Have you met God? : a question for Catholics and non-Catholics A TRAPPIST asks: J4ave you -Met Qod? A Question for Catholics and Non-Catholics UNIVERSITY c5f LIBRARIES Yale University Archives A TRAPPIST asks: J4ave you ^Met Qocl? A Question for Catholics and Non-Catholics NIHIL OBSTAT: Fr. M. Albericus Wulf, O.C.S.O. Fr. M. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. Censores IMPRIMI POTEST: + Fr. Fredericus M. Dunne, O.C.S.O Abbas, B. M. de Gethsemani IMPRIMATUR: + Joannes A. Floersh, D.D. Archiepiscopus Ludovicopolitanus 1st Printing 10,000 2d Printing 20,000 COPYRIGHT 1941 by the ABBEY OF GETHSEMANI, INC. TO ALL WHO LOVE • TRUTH MAY GOD THE HOLY GHOST GIVE LIGHT TO ALL WHO READ 4 Have You Met God? Have You Met God? There is a reason for that startling ques- tion. It is this: When you want to advance in the business, social or political world, you seek contacts. You make it a point to meet the right people, the people with money, in- fluence or power. In fact, success in life seems to depend very largely on this matter of meeting the right people and making the correct contacts; for without the right con- tacts you can get nowhere. That is all well and good; but tell me, have you ever made it your business to meet God? — That is the important contact for you : that is the all- important contact ! For without Him you can do nothing! Here is the situation as I see it: You have been on earth for some years now: undoubted- ly you have been many places, met many people and done many things ; but if you have not met God, your years are empty and- your life is a waste. So I say: NOW is the time; YOU, the person; and THIS, the place to ask yourself life’s most important question: Have you met God? It was only last year that a dentist said to me, “The most important thing in life, next to the grace of God, is money.” About life’s most important thing, he is absolutely right; concerning his second choice, all I say is that most people place it first; and in doing so they are wrong. For while man has been defined as a rational animal, a gregarious animal and a social animal, he has never yet been, and never shall be, rightly defined as a money animal ; because definitions must be true! I admit that money is important, very important; but I insist that it is NOT the most important ; nor is contact with moneyed men and moneyed women life’s most impor- tant contact! Far from it! For when weighed in the finest balance, the truest definition of man is the one that says he is a religious -animal. That is why his most important busi- Have You Met God? o ness in life is to meet God! Have you done it? Some people say that it cannot be done; for God does not exist. Others say it would do you no good to meet Him; because you can not know Him, He is beyond our sphere of cognition. Still others say, “Why, of course, you have met Him; for He is everything, and everything is He.” Now what do you say? If you have met Him, you should know Him; and if you know Him, you should be able to tell me much about Him. Can you? Here is the parallel for you: Were I to ask you about your wife or your husband, your sweetheart or your child, you could be fluent. You could tell me who they are, what they are like, what their qualities and characteris- tics. Were I to ask you about your work, your wages, your hopes for advancement, your answers would be instantaneous. Why? Why this readiness and accuracy? — Simply be- cause you consider these people and these things important. You know that they mean much to your happiness. Hence, you have made them intimate, giving them your time, thought and closest attention. But what of your God? Is the situation the same? Can you tell me who He is? what He is like? what are His qualities and characteristics? Tell me honestly, can you be explicit about your God as you can be about your barber, butcher, hairdresser or newspaper boy? If not, why not? Is it that you do not consider God im- portant? Is it that you have never made it a point to meet Him intimately? Perhaps these questions strike you as strange, and you are wondering why so much stress is placed on the idea of meeting . Per- haps you are thinking in terms of knowing, loving and serving God and are upset by this idea of meeting Him. If that be the case, let me ask you if you have ever really known anyone you had not met? if you have ever loved anyone you did not know? and if you can give anything but a slavish service to anyone you do not love? — Of course not. 6 Have You Met God? You did not. You could not. You cannot. You have to know before you love, and love before you can unselfishly serve. So life’s most important question looms larger: Have you met God? Meeting is the first and most essential step. The others follow as natural consequences. If you are an atheist, or atheistically in- clined, you will laugh at the question and say, “Of course, I haven’t met God. For you can’t meet Him who does not exist, and it is senseless to shake hands with empty air. Science has proved . . .” Pardon my interruption, but before you go any further, will you please Look at Your Watch I am serious, very serious. I know the time, the exact time. It is time to think! So please look at your watch. A fairly delicate and intricate bit of ma- chinery, isn’t it? Made up of very many parts. There are wheels and springs and jewels, metal, enamel and glass. And yet, there is a unity, a harmony, an apt adjustment of them all. There is order here and manifest purpose. Cog fits cog and wheel moves wheel as spring regu- lates spring; and all are so interconnected that the second-hand regulates the minute-hand and the minute-hand that of the hour. Keep on looking at your watch and think! Would you have the hardihood to show that watch of yours to a rational being and say, “This thing didn’t have a maker; it just hap- pened. I don’t know where the different parts came from; they just did. Some blind fate or haphazard chance brought them together and wheel just fitted wheel, as spring balanced spring and jewel after jewel just fell into place, so that, when wound, everything moves and these hands tell me the exact time of day; they give me the hour, the minute and even the second. There is order here and pur- pose and magnificent design, but don’t think Have You Met God? 7 for a moment that it had an intelligent maker. No! The thing just happened — that’s all.” You know what would happen to you, don’t you? A kind friend might try to quiet you. An earnest friend would most likely expostu- late. A sincere friend would most certainly explode. He would tell you the time! He would tell you it was time to see a doctor, call the psychopathic ward or reserve a padded cell. For design demands a designer, purpose, an intelligent being, and order a person with a mind. All evident, isn’t it? Insufferably obvious. Good! Now take an open-eyed look at the watch of the world, the clock of the universe, and read sun time, or if you wish, sidereal. It never runs down. It never loses a second! It is always exact! Do you dare to say that it had no Maker? Who keeps it wound up? Who is the Jeweler who cleans it and oils it and adjusts its main spring? Who is it that keeps it running so perfectly? I am not asking you to be a metaphysician or even a deep philosopher. I am not asking you to use abstruse or even abstract reason- ing. But I am pleading with you to use com- mon sense! A watch demands a watchmaker, and the world demands God ! Have you ever heard an echo that comes from no sound? Have you ever seen a shadow that was cast by no light? Have you ever read a poem that was never composed? How, then, can you look at the watch of the world and say there is no God? Do look at your watch and, please, think! I know that it is becoming ever more com- mon to deny God’s existence; but that is only proof positive of the ever increasing stultifica- tion of modern man. Think of it! For over a quarter of a century, the ruling powers of a large nation have been laboring might and main to destroy what they say does not exist! If there is no God, at whom are the Russian reds shaking their fists, and about whom are they always raving? I have heard of shadow- 8 Have You Met God? boxing, but the boxer has at least a shadow to fight; but, if we are to believe Russia, we must conclude that, for over a quarter of a century she has been shadowboxing in the dark! How right Sacred Scripture is: “Only the fool. . . ." There are shadows on the earth. There- fore, there is the Light of the World! Have you met Him? * * * If you are an agnostic you will say, “What's the use? Even if I did meet Him, I could not know Him. He is outside my sphere of cognition. I admit that there is a God, I con- cede your argument about the watch and the watchmaker. There is a First Cause; that, I know. But He is unknowable. Spencer, Hux- ley, Darwin, Hume. . . .” Oh ! be modern ! Take Russell and Mencken and George Bernard Shaw; take Lippmann or Lenin or H. G. Wells. For in the living of actual life atheist and agnostic are about the same. These smart men have outmoded God. But what hurts most is that their smartness has taken hold of those who were one time wise. The reasoning doubter is all around us. Technically they are agnostics, but actual- ly many of them are looked upon as upstanding Christians, and saddest of all, some few as practicing Catholics! These people do not deny God's existence. Oh, never ! But they do musingly wonder “how we can know anything about God, His nature and His attributes; how we can know anything about the spirituality and immor- tality of the soul; how we can know anything about Heaven or the life that is to come." You have met them. Their name is “Legion"! They never deny. They simply doubt. They half jokingly say, “After all, you know, no one yet has come down from Heaven or back from the dead." Accurately phrase their thoughts for these people and they grow offended. Tell them Have You Met God? 9 that they are talking agnosticism and they are insulted. This type of mind is disturbingly common. Of course it is but the inevitable result of our unbalanced system of education. Saturate the mind of youth with the physical sciences, show him no other method of acquiring knowl- edge but the so-called “scientific method” — that of experimentation — and he cannot help concluding that there is but one font of knowl- edge and a single source of certitude. He cannot help concluding that what he cannot see with his little eyes or feel with his little hands, what he cannot catch in his telescope or miscroscope, what he cannot pour into a beaker or chemical retort, what he cannot weigh and measure and experiment with, is beyond his sphere of cognition and for all practical purposes tantamount to nonexistent. Now when a man or a woman tells me that they know nothing about God, I accept their statement as true; for I suppose them to know their^ own minds. But when they go further and say that nothing can be known about Him, I marvel at the boldness of their assertion and ask them for proof. Of course I never get it; for proving has never been the forte of agnos- tics; assuming and asserting is. They say that we cannot know God. I say we can, and prove it by asking you to Turn on Your Radio By the slightest manipulation of the dials you can bring a symphony, an opera, or an oratorio into your room; you can listen to a singer, a speaker or a sport-spectacle de- scribed. Now look! and listen! and think! . . . Can you know nothing of the radio’s maker? Whoever he was, he had a mind; and having a mind, he was a person. So he is that little bit less unknowable, even though he is unseen. He is a person with an orderly mind, an in- ventive mind, a creative mind. He is a person 10 Have You Met God? who could dream, as it were, of an instrument whose sensitive metallic fingers would reach out and pluck melody from the skies, whose delicate ears would catch every undulation of the ether and report them with flawless ac- curacy to all who cared to listen. He is a person who, on waking from his dream, would work, and work until he made his dream come true. He is a painstaking individual with an exquisite sense of proportion and a veritable passion for accuracy of minutest de- tail. To you the radio may be only a box with the conglomeration of dials, tubes and countless wires; yet you know that each little coil has a purpose, and each tiny thread a function; you know that behind that box with its odds and ends of wires and lights and twist- ing dials there was a man with a mind, an inventive genius, and the more you study his creation, the more you know of the man and his mind. So, too, with the world. To you it may be only earth, air, water and sky; and yejt you discern a balance, a proportion, a relation be- tween all. You see order! The more you study it, the more clearly you learn of the Creative Genius, the Mind, the Person, the One behind it all — God! Listen to your radio and think ! There comes a station announcement; immediately you know that there is a station announcer! Listening to him announcing, can’t you learn anything of his mentality and personality? From the mere sound of his voice, can’t you tell whether he is intimate, friendly, warm and cheering, a pleasant sort of person to know? or whether he is cold, distant, formal, a mere robot with a definite assignment? Of course you can! And that is precisely why some announcers get longer and better con- tracts, while others go looking for some other job. But the point I make is this: he is un- seen, but he is NOT unknowable. Neither is God! Have You Met God? 11 When an artist, either vocal or instrumen- tal, comes on the air, can you know nothing of his or her mind, heart and soul? Is he or she, because unseen, absolutely unknown and unknowable? Now think! You know, anyone can sing or finger out the notes that are set on the score, but not everyone can render the master’s composition! No indeed. More than a throat or two hands full of fingers are needed. A soul is in demand. A soul that has mind, imagination and deep appreciation. A heart must be had, one that is alive with feeling and a pulse with real emo- tion. That is why artists leave you limp, while singers only make you mad ! Of course the un- seen is not unknown. It is very, very knowable ! When you listen to a speaker, is it only his words that you catch? Do you not also learn what manner of mind the man possesses? Do you not ascertain whether he is logical, learned and full of life or just smart, super- ficial and clever with words? Don’t you learn much of the man, his heart and his head? Of course you do ! For the unseen can be very well known and is far from unknowable! Now turn off your radio and look at the stars or listen to the sea. God is unseen, but He is not unknowable. His mind, His power, His absorbing beauty, are clearly seen by those who will intelligently look, and His symphony is heard by those who will intel- ligently listen. If I can know much of Shake- speare from his Hamlet and of Dante from his Divina Commedia; if I can know much of Raphael from his Madonnas and of Michel- angelo from St. Peter’s Dome; if I can know very much of Bach and Beethoven from pre- ludes and Moonlight Sonatas and of Haydn and Handel from their magnificent Messiah; why can I not know much of God as I listen to the silent symphony of the singing spheres and the wash of the weariless sea? As I watch the winter melt into a pleasant spring and the spring flower into a brilliant 12 Have You Met God? summer, as I see the summer mature into a mellow autumn and the autumn die in Decem- ber’s snows, dare I say that I know nothing of the great God who regulates it all? Do I not clearly see that He is, that He is a Person , that He is a Mind , that He is Intel- ligence, that He is Beauty, that He is Omni- potence? I see all this; and you shall, too, if you will only turn off your radio now and then and stop! look! listen! and THINK! You