Note: We can bill for only a hundred copies or more. Please bill us [ ]. Name: •-.•,. Address: City: Zone: State: PRAYER CARD for ihe Sick by Thomas C. The prayers printed upon this CARD have been written to satisfy the mental and spiritual needs of the sick. That this purpose is being accomplished is evident from the many appreciative letters sent us from some of the al- ready 10,000 users of the PRAYER CARD in hospital and home. The CARD measures 8% by 11 inches. Easily held because of its large size. Easily read because of the large print. Easily washed because of its coating. PRAYER PAMPHLET for the Sick Biecker, S. J . The prayers and the size of print of the PAMPHLET are indentical to those of the widely used PRAYER CARD. While in many h o s p i t a l s the PRAYER CARD is kept as floor, w a r d or room property, t h e PRAYER PAM- PHLET can be charged to and person- ally cared for by the patient, thus re- lieving somewhat an already over-bur- dened nursing staff. The PRAYER PAMPHLET has t h e added features of a Night P r a y e r and four diary pages. The PAMPHLET size measures 4% by 6% inches. PRAYER PAMPHLET FOR THE SICK By Thomas C. Biecker, S.J. My Morning Prayer., Good morning, my Lord and my God. Thank You for having taken care of me through the night. While I slept, You watched over me. Thank You. I know not what will come to me today; but I am certain that nothing can happen to me which You have not foreseen, de- creed, and ordained from all eternity. This assur- ance gives me peace. I reverence Your eternal plans and submit to them with all my love. My Morning Offering. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer You all my prayers, works, and sufferings of this d a y for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my associates, and in particular for the in- tention recommended this month by our Holy Father. Prayers BEFORE Holy Communion Act of Faith. My God, I believe that what I shall receive on my tongue this morning appears to be only a disc of dry bread, but through the simple words of Your ordained priest the bread itself has been changed into Your Sacred Body and Blood. I believe this because You said so and You cannot tell a lie. Act of Humility. My God, You know who I am and what You are, and still You would come to me. Lord, I am not worthy of Your coming. But whom, if not You, shall I welcome? Who knows me, loves me, and can help me as Y o u ? For You made me for Yourself. Act of Hope. My God, by receiving Your Body and Blood I hope through your goodness and mercy to obtain all the graces You wish to give me today to reach heaven. No one can plan my life with such efficient care as You. G i v e me, then, Your grace and Your peace, for I trust entirely in You. Act of Love. My God, to say that I love You above all creatures, even above myself, may seem empty, for I have often loved Your creation in preference to You. But You understand. I do love You. Trusting in Your mercy, I shall begin a g a i n to try to love You above creatures and creation for Your sake. Prayers BEFORE Holy Communion Act of Sorrow. My God, I a m sorry for my in- gratitude and my sins — for the sins which I have committed through frailty, the sins I have done to please others, the sins I have done to please my- self. I am sorry for them not merely because I might have lost the esteem of others, nor because I am displeased with myself, nor because I fear the eternal flames of hell, but especially because I detest them and am sorry for them, for by them I have offended You who are so truly holy and so deserving of all my love. Lord, I am sincerely sorry. With Your help I promise to avoid the occa- sions of sin and not to repeat my offenses. Petition to B.V.M. Dear Mother, Jesus is coming to me this morning, and I do not feel too well prepared. You know what is expected of me. Were you not to our joyous and lasting memory the first to greet Jesus as He came down among us in Bethlehem? Be then at my side during these moments with Him. Prompt me what to say: to adore Him, to love Him, to thank Him, to sympathize with Him, to tell Him all my needs, and the needs of those for whom I ought to pray. Mother, be truly my mother in these moments. "Come, O Lord, and tarry not." (An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence once a month f o r the daily recitation under the usual conditions. No. 127, Preces et Pia O p e r a . ) 3 Prayers BEFORE Holy Communion Act of Love. My Lord and My God! Jesus, I love You. I do not see You, but I firmly believe that You are with me even as You were with Mary on earth. Act of Adoration. I adore You, dear Lord, because from Your hands I come and to You in Your home I am going. Grant that this visit and those that follow may be for me a pledge of my eternal life with You. Act of Humility. Jesus, You made me out of nothing, and yet You would come to me. How dear to Your Heart is my soul fashioned.to Your own Likeness, redeemed by Your Blood and made heir to heaven. Your love yearns for my love so strongly that You would even permit this suffer- ing to make me love You a little