Statistics of city school systems, 1949-50 : staff, pupils, finances, and property _/ rp^.^s " * <"% sh$k&*s Biennial Survey of Education i i n the United States— 1948-50 Statistics of City School Systems 1 jm-.frWM FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY j • Office of Education Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1948-50 The following chapters will be included in the Biennial Survey for 1948-50: Chapter 1. Statistical Summary of Education, 1949-50 Chapter 2. Statistics of State School Systems, 1949-50 Chapter 3. Statistics of City School Systems, 1949-50 Chapter 4. Statistics of Higher Education: Section I. Faculty, Students, and Degrees, 1949-50 Section II. Receipts, Expenditures, and Property, 1949-50 Chapter 5. Offerings and Enrollments in High-School Sub- jects, 1948-49. Each part of the Biennial Survey is printed separately as soon as completed. Biennial Survey of Education in the United States , 1948-50 Statistics of City School Systems, 1949-50 : Staff, Pupils, Finances, and Property Lester B. Herlihy, Specialist in Educational Statistics, prepared this chapter, under the general direction of Emery M. Foster, Head, Reports and Analysis Unit FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY • Oveta Culp Hobby, Administrator Office of Education • Earl James McGrath, Commissioner UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1953 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. • Price 30 cents Dcso!dlS!3d FOREWORD r I IIIIS CHAPTER on city school systems of the Biennial Survey of Education continues the regular series of statis- tical reports published by the Office of Education since 1871. Prior to 1918 the city school statistics were presented as a part of the Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Education. Since 1917-18, however, the report has been issued biennially for each school year ending in an even number. An added feature in the present chapter is the presentation of cer- tain financial data on school expenditures over the past decade in terms of the purchasing power of the 1949-50 dollar. Like its predecessors, this report presents data chiefly on the full-time public kindergartens, and elementary and secondary day schools, but also includes data on the institutions of higher education which are administered as part of the city public- school system in the school districts of cities of 2,500 population and more. All population figures in the report are as given in the Federal census of 1940, because the more recent census figures for 1950 were not available at the time this chapter was projected, nor later when the material was processed. The report does not include the statistics of schools in all cities of 2,500 or over, since schools in some cities are conducted as part of a larger administrative school unit, such as the county, and in such cases data for the city are not separable from data from the total county. Since the first of this series of statistical reports was published some 80 years ago, the cities with populations of 2,500 or more have increased in number from 663 to 4,284, and the urban population which comprised but 25.7 percent of the total popu- lation in 1870 has grown to almost 59 percent of the total in 1950. This growing urbanization has been significant in many of its educational implications. in This present chapter, like its predecessors, embodies the voluntary cooperative efforts of many thousands of city school people over the Nation—mainly superintendents and school business officials of city school districts, together with the half- million elementary and high-school teachers and principals who prepared the basic data. To all these who have contributed to making this publication possible, the Office of Education extends its sincere thanks. Herbert S. Conrad, Chief, Research and Statistical Standards Section Ward Stewart, Director, Program Development and Coordination Branch IV CONTENTS Text Page FOREWORD hi INTRODUCTION 1 CLASSIFICATION OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 1 COVERAGE 2 PUPILS AND STAFF 2 Enrollment (full-time day schools) 2 Attendance (full-time day schools) 3 Pupil-teacher ratio (full-time day schools) 4 School term and number of days attended (full-time day schools) 5 Administrative and instructional staff 6 Part-time (adult and continuation) schools and summer schools . 8 FINANCES 9 Sources of revenue 9 Expenditures 10 Salaries of instructional staff (full-time day schools) 10 Current expenditure per pupil (full-time day schools) .... 11 Current expenditure for part-time (adult and continuation) schools and summer schools 13 Capital outlay 14 Debt service 15 Distribution of expenditures among basic accounts 15 Indebtedness 17 PROPERTY 18 Text Tables I. Percent of enrollment in average daily attendance in full-time day schools in city systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 4 II. Number of pupils enrolled and number in average daily attendance per teacher in city school systems, by population group: 1937-38 to 1949-50 4 III. Number of days schools were taught, and average number of days attended by each pupil enrolled in city school systems, by population group: 1940-41 to 1949-50 5 IV. Distribution of 2,846 city school systems according to number of days schools were taught: 1949-50 6 V. Percent of men teachers in full-time day schools, by popula- tion group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 7 v VI CONTENTS Page VI. Number of teachers per supervisor, and per principal in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 . . 7 VII. Pupils and staff of part-time (adult and continuation) schools and summer schools, in city school systems: 1939-40 to 1949-50 9 VIII. Percentage analysis of revenue receipts in city school sys- tems, by population group: 1949-50 10 IX. Average annual salaries of supervisors, principals, and teach- ers in city public day schools, adjusted and unadjusted to 1949-50 purchasing power of the dollar, and percent of change by city-size group: 1939-40, 1947-48, and 1949-50 . 12 X. Annual current expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance in full-time day schools in city systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 13 XI. Expenditures for part-time (adult and continuation) and summer schools in city school systems: 1939-40 to 1949-50 . 14 XII. Total amount and expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance for capital outlay in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 14 XIII. Percentage analysis of current and total expenditures in city school systems, by population group: 1949-50 16 XIV. Range in percentages of total current expenditure allocated to each major account in city school systems: 1949-50 .... 16 XV. Bonds outstanding, less amount in bond reserves and sinking funds per pupil in average daily attendance in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 17 XVI. School property investment per pupil in average daily at- tendance in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 18 Summary and Basic Tables 1. Comparative summary of general statistical data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50 19 2. Comparative summary of fiscal data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50 21 3. Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data for public- school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50 24 Statistics of City School Systems, 1949-50 rpHE STATISTICS presented by this report are for those school systems conducted as separately organized school districts in cities of 2,500 population or more, as distinguished from the schools in urban centers, or in cities which are conducted as part of a larger unit for school administration, such as, the county system. The county unit for adminis- tration of schools exists, either exclusively, or nearly so, in Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, West Virginia, and Utah. Eight other States have some county unit systems, while the State of Delaware, excepting a few sep- arately organized city districts, conducts its schools on a State basis for administration through the authority of the State Board and the State Superintendent of Education. This report presents only the statistics for those school systems in cities of 2,500 population or more which are administered by a superintendent as a school district operating coordinate with or under the municipal government regardless of whether the school district may be independent or dependent, fiscally. Classification of City Systems As in previous reports since 1940 the city school systems included in this present study are classified for the purpose of analysis into five groups according to population reported in the U. S. Census for 1940. The final census figures on city population for 1950 were not available for use in this chapter. The number of cities in each group and the number of separate city school systems are as follows: Number of Number of Group size cities in city school 1940 census systems Total all groups (2,500 population and more) 3, 464 3, 141 Group I (100,000 population and more) 92 89 Group II (30,000 to 99,999 population) 257 249 Group III (10,000 to 29,999 population) 728 726 Group IV (5,000 to 9,999 population) 1, 016 902 Group V (2,500 to 4,999 population) 1, 371 1, 175 1 2 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 In a number of instances there are two or more school systems, or school districts 1 within a city, and in the case of the two cities of May- wood-Melrose Park, 111., the schools in these adjoining towns constitute elementary and high-school districts administered to serve both cities in common. Detailed statistics are presented for each of the city school systems in cities of 30,000 population and more. For the cities in Group III (popu- lation 10,000 to 29,999) data are reported in detail for 449 school systems in 428 cities—a sampling of greater than 58 percent of the total number of eligible cities in this group. Formerly in this series, each of the 728 Group III cities had been reported in detail. However, the number of Group III city school systems reported in detail was reduced in 1947-48 in order to make possible the inclusion in this study of detailed statistics for a sample of Group IV, and a sample of Group V city school systems. Coverage The basic data used for this report are those submitted by city school systems or the State departments of education in response to the requests of this Office. In some instances, data for 1949-50 were not available and in such cases the report made by the city for the previous biennium (1947- 48) was used. In all such cases footnotes indicate this usage. The detailed data for the individual cities of Groups III, IV, and V have been augmented by the totals for the city school systems not reported in detail. Thus, the State totals for each of these city groups for the various items involved are given to complete the statistical picture. Pupils and staff Enrollment 2 (Full-Time Day Schools) During the regular school session of 1949-50 there were enrolled in the public day schools of the city school systems 12,696,724 pupils; of this number, 6,477,165 were boys, and 6,219,559 were girls. This total day school enrollment was distributed as follows: 801,613 pupils in the nursery and kindergarten classes; 7,394,319 pupils in the elementary schools; 4,329,185 in the seconday schools; and 171,607 in the institutions of post- secondary school level which were directly administered by the city board of education and the city school superintendent (Table 1—Summary). In addition to the above, the city school systems reported 1,544,829 pupils enrolled in part-time school activities (adult, Americanization, night, and continuation schools), and 300,657 pupils enrolled in summer schools. 1 The boundaries of a city school district may, or may not be coterminous with those of a municipality; nevertheless, the school district organization in most cases is an independent governmental unit under a city board of education not to be confused with the political unit of government for the municipality. 1 Enrollment is the number of different pupils registered in any given school unit in any given school year. The number may increase, but not decrease, and for this reason is distinct from attendnace. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 3 Attendance (Full-Time Day Schools) Of the 12,696,724 pupils enrolled in the full-time day schools of the city systems during 1949-50, 11,039,945, or 86.9 percent, were in average daily attendance. From 1947-48 to 1949-50 there was an increase of 584,785 in the number of pupils in average daily attendance compared with an increase of 507,869 in the number of pupils enrolled. In general, the percentage of enrollment in average daily attendance has been increasing from decade to decade, and usually from biennium to biennium. The war years, and the post-war biennium (the period from 1941-42 to 1945-46) showed decreases in the attendance figures as, for obvious reasons, was to be expected. The city public-school systems re- ported in 1949-50 that of every 100 pupils enrolled ah average of approxi- mately 87 pupils had been in daily attendance as compared with the 74.6 per 100 in attendance in 1899-1900. In each group of city schools, the percentage of attendance was greater in 1949-50 than for any of the previous five bienniums (table I). School attendance as measured by the percentage of enrollment in average daily attendance is less in the large than in the small city school system. Yet, the largest cities spend most, proportionately, for the enforcement of attendance laws. The increase in average daily attendance in the past several decades can be traced to numerous causes, outstanding among which are (1) more interesting educational programs; (2) increased attention to the individual needs of pupils; (3) better-prepared teachers; (4) better guidance pro- grams; (5) better school health programs; (6) stricter, and more practical enforcement of the compulsory attendance laws; (7) increasing interest on the part of parents in schools; and (8) other factors of social and economic significance in a maturing society as compared with the years of its earlier developments. The ideal in attendance, as visualized for the public schools, calls for a yet greater percentage in average daily attendance, particularly, in respect to the secondary schools, than prevails at present. To this end, the Life Adjustment Education Program is concerned with the problem of providing education which will attract the large segment of high-school-age youth who do not enter the secondary education level, and which will "hold” in high school those who do enter high school but quit before graduation. “There has never been a time when more than 75 percent of the persons 14 to 17 years of age were in high school.” 3 Table I presents the picture by bienniums starting with the school year 1939-40 of the number of pupils in average daily attendance for each 100 pupils enrolled reported for each of the city groups, and for all five groups combined. * Bulletin 1951, No. 22, Life Adjustment Education. 235726—53 2 4 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table I.—Percent of enrollment in average daily attendance in full-time day schools in city systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1939-40 86.6 85.2 87.2 88.4 87.8 1941-42 84.1 82.2 85.3 86.0 85.9 1943-44 83.2 80.8 84.4 86.3 85.1 1945-46 83.9 82.3 84.9 85.4 85.3 1947-48- - - 85.8 83.9 87.3 87.8 87.3 86.8 1949-50— 86.9 85.2 88.1 88.7 87.9 88.3 Pupil-Teacher Ratio (Full-Time Day Schools) The "pupil-teacher ratio,” or "teaching load” are the technical terms applied to the quotient obtained from dividing the total number of pupils by the number of teaching positions reported. Only the classroom teacher positions are used in this calculation. The average teaching load in 1949-50 for all city school systems combined was 28 pupils enrolled, and 25 pupils in average daily attendance. For all city schools combined the number of pupils enrolled per teacher, and the number in average daily attendance per teacher have not varied greatly within the past decade. Pupil-teacher ratios tend to be slightly higher in cities of 100,000 population or more than in the smaller city-size groups. The decrease in the ratio from 1939-40 to 1949-50 on both the enrollment and attend- ance basis is due partly to the fact that enrollment and attendance figures both decreased during the decade while the number of teachers increased by 45,748. However, the movement of population from congested city centers to suburban areas resulted in a distribution of school population necessitating an increase in teacher personnel, as well as the requirement of an increase in school plants and other facilities. Table II.—Number ofpupils enrolled and number in average daily attendance per teacher in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V En- roll- ment Average daily attend- ance En- roll- ment Average daily attend- ance En- roll- ment Average daily attend- ance En- roll- ment Average daily attend- ance En- roll- ment Average daily attend- ance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1939-40 32 28 33 29 30 27 31 27 31 27 1941-42 31 26 33 27 29 24 29 25 29 25 1943-44 31 25 33 27 29 24 29 25 29 25 1945-46 30 25 32 27 28 24 29 25 29 25 1947-48 29 25 31 26 27 24 28 24 28 24 1949-50 28 25 30 25 27 23 27 24 28 24 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 5 In 1939-40 the average number of pupils enrolled was 32 per teacher, and the average number of pupils in average daily attendance was 28 per teacher. The 2 groups of largest cities made an average reduction of 4 pupils per teacher in the daily load between the 1940 and 1950 school years. The 2 smaller groups of cities each averaged a 3-pupil reduction per teacher in the same period (table II). School Term and Number of Days Attended (Full-Time Day Schools) In 1949-50 the average number of days that the schools were in session (days actually taught) in city school systems was 181, or a day less than the average reported in 1947-48. The average length of the city school term has remained practically the same within the narrow range of 180 and 182 days, for a long period of years. Table III.—Number of days schools were taught and average number of days attended by each pupil enrolled in city school systems, by population group: 1940-41 to 1949-50 Population group Days taught, by school year Days attended, by school year 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 All groups combined. 182 180 181 182 181 153 150 152 156 158 Group I 186 185 184 184 185 153 149 151 154 158 Group II 179 181 181 181 180 153 152 154 158 159 Group III 179 177 179 180 178 154 152 153 158 157 Groups IV and V 177 175 178 180 178 152 149 152 157 157 However, this average school term conceals wide variations among individual city school systems. Table IV shows the distribution of 2,846 city school systems according to the average length of the school term. It is found from table IV that 602 cities, or more than 22 percent of the total, reported a school term, or year of less than 175 days in length for 1949-50. Nearly 50 percent of the total, or 1,412 city sys- tems, reported an average school year of 176 to 180 days in length; and the remainder—792 cities, or 27.9 percent—financed a school year greater than 180 days in length. In 1949-50 the Group I cities (population 100,000 and more) reported an average of 185 days as the length of the school year; the Group II cities reported an average of 180 days to the school year; and the other groups each reported the school year length as averaging 178 days. On the average a pupil enrolled in a (city public-school system at- tended only 158 days of the 181-day average length term during 1949-50. And while the 158-day average represented an increase of 5 days over 1941-42 attendance, it still meant that city school pupils were present only some 85 percent of the full school year. 6 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table IV.—Distribution of 2,846 city school systems according to number of days schools were taught: 1949-50 Length ofterm in days taught All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total- 2,846 100.0 89 100.0 242 100.0 713 100.0 851 100.0 951 100.0 161-165 5 0.2 1 1.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.4 1 0.1 166-170 45 1.6 1 1.1 2 .8 10 1.4 23 2.7 9 .9 171-175 592 20.8 10 11.2 32 13.2 133 18.6 175 20.6 242 25.4 176-180 1, 412 49.6 38 42.7 102 42.2 362 50.8 380 44. 7 530 55.8 181-185. 