know, Agnostics always make me think of a certain great surgeon who one day slur- ringly said, “I have cut into every part of the human anatomy many times; but never yet have I seen the human soul.” His in- ference, of course, was obvious. He wanted everybody to conclude : Therefore, there is none. But this truly brilliant surgeon was shown his ignorance, his arrogance and his place that day by a little nun who quietly said, “That is very interesting, Doctor; but tell me, have you ever yet, in all your cuttings, come across and examined pain?” That is the irrationality of Agnosticism that irritates — its unwarranted conclusions. If Agnostics would voice only their subjective doubts and ignorances, they might be tolerated and pitied; but when they give vent to down- right dogmatism, they become unbearable. No Agnostic has ever yet seen love, loyalty, patriotism or hate. No Agnostic has ever yet seen fearlessness, heroism, generosity or de- votion. But will they conclude : Therefore, these things are as unknowable as if they did not exist? Hardly! There are too many lullabies and tributes to mother, too many Lover’s Lanes and Honeymoon Hotels, too many heroes and too much real History! You can prove Agnostics silly by simply turning on your radio and showing them that the un- seen is clearly discernible! In one thing the Agnostics are very true to their name. They do not know that the physical sciences, as sciences , cannot begin to compare with Rational Psychology or Natural Have You Met God? 13 Theology. They do not know that Chemistry, Biology and Physics, after a certain number of laws, which may be easily verified, deal very largely in pure hypotheses, while the ra- tional sciences are concerned with ultimate truths . They do not know that, when the Ra- tional Psychologist argues from the spiritual operations in man to his possession of a spir- itual soul, he is being most methodical and most scientific. For while dogs may bay at the moon they will never know Astronomy; nor will roosters who crow at dawn ever worship the Sun. Spiritual concepts demand spiritual faculties! They do not know that, when the Natural Theologian argues from the order and design patent in the Universe to the existence of the Designer and Orderer of that Universe, he is being methodical and most scientific. For, before you will hear a baby’s cry, there must be a baby! Finally, they do not seem to know that, when the metaphysician argues from the finite and conditioned to the Infinite and the Uncondi- tioned, he is being as scientific and methodical and, to say the least, every bit as rational as the learned Agnostic and experimental scien- tist who, seeing smoke, argues to the presence of fire ! For, before you have a swinging pendulum, you must have a fixed point from which it can swing! Yes, turn on your radio and think. Do it, and never again shall you say, or shall you allow anyone else to say, “After all, no one yet has come down from' Heaven or back from the dead” ; for you will remember that St. Paul came down from the third heaven, Lazarus came back from the dead, and Jesus Christ split the tomb! The next time you meet reasoning doubters and wish to see them writhe, place them on the horns of this dilemma. Ask him or her whether this First Cause, which they admit exists, is intelligent or not. They watch them writhe. They dare not say It is not intel- ligent; for you have the radio, the watch and 14 Have You Met God? the world to show them; and they know that an intelligent piece of work proves intelligence in the worker. They hate to admit that the First Cause is in some way intelligent; for this is to abandon their Agnostic stand that the unseen is utterly unknowable. But what can they do? No one likes to rest on sharply pointed horns! So despite the Agnostic’s reasoned doubt and the Atheist’s unreasoning denial, you see that God can be met and very intimately known. Hence, I say, Let Reason Introduce You as You Listen to the Rain Schopenhauer once said, “Astronomy has pushed the limits of the universe so far as to leave no room for God.” Is that not flippant? Is that not foolish? God is not the subject matter of Astronomy. You do not have to walk the Milky Way or ride the Betelgeuse to meet Him. You do not need even a telescope. All you need is a mind; for a little reason, a little quiet reflection enables you to pass beyond the gateway of the stars and meet the star Maker and the star Mover — God. Have you ever listened to “vernal showers tinkling on the grass?'” As I write, the rain is falling. Softly, gently, almost caressingly. You have seen it fall thus a thousand different times; but I’ll wager that you have never thought of it twice ! Where does it come from? — “The clouds,” you say. “Good!” say I; “but where do the clouds come from?” And I think that most will pause at that ques- tion. But suppose you say, “Why, a cloud is nothing but a collection of visible vapor.” Then I will say, “Good!” again; but then ask you, “Where did the vapor come from? How was it collected and placed up there in the heavens?” The answer is simple enough; the sun with its radiant heat vaporizes the water of lakes, ponds, rivers and oceans, and the tiny in- Have You Met God? 15 visible particles rise toward the heights of heaven. What a marvel is this process! You see, water is hundreds of times heavier than air. It could never rise a millimeter unless it were vaporized. Think of it! the water that comes down to earth is water that has been drawn from earth. The subtle magic of the sun vaporized it, lifted it several miles above us, had it come in contact with a colder atmos- phere, condense and then float as a frail, fluffy bit of wondrous whiteness. How often have we looked at clouds, and how seldom have we thought of what they mean to us! Rightly have they been called “sunlit galleons, loaded with precious cargo.” Do you realize that water is the lifeblood of our earth? Most of us do not like rain. It spoils too many lawn-fetes, picnics, ball games and days at the beach. But it means life to us. I remember my first visit to California. It was January, and there was plenty of rain. I had heard much about the “wonderful Cali- fornian climate”; I had heard that “at a con- servative estimate , the sun shone there 365 days of the year”; so I insisted that Cali- fornians listen to the rain. They liked neither the sound nor my insistence; but, one of them, to make the most of a bad situation, said, “Why, this is worth millions and millions to those down in the Valley.” He was right! Without rain you cannot have growth; with- out growth you cannot have a harvest; with- out a harvest you will have poverty, want and death. Truly water is the lifeblood of the earth; and yet, you and I take its rhythmical migration from sea to sky and sky to sea again as a matter of course. Listen to the rain and think! Look at the clouds and think! See them floating there without helmsman or crew, and reflect that they are loaded with a cargo that means life to you, to me and to all mankind; reflect that they will be emptied of that cargo with never a human hand having aught to do with them! 16 Have You Met God? Watch them as they are swept along by a current of air and carried into the deep heart of some thirsting continent, there to discharge their precious freight over fields that are panting for life-giving waters. Realize that a single cloud sometimes contains thousands of tons of liquid which, if released all at once, would sweep away not only all vegetation, but even the soil itself. There are cloudbursts, I know; but they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Usually, rain falls as it is falling now — softly, gently, almost caressingly. The jonquils do not bow their golden heads beneath it, nor is the timid grass the tiniest bit shaken. Billions and billions of drops are alighting from heaven’s dizzy heights, and yet, not a single leaf is tattered nor a tiny blade bent. Do listen to the rain and think! Is this cycle of vaporization and condensation, this rising unseen and falling as rain, a result of chance or fate? Does it not rather proclaim what Catholics call “Providence,” that attri- bute of God which involves the forming of a plan by the intellect, and the carrying out of that pian by the will? Oh, listen to the rain and reason! and you will see that the world is not some mere plaything for the sport of celestial beings, nor a worthless work that has been abandoned by its architect. You will see that it cannot be the product of blind force nor yet the outcome of aimless chance. Listen to rain and reason! and you will see that it is the ordered achievement of the Creator, who owes it to his own infinite wis- dom so to direct and govern it that it may attain to the purpose He had in mind when He called it into being. Listen to the rain and reason! and you will have to acknowl- edge an introduction to God ! * * * That, in very brief, is one of the Catholic’s arguments for the existence of the Supreme Being, and I think that you will allow that it is logical. It is only common sense; but Have You Met God? 17 common sense at its most sensible. Perhaps you recognize it as the argument from design, the “teleological argument,” and may be tempted to say, “Why, that thing is old; it is obsolete.” Many say that. Agnostics and Atheists are very fond of saying that. But a statement is hardly a refutation ! The argu- ment is old, very old! But it will never be- come “obsolete.” As long as the human mind argues from cause to effect, as long as man and maid will look at stars and listen to the sea, as long as human beings will turn on their radio, look at their watch or listen to the rain and then think! they will always meet God! The world is a revelation of God, but it must be seen in perspective. The eyes of the mind must look at what the eyes of the body see. When they do, then man bows in ac- knowledgment of his introduction to God. Arguments for the existence of God and ar- guments about His nature and attributes are all around us. The physical world is replete with His vestiges and the moral world abounds with His pictures. Facts are stubborn things, and the Atheist has to face the terribly stub- born fact that from the dawn of history man- kind has worshiped God. Plutarch was right when he said, “If you traverse the earth, you may find cities without walls, literature, laws, fixed habitations or coins, but a city destitute of temples and gods no one has ever seen or ever shall see.” And I like to repeat what Fulton Sheen relates in “Liberty Under God”: Recently a group of peasants were found in Russia sacrificing chickens to the gods ! — And that after a quarter of a century of an Atheistic persecution the like of which history has never seen, a persecution to banish the very name of God from the Russian realm! It cannot be done! Yes, facts are stubborn things, and as long as little girls blush and little boys hang their heads, while grown men and women try to blot out certain memories or drown a cease- 18 Have You Met God? less remorse, we shall have to face the fact of CONSCIENCE, recognize its imperious voice as the dictate of a law, and conclude to the existence of a Lawgiver! You know we do not change the nature of a thing by speaking of it in the abstract and writing its name in capitals. By the Absolute, the Ego, the Ultimate Reality, the World Soul, etc., etc., Atheists, Agnostics, Pantheists and Skeptics are talking about God. Why can’t they be honest? Such sub- terfuge is irritating! But what hurts more is to see the youngsters on our college campuses basing their unbelief on the author- ity of a few men not much older, certainly not much wiser, than they themselves, while at the same time they ignore the statements of very much older and far greater scientists, scorn the reasoning of real scholars and dis- dainfully reject the testimonies and traditions of 1900 long years! It is really crushing to see them, in their smart learning, turn their backs on the Light of the World to bow down to the ten-watt glow of some pseudo-scientist whose filament will have burned out before the dawn! Use your reason and meet God. From the visible rise to the Invisible, from matter go to your Maker. Let History Introduce You and Meet God in the Light The light of natural reason is a light, never doubt it; but it can be colored and even obscured. Passion and prejudice can make what is white look grey, green, yellow or red; while ignorance can make of that light a twilight, and even a dark! It is true that a wristwatch, a radio or rain can tell us that there is a God, an in- finite, intelligent, personal and provident God. From such evidence bright minds can go on reasoning and construct the whole science of Natural Theology. But how many of us have Have You Met God? 19 such bright minds? Every time that I walked Seattle’s downtown streets I got the answer to that question; for there in one of her prominent squares is a gigantic totem pole. People worshiped that thing one time! And every time that I open the dictionary I get an answer to that question; for there I see pictures of Allah, Brahma and Buddha, to be modern, and Jupiter, Apollo and Venus, to be somewhat ancient. And if crossword puz- zles are still in vogue, almost every time that you make one out, you get an answer to my question; for you almost always have to write in Ra, Isis or Osiris! All of which indicates two things: first, we need revelation ! secondly, that one religion cannot be as good as another and You Cannot Be Indifferent Our nature is such that we have to worship God. Man is instinct with religion. And of course we must worship God the way He wants to be worshiped. That is only common sense. And yet, if one is to judge from cur- rent literature and present-day life, this sense is most uncommon; for the curse of America is not so much Atheism or Agnosticism as it is Indifferentism ! I have read it. I have heard it. I have seen it. And so have you! What? — The lie: "It is not what you believe that counts; it is what you are and do.” Or in this form: "As long as you lead a good, clean, sober, honest and upright life, one religion is as good as another.” That is a lie, a downright lie, and two minutes’ thought will show you its stupidity. It is arrant nonsense to ask, "Isn’t one religion as good as another?” For the only sane reply that can be made is: Yqs! One religion is just as good as another IF . . . drunkenness and debauchery are as good as sobriety and purity; for Bacchus has been worshiped as a god and Venus has never shel- tered virgins! Yes! One religion is just 20 Have You Met God? as good as another IF . * . adultery is as good as marital fidelity; for divorce with remar- riage is open adultery; and divorce with re- marriage is sanctioned by many a Protestant sect! One religion is every bit as good as another IF . . . bigamy and polygamy with the sacrifice of children are as good as monog- amy and love of your offspring; look at Turkey and India! Be sensible! Of course, one religion is not as good as another UN- LESS ... Peggy Hopkins Joyce is as good as the Little Flower: UNLESS ... Henry VIII is as good as the Cure of Ars; UNLESS... Mary Baker Eddy, with her three marriages, one divorce and her Christian Science, is as good as the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ ! Some try to maintain this thesis by limit- ing their contention to Christians. But that will not work; for Catholics say that Jesus Christ is really present, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the Holy Eucharist, and they adore Him there; while Protestants, for the most part, say, “No,” and treat the Sacrament merely as bread. So you see that if the Catholics are right, the Protestants are sac- rilegious; and if the Protestants are right, the Catholics are idolaters. So, no matter who is right, someone is wrong. Hence, one religion cannot be as good as another. Restrict the