more. Lord, that I may a l w a y s understand Your paternal plans and love You more! Prayer of Understanding. Dear Jesus, in my ill- ness I sometimes grow lonely, discouraged, de- pressed, unable to pray — I even complain. You know that this is not my true self. Forgive me. No matter how hard it will be to say, "I love You, 4 Prayers BEFORE Holy Communion dear Jesus. Thank You," I shall a l w a y s repeat it; for in those moments my love is most devoid of self and wholly Yours. Jesus, in all my sufferings and trials I love You and I thank You. Petitions for Self and Others. And now I ask You humbly for a few favors and blessings. G i v e me better health, if this be to my spiritual good. But above all give me the grace to profit by this illness as You have intended from all eternity. The same grace I ask for my fellow patients. Take care of my parents, relatives, and friends, the doctors and nurses. Bless all priests and religious that they, may grow in personal holiness and zeal for souls. Be merciful to the sinner and the dying, and give eternal peace to the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Word at Parting. Jesus, I am grateful to You for Your visit. Of all my visitors today You are the most welcome. Bless me and come to me again. And now — I must leave You for a while. Be with me a l w a y s with Your grace that I may not fall into grave sin or even lesser sins. Since I am weak I place all trust in You. G i v e me the grace of persevering to the end in loving you. Amen. 5 Prayer to Jesus Crucified. Behold, O good and sweetest Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Your sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul i pray and beseech You to impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins and a most firm desire of amendment; while with deep affection and grief of soul I consider within myself and mentally contemplate Your five most precious Wounds, having before my eyes that which David, the prophet, long ago spoke in Your own person concerning You, my Jesus: They have pierced my hands and my feet; they have num- bered all my bones. (Plenary indulgence once daily u n d e r usual conditions. No. 171, Preces et Pia O p e r a . ) Plenary Indulgence at Death. One who kisses, or merely looks upon, a crucifix blessed with a Happy Death blessing, and says or repeats orally or mentally the Sacred Name of Jesus, may gain a plenary indulgence at death. 6 Prayer to Jesus Christ the King. O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge you to be the King of the uni- verse; all that has been made is created for You. Exercise over me a l l Your sovereign rights. I hereby renew the promises of my Baptism, re- nouncing Satan and all his works and pomps, and I engage myself to lead henceforth a truly Christian life. A n d in an especial manner do I undertake to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church, so far as in me lies. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my poor actions to obtain the acknowledgment by every heart of Your sacred kingly power. In such wise m a y the kingdom of Your peace be firmly established throughout all the earth. Amen. (Plenary indulgence once daily u n d e r usual conditions. No. 234, Precei et Pia O p e r a . ) (If you c a n n o t receive Holy Communion this morning, you might say the following indulgenced prayer:) Spiritual Communion. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacra- mentally into my heart, I embrace You as if You were already there, and I unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. (An indulgence of 3 y e a r s . A plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions when the p r a y e r is said every d a y , f o r a month. No. 135, Preces et Pia O p e r a . ) 7 The W a y of the Cross for the Sick. The sick and the infirm unable to make the Stations in the ordi- nary w a y m a y gain a plenary indulgence holding a crucifix blessed for this use by a priest. The Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be . . . are said twenty times — one for each Station, five in honor of the five Sacred Wounds of Our Lord, a n d one for the intentions of our Holy Father. If one makes the Stations on the d a y that one receives Holy Communion, two plenary indulgences can be gained. No. 164, Precei et Pia O p e r a . My Night Prayer. Jesus Christ my God, I adore You and thank You for all the graces You have given me this d a y . I offer You my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I beseech You to keep me without sin. Wherefore I put myself within Your sacred Side and under the mantle of our Lady, my Mother. Let Your holy Angete stand about me and keep me in peace; and let Your blessing be upon me. (St. Alphonsus M. d e ' Ligouri, No. 78, Precet et Pia O p e r a ) More pamphlets obtainable at THE BOOKSTORE John Carroll University Cleveland 18, Ohio 8 My Diary (Continued)* ' T h e s e diary p a g e s m a y be torn out later without injury to the p a m p h l e t . POST PAID , 1 Pamphlet for $ .15 9 Pamphlets for 1.00 100 Pamphlets for 9.75 1000 Pamnhlets for 87.50