530 18.6 28 31.6 71 29.3 146 20.5 170 19.9 115 12.2 186-190 208 7.3 10 11.2 23 9.5 48 6.7 83 9.8 44 4.6 191-195 32 1.1 0 .0 6 2.5 10 1.4 13 1.4 3 .3 196-200 22 .8 1 1.1 6 2.5 4 .6 4 .5 7 .7 Contrary to common belief city schools are in session for shorter terms annually than they were before the turn of the century. In 1900 city schools were in session an average of approximately 188 days, or at least 7 days more than in 1950. From earlier reports published by individual city school systems (circa 1840) it is found that the schools in the follow- ing large cities were in session practically the year round: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleve- land, Buffalo, Washington, D. C., and Detroit. The custom then pre- vailing was that of dividing the school year in the greater number of cities into 4 terms of 12 weeks each with a vacation of a week at the end of each term. In some cities all the vacation came in the summer season except for a week at Christmas time. The summer vacation was ex- tended gradually until the school year was reduced to about 9 or 10 months. Administrative and Instructional Staff In 1949-50 the public day schools in the cities covered by this report had an administrative staff including 5,579 superintendents and assistant superintendents, and an instructional staff of 5,823 supervisors, 20,070 principals, and 448,171 teachers in the full-time day schools (see Table 1, Comparative Summary). For all full-time day schools combined the number of teachers per principal was 22.3 in 1949-50 counting but one person to a teaching position. Of the total number of teachers, the men numbered 100,666, or 22.5 percent (table Y). This is the highest per- centage of men teachers employed for several decades. The previous high point in employment of men as teachers was in 1941-42 when men teachers represented 21.5 percent of the total number employed. Of the five city groups, the largest percentages of men employed as teachers were reported for the Group III, IY, and Y cities, populations 2,500 to STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 7 29,999. Following World War II days, or since 1943-44 each biennium has shown an appreciable increase in the number of men employed as teachers. Especially is this true with respect to the cities in the popula- tion groups of 2,500 to 29,999. Possibly this increase in the employment of men teachers is partly due to greater stress being placed on the science subjects, physical education, and vocational education subject areas most often taught by men. Table V.—Percent of men teachers in full-time day schools, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V 1 2 3 4 5 6 1939-40 20.6 19.7 19.4 21.0 23.5 1941-42 21.5 20.1 20.6 22.4 24.1 1943—14 17.6 18.0 17.5 18.2 16.5 1945-16 19.1 19.3 18.4 18.6 19.6 1947-48 21.1 20.8 20.3 21.7 21.8 1949-50 22.5 21.4 21.5 23.0 24.6 In 1949-50 the number of teachers to a supervisor has shown a decrease in each of the city-size groups except that of Group I. The highest teacher-supervisor ratios existed in 1943-44, or during the war years for each of the city groups. However, since the 1943-44 biennium, as shown by table VI, there have been reductions for each of the city-size groups in the teacher-supervisor ratios. The over-all decline for all city groups combined in number of teachers to a supervisor was from 95 to 77. In the combined two smallest groups of cities the ratio dropped from 196 teachers in 1943-44 to 115 teachers per supervisor in 1949-50. The ratios of teachers to principal have remained almost constant for each of the city groups during the past decade. Table VI.—Number of teachers per supervisor andper principal in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V Per super- visor Per prin- cipal Per super- visor Per prin- cipal Per super- visor Per prin- cipal Per super- visor Per prin- cipal Per super- visor Per prin- cipal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1939-40.-.. 91 24 119 24 66 24 61 22 119 27 1941-42 92 24 117 24 62 23 62 23 150 28 1943-44 95 22 112 23 63 22 64 21 196 22 1945-46 90 23 93 23 61 22 76 22 174 24 1947-48 82 22 94 23 55 22 65 22 127 21 1949-50 77 22 94 23 53 22 57 21 115 22 8 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Part-Time (Adult and Continuation) Schools and Summer Schools The trend in the number of cities operating adult education facilities (night, Americanization, part-time, and continuation schools) as an integral part of the instructional function and responsibility of the public-school board of education, has been one of consistent increase during the decade 1939-40 to 1949-50 (table VII). The number of city school systems reporting the above type of school activity increased from 482 to 889, or 85 percent in the 10-year period. In the 10-year period under discussion, the enrollment in these schools increased by 40.5 percent, or from 1,099,343 to 1,544,829 pupils, while the number of personnel (supervisors, principals, and teachers) in the same period increased only 29.3 percent, or from 20,495 to 26,493. That the increase in personnel failed to maintain a proportionate rate of increase to enrollment is reflected in the greater teaching load of 5 additional pupils per teacher shown in 1949-50 over the 1939-40 ratio. The pupil- teacher ratio in 1939-40 was 53.6 pupils enrolled as compared with the 1949-50 ratio of 58.3 pupils enrolled per teacher. In terms of number reported, personnel employed, and pupils enrolled, the summer school, as a tuition-free adjunct of the city school system, declined sharply during the decade 1930-40; the trend in the decade 1940-50 has shown just as sharp a recovery. The tuition-free summer school as reported to this Office (table VII) has increased in number from a low of 135 in 1937-38 to 304 in 1949-50; in personnel employed, from 3,661 in 1937-38 to 9,134 in 1949-50; and in enrollment from 106,270 pupils in 1937-38 to 300,657 in 1949-50. The Group III cities (population 10,000 to 29,999) reported 107 with summer schools in 1949-50, the largest number for any city group. In the Group III cities, reporting summer schools, there were 21.3 pupils enrolled per teacher. The comparable data for the other groups of cities were as follows: Group I reported 47 systems operating summer schools having an average enrollment of 40 pupils per reacher; Group II reported 73 systems, with an average enrollment of 25 pupils per teacher; Group IV reported 43 systems, with an average enrollment per teacher of 25.9 pupils; and the Group V cities reported 34 systems operating summer schools with 40.9 pupils enrolled per teacher. For all of these summer schools combined the average number of pupils enrolled for each instructional staff position was 35 (table 1). STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 9 Table VII.—Pupils and staff of part-time (adult, Americanization, night, and continuation) schools and summer schools in city school systems: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year Part-time schools Summer schools Systems reporting Super- visors, princi- pals, and teachers Enroll- ment Pupils per staff member Systems reporting Super- visors, princi- pals, and teachers Enroll- ment Pupils per staff member 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1939-40 - 482 20, 495 1, 099, 343 53.6 170 3, 938 127, 452 32.1 1945-46 532 18, 607 956, 154 51.4 173 5, 402 215, 254 40.1 1947-48 876 20, 625 1, 177, 282 59.7 278 8, 042 264, 651 33.1 1949-50 889 26, 493 1, 544, 829 58.3 304 9,134 300, 657 35.3 Finances Sources of Revenue A percentage distribution of revenues by source in 1949-50 for all pub- lic-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more was as follows: from local sources, 62.1 percent; from State governments, 26.1 percent; from county governments, 8.7 percent; from Federal Government, 1.2 percent; and from miscellaneous sources, as proceeds of fines, gifts, etc., 1.9 percent (table VIII). A corresponding distribution made for the 1941-42 school year shows that the major changes in the percentages have occurred in the revenue derived from State and county sources, both of which increased in 1949-50 over 1941-42 with corresponding percentage reductions in revenues de- rived from local sources (table VIII). The variations shown for the same year for city school systems of different groups are considerable. For example, the greater percentages (34.6 and 37.1, respectively) of total funds derived by Groups IY and V cities (populations 2,500 to 9,999) were from State sources. These smaller cities are beneficiaries of the school financing principle that the distribution of the State funds should be appor- tioned in relation to existing need. The smaller city school systems, in general, being less able to finance education, receive a proportionately larger share of State funds than do the larger city school systems. The cities in Groups I, II, and III received less than 30 percent each from the State as support for their local school systems. 10 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table VIII.—Percentage analysis of revenue receipts in city school systems, by population group: 1949-50 State gov- ernment, including Federal aid for voca- tional educa- tion Local sources Population group Total Federal Govern- ment (direct) County govern- ment Total from local sources From tax- ation and municipal appropri- ations for current expense From taxa- tion for debt service From other districts for tui- tion and transfers All other sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1949-50 All groups combined.. 100.0 1.2 26.1 8.7 62.1 56.3 3.7 2.1 1.9 I. 100.0 1.0 20.6 8.5 68.7 65.4 2.7 0.6 1.2 II.. 100.0 1.2 26.2 7.2 63.5 56.9 4.5 2.1 1.9 III 100.0 1.2 29.6 9.3 56.7 48.9 4.4 3.4 3.2 IV 100.0 2.0 34.6 9.2 51.9 42.9 4.7 4.3 2.3 V 100.0 1.7 37.1 10.6 48.1 39.1 4.2 4.8 2.5 1941-42 All groups combined.. 100.0 .5 23.0 2.2 73.4 62.6 9.2 1.6 1.3 Change in per- ppri fo nrp •tell Idge. 1942-50 +.7 +3.1 +6.5 -11.3 -6.3 -5.5 +.5 +.6 The distribution shown for revenue receipts from local sources, in general, declined between 1942 and 1950. Specifically, however, the pro- portion of revenue receipts from other districts for tuition and transfers (a local source of revenue) increased slightly in the 8-year period; and the proportion of the total from taxation for debt service has continued the decline which started during World War II years. Of the $2,978,897,999 reported as total revenue receipts for 1949-50 by the city school systems in this report, the 89 Group I cities accounted for 46.1 percent; Group II cities, 17.0 percent; Group III cities, 17.3 per- cent; Group IY cities, 10.2 percent; and Group Y cities, 9.4 percent. To finance public education through city schools for 50 percent of the total enrollment of hoys and girls throughout the Nation, the city school systems received 54.8 percent of the $5,437,044,000 reported in 1949- 50 as total revenue receipts for all public elementary and secondary education in the United States. Expenditures Salaries of instructional staff (full-time day schools).—Data are available for comparing the average annual salaries of supervisors, principals, and teachers for 1939-40, 1947-48, and 1949-50 on the basis of the average amount in salary paid in each of such school years, and also on the basis of these averages in salary adjusted to show the relative purchasing power STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 11 as expressed in terms of 1949-50 dollar values according to the Con- sumers’ Price Index, Bureau of Labor Statistics (table IX). On the basis of the adjusted dollar, the average salary paid to super- visors as reported by all groups of city school systems increased in 1949-50 over 1939-40 by $403, or 9.2 percent, for the 10-year period and that for principals, decreased an average of $164. The teacher average salary for all city groups gained $158 between 1939-40 and 1949-50, an increase of 4.8 percent on the basis of adjusted dollar value. The average increase for the total instructional staff, all salaries combined—supervisors, prin- cipals, and teachers—was $156, a gain of 4.6 percent in the decade. Continuing this analysis for the various city-size groups discloses the rather startling fact that in the Group I cities (population 100,000 and more) the average salary as reported for each of the three categories of positions had decreased in amount an average of $232, or by 5.5 percent between 1939-40 and 1949-50. The salary of principals in the Group I cities recorded the largest decline in the amount of average salary pay- ments. The average salary of principals decreased $759, or by 11.7 percent, compared with the decreases in the supervisor average salary of $545, or 7.4 percent, and in the teacher average salary of $401, or 5.2 percent, for the 10-year period on the basis of the adjusted 1949-50 dollar purchasing value. The average salaries reported for the three separate instructional staff positions for each of the other three groups showed over-all increases of 12.6 percent in the Group II cities, 20.3 percent in the Group III cities, and 29.2 percent in the Group IV and V cities combined. The largest increases in the average salary payment in 1949-50 com- pared with 1939-40 occurred in the supervisor positions in the Group IV and V cities and averaged $913, or a 29.5 percent gain, for the period on the basis of the adjusted dollar. The largest average gains in each of the three categories of instructional positions were registered in the Group III, IV, and V cities. For example, the position of principal in the Group IV cities showed an increase of $905 in the average salary, and that for the teacher position was $632 in the same groups of cities as compared with the losses already described for the Group I cities, and such increases in the Group II cities for comparable positions as $92 and $401, respectively between 1939-40 and 1949-50 school years in terms of an adjusted dollar value (table IX). Current expenditure per pupil (full-time day schools).—The total current expenditure per full-time day public-school pupil in average daily attend- ance reported for the Nation in 1949-50 was $223.93. This was 24 percent ($43.62) greater in amount in terms of an adjusted dollar of 1949-50 value than the expenditure per pupil reported for 1939-40 as compared with a 110 percent increase ($117.30) for the unadjusted dollar value (table X). 235726—53 3 Table IX.— Average annual salaries of supervisors , principals , and teachers in city public day schools , adjusted and unadjusted to 1949-50 purchasing power of the dollar , and percentage change by city-size group: 1939-40 , 1947-48 , and 1949-50 12 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Teachers 1949-50 e© qo e© e© MM + 3, 927 3,927 -5.2 3,445 3,445 +13.2 3,101 3, 101 +20.7 2,846 2,846 +28.5 1947-48 $5 $3, 116 3,166 -3.4 3, 654 3,712 -10.4 3,057 3, 106 +2.4 2,735 2,779 +8.2 2,495 2,535 +14.5 1939-40 li $1,939 3,279 2,4504,143 1,800 3,044 1, 519 2,569 1, 309 2,214 Principals 1949-50 ES **. os® e© i 5,755 5,755 -11.7 4, 979 4, 979 +1.9 OO 00 CO CO o Ijl 4,087 4,087 +28.4 1947-48 - oo as 55! e* jf'* 7 5,197 5,280 -19.0 4,374 4, 444 -9.1 3, 960 4, 023 +1.5 3, 463 3,518 +10.6 1939-40 QO ® i D* l sC" 6* i 3, 852 6,514 2,890 4,887 2, 343 3,962 1, 882 3, 182 Supervisors 1949-50 DO N KK os + 5,5975,597 -7.4 4, 715 4, 715 +10.0 4,249 4,249 +29.5 4,006 4,006 +29.5 1947-48 CD CO CD CD e© ® • esc© ** 1 4, 956 6,035 -13.7 4, 121 4, 187 -2.4 3,732 3,792 +15.5 3, 525 3,581 +15.8 1939-40 QO CD i qo i u© c© i Di i <*• i 3,573 6,042 2,536 4, 288 1, 941 3, 282 1,829 3, 093 Total instructional staff 1949-50 «# QO GO CD U© U© MM* + 4, 019 4,019 -5.5 3, 531 3,531 +12.6 3,176 3,176 +20.3 2, 910 2,910 +29.2 1947-48 *© ^ U© 00 qo e© e© e© e© 1 3,730 3,790 -10.8 3,1313,181 +1.5 2,803 2,848 +7.8 2,545 2,586 +14.8 1939-40 N QO ©* ! QO CD l ea e© • hm ! OS’ » 1 1 1 2,514 4,251 1, 854 3,135 1, 562 2,641 1, 332 2,252 City-size group - All groups combined: Average salary (unadjusted) Average salary (adjusted).. Percentage of change over 1940 (on basis of adjusted dollar) Group I: Average salary (unadjusted) Average salary (adjusted) Percent of change over 1940 (on basis of adjusted dollar) Group II: Average salary (unadjusted) Average salary (adjusted) Percent of change over 1940 (on basis of ad- Gboup III: Average salary (unadjusted) Average salary (adjusted) Percent of change over 1940 (on basis of ad- Groups IV and V: Average salary (unadjusted) Average salary (adjusted) - Percent of change over 1940 (on basis of ad- i > } { STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 13 On the basis of the dollar expressed in terms of purchasing power as in 1949-50, the Group I, or school systems in the largest cities expended $247.57 per pupil for the six major current expenditure items the amount of $32.44 per pupil more than in 1939-40. The Group II city school systems expended $229.49 per pupil, or $57.35 more than in 1939-40; the Group III, $205.27, or an increase of $57.61 per pupil for the decade; and the school systems of the combined Group IV and V cities reported $191.27 as the per pupil expenditure in 1949-50, an increase of $55.99 per pupil greater than that reported for 1939-40. Table X.—Annual current expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance in full-time day schools in city systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 [With comparative data on per capita disposable income in the United States] Item 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 Increas 1939- 1948 Amount :e from 40 to >—50 Per- cent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF UNADJUSTED DOLLARS All groups combined 106. 63 116. 90 131. 64 150. 47 198. 99 223. 93 117. 30 110.0 Group I 127. 22 137. 44 153. 80 174. 01 220. 31 247. 57 120. 35 94.6 Group II 101. 80 113. 62 131. 10 152. 63 206. 14 229. 49 127. 69 125.4 Group III.. 87.32 99. 98 112. 58 132. 79 181. 08 205. 27 117. 95 135.1 Groups IV and V 80. 00 89.70 103. 14 123. 97 166. 75 191. 27 111. 27 139.1 Per capita disposable income in the United States 1 551. 00 765. 00 1, 029. 00 1, 121. 00 1,236.00 1, 276. 00 725. 00 131.5 EXPRESSED IN DOLLARS OF SAME PURCHASING POWER AS IN 1949-50* All groups combined 180. 31 177. 69 179. 03 195. 46 202. 17 223. 93 43. 62 24.2 Groups I 215. 13 208. 91 209. 17 226. 04 223. 83 247. 57 32.44 15.1 Group II. 172. 14 172. 70 178. 30 198. 27 209. 44 229. 49 57. 35 33.3 Group III 147. 66 151. 97 153. 11 172. 49 183. 98 205. 27 57. 61 39.0 Groups IV and V 135. 26 136. 34 140. 27 161. 04 169. 42 191. 27 55. 99 41.4 Per capita disposable income in the United States * 932. 00 1, 163. 00 1,399. 00 1,456. 00 1, 256.00 1, 276. 00 344.00 36.9 1 Source: Survey of Current Business, Supplement, 1951. p. 208. * The adjustment to dollars with the same purchasing power as in 1949-50 was made by use of the Con- sumers’ Price Index. (The monthly Consumers’ Price Index figures needed for the calculation were obtained from Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, April 1951.) Current expenditure for part-time {adult and continuation) schools and summer schools.—The expenditure for part-time education (adult, con- tinuation, and evening schools) increased from $8,441,447 to $39,178,286, in the decade from 1939-40 to 1949-50. This represented an increase of $12.38 per pupil enrolled in terms of the 1949-50 purchasing power of the dollar. Similarly, the expenditure from public-school funds for summer schools increased appreciably in the years from 1937-38 to 1949-50. For all groups of cities combined the expenditure per pupil enrolled increased 14 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 from a low of $11.25 to $14.62 during such period in terms of 1949-50 dollars, an increase of 30 percent. In Group I cities the expenditure per pupil enrolled in 1949-50 was $12.02; in Group II, $22.01; in Group III, $34.32; in Group IV, $14.90; and in Group V, it was $12.76. Table XI.—Expendituresfor part-time (adult and continuation) and summer schools in city school systems: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year Adult and continuation schools Summer schools Unadjusted Adjusted i Unadjusted Adjusted i Total for systems reporting (in thou- sands) Expendi- ture per pupil enrolled Total for systems reporting (in thou- sands) Expendi- ture per pupil enrolled Total for systems reporting (in thou- sands) Expendi- ture per pupil enrolled Total for systems reporting (in thou- sands) Expendi- ture per pupil enrolled 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1939-40..- 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 $8, 44l 15, 269 31, 008 39, 178 $7. 68 15. 97 26. 34 25. 36 $14, 274 19, 834 31, 504 39, 178 $12. 98 20.75 26. 76 25.36 $847 2, 063 3, 978 4,394 $6. 65 9. 58 15.03 14.62 $1, 432 2, 680 4, 042 4, 394 $11. 25 12.44 15. 27 14.62 1 The adjustment to dollars with the same purchasing power as in 1949-50 was made by use of the Con- sumers’ Price Index. The monthly Consumers’ Price Index figures needed for the calculation were obtained from Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mouthy Labor Review, April 1951. Capital outlay.—The city school systems expenditure in 1949-50 for sites, new buildings, additions, improvements and new equipment was $492,946,038, or $44.65 per pupil in average daily attendance. In 1947-48 this capital outlay expenditure was less than half that reported for 1949- 50—$206,117,821, or $19.71 per pupil in average daily attendance (table XII). Between 1943-44 and 1949-50 the expenditures for Capital Outlay increased from $24,269,000 to $492,946,000 in the attempt to meet the Table XII.—Total amount and expenditure per pupil in average daily attend- ancefor capital outlay in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 $130, 263 61, 725 24, 269 49, 976 206, 118 492, 946 $11. 73 5.80 2. 41 4. 98 19. 71 44.65 $66, 725 24, 663 10, 107 17, 622 81, 923 174, 094 $13. 09 5. 20 2. 30 4. 04 18. 35 37.66 $24, 103 10, 490 3,488 8, 915 34, 221 94, 014 $12. 83 5. 81 2. 06 5. 22 19. 29 50. 55 $19, 536 12. 071 5, 004 9, 777 38, 989 111, 244 $10. 08 6. 30 2. 65 5 20 19.73 52.34 $19, 899 14. 501 5, 650 13, 662 50, 985 113, 595 $9. 07 6. 68 2.28 6. 51 22. 77 45. 97 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 15 increasing needs imposed on the schools by obsolescence, and by inade- quacies of all kinds existing in respect to school properties. The small city school systems have made greater increases in Capital Outlay expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance over the past 3 bienniums than the city school systems in Group I (population 100,000 and more). Debt service.