statement only to the Protestant sects and we are still in boiling water. For of the many hundred Protestant sects, no two agree exactly in teaching or in practice. Lutherans, for instance, bantize infants and say that they are right; Baptists, however, say that the baptism of infants is worthless and wrong. Presbvterians say that there is a hell and some will go there; while Univer- salists say, “No! All will be saved.” Now if red, white and blue make un our American flag, it cannot be true that red- white and blue do not make it up! So if Lutherans are right, Baptists are wrong; and if Universalists are wrong, Presbyterians are Have You Met God? 21 right ; and since error cannot be as good as truth or vice as good as virtue, one religion cannot be as good as another! Of course some dodge that argument by say- ing, “Deeds count, not creeds. As long as you live right, that is all that matters.” It is a futile subterfuge. For, will you tell me what “living right” means? I thought con- duct depended on convictions, that between the intellect and the will there was a neces- sary connection, that as you think so will you act. And I still maintain that when I say a person’s beliefs ultimately shape his or her life, I am voicing the common consent of man- kind, and hence, making a statement that is absolutely true! Is it not a bit insane to talk of right living independent of right thinking? In other words, do not your deeds ultimately depend on your creeds? The right reason of the world says so! And the Indifferentist, bar- ricaded behind his shibboleth of “Deeds not Creeds,” must face the fact that what is right to him may be very wrong to me, and vice versa. The advocates of birth-prevention hold that race suicide is right, reasonable and per- fectly permissible; the right-reasoning bulk of mankind recognize it as a degrading, demoral- izing, disgusting, sinful self-indulgence, a be- trayal of the individual and the race and an insult to God. So too, with divorce, violence in industrial disputes, and sharp practices in business. What one claims to be honest, sober, clean, kindly and upright, the other may see as anything but! Now, black cannot be white at the same time that it is black, nor can white be black and white. Truth and error, you know, are further apart than oil and water! No. The theory will not work. It cannot work either for the individual or society; for if there is to be morality, there must be a law; but if a law, there must be a lawgiver; and if a lawgiver, he must be obeyed. Hence, my likes and dislikes, my ideas and my con- 22 Have You Met God? tentions, my concepts and subjective attitudes must all yield to His will; and so must yours! If we are to live right, we must think right, and that means in accord with God's revealed truth! Yes, that is what I am coming to . . . REV- ELATION. It is an historical fact; so In- differentism is folly! Hence I say, let His- tory introduce you to God and meet Him in the Light. Meet Him in Jesus Christ who said . of Himself, “I am the LIGHT of the World.” Now let us look at History that is History I have four history books before me. They say that Jesus Christ lived, claimed to be the Son of God and proved that claim by a life, death and resurrection that are compatible only with the Divine. More! They say that He instituted a visible society called the Church, for the purpose of preserving entire- ly, preaching universally, and teaching in- fallibly the doctrine He gave to man for man’s salvation. This doctrine He claimed to have received from God the Father, and its accept- ance He demanded of all men under pain of exclusion from heaven. That is the startling summary of the Four Gospels. If that is real history, I would be the biggest fool in all creation to be indifferent to it. If that is true history, there is only one thing for me, or you, or anyone else to do: find that Church; listen to its teachings; wholeheartedly accept its doctrine and adore God the way He wants to be adored. If that is genuine history, I can meet God in the Light! I can fulfill the end for which I was created! I can win eternal life! But is it history? And is it true? Well, if histories are judged by their authors, and authors by their knowledge and truthfulness, the Gospels are the surest, safest, most reliable histories in the world. Why do I say that? — Because no character in all Have You Met God? 23 history has been so ardently loved or so violently hated as Jesus Christ, nor have any other books been so viciously attacked and so jealously defended as the books containing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hence, we are surer that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the books ascribed to them than we are that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, Cicero, “Pro Milone” or H. G. Wells his “Outlines of His- tory.” Beyond the possibility of doubt the Gospels are authentic. Their enemies have proved them so ! You see, the Gospels are unique. They con- tain a history that changes all history and a doctrine that challenges all men. If these four books are authentic and authoritative, no man can any longer serve self or Mam- mon and still claim to be rational. If they are authentic and authoritative, every man must accept the teachings of Jesus Christ and do the will of God. From the very beginning mankind has realized this; and that is why these books have been microscoped ! Love and hate have scrutinized their every dot. And with what results? With the result that you and I are as sure that these four books are genuine, authentic and substantially un- changed as we are that the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia or that the 18th Amendment was repealed under Franklin D. Roosevelt. And it is from the enemies of the Gospel that we get our greatest testimony. Professor Adolph Harnack is admittedly the highest of the so-called “Higher Critics.” After a lifetime spent in trying to prove the Gospels faulty, he finally had to admit openly that they are genuine history. That is the way it has always been. The deeper the ene- mies probe, the greater the proof they find for the authenticity of the Gospels. As for the authority of the works all that need be said is that Matthew and John were eyewitnesses to all they wrote, while Mark and Luke were secretaries to Peter and Paul 24 Have You Met God? respectively. That is enough for the most demanding. The Evangelists’ knowledge of the facts is unimpeachable. As for their veracity and sincerity — death is a surer test than fire; and Matthew, Mark and Luke died for what they wrote, while John went into a caldron of boiling oil! Some shallow minds have called the Gospels fiction. But this very charge is a confession not only a lack of knowledge but of a vory great lack of thought! Why, you and I have a much better chance of deceiving the people of Toledo in Spain by writing false facts about the Heroes of the Alcazar, or of de- ceiving the people of America by Actionizing the Presidential Campaigns for 1928 and 1,940 than the four Evangelists had of deceiving the Jews of Judea about the life, doctrine and death of Jesus Christ. It simply could not be done! Neither love nor hate would permit it. You must remember that these books were published within the lifetime of those who saw, heard and knew Jesus Christ. You must remember that they were read by or to those who had been cured of blindness, deafness, dumbness, the palsy, leprosy, or lameness; by or to those who had been loosed from the grip of torturing devils; by or to those who had seen the Widow of Naim’s son being carried to the grave, brought back to life again and given to the embrace of his mother. You must remember that those who laughed Jesus to scorn at the wake of Jairus’ daughter read of their own ridicule and of Jesus’ power. You must remember that those who wept with Martha and Mary, then saw Lazarus come forth from the tomb, heard or read the Gospels. But most especiallv must you re- member that those who hated Jesus to mad- ness, those who had plotted and effected His capture and death, those who had sealed His tomb and placed around it the Roman guards, read of His Resurrection as written by Mat- thew, Mark, Luke and John. And yet, no Have You Met God? 25 Jew or Roman ever attacked a single asser- tion of the Gospel narrative! Now that is overwhelming! They bribed the Roman guards to lie about the empty tomb and the Apostles; they sought to murder Lazarus; for his healthy aliveness was too indicative of Jesus’ greatness. Obviously, they would stop at nothing. Yet they never denied a line of the Gospels! Why? — Because everyone knew that they were TRUE ! Indeed, the books are authoritative and authentic. They speak for themselves. When a reflective man reads that Jesus was weary, that He wept, that He sweated blood; when he reads that He was scorned by His own people and sent to a malefactor’s death, then he knows that the Evangelists were writing fact! Who would think of inventing such things if he were writing fiction? In very truth, the Gospels are their own best testi- mony. They give us facts! And what facts! They tell us of a claim that was heard for The First and Last Time in History You remember that Moses met God in the light — in the light of a burning bush; and when he asked Him His name, God replied: “Yahweh” — “I am who am.” The Jews so reverenced that name that after the Babylo- nian exile they would not so much as pro- nounce it; for it they substituted “Adonai.” Some 1600 years after Moses, God was met again, and in the Light! But the Jews failed to recognize Him; so Jesus awakened an echo in their consciousness by saying, “Be- fore Abraham was — YAHWEH — I am!” And the result? — He was called a blasphemer and ultimately crucified. That was the claim of Christ. Time and time again He said that He was the Son of God; that He and the Father were One; that He was the “Expected of the Nations,” the Messiah of the World. That he was under- stood and taken literally is evident from their 26 Have You Met God? attempt to stone Him; from Caiphas’ rending his garments and saying, “He hath blas- phemed^; and from the fact that Christ was sent to Pilate with the charge: “We have a law, and according to that law, He ought to die, because He made Himself the Son of God.” There is no questioning the claim , Jesus made it publicly, solemnly and under oath. He died for it! Now the arresting part of this is that it is the first and last time in all history that any person has claimed to be God. Hence, the question for you and me is this: Did Jesus prove His claim? — If He did, then you and I can meet God in the Light! But, did He? Well, how does a man prove that he is a man? Isn’t there only one way — that is, by performing human actions? So, too, there is only one way for the God-Man to prove that He is the God-Man — that is, by performing actions that are human and divine. Did He do it? That Jesus was human, no one doubts; for He lived, loved, sorrowed, suffered and died. But was Jesus divine? That is the point. Was He? Well, if our test is infalli- ble — and it is — then no reasoning man can question the divinity of Jesus Christ; for He worked miracle after miracle in His own right and spoke prophecy after prophecy from His own sight. Now those two works can be per- formed only by a person who is divine. Read the Gospels and you will see that He prophesied His own Passion and Death down to its minutest detail. That prophecy was fulfilled! Read the Gospels and you will see that He prophesied the destruction of Jeru- salem ; and the generation that heard the prophecy saw Jerusalem without a stone upon a stone. Read the Gospels and you will see that He prophesied His own Resurrection. The High-priests remembered it and told Pilate about it; and both Pilate and the High-priests were furnished with evidence that the proph- ecy was fulfilled by babbling soldiers, an Have You Met God? 27 empty tomb, and fifty days later by the more startling proof of preaching, fearless, many- tongued Apostles! Of course the miracles of Christ have been attacked from the day they were performed down to our own. His contemporaries could not deny them, so they tried to explain them away by Beelzebub. Our contemporaries can- not explain them away, so they deny them. Now, the irritating part of this procedure is this: these moderns demand divine works to prove divinity; when you show them miracles, they shake their heads and deny them. If you ask them “Why?” they can only say, “Be- cause they are divine!” Does not that re- mind you of the cousin from the country who, when face to face with the giraffe, whose existence he had not only questioned but ve- hemently denied, still stamps his foot, shakes his head and angrily says: “There ain’t no such animal!” Here are the facts of history, accepted by the bitterest enemies of Jesus and the most critical scholars of our day: Jesus Christ spoke as God — and the Pharisees, who hated Him with all the hate of Hell, admitted it. They said, “Never did man speak like this man.” Jesus Christ lived as God — sinless- ness, sanctity, divinity so radiated from Him that He could stand before the world and fling the bold challenge in its face: “Which of you shall convince me of sin?” It was the first and last time in history! It has never been answered. It never shall be. Jesus Christ did the works of God — the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the lepers were cleansed, the dead came back to life again. Sometimes these wonders were effected by His touch; often by His mere word! Jesus Christ declared that He was God — an as- tounding declaration; but one that He proved and proved to the hilt by the irrefutable argu- ments of His deeds! Explain away His words if you can, you shall never explain away His deeds! He knew that, so He one time said, 28 Have You Met God? “Though you will not believe Me, believe the WORKS!” What conclusion can a man with any com- mon sense draw? Is it not the one reached by J. J. Rousseau, a man who hated Christ and His Church, but who was forced by the force of facts to say, “If the life and death of Socrates are those of a wise man, the life and death of Jesus are those of a God” Is it not the one reached by Harnack who says: “The message brought by Jesus was of the profoundest and most comprehensive character; it went to the very root of man- kind, and, although set in the framework of the Jewish nation, it addressed itself to the whole humanity — the message from God, the Father. Defective it is not, and its real kernel may be readily freed from the inevi- table husk of contemporary form. Antiquated it is not; and in life and strength it still triumphs today over all the past. He who delivered it has as yet yielded His place to no man, and to human life He still today gives a meaning and an aim — He, the Son of God” (“What is Christianity?” p. 130). The italics are Harnack’s. Now remember who Harnack was and what he was — Professor at the University of Ber- lin, one of the keenest and most competent of the Higher Critics, a scholar beyond all doubt, and no friend of the Catholic Church! Even the apostate Renan had to tell the truth. In his “Vie de Jesus” he thus apos- trophizes Christ: “Thou shalt so truly become the cornerstone of humanity that to blot Thy name out of the world would be to shake the world to its foundations. Between Thee and God men will no longer distinguish. Complete vanquisher of death, take possession of Thy Kingdom, whither Thou shalt be followed over the royal road which Thou hast traced, by generations of adorers.” The italics are mine, and I want you to know that this renegade was Christ’s bitter enemy. Have You Met God? 29 That is the force of the facts of history. They make even the adversaries bow down and make the confession that every thinking man and woman must make, the confession that rang out from the lips of Simon Bar Jona, “Thou art the