—With the increase in the school building program, ex- penditures for debt service have increased. The number of dollars needed to pay the interest and principal on long-term debt is not affected by recent changes in the value of the dollar. Present increases in the cost of building due to inflation will affect both the amount needed for interest and bond retirement in the future. Short-term loans may be immediately affected by inflation. From 1947-48 to 1949-50 the redemption of short-term loans increased 17.4 percent, from 65 million to 76 million dollars. The redemption of school bonds from current funds (probably serial bonds from special bond and interest levies) increased 20.9 percent, from 93 million to 113 million dollars. The amount of bonds that were refunded by issuing new bonds decreased from just over one millon dollars in 1947-48 to only about half a million dollars in 1949-50. Interest paid from current funds increased about 5 million dollars, or 11.3 percent, and interest technically paid from sinking funds increased only 3.1 percent. Payments into sinking funds to provide for retirement of bonds in the future also increased. Distribution of expenditures among basic accounts.—Of the total current dollar expended by school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more in 1949-50 for full-time day, part-time, and also those summer schools supported from public funds, 3.5 cents were used for Administration; 70.7 cents for Instruction; 10.2 cents for Operation of the School Plant; 5.1 cents for Maintenance of the School Plant; 4.6 cents for Auxiliary School Services; 4.2 cents for Fixed Charges; and 1.7 cents for part-time and summer schools (table XIII). In general, as the size of the city increases, the proportion of the current school dollar spent for Administration de- creases and the proportion of the expenditure shown for the Instruction account increases. When other expenditures were added to current expense, the total expenditure dollar for all the city systems combined was divided as follows: Current expenditures (the six major functional accounts), 77.0 cents; Capital Outlay, 14.9 cents; Debt Service, 6.5 cents; and for Interest Payments, 1.6 cents. Since conditions are different in respect to each individual city’s expenditure, it is obvious that no two school systems can distribute the current expenditure dollar in the same proportions for the various functional accounts. The analysis presented in table XIII, however, should afford superintendents and other interested school officials a fairly reliable general guide for the preparation of school budgets. 16 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table XIII.—Percentage analysis of current and total expenditures in city school systems, by population group: 1949-50 Purpose All groups combined Group Group II Group III Group IV Group V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Current expenditures... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 General control 3.5 3.3 3.0 3.6 4.6 4.8 Instruction 70.7 70.3 72.9 72.1 70.9 68.3 Operation 10.2 9.9 10.8 10.7 10.1 9.8 Maintenance 5.1 5.2 5.6 5.0 4.6 4.7 Auxiliary services: Allocable to pupil cost 4.0 2.7 3.0 4.2 5.6 6.9 Nonallocable to pupil cost .6 .7 .5 .4 .3 .5 Fixed charges: Allocable to pupil cost 3.6 5.3 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.4 Nonallocable to pupil cost .6 .4 .7 .7 .6 1.0 Part-time schools 1.5 2.0 1.3 .9 .9 1.5 Summer schools .2 .2 .2. .1 .1 .1 Total expenditures 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Current expenditure i 77.0 78.8 75.6 74.9 76.3 75.9 Capital outlay Debt service (excluding interest) 14.9 11.6 16.2 19.1 17.4 18.4 6.5 7.8 6.8 4.7 4.9 4.8 Interest payments 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 .9 Despite the general pattern of uniformity shown for each city-group in the percentage distribution for the six major functional accounts (table XIII), the per pupil expenditure for each of the major accounts as reported by individual cities covers a wider range in each group (table XIV). In 1949-50 for all city school systems the range in the proportion of the total current expense dollar allocated to the Administration account was from 1.2 to 8.4 percent; the range in the Instruction allo- cation was from 59.3 to 85.1; that for Operation of School Plant was from 5.5 to 18.6; for Maintenance of School Plant, from 0.6 to 14.3; for Auxiliary School Services the allocation was from nothing to 19.5 percent; and for Fixed Charges the allocation of the total expense dollar was from nothing to 10.9 percent. Table XIV.—Range in percentages of total current expenditure allocated to each major account in city school systems: 1949-50 Percentage range Major account All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V 1 3 3 4 5 6 Administration 1. 2- 8. 4 1. 3- 6. 1 1. 2- 5. 5 1. 3- 6. 5 2. 4- 8. 4 Instruction 59. 3-85. 1 68. 0-84. 5 67. 1-81. 9 62. 5-85. 1 59. 3-84. 8 Operation of physical plant 5. 5-18. 6 6. 1-15. 8 6. 4-16. 2 5. 6-18. 6 5. 5-15. 2 Maintenance of physical plant . 6-14. 3 1. 3-12. 2 1. 0-14. 3 1. 1-10. 4 .6-11.8 Auxiliary school services .0-19.5 .5-6.7 . 3- 6. 6 .0- 9.0 .0-19.5 Fixed charges .0-10.9 .0-10.9 .3- 8.2 .0-10.9 .0- 6.5 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 17 Indebtedness The bonded indebtedness in 1949-50, less amounts in school sinking funds and interest accounts, for all city school systems of 2,500 popula- tion and more, was $1,596,455,708, or $144.52 per pupil in average daily attendance (table XV). Other forms of school debt outstanding in 1949-50, such as unpaid teachers’ warrants, short-term loans, and current obligations amounted to $92,796,657 for all groups of city school systems (table 2). The amount of bonds outstanding, less the amounts of school bond reserves and sinking funds, per pupil in average daily attendance in 1949-50 was greater by $31.78 per pupil than the total reported for 1947- 48. This increase of 28.1 percent in the 2-year period reflects, no doubt, the additional bonds floated to meet the greater expenditure in 1949-50 for schoolhouse construction and purchases of equipment, as compared with that of 1947-48. The amount of bonded indebtedness outstanding per pupil in average dady attendance for all city groups in 1949-50 ($144.76) has increased by $50.28, or 53.2 percent over the $94.48 per pupil in average daily attendance reported in 1945-46, which was the lowest amount in recent years. In the distribution of the bonded indebtedness reported for city school systems, the amounts of the increases per pupil in average daily attend- ance reported since 1945-46 are inversely related to the population-size of the city group. The Group IV and V cities (population 2,500 to 9,999) reported an increase per pupil of $72.56, or 99.8 percent, over that shown for 1945-46; the Group III cities (population 10,000 to 29,999) increased their bonded indebtedness per pupil by $64.88, or 66.1 percent, over 1945-46; Group II cities (population 30,000 to 99,999) reported an increase of $66.99 per pupil, or 56.2 percent; and the Group I cities, (the largest) reported an increase of $25.08, or 26.2 percent, over the 1945-46 figure for the same item. Table XV.—Total bonds outstanding, less amount in bond reserves and sinking funds, and amount per pupil in average daily attendance in city school sys- tems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil in A.D.A. Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil in A.D.A. Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil in A.D.A. Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil in A.D.A. Total (in thou- sands) Per pupil in A.D.A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1939-40... 1941-42... 1943-44... 1945-46... 1947-48... 1949-50... $1, 596, 510 1, 646, 429 1,403, 057 958, 442 1, 181, 209 1, 596, 455 $179.12 194. 56 176. 07 94.48 112. 98 144. 76 $1, 015, 882 1, 073, 457 923, 920 417, 774 477, 993 559, 175 $199. 35 226. 41 210. 60 95.87 100. 32 120.95 $304, 290 302, 351 255, 621 203, 419 247, 215 346,224 $161. 93 167. 50 150. 68 119.16 139. 33 186. 15 $276, 338 270, 621 223,516 184, 6?5 234, 646 331, 984 $142, 59 141.25 118. 56 98.16 118. 76 163. 04 0) 0) (0 $152, 624 251, 355 359, 072 0) 0) (>) $72. 73 112.24 145.29 1 Data are not available. 18 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Property On the basis of original cost, the amount reported as the value of school property (sites, buildings, and equipment—exclusive of inventories of supplies) in all groups of cities was $7,590,345,187 in 1949-50, and the value per pupil in average daily attendance was $688 (table 2). From 1939-40 to 1949-50 the value of school property per pupil in average daily attendance increased in each group of cities (table XVI). Of the total school property reported for 1949-50, the Group I cities owned 44.2 percent, an investment of $3,359,272,038, or $727 per pupil in average daily attendance; Group II city school systems’ share of the total was 16.8 percent, or $685 per pupil; the Group III city schools systems accounted for 11.2 percent, or $636 per pupil; and the Groups IV and V combined had 9.1 percent of the total, or $602 per pupil in average daily attendance. Since the investment per pupil in average daily attendance may fluctuate from year to year reflecting increases or decreases in the attendance figures, historical comparisons are not valid measures of investment trends in school property. However, in dollars of the value when they were spent, the total investment in school property increased $1,079,170,187, or 16.6 percent, from 1947-48 to 1949-50. Table XVI.—School property investment perpupil in average daily attendance in city school systems, by population group: 1939-40 to 1949-50 Year All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Groups IV and V 1 2 3 4 5 6 1939-40 $474 520 $539 592 $485 $430 $355 1941-42 536 475 388 1943-44 637 657 578 506 457 1945-46 555 657 601 529 501 1947-48 623 670 660 595 531 1949-50 688 727 685 636 621 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 19 Table 1.—Comparative summary of general statistical data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50 City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1940 1 Item All groups combined Group I 100,000 popula- tion and more Group II 30,000 to 99,999 popula- tion Group III 10,000 to 29,999 popula- tion Group IV 5,000 to 9,999 popula- tion Group V 2,500 to 4,999 popula- tion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Full-Time Day Schools: Number of city school systems. ... 3, 141 89 249 726 902 1, 175 Number of superintendents and other administrative staff 5, 579 1,178 948 1,106 1, 052 1,295 Number of supervisors 5,823 20, 070 1, 935 1,479 1,523 593 293 Number of principals 7,849 3, 500 4,022 2, 549 2,150 Number of teacher and other instructional staff positions: Men 100, 666 38, 836 142, 325 16, 945 19, 845 13, 247 11, 793 Women 347, 505 61, 920 66, 440 41, 729 35, 091 Total - - 448, 171 181, 161 78, 865 86, 285 54, 976 46,884 Number of clerks: For administration... 13, 040 6, 547 2, 018 3,157 2, 431 1, 081 938 963 For instruction 14, 350 8,199 1,434 622 Number of pupils enrolled: Boys 6, 477, 165 2, 785, 281 1, 075, 417 1, 196, 006 770, 961 649, 500 Girls - 6, 219, 559 2, 641, 901 1, 036, 878 1, 156, 279 752, 134 632, 367 Total 12, 696, 724 5, 427, 182 2,112,295 2, 352, 285 1, 523, 095 1, 281, 867 Number of pupils in average daily attendance 11, 039, 945 4, 623, 163 1, 859,880 2, 085, 589 1, 339, 399 1, 131, 914 Number of days attended in the aggregate 2, 002, 707, 581 855, 750, 709 335, 335, 123 370, 390, 160 239, 327, 333 201, 904, 256 Average length of school year in actual number of days taught - . 181 185 180 178 179 178 Average number of days attended per pupil enrolled 158 158 159 157 157 158 Percent of pupils enrolled in aver- age daily attendance 86.9 85.2 88.1 88.7 87.9 88.3 II. Distribution, by School Level, of Personnel and Attendance in Full-Time Public Day Schools: Kindergarten (including nursery schools): Number of city systems reporting... 1, 680 79 166 398 462 575 Number of supervisors 58 29 18 7 2 2 Number of teachers: Women.. 14, 342 7, 395 2, 280 2, 385 1, 274 1, 008 Enrollment (including nurs- ery): Boys 408, 529 226, 022 63, 587 60, 646 32, 624 25, 650 Girls 393, 084 218, 670 60, 347 58, 484 31, 017 24, 566 Total 801, 613 444, 692 123, 934 119, 130 63, 641 50,216 Average daily attendance 520,882 284, 124 75, 526 77,673 46, 903 36, 656 Number of pupils enrolled ppr taanhp.r 56 63 55 50 49 50 Number of pupils in average daily attendance per teach- er 36 38 33 33 37 36 Number of kindergarten , schools or classes (half-day sessions countedas full-time units) 10,694 4,940 1,806 1,890 1,181 877 Elementary schools: Number of systems reporting. 3,001 89 243 692 860i 1,117 Number of supervisors 3, 223 12, 895 993 853 901 319i 157 Number of principals 5, 457 2,410 2,604 1,406i 1,018 See footnote at end of table. 235726—53 4 20 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 1.—Comparative summary of general statistical data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50—Continued City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1950 1 Item All groups combined Group I 100,000 popula- tion and more Group II 30.000 to 99,999 popula- tion Group III 10.000 to 29.999 popula- tion Group IV 5,000 to 9,999 popula- tion Group V 2,500 to 4,999 popula- tion 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 II. Distribution, by School Level, of Personnel and Attendance in Full-Time Public Day Scnools—Continued Elementary schools—Con. Number of teachers: Men 19,011 7,227 2,837 3,591 2,852 2,504 Women 224, 881 92, 192 39, 655 42, 731 27, 304 22, 999 Total 243, 892 99,419 42, 492 46, 322 30,156 25, 503 Percent of men teachers 7.8 7.3 6.7 7.8 9.5 9.8 Enrollment: Boys 3, 789, 637 1,564,916 625, 986 704, 793 485, 235 408, 707 Girls 3, 604, 682 1,484,903 599, 250 671, 175 461,899 387, 455 Total 7, 394,319 3, 049, 819 1,225,236 1,375, 968 947, 134 796, 162 Average daily attendance 6, 536, 961 2,688,903 1,083,815 1, 229, 772 831, 599 702,872 Number of pupils enrolled per teacher 30 31 29 30 31 31 Number of pupils in average daily attendance per teach- er 27 27 26 27 28 28 Number of schools 19, 555 5, 977 3, 251 4, 350 3, 056 2,921 Secondary schools: Number of systems reporting. 2,864 89 236 679 817 1,043 Number of supervisors 2,494 90 598 603 270 133 Number of principals 7, 001 2,316 1,049 1,386 1,126 1,124 Number of teachers: Men 78, 231 29, 531 13,485 15, 750 10, 284 9, 181 Women 106, 525 41,949 19, 552 20, 964 13, 032 11,028 Total 184, 756 71, 480 33,037 36, 714 23, 316 20, 209 Percent of men teachers. 42.3 41.3 40.8 42.9 44.1 45.4 Enrollment: Boys 2,171,531 920, 081 368, 538 418, 787 250, 640 213,485 Girls 2,157, 654 893, 161 366, 743 420, 447 257, 893 219,410 Total 4,329,185 1,813,242 735, 281 839, 234 508, 533 432,895 Average daily attendance 3,854,585 1, 583,871 656,875 765,989 457, 577 390,273 Number of pupils enrolled per teacher 23 25 22 23 22 21 Number of pupils in average daily attendance per teach- er 21 22 20 21 20 19 Number of schools 6,080 1,422 848 1,331 1,105 1,374 City universities, colleges, and normal schools: Number of systems reporting. 122 17 24 42 21 18 Number of supervisors 48 23 10 12 2 1 Number of principals 174 76 41 32 17 8 Number of teachers: Men 3, 424 J““ 2, 078 623 504 111 108 Women 1,757 789 433 360 119 56 Total 5,181 2,867 1, 056 864 230 164 Enrollment: Boys 107, 494 ^**1 74, 262 17,332 11, 780 2, 462 1,658 Girls 64,113 45,167 10. 512 6,173 1,325 936 Total 171,607 119, 429 27, 844 17, 953 3,787 2,594 Average daily attendance 102, 483 66, 265 18, 630 12, 155 3, 320 2,113 Number of schools 137 30 24 44 22 18 See footnote at end of table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 21 Item City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1940 1 All groups Group I 100,000 popula- tion and more Group II 30,000 to 99,999 poulua- tion Group III 10,000 to 29.999 popula- tion Group I 5,000 to 9,999 popula- tion Oroup 2,500 to 4,999 popula- tion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 III. Adult Education: Americanization; Night; and Contin- uation Schools: Number of systems reporting Supervisors and principals Teachers Total supervisors, principals, and teachers . Enrollment . Number of pupils enrolled per teacher. 889 916 26,493 73 457 14, 027 147 207 5, 311 261 141 3, 736 212 71 1,958 196 40 1,461 27, 670 14, 484 5, 518 4, 138 2, 029 1,501 1, 544, 829 58.3 1, 002, 866 71.5 213, 505 40.2 212, 382 56.8 69, 743 35.6 46, 333 31.7 IV. Summer Schools: Number of systems reporting Supervisors and principals Teachers 304 428 8, 529 47 275 5,926 73 70 1,461 107 74 844 43 6 211 34 3 87 Total supervisors, prin- cipals, and teachers 9,134 6,201 1,601 1,025 217 90 Enrollment Number of pupils enrolled per teacher 300, 657 35.3 237, 612 40.1 36, 033 24.7 17,976 21.3 5,470 25.9 3, 566 40.9 * The 1950 United States census figures for population were not available for these 1949-50 tabulations. Table 2.-—Comparative summary of fiscal data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50 [Thousands of dollars *] City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1940 1 Item All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I. Receipts and Balances: Revenue receipts from: Federal Government for veterans’ educa- tion 22, 458 9,168 5,017 3,041 2,663 2,569 Federal Government other than veterans’ education 14, 090 4, 401 1,170 2,791 3, 463 2, 265 The State 776, 222 282, 089 132, 757 152, 551 105, 126 103, 700 The county (taxes and appropriations) ... 259, 117 117,109 827, 996 36, 423 48, 073 27, 955 29, 558 Local taxation 1, 562, 890 267, 169 235, 724 125, 651 106, 350 Separate tax levy by district, city, or county for debt service 109,215 37, 691 22, 965 22, 865 14, 225 11, 469 Appropriations from local civil divisions.. 115,818 69, 972 21, 379 16, 845 4,606 3,015 Other school districts for tuition and transfers 62, 174 7,480 10, 475 17, 710 13, 151 13, 358 All other local revenue receipts 56, 914 16, 713 9,564 16, 604 6,880 7,154 Total revenue receipts 2,978, 898 1, 372, 619 506, 918 516, 203 303, 719 279, 439 Nonrevenue receipts from: Loans and bond sales 425, 946 160, 594 87, 151 103, 084 46,005 29, 112 All other nonrevenue sources 35, 925 13,063 6, 039 7,027 5, 411 4, 385 Total nonrevenue receipts 461, 871 173, 657 93, 190 110,111 51,416 33,496 Total revenue and nonrevenue receipts. 3,440,769 1, 546, 276 600, 108 626, 315 355, 134 312, 935 See footnotes at end of table. 22 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 2.—Comparative summary of fiscal data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50—Continued City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1940 1 Item All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 I. Receipts and Balances— C ontinued Balances from previous year for: Current operations . 278, 699 79, 979 61, 413 61, 735 39, 376 36, 195 Building reserve - 419, 557 190, 333 77, 944 81, 485 41, 395 28, 400 Serial bond interest and redemption 66, 372 32, 555 11, 081 9,356 6, 614 6,765 Grand total (all receipts and balances) . 4, 205, 396 1, 849, 144 750, 546 778, 891 442, 519 384, 296 II. Expenditures: (Full-time day schools) Administration (General control): Business 40, 915 19, 052 7,150 7, 472 5,026 2, 215 Educational . 48, 269 18, 219 6,092 8, 445 6,967 8, 547 Total 89, 184 37, 271 13, 242 15, 917 11, 992 10, 762 Expenditures for instruction: ' ( Full-time day schools) Salaries: Supervisors 27, 826 10, 831 6, 974 6,471 2,321 1, 229 Principals 99, 447 45, 169 17, 425 17, 646 10, 671 8, 535 Teachers and other instructional staff. 1, 540, 521 711, 425 271, 670 267, 539 159, 602 130, 284 Clerks 40, 263 24, 926 6,931 4, 839 2,154 1, 413 Cost of free textbooks 20, 286 8,143 3,206 3, 554 2,737 2,646 Cost of supplies, school libraries, and other instructional expenditures 71, 541 26, 134 13, 773 15, 229 8, 898 7,507 Total expenditures for instruction.. 1, 799, 884 826, 629 319, 980 315, 278 186, 383 151, 614 Operation of school plant (janitors’ wages, fuel, light, etc.) .. 258, 674 116, 390 47, 297 46, 814 26, 540 21, 633 Maintenance of school plant (repairs and re- placements) 129, 352 61, 209 24, 025 21, 762 12, 055 10, 302 Auxiliary school services: Promotion of health 26, 949 12, 918 5,130 4,702 2,648 1, 551 School-lunch programs 18, 248 4,157 3,054 4,382 3,330 3, 325 Extracurricular activities allocated to pupil costs... 27, 289 16, 823 2,542 3, 331 2,599 1,994 Transportation of pupils 29, 770 6, 995 2,580 5,749 6,028 8,418 Community services: (Disbursements made by the local board of education for various activities not allocable to pupil costs; e. g., public libraries not devoted to school use; public recrea- tion; and services to nonpublic schools). 14, 226 8,200 2,377 1,797 840 1,012 Fixed charges: Allocated to pupil costs 92, 858 62, 175 8,975 10, 199 6,264 5,245 Not allocated to pupil costs (transfers between districts for tuition, bus serv- ices, etc.). 14, 893 5,217 2,862 3, 005 1, 555 2,254 Amount of current expenditure allo- cated to pupil costs (full-time day schools) 2, 472, 207 1, 144, 567 426, 824 428, 132 257, 839 214, 844 Amount of current expenditure not allocated to pupil costs (full-time day schools)... 29, 118 13, 417 5, 239 4,802 2,395 3, 266 Total current expenditure full-time day schools 2, 501, 326 1, 157, 984 432, 063 432, 934 260, 234. 218, 110 III. Part-Time Schools: Adult; Amer- icanization; Night; and Contin- uation Schools and Classes: Expenditure for instruction 34, 667 21, 212 4,988 3,680 2,262 2,524 All other expenditures 4, 511 2,508 913 362 188 540 Total expenditures 39, 178 23, 720 5,902 4,042 2,451 3,064 Expenditure per pupil enrolled (dollars). $25. 