Christy the Son of the Living God.” So I say: Meet God! Meet Him in the Light! — The Light of the World — Jesus Christ. And do not think that you have to go back 1900 years to do it. No! You must meet Him today, in the Twentieth Century ! For while it is true that Christ died, it is also true that He rose again! History tells us that for forty days He appeared to His Apostles, disciples and friends; and history says that almost His last words were spoken to His Apostles saying, “All power is given Me in heaven and in earth; going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost , teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and behold I am with you all days , even to the consummation of the world.” Yahweh had said “YAHWEH” again! “Be- hold I AM with you. Therefore, if you want to meet God today, find that teaching body which was established by Christ when He spoke those words. Find that body which teaches all men to observe whatsoever He has commanded. Find that teaching body which teaches with an authority that is divine and a voice that is infallible. Find that body and you have found Christ who is God! It can be done — with ease! Let Peter Introduce You to the Living God Were I to tell you that in the capital of your State there was a certain house with four distinct marks on its door; that in that house there was money enough to make you happy for the rest of your life ; that the money 30 Have You Met God? was yours if you succeeded in finding the house and opening the door with one of the keys I gave you in a bunch of five hundred; what would you do? I know that most people would systematically set about finding that house and trying all the keys. I know that never a word would be breathed about the difficulties involved. The situation regarding the finding the true Church of Christ is not at all parallel. For although there may be five hundred or more churches all claiming to be Christian, prac- tically all are eliminated by the simple test of history. Then again, this is not a matter of a man’s telling you where money and tem- poral happiness may be found, but of God’s telling you where eternal beatitude is to be won. Finally, Christ has given along with four distinct marks many other indices. His Church cannot be missed by the earnest ! But even if the parallel were perfect, even if dif- ficulty were piled on difficulty, you would be forced to the search; for it is a matter of life and death; it is a matter of meeting the Liv- ing God or dying an eternal death! I say: Let Peter introduce you; for it was to Peter, then known as Simon, son of John, that Christ said, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.” Find Peter, then, and you have found the Church of Christ. Can you find him? — Easily! Read history! Go to the records! Get the facts! Now that is a sensible process. If you wanted to prove that Franklin D. Roosevelt was the legitimate successor to George Wash- ington, what would you do? Would you not go to the records, read history and get the facts? Do the same with regard to Peter and you will find that Eugenio Pacelli, now known as Pius XII, can trace his title back through 260 unbroken links to Peter, the son of John, and hence, to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That is a stubborn fact. An argument as immovable as Gibraltar, as invulnerable as Achilles without his heel! There is only one. Have You Met God? 31 Church now in existence that can claim to have come from Christ; for the facts of his- tory will substantiate the claim of only one Church. Protestantism does not appear on history’s pages until the Sixteenth Century, and nowhere is there a record of Christ’s hav- ing said, “Thou art Martin Luther, and upon thee I will build my Church,” or “Thou art Henry VIII, and upon thee I will build my Church.” No! Nor is there any record about “Thou art Robert Browne, Roger Williams, John Wesley, William Penn, Mary Baker Eddy or any one of the others. . .” The only his- torical record reads, “Thou art PETER ... !” And what does current history say? At the present moment there are very many bishops in the world; but there is only one who claims the title of the Primacy of Peter. The world knows that Bishop as the Pope of Rome. Isn’t that significant? Christ said that Peter was His rock; to Peter He gave the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and to him He gave that triple command, “Feed my •lambs. Feed my lambs. Feed my sheep.” Obviously, then, we must find Peter in order to find the Church; and you must find the Church in order to meet God. History makes it all so simple! It says that Pius XII is Peter 261st. I know that all manner of attempts have been made to get a lever under this Rock and shake the foundations of the one true Church. I know that Protestants question the Primacy of Peter. But I also know that they can do it only by neglecting the facts of history and especially the facts of the Bible. Here are a few: It was to Peter that Christ gave the keys of His kingdom (Matt. 16:19) ; and keys sig- nify jurisdiction — authority. It was to Peter that Christ said, “What you shall bind or loose on earth, shall be bound or loosed in Heaven” (Matt. 16:19); and this before He made the other Apostles partakers in this Divine power (John 20:23). 32 Have You Met God? It was Peter whom Christ elected to “con- firm thy brethren” once he himself had been confirmed by Christ (Luke 22:32). It was to Peter that Christ said, “Feed my sheep,” obviously making him the head shep- herd (John 21:15, 17). Peter conducted the election at which Mat- thias was given the place made vacant by the death of Judas (Acts 1:15). Peter first preached to the Jews in Jeru- salem (Acts 2:14). Peter first received the gentiles into the Church (Acts 11). Peter acts as judge in the case of Ananias and Saphira (Acts 5). Peter “rising up” said the word that caused “all the multitude” to hold “their peace” when there was much disputing in the coun- cil of Jerusalem (Acts 15). Peter performed the first miracle of the Apostles (Acts 3). To Peter, Paul went after his conversion, “tarrying with him for 15 days” (Gal. 1:18). To Peter the Angel sent a special message announcing the Resurrection of Jesus (Mark 16:7). To Peter, of all the Apostles, the Risen Christ first appeared (Luke 24:34). It was Peter who replied to the Sanhedrin in the name of the Apostles (Acts 4). Peter’s name heads the list of the Apostles in all four Gospel accounts. Peter’s boat was used by Jesus (Luke 5). Peter was called to come over the waters (Matt. 14:28). Peter’s name appears 160 times in the New Testament; while the next in order, John the Beloved, appears only 35 times. St. Matthew calls him “the first”; certainly not because he was first chosen by Christ, be- cause that honor belongs to his brother An- drew; but because he was what every unbiased reader of facts must admit that he was — namely, the head of the Apostolic College, the Primate divinely chosen, divinely commis- Have You Met God? 33 sioned, divinely endowed. He is the Rock on which Christ built His Church. So you see why I say: Find Peter and You can meet God. But if you are not as yet persuaded, then let history, past and current, show you Christ’s true Church as it shows you the only Church with real UNITY. Christ commissioned the Apostles to teach “whatsoever He had commanded”; therefore, find the Church which has the entirety of Christ’s doctrine and teaches it entirely ; find the Church that has perfect unity of doctrine and you have found the Church of Christ. Now let us be brief, honest and exact. Christ said that He was God; the Churches, therefore, denying His Divinity cannot be of Christ. Christ instituted seven Sacraments; those Churches, therefore, not admitting seven Sacraments cannot be of Christ. Christ in- stituted the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; those Churches, therefore, who have not this Sac- rifice cannot be of Christ. Christ said that marriage was a union binding until death ; those Churches, therefore, who sanction di- vorce are not and cannot be of Christ. Does not that greatly limit the field for you? Practically speaking, because of this one test, Protestantism calls for no investigation. For today she stands before the world dis- cordant, wanting in discipline, lacking unity of doctrine, repudiating most of the seven Sacraments and tending to dissolve into still greater subdivisions or into Rationalism and Indifference. On the other hand stands the Changeless Church of Rome one in Faith, one in Sacraments, one in doctrine, and one in obedience to a single head. In cathedral, chapel, on land and at sea, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, on every island that dots the ocean — everywhere and at all times — the SAME. As the “American Agnostic,” John L. Stoddard, has said, “If the testimony of 1900 years does not effective- ly prove the Church of Rome to be the in- stitution founded by our Savior on the Rock 34 Have You Met God? of Peter, then the world has no Church of Christ at all.” And Dr. Karl Robert von Hartmann, the well-known freethinker and philosopher, said, “If it is a Church that is to bring me salvation . . . then I will look about me for a firmly established, powerful Church, and I prefer to cling to the Rock of Peter than to any one of the numberless Protestant sectarian Churches.” Why, it was only in 1937, at the Protestant World Conference in Edinburgh, that a committee drafted this as a final resolution: “We humbly acknowledge our divisions are contrary to the will of Christ, and we pray God for unity.” That prayer will be answered if they have the courage of their humility and allow Peter to introduce them to the living God. What is Your Antidote? Here is a test from history, past and cur- rent; one that you can apply. Admittedly our world is morally cancerous. Irreligion, irreverence, and infidelity are rampant. Youth is rioting in indulgence. Middle age is revel- ing in intemperance. And old age is rotting in indifference. What antidote would you offer? Would you think of suggesting, “Methodism” or “Presbyterianism” or “Angelicanism”? Hardly ! The negligible influence these in- stitutions exercise on individual consciences make them utterly impracticable and practi- cally impotent. What is wanted is an institu- tion that teaches the traditional principles of Christian morality constantly, fearlessly and infallibly; and who at the same time proffers effectual means to promote that morality. What is wanted is an institution that can speak with authority, bind the consciences of men effectively and enforce the law of God; an institution that can take man as he is, with all his animal instincts, passions and im- pulses, and transform him into an adopted son of God and an aspirant to the heritage of Have You Met God? 35 Heaven. There is only one such institution on earth today, the institution that Christ founded and which He made HOLY ; it is the Roman Catholic Church. Now, I do not want to say a single unkind word or make one unjust statement. To do either would be un-Christlike. But I must state truth, and I must ask my many Pro- testant friends to face facts. History says that Martin Luther was the father and founder of Protestantism, and history says that Martin Luther was a man of remarkable energy and great ability, but a man who used those qualities not to reform and unify Christ’s Church, but to assail, insult and rend it. Martin Luther’s record, written by himself in his various letters and pamphlets, and ac- cepted by all real historians, shows him to be a man of a grossly animal nature, much given to eating and drinking; a man of immoral conduct; a man who held that the individual is wholly unable to resist sensual temptations; a man who broke his vows to God; a man whose violent and reckless style of writing and preaching wrought havoc with human life and property (as instanced by Germany’s Thirty Years’ War) ; a man who said, “We must put the whole Decalogue entirely out of sight and out of our hearts”; a man who condoned bigamy in order to retain the Land- grave of Hesse in Protestantism; a man of a dangerous and heretofore unheard of doc- trine of salvation without regard to a moral life, saying, “Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe more boldly still. Sin shall not drag us away from Him, even though we commit fornication or murder thousands and thou- sands of timee a day”; a man of domineering arrogance in his treatment and translation of the Bible, taking the text of Romans 3:28 “. . . a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law” and rendering it “by faith alone” — then saying, “I know very well that the word ‘alone’ is not in the Latin and Greek texts. ... It [‘alone’] shall remain in 36 Have You Met God? my New Testament, and if all the Popish donkeys were to get mad and beside themselves, they will not get it out”; a man of an as- tounding amount of vile and vituperative lan- guage, of scurrilous abuse of priests, the Pope and the Holy Mass; a man who called on all Christians to “burn down Jewish schools and synagogues . . . and if that did not help, to hunt them from the country like mad dogs.” Now, what is there in this man’s person- ality, character or moral code to recommend him or it to a world that is sick unto death with sin? What antidote has he to offer? — Is it his doctrine of no free will? — that chas- tity is unnatural? — or that bigamy is to be condoned and polygamy cannot be forbid- den? You admit that the home is the basis of the nation. What can Luther or Protes- tantism offer to sanctify the home? What does he or it do to safeguard the marriage bond — the very hinge of civilization? — History, past and current, says, “Nothing.” Is not the truth of the matter that Protes- tantism is a man-made religion and hence, lacks divine authority? Are not these the facts?... All true Christians admit that the original Church was founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. All admit that He promised to be with it until the end of time, to endow it with the Holy Ghost who would abide with it permanently and defend it against the very gates of hell. Now that original Church can have been no other than the Catholic Church, No one can deny that! Therefore, if in 1517, it had become so utterly corrupt that it was necessary to replace it by another, then Christ had broken His promise, the Holy Spirit had failed and the gates of hell had prevailed! Is not that blasphemy? And yet, that is the truth that history speaks about the Protestant Revolution! There were abuses in Christ’s one only Church in Luther’s day. There were serious abuses connected with indulgences; and they called for the rigorous reform of the erring Have You Met God? 37 individuals (the doctrine of the Church was ever right!). But reformation has never meant secession ! To cure your headaches you do not cut off your head! In 1861 reforma- tion was needed in the United States. States’ rights and slavery called for vigorous action. But the secession of the South was treason to the Union. The same must be said of the secession of Martin Luther and his associates from the one only Church of Christ — it was TREASON. Obviously, then, Protestantism is a man- made religion; hence, it lacks that grip on the consciences of men without which society can never be purified and the moral cancer of the world cured. To be technical, Protes- tantism lacks what theologians call “sanctity.” Its founders were not holy, its doctrine is not holy, and it is not calculated to produce holy men and women. There is only one cure of the cancerous condition of the w*orld; it is sanctity. But that can be had only from a Church whose Founder was sinless, whose doctrine is divine, and whose sacraments enable men and women to become saints. That is what the world of today needs — saints ! But where are the Protestant monasteries, Protestant convents, Protestant Religious Orders — those nur- series of saints? Some sects have essayed to establish such, but their efforts have been pitifully abortive or have led whole com- munities to the feet of Peter who introduced them to the Living God. The Benedictines of Caldey are a case in point. They were Anglicans living the life of Catholic Bene- dictines without the Catholic Benedictines’ soul. For, you see, religious life is not some- thing, it is Some One. It is Jesus Christ loved and lived. Caldey Benedictines found this out; and after hugging a shadow for almost a quarter of a century, they grasped the Sub- stance when they allowed Peter to introduce them to the Living God. 38 Have You Met God? Tell me, have you ever heard a Litany of Protestant saints? I haven’t. And yet, Christ instituted His Church just to produce saints! Read the 17th chapter of St. John. Re- member that these were Christ’s last words. If the Protestant Church is the Church of Christ, it should be able to show the world its sanc- tified men and women; it should be able to show the world its means of sanctification; it should be able to show the world men and women who have not only kept the Command- ments but who have followed the way of the Counsels; it should be able to show the world a Benedict and a Bernard, an Ignatius and a Francis of Assisi, a Xavier, and a Little Flower; its boy saints like Stanislaus, Aloysius and John Berchmans; its holy little children like little Guy de Fontgalland and Little Nel- lie of Holy God. It should be able to point to its Discalced Carmelites and its Little Sis- ters of the Poor. But it cannot! Sanctity is wanting. But if you do not as #et believe me, then apply this acid test. Look for a Protestant miracle. That is the acid test. To prove His own divine mission Christ worked miracle after miracle; and down the twenty centuries that are gone, you find that He has performed the miraculous to attest the sanctity of His servants. From the day that Peter’s shadow cured the sick unto this our own day when Lourdes astounds the thinking world, the Cath- olic Church has always had, and will always have — miracles. Why? — Because it is God’s Church! It is holy! It makes holy! Now please understand me. I do not mean to assert that there are no holy Protestants. There are. I have met them. I know many who put some Catholics to shame. But their holiness does not come from the Protestant Church. You cannot get blood from a stone. Their holiness is proof that God’s grace is not commensurate with the body of the Cath- olic Church; that there is what theologians call the soul of the Church — namely, those Have You Met God? 39 sincere people who, through no fault of their own, are not in Christ’s one and only Church, but are of it, because their hearts are right with the great Heart of God. One last test. It will not take more than a few seconds. Christ said, “teach ye all nations whatsoever I have commanded you.” Now note that that command contains the ivhat and the where . To be fulfilled the one same doctrine must be taught all over the * world. You must find unity with universality and universality with unity. Of course, Protestantism cannot fulfill this command. It cannot stand this test; for it does not maintain unity within the confines of a single city or small town, let alone the whole world. But a Catholic can traverse the whole world and always be at home. He can everywhere and always meet God; for every- where and always he meets people who know Peter and profess One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; everywhere and always he can find Catholic priests offering the one Sacrifice, ad- ministering the same Sacraments and teach- ing the same doctrine; everywhere and al- ways he sees God in the light! — in the light of Faith and in the Light of the world; for there is no country on any of the con- tinents where he cannot receive the Physical Body of Jesus Christ sacramentally and live with Him in His Mystical Body actually. There is only one Church that has universal unity and a united universality, and current history calls that Church the Holy Roman Catholic Church! If you believe that Jesus Christ is God, your longing to meet God can be satisfied — let Peter introduce you! If you believe that Jesus Christ is God, your search for the house with four distinct marks on its door and its treasure within — a treasure to make you happy for everlasting life — is over. — Let Peter, the Key-bearer, unlock the door for you! If you believe Jesus Christ is God, your yearning to hear Him talk is ended — listen 40 Have You Met God? to Peter! For Christ said, “He that heareth you, heareth Me.” The search is not difficult! If you think four marks too many, then take any one of these two — look for the Church of the poor or the Church of the persecuted. For He said, “The poor you have always with you,” and “They have persecuted Me, they will also per- secute you.” Stand outside the average Pro- testant Church on a Sunday morning and count the poor that go in. Do the same outside a Catholic Church. Then tell yourself which answers the description of Christ. Or read the papers and see what Church Russia, Mexico, Hitler, the Reds of Spain, etc., etc., have persecuted and persecute today; and then read history. For twenty centuries someone, somewhere, sometime has persecuted the Church of Rome! And now I yield to a temptation as I say Let Queen Candace’s Eunuch Show the Way Earnest Protestants have two favorite texts which have always presented me with a temp- tation. With all the good will in the world and not a shred of sarcasm or a drop of bitter- ness, I am going to yield to that temptation today and ask my earnest Protestant friends to be earnest. They always ask, “Did not Christ say, 4 Search the Scriptures/ ” and “Did not Paul praise the Bereans because they ‘searched the Scriptures daily’?” My answer is: Yes! Christ said that, and Paul did that; and .now I yield to my temptation as I ask all my Protestant friends to be like the Bereans and do what Christ said — search the Scrip- tures and make some real discoveries. Let us search from Genesis to the Apoca- lypse to see if we can find a verse or a por- tion of a verse that says that the Bible, and the Bible alone, is the Rule of Faith; or that the individual is the individual interpreter. Our search will discover that St. Peter states Have You Met God? 41 the opposite. Speaking of St. Paul's Epistles, he says that they contain “certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and the unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction" (2 Pet. 3:16). And on reflection we see that the same causes are still producing the same ef- fects. Ignorance and instability are still dis- torting Scriptural texts and bringing about the spiritual ruin of many an individual. Really searching the Scriptures we find that these words of Christ, “Search the Scriptures," instead of a substantiation of the Protestant claim are its destruction. For when we read the text in its context, we see that Christ was speaking to His enemies, not to His friends; that He was talking about the Old Testament, not about the new; that He was reproving the Pharisees for dullness of intellect, and not establishing a Rule of Faith. In the light of common sense how can anyone torture these words of Christ into a command for you and me and all the rest of the world to search the Scriptures of the New Testament to find His doctrine when not a syllable of the New Testa- ment had been written at the time He spoke? Let us at least reverence the intelligence of Jesus! Now let us be like the Bereans and merit the praise of St. Paul. The Bereans searched the Scriptures to verify the religion preached by St. Paul, not to fashion a religion of their own; they searched the Old Testament to see if Jesus was the promised Messiah as Paul claimed, and hence, the Church He founded, the one true Church; they searched the Scrip- tures so that they might meet God through His appointed messenger, and not to fashion a morality, a worship and a Church of their own; they searched the Scriptures as a font of revelation and not as a rule of Faith. Let me tell you that the Bereans would search for a long time before they would ever find a line about the Baptism that Paul was preach- ing! So you see, verification of texts in the 42 Have You Met God? Bible is praiseworthy; the fabrication of a Rule of Faith from the Bible not so. If we are like the Bereans and really search the Scriptures, then face the facts of current history, we shall find: 1. That, though the Bible says that Christ is God — more and more Protestants are denying His Divinity. 2. That, though the Bible says that Christ founded a living, teaching, visible and infal- lible Church — all Protestants contest it. 3. That, although the Bible in 14 different places says that Christ’s Body and Blood are really and truly present under the appear- ances of bread and wine — Protestantism, with the exception of a few ritualists, deny it. 4. That, although the Bible states clearly that Christ’s ambassadors have the power to forgive sins — Protestants refuse to believe it. 5. That, although the Bible gives the words of Christ, “Whosover shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her” — most Protestant sects allow divorced people to remarry. 6. That, although the Bible again and again says that there is a Hell of everlasting fire awaiting those who willfully disobey the Law of God — this doctrine is noticeably absent from Protestant pulpits. Do not these clashes give you pause? How “Biblical are the present Protestants? Be- fore they can sustain their claims that the Bible is the sole Rule of Faith, they will have to find texts that show: (a) that Christ made it such; (b) that the Bible contains all revela- tion; (c) that it is easily understood; (d) that when taken alone it can never lead to differ- ences or contradictions . Now what are the facts? When we “search the Scriptures” we find: (a) that Christ never wrote a line of them; that He never commissioned His Apostles to write a line of them; that He did command Have You Met God? 43 them to teach and preach and make disciples . Christ never said, “He who reads the Bible shall be saved”; but He did say, “He that heareth you, heareth Me, and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me.” b) that St. John, in the closing verse of his Gospel, intimates that not all is contained in the written record. c) that parts of the Bible, are, as St. Peter said, “hard to be understood”; and that with St. Augustine we must confess that “there is much more that we do not understand in the Bible, than what we do.” (d) and one glance around any small town in the United States will show you that private interpretation leads not only to differences, but to clear-cut contradictions. These few facts alone are sufficient to con- vince the thinking man that the Bible, and the Bible alone, cannot be the sole Rule of Faith. The following few will show that it could not be. Did you ever reflect that RE- FORE A SINGLE LINE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WAS WRITTEN — 1. Christ had established His Church; 2. Peter had converted 3000 Jews; 3. The Council of Jerusalem had been held; 4. The Jewish ceremonial law had been abrogated. Did you. further realize that BEFORE THE LAST LINE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WAS WRITTEN — 1. The one only Church of Jesus Christ had celebrated her golden jubilee; 2. His doctrine had been “spoken in the whole world” (Rom. 1:8); 3. Eleven of the twelve Apostles were dead ! That is enough. I have yielded to my temptation. I have said to my many Protes- tant friends: “Search the Scriptures!” I hope that they will be like the Bereans and verify the texts! 44 Have You Met God? You know this process shows two things: First that we must have Tradition; second, that, although they vehemently deny it, the Protestants accept quite a few of their beliefs and some of their practice on TRADITION! Actually. Look! With the exception of the Seventh Day Adventists and their like, Protes- tants observe Sunday and not Saturday. That is not from Scripture. That is only from Tradition. Many of them baptize their babies. Scripture is silent on this matter; though Tradition is loud. They accept the Bible as the Bible; as their one Rule of Faith; as the inspired word of God; — but whence? Not from Scripture ! It can only be from TRADITION! Now let me appeal to my many Protestant friends on the grounds of practicality. When you want exact information about your teeth, you see a dentist; when you want to know the truth about your body, you see a doctor; when you want an authoritative interpreta- tion of the law, you consult a lawyer; when you want a wooden fence erected, you hire a carpenter; if it be a stone wall, it will be a mason; when you want your plumbing done correctly, you employ a plumber; and so on with everything else you consider worth while. You seek specialists, authorities in their own lines. But when it comes to the one thing that really counts; when it comes to a matter that is of eternal importance to you person- ally; when it comes to the word of God, and your religion; you seek advice, direction and information from your own uninformed self. Is it prudent, practical or even highly ra- tional? Search the Scriptures until you come to that passage in the Acts where Philip asks Queen Candace’s eunuch, “Thinkest thou that thou underdstandest what thou readest?” Then let the eunuch show you the way! He said, “And how can I, unless some man show me?” Philip showed him because Philip had been divinely commissioned to do so. There are Have You Met God? 45 other Philips living today; men divinely com- missioned to explain the Scriptures. You will find them in the Catholic Church! Books are valuable things. But the tens of millions of dollars that we spend annually on our educational system proclaim loudly that books alone will not do! They need the living voice of an authoritative interpreter. Nine black-robed Judges sit on the bench of the Supreme Court of the nation. You know why! They are nine black-robed, animated, irrefutable arguments that the written word needs the living authoritative voice to inter- pret it. And the seven hundred sects of Protestantism say to the most unheeding that the Bible, and the Bible alone, will not lead to God! It needs the authoritative, infallible voice of a living interpreter. I am most anxious to show you how to meet God intimately; but I find that before I take you any closer I must first — Lay a Few Ghosts I shall be brief. You must help me to be effective. You have heard it said that the Catholic Church was an enemy to the Bible; that she has kept it from the people; that she chained it; and that she opposes its trans- lation into the common tongue. These are ghosts! There is no substance to them! For history says: 1. It was the Catholic Church who gave the Bible to the world! She made it! It was her Bishops who, in 397 at the Council of Carthage, determined the 73 books that were inspired; and those 73 are found today in the authentic Bible. 2. It was from the Catholic Church that Luther took the Bible ; and he mutilated it. 3. It was the Catholic Church who told the world that the Bible contained the word of God. Nobody else did. Nobody else could ! 46 Have You Met God? 4. It was the Catholic Church who com- missioned St. Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin. 5. It was the Catholic Church who spilled her blood rather than give the Bible to Dio- cletian to be desecrated. 6. It was the Catholic Church who defended the Bible from the pillage of the barbarian hordes. 7. It was the Catholic Church who, long before the art of printing was known, had magnificently illuminated copies of the Bible made; some of them in letters of gold. 8. It was the Catholic Church who had the Bible translated into the vernacular so that the laity who did not understand Latin might become acquainted with the word of God. Venerable Bede made the first Anglo-Saxon translation in 735. 