36 $23. 65 $27. 64 $19.03 $35. 01 $66. 13 See footnotes at end of table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 23 Table 2.—Comparative summary of fiscal data of public-school systems in cities of 2,500 population and more: 1949-50—Continued City-size groups: Based on United States census of 1940 1 Item All groups combined Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IV. Summer Schools (Conducted at Public Expense): Expenditure for instruction 3, 559 835 2, 444 413 633 364 74 44 160 253 7 Total expenditures 4, 394 2,857 793 617 82 46 Expenditure per pupil enrolled (dollars) $14. 62 $12. 02 $22. 01 $34. 32 $14. 90 $12. 76 Total current expenditure for day, part- time, and summer schools 2, 544, 898 1, 184, 561 438, 758 437, 593 262, 767 221, 220 V. Expenditure for Capital Outlay: For sites, new buildings, additions, and improvements.. 432, 916 60, 030 157, 429 16, 665 81, 572 12, 442 96, 583 14, 661 51, 182 46, 151 7, 665For new equipment 8, 598 Total expenditure for capital outlay 492, 946 174, 094 94, 014 111,244 59, 780 53, 815 VI. Expenditure for Debt Service: For redemption of short-term loans. 76, 216 65, 005 4,829 2,941 2,429 1, on For redemption of school bonds: Paid from current funds 112, 976 42, 814 29, 976 18, 701 11, 385 10, 101 Paid from sinking funds 11,516 518 3, 732 2, 524 57 2,175 355 1,630 30 1, 455 Paid by issue of new bonds 77 For interest paid on indebtedness: Paid from current funds 51,284 28, 536 7,894 7,389 4,791 2, 674 Paid from sinking funds . 3, 087 233 935 763 717 439 For payment into school sinking funds 19, 504 6, 016 8, 034 675 4, 454 189 3,767 2, 361 2, 269 900 978 For all other items of debt service.. 1, 892 Total expenditure from current funds for debt service 265, 997 145, 064 47, 342 35, 160 21, 775 16, 657 VII. Grand Total of All Current Expenditures 3, 303,841 1, 503, 719 580, 113 583, 996 344, 321 291, 692 VIII. Balances Carried to Following School Year: For current operations 356, 872 453, 609 91, 092 99, 193 196,114 50, 118 67, 813 89, 403 13, 217 90, 090 93, 418 11, 405 54, 881 36, 465 6, 851 44, 895 38, 209 9, 501 For building reserves.. For serial bond interest and redemption Total of balances 901, 573 345, 425 170, 433 194, 913 98, 198 92, 605 IX. All Expenditures From Current Funds Plus Balances Carried Into Following Year 4, 205, 415 1, 849, 144 750, 546 778, 909 442, 519 384,296 X. Bonds and Sinking Funds: School bonds outstanding at close of school year 1, 760, 660 620, 542 378, 968 361, 132 227, 448 172, 570 Other forms of school debt at close of school year . 92, 797 65, 355 10, 749 7,779 5,517 3, 396 Total amount in school sinking funds at close of school year 69, 018 34, 043 12, 312 11, 088 4,683 6, 893 Total amount in interest and bond accounts at close of school year. . 95, 187 27, 325 20, 432 18, 061 17, 865 11, 505 XI. Value of School Property: Total value 7, 590, 345 3, 359, 272 1, 274, 910 1, 422, 028 852, 525 681, 610 Value per pupil in average daily attendance (dollars) $688 $727 $685 $682 $636 $602 1 The 1950 United States census figures for population were not available for these 1949-50 tabulations. 3 Each figure has been independently rounded to the nearest thousand from figures computed to the last digit; hence, the sum of parts shown may differ slightly from the totals shown. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure GROUP I—CITIES OF 100,000 Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Princi- pals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Average daily attend- ance Length of* school year (days taught)Men Women Boys Girls 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1, 935 7,849 38,836 142,325 2, 785,281 2, 641,901 4, 623, 163 12 51 181 1,337 25, 435 25, 176 43, 203 180 216 1,079 5, 223 15,243 331,454 296, 087 531, 678 21 42 435 1,080 « 32, 692 • 26, 405 38, 974 177 107 609 3,159 8, 560 » 195, 638 • 176, 543 314, 529 178 30 110 330 1,432 25, 549 24, 763 48. 348 175 16 34 237 576 10, 477 9,749 18, 696 170 18 94 413 1,308 25, 822 23, 655 41, 875 178 24 8 190 •649 » 2, 287 41, 276 34, 972 69, 256 179 34 129 514 1,294 28, 906 27, 381 46, 491 177 32 118 375 2, 075 31,978 31,106 55,474 8 35 84 635 9, 903 10, 030 17, 688 180 7 8 31 •136 •723 11,100 10, 538 18, 274 180 17 52 155 717 10, 975 10, 538 19, 512 181 12 20 120 431 6,416 6,127 11,734 184 41 168 602 2, 790 48, 321 49,243 84, 729 176 11 64 260 1,391 25, 534 24, 888 43, 263 180 94 413 2,429 11,028 217,468 201,214 373, 263 83 379 2, 273 10, 554 209, 093 193, 159 359, 235 190 11 34 156 474 8, 375 8, 055 14, 028 185 62 194 967 2,892 58, 014 56, 503 97, 259 11 24 169 396 8, 022 7, 756 13, 632 182 8 14 22 142 555 11,158 10, 815 19,677 187 28 124 494 1, 583 30, 983 30, 490 50, 543 175 9 24 162 358 7, 851 7,442 13, 407 174 10 33 217 758 15, 933 15, 464 26, 620 180 18 82 280 1,186 25, 991 24, 753 43, 721 8 38 136 493 11,813 11, 265 20, 136 173 10 44 144 693 14, 178 13, 488 23, 585 177 12 65 295 1,239 19,811 19, 493 37, 515 182 21 89 333 1, 667 31,574 32, 495 52, 573 182 70 134 822| 3, 212 63,826 60, 433 102, 770 184 Group I of this table. Current EXPENDI- TURES FOR: Adminis- tration (general control) 10 $37, 271,205 148, 561 5, 594,885 483, 641 3, 379, 958 426,462 190, 351 435, 855 678, 618 503, 903 314, 249 48, 029 135, 522 130, 698 192, 369 577, 509 214, 943 3, 513, 703 3, 391, 084 122, 619 366, 021 42, 423 116, 996 142,108 64,494 216, 449 251, 607 95, 257 156, 350 291, 856 146, 601 780,272 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 25 data for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50 POPULATION OR MORE Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools only Salaries and wages Other* Total Operation Main- tenance loiai' (in thou- sands) Supervisors Principals Teachers Clerks li 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $10,831,031 $45, 169,278 $711,435,443 $24,925,900 $34,277,204 $826,628,856 $116,389,641 $61,208,784 $1, 184, 561 50, 329 218, 771 4, 158, 903 113, 642 101, 432 4, 643, 078 420, 895 269, 052 5,636 1, 316, 221 6, 536, 263 85, 017, 490 4, 934, 712 5, 841, 024 103, 645, 710 12, 374, 455 7, 977, 524 154, 817 127, 735 259, 834 6, 343, 490 513, 902 364, 344 7, 609, 305 953, 124 447, 492 10, 639 698, 155 3, 949, 841 49, 353, 404 2, 987, 434 3, 247, 963 60, 236, 797 6, 682, 755 4,817,174 89, 939 143, Oil 495, 607 6, 970,116 343, 058 510, 021 8, 461. 813 1,103, 514 652, 783 13. 529 66, 850 220, 918 3, 270, 472 184, 066 265, 251 4, 007, 557 640, 840 274, 454 5, 487 91, 999 379, 286 6, 477, 068 412, 470 540, 391 7, 901, 214 991, 956 485, 054 11, 300 188, 471 1, 230, 777 12, 602, 940 493, 782 913, 054 15, 429, 024 2, 002, 266 1, 300, 567 23, 923 160, 879 709, 801 6, 609, 532 355, 265 383, 178 8, 218, 650 845,221 804,828 12, 940 158, 061 626, 428 8, 849, 307 257, 449 337, 875 10, 229, 121 1, 478, 390 560, 206 13, 532 47, 382 234, 444 2, 319, 019 39, 208 100, 275 2, 740. 329 392, 021 201, 709 3, 481 42, 120 179, 841 3, 462, 069 163, 151 137, 634 3,984,815 581, 769 188, 722 5, 472 68, 559 212, 143 3, 068, 219 55, 090 99, 966 3, 503, 977 504, 600 169, 775 4,579 85, 302 118, 466 2, 108, 224 57, 218 88, 261 2, 457, 471 344, 594 61,469 3, 249 219, 595 902, 542 13,097,443 338, 813 628, 578 15, 186, 971 2,994,984 1, 070, 997 22, 320 45, 523 296, 727 4, 559, 572 174, 537 115, 987 5, 192, 346 518, 939 399, 594 7,362 744, 246 2, 590, 965 57, 975, 642 2, 314, 677 3, 326, 297 66,951,827 12, 950,283 4, 246, 834 95, 290 692, 239 2, 440, 700 55, 689, 664 2, 277, 302 3, 226, 544 64, 326, 449 12, 576, 328 3, 961, 764 91, 765 52,007 150, 265 2, 285, 978 37, 375 99, 753 2, 625, 378 373, 955 285, 070 3,525 316,872 1,069, 903 15,568,289 373, 443 424,174 17, 752, 681 2, 804, 134 773, 388 24, 632 60, 000 140, 524 2, 481, 756 50, 595 60, 266 2. 793, 141 419, 141 113, 878 3, 510 63, 980 136, 785 2, 630, 678 120, 894 147, 766 3, 100, 103 473, 779 181, 140 4, 220 137, 223 662, 570 8,212, 852 155, 590 174, 143 9, 342, 378 1, 485, 358 351, 581 13, 229 55, 669 130, 024 2, 243, 003 46, 364 41, 999 2, 517, 059 425, 856 126, 789 3,673 65,976 164, 676 3, 464, 020 58, 696 147, 366 3, 900, 734 737, 785 343, 616 5,835 92, 098 420, 549 4, 753, 867 23, 570 296, 915 5, 586, 999 679, 137 512, 887 7,307 39, 148 196, 572 1, 859, 012 23, 570 84, 400 2, 202. 702 359, 869 186, 478 3,005 52, 950 223, 977 2, 894, 855 212, 515 3, 384, 297 319, 268 326, 409 4, 302 67,200 387, 078 5, 699, 718 159, 706 250, 711 6, 564, 413 760, 330 1,017,907 9,195 100, 836 407, 356 6, 297, 790 141, 224 144, 619 7, 091, 825 624, 805 1, 015, 902 11, 131 430, 894 867, 139 15, 973, 686 270, 840 591, 169 18, 133, 728 2, 349, 158 1, 085, 773 25, 722 School plant 39 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP I—CITIES OF 100,000 Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Princi- pals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Average daily attend- ance Length of school year 2 (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 77 308 1, 675 5, 407 104, 670 96, 702 174, 075 1, 928, 262 5 105 814 2,162 52, 312 47, 412 83, 239 180 1, 287, 211 6 20 156 345 6,142 5, 385 9,807 180 162, 428 13 31 52 368 6,103 5, 478 10, 381 176 57, 361 15 56 337 4, 766 4, 373 7,879 178 45, 025 21 33 46 431 5, 770 5,759 10, 245 180 62, 552 5 12 156 385 7,112 6,776 11, 964 180 47, 847 16 31 134 597 9,364 8,866 17, 261 181 143, 075 11 61 261 782 13, 101 12, 653 23, 299 180 122, 763 82 466 2 , 509 6, 991 171, 783 157,496 271, 018 1, 750, 270 n 64 389 12 2, 163 is 5, 712 '3 145, 871 is 132, 807 227, 597 186 1, 394, 212 6 38 175 710 14, 325 13, 822 24, 114 180 175, 194 » 12 is 39 171 569 11, 587 10, 867 19, 307 183 i* 180, 864 61 171 716 3,193 61, 176 58, 130 104, 043 831, 934 12 23 115 461 8, 470 7,787 14, 481 174 92, 235 24 87 398 1,793 34, 150 32, 642 57, 952 180 451, 402 25 61 »203 » 939 18, 556 17, 701 31, 610 179 288, 297 24 207 865 3,807 77, 973 76, 818 120, 178 1, 203, 041 16 95 344 1,553 29, 397 28, 242 49, 815 163 367, 797 8 112 521 2,254 e 48, 576 9 48, 576 70, 363 190 835, 244 14 53 156 899 16, 877 15, 997 28, 992 182 203, 035 127 189 1,349 4,595 77, 566 73, 720 128, 240 1, 584, 052 3 26 107 498 8, 342 7, 791 14, 127 182 118, 990 12 24 158 477 6,530 6, 264 11, 248 185 128, 791 24 45 250 953 16, 052 14, 669 25, 674 181 469, 746 73 43 494 1, 633 29, 610 29, 087 49, 141 184 606, 127 10 24 158 628 9, 800 8, 871 15, 924 181 143, 293 5 27 182 406 7,232 7,038 12, 126 185 117, 105 313 1, 534 9,038 30, 082 561, 771 532, 474 920, 157 8, 086, 324 16 20 87 514 6, 910 6, 305 11, 092 182 65, 352 27 104 617 2,295 36, 935 33, 172 61, 710 168 554, 752 76 1, 267 7,704 24, 242 468, 593 447, 919 764, 925 190 6, 947, 358 is 144 50 «287 « 1,016 18, 135 16, 463 30, 266 182 269, 749 19 47 138 947 14, 424 13, 110 23, 622 184 95, 921 22 16 81 484 6, 793 6,205 11, 395 180 46, 925 9 30 124 584 9,981 9,300 17, 147 179 106, 267 34 86 615 10, 307 10, 309 18, 662 180 56, 123 129 623 2, 513 9, 550 185, 206 179, 423 322, 131 1, 971, 782 12 58 250 1, 121 19, 281 18, 912 32, 819 181 176, 536 5 27 152 470 8,857 8,793 16, 042 180 92, 912 25 99 453 1, 591 31, 638 30, 131 52, 829 189 458, 682 40 8 214 692 2,539 54, 962 52, 766 94, 286 184 616, 810 11 8 75 333 1,102 23, 643 23, 451 41, 349 183 161, 827 5 8 64 227 961 17, 102 16, 772 30, 444 177 189, 610 21 52 228 1, 046 18, 451 17, 325 33, 872 184 201, 102 10' 34 » 178 » 710 11, 272 11, 273 20,490 181 74, 303 37 120 389 2,085 41, 586 40, 021 68, 641 310, 886 21 76 199 1,262 22, 792 22, 010 37, 256 177 163, 544 16i 44 190 823 18, 794 18, Oil 32, 385 176 147, 342 Group I of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 27 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued POPULATION OR MORE—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools only School plant Total 4 (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Main- tenance Supervisors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 325, 050 1, 571, 220 28, 656, 754 521,013 1,461,956 32, 535, 993 4, 719, 785 3, 183, 961 45, 025 42 28, 560 664, 933 14, 571, 673 357, 534 822, 903 16, 445, 603 2, 093, 265 2, 188, 498 i® 23, 836 43 31,800 87, 500 1,842, 558 15, 600 33, 370 2, 010, 828 297, 732 30, 711 2, 669 44 45, 500 124, 000 1, 393, 225 64, 828 1, 627, 553 232, 612 201, 704 2,193 45 80, 000 1, 516, 452 61, 816 1, 658, 268 315,410 12, 213 2, 066 46 69, 342 126', 221 1, 346', 334 12, 236 41, 258 1, 595, 391 293, 271 75, 303 io 2, 157 47 23,182 63, 105 1, 903, 494 19, 242 81, 832 2, 090, 855 286, 262 147, 363 2, 689 48 74, 176 162, 936 2, 939, 569 25, 000 222, 147 3, 423, 828 629, 643 279, 226 4, 605 49 52, 490 262, 525 3, 143,449 91, 401 133, 802 3, 683, 667 571, 590 248, 943 4, 810 50 405, 285 2,877,728 39, 773, 031 1, 235, 058 1, 278, 105 45, 569, 207 7, 596, 667 2, 987, 214 71, 617 51 313,318 2, 443, 576 33, 463, 411 1, 063, 905 769, 073 38, 053, 283 6, 124, 255 2, 211, 197 i< 60, 827 52 25, 367 228, 933 3, 251,684 88, 120 160, 932 3, 755, 036 763, 787 309, 915 5, 583 53 is 66, 600 205, 219 3, 057, 936 83, 033 348, 100 3, 760, 888 708, 625 466, 102 5,207 54 323, 812 966, 176 15, 318, 526 590, 615 781,540 17, 980, 669 3, 609, 698 1, 708, 459 26, 884 55 43, 342 107, 748 2, 025, 888 64, 873 137, 963 2, 379, 814 477, 828 197, 816 i« 3, 626 56 180, 020 495, 175 8, 855, 616 412, 383 411, 589 10, 354, 783 2, 187, 709 1, 019, 819 16, 126 57 100, 450 363, 253 4, 437, 022 113, 359 231, 988 5, 246, 072 944, 161 490, 824 io 7, 132 58 118, 571 1,096,152 16, 375, 038 380, 267 1, 083, 810 19, 053, 838 2,963, 368 2, 247, 169 29, 634 59 77, 571 425, 563 6, 440, 133 151,425 342, 668 7, 437, 360 1, 052, 468 375, 988 11, 566 60 41,000 670, 589 9, 934, 905 228, 842 741, 142 11,616,478 1, 910, 900 1, 871, 181 18, 068 61 62 70, 546 256, 112 3,440,509 81, 604 192, 716 4,041,487 653, 084 341, 299 5, 626 63 759, 679 1,153,230 23,415, 669 951, 370 1, 101, 798 27,381,746 4, 154, 540 2, 743, 8871 40, 030 64 18, 669 110, 488 1, 370, 931 42, 884 37, 195 1, 580, 167 325, 053 299, 570 2, 418 65 65, 193 152, 079 2, 275, 709 99, 894 142, 746 2, 735, 621 426, 796 277, 586! 3,740 66 153, 138 288, 492 5, 190, 985 305, 532 171, 779 6, 109, 926 1, 042, 361 864, 898 10, 004 67 450, 389 337, 880 9, 705, 900 356, 815 530, 366 11,381,350 1, 491, 655 829, 246 16, 220 68 37, 700 114, 541 2, 634,991 61, 174 115, 000 2, 963, 406 436, 120 172, 212 3, 983 69 34, 590 149, 750 2, 237, 153 85, 071 104, 712 2, 611, 276 432, 555 300, 375 3, 665 70 1, 869, 712 10,052, 658 170, 218, 348 5, 772, 685 6, 614, 021 194, 527, 424 22, 725, 869 11, 008, 085 276,360 71 84, 990 95, 654 1, 848, 066 64, 660 116, 413 2, 209, 783 301,380 141, 901 3, 003 72 140, 000 574, 818 8, 835, 033 249, 940 321, 560 10,121,351 2, 357, 117 822, 562 17, 350 73 672, 570 8, 596, 618 146, 126, 065 5, 020, 342 5, 687, 348 166, 102, 943 17, 182, 264 8, 804, 526 232, 760 74 670, 927 276, 762 4, 998, 402 207, 076 176, 317 6, 329, 484 1, 286, 698 609, 200 9, 529 75 139, 610 217, 060 3, 719, 492 89, 017 158, 439 4, 323, 618 818, 689 399, 577 6, 381 76 97, 454 77, 840 1, 787, 966 39, 559 62, 107 2, 064, 926 338, 519 99, 379 2, 825 77 64, 161 213, 906 2, 903, 324 102, 091 91, 837 3, 375, 319 441, 202 130, 940 4, 512 78 79 172, 968 2, 335, 718 35, 817 67, 809 2, 612, 312 186, 889 141,470 3, 172 80 705, 230 3, 239, 411 45, 854, 367 1,343, 060 2, 148, 440 53, 290, 508 8, 991, 529 4, 516, 543 76, 678 81 44, 772 278, 795 5, 104, 446 152, 053 231,415 5, 811, 481 829, 802 750,157 8, 213 82 26, 903 140, 853 2, 190, 106 27, 745 142, 795 2, 528, 402 440, 740 309, 487 3, 528 83 140, 920 587, 803 8,371,030 265, 710 318, 979 9, 684, 442 1,457, 372 686, 381 13, 839 84 250, 033 1, 155, 819 13, 162, 713 560, 528 517, 247 15, 646, 340 3, 076, 017 1, 345, 520 22, 972 85 42, 110 344, 413 4, 911,718 54,428 264, 548 5, 617, 217 967, 202 255, 454 7, 739 86 28, 680 280, 197 4, 463, 008 66,496 244, 779 5, 083, 160 774, 527 554, 093 7, 889 87 115 765 288,081 4, 688, 838 143, 961 270, 109 5, 506, 754 967, 379 415, 821 7, 933 88 56, 047 163,450 2, 962, 508 72, 139 158, 568 3, 412, 712 478, 490 199, 630 4, 565 89 145, 126 488, 027 7, 790, 975 266,837 311,136 9, 002, 101 1, 109, 138 748, 288 11, 637 90 i ® 73, 500 i® 266, 000 4, 337, 305 111, 132 150, 569 4, 938, 506 589, 500 292, 270 6,226 91 71, 626 222, 027 3,453, 670 155, 705 160, 567 4, 063, 595 519, 638 456, 018 5,411 92 235726—53 5 28 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP I—CITIES OF 100,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Princi- pals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Average daily attend- ance Length of 2 school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 93 Oregon 94 Portland 17 80 388 1, 555 28, 093 28, 094 47, 002 183 358, 926 95 Pennsylvania. _ . 178 436 2, 846 8, 998 180, 047 174, 569 298, 135 2, 859, 529 96 Erie 14 24 117 479 8, 036 8, 039 14, 126 180 138, 607 97 Philadelphia 90 8 273 1, 948 5,744 121, 844 117, 527 193, 918 187 21 1, 624, 521 98 Pittsburgh 42 99 547 1, 863 28 35, 612 28 34, 444 63, 199 198 22 861, 227 99 Reading 16 11 140 401 6, 913 6, 916 12, 704 189 112, 603 100 Scranton 16 29 94 511 8 7, 642 8 7, 643 14, 188 189 23 122, 571 101 Rhode Island... 102 Providence 13 50 213 868 14, 725 13, 823 24, 184 180 249, 393 103 Tennessee 39 177 479 3,141 59, 352 59, 086 102, 819 303, 790 104 Chattanooga 9 40 95 636 11, 398 11, 439 19, 835 175 44, 268 105 Knoxville 5 42 119 599 10, 709 10, 461 18, 362 180 85, 827 106 Memphis 7 51 145 1,180 24, 804 24, 997 42, 819 177 100, 149 107 Nashville 18 44 120 726 12, 441 12, 189 21, 803 180 73, 546 108 Texas.. 41 349 1,057 6,544 126, 238 121, 728 212, 309 1, 122, 675 109 Dallas 12 74 284 1,572 31, 589 30, 145 50, 957 177 24 383, 508 110 Fort Worth 10 67 181 1,183 21,116 20, 663 34, 748 174 23 236, 612 111 Houston 17 126 405 2, 524 48, 273 47, 112 85, 435 173 256, 348 112 San Antonio 2 8 82 187 1,265 25, 260 23,808 41, 169 176 246, 207 113 Utah 114 Salt Lake City.. . . 8 43 203 797 16,881 16, 170 29, 447 178 144,805 115 Virginia 29 96 262 1,961 30, 652 29, 486 51, 037 189, 795 116 Norfolk 14 47 104 887 13, 842 13, 280 22, 515 180 94, 025 117 Richmond 15 49 158 1,074 16, 810 16, 206 28,522 180 95, 770 118 Washington 61 176 727 2, 861 54, 859 53, 461 92, 708 529, 665 119 Seattle 23 38 86 393 1,601 32, 363 31,491 52, 749 187 315,357 120 Spokane. 10 46 186 666 12, 205 11, 899 20, 690 180 98, 162 121 Tacoma 13 44 148 594 10, 291 10,071 19, 269 173 116, 146 122 Wisconsin 123 Milwaukee 40 98 747 1,833 34, 858 34,031 59, 092 184 473, 990 1 Includes teachers and other personnel rendering services supplementary to classroom instruction in libraries, study halls, guidance, health, psychological work, etc., provided half or more than half of their employment time is given to such instructional work. 2 The actual number of days in the school year that children were taught. 3 Includes instructional supplies; textbooks free to all pupils; school library books, and other expense, including salaries of full-time librarians. The expenditure for textbooks furnished gratis to indigent pupils, only, is classified as an auxiliary services item, and reported accordingly. 4 Includes amounts shown in columns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18, plus amounts not shown but re- ported by city school systems as expenditures for the following current accounts: Auxiliary school services; fixed charges, community services to public and nonpublic schools paid from school district funds; and adult and summer schools. This total figure covers all school current expenditures whether or not same are directly allocable as a charge against per pupil in average daily attendance cost for the public-school system reporting. 3 Includes Long Beach City, Signal Hill City, Avalon City, Catalina Island, and unincorporated areas. 8 Includes in these two figures the enrollment of 16,993 students on the junior college level reported by Long Beach, Calif., under net registrations. Of this number, however, only 5,107 students are reported in average daily attendance. Thus, the average daily attendance of the junior college students is but 30 pupils of each 100 enrolled as compared to the average daily attendance reported for the 3 lower levels, or from kindergarten through high school, of 80 pupils for each 100 enrolled. 7 Includes in these two figures a total of 39,280 students reported on the junior college level, of which num- ber 18,499 were reported in average daily attendance, or only 47 students of each 100 reported enrolled. The average daily attendance reported for the pupils enrolled in the educational levels from kindergarten through high school was around 89 pupils in each 100 enrolled in the Los Angeles, Calif., city school system. 8 Includes vice-principals, and/or assistant principals. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 29 for public-school systems , by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued POPULATION OR MORE—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools only School plant Total* (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Main- tenance Supervisors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 93 98, 380 468, 712 6, 844, 626 262, 404 354, 080 8, 028, 202 1, 052, 644 742, 192 11,423 94 968, 683 2, 351, 785 41, 531, 138 1, 604, 809 2, 532, 383 48, 988, 798 8, 399, 276 4, 091, 015 70, 530 95 90, 848 114, 999 1,939, 607 76, 294 143, 518 2, 365, 266 451,434 196, 137 3, 558 96 552, 060 1,512, 386 27, 080, 699 1, 130, 480 1, 339, 058 31, 614, 683 4, 820, 793 2, 215, 602 44, 438 97 205, 367 550, 722 8, 594, 617 316, 971 793, 620 10, 461, 297 2, 181, 900 1, 229, 367 15, 915 98 57, 261 59, 110 1,878,172 55, 336 146, 060 2, 195, 939 493, 905 168, 355 3,192 99 63, 147 114, 568 2, 038, 043 25, 728 110, 127 2, 351, 613 451, 244 218, 554 3,427 100 101 74, 705 266, 139 4, 103, 039 133, 037 151, 394 4, 728, 314 884, 844 235, 209 6, 223 102 193, 674 892, 651 10, 526, 394 148, 670 627, 140 12, 388, 529 1, 181, 542 847, 765 16, 062 103 41, 906 193, 738 2, 017, 682 49, 195 73, 822 2, 376, 343 184, 913 93,037 2, 869 104 27, 900 277, 200 2, 188, 877 87, 546 2, 581, 523 301, 899 223, 191 3, 821 105 41, 160 222, 986 3, 608, 115 36, 004 227, 057 4, 135, 322 376, 533 365, 246 5,344 106 82, 708 198, 727 2, 711, 720 63,471 238, 715 3, 295, 341 318, 197 166, 291 4, 028 107 249, 152 1, 802, 559 27, 952, 998 813, 466 873, 800 31, 691, 975 2, 811, 286 1, 836, 435 39, 619 108 63,383 405, 137 7,076, 962 171,905 164, 606 7, 881, 993 676, 897 499, 128 10, 588 109 59, 300 361, 500 4, 925, 495 121, 986 293, 632 5, 761, 913 487, 444 358, 363 7,561 110 114, 469 660, 279 10, 680, 029 377, 691 325, 413 12, 157, 881 1, 081, 402 651, 148 14, 365 111 12, 000 375, 643 5, 270, 512 144, 884 90, 149 5, 890, 188 565, 543 327, 796 7,105 112 113 45, 090 202, 137 3,066,831 75, 131 379, 910 3, 769, 099 438,053 280,070 4,888 114 166, 477 482, 952 6, 717, 740 174, 928 407, 948 7, 950, 045 915, 714 627, 906 10,283 115 84, 617 216, 077 2,791,493 67, 805 130, 569 3, 290, 561 420, 824 378, 091 4,458 116 81, 860 266, 875 3, 926, 247 107, 123 277, 379 4, 659, 484 494, 890 249, 815 5, 825 117 239, 325 948, 745 13, 301, 825 498, 249 687, 728 15, 675, 872 2,460,029 1,356,454 22, 685 118 131,311 497, 765 7, 424, 781 312, 090 376, 082 8, 742, 029 1, 474, 468 845,386 13, 219 119 47, 166 224, 136 3, 142, 936 84, 472 182, 682 3, 681, 392 535, 312 218, 191 4, 912 120 60, 848 226, 844 2, 734, 108 101, 687 128, 964 3, 252, 451 450, 249 292, 877 4, 554 121 122 218, 502 563, 252 10,068,434 463, 087 543, 904 11, 857, 179 1, 652, 576 1,425,386 17,217 123 9 Distribution by sex not reported. Total has been divided on basis of previous biennial reports to this Office. 10 All data reported on basis of calendar year ending December 31, 1949. 11 Includes 17 deans and assistant deans serving Wayne University. 12 Includes 572 positions composing teaching staff of Wayne University. Of this number 438 were filled by men, and 134 by women faculty members. is Enrollment figures include 30,859 students reported for Wayne University. Of this number, 14,817 are reported in average daily attendance, e. g., of each 100 students enrolled there is an average of 48 studeats in attendance daily. The percent of enrollment in average daily attendance for the lower levels from kinder- garten through high school is 85.6, or around 86 pupils of each 100 enrolled. 14 Includes $7,913,089 expenditures on account of Wayne University, part of the Detroit, Mich., city public- school system. is Number of positions and salary amounts estimated on basis of previous reporting, and amounts given as salary expenditure for current year. 1® For fiscal year ending July 31, 1950. 17 Includes data on all items for Kansas City, Mo., Public Junior College. i* Includes a large number of “staff teachers.” i® Estimated on basis of 1947-48 data. 20 Includes 146 boys and 138 girls classified as “Special Parochial Part-Time.” 21 Includes $597,078 charged against Administration for tax collection of school revenue. 22 Includes $279, 915 charged against administration for tax collection of school revenue. 23 Includes $50,508 charged against administration for tax collection of school revenue. 2i Includes $152,923 charged against administration for collection of school taxes. *8 Includes tax collection charge. Amount not specified. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 194 8-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year* (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Continental United States 1,479 3, 509 16,945 61, 930 1,075,417 1,036,878 1,859,880 $13,241,560 Alabama Gadsden 3 12 24 243 4,938 4, 850 8, 819 176 17, 844 Arizona 17 69 245 1,080 21, 778 20, 752 34, 821 299, 705 Phoenix: Elementary District- 9 21 72 382 6, 961 6,706 10, 725 170 96, 753 High School Dis- 3 8 20 198 205 5, 489 4, 718 8, 357 173 137, 764 trict.s 8 Tucson 5 28 155 493 1 9, 328 7 9, 328 15, 739 174 65, 188 Arkansas ... 11 30 81 679 12, 528 12, 051 20, 538 100, 598 Fort Smith 3 10 35 225 4, 611 4, 261 7,110 174 31,314 Little Rock. 8 20 46 454 7, 917 7, 790 13, 428 176 69, 284 California 92 403 2,108 5,759 117, 472 109, 929 202, 475 2, 012, 848 Alameda 6 21 70 242 7 4, 688 7 4, 690 9, 103 175 78, 920 Alhambra 9 12 106 295 7 4, 982 7 4, 983 9, 811 175 146, 292 Berkeley 10 20 182 328 6, 081 5, 729 11, 566 175 143, 573 Burbank 11 26 96 366 6, 675 6, 553 13, 002 177 100, 467 Fresno 5 32 195 572 12, 731 12, 881 20, 770 175 133, 562 Glendale 6 39 183 471 9, 053 8, 059 16, 342 177 186, 223 Inglewood: Elementary District- 14 26 168 2,616 2, 535 4, 121 174 70, 576 High School District. 3 90 83 2,439 2, 450 4, 336 175 57, 658 Montebello 31 119 338 6, 596 6, 241 12, 203 177 123, 301 Pasadena 88 17 50 212 604 16, 455 14, 042 24, 313 175 294, 711 Riverside ... 20 120 247 5,620 5, 054 8,179 171 64, 126 San Bernardino 11 34 140 484 8, 103 8, 078 15, 473 171 138, 262 San Jose 8 22 152 380 8,243 7, 582 14, 737 178 132, 282 Santa Ana 3 22 104 255 4, 686 4, 389 7,935 175 67, 107 Santa Barbara. 4 15 96 214 3, 308 3, 138 6,115 176 62, 854 Santa Monica 88 2 12 107 253 5, 299 4, 391 7, 668 176 95, 418 Stockton 8 8 30 110 459 9, 897 9, 134 16, 801 175 117, 516 Colorado 12 38 133 574 11, 184 10, 831 19, 574 116, 905 Colorado Springs 8 18 73 219 4, 262 4, 097 7, 973 180 42, 277 Pueblo... 4 20 60 355 6, 922 6,734 11, 601 180 74, 628 Connecticut 51 113 465 2,330 35, 520 33, 825 62, 097 347, 488 Bristol 2 10 38 186 2,515 2, 587 4,695 180 29, 021 Meriden 5 9 38 148 7 2, 303 7 2, 305 4,131 180 22, 482 New Britain 11 16 69 348 4, 972 4, 769 9, 044 180 41, 448 New London 3 5 9 112 1, 619 1,647 2,731 182 17, 113 Norwalk 5 6 40 237 3,662 3, 527 6,604 180 22, 938 Norwich 5 4 3 136 1, 877 1, 676 3, 057 180 15, 582 Stamford 7 15 99 342 5, 521 5, 391 9, 566 181 80, 261 Waterbury... 7 24 99 446 7, 176 6, 132 11, 894 182 62, 607 West Hartford 2 13 52 181 3, 166 3, 229 5, 551 180 37, 326 West Haven 4 11 18 194 2,709 2, 535 4, 824 182 18, 710 Illinois 117 283 1,300 4, 674 78, 220 74, 918 135, 301 1, 286, 444 Alton 5 16 45 210 3, 715 3,687 6,576 186 37,864 Aurora: East Side District... 1 8 35 125 2, 466 2, 269 4, 070 190 20,606 West Side District 6 21 89 1, 518 1, 459 2,559 190 23, 212 Berwyn: Elementary Dis- 4 6 61 852 763 1, 456 185 22, 397 trict No. 98. Elementary Dis- 3 7 4 76 7 1, 195 7 1, 193 2,010 188 11, 658 trict No. 100. footnotes at end of Group II of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 31 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 99,999 POPULATION Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total * (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $6, 973,948 $17,425, 152 $271,670,223 $6, 931, 338 $16,978,964 $319,979,625 $47, 297, 325 $24,024, 873 $438, 758 1 2 9,279 43, 943 599, 178 15, 266 667, 666 93, 146 36, 645 914 3 95, 785 385,091 6, 087, 075 189, 234 635, 052 7, 392, 237 1, 023, 834 419, 818 9,443 4 50, 880 109, 860 1, 856, 399 25, 671 102, 299 2, 145, 109 223, 958 131, 150 2,640 5 18,600 118, 811 1, 814, 981 120, 589 383, 959 2, 456, 940 535, 593 131, 881 3,364 6 26,305 156, 420 2,415,695 42, 974 148, 794 2, 790, 188 264, 283 156, 787 3,439 7 44, 525 146, 394 1, 989, 378 69, 945 81, 380 2, 331, 622 250, 395 96, 461 2, 970 8 12, 050 38, 300 634, 155 27, 049 43, 870 755, 424 74. 785 43, 512 1,032 9 32, 475 108, 094 1, 355, 223 42, 896 37, 510 1, 576, 198 175, 610 52, 949 1,938 10 497, 261 2, 358, 286 31, 509, 616 1, 625, 144 2, 685, 204 38, 675, 511 4, 988, 893 2, 475, 920 54, 116 11 35, 440 120, 586 1, 141, 849 43, 623 138, 516 1, 480, 014 233, 696 155, 739 2, 125 12 30, 800 93, 100 1, 581, 680 74, 641 106, 237 1, 886, 458 230, 047 96, 358 2, 668 13 37, 285 117, 599 1, 762, 783 112 , 226 159, 178 2, 189, 071 420, 602 188, 331 3, 494 14 56,085 191, 893 1, 752, 962 99, 358 155, 534 2, 255, 832 296, 649 176, 042 3, 153 15 53, 210 174, 507 2, 792, 834 110, 576 216, 126 3, 347, 253 467, 256 308. 484 4,469 16 35, 712 217, 245 2, 718, 033 125,306 209, 597 3, 305, 893 435, 604 182, 389 4,452 17 82, 111 695, 021 33, 542 42, 339 853, 013 94, 121 33, 218 1, 140 18 17, 400 738, 324 76, 232 91,360 923, 316 164, 989 75, 419 1, 418 19 161, 840 1, 639, 135 76, 164 132, 070 2,009,209 256, 143 106, 097 2,739 20 96, 140 242, 513 4, 055, 442 398, 461 257, 928 5, 050, 484 598, 986 271, 630 7, 262 21 105, 000 1, 551, 583 180, 841 1, 837, 424 203, 948 76, 163 2, 580 22 51,331 190, 243 2, 056, 329 134, 633 128, 607 2, 561, 143 302, 192 147, 712 3’ 560 23 47, 281 132, 800 2, 679, 855 223, 894 96, 101 3, 179, 931 400, 442 253,303 4,356 24 17, 963 147, 445 1, 166, 238 74, 259 92, 313 1, 498, 218 232, 926 84, 079 2,205 25 24, 014 112, 004 1,117,939 42, 229 94, 187 1, 390, 373 185, 622 73, 580 2, 093 26 12, 000 72, 000 1, 788, 028 250, 251 2, 122, 279 184, 938 137, 770 2, 891 27 180, 000 2, 271, 581 334, 019 2, 785, 600 280, 732 109, 606 3 ’ 511 28 55,314 172, 802 2, 087, 247 76, 256 200, 076 2, 591. 695 310, 748 241, 419 3,657 29 40, 000 89, 779 896, 844 38, 204 111, 773 1, 176, 600 128, 463 149, 274 1, 696 30 15, 314 83, 023 1, 190, 403 38, 052 88, 303 1, 415, 095 182, 285 92, 145 1, 963 31 238, 475 575, 304 9, 978, 143 198, 824 607, 313 11, 598, 059 1, 563, 765 676, 893 15, 740 32 8,400 50, 850 793, 134 27, 752: 43, 274 923, 410 141, 173 20, 989 1,200 33 23, 838 49, 579 665, 663 13, 681 50, 504 803, 265 117, 474 44, 067 1, 028 34 64, 530 74, 800 1, 313, 417 28, 698 101. 575 1, 583, 020 216, 990 87, 398 2,131 35 12. 894 24, 096 376, 612 11 , 611 16, 703 441, 916 51, 554 15, 605 935 36 27, 918 30, 015 1, 062, 715 15, 646 69, 714 1 , 206, 008 159, 808 54, 516 1, 572 37 14,317 16, 315 415, 922 30, 655 477, 209 62, 780 17, 739 895 38 30, 210 94, 499 1, 919, 133 39, 478 106, 674 2, 189, 994 298, 358 185, 897 2,882 39 29, 590 111,550 1, 963, 373 22, 634 82, 912 2, 210, 059 299, 251 135, 082 2,830 40 8, 148 60, 850 825, 671 28, 732 80, 485 1, 003, 886 138, 166 85, 883 1,331 41 18, 630 62, 750 642, 503 10, 592 24, 817 759, 292 78, 211 29, 717 936 42 551, 917 1, 413, 978 21, 346, 181 419, 470 1, 451, 861 25, 183, 407 4,312, 729 2, 221, 879 35,331 43 20,700 63, 658 740, 010 15, 924 158, 459 998, 751 146, 544 180, 317 1, 562 44 5,000 39, 931 563, 000 10, 904 37, 130 655, 965 122, 019 40, 479 873 45 30, 000 396, 789 5,000 15, 470 447, 259 63, 841 21, 689 589 46 10 20, 000 210, 583 10, 833 241, 416 24, 242 10 146 300 47 io 15, 000 35, 000 254, 301 13, 012 317, 313 56, 151 18, 451 414 48 32 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Illinois—Con. 49 Bloomington 7 13 41 153 1 2, 090 f 2, 089 3,708 185 34, 398 Cicero: 50 Elementary District. 6 12 9 191 2, 814 2,608 4,948 185 38, 742 51 High-School Dis- 12 3 113 98 2,754 2,167 4,292 180 59, 735 trict. 52 Danville 6 15 45 211 3,390 3,243 5, 767 191 41, 614 53 Decatur 7 20 89 317 5, 854 5,644 10, 097 185 49, 252 54 East St. Louis 12 19 81 364 7,087 6, 813 12, 031 183 97, 623 55 Elgin 2 16 52 203 3, 103 2,982 5,556 185 26, 934 Evanston: 56 Elementary Dis- 9 11 17 210 7 2, 130 1 2, 130 3,557 190 29, 791 trict No. 75. 57 Elementary Dis- 1 4 7 78 1, 024 1, 041 1, 741 187 25,862 trict No. 76. 58 High-School Dis- 2 81 65 1, 391 1, 182 2,423 186 37, 486 trict No. 202. Joliet: 59 Elementary Dis- 3 13 12 203 i 2, 920 1 2, 919 5,084 185 34, 194 trict No. 86. 60 High-School Dis- 1 6 86 68 1,527 1,393 2,731 176 26, 691 trict. Maywood -Melrose Park: 61 Elementary Dis- 4 8 10 110 1, 810 1, 650 2,900 189 25,690 trict. 62 High-School Dis- 1 73 68 1, 778 1, 662 3,135 185 60,964 trict. 63 Moline 5 14 55 214 3,475 3,276 5,795 187 39, 183 Oak Park: 64 Elementary Dis- 6 11 15 216 2,292 2,224 4,085 181 i® 75, 495 trict. 65 High-School Dis- 8 2 60 61 1 1, 327 1 1, 329 2,481 183 65, 232 trict. 66 Quincy 4 14 47 170 2,448 2, 466 4,498 179 27, 355 67 Rockford. - 5 13 116 379 1 6, 382 ? 6, 381 11, 878 174 103, 964 68 Rock Island 1 13 47 194 3, 654 3, 524 6, 276 185 36, 094 69 Springfield 9 21 63 363 5,999 5,812 10, 076 196 133, 774 Waukegan: 70 Elementary Dis- 10 15 128 2,086 1, 929 3,479 185 42, 501 trict. 71 High-School Dis- 1 55 49 1,139 1, 083 2,092 185 58, 133 trict. 72 Indiana 55 131 845 2,175 45, 508 43, 346 75, 467 438, 439 73 Anderson 6 8 85 184 4, 257 4,080 6,912 188 41, 887 74 East Chicago 11 10 81 206 3,705 3,657 6,443 182 53, 455 75 Elkhart 3 13 68 153 3,212 3, 187 5, 710 181 39, 399 76 Evansville 10 30 200 416 9, 213 8,644 14, 509 179 79, 274 77 Hammond 3 18 129 395 7,315 6,894 12, 396 180 63, 730 78 Kokomo. 6 9 59 187 3, 424 3, 269 5,884 174 30, 946 79 Muncie 6 18 102 224 5, 664 5,348 8,915 180 40, 381 80 Richmond. 5 7 60 161 3, 601 3, 467 6, 055 190 36, 942 81 Terre Haute... 5 18 61 249 5,117 4,800 8,643 181 52, 423 82! Iowa 53 109 408 1, 947 30, 595 29, 939 53, 458 312, 874 83: Cedar Rapids. 9 19 76 365 5,063 4,798 8, 377 180 61, 139 84: Council Bluffs 1 13 46 226 4,152 4, 144 7,231 182 37, 140 85i Davenport 11 13 76 281 4,587 4,642 8, 790 181 59, 263 86» Dubuque 5 12 38 137 1, 974 1, 893 3,406 182 35, 762 87’ Ottumwa 7 16 36 202 3, 471 3,408 5,963 180 35, 204 88i Sioux City 10 20 76 457 6, 453 6,345 11, 314 181 54, 764 89i Waterloo 10 16 60 279 4,895 4,709 8,377 180 29, 602 See footnotes at end of Group II of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 33 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 99,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expendituresi for—Continued — Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total * (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 32, 083 55, 400 611, 624 14, 786 44, 512 758, 405 115, 196 34, 634 1,021 49 19, 850 49, 450 540, 718 42, 504 652, 522 135, 538 81, 442 964 50 m 60, 000 io 15, 000 842, 888 46, 306 71, 196 1, 035, 390 125, 939 45, 521 1, 464 51 28, 850 71, 368 902, 004 19, 694 35, 284 1, 057, 200 183, 303 63, 637 1, 428 52 30, 537 109, 463 1, 545, 420 21, 880 96, 861 1, 804, 161 239, 520 175, 941 2, 411 53 44, 417 88, 768 1, 476, 803 2,200 105, 703 1, 717,891 375, 276 267, 007 2,547 54 i» 10, 000 io 90, 000 857, 028 21, 702 72, 015 1, 050, 745 137, 074 78, 728 1,344 55 45, 323 54, 542 709, 165 36, 065 845, 095 123, 138 116, 493 1,222 56 4,075 14, 787 307, 286 30, 763 356, 911 65, 122 25, 191 506 57 io 14, 000 584, 446 23, 500 43, 980 665, 926 130, 319 62, 683 1, 041 58 19, 313 63, 398 796, 208 25 865 904, 784 159 394 35 689 1 205 59 6,750 31, 404 720, 896 50, 569 77, 161 886, 780 196, 829 51, 743 1, 261 60 20, 396 40, 796 400, 010 15, 771 32, 139 509, 112 92, 570 2,763 654 61 6,733 599, 533 20,263 47, 150 673, 679 139, 449 117, 339 1, 061 62 21, 418 60, 617 837, 388 19, 864 34, 159 973, 446 172, 565 52, 892 1, 354 63 io 33, 000 71, 500 839, 326 12, 000 23, 726 979, 552 164, 465 52, 859 1, 310 64 47, 490 12, 000 588, 468 36, 542 684, 500 192, 910 121, 875 1,096 65 12, 699 53, 583 724, 715 20, 286 49, 980 861, 263 103, 522 99, 449 1,148 66 25, 433 89, 644 1, 766, 481 63, 695 74, 671 2, 019, 924 481, 711 157, 139 2, 959 67 5,683 52, 836 865, 473 18, 374 36, 603 978, 969 137, 400 92, 256 1,319 68 43, 900 123, 850 1, 679, 620 16, 752 116, 987 1, 981, 109 253, 658 109, 859 2,655 69 49, 450 533, 823 26, 718 609, 991 86, 637 45, 681 807 70 6,800 452, 175 56, 373 515, 348 88 397 59 976 816 71 249, 096 725, 074 12, 277, 827 262, 805 375, 474 13, 890, 276 2, 007, 367 969, 199 18, 557 72 22, 728 30, 307 1, 121, 269 20, 917 41, 611 1, 236, 832 150, 839 53, 309 1,539 73 48, 246 67, 660 1, 305, 856 44, 803 47, 383 1, 513, 948 304, 405 119, 111 2,094 74 9,513 62, 453 881, 616 22, 916 40, 788 1, 017, 286 125, 614 55, 030 1,273 75 64, 585 197, 218 2, 508, 385 68, 533 80, 904 2, 919, 625 321, 616 244, 322 3, 836 76 18, 923 108, 367 2, 131, 280 46, 525 70, 274 2, 375, 369 415, 571 166, 261 3,164 77 20,693 40, 423 821, 091 9,785 9,355 901, 347 131, 025 56, 682 1,178 78 25, 343 100, 105 1, 253, 610 23, 784 49, 151 1, 451, 993 186, 890 83, 480 2,024 79 22, 065 30, 898 867, 696 4, 900 15, 200 940, 759 138, 437 57, 112 1, 253 80 17, 000 87, 643 1, 387, 024 20, 642 20, 808 1, 533, 117 232, 970 133, 892 2,196 81 220, 403 489, 899 7, 478, 541 133, 620 329, 726 8, 650, 189 1, 319, 759 529, 142 11, 298 82 37, 506 97, 740 1, 408, 724 25, 524 66, 323 1, 635, 817 264, 938 103, 073 2,151 83 3,483 56, 978 772, 372 15, 917 33, 393 882, 143 120, 470 65, 624 1,157 84 49, 190 57, 362 1, 216, 416 41, 376 56, 685 1, 421, 029 260, 384 120, 172 1, 935 85 18. 070 38, 026 558, 721 8,701 21, 935 645, 453 125, 220 42, 877 909 86 24, 535 62, 062 695, 530 11, 497 52, 257 845, 881 142, 245 36, 271 1,082 87 37, 619 97, 731 1, 810, 602 30, 605 77, 588 2, 054, 145 233, 786 93, 639 2,564 88 1° 50, 000 i° 80, 000 io 1, 016, 176 19, 545 1, 165, 721 172, 716 67, 486 1,500 89 34 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES FOR: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 90 Kansas .. 13 43 134 428 9,181 8,962 15, 904 68, 983 91 Hutchinson 3 14 62 171 3,682 3, 329 6, 098 179 23, 650 92 Topeka 10 29 72 257 5, 499 5, 633 9, 806 172 45, 333 93 19 53 136 890 13, 871 13, 701 23, 867 137, 682 94 Covington.. 8 15 52 224 3, 610 3,505 6, 041 192 29, 370 95 Lexington 3 11 16 255 3, 670 3,680 6,245 173 29, 312 96 f 12 14 117 1, 556 1,541 2, 952 192 31, 319 97 Owensboro 4 10 27 141 2,455 2,394 4,127 175 26, 665 98 Paducah 4 5 27 153 t 2, 580 1 2, 581 4,502 172 21, 016 99 Maine 19 12 101 446 7,573 7,318 13, 334 42, 969 100 Lewiston 4 4 24 94 1,532 1, 585 2,977 179 6, 299 101 Portland 15 8 77 352 6,041 5,733 10, 357 185 36, 670 102 177 264 1 355 4,630 75, 153 71, 252 131, 488 723, 566 103 Arlington... 8 11 66 176 3, 314 2, 975 5, 600 179 26, 282 104 Brockton. 8 13 58 258 4, 360 4, 294 7,945 179 27, 332 105 Brookline 8 9 63 235 3,281 3, 216 5, 792 181 50, 658 106 Chelsea 12 6 65 145 2, 658 2, 566 4, 719 181 1,923 107 Chicopee 3 9 18 159 2, 493 2,394 4, 293 181 27, 850 108 Everett 10 9 71 227 3,181 3,164 5, 861 180 34, 038 109 Fitchburg 7 15 30 98 1, 711 1, 658 3,084 179 20, 174 110 Haverhill... 7 6 36 166 2,623 2,806 4, 903 180 25, 377 111 Holyoke.. 3 13 86 172 2,931 2, 712 4, 764 181 33, 841 112 Lawrence 12 22 67 254 3, 631 3, 540 6, 443 178 41, 084 113 Lynn. 11 16 110 364 5,867 5, 393 10, 313 180 74, 082 114 Malden 9 13 71 246 3, 868 3,726 6, 890 180 30, 363 115 Medford 10 17 105 285 5, 034 4, 699 8,909 179 25, 704 116 Newton 12 21 144 376 6, 564 5, 830 10, 826 179 86, 776 117 Pittsfield 9 17 • 19 52 233 4,232 3, 966 7,244 180 26, 549 118 Quincy 5 18 88 381 6, 256 5,875 10, 961 178 66, 679 119 Revere 10 16 56 185 2, 948 2,685 5, 042 180 23, 161 120 Salem. 6 7 55 146 2,212 1,929 3, 688 176 25, 620 121 Taunton 7 5 23 183 1 2, 500 * 2, 502 4, 560 176 26, 366 122 Waltham 7 10 41 169 2,921 2, 769 5, 101 177 22, 494 123 Watertown 5 9 50 172 2,568 2,553 4,550 180 27, 21g 124 Mtchtoan 68 210 1,167 3, 762 66, 956 65, 595 119, 384 904, 873 125 Battle Creek 8 15 68 245 4, 498 4,541 7,722 200 84, 814 126 Bay City 5 18 85 205 4, 526 3, 998 7, 017 200 59, 151 127 Dearborn. 12 19 183 462 8,934 8,937 16, 356 200 156, 079 128 Hamtramck 3 7 41 126 2,180 1, 990 3, 715 186 65, 497 129 Highland Park... 1 9 93 243 t 3, 543 1 3, 544 6, 744 191 58, 080 130 Jackson 6 18 75 258 4, 762 4,357 8,175 200 70, 107 131 Kalamazoo 8 11 78 304 5,164 4,967 8,692 180 57, 900 132 Lansing. 8 30 155 420 7,463 7,505 13, 204 182 82, 101 133 Muskegon 5 15 83 298 4,589 4,546 8,267 195 39, 124 134 Pontiac 25 89 399 6,568 6, 714 12, 620 200 52, 186 135 Port Huron 5 12 53 208 3, 352 3,341 6, 222 184 60, 374 136 Saginaw 7 21 112 435 8,626 8,404 15, 618 180 72, 197 137 Wyandotte 10 52 159 1 2, 751 1 2, 751 5,032 190 47, 263 138 Mississippi 2 40 121 588 11,316 10, 833 19, 043 60, 646 139 Jackson 1 20 57 312 6, 999 6,515 11, 452 180 35, 283 140 Meridian 1 20 64 276 1 4, 317 1 4, 318 7,591 180 25, 363 141 Missouri 21 59 245 995 19, 185 18, 481 33, 846 143, 012 142 Joplin 4 22 58 187 3, 971 3,548 6, 388 180 26, 442 143 St. Joseph 6 21 69 325 7,104 6, 838 12, 951 180 42, 999 144 Springfield 7 8 80 320 5, 661 5, 677 9,972 178 36, 543 145 1 University City 4 8 38 163 2,449 2,418 4,535 190 37,028 See footnotes at end of Group II of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 35 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 99,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Mainte- Total < (in thou- Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks Other 8 Total Operation nance sands) 11 n 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 46, 347 170, 454 1, 656, 035 40, 425 46, 165 6, 928 1, 959, 426 327, 490 251, 255 2, 685 90 11, 150 54, 297 659, 403 17, 502 749, 280 117,644 137,571 1, 054 91 35, 197 116, 157 996, 632 22, 923 39, 237 1, 210, 146 209, 846 113, 684 1,631 92 67, 286 210, 319 2, 603, 368 27, 688 84, 973 2, 993, 634 394, 051 170, 700 4,049 93 25, 518 59, 401 798, 052 6,193 21, 760 910, 924 133, 809 41, 528 1,138 94 15, 708 51, 275 704, 294 9,111 30, 750 811, 138 103, 206 34, 039 1,105 95 50, 188 335, 174 3, 950 9,393 398, 705 59, 829 27, 777 543 96 13, 060 31, 538 380, 071 4, 884 10, 877 440, 430 43, 736 28, 267 630 97 13, 000 17, 917 385, 777 3,550 12, 193 432, 437 53, 471 39, 089 633 98 58, 193 50, 990 1, 379, 776 24, 682 93, 363 1, 607, 004 259, 232 114, 295 2,126 99 10, 493 15, 640 310, 940 9, 449 34, 916 381, 438 46, 635 15, 631 503 100 47, 700 35, 350 1, 088, 836 15, 233 58, 447 1, 225, 566 212, 597 98, 664 1, 623 101 801, 670 1, 298, 814 20, 128. 