9. The first book ever printed (1456) was the Catholic Bible. 10. Before the first Protestant version ap- peared, there were 626 editions of the Bible, and 198 of these were in the languages of the laity. And let me say in passing that 30 of these were in the German tongue. Those ten facts of history ought to lay some of those ghosts of fiction forever. In the face of these facts can you imagine any educated per- son saying that Martin Luther “discovered the Bible in 1503” or that Martin Luther gave the “open Bible to the world” in 1534? It has been said. But poor Martin was just about 1500 years too late to be the first! History says that the Catholic Church chained the Bible. That is an actual fact. But she did it for the same reason that we now chain our telephone directories in public booths and our City Directories to open desks— to keep them for the people, not from them ! Current history says that the only Church today who really respects and reverences the Have You Met God? 47 Bible is the Catholic Church. She has her Biblical Commission, composed of a few Car- dinals and a very large corps of eminent bib- lical scholars of various nationalities; she has her Biblical Institute at Rome, in charge of the Jesuits, and her Biblical Institute of Jeru- salem, conducted by the Dominicans; her priests are under strict obligation to read the Scriptures for about one hour every day ; her people have some part of the Gospel read to them in their own tongue every Sunday of the year. The truth of the matter is that the Church of Rome loves the Bible, because she knows it to be the word of God; hence, she will permit no mutilation or false inter- pretation and she will guard her people from faulty translations. Have words so lost their meanings that she who loves, protects, rever- ences and cherishes the Bible can be called its enemy? Lay that ghost forever! The Ghost of Infallibility John L. Stoddard has well said, “If the essence of Protestantism is the right of indi- vidual private judgment, its quintessence is rejection of the papacy.” I think that he is right. I also think that if Protestants knew just what infallibility means, their every ob- jection would vanish. Let me be most brief, for when the ghosts are laid we can meet God intimately. Do you know what infallibility means? It does NOT mean that the Pope is inspired or immune from sin. It means only that he is Divinely protected from contradicting, deny- ing or changing the revelation of Christ. Does not that lay quite a few ghosts? You see, Infallibility is the work of God rather than that of the Pope. It is God protecting His own revelations. It is God standing guard lest His representative misrepresent. Infallibility does NOT mean that the Pope receives new revelations. Of course not! It means only that the Pope holds the revelation already made inviolate. 48 Have You Met God? It does NOT mean that the Pope can invent new doctrines. Never! It means only that he cannot admit any change in the doctrines already revealed. Above all, it does NOT mean that the Pope cannot err in matters economical, political, scientific or historical. It means only that he cannot err when he speaks as Chief Pastor, to all the world, to determine or define a doctrine pertaining to Faith or Morals. I think a whole galaxy of ghosts will be laid if I insist that the infallibility of the Pope simply means this — that whatever be his private views, he will always be preserved by a special Providence from teaching error when exercising his functions as head of the Universal Church. Look at that description closely. See what it says. “The Pope will be preserved by a special Providence. . . .” You see, then, that Infallibility is the work of God, not of man! It is the “Invigilantia Sancti Spiritus” — as the theologians say; it is the ever wakeful watchfulness of the Holy Ghost guarding the revelation that God has made to man ; it is the ever present sentinel who will prevent a Pope from misinterpreting the word of God when he speaks as head of God’s Church, for all God’s people, in matters of Faith and Morals. Ah! But do you see what that means to man? It means CERTAINTY! It means that man can have absolute surety and can grasp religious truth. What a relief that' is to thinking men and women! It seems to me that reflective Protestants instead of denying Infallibility, ought to pray for it. They ought to conclude that an infallible Bible without an infallible interpreter is not only dangerous ; it is positively destructive. If any man ever doubted the necessity for an infallible inter- preter one look around the tiniest town with its six or seven churches, all differing in fundamentals , would be enough to dispel that doubt. Have You Met God? 49 Let us be reasonable. Would God be God if His Church were not infallible? We say that He is all-wise. But would He be so if He left His revelation entirely alone in the hands of every fallible and often badly mud- dled man? We laud the wisdom of Washing- ton and our American forefathers for setting up the Supreme Court as interpreter of the Constitution. The Court is not infallible; be- cause Washington and the rest could not endow it with that quality. But it is author- itative; and for all practical purposes, because of its absoluteness, its decisions are tanta- mount to infallible. We are right to laud these men for this move. It is indicative of great wisdom. But tell me, is God less wise? Has He founded a Church without an authoritative and absolute voice; one that all can hear? Has He who could grant infal- libility, refused it? Do we mean to say that Washington and our forefathers were wiser than God? Again, we say that God is all-good. Would He be so if He commanded us to assent to doctrines about which we have not sufficient motive for assent? — to bow to authority that lacks authority? — to accept without doubt things that cause great doubt? That is what He would command if His Church were not infallible. For if she is not infallible, I can always doubt her teachings ; but doubt de- stroys Faith; yet, if we have not Faith, we shall be damned! Therefore, a denial of in- fallibility is blasphemy. It makes God cruel, unkind and most unwise! It makes Him a despot who commands the impossible. Once again let us be like the Bereans and verify the texts. Christ said, “I shall be with you all days.” He is infallible! He said, "I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, that He may abide with you forever.” “The Spirit of Truth . . . He shall abide with you.” Now these words were all addressed to His teaching body, not to you and me and all private individuals! 50 Have You Met God? Therefore, if we believe the Bible, we must admit infallibility. To deny it is to say that Christ has broken His promises and that the Spirit of Truth does not abide. Since we ad- mit that Christ is infallible, we must admit that the Church is the same; for He said, “He that heareth you, heareth ME !” I know that there are those who claim that this submission to infallible authority is slavery of the intellect. They are right. It is slavery. For just as the heart is enslaved by love, so is the intellect enslaved by truth! Hence, when an infallible authority speaks, the intellect is completely captivated! Obe- dience to law is the greatest liberty; hence, the intellect is free only when it follows its own law for grasping TRUTH ! Does a sailor abandon his intelligence when he submits to the guidance of his compass? Does an ex- plorer enslave his intellect when he follows the markings on his maps? Does a driver desert reason when he accepts the directions of the highway signposts? Perhaps Dr. Fred- erick J. Kinsman, formerly Episcopalian Bishop of Delaware and one of the greatest scholars of his Church, has summed up the situation best. He says: “My attitude toward the Church is one of entire submission, ‘Cru- cifixion of the intellect/ some object. I should rather call it ‘Resurrection ; but as long as I experience the fact, I shall not quarrel about the word. My chief consciousness as a Cath- olic is a new freedom !” Dr. Kinsman had laid the ghost of Papal Infallibility. He had searched the Scriptures and seen that Christ had made Peter His Rock, His Key-bearer, and head Pastor; had heard Christ say that He had prayed for Peter that he “confirm his brethren” ; had listened to Christ as He commissioned Peter to “feed His lambs and His sheep.” Dr. Kins- man, as all seriously minded men must, had seen, not only the reasonableness of Infalli- bility but its absolute necessity; and he had recognized the Pope as Peter’s legitimate sue- Have You Met God? 51 cessor, enjoying this necessary prerogative. I feel sure that my serious Protestant friends will admit the logic of John L. Stoid- dard’s conclusion: “Belief in the infallibility of the Church is a belief that Christ has kept His word.” And I am sure that all earnest Protestants believe that Christ is true to His promises. When rightly understood, infallibility is seen as a boon, not a barrier. Because of it, we can certainly meet God! The Ghost of Indulgences Because of Martin Luther, because of false histories, because of energetic, enthusiastic but slightly erring John Tetzel, this ghost has walked for centuries. Let us see if we can lay him forever as far as you and I are con- cerned. First, we openly admit that there were abuses connected with the practice of indul- gences in the Middle Ages. We even grant that Luther was right in fighting against these abuses. But we point out that the holiest men of the Church fought them just as vio- lently and much more successfully. These lat- ter helped reform the Church; Luther suc- ceeded only in deforming it. Secondly, we emphatically state that an in- dulgence is NOT, in any sense whatsoever, a remission of sin — past, present or to come! It has nothing to do with the forgiveness of sin; and above all, it does NOT mean a per- mission to commit sin with impunity for any specific period of time. Thirdly, we ask all who have heard of or seen this ghost to go to the Bible and learn that, although Moses repented his sins and was. pardoned by God, nevertheless, he was punished even after the pardon, by being de- nied entrance into the Promised Land. Learn also that, although David was forgiven his adultery and murder, yet Nathan said, . . for this thing, the child that is born to thee, 52 Have You Met God? shall surely die” — and the child died! From these two examples, it is evident that, besides the eternal punishment due to sin, there is also a temporal punishment. God forgave the eternal punishment due to the sins of Moses and David, but He did not take away the temporal. Hence it is that the Church believes that for all sins committed — even though they have been forgiven by God — a certain amount of punishment is due either here in this life, or hereafter in Purgatory, or in both. This is where the doctrine of indulgence applies. An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, after the sin itself has been forgiven. States often parole prisoners, don’t they? Months and sometimes even years are taken off their sentences because of their good be- havior. Yet who says that in doing this the States grants the prisoners pardon for their past crimes, or grants them license to commit future crimes? No one. All recognize it as an abbreviation of a just sentence obtained by real merit. And the doctrine of indul- gences is perfectly parallel. It is an abbre- viation of the sinner’s temporal sentence ob- tained by real merit. That parity helps to bring out the requisites for an indulgence — the applicant must be in the state of grace; that is, he must have confessed his sins with genuine contrition and received absolution; then, he must merit his indulgence by good behavior; that is, by the performance of certain works commanded by the Church, such as prayers, fasts or alms- giving. That the Church has the power to grant indulgences is proved from the Scriptures ; for Christ said: “Whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed in Heaven.” The Scriptures tell us that the Church used this power; for we read how St. Paul granted an indulgence to the Have You Met God? 53 sinful member of the Church of Corinth when he shortened his punishment and readmitted him to communion (2 Cor. 2:10). And his- tory tells us how the Christian martyrs used to write from prison begging that, in view of their constancy, the time of penance in- flicted on their less heroic brethren be short- ened. So you see that reason, revelation and sound historical fact are all in our favor. Now let us glimpse the beauty of the doctrine. Protestants all admit that Christ’s merits were superabundant. Reflective Protestants will also admit that saintly souls do much more than is required for the remission of the temporal punishment due to their trifling transgressions. And the Catholic Church be- lieves that all such superabundant merits, those of Jesus and those of the saints, are gathered up into a fund of mercy, love and grace, which Christ can apply to struggling, suffering souls either in this world or in Purgatory. It is called the Spiritual Treasury of the Church. It establishes a bond of sym- pathy between the Church Triumphant, the Church Suffering and the Church Militant. It makes of us a Triune Church, united in the bonds of affective and effective love. Is that not a beautiful doctrine? Is it not a most comforting one? We can help those who are helpless. We can help those whom we love! This is the doctrine that keeps that cry of the Bible, “Have mercy, on me! Have mercv on me ! At least you, my friends ! For the hand of the Lord hath touched me!” from being answered only by echoes! Now for Luther, Tetzel and the abuses. — People say that indulgences may be bought. It is utterly untrue ! An indulgence can NEVER be bought. That calumny arises from the fact that almsgiving can be and has been substituted for canonical penances (of course, after due repentance and confession). Abuses crept in. You can read of them in literature and in history. They are admitted by all well-informed. But they were ABUSES! 