066 339, 455 1, 202, 095 23, 770, 100 998, 839 3, 763, 418 1, 770, 878 31, 389 102 33, 849 48, 880 841, 521 996, 106 13, 002 61, 587 143, 399 82, 835 1,275 103 32, 035 57, 131 10, 841 57, 187 1, 153, 300 198, 223 67, 360 1, 519 104 45, 507 55, 720 1, 237, 038 31, 753 103, 144 1, 473, 162 205, 663 97, 025 123, 413 1, 944 105 w 50, 000 io 25, 000 io 696, 463 19, 500 24, 900 815, 863 88, 359 1, 023 106 16, 725 53, 329 560, 477 9, 718 40, 947 681, 196 116, 881 53, 610 933 107 78, 735 76, 125 915, 031 12, 370 38, 972 1, 121, 233 160, 987 70, 330 1,414 108 23, 524 io 60, 000 408, 222 8,797 43, 668 544, 211 128, 164 57, 581 836 109 25, 086 29, 244 632, 828 io 16, 000 47, 800 750, 958 133, 217 44, 145 988 110 11, 078 56, 621 789, 876 14, 916 46, 594 919, 085 1, 269, 287 157, 101 206, 383 85, 841 1, 296 111 54, 000 110, 000 1, 071, 850 1, 705, 892 33, 437 76, 005 1, 643 112 50, 260 72, 061 31, 699 85, 523 1, 945, 435 1, 169, 115 382, 040 176, 155 2,744 113 33, 201 67, 780 1, 012, 321 4,808 51, 005 188, 153 44, 292 1, 466 114 67, 938 86, 159 1, 353, 589 42, 455 66, 935 1, 617, 076 244, 236 66, 756 2,040 115 55, 838 127, 744 1, 880, 071 68, 234 112, 234 2, 244, 121 358, 216 224, 949 3, 034 116 io 68, 000 io 95, 000 929, 890 81, 235 1, 174, 125 188, 779 74, 283 1,524 117 21, 780 72, 443 1, 612, 352 22, 355 122, 541 1, 851, 471 235, 674 132, 509 2,388 118 io 40, 000 io 64, 000 io 735, 751 io 10, 000 38, 099 34, 278 887, 850 773, 848 157, 909 72, 540 1, 185 119 23,083 33, 500 673, 991 8, 996 127, 119 76, 716 1,062 120 24, 200 23, 450 620, 185 721, 622 4, 491 18, 693 691, 019 115, 950 30, 782 910 121 26, 331 39, 627 9,520 41, 393 838, 493 127, 436 83, 737 1,133 122 20, 500 45, 000 732, 990 51, 923 850, 413 90, 863 38, 680 1, 032 123 398, 547 1, 205, 113 18, 880, 686 544, 678 1, 606, 310 22, 635, 334 4, 296, 665 1, 884, 837 31, 975 124 43, 188 71, 319 1, 055, 171 43, 963 97, 564 1, 311, 205 310, 701 131, 508 2,005 125 23, 042 94, 830 1, 234, 357 23, 151 72, 325 1, 447, 705 192, 457 93, 213 1,863 126 86, 115 160, 421 3, 149, 047 119, 094 413, 927 38, 401 3, 928, 604 704, 832 405, 576 5, 351 127 15, 888 37, 810 691, 755 1, 380, 705 42, 649 826, 503 231, 524 98, 067 1, 315 128 6, 100 36, 003 61, 265 44, 169 175, 542 83, 581 1, 667, 781 321, 950 133, 624 2,328 129 82, 667 1, 176, 810 44,826 1, 423, 887 308, 470 81, 732 1, 985 130 45, 873 65, 000 1, 464, 869 55, 921 101, 032 1, 732, 695 331, 690 84, 493 2,573 131 36, 583 153, 772 1, 942, 416 27, 787 238, 307 2, 398, 865 467, 210 145, 188 3, 380 132 27, 120 74, 596 1, 215, 760 29, 535 76, 522 1, 423, 533 268, 880 140, 826 2,094 133 156, 074 63, 986 1, 764, 836 864, 103 49, 893 90, 282 2, 061, 085 379, 221 180, 125 2,904 134 28, 535 50, 100 24, 607 16, 286 997, 517 152, 099 78, 040 1,445 135 124, 180 59, 193 138, 312 2, 056, 204 884, 653 1, 674, 554 39, 083 114, 602 87, 939 179, 215 2, 384, 169 1, 031, 785 2, 000, 539 374, 111 253, 520 187, 217 261, 013 51, 432 206, 269 3,249 1,483 2,566 136 137 1386, 653 1,805 3,653 io 3, 000 78, 312 1, 010, 434 io 664, 120 1, 805 5,225 1, 099, 429 87, 486 132, 001 1, 423 139 io 60, 000 173, 990 901, 110 99, 731 74, 268 1,143 140 84, 613 213, 264 3, 701, 363 55, 935 327, 813 4, 382, 988 598, 360 287, 235 5,788 141 13, 303 70, 318 73, 758 643, 591 7,253 62, 312 796, 777 98, 173 89, 912 1, 068 142 22, 795 1, 104, 334 12, 953 92, 579 1, 306, 419 196, 814 105, 352 1, 752, 143 29, 317 26, 088 1, 204, 193 23, 849 85, 390 1, 368, 837 159, 799 61, 570 1, 797 1 144 19, 198 235 43, 100 726—53— 749, 245 — 6 11, 880 87, 532 910, 955 143, 574 30, 401 1,1711145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure datw GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Montana Butte 22 25 189 2,790 2,732 4, 956 180 86, 549 Nebraska Lincoln 10 27 71 440 6,860 6, 679 11,892 174 78, 044 New Hampshire 7 22 96 330 5, 282 4, 916 9, 244 62, 625 Manchester 6 15 62 204 3,403 3,302 5, 998 180 32, 543 Nashua.. 1 7 34 126 1,879 1,614 3,246 182 20,082 New Jersey 126 186 1,042 4, Oil 57, 751 55, 470 97, 254 1, 086, 427 Atlantic City 10 15 96 248 4, 182 3, 885 6,785 183 61, 143 Bayonne 16 12 124 384 4, 514 4, 128 7,504 180 86, 819 Blo’omfield 6 12 68 218 3, 337 3,173 5, 695 185 42, 689 Clifton 9 14 46 265 4, 479 4, 117 7, 465 183 62, 075 East Orange 5 11 89 245 3, 914 3,827 6, 641 186 67, 271 Hoboken... 12 8 50 225 2,834 2,767 4,747 180 79, 755 Irvington 3 10 66 234 3, 866 3, 655 6,541 187 62, 592 Kearny 5 8 29 171 2,503 2, 217 4,088 183 59, 666 Montclair. 8 14 68 205 3, 107 3,007 5, 279 183 84,109 New Brunswick 5 7 40 182 2,284 2, 346 3, 903 182 43, 259 North Bergen 6 7 12 161 2, 320 2, 215 3, 874 182 46, 944 Orange 3 9 40 155 2,418 2, 414 4,154 184 37, 949 Passaic 11 11 52 291 3, 554 3, 590 6, 137 184 119, 871 Perth Amboy 8 11 48 187 2,601 2, 568 4, 362 178 46, 742 Plainfield 2 7 44 204 2, 977 3, 090 5, 230 184 40, 624 South Orange-Maple- 6 15 60 193 2, 902 2,827 5, 132 185 54, 885 wood. Union City.. 9 8 65 242 3, 424 3,297 5, 575 182 50, 478 West New York. 2 7 45 201 2,535 2,347 4, 142 182 59, 556 New Mexico Albuquerque 11 21 129 583 12, 051 12, 536 20, 546 180 82, 157 New York 159 205 967 3, 910 60, 150 56, 495 101, 451 793, 722 Amsterdam 9 12 32 172 2,242 1,936 3, 618 180 37, 717 Auburn. 6 9 44 153 2, 510 2,296 4,177 180 29, 331 Binghamton 20 19 93 440 6 693 6,391 11,432 181 56, 127 Elmira 11 13 61 248 3’ 939 3,795 6,739 1&3 30, 973 Jamestown. 19 13 56 259 3, 465 3, 287 6, 106 180 81,764 Mount Vernon 5 15 90 356 5, 386 5,173 9,039 181 101, 250 Newburgh.. 5 10 45 151 2,462 2, 296 4, 158 188 27, 920 New Rochelle 10 16 81 265 3, 846 3,766 6,545 176 76, 180 Niagara Falls 16 H 27 135 487 7,806 7, 396 13, 396 182 82, 261 Poughkeepsie 16 11 46 168 2,829 2, 740 4,784 181 41, 673 Rome.. _ 5 9 37 171 3, 120 2, 691 5, 053 184 23, 399 Schenectady 10 21 100 439 6, 645 6,281 11, 214 182 67, 900 Troy 10 12 45 178 2,885 2, 492 4, 492 183 34, 273 Watertown 10 9 34 193 2,988 2, 710 4,992 180 37, 542 White Plains. 7 9 68 230 3, 334 3,245 5,706 181 65, 412 North Carolina... 25 101 293 1,780 31, 399 30, 920 56, 478 191, 816 Asheville 6 13 28 213 3, 921 3,724 6,533 180 14, 876 Durham 5 21 63 301 5,549 5, 407 9,598 180 43, 487 Greensboro 3 20 69 353 6, 117 6, 132 11, 201 180 33, 726 High Point 2 13 25 231 3,946 3, 918 7,169 180 27, 779 Raleigh 5 14 38 273 4, 585 4, 610 8, 257 180 39, 160 Winston-Salem 4 20 70 409 7, 281 7,129 13, 720 180 32,788 footnotes at end of Group II of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 37 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949—50—Continued TO 99,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total « (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 146 87, 394 731, 257 44, 216 862, 867 136, 605 94, 810 1,213 147 148 43, 921 118, 272 1, 444, 418 54, 985 126, 871 1, 788, 467 326, 866 204, 119 2,552 149 28, 000 97, 594 1, 320, 855 15, 719 85, 927 1, 548, 095 252, 753 94, 648 2,146 150 24, 500 59, 815 817, 463 6, 933 57, 533 966, 244 134, 757 74, 087 1,342 151 3,500 37, 779 503, 392 8,786 28, 394 581, 851 117, 996 20, 561 804 152 606,315 1,089, 994 18, 932, 723 633, 778 997, 791 22, 260, 601 3, 515, 447 1, 588, 652 30, 467 153 56, 925 73, 940 1, 248, 785 48, 868 91, 527 1, 520, 045 222, 907 177, 659 2, 107 154 73, 140 81, 551 1, 773, 736 52, 237 93, 477 2, 074, 141 442, 218 157, 766 3,022 155 33, 800 79, 350 1, 157, 972 49, 054 79, 242 1, 399, 418 188, 040 106, 398 1,839 156 47,013 78, 626 1, 127, 854 18, 988 65, 084 1,337, 565 222, 938 51, 052 1,828 157 21, 250 75, 535 1, 379, 434 51, 150 82, 276 1,615,645 204, 777 142, 710 2,095 158 54, 658 41, 950 960, 682 30, 907 35, 980 1, 124, 177 202, 945 34, 837 1,529 159 16, 100 61, 754 1, 168, 792 40, 328 31, 928 1, 318, 902 217, 055 106, 980 1, 813 160 24, 400 42, 225 759, 317 9,574 40, 606 876, 122 155, 851 77, 618 1,228 161 43, 471 75, 419 1, 252, 849 57, 948 68, 992 1, 498, 679 238, 509 109,963 2, 061 162 23, 500 34, 700 779, 908 25, 222 47, 373 910, 703 94, 186 56, 703 1,157 163 23,850 37, 350 537, 004 28, 675 25, 286 652, 165 152, 950 45, 801 1,122 164 14, 900 52, 100 646, 590 19, 674 30, 576 763, 840 123, 794 53, 647 1,040 165 55, 398 66, 571 1, 273, 126 42, 484 48, 332 1,485, 911 196, 590 83, 102 2, 063 166 26, 930 51, 700 836, 622 19, 548 56, 338 991, 138 136, 327 71, 341 1,294 167 10, 400 45, 300 974, 559 40, 522 72, 264 1, 143, 045 170, 802 96, 769 1,516 168 25, 948 97, 287 1, 106, 183 28, 675 40, 538 1, 298, 631 178, 687 88, 610 1,730 169 40, 282 57, 596 1,056, 335 39, 534 50, 673 1, 244, 420 188, 710 89, 318 1,671 170 8,350 37, 040 892, 975 30, 390 37, 299 1, 006, 054 178, 161 38,378 1,354 171 172 49, 789 199, 520 2, 306, 212 36, 938 140, 819 2, 733, 278 239, 154 17, 725 3, 381 173 816, 121 991, 705 17, 806, 107 478, 841 1,094, 620 21, 187, 394 3, 322, 906 1, 877, 506 30, 935 174 32, 763 44, 300 673, 518 12, 516 24, 396 787, 493 187, 395 111,114 1,299 175 40, 326 51,324 614, 860 12, 461 32, 378 751, 349 114, 702 42, 573 1,048 176 98, 781 104, 001 1, 777, 628 54, 410 71, 350 2, 106, 170 300, 439 197, 800 2, 977 177 51, 804 56, 200 1, 084, 716 11,896 30, 673 1, 235, 289 137, 001 40, 249 1,622 178 79, 629 56, 183 989, 380 27, 283 95, 346 1, 247, 821 215, 940 128, 237 1,880 179 32, 555 94, 335 1, 961, 312 55, 915 124, 500 2, 268, 617 304,889 265, 560 3, 304 180 20, 250 17, 810 682, 532 16, 237 46, 802 813, 631 121, 327 61, 186 1,211 181 54, 348 77, 360 1, 502, 226 58, 325 121, 557 1, 813, 816 307, 447 192, 240 2,629 182 115, 749 119, 065 2, 464, 825 47, 054 125, 667 2, 872, 360 446, 796 301, 813 4,230 183 75, 959 48, 363 682, 613 27, 529 72, 425 906, 889 162,303 60, 603 1,381 184 24, 533 47, 264 737, 412 16, 785 38,868 864, 862 96, 431 38, 693 1,169 185 51, 809 105, 875 1, 919, 812 67, 728 116, 942 2, 262, 166 425, 733 180, 730 3, 375 186 30, 966 45, 305 705, 390 2,580 29, 727 813, 968 131, 748 44, 309 1,213 187 63, 355 42, 937 707, 723 14, 516 58, 581 887, 112 112, 467 107, 321 1,294 188 43, 294 51,383 1, 302, 160 53, 606 105, 408 1, 555, 851 258, 288 105, 078 2, 303 189 99, 690 474, 309 6, 276, 647 87, 514 141, 329 7, 079, 489 654, 769 728, 939 9, 550 190 22,411 56, 708 716, 800 11, 560 15, 500 822, 979 90, 379 47, 822 1,101 191 16, 048 91, 140 1, 142, 900 12, 903 30, 746 1, 293, 737 110, 284 203, 205 1,759 192 13, 670 97, 123 1, 295, 191 33, 465 12,377 1,451,826 147, 529 161, 135 1,959,193 8, 100 62, 404 774, 983 4, 073 14, 443 864, 003 64,065 88, 033 1,074 194 22, 756 65, 390 877, 190 6,700 41, 335 1,013, 371 82, 548 112, 517 1,581 195 16, 705 101, 544 1, 469, 583 18,813 26,928 1, 633, 573 159, 964 116, 227 2, 0761 196 38 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 197 North Dakota 198 Fargo 9 14 54 140 2,220 2,245 3, 847 180 14, 382 199 Ohio.. 48 186 960 3,054 53, 196 53, 070 99, 597 640, 894 200 Cleveland Heights 4 14 75 272 4,881 4,767 8,547 180 112, 140 201 East Cleveland 10 40 155 2,498 2,467 4,624 181 83, 067 202 Hamilton 4 16 73 197 3, 912 3, 840 7,321 181 41, 494 203 Lakewood— 5 12 72 205 3, 202 3,244 6,231 180 62, 009 204 Lima.. 6 5 76 194 3, 353 3,521 6,606 180 29, 098 205 Lorain 3 13 64 184 3, 501 3, 335 6, 302 181 45, 967 206 Mansfield - 1 14 60 209 3,765 3, 529 6,640 180 39, 812 207 Marion 4 13 35 167 2,889 2,793 5, 388 175 23, 735 208 Middletown 5 7 46 162 2, 998 3,039 5, 484 186 80, 729 209 Newark 17 39 143 2,557 2,505 4,792 179 17, 762 210 Norwood 7 52 97 1,591 1,674 3, 290 180 38, 140 211 Portsmouth 2 2 79 167 3,162 3, 108 6,783 178 25, 756 212 Springfield . 9 24 98 307 5, 311 5, 838 10, 709 183 43, 214 213 Steubenville 10 33 163 2,293 2,268 4,420 181 16, 963 214 Warren 2 17 65 256 3, 875 3, 676 7,088 180 52, 793 215 Zanesville 3 5 53 176 3,408 3, 466 6,372 185 28,215 216 Oklahoma 217 Muskogee . 4 18 58 219 4,275 4, 212 6,980 177 33, 192 218 Oregon 219 Salem 8 13 59 222 9 4, 240 1 4. 240 7,129 176 47, 230 220 Pennsylvania 113 175 1 608 4, 045 71, 753' 69, 747 / 131, 177 1, 202, 560 221 Allentown 11 17 178 339 7,359 6, 904 13,312 182 112. 804 222 Altoona.. 10 4 86 327 5, 336 5,249 9,781 180 73, 658 223 Bethlehem 13 6 113 226 4, 978 4, 493 8,890 182 61, 243 224 Chester. 6 12 88 288 4, 308 4, 233 8, 218 185 62, 668 225 Easton 5 15 61 126 2, 633 2,588 4, 855 175 51, 799 226 Harrisburg 4 8 140 305 5, 582 5,438 10, 105 188 122, 396 227 Hazleton 6 6 71 141 1 2, 430 * 2, 431 4, 466 188 48, 150 228 Johnstown 8 12 68 297 1 4, 614 1 4, 616 8,913 180 84, 802 229 Lancaster 10 5 81 222 3, 846 3,869 7,442 186 40,792 230 Lower Merion (P. O. 13 101 206 3,077 2,854 5,219 180 67, 573 Ardmore). 231 McKeesport... 4 15 72 218 1 3, 912 1 3, 913 7,062 180 74, 116 232 New Castle 3 11 59 243 i 3, 900 1 3, 901 6,997 180 57, 450 233 Norristown 4 66 129 2,509 2,405 4, 608 186 38, 644 234 Upper Darby 7 12 93 229 4, 213 4,186 7,600 187 83, 163 235 Wilkes-Barre 13 10 108 299 4,747 4,730 8,501 183 77, 971 236 Williamsport 2 16 104 192 3,721 3, 541 6, 556 190 76, 382 237 York... 11 9 119 258 4,588 4, 396 8,652 180 68,949 238 Rhode Island 22 44 196 969 15, 278 14, 837 25, 878 103, 105 239 Cranston. 2 9 61 226 ? 3, 994 i 3, 996 6,985 180 80, 970 240 East Providence 3 6 45 177 2,577 2,477 4, 636 180 28. 227 241 Newport 9 _ 1 6 37 132 2,316 2,179 3, 439 183 15, 387 242 Pawtucket. 15 21 29 288 4, 338 4,319 7,324 180 5, 883 243 Woonsocket— 1 2 24 146 2,053 1, 866 3,494 180 22,638 244 South Carolina... 12 63 221 1, 279 21, 406 21, 714 38, 118 132, 540 245 Charleston 14 74 304 5, 683 5,775 10, 173 180 46, 608 246 Columbia 20 84 489 8,120 8,283 14, 577 180 32, 400 247 Greenville 9 7 17 25 249 3,952 4,004 6,910 180 22,532 248 Spartanburg— 5 12 38 237 1 3, 651 1 3, 652 6,458 181 »• 31, 000 See footnotes at end of Group II of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 39 jor public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 99,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total < (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 197 i» 56, 000 552, 861 9,894 17, 750 636, 505 117, 188 33, 556 826 198 254,218 901, 535 13, 167, 205 253, 406 791,022 15, 367, 386 2, 644, 000 1, 776, 647 22, 226 199 21, 638 111,865 1, 397, 893 52, 622 60, 085 1, 644, 101 298, 789 272, 352 2, 566 200 63, 846 710, 283 26, 848 40, 700 831, 677 164, 385 226, 048 1,291 201 22,430 71, 810 947, 414 14, 560 34, 535 1, 090, 749 162, 324 70, 445 1, 505 202 32, 310 61, 579 1, 053, 422 40, 002 79, 822 1, 267, 141 221, 941 348, 751 2,174 203 32,607 19, 779 782, 221 13, 413 49, 332 897, 352 152, 721 69, 096 1,248 204 12, 059 54, 826 793, 816 15, 188 70, 835 946, 724 151, 969 98, 539 1, 315 205 3, 800 75, 978 862, 174 11,878 38, 978 992, 808 159, 964 70, 746 1, 337 206 14, 772 39, 729 555, 046 7,608 41, 608 658, 763 101,043 32, 102 846 207 34,383 42, 265 716, 486 6,518 36, 461 836, 113 175, 509 50, 384 1,282 208 76, 500 490, 070 10, 800 26, 307 603, 677 104, 976 15, 394 752 209 38, 200 664, 817 4, 910 24, 625 732, 552! 114, 097 24, 554 1,119 210 7,682 8,802 630, 814 5,477 42, 807 695, 582 99, 162 84, 338 1, 059 211 50,144 114, 964 1, 273, 540 5,834 85, 883 1, 530, 365 284, 035 204, 820 2,116 212 40, 158 607, 057 5,876 34, 720 687,811 133, 310 40, 044 902 213 10,963 74, 812 1, 042, 499 22, 186 64, 349 1, 214, 809 194, 559 109, 804 1,694 214 11, 426 16, 422 639, 653 9,686 59, 975 737, 162 125, 216 59, 230 1,020 215 216 23,315 56,410 721, 647 16, 000 19, 216 836, 588 119, 111 46, 418 1, 113 217 218 26,318 82, 687 999, 272 24, 303 72,951 1, 205, 531 146, 551 66, 261 1, 644 219 500,931 791, 479 18, 723, 603 304, 834 1, 306, 353 21, 627, 200 3, 737, 849 1, 428, 851 31, 153, 220 42, 617 71,250 1, 811, 469 30, 697 108, 962 2, 064, 995 296, 197 102, 529 2, 766 221 43, 059 19, 100 1, 266, 550 16, 666 64, 410 1, 409, 785 256, 086 94, 971 2, 050, 222 67, 615 31, 309 1, 123, 862 14, 895 93, 628 1, 321, 309 236, 868 135, 306 1,891 223 25,991 49, 319 1, 175, 791 11, 820 72, 007 1, 334, 928 187, 585 80, 897 1,849 224 >o 24,000 77, 634 635, 759 13, 447 64, 771 815, 611 119, 667 46, 202 1,133 225 19,825 37, 920 1, 392, 891 29, 138 87, 428 1, 567, 202 295, 665 120, 025 2, 253! 226 25,267 31, 167 714, 787 9,045 38, 798 819, 064 166, 211 39, 623 1,162 227 33, 478 60,525 1, 240, 519 12, 221 101, 949 1, 448, 692 295, 855 86, 725 2,016 228 32,068 24, 268 987, 554 7,420 65, 301 1,116, 609 195, 070 97, 240 1, 562 229 77, 132 1, 104, 855 28,086 109, 860 1, 319, 933 222, 347 79, 233 1, 880 230 13,891 67,000 932, 903 9, 523 96, 440 1, 119, 757 182, 350 79, 658 1, 556 231 10,765 42, 945 928, 214 23, 994 76, 569 1, 082, 487 194, 741 77, 714 1, 490 232 19, 800 677, 682 5, 996 37, 767 741, 245 130, 670 89, 566 1, 065) 233 36,984 48, 040 1, 204, 638 32, 120 74, 627 1, 396, 409 140, 612 94, 445 1, 857, 234 56,024 30,642 1, 389, 539 11, 944 85, 952 1, 574, 101 331, 258 22, 742 2, 212, 235 10, 863 62, 453 939, 120 12, 678 100, 911 1, 126, 025 160, 945 72, 479 2,129 236 68,486 40,975 1, 197, 470 35, 144 26, 973 1, 369, 048 325, 722 109,496 2,282 237 106, 484 200, 655 4, 072, 460 59, 722 197, 337 4, 636, 658 873, 105 384, 078 6,151 238 7,759 41, 751 942, 230 10, 850 65, 004 1, 067, 594 145, 521 68, 048 1, 341 239 12,177 30, 123 650, 198 9,084 33, 736 735, 318 128, 446 51, 738 995 240 6,700 24,900 483, 595 15, 355 21, 779 552, 329 119, 189 14, 817 723 241 75, 452 95, 089 1, 419, 035 19, 698 53, 024 1, 662, 298 343, 671 205, 661 2,259! 242 4,390 8,792 577, 402 4,735 23, 794 619, 119 136, 278 43, 814 833 243 66,426 268, 255 3, 858, 543 56, 218 140, 108 4,389,549 435, 702 207, 166 6, 765 244 73, 055 1, 047, 431 20, 566 65, 121 1, 206, 173 92, 159 49, 834 1, 449 245 83, 300 1, 568, 400 15, 000 12, 000 1, 678, 700 189, 000 83,000 2, 067 1 246 34,425 55, 900 579, 213 7,652 47, 832 725, 022 87, 871 60, 622 908 247 32,000 J» 56, 000 663, 499 13,000 15, 155 779, 654 66,672 13, 710 1, 341 1 248 40 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP II.—CITIES OF 30,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES FOE: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 249 South Dakota 250 Sioux Falls 3 14 47 268 4,157 4,225 8,000 178 34, 985 251 Texas 65 223 812 4, 419 76, 405 73, 255 126, 286 922, 325 252 Amarillo 5 19 63 372 6, 318 6, 211 10, 745 172 113, 043 253 Austin 11 31 86 538 9,053 8, 451 14, 498 175 85, 145 Beaumont: 254 Independent School 9 23 72 331 6,064 5, 696 9, 717 175 119,915 District. 255 South Park District - 2 7 31 141 2, 278 2,127 4, 006 173 51, 186 256 Corpus Christi - 7 28 124 581 9,483 9,057 16, 013 176 50, 585 257 El Paso 13 30 102 643 11, 398 11, 042 20, 458 176 126, 795 258 Galveston9 3 14 52 306 4, 662 4, 469 7, 486 175 46, 289 259 Laredo 4 10 43 218 4,177 4, 027 6,999 174 32, 600 260 Lubbock 1 21 71 307 5, 908 5, 814 9, 929 176 88, 653 261 Port Arthur 3 9 69 312 5, 955 6, 696 9, 870 168 86, 687 262 Waco... _ 4 18 52 426 6, 219 6 , 040 8, 504 171 61,659 263 Wichita Falls 3 13 47 244 4, 890 4, 625 8,061 173 59, 768 264 Utah 265 Ogden 3 17 100 262 6, 053 5, 972 10, 776 177 57,317 266 Virginia 68 142 378 2, 262 38, 358 37, 517 66, 553 265, 121 267 Alexandria 7 13 33 249 3, 816 3, 672 6, 970 180 29, 188 268 Arlington County 13 36 76 422 7,865 7, 666 13, 392 180 84, 474 (P. O. Arlington). 269 Danville. 3 13 52 186 1 2, 697 7 2, 697 4, 585 180 19,401 270 Lynchburg 9 13 40 236 4, 050 3,910 7,197 182 24, 556 271 Newport News 10 14 55 206 3,849 3, 926 6,784 182 25, 111 272 Petersburg 6 12 37 171 3,170 2, 932 5, 252 180 22, 208 273 Portsmouth 9 15 22 319 5, 925 5,767 10, 006 184 14, 607 274 Roanoke 11 26 63 473 6,986 6,947 12, 367 180 45, 576 275 Washington 276 Everett. 6 13 87 254 6,031 5,431 7,472 171 40,082 277 Wisconsin 59 125 694 2,084 34, 784 34, 082 62, 784 411, 613 278 Eau Claire 4 11 55 133 2, 856 2, 819 5, 149 175 29, 496 279 Green Bay 10 13 61 209 3, 073 3,261 5, 697 178 39, 990 280 Kenosha 3 14 67 231 4,152 3, 882 7,127 179 55, 573 281 La Crosse 6 13 66 190 3, 276 3, 121 6,005 190 34, 139 282 Madison 9 20 85 391 5, 553 5, 495 9,791 177 74, 823 283 Oshkosh.. 7 8 60 175 2,709 2,721 5, 106 180 24, 487 284 Racine 6 14 93 258 4,704 4,607 8, 882 183 40, 610 285 Sheboygan 2 12 85 176 3,179 3, 063 5, 796 184 34, 518 286 Superior 5 10 47 154 2 2, 587 7 2, 589 4,769 175 28, 394 287 West Allis 7 10 75 167 2,695 2,524 4, 462 185 49, 583 1 Includes persons rendering instructional services supplementary to regular classroom instruction in libraries, study halls, guidance, health, psychological work, etc., provided half or more than half of their employment time is given to such instructional work. 2 The actual number of days in the school year that children were taught. 3 Includes instructional supplies; textbooks free to all pupils; school library books; and other expense, including salaries of full-time librarians. The expenditure for textbooks which are furnished gratis to indigent pupils, only, is classified as an auxiliary services item, and reported accordingly. 4 Includes amounts shown in columns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18, plus amounts not tabulated but reported by city school systems as expenditures for the following current accounts: Auxiliary school services; fixed charges; community services to public and nonpublic schools paid from school district funds; and adult and summer schools. This total figure covers all school current expenditures whether or not same are directly allocable to the charge per pupil in average daily attendance for the public-school system reporting. s Includes the Phoenix Junior College data. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 41 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 99,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only Salaries and wages Other 8 Total Operation Mainte- nance Total « (in thou- sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 249 9,000 49, 000 885, 556 66, 296 1,009, 852 186, 819 12, 671 1,272 250 347, 312 1,055, 386 16, 765, 305 348, 451 621, 643 19, 138, 097 1, 540, 290 1,214,112 24, 306 251 32, 147 114, 976 1, 622, 052 28, 649 38, 306 1,836, 130 126, 060 81,892 2,217 252 55,022 171, 551 2, 417, 125 78, 555 115, 104 2,837,357 207,970 144,050 3,456 253 35, 857 105, 911 1, 308, 149 18,000 142,093 1,610,010 111, 562 136,303 2, 059 254 9,440 30, 331 563, 831 10, 860 25, 277 639, 739 66,520 51,496 856 255 31, 665 116, 756 2, 078, 891 7, 852 30, 768 2, 265, 932 178, 822 196, 158 3,139 256 82, 947 141,307 2, 272, 251 83, 552 70, 935 2, 650, 992 214, 203 125, 523 3,279 257 11,100 50, 746 903, 251 26, 750 26, 677 1,018, 524 114, 862 62, 960 1,295 258 16, 180 42, 920 752, 462 22, 000 13, 200 846, 762 83, 260 55, 000 1,065 259 6, 000 87, 512 1,166, 475 8, 262 50, 042 1, 318, 291 111, 292 59, 927 1,826 260 24, 100 47, 885 1,281,032 35, 786 49, 984 1,438,787 138, 161 122, 454 1,901 261 27, 950 76, 738 1, 443, 621 20,000 34, 957 1, 603, 266 106,911 124, 527 1,922 262 14,904 68, 753 956, 165 8,185 24,300 1, 072, 307 80, 667 53,822 1,291 263 264 14, 130 92, 675 1,174, 518 16, 086 85, 285 1, 382, 694 144,073 104, 237 1,789 265 269, 154 567, 268 7, 577, 638 214, 621 414, 489 9, 043, 170 977,676 688, 832 11, 767 266 28,602 56, 338 972, 277 38, 414 19, 051 1,114, 682 159, 207 29, 904 1,387 267 62, 700 155, 267 1,546,662 44, 967 94,006 1, 903, 602 214, 661 165, 188 2, 636 268 18, 774 65,000 611, 208 18, 161 64, 989 778, 132 75, 301 25, 142 906 269 30, 412 51, 736 737, 578 16, 566 24, 390 860, 682 76, 897 65, 983 1,108 270 36, 560 57, 196 708, 558 24, 226 44, 668 871, 208 95, 735 47, 004 1,111 271 27, 065 41,847 515, 185 9, 453 21, 707 615, 257 73, 530 45, 286 783 272 33, 026 69, 049 914, 757 21, 217 42, 088 1,080, 137 92, 497 213, 486 1,448 273 32,015 70, 835 1, 571, 413 41, 617 103, 590 1, 819, 470 189, 848 96, 839 2,388 274 275 30,432 65, 765 1,150, 062 32, 780 98, 373 1, 377, 412 217, 740 231, 079 2,031 276 257, 029 581, 212 9, 826, 300 277, 282 597, 282 11, 539, 105 2,011,652 871, 719 15, 825 277 16, 500 38, 268 636, 497 11,815 41,715 744, 795 117, 720 96, 813 1,076 278 41, 961 65, 758 916, 834 29, 490 79, 292 1,133, 335 233, 664 87, 576 1,583 279 14, 694 68, 223 1, 103, 928 28, 379 75, 328 1, 290, 552 212, 587 84, 852 1,760 280 27, 590 58, 368 788, 931 10, 021 64, 752 949, 662 204, 575 41, 336 1,257 281 45, 544 101, 712 1, 773, 088 67, 487 108, 697 2, 096, 528 341, 512 120,355 2,894 282 24,747 29, 216 821, 139 22, 847 58, 406 956, 855 170, 649 87,376 1, 356 283 22, 547 71, 100 1, 309, 328 41, 469 78, 371 1, 522, 815 245, 107 116, 198 2,017 284 10, 500 47, 059 886, 096 28, 785 35, 104 1, 007, 544 149, 345 60, 050 1, 296 285 22, 165 45, 100 644, 849 11, 942 34, 813 758, 869 166, 718 92, 500 1,092 286 30, 781 56, 408 945, 610 25, 047 20,304 1, 078, 150 169, 775 84, 663 1, 494|287 School plant 6 Number of positions revised upward from that reported in order to accord with the amounts reported as salary expenditure for these positions. Average of salary payments prevailing in similar school districts used as unit for computing numbers of positions recorded. The Phoenix High School and Junior College District included positions of principals, assistant principals, registrars, and deans under the category of principal positions. 7 Distribution by sex not reported. Total divided on basis of previous biennial reports to this Office show- ing distribution by sex. 8 Includes Junior College data. 8 Not reported for 1949-50, data previously reported for 1947-48 was used. 10 Estimated, roughly, on basis of 1947-48 data plus data on salaries reported for similar positions in com- parable school districts. 11 Includes vice-principals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 —Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF AND ATTENDANCE IN FULL-TIME DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year* (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19,845 66,440 1,196,006 1,156,379 2,085,589 $15,916,518 179 1, 192 23, 129 23, 342 40, 754 158, 293 15 163 3, 082 3, 010 5, 141 178 27, 200 16 107 2, 062 2, 126 3,780 176 12, 737 15 90 1, 540 1,456 2,798 180 12, 279 18 113 2,583 2, 666 4,454 175 6, 323 17 115 2, 363 2, 546 4, 351 175 11, 869 98 604 11, 499 11, 538 20, 230 87,885 154 930 19, 886 19, 256 33, 126 132, 643 12 78 2, 117 2,087 3,400 178 14, 155 20 142 2, 630 2,436 4. 350 180 20, 311 14 98 2, 217 2, 214 3, 414 176 16,700 20 137 2,745 2,711 4,738 175 22, 731 20 72 1, 410 1, 350 2, 594 178 9, 618 28 167 3,800 3, 640 6, 297 174 22, 503 21 147 2, 917 2, 854 5, 220 172 15, 594 19 89 2, 050 1, 964 3, 113 175 11, 031 2,242 5,722 117, 320 110, 336 208, 154 1,899,387 33 93 6 1, 770 6 1, 731 3,392 175 26, 545 8 58 918 884 1, 532 175 14, 639 26 28 • 619 0 619 1, 053 175 21,433 52 408 6, 560 6,274 12, 215 178 99, 819 225 155 5,704 4, 819 8, 147 175 106, 300 39 118 1,627 1, 641 3, 167 170 38, 978 8 79 1, 422 1,387 2,571 170 24,032 10 19 290 305 673 170 10, 781 10 71 929 919 1, 737 176 12, 908 15 223 « 4, 315 « 4, 315 8,365 176 70, 556 124 134 5,363 5, 071 9,445 175 70, 902 29 130 2,306 2, 136 3,836 172 29, 478 132 281 5,705 5,041 10, 127 175 91, 656 1 79 1, 232 1, 210 2,402 170 25, 643 49 109 1,983 1, 869 3,669 170 39, 079 35 85 2,244 2,027 3,863 173 23, 889 73 47 1, 263 1,299 2, 175 175 10, 613 40 153 2, 830 2, 711 4,692 174 53, 597 66 150 3, 050 3,033 5,787 176 52, 090 14 129 2, 163 1, 719 3,882 173 28,508 45 44 1,054 1,030 1,980 175 33, 949 41 105 2,560 2,400 4,491 175 22, 162 63 56 1,496 1,431 2,695 174 25, 171 15 95 0 1, 620 0 1, 621 3, 128 176 35, 481 41 94 1, 864 1,627 3, 184 180 17, 884 1, 048 2,779 56, 433 53, 217 100, 046 913, 294 129 464 7,685 7,569 13, 762 102,976 23 96 1,413 1,356 2,636 179 21, 879 25 86 1,498 1,485 2,844 174 15, 784 32 111 1,762 1,735 3, 350 175 23,428 33 99 1,879 1,860 3,036 177 24, 976 16 72 « 1, 133 « 1,133 1,896 178 16, 909 Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) ,523 4,022 6 55 8 2 3 5 2 6 4 31 20 61 3 2 1 8 8 04 13 02 3 5 11 *5 9 7 147 356 5 1 6 1 5 21 7 10 3 6 2 1 1 5 6 12 4 13 6 9 6 15 4 61 0 14 «3 0 10 6 14 6 10 *6 09 3 1 5 63 9 86 *159 8 28 >up III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 43 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 10,000 TO 29,999 POPULATION Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total * (in thou- Other • Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $6,471,031 $17,646,403 $267,538,712 $4,838,765 $18,783,035 $315,277,949 $46,813,641 $21, 761,749 $437, 584 19, 196 194, 190 3, 089. 469 32, 533 78, 388 3,413, 776 278, 660 175, 504 4,589 2 27, 270 408, 955 3, 600 18,000 457, 825 39, 700 20, 225 674 3 6,060 11, 884 285, 583 1,869 304, 396 16, 606 19, 478 393 4 17, 150 243, 827 4, 400 3, 000 268, 377 24, 712 18, 400 487 5 6, 384 262, 957 2, 500 4, 963 276, 804 16, 961 6, 743 311 6 20,080 283, 124 3, 000 7, 290 313, 494 25, 242 23, 835 414 7 14, 136 111, 422 1, 605,023 19,033 43, 266 1, 792, 880 155, 439 86, 823 2,310 8 60, 012 190, 247 2,384,952 31, 649 61,373 2, 728, 233 264, 204 175, 667 3, 744 9 8, 013 9,835 226, 970 1, 530 2, 464 248, 812 30, 530 10, 538 323 10 4, 500 24, 350 411, 171 3,942 9, 702 453, 665 8,239 12, 158 534 11 23,202 190, 543 2, 253 6,325 222, 323 34, 525 14, 157 310 12 * 10, 000 41, 407 384, 312 6, 698 8, 610 451, 027 56, 786 22, 179 606 13 5 5, 000 8,203 167, 800 1,350 4,113 186, 466 27, 446 9,231 240 14 17, 499 33,160 442, 957 9,555 20, 406 523, 577 48, 408 55, 544 900 15 * 15, 000 27, 440 355, 601 4,201 7, 284 409, 526 41, 069 41, 921 . 538 16 22,650 205, 598 2, 120 2, 469 232, 837 17, 201 9, 939 293 17 716, 715 1, 947, 778 30, 302, 451 995, 142 3, 194, 585 37, 156, 671 6, 141,956 2, 151, 742 64, 041 18 28, 860 442, 895 15,423 56, 653 543, 831 66, 669 43, 929 778 19 4, 150 27, 000 233, 485 5,744 270, 379 38, 260 6, 780 360 20 7,500 254, 974 2,195 38, 256 302, 925 59, 179 32, 482 459 21 27,625 104, 600 1, 518, 355 69, 088 103, 367 1, 813, 035 225, 510 106, 440 2,429 22 46, 290 64, 788 1, 600, 403 111,859 347, 759 2, 161, 099 444, 783 124, 607 3, 406 23 19, 844 38, 818 672, 040 43,944 59, 458 834, 104 130, 964 81, 521 1, 207 24 9,040 290, 000 7,679 15, 000 321, 719 45, 940 21, 942 481 25 5, 000 113, 415 9,643 128, 058 21, 681 11, 127 187 26 6, 160 21, 600 280, 150 1, 000 18, 425 326, 335 35, 615 31,352 452 27 26, 114 61, 045 803, 484 40, 946 42, 090 973, 679 139, 446 62, 511 1,609 28 22,622 87, 750 1, 043, 825 68, 200 82, 551 1,304, 948 166, 093 100, 417 1, 768 29 27, 000 45,000 525, 589 60, 591 658, 180 87, 629 36, 005 880 30 38, 159 104, 757 1, 414, 436 98, 767 123,348 1, 779, 467 244, 115 114, 749 2,582 31 18, 576 262, 317 7, 208 16, 349 304, 450 26, 248 9,258 480 32 6 5,000 * 84, 000 655, 680 106, 128 850, 808 88, 503 39, 212 1, 154 33 *15,000 •45,000 400, 759 36, 227 496, 986 51, 639 30, 027 653 34 27, 368 400, 340 17, 794 38, 238 483, 740 53, 359 24,476 647 35 67, 462 720, 110 47, 059 66, 773 901, 404 121, 470 55, 102 1, 266 36 29,232 48,890 776, 096 49, 844 53, 645 957, 707 122, 061 52, 654 1,309 37 32, 800 412, 092 16, 725 43, 140 604, 757 58, 221 18, 701 656 38 6,500 388, 914 16, 702 33,086 445, 202 88,878 32, 986 738 39 •25,000 *50, 000 505, 269 60, 457 640, 726 59, 887 25, 391 791 40 20,820 6,500 610, 611 11, 850 60, 117 609, 898 88, 498 42, 544 870 41 26, 300 388, 301 14, 257 30, 420 459, 278 51, 979 33, 494 631 42 » 12, 000 47, 000 528, 615 65, 964 653, 579 118, 055 22, 681 984 43 392. 699 891. 624 15. 160. 296 364.602 1. 621. 156 18, 430, 377 2, 507, 274 991, 354 27, 264 44 32, 122 119,250 1,649, 578 21,132 94, 613 1, 916, 695 274, 213 102,617 2,670 45 6, 612 27, 800 318,977 7, 142 11,116 371, 647 59,321 17, 756 530 46 4,000 12, 780 321,658 5,304 9, 697 353,439 51,393 22, 521 486 47 10, 500 29,989 383, 534 35, 005 459, 028 71,802 19, 717 642 48 4,789 28, 183 407, 010 6,692 20, 710 467, 384 62, 775 28, 761 655 49 6,221 20,498 218,399 1,994 18,085 265, 197 28, 922 13,862 357 50 61 62 63 64 65 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF 10,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Connecticut 27 84 238 1,084 18, 274 17, 872 32, 274 207, 200 Danbury 6 25 119 1,924 1,930 3, 389 182 19, 817 Derby 6 8 35 496 462 888 180 10, 669 East Hartford 4 11 30 166 2, 477 2,306 4,439 180 21, 371 Naugatuck.. 4 7 8 66 1,127 1,162 2,059 181 15, 223 Shelton . 5 6 49 847 816 1,455 180 9, 439 Torrington... ' 4 11 28 120 1,984 2,119 3, 712 180 16, 309 Wallingford 5 4 19 84 1,242 1,230 2,206 180 13, 663 Willimantie 4 20 61 1,195 1,222 2, 017 181 15, 260 10 30 94 384 6, 982 6,625 12, 109 85, 449 Georgia.. 13 55 128 1,065 20, 391 20, 561 34, 772 132, 293 Albany 1 3 12 150 3, 199 3,261 5, 499 175 16, 790 Athens.. 10 11 10 126 2, 193 2,195 3,789 180 20. 306 Dalton 1 9 89 1,774 1,651 2, 816 177 13, 336 Decatur 1 9 11 105 1,853 1,827 3, 193 180 14, 632 Griffin 2 12 75 1,398 1,390 2, 395 180 11,412 La Grange 10 11 140 2, 518 2,653 4, 367 176 11, 873 Thomasville 8 18 92 1,786 1,758 3,043 175 10, 968 Other cities.. . 1 11 45 288 5, 670 5,826 9, 670 32, 976 Idaho 13 54 249 820 18, 517 17, 907 31, 248 171,972 Boise 4 16 67 247 4, 922 5, 000 8, 509 178 57,305 Coeur d’Alene 2 21 64 1,409 1,284 2, 493 172 10, 683 Lewiston... 5 6 26 73 1,659 1,667 2,523 178 16, 728 Pocatello 1 12 31 143 3, 656 3, 513 6,167 172 30, 718 Twin Falls 2 5 28 97 8 2, 179 8 2, 180 3,699 174 13, 959 Other cities 1 13 76 196 4,692 4,263 7,857 42, 579 Illinois.. 73 164 1, 194 3,246 56, 022 54,395 97, 351 1,061,704 Brookfield, District 4 30 495 477 926 189 14, 688 No. 95. Canton 1 3 26 81 1, 444 1,410 2,569 175 19,184 Champaign... 15 5 41 141 8 2, 110 8 2, 111 3, 816 188 21,341 East Moline: Elementary District- 4 5 6 44 834 719 1,352 185 15, 259 High School District. 25 20 505 520 906 185 21,062 Elmhurst: Elementary District. 5 14 79 1,323 1,243 2,270 186 22, 957 High School District. 2 38 28 *813 8 812 1,490 187 21, 591 Forest Park 2 2 5 36 415 435 847 187 13, 716 Galesburg 7 72 168 2,717 2,639 4, 863 185 19, 352 Highland Park: Elementary District. 1 7 30 375 364 636 186 12, 504 No. 107. Elementary District 2 5 12 48 596 586 1,016 185 17, 314 No. 108. High School District 1 29 25 537 493 998 187 22, 901 No. 113. Jacksonville 6 6 31 89 1, 185 1,152 2, 174 176 17,977 Kankakee. 20 109 1,597 1,568 2, 929 185 24, 652 Kewanee 3 21 81 1,208 1,155 2,211 180 19,094 La Grange: Elementary District- 3 5 88 1,119 1,061 1,806 186 32, 620 High School District. 2 52 39 1,124 963 1, 571 191 20, 864 Lincoln: Elementary District 5 38 8 617 8 617 1,087 185 6, 258 No. 27. High School District- 1 19 12 265 293 543 179 5,522 Park Ridge District 3 7 80 8 1, 222 8 1, 222 1,990 185 15, 250 No. 64. Wilmette 3 3 9 75 8 962 *963 1,637 180 38,387 footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 45 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Gubbent expenditubes fob—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total « (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 100,017 366, 913 4, 323, 466 64, 415 297, 688 5,152, 499 726, 709 316, 533 6, 960 51 23, 975 527, 357 4, 449 31, 739 587, 520 82, 337 20, 456 766 52 24,661 169, 128 3,525 7, 339 194, 653 23, 246 8, 448 255 53 17, 165 47, 205 573, 108 16, 409 39, 274 693, 161 115, 152 22, 871 898 54 15,700 29, 995 264,938 1,624 16, 148 328, 405 49, 544 22, 378 484 55 20, 840 186, 234 2, 998 6, 074 216, 146 32, 424 9, 842 302 56 12, 897 48, 900 517, 197 7, 400 33, 382 619, 776 82, 722 44, 969 816 67 17,600 19, 475 333, 586 4, 456 32, 338 407, 455 52, 226 22, 599 546 58 13, 670 208, 870 7,234 22, 409 252, 183 48, 773 20, 392 440 59 36, 655 138, 192 1, 553, 048 16,320 108, 985 1, 853, 200 240, 285 144, 578 2,453 60 34, 907 155, 673 2, 684, 110 18, 957 119, 674 3, 013, 321 308, 388 113, 631 4,107 61 4, 325 12, 160 435, 825 1,518 23, 514 477, 342 46, 953 38, 577 600 62 22,000 25, 659 328, 452 3, 054 9, 525 388, 690 34, 236 9, 194 666 63 3,500 226, 675 5, 294 235, 469 20, 000 4, 132 329 64 4, 766 26, 893 264, 591 1,894 21, 408 319, 552 46, 184 5,585 461 65 6,814 175, 080 9,971 5, 348 197, 213 28, 935 5,879 291 66 28,555 333, 400 14, 581 376, 536 50, 468 8, 450 449 67 14, 431 150, 369 8, 061 172, 861 8, 367 16, 720 272 68 3,816 37, 661 769, 718 2,520 31, 943 845, 658 73, 245 25, 094 1,039 69 49,732 208, 783 2, 862, 415 42, 317 190, 143 3,353,390 482, 032 319, 066 4,881 70 14,840 61, 772 816, 596 12, 888 39, 450 945, 546 133, 018 155, 930 1,447 71 6,000 218, 717 3,160 9, 092 236, 969 43, 490 8, 015 337 72 19, 239 28,378 271, 959 3, 900 27, 848 351,324 52, 988 12, 270 512 73 6, 452 38, 598 508, 874 1, 784 36, 668 592,376 93, 892 82,611 909 74 5, 701 24,246 328, 774 3,742 24, 723 387, 186 47, 883 28, 862 533 75 3,500 49, 789 717, 495 16, 843 52, 362 839, 989 110, 761 31, 378 1,143 76 283, 453 726, 179 14, 192, 164 201, 814 869, 254 16, 272, 864 2, 914, 789 1, 185, 668 23,585 77 83, 063 2,040 4,315 89, 418 18, 902 4, 576 135 78 3,025 10, 035 309, 678 5,901 328, 639 56, 116 45, 601 485 79 97, 116 38, 951 588, 104 11, 484 70, 125 805, 780 130, 372 33, 184 1,006 80 11,900 19. 575 159, 817 3,000 12, 825 207, 117 37, 199 10,910 286 81 166, 500 8, 275 174, 775 24, 960 17, 602 264 82 24,015 274,000 7,171 9,484 314, 670 59,336 29, 279 441 83 7,938 283, 838 8, 386 300, 162 44, 136 13, 182 406 84 8,000 9, 400 140, 746 9, 836 167, 982 33, 848 16, 543 244 85 21,892 742, 096 26, 492 47, 886 838, 366 143, 063 23, 225 1,107 86 4,000 136, 434 5,449 4,746 150, 629 31, 498 202 87 9,500 23,473 245,228 10, 593 288, 794 47, 793 10,382 376 88 10,000 272, 658 11,894 27, 633 322, 185 60, 270 42, 817 726 89 23,570 24, 415 376, 247 6,364 17, 990 448, 586 69, 348 34, 294 613 90 429, 520 6, 198 13, 378 449, 096 99, 236 53, 303 665 91 13, 650 286,093 5,449 16, 136 321, 328 54, 918 29,528 455 92 15, 570 297, 571 15, 669 328, 810 45, 739 40, 370 460 93 13,000 427, 777 19, 505 10, 594 470, 876 86, 213 11, 731 644 94 89, 803 4, 558 94, 361 9,907 112 95 5,600 98,806 1,800 10, 160 116,366 27, 181 2,660 161 96 14, 401 284, 287 7,849 15,336 321, 873 63, 360 19, 089 436 97 16,538 16, 147 279, 148 5,976 30, 9171 348, 726 55, 520 22,603 5081 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III—CITIES OF 10,000 to City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Illinois—Con. Winnetka: 4 20 72 863 807 1,431 180 35, 223 High School District. 6 65 70 1,185 1,106 1,939 185 72, 254 Other cities 40 97 661 1,763 32, 511 31, 679 56, 344 551, 734 Indiana 48 124 714 1,715 35, 215 34,411 60, 752 391,309 Bedford ' 2 6 17 66 1,030 1,037 180 11,314 Bloomington 4 53 125 1, 851 1,836 S, 223 174 19, 954 Columbus i 6 40 82 1,975 1,789 3, 459 180 15, 939 Crawfordsville 4 29 54 1,104 1,167 2, 022 178 11,887 Frankfort 2 4 30 82 1,557 1,507 2,653 171 15, 378 Goshen 6 30 56 1,174 1,248 2, 188 169 14, 999 Huntington 3 7 25 65 1,151 1,205 2,116 180 13, 740 1 33 57 1,328 1,302 2, 222 171 13, 173 La Fayette — 5 10 48 122 2,764 2, 457 4, 350 176 32, 792 Logansport 1 42 92 1,896 1,771 3, 008 176 25, 679 Michigan City 2 4 43 85 2, 017 1,997 3, 606 180 19, 020 Other cities 33 71 324 829 17, 368 17, 095 29, 907 197, 434 Iowa... 37 91 347 1,307 21, 889 21, 323 38, 686 273, 967 Boone,-. 4 7 19 68 1,338 1,256 2, 192 180 16, 166 Clinton 3 8 32 144 2, 345 2,315 4, 258 181 21, 643 Fort M dison 1 2 17 64 927 950 1,718 179 16, 167 Keokuk 6 5 27 79 1,398 1,404 2, 481 180 28, 855 Marshalltown 3 8 24 106 1,759 1,715 3,116 180 17, 668 Mason City 7 13 45 173 2, 573 2, 429 4,506 180 32, 115 Muscatine 11 30 95 1,719 1,744 3, 262 180 15, 718 Newton 5 4 20 74 1,404 1,410 2,248 180 12, 997 Other cities 8 33 133 504 8, 426 8, 100 14, 905 112, 638 Kansas.. 25 94 430 1,176 23, 811 22, 448 39, 687 233, 526 Chanute 2 8 24 59 1,240 1,159 2,096 180 12, 016 Fort Scott 2 19 57 1,004 854 1,609 176 11,456 Independence 5 30 61 1,407 1,261 2, 283 176 12,378 Leavenworth 1 10 20 88 1,582 1,565 2, 672 180 20, 368 Manhattan 1 3 24 62 1,319 1,214 2, 070 174 18, 665 Newton 4 8 20 61 1,156 1,249 2,215 180 10, 598 Ottawa 5 22 55 1,050 1,033 1,761 179 13, 718 Parsons 8 33 80 1,545 1,415 2, 568 176 12, 781 Pittsburg 1 8 23 85 1,541 1,510 2,577 175 14, 065 Other cities 16 37 215 568 11, 967 11,188 19, 836 107, 481 Kentucky.. 9 45 87 568 9, 561 9, 496 16, 551 104, 491 Ashland. 5 13 15 185 2, 868 2, 804 5,149 174 Bowling Green 6 18 71 1,354 1,348 2, 221 180 14’ 486 Fort Thomas. 4 11 45 576 563 1,047 176 16, 282 Frankfort- 7 9 46 674 707 1,308 184 14, 154 Hopkinsville . 6 13 68 1,052 1,101 1,953 178 9, 024 Other cities 4 9 21 153 3,037 2, 973 4, 873 10, 849 28, 676 Lotttrtana 3 22 60 319 5, 958 5, 983 47, 622 Bogalusa 2 5 17 114 2, 088 2,155 3, 990 180 18, 977 Lake Charles. 9 23 101 1,895 1,910 3,420 180 14, 392 Monroe 1 8 20 104 1,975 1,918 3,439 180 14, 253 Maine 14 34 177 755 12, 644 12, 075 22, 460 69, 864 Augusta 3 7 23 78 1, 430 1,396 2, 547 177 9, 529 Bath 1 19 71 1,344 1,196 2,301 180 8, 760 Biddeford. 4 6 35 558 557 950 180 5, 000 Rumford 1 23 52 811 703 1, 424 180 5,197 Other cities il 21 106 519 8, 501 8,223 15, 238 41,378 footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 47 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only Salaries and wages Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 14 Other * Total 16 School plant Operation Mainte- nance 18 Total 4 (in thou sands) 19 113, 804 26, 242 44, 799 383, 076 343, 207 12, 559 660,862 7, 216, 681 68, 584 18, 690 45, 356 450, 465 400, 698 751,017 8, 232, 610 66, 489 160, 992 1,498,393 33, 784 45, 252 645, 753 1,11 12, 19 214, 107 10, 132 5,736 8,725 17, 362 21, 247 10, 058 140, 847 566, 803 25, 125 15, 650 28. 900 13, 572 17, 450 30, 543 34, 396 4, 758 59, 175 5, 892 20, 600 310, 742 8, 426, 227 107, 103 258, 895 1, 878 431, 368 3, 750 394, 412 4, 062 275, 265 5, 094 370, 675 2,830 291, 700 1, 575 311, 135 2,818 318, 762 656, 864 10, 738 490, 045 6, 709 497, 165 5, 392 4, 129, 941 62, 257 312, 385 4, 225 27, 160 11, 047 11, 559 17, 644 7, 464 13, 610 5, 524 26, 702 13, 790 14, 087 159, 573 9, 626, 625 300, 255 477, 928 444, 157 305, 490 417, 324 331, 282 379, 321 329, 044 774, 726 516, 436 547, 3021 4, 803, 360 1, 460, 906 535, 537 40. 827 12, 399 91, 573 28,411 65, 368 19, 351 40, 425 13, 504 59, 062 52, 785 13, 395 62, 810 18. 161 47, 681 23, 651 113, 724 55, 795 78, 727 41, 778 97, 657 32, 050 710, 267 277, 042 12,60 37 49 42 50 42 99 66 6,28 144, 606 15, 694 12. 633 3.000 21, 420 9. 000 26, 950 20, 000 35, 909 390, 525 25, 628 33. 542 7,400 18, 224 27. 000 68, 438 62, 239 16. 000 132,054 4, 834, 791 68, 408 256, 271 2, 137 533, 148 13, 812 220, 404 322, 192 8, 076 368, 844 680, 467 7,223 357, 945 9,462 262,369 1,833, 151 27, 698 272, 345 13, 746 28, 821 12, 348 20, 830 28, 760 41, 531 17, 241 20, 518 88, 550 5, 710, 675 313, 476 621, 956 243, 152 390, 742 433, 604 824, 609 446. 887 318. 887 2, 117, 362 978, 605 55, 814 114, 558 42, 113 55, 457 78, 437 135, 089 64, 682 45, 547 386, 908 405, 817 15, 455 48, 272 15, 210 32, 420 30, 519 51, 638 13, 504 21, 265 177, 534 7,88 44 53 59 1, 09 44 2,96 91, 736 5,400 3, 958 3, 657 13, 979 3, 300 61, 442 345, 196 20, 630 8,100 20, 724 26, 361 11, 335 35, 229 20, 474 27, 192 29,050 146, 101 4,383,084 213, 692 194, 587 243, 146 265, 379 262, 781 223, 208 197, 294 278, 798 298, 408 2, 205, 791 71, 470 3, 725 3, 947 4, 385 5, 544 3, 522 3, 456 2. 610 4, 278 4,804 35, 199 282, 122 8, 013 15, 511 15, 802 18, 404 11,810 22, 367 15, 748 16, 780 15, 010 142, 677 5, 173, 608 251, 460 222, 145 284, 057 319, 646 293, 105 298, 239 236, 126 327, 048 350, 572 2, 591, 210 715, 657 43, 800 27, 185 45, 163 41, 205 36, 216 42, 556 31, 196 40, 610 49, 548 358, 178 279, 225 5, 182 2,329 5, 503 31. 448 13, 499 4,497 13,858 11,349 40,395 151, 165 6, 75 34 28i 35 43' 37: 36 30; 45: 47: 3,361 22,200 14, 200 8,000 138, 633 37, 347 22, 818 16, 050 22, 936 14, 370 25, 112 1,345, 882 415, 189 148, 021 156, 859 126, 548 144, 409 354, 856 9,730 3,986 2,200 3, 544 42, 602 17, 881 3, 323 7, 159 3,367 4, 300 6,572 1, 559, 047 488, 603 174, 162 182, 268 152, 851 163, 079 398, 084 192, 122 55, 493 16, 536 25, 732 24. 034 24. 