54 Have You Met God? Never forget that. And if you are going to accept the pictures given in “Piers Plowman,” the satire of Chaucer in his “Canterbury Tales,” and the prejudices of Coulton in his “Medieval Studies” — why not be American enough to take, along with these, the pro- nouncements of the Council of Trent? To say the least, they are every bit as authentic as any of the above! And note that the abuses were not only condemned, they were corrected ! John Tetzel, a Dominican monk, was the special target of Luther’s attack. And Luther was right! For this man was preaching an erroneous dostrine about indulgences for the dead. He claimed that nothing but an alms- deed was required to gain the Indulgence granted by Leo X for the dead; and that it could be applied to any definite soul with un- failing effect. Neither point was ever the doctrine of the Church. A few minor theo- logians did hold the second point for a time; but it had been rejected and condemned by the vast majority of Catholic Schoolmen long before Luther wrote a single line. Tetzel was carried away by enthusiasm. He had been commissioned by the Pope to preach a special Indulgence and to collect funds for the then unfinished Basilica of St. Peter’s. He erred. But that is only proof that the Church has human members, not a proof that she is not divine. Because Bene- dict Arnold was a traitor, should the whole American nation be accused of treason? If a tooth aches, do you condemn the whole body as diseased? Let me go a step further. Let me. admit that there were abuses in connection with the preaching of indulgences in other lands. What follows? Because a thing is abused are we to forego its use? Because of that absurd line of reasoning, we tried the “Noble Experi- ment” and made ourselves look and act and be very foolish! Food is abused by some; are we, therefore, to do away with its use? The patience and mercy of Almighty God are ter- Have You Met God? 55 ribly abused. Therefore, what? — Therefore, let us all earn indulgences! The fact of primary importance with re- gard to Indulgences is that peither in the 16th nor in any other century has the Church ever countenanced any abuse; she has visited them with severe and complete condemnations. So let us accept the use and forget the past abuse. A Parallel Because I must be very brief, I give you a perfect parallel. If your life or death hinged on your accurate knowledge of what a Trap- pist is, what he does, what he lives for, what he aims to become, how he dresses, eats, sleeps, sings and works, where would you seek your information? Would you take it from people who dislike the Trappists, or from people who have never even seen a Trappist? Would not your safest source be a Trappist? Of course! Then if you want the truth about the Cath- olic Church, go to the Catholic Church! Ask a well informed Catholic. Consult a priest. For your life or death ETERNAL does de- pend on your knowledge of what she is, what she does, and what she teaches. The Ghost of Mariolatry You have heard that she adores Mary. It is utterly untrue! She adores God, and God alone. She reverences, respects, honors and is especially devoted to Mary; and she has a hundred and one, or a thousand and one, reasons for doing so; but they all come down to one — Mary is the Mother of God and our Mother. Father Joseph McSorley, of the Paulists, has a very winning way of settling this whole matter. He smilingly asks, “Now tell me how did Jesus Christ, both as Boy and Man, act toward Mary — like a Catholic or like a Protestant?” Is not that the solution? We must become like Christ; therefore we must have a special love, honor, respect, reverence 56 Have You Met God? and devotion to Mary. Let me tell you that once you come to know her, this duty becomes a delight. It was the same Father McSorley who made a remark that is worth pondering. He said: “The Protestants are afraid that we might give too much honor to Mary; might raise her up to the level or even above her Son. Of course this thought never occurs to a Cath- olic, for a Catholic knows that He is Infinite, while she is only finite. Therefore, no mat- ter how high he may put Mary, there is al- ways a distance between Mother and Son that is infinite. But I wonder if Protestants, in this protest, do not sort of ‘give themselves away/ I wonder if they do not, by this fear, show us how low1 they have the Son.” It is a remark worth pondering. I could give you a multiplicity of reasons for loving Mary, and showing her a full-souled devotion. There is a whole branch of theology called “Mariology.” It enraptures one. But I sum it all up and give you the basic reason when I say: Love your Mother! From His dying Cross Christ bequeathed her to yon! Lay These Ghosts Quickly You have heard that the Catholic Church teaches that — The Pope has temporal rights in the United States ; The Pope can do no wrong; The Pope can claim political allegiance; The Pope can nullify laws, oaths, or con- tracts. — It is all falsehood and the purest fiction! You have heard that the Catholic Church teaches that — Protestant husbands and wives are living in sin; Protestant marriages are invalid ; Protestant children are illegitimate; Have You Met God? 57 Protestants will be damned; Protestants may be hated or persecuted. -—It is all a lie! You have heard that the Catholic Church teaches that — Images may be worshiped; The Blessed Virgin adored; Relics will work miracles; Indulgences to commit sin may be bought; and freedom from Purgatory purchased. — It is all slanderously untrue! To return to my parallel. You have heard that — A Trappist digs a foot of his own grave every day; A Trappist never speaks a word to anyone; A Trappist eats next to nothing, sleeps hardly at all, works and weeps and thinks of death all day. — 1 am laughing! There is a priest here who has been a Trap- pist for fifty-four years. Suppose he dug a foot of his grave every month , how deep a hole would Jie have now? If he dug a foot every day y I think he’d be somewhere in China by this time! Do you see how absurd reports can be? The only way to get truth is to go to sources. From a Trappist you can learn what a Trappist is and what he does; from the Catholic Church you can learn what she really teaches. I say this because Dean Stanley, a Protestant historian, in his “Life and Letters” saw fit to write, “I am convinced that Protestantism in general treats Catholics with shameful ignorance and un- fairness.” And Dr. Schaff, another Protestant historian, in his “Political and Ecclesiastical Conditions in the U. S.” says, “The Roman Catholic Church is bemired from day to day with all possible calumny.” So ask yourself what you know about the Catholic Church and 58 Have You Met God? what have been your sources of information. Perhaps they are as reliable as the ones who tell of the grave-digging Trappists! But re- member that it IS a matter of life and death for you. Did you know that in the Catholic Church you can Meet God Daily in His Physical Body? That is an astounding statement, I know; but one that is absolutely true. To appreciate the why of it, let me pick up a few threads that I have dropped here and there through- out this little pamphlet. I said that the world needs SANCTITY. Coming from a Trappist monk that statement may be taken with a shrug of the shoulders and a, “Humph! that is a fine solution to of- fer to our topsy-turvy, war-torn world. ,, I admit that I know next to nothing of the political, very little of the economic, and little or nothing of the social conditions of the world at the moment. But I do know human nature. I do know something of individuals, and I am learning more and more and more about God. Hence, I KNOW the one sure cure for the moral cancer that „is gnawing away at the very vitals of modern man — it IS Sanctity . The reflective know that I am right. To the unreflective I say: Just imagine. ... Just imagine if Hitler, Stalin and Musso- lini were saints — Just imagine if all Presi- dents, members of Congress and of every par- liament were holy men — Just imagine if every politician who asks for a vote, and every big employer who hires a man were absorbed in God — Just imagine if all mankind were working solely for the greater honor and glory of God — Just imagine if every law that is made, every judgment that is formed, every decision that is handed down, were done so by men who did all things only after prayer and with their eyes focused on Eternity — Have You Met God? 59 Do you gasp? Of course I am only dream- ing; that is why I asked you to “Just imagine. . . But do you see how practical my cure is? Do you not see that the one thing the world needs is SANCTITY? You may say that I am conjuring up a Utopia. I admit it. And yet, I insist that in a most definite sense — SANCTITY is the end and aim of all life and living. I say that, because St. Paul, inspired by the Holy Ghost, an- nounced to all the world that “This is the will of God... YOUR SANCTIFICATION.” But come out of the clouds. When I say “the world,” I mean you and me. The world is made up of individuals. Hence, if there is to be sanctity in the world, the individuals must be saints! Let us face facts. We are in life for one only purpose . . . to become like unto God. Ontologically, life is “being”; but theologically, life is a “becoming” — be- coming ever more and more like unto Him who made us. He is substantial Sanctity; we must become saints. Do not shy at it. Do not say, “I am too lowly, too weak, too un- worthy.” For that is not humility. That is cowardice, laziness and rot. That is giving the lie to God. Read that citation from St. Paul again. Face the fact — you were born to be a saint. Life has no other meaning. Are you going to die with your life’s work undone? You will, unless you meet God. And that throws me back to my opening paragraph on “contacts.” If you want a tan, you come in contact with the sun. If you want water from your faucet, it must be in contact with the reservoir. If you want heat in your room, your radiator must in in contact with your fur- nace. So too, if you want holiness, you must come in contact with God. He is the one source; for He IS Holiness. In short, if you want to make a success of life you must die a saint; but vou will never do that unless you meet God intimately. 60 Have You Met God? There are those who say it is enough to worship God “in spirit and in truth.” It is, But the truth of the matter is that we are not spirit alone! The truth of the matter is that if you and I are to become divine, we must be perfectly human. We are not mind alone, we have a body. We are not pure spirits, we are composites of clay. We have not only intellects, we have senses. The truth of the whole matter is that we are men. God made us such. But if we become perfect men, we are Godlike. Jesus Christ was human as well as divine; and if we are to worship Him in “spirit and in truth,” we must use the visible and the invisible, matter and mind, senses and intellect, body and soul; in other words, we must be men. That is why I gave you a watch, the radio and rain; that is why I gave you history, reason and revelation. That is why the Triune God gave us Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus Christ gave us His visible Church. And that is why His visible Church administers seven Sacraments. We are clay, we need the tangible; we are animals, we need to see and feel and taste and touch; we are men, therefore, we must have the Holy Eucharist. I have made much of the words of Christ, “I am with you all days.” From them I showed you how Peter could introduce you to the Living God. From them I showed you how Martin Luther, Henry VIII, John Wesley and the rest could not. From them I now show you more than infallibility or indefecti- bility; from them I now show you Emmanuel — God with us. Indeed He is with us, Body and Blood, soul and divinity, whole and en- tire, the Jesus Christ who was Bethlehem’s Babe, Nazareth’s Boy and Calvary’s Cruci- fied Man: the Jesus Christ who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”; who said, “I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly”; the Jesus Christ who said, “I am the Bread of life. . . This is the bread that cometh down from heaven; that Have You Met God? 61 if any man eat of it he may not die. I am the living bread which came down from heav- en. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world. — Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, hath life everlasting: and I will raise him up in the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me and I in him.” There it is! Easily the most astounding passage in Scripture. See how Jesus insisted on the fact! He almost tortures language to make clear that His body was meat and His blood drink; and also to make it unmis- takable that if you and I are to have life , we must receive Him. How we love life! How we cling to it and crave more and more of it! And yet, how little we really know about it! There is only one life — it is the life of the soul. All else is for it, or else is mere animal existence. You see, Jesus has no changed things that human life, to be human, must be superhuman ; and man, to be man, must be divine. He has so turned things upside down that life is only found by losing it, and self is only rea- lized by self-renunciation. But those are the truths that very few grasp; and hence, most men go groping for life in what can only bring death. Life can come only from the living. Every philosopher and biologist will tell you that; but what many a philosopher and many a biologist will not tell you is the source of life; for they do not know HIM! They do not know Jesus who said, “I am the LIFE!” I write that you may avoid the awful trag- edy of dying without ever having lived. That is the only reason for this booklet. I want you to enjoy life. I want you to be full of life, and I want your life to be full. In short, I 62 Have You Met God? want you to come in contact with the Life of all living — I want you to meet God physi- cally! And that means Holy Communion. In- troductions are good. Introductions are necessary. But unless they lead to intimate friendships they are not fully effective. You know what useful contacts are. You have been using them all your life. Well, I show you the NECESSARY contact when I show you Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The idea is not mine. It is His, the omniscient God’s. His words were: “Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you.” Do you want real LIFE? I pick up another thread as I remind you that a few pages back I said that the world needs an institution that grips the conscience, teaches morality and proffers the means neces- sary to promote it. Here are the means! Man cannot be the man he was made to be unless he has intimate contact with God. Re- call the quotation on the opening page — “Without me, you can do NOTHING.” That is how necessary contact is, and contact is established through the Sacraments. There are seven divinely instituted channels of grace; seven God-given fountains of life. Through them man comes into direct contact with God; but the most intimate contact is the one that is had in the Holy Eucharist. That contact works wonders! The thinking world marvels at the hundreds of thousands who freely choose and voluntarily vow perpetual poverty, chastity and obedience. It sees youth — fresh, vibrant, vigorous youth — gaily say good-by to what it calls life and its wonders. It sees girls, just flowering into beautiful and gracious womanhood, smile, turn their backs on the alluring loves of the world to embrace with an open-armed, gen- erous embrace a life of singleness, selflessness and sacrifice. It is greatly puzzled, for it does not know that these go to meet God in- timately. It is deeply perplexed, because it Have You Met God? 63 has never caught the truth in the words, “He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me and I in him.” It is complete- ly at a loss to understand all this, for it has never known the Wine that makes virgins and the Bread that makes strong. It cannot account for the love-light in the eyes of tens of thousands of nuns and the perpetual youth of the Catholic priesthood. It knows not the source of this vigorous vitality, for it knows not the “Bread of Life.” The Eucharist is the secret! These men and women become in- timate friends of God Almighty through His Sacrament of Love; and you know that friendship always finds people like, or makes them so! Look! In our modern world it is not easy to keep the Ten Commandments of God or to observe the Six Precepts of His Church. Honesty, purity, loyalty, fidelity, uprightness, are virtues hard for man to acquire and im- possible to increase unless. . . . What am I talking about? It is absolutely impossible for a man to overcome a single serious tempta- tion without the grace of God. But grace comes through the Sacraments; and the source of all grace is the Jesus of the Blessed Sac- rament. So when you see the great mass of four hundred millions of Catholics leading a life more than human, when you see the vast majority of them truly virtuous, when you see the cream of their manhood and the flower of their womanhood heroicallv so, know that it is all from meeting God daily in His Physi- cal Body, the Eucharist. How I pray for the Protestants, and how I beg the Protestants to pray for themselves! They sing “.Abide With Me.” It is a beauti- ful prayer. It can be realized if thev do what those who first spoke those words did; it can be realized if “they know Him in the break- ing of the Bread.” He promised to abide with those who receive Him! They sing “Lead, Kindlv Lierht.” I pray it for them. I pray that the Kindly Light of the World will lead 64 Have You Met God? them as He led the author of that hymn, Cardinal John Henry Newman, from “the en- circling gloom” to the little light that dances its life away to show people where Light and Life and Love dwell; to show them where God really lives swaddled in the bands of Bread; to show them His Tabernacle Home. Yes, you can meet God daily in His Physical Body once you do as He commanded. Above I have given you the words of the promise; you well know the words of the fulfillment. He spoke them Holy Thursday night when He “took bread and blessed and broke and gave to His disciples and said : Take you and eat , This is my Body. And taking the chalice He gave thanks: and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this for this is My Blood” The only thing my Protestant friends are missing is the fulfillment of the command .He gave that same night, about the same bread and wine, at the same supper, about the same Body and Blood. They are missing a priest- hood that fulfills that divine injunction: “Do this in commemoration of Me” You crave life — You can have it! You crave light. — You can have it! You crave love. — It is yours! -— He says, “Come unto Me. . . .” It is the Christ of the Eucharist speaking to YOU. It is the Christ of the Sermon on the Mount, the Christ of the Cenacle and the Christ of Calvary. You can meet Him Physically every day in the Cath- olic Church; and once you meet Him there, you will learn that you can Meet God Hourly in His Mystical Body I have just touched on the doctrine of the Real Presence of God in the Holy Eucharist. It is a hard doctrine, I know. But look who gave it! It was Jesus Christ Himself, He who is TRUTH! It is a beautiful doctrine, and it makes life livable as it brings a little bit of Heaven to earth. I am now going to Have You Met God? 65 touch on another Real Presence. It is a doc- trine that some find hard to grasp; but it is a doctrine given by the same Jesus Christ; He who is Truth! It is the doctrine of the Real Presense of God in men! Technically it is known as the Doctrine of the Mystical Body. It is a doctrine that makes life lov- able ; and it actually begins on earth our Heaven. In January of 1935 I happened to be on the Pacific Coast. Perhaps it was nostalgia that made me tune in on New York; at any rate, there came out of the ether that day a sentence that has haunted me ever since. It was the closing sentence of Msgr. Fulton Sheen’s address on the Mystical Body. He said, “If we miss God, it will not be because He is too far away, but because He is too near.” “Too near!” “Too near!” has echoed and reechoed in my mind ever since; so for some six years I have read everything that I could lay my hands on that treated of the Mystical Body; and I now stand convinced that if mankind is to be saved, it will only be by learning and living that doctrine! It is a doctrine that says that you and I can meet God hourly once we really know man! There is our difficulty ! It is not that we do not know God. It is that we do not fully know ourselves! In their effort to clothe us with greatness, modern writers and thinkers have stripped us naked. In their endeavor to enrich, they have stolen. And professing to tell us the whole truth and reveal us to ourselves, they have lied! You know as well as I that they have made a religion out of humanity. But perhaps you do not know that they had to! Yes, they had to; because they have never known the humanity in religion! They have never grasped that tremendous truth “And the Word was made FLESH and dwelt amongst us.” The cruelest lie that can be told a man is the one told by these modern thinkers. They say that man is only man. That is a LIE ! 66 Have You Met God? You and I and all the billions of humans who pack this little planet of ours are more than that; we are much more than merely human; we are partly divine ; we are divine-human beings! Our origin was a divine-human ori- gin; our history is a divine-human history; our real vocation is a divine-human vocation, just as our only destiny is a divine-human destiny. And that is why Jesus Christ who is THE Human-Divine, means so much to you, to me and to all mankind. Look into yourself. Whence are you? — To say, ‘‘From Adam,” is to tell only a part- truth. You are from God and Adam. To say that Adam is your father is to give only part of your ancestry. It was the Triune God who said, “Let us make man.” They made him; and made him to their own “image and likeness.” You are from Adam. Yes; your physiognomy proclaims that to every- one; but you have other lineaments that tell me that you are not only from Adam; you are also from God. The truth is that you are a divine-human being. Never forget that ! Look at your history. Betrayed by your human parents, sold unto sin, you were re- deemed by your divine parent. Decapitated, if I may so speak, by Adam; you were re- capitated by Jesus Christ. Adam, your first head, led you to death; Christ, your present Head, brings you to life. Incorporated in Adam as a member of the human race, you are reincorporated in Jesus Christ as a mem- ber of the divine-human race. And never for- get that! What is your vocation? It is to be a Chris- tian; that is, another Christ . But He was Human and Divine. Therefore, you must be the same, “through Him, with Him, and in Him.” That is the vocation of all mankind! Some pages back I said our life was not so much “being” as “becoming.” There I said “becoming saints.” I do not change it now, but I do clarify and specify as I say: Your vocation, my vocation and the vocation of all Have You Met God? 67 mankind is to become the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Mankind is a unit. It can ex- press its real individuality only when all be- come members under the One Head. I am purposely brief. I mean to be sketchy; for I want to whet your appetite as mine was whetted. I want the truth that “if you miss God, it will not be because He is too far away but because He is too near,” to haunt you, to send you seeking the Truth! I want your craving for real life to drive you into a quest for Life! I want you to know especially that the common saying: “God helps those who help themselves,” is but a very free transla- tion of a deep theological axiom. Theologians say, “Facienti quod in se est, Deus non dene- gat gratiam.” That means: Seek! and God will help you to find — God. But do not look for Him in the distance. Look for Him in yourself and in your fellow man. “The Kingdom of God is within you” — Yes! And within your neighbor, too! That is the only sound reason for loving him. To be good to a man because he is a man; to help a neighbor because he is a member of our one human race, is profitless philanthropy. But to love, help, serve, reverence, respect and do good to every man because he is a member, either actual or potential, of the Mystical Body of Christ is to worship God in the way He wants to be worshiped, to live life to the hilt, and to win Heaven! Remember that Christ said, “I am the Vine, you are the branches.” Do not be dead wood ! Cling close to Christ, and He will make you full of life and make your life fruitful. Re- member that it was Christ Himself who pro- claimed this doctrine of the divine solidarity of the human race; of the actual oneness of the members of His Church and Himself, when He sundered the heavens and asked, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” Saul was persecuting the Christians. And when Saul asked the Voice, “Who art thou, Lord?” the Word of God replied, “I am Jesus whom 68 Have You Met God? thou persecutest.” Therefore, if you want to touch God, reach out and touch your Chris- tian neighbor; and never forget that every- one is a Christian, at least potentially. Then repeat to yourself often those words of Christ, “Whatsoever you do to these, the least of my brethren, you do it unto me.” It will remind you that the thrilling doctrine of the Mys- tical Body is not mine, not St. PauPs, not St. John’s, not the Catholic Church’s; it is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. See how simple it is to meet God intimate- ly? He is really present in man! So you can meet Him every hour of the day and every day of the year if you meet man correctly. See how simple this makes the supernatural? I know that there are many who would never do a dishonest or a mean thing because such things are unbecoming a gentleman. That is only a natural reason. Refrain from the same things BECAUSE they are unbecoming a member of Christ’s Mystical Body and you have performed a supernatural work! Some there are who would never wrong a man or soil a woman because to do either would be to de- grade his own and their human dignity. That is a merely natural motive. Be pure and upright with all BECAUSE you are incor- porated in the spotless Christ, and you have acted from a supernatural motive, and if in sanctifying grace, performed a supernatural work and gained merit. Some will never be intemperate in food, drink, word or work, be- cause intemperance is unbecoming a rational being. Let them be temperate in all things and in all ways BECAUSE of the Christ who is in them and in whom they are; and they have lived up to their supernatural dignity. Which allows me to say that we become deeply spiritual by a right use of the material ; we grasp the supernatural by gripping the natural; we become divine by being perfectly human. Yes, we meet God by finding the Man — Christ Jesus. Do you see the mis- take of most of us? We are not deeply super- Have You Met God? 69 natural; because we stress that suffix alto- gether too much and neglect the substantive! We are not natural enough in our supernat- uralities! We look for God in the Heavens when we can find Him next door! Much of our prayer, love and service of God is tainted with the unnatural, because we neglect to love,, serve and pray for man, and do these things as men! We are flesh! That we know full well. But what we too often forget is that “God was made flesh.” That is the fact that enables one to say that the Christian religion is the perfect religion of humanity, and that “supernaturalizing the natural” is modern man’s one great work. If you want to meet God immediately, look on your neighbor as another Christ! Jesus Christ died 1900 years ago. He arose and ascended into Heaven. He is there today Physically, sitting at the right hand of His Father. But never forget that He still walks our earth! You can meet Him this moment. The Catholic Church is His actual Mystical Body; while all mankind is It potentially. In very truth “if you miss God, it will be be- cause He is too near!” Do meet Him, and meet Him intimately. For you know, your one purpose of being is to know Him, love Him and serve Him, and see Him “face to face” Your one work in life is to see to it that death be a meeting, not with an Unknown God, but with an in- timate and long-loved Friend; your one work in life is to see to it that the darkness of death be but a clearer vision of the Light of the World. Most people go through life fear- ing death; it is because they have never met God. Real Christians go through life pre- paring for death; and at any moment can say with Father Abram Ryan: Come, Death ! but I am fearless ; I shrink not from your frown. The eyes you close are tearless; Haste; strife this frail form down. 70 Have You Met God? Strike quick! Why dost thou tarry? Of time, why such a loss? Dost fear the sign I carry? ’Tis but a simple Cross. Thou wilt not strike? — Then hear me: Come! Strike in any hour. My heart shall never fear thee; Nor flinch before thy power. Pll meet thee, Time’s dread lictor, And my wasted Tips will sing: “Dread Death! I am the victor! Strong Death, where is thy sting?” Why such fearlessness? — Because life is a trysting with God ; Death, a rendezvous with Divinity; and God, our God, is EM- MANUEL — God with us! Meet Him today and every day in His Church, His Physical Body and His Mystical Body; then you can look forward longingly to a meeting with Him forever “FACE TO FACE.” I have been most sketchy. Space demanded it. But if you want to know more of God and the ways to meet Him, look over some of these works : THE FAITH OF MILLIONS — John A. O’Brien, Our Sunday Visitor Press, Hunt- ington, Ind. A very friendly and fully sympathetic ex- pose of Truth. THROUGH HUNDRED GATES — Severin and Stephen Lamping, The Bruce Pub. Co., Milwaukee, Mis. 41 fascinating accounts of men and women from 28 different countries who met God. REBUILDING A LOST FAITH — John L. Stoddard, P. J. Kenedy Co., New York. An American Agnostil tells the story of his searchings and findings. A masterpiece. CAMPAIGNING FOR CHRIST; CAM- PAIGNER FOR* CHRIST HANDBOOK; Have You Met God? 71 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A CAMPAIGN- ER FOR CHRIST — David Goldstein, Catholic Campaigner for Christ, Astor P.O., Boston, Mass. Three works that are filled with good na- ture and a very direct reply to questions of all sorts on the Catholic religion. THE GOOD PAGAN'S FAILURE—Rosalind Murray, The Catholic Book Club, 111 Char- ing Cross Road, London W. C. 2. A thoughtful and very objective study, con- trasting Humanism and Christianity. THE CREDENTIALS OF CHRISTIANITY— Martin J. Scott, S.J., P. J. Kenedy, New York, N. Y. An exceptionally clear statement of Chris- tianity's case. THE CATHOLIC'S READY ANSWER — M. J. Hill, S.J., Benziger Bros., New York. A scholarly, yet popular reply to myriad questions. THE QUESTION BOX — Bertrand L. Con- way, Catholic Book Exchange, 120 W. 60th St., New York, N. Y. Answers that banish Agnostics' doubts, do away with Protestant ‘prejudice and strengthen Catholics' Faith. FIVE GREAT HERESIES — Hilaire Belloc, The Catholic Book Club, London. An historian reviews and previews Religion. OUR PART IN THE MYSTICAL BODY — Daniel A. Lord, S.J., The Queen's Work, St. Louis, Mo. THE WHOLE CHRIST—Emile Mersch, S.J., translated by John R. Kelley, S.J., Bruce Pub. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. MORALITY AND THE MYSTICAL BODY— Emile Mersch, S.J., translated by Dan. F. Ryan, S.J., Kenedy, New York. Books, Booklets, Etc., Supplied by the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani Life of Dom Edmond Obrecht . $1.50 Life and Times of St. Bernard 6.50 St. Bernard on the Love of God 2.50 The Man Who Got Even with God ....— 2.00 The Soul of the Apostolate, paper 1.00 cloth 1.25 leather 2.50 The Cistercian Life 50 Life of Joseph Cassant, Trappist Priest, paper 50 cloth 75 Life of Brother Yvo Poussin, Trappist Lay Brother, paper 65 cloth 1.00 Life of Sister Louise Tessier, Lay Sister, cloth 1.00 Descriptive Booklet of Gethsemani Abbey .... .25 Set of Postcard Views of Gethsemani Abbey .25 La Trappe In England, Nuns of Stapehill Abbey 2.75 Cistercian Nuns 1.50 Order of Citeaux 1.75 Holy Abandonment, Dom Lehodey 4.00 Spiritual Directory (Cistercfan) 2 vols. each 1.50 Spirit of Simplicity 40 Life of Michael Carlier, Lieutenant (Monk) 2.00 The Faith of Milions, paper .50 cloth 1.50 Jesus, King of Love, by Fr. Mateo 1.00 The Sacred Bond (of Marriage) 1.35 Booklets (10 cents each) Reduction for Quantities Fiat and Remake Your World Life is a Divine Romance The God-Man’s Double What’s Wrong? Set the World on Fire Doubling for the Mother of God What are You Doing to Jesus Christ? Do You Want Life and Love? Are You? Have You Met God? For Your Own Defense A Startling Thing for You Eventually: Why Not Now? Apostolate of the Contemplatives Twenty-four Hours a Catholic An Hour With Christ Salve Regina Leaflets (with notes) each 05 Holy Cards (Mecum eris in Paradiso), per doz 15 Holy Cards (Mecum eris) (large size each .15 Holy Cards of St. Bernard, per doz 15 Holy Cards of St. Bernard (large size) 15 Holy Cards (Respice Stellam Voca Marium) per doz i .15 PRINTED IN U.S.A.