537 45, 790 99, 785 39, 126 5,703 9, 897 17, 541 7, 575 19, 943 2, os: 665 217 245 221 21S 514 14,015 9,200 4, 815 88, 804 20, 574 35, 580 32, 650 1, 138, 834 412, 178 348, 326 378, 330 3, 880 1,380 2, 500 45, 819 27, 602 7, 956 10, 261 1, 291, 352 469, 554 393, 242 428, 556 95, 615 35, 461 32, 846 27,308 72, 254 25, 121 9,172 37, 961 1,981 70C 53, 281 10, 863 42, 418 124, 985 22, 175 4, 500 15, 000 4,000 79,310 2, 103, 240 245, 355 212, 253 62, 570 19, 708 2, 500 3,000 172, 128 1, 410, 934 14. 208 173, 787 15, 754 29, 129 897 6, 478 121. 529 2, 475, 001 296, 647 248, 882 78, 467 182, 606 1. 668. 399 442, 436 51,289 45, 236 18, 557 31, 846 154, 212 10, 188 10, 457 14, 070 16, 696 3, 367 381 326 142 326 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF 10,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days laught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 183 250 1,011 3, 924 62, 778 60, 355 112, 427 740, 700 2 16 37 0 624 «624 1,159 177 11, 366 5 11 50 832 830 1,555 176 7,343 Athol 2 6 16 60 1, 008 993 1,861 173 12, 409 Attleboro 8 8 19 112 1,731 1,703 3,118 180 18, 003 Beverly 6 9 26 139 1,874 1, 851 3, 420 179 23, 367 1 21 42 690 745 1,326 177 11, 555 Danvers - 3 5 17 69 1,103 1,100 2, 010 179 8,347 2 9 39 524 546 957 179 7, 655 Fairhaven. 3 5 13 56 949 994 1,771 181 9, 428 Framingham 10 10 32 115 1,948 1,840 3, 359 180 25, 169 Gardner 4 8 18 66 1, 042 951 1,895 169 12, 898 Greenfield - ... 1 2 22 79 1,235 1,199 2, 216 180 11,163 Lexington.. 4 19 80 1,239 1,198 2, 261 178 10, 281 Marblehead 7 11 92 1, 088 1,027 1,967 178 12, 332 Marlboro 4 3 16 59 973 875 1,641 177 11, 987 Melrose 5 10 28 128 1,902 1,788 3, 365 179 21,644 Methuen .. -- 6 7 17 88 1,513 1,410 2, 750 177 15, 453 Milton . .. 6 7 22 104 1,661 1,420 2, 806 179 18, 560 Natich 6 3 20 82 1,647 1,442 2, 766 176 15, 941 Newburyport 5 2 2 74 889 904 1,620 178 9,259 North Adams 7 28 108 1,614 1, 602 2,921 176 15, 783 Northbridge 2 18 42 833 735 1,457 179 8, 642 Peabody - 6 10 26 95 1,470 1,382 2, 625 176 20, 382 Plymouth 3 5 22 65 1,216 1, 136 2,157 180 13, 002 Saugus 3 2 26 73 1,661 1,534 2, 946 177 9,319 Southbridge 3 5 13 55 893 904 1,622 182 11, 647 Stoneham 4 2 15 56 934 912 1,721 180 14, 452 Other cities 95 111 508 1, 859 29, 685 28, 710 53, 155 373, 313 TVTTnwrr; A'w 42 137 963 2, 740 48, 460 47, 760 87, 487 759, 123 Adrian 2 7 20 101 1,550 1,520 2, 873 190 17, 557 Alpena 2 27 57 1,147 1,063 1,848 188 21, 456 Ann Arbor 10 60 165 6 2, 530 0 2, 532 4,741 192 36, 344 Birmingham 7 26 116 6 1, 804 9 1, 804 3, 300 200 33, 821 Calumet 4 26 35 0 862 0 861 1,623 190 11, 566 Escanaba 1 2 26 84 1,453 1,442 2, 666 174 15, 154 Ferndale 10 45 152 0 2, 963 6 2, 964 4, 804 200 43,455 Grosse Pointe 1 9 52 176 0 2, 776 0 2, 778 5,069 189 52, 279 Holland 4 35 76 1,412 1,404 2, 612 184 12, 291 Iron Mountain t 4 2 13 61 993 999 1,866 179 13, 388 Ironwood 1 1 27 53 1,068 1,010 1,884 182 17, 054 Menominee 1 2 26 52 1,042 1,000 1,936 195 13, 242 Midland 2 6 48 113 1,911 1, 906 3, 522 190 30, 053 Monroe... 3 5 44 110 6 1, 799 0 1, 801 3, 450 195 33, 979 Mount Clemens 2 1 15 106 1,670 1,658 2, 894 190 21, 184 Muskegon Heights 4 4 38 95 2,174 2, 081 3,858 200 19, 932 Other cities 21 61 435 1,188 21, 306 20, 937 38, 541 366, 368 IVfTNNVSOTA 36 64 433 1,169 19, 576 18, 608 34, 232 276,107 Albert Lea 1 2 40 85 1,721 1,632 2,934 172 12, 799 Brainerd 2 4 26 93 1,581 1,521 2,621 172 19, 690 Faribault 2 1 24 53 964 949 1,697 172 13, 389 Fergus Falls 1 2 19 69 1,125 1,224 2, 140 172 13, 911 Rocfiester 5 14 64 143 2, 364 2, 200 4, 036 180 47, 083 South St. Paul 4 8 24 81 1,611 1,562 2, 835 172 23, 744 Virginia 3 4 37 93 1,229 1,049 2,124 180 22, 778 Other cities 18 29 199 552 8,981 8, 471 15, 845 122, 713 footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 49 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued ] 1 ^ 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total < (in thou- Other s Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 752, 414 1,075, 571 14, 951, 492 157, 721 1,075,876 18, 013, 074 2, 709, 193 1, 110, 896 23,902 153 8, 132 157, 830 1, 900 15, 778 183, 640 27, 510 9,606 244 154 20, 000 202, 698 5, 237 10, 773 238, 708 47, 066 9, 911 326 155 8,704 22, 769 184, 742 2, 547 11, 694 230, 456 40, 721 7, 512 305 156 28, 714 31, 925 366, 455 1, 856 23, 016 451, 966 60, 302 32, 918 593 157 22, 470 38, 844 478, 265 9, 636 35, 160 584, 375 113, 163 46, 897 794 158 4, 770 182, 299 1, 832 6, 864 195, 765 30, 244 12, 546 264 159 9, 124 18, 950 250, 743 4, 216 18, 579 301, 612 47, 031 25, 886 392 160 7, 426 133, 915 2,821 6, 546 150, 708 28, 880 13, 541 217 161 12, 000 20, 000 197, 321 13, 874 243, 195 41, 240 16, 891 326 162 40; 000 40; 000 449', 416 5,000 9, 581 543, 997 72, 474 41, 961 741 163 14, 936 29, 952 242, 061 2, 350 18, 250 307, 549 45, 999 36, 494 419 164 6,800 8, 400 282, 720 5, 248 27, 554 330, 722 56, 428 22, 551 442 165 23, 392 273, 927 8, 800 20, 270 326, 389 45, 062 20, 935 426 166 28, 850 285, 872 3,623 27, 631 345, 976 63, 576 11, 335 450 167 16, 500 11,300 189, 717 400 3, 914 221, 831 29, 163 12, 439 295 168 23, 450 48, 575 539, 890 4,981 43, 573 660, 469 88, 721 58, 794 852 169 26, 822 31,091 285, 070 3, 900 18, 177 365, 060 60, 216 17, 480 485 170 24, 000 37, 699 403, 200 21, 765 486, 664 72, 792 34, 007 631 171 26, 400 13, 125 300,363 29, 994 369, 882 63, 652 15, 775 494 172 16, 851 11, 761 203, 823 4,432 19, 735 256, 602 32, 275 17. 921 331 173 26, 674 393, 524 2,800 29, 722 452, 720 63, 475 26, 071 599 174 6, 711 176, 453 1, 920 8, 961 194, 045 28, 965 10, 001 261 175 24, 000 40, 000 380, 418 5, 321 18, 521 468, 260 63, 106 53, 616 668 176 12, 284 19, 775 267, 962 4, 769 3, 897 308, 687 26, 708 10, 630 413 177 12, 000 8, 000 288, 229 2, 100 16, 778 327, 107 57, 226 19, 664 430 178 10, 700 20, 517 216, 117 2, 100 15, 008 264, 442 39, 621 4, 330 348 179 17, 750 10, 300 228, 387 4,102 12, 245 272, 784 36, 503 6,228 343 180 398, 909 486, 633 7,390,075 65, 830 588, 016 8, 929, 463 1, 327, 074 514, 956 11, 813 181 186, 471 695, 108 12, 748, 447 219, 722 962, 651 14, 812, 399 2, 777, 957 983, 741 20,272 182 10, 000 43, 058 394, 944 3, 000 45, 776 496, 778 81, 988 21, 240 645 183 10, 000 282, 781 4,240 17, 641 314, 662 51, 837 14, 821 464 184 51, 850 729, 251 19, 214 48, 998 849, 313 148, 617 65, 275 1, 269 185 38, 745 506, 844 22, 310 42, 908 610, 807 147, 449 30, 291 853 186 13, 919 161, 933 9,784 185, 636 39, 866 14, 359 262 187 4,500 8, 650 328, 405 4, 155 23, 983 369, 693 64, 953 17, 290 507 188 49, 730 774, 251 20, 717 44, 896 889, 594 158, 049 76, 860 1,236 189 7,020 73, 606 982, 644 40, 553 81, 513 1, 185, 336 276, 806 60, 474 1, 693 190 15, 549 387, 890 6, 915 9, 217 419, 571 63, 180 24, 312 546 191 14, 618 7, 305 151, 682 1, 613 15, 041 190, 259 33. 067 19, 746 279 192 6, 929 5, 560 231,304 8, 107 21, 109 273, 009 68, 768 21, 985 400 193 3, 215 6, 167 236, 082 3,000 18, 133 266, 597 49, 538 24, 046 380 194 9,900 29, 046 603, 644 5, 057 32, 801 680, 448 136, 268 29, 039 885 195 16, 533 25, 517 512, 961 71, 685 626, 696 120, 469 25, 549 882 196 11, 625 5,500 391, 737 3, 958 26, 700 439, 520 90, 405 41, 470 620 197 15, 519 17, 570 453, 114 7,960 25, 168 519, 331 74, 219 36, 748 667 198 86, 612 293,336 5, 618, 980 68, 923 427, 298 6, 495, 149 1, 172, 478 460, 236 8,684 199 149, 858 298, 207 5, 386, 544 88,073 446, 119 6, 368, 801 1,307, 965 333, 961 9,090 200 4, 300 10, 276 374, 699 4, 540 30, 891 424, 706 77, 274 21, 925 580 201 8, 000 18, 000 360, 836 27, 271 414, 107 95, 486 26, 789 576 202 11, 257 7,173 248, 170 3, 808 29, 394 299, 802 40, 061 23, 314 442 203 3, 000 7,000 243, 866 25, 455 279, 321 49, 588 32, 901 386 204 27, 490 71, 910 749,363 22, 082 82, 331 953, 176 160, 273 20, 416 1,294 205 11, 600 32, 955 360, 083 5, 100 27, 457 437, 195 82, 698 7, 675 598 206 14, 666 18, 452 479, 565 12, 776 8, 624 525, 083 159^ 252 28, 799 824 207 69, 545 132, 441 2, 569, 962 39, 767 214, 696 3, 035, 411 643,333 172, 142 4,390.208 50 BIENNIAL SURVEY OP EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnels attendances and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF 10,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 200 7 71 119 990 20, 183 20, 420 34, 601 173, 434 8 7 84 1,689 1,659 2, 749 180 17, 294 8 13 81 1,726 1,851 2,923 180 13, 262 212 Hattiesburg... 1 9 13 130 2,420 2, 413 4,112 180 20’, 271 213 Laurel 1 7 12 134 2, 566 2, 632 4, 396 180 19, 380 5 7 101 1, 777 1,788 3,112 178 21 , 273 5 8 14 »88 1,774 1,855 3,186 178 8 13’ 980 216 5 29 53 372 8, 231 8, 222 14, 123 67^ 974 217 28 97 297 1,441 24, 046 22, 789 41, 027 249, 082 218 Cape Girardeau.. 1 6 27 95 1,530 1,454 2, 598 178 13, 989 219 Clayton 3 7 27 88 1,169 1,141 1,977 182 23. 894 220 Hannibal 3 7 12 113 1,776 1,694 2,973 180 11, 495 221 Kirksville 1 3 12 64 1,047 971 1,710 179 8, 359 222 Kirkwood 2 10 27 121 2, 277 2,177 3, 858 189 27, 292 223 Maplewood 5 7 21 93 1,416 1, 276 2, 311 190 18, 384 224 Moberly. 1 2 19 76 1,101 1, 076 1,964 180 9,200 225 fit. Charias 6 13 52 897 838 1, 458 188 13, 358 226 Webster Groves 3 11 35 164 2, 524 2, 361 4, 337 183 44’, 117 227 Othp.r cities 9 38 104 575 10, 309 9,801 17, 841 78, 994 228 Montana 17 39 157 622 11, 445 11,112 19, 950 143, 818 229 Anaconda. 4 15 52 6 829 «830 1,498 180 21. 041 230 Billings 2 10 38 191 3, 460 3, 318 6,159 180 24, 781 231 Great Falls... — 9 13 39 188 3,493 3, 438 6,152 180 50, 473 232 Helena 4 23 82 1, 361 1, 379 2, 495 180 22, 014 Missoula: 233 Elementary District. 4 7 16 85 1,643 1,515 2, 526 180 18, 088 234 High School District. 2 1 26 24 659 632 1, 120 184 7, 421 235 Nebraska 12 26 182 592 11,103 10, 908 18, 603 97, 895 236 Beatrice 1 2 14 75 1,128 1,166 1,824 181 13, 611 237 Fremont 2 3 16 66 1,295 1,283 2, 242 176 11.282 238 Grand Island 1 7 31 123 2, 085 2, 040 3, 626 180 20, 877 239 Hastings 3 8 28 99 1,846 1,763 3,197 180 12, 732 240 Norfolk 2 2 29 55 1,009 979 1,696 176 9, 574 241 Other cities 3 4 64 174 3, 739 3, 677 6, 018 29, 819 Nevada 242 Reno.. 2 11 48 139 2, 587 2,508 4, 304 181 39, 995 243 New Hampshire... 6 31 182 536 9, 377 8,769 16, 234 158, 355 244 Berlin 2 19 40 655 498 1,059 180 10, 172 245 Claremont 4 1 16 51 961 848 1,638 178 8,841 246 Concord 6 39 112 1,703 1, 614 2, 972 173 31, 704 247 Dover 8 16 44 1,109 963 1,812 175 17, 030 248 Keene.. 1 1 30 69 1,384 1,345 2, 451 176 21, 656 249 Laconia 1 2 24 60 982 925 1, 757 180 16, 103 250 Othp.r citifis 11 38 160 2, 583 2,576 4, 545 52, 849 251 New Jersey 89 241 1,289 4, 293 69, 818 67, 121 119, 382 1,081,573 252 Asbury Park 6 33 88 1,553 1, 529 2, 624 183 23, 970 253 Bergenfield 2 26 77! 1, 466 1,253 2, 338 180 14, 073 254 Bridgeton.. 1 6 33 125 1,933 1,983 3, 388 186 22, 524 255 Cliffside Park. _ 5 24 77 1, 042 1,045 1,849 182 17, 689 256 Codingswood 4 23 73 8 1,170 8 1, 171 2, 048 182 25, 730 257 Dover 4 24 67 1,156 1,178 1,962 182 13, 039 258 Englewood.. 6 7 27 116 1,745 1, 642 2, 940 182 29, 168 259 Garfield 9 23 137 6 1,824 8 1, 825 3, 288 184 26, 017 260 Gloucester City 1 2 20 54 971 989 1, 632 180 13, 553 261 Hackensack 3 7 40 153 2,458 2,320 4,167 183 42, 912 262 Hillside 2 5 27 115 1, 754 1, 648 3,028 181 15, 780 263! Lodi 1 5 37 94 1, 820 1,733 3,094 185 33, 953 See footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 51 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued ' Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total * (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19, 288 214, 176 2, 224, 643 39, 630 97, 853 2, 595, 590 269, 157 222, 021 3, 342 209 25. 845 199, 782 3,133 15,488 244, 248 38, 211 40, 037 347 210 19, 793 173, 869 4, 250 4, 244 202, 156 17, 352 21, 665 265 211 3, 000 29, 907 295, 065 4, 393 11, 330 343, 695 31, 582 17, 781 429 212 2, 271 27, 519 275, 688 4, 755 16,116 326, 349 44, 314 14, 211 392 213 17, 170 202, 773 2, 476 7, 713 230,132 23, 242 16, 637 294 214 8 15, 400 179, 695 2,172 7, 373 204, 640 21,980 21, 737 265 215 14, 017 78, 542 897, 771 18, 451 35, 589 1, 044, 370 92, 476 89, 953 1, 350 216 123, 691 391, 025 4, 752, 591 94, 056 391, 644 5, 753, 007 867, 399 325, 064 7,815 217 6,944 19, 985 309, 078 2, 519 20, 126 358, 652 33, 706 27, 440 462 218 14, 960 46, 133 419, 502 17, 185 42, 890 540, 670 107, 378 18, 533 762 219 7, 735 23, 423 309, 250 7, 356 25, 635 373, 399 57, 272 25, 696 540 220 3, 518 14, 258 157, 823 1,421 14, 558 191,578 23, 651 7, 760 258 221 9, 850 42, 612 460, 854 5, 618 49, 563 568, 497 95, 833 29, 361 784 222 23, 377 32, 026 351, 755 2,929 25, 954 436, 041 80, 743 14, 399 600 223 4, 000 10, 362 188, 488 2, 689 16, 717 222, 256 33, 071 11, 950 320 224 18, 950 177, 694 3, 870 7, 016 207, 530 40, 461 14, 104 331 225 16, 814 46, 873 659, 770 18, 534 59, 794 801, 785 124, 576 64, 422 1,111 226 36, 493 136, 403 1, 718, 377 31, 935 129, 391 2, 052, 599 270, 708 111, 399 2, 647 227 59, 552 175, 260 2,626, 058 27, 870 213, 639 3, 102, 379 469, 689 236, 270 4, 379 228 17, 200 210, 887 2,700 13, 617 244, 404 50, 701 9, 991 360 229 10,280 60, 740 768, 506 11, 669 49, 222 900, 417 117, 512 49, 111 1,179 230 28, 257 46, 900 775, 134 13, 501 53, 393 917, 185 134, 809 67, 700 1,261 231 19, 842 365, 266 31,017 416, 125 82, 992 55, 348 649 232 12,515 24, 078 331, 162 56, 402 424 157 53, 779 37, 087 612 233 8,500 6, 500 175, 103 9,988 200, 091 29,’ 896 18) 033 318 234 46, 816 94, 874 1, 998, 099 20, 386 172, 238 2, 332, 413 319, 099 141, 292 2, 966 235 3,418 7, 653 231, 407 2, 452 23, 951 268, 881 43, 261 8,727 342 236 8,485 10, 823 234, 878 3, 128 13, 064 270, 378 41, 346 5,754 334 237 3,902 25, 512 404, 027 3, 935 40, 902 478, 278 55, 712 41, 502 613 238 9, 353 26, 058 353, 938 1,687 31, 255 422, 291 46, 496 51, 706 540 239 8, 793 7, 463 178, 723 2, 919 14, 203 212, 101 39, 509 5, 824 272 240 12, 865 17, 365 595, 126 6,265 48, 863 680, 484 92, 775 27, 779 865 241 15, 800 51, 372 665, 109 12, 385 88, 120 832, 786 116, 075 75, 024 1,142 242 24,245 121, 766 2, 153, 530 26, 916 167, 019 2, 493, 476 369, 601 109, 224 3,653 243 9,100 186, 407 4, 570 13, 260 213, 337 44, 657 9,195 313 244 12, 945 5, 500 191, 792 1, 615 13, 582 225, 434 29, 907 13, 579 323 245 28, 667 462, 742 6, 311 29, 611 527, 331 71,401 26, 291 731 246 24, 585 204, 202 1,929 28, 679 259, 395 42, 503 16, 471 415 247 6, 000 5, 600 320, 943 5,194 22, 358 360, 095 51,324 20, 381 587 248 5, 300 8, 500 252, 430 2, 793 18, 236 287, 259 36, 123 5, 017 407 249 39, 814 535, 014 4,504 41,293 620, 625 93, 686 18, 290 877 250 438, 135 1, 150, 243 18, 558, 202 488, 505 1, 399, 118 22, 034, 203 3, 391, 934 2, 103, 223 30, 379 251 25, 935 367, 985 19, 524 413, 444 68, 625 43 001 590 252 14, 500 304, 862 4,200 30, 294 353’, 856 60’, 123 19) 343 468 253 3, 375 25, 160 485, 534 11, 491 35, 780 561, 340 60,161 45, 485 721 254 22, 750 308, 011 12, 582 21, 251 364, 594 64, 041 26, 668 494 255 18, 650 263, 241 9,150 29, 446 320, 487 53,(69 26, 038 438 256 18, 072 304, 719 7,796 24,878 355, 465 54, 327 32, 387 480 257 25, 669 35, 450 526, 271 18, 180 43,218 648, 788 103, 914 55, 855 868 258 37, 045 457, 778 5, 913 38, 117 538, 853 104,268 49, 306 757 259 4,150 8, 000 201, 900 3,022 10, 703 227, 775 45. 027 13, 837 314 260 10,280 34, 800 675, 749 15,814 85, 631 822, 274 112, 424 81, 988 1, 104 261 8.700 24, 640 489, 758 15, 601 37, 799 576, 498 95, 749 46, 995 776 262 3,435 22,081 398, 114 12, 750 31, 685 468,065 102, 512 15,872 644 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 —Personnel , attendance, and current expenditure data Group III—CITIES OF 10,000 TO Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current EXPENDI- TURES FOR: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 8 29 104 1,819 1,731 3, 014 182 22, 469 4 35 71 1, 139 1,136 2,017 182 26, 200 5 28 60 1, 121 1,008 1,752 183 33, 126 3 6 46 145 2,170 2,050 3, 668 185 39, 057 2 1 28 91 1,448 1, 411 2,590 180 24,945 2 4 31 92 1, 499 1, 370 2,534 181 21, 944 4 17 63 890 868 1, 512 180 16, 287 3 25 70 1, 254 1, 105 2,053 184 11, 074 4 22 55 926 947 1,699 181 12, 450 6 8 49 159 2,769 2,765 4, 901 180 21, 284 2 4 17 58 873 881 1,523 183 29, 560 2 5 39 117 1, 859 1, 918 3, 317 181 16, 103 3 12 43 183 2, 840 2,697 4,855 181 38, 311 54 111 543 1,849 30, 319 28, 918 51, 589 490, 355 19 30 127 424 9,321 9,121 14, 471 99, 266 7 6 26 101 1, 854 1,749 3, 047 180 14, 250 1 7 32 87 2,054 1, 973 2,976 180 28, 997 3 8 29 127 2,738 2,777 4, 272 180 18, 215 8 9 40 109 2,675 2,622 4,176 180 37, 804 171 288 1, 334 4,925 79, 925 75, 804 135, 705 1,311,901 3 9 26 105 1, 530 1,403 2,634 180 35, 141 1 4 17 41 680 663 1, 187 181 16, 243 2 20 56 1, 005 972 1,704 185 14, 772 3 5 15 90 1,444 1, 299 2,412 185 16, 244 10 8 37 183 2, 671 2,480 4,695 180 30, 348 2 7 36 123 2,120 2,006 3,530 176 38, 272 5 3 37 76 1,152 1, 148 1, 995 176 30, 061 1 5 20 74 1,176 1,063 1,946 181 19,411 14 3 7 64 1,135 1, 078 1,908 180 29, 663 2 6 25 85 1, 310 1, 272 2,241 176 24, 165 4 7 61 140 2,672 2,530 4, 372 175 49, 336 1 3 18 69 6 995 6 993 1,744 178 12, 096 7 9 45 131 2,164 2,036 3, 651 191 40, 346 3 2 12 64 951 913 1,664 181 13, 179 10 9 39 144 2,684 2,380 4,401 176 31, 579 8 12 45 133 2,084 1, 958 3,708 179 42, 875 6 7 39 122 2,110 2,029 3, 613 184 39, 376 3 7 33 131 1, 896 1, 830 3,221 182 37, 370 4 8 32 115 2,046 1, 837 3,493 180 29, 086 1 3 21 63 1,048 935 1,729 184 14, 485 5 13 59 912 901 1, 619 178 14, 419 4 3 30 77 1, 331 1,246 2,231 179 28, 490 5 21 80 1, 029 968 1, 717 178 25, 978 1 14 61 970 1, 023 1,689 179 16, 193 5 3 3 61 814 835 1,436 192 15, 014 8 6 9 82 1,160 1, 181 2,059 177 18, 318 1 6 24 76 1, 284 1, 261 2,297 185 17, 386 1 5 39 946 816 1, 339 180 4,972 2 3 27 447 440 714 180 6,990 2 2 31 516 442 797 180 5,612 2 44 43 981 893 1, 606 170 16, 537 2 6 69 967 903 1, 605 183 12, 518 63 127 581 2,221 35, 695 34, 070 60, 748 565, 426 III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 53 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total * (in thou- sands) I Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4, 638 37, 409 473, 623 8, 120 30, 205 553, 995 79, 312 62, 898 763 264 26, 20C 414, 499 21,866 34, 425 496, 990 78, 189 50, 781 693 265 22, 104 278, 337 8,740 24, 390 333, 571 52, 603 24, 270 515 266 13, 150 33, 500 689, 923 14, 639 39, 958 791, 170 101, 769 71,571 1,030 267 9, 024 5, 775 348, 328 3, 90C 31, 951 398, 978 48, 280 39, 688 540 268 9, 70C 18, 02C 390, 476 9, 543 20, 843 448, 582 67, 865 22, 111 619 269 17, 475 253, 05,0 7, 20C 17, 572 295, 297 65, 723 31,317 425 270 12, 500 321,176 10, 150 24, 877 368, 703 53, 479 27, 742 489 271 17, 500 242, 223 4, 072 20, 391 284, 186 46, 305 24, 500 391 272 35, 550 43, 650 715, 132 28, 735 62,062 885,129 128, 532 78, 362 1,161 273 8,127 18, 350 254, 989 11, 674 20, 696 313, 836 66, 125 28,310 458 274 11,000 33, 150 601, 796 29,893 46, 677 722, 516 102, 107 52, 520 927 275 13, 100 53, 100 b92, 698 19, 840 50, 805 829, 543 124, 938 97, 565 1,184 276 278, 237 524, 427 8, 098,030 193, 634 565, 940 9. 660, 268 1, 451, 867 1, 034, 813 13, 530 277 70, 190 131, 740 1, 877, 064 11, 481 91,745 2, 182, 220 172, 137 96, 051 2, 696 278 21, 440 25, 250 386, 013 25, 525 458, 228 31, 842 27, 934 577 279 6, 000 36, 690 403, 917 2,681 15, 202 464, 490 43, 595 22, 504 615 280 12, 150 35, 900 544, 101 4, 000 24, 160 620, 311 41, 463 13, 372 709 281 30. 600 33, 900 543, 033 4, 800 26, 858 639, 191 55, 237 32, 241 795 282 823, 932 1, 452, 070 22, 272, 440 535, 278 1,651,505 26,735, 225 4, 097, 783 2, 171, 494 39, 924 283 11, 554 39, 798 448, 943 8,608 26, 412 535, 315 79, 951 27, 017 791 284 4, 000 15, 750 181, 910 1,441 9,680 212, 781 32,800 15, 361 307 285 9,800 218, 536 4, 104 11,853 244, 293 29, 064 34, 835 360 286 10, 922 18,008 325, 012 2, 587 24, 263 380, 792 64, 871 22, 931 557 287 50, 750 33, 600 709, 517 16, 253 65, 170 875, 290 120, 583 155, 106 1,322 288 9,100 38, 700 586, 942 23, 639 42, 674 701, 055 123,844 41, 137 1,096 289 25, 581 22, 000 529, 059 18, 733 46, 768 642, 141 81,083 64, 528 943 290 3, 975 24,283 300, 633 32, 838 361, 729 65, 516 14, 164 527 291 70, 213 15, 407 269, 345 16,810 371,775 62, 651 29,’ 308 576 292 8,200 31, 400 376, 973 3, 950 27, 770 448, 293 80, 510 89, 832 718 293 35, 850 49, 256 869, 766 28, 125 80, 303 1, 063, 300 126, 857 74, 910 1,499 294 4,933 12, 323 271, 278 4, 767 25, 037 318,338 41,094 37, 076 452 295 35, 570 47, 730 542, 131 12, 517 68, 014 705, 962 106, 447 66, 624 1,036 296 11,815 11, 200 238, 169 4, 827 19, 924 285, 935 35,838 30, 356 426 297 44, 687 36, 800 600,303 10, 447 45, 774 738, 011 94, 718 60, 528 1,057 298 50, 962 73, 612 609, 733 24, 222 48, 692 807, 221 216, 270 53, 220 1, 354 299 24, 144 33, 600 548, 880 9, 559 38,334 654, 517 117,906 40, 538 1,010 300 16, 366 38, 504 731,890 22,010 48,497 857, 267 122, 347 95, 465 1, 250 ;301 17, 450 39, 500 495, 273 9, 586 32, 247 594,056 92, 417 63, 851 898 ;302 4,000 12, 025 247. 660 2, 375 16, 466 282, 526 61,900 8, 797 412|;303 23, 863 225, 003 4. 870 11,464 265, 200 35, 965 36, 574 406! 304 18, 435 17, 550 406, 625 10, 056 34, 887 487, 553 78, 510 47, 376 738 305 26, 600 452, 577 6, 500 33, 761 519, 438 75, 884 29, 007 725!306 5,200 197, 781 1,190 11, 801 215, 972 35, 679 30, 750 333':307 19, 250 13, 275 204, 625 28, 327 265, 477 36, 233 20 701 37S :sns 35, 212 26, 465 307, 104 6,464 26, 473 401, 718 45, 179 26^ 811 562 309 6, 946 27, 540 346, 899 950 9, 693 392, 028 69, 704 57, 701 614310 6,800 153, 977 5,484 11,871 178, 132 18,939 4, 239 399!311 13,000 120, 012 4, 200 7,055 144, 267 20, 647 18, 464 214 ;312 9, 000 111, 647 3, 224 6,837 130, 708 13,950 4,602 263;313 15, 400 410, 138 23, 874 37, 258 486, 670 38,220 18, 587 656i314 10, 750 32,350 228, 356 3, 222 14,865 289, 543 51,963 32, 838 422 315 293,267 631, 731 10,005,743 257, 494 689, 687 11,877,922 1, 820, 243 818, 260 17,623|316 54 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF 10,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 317 North Carolina.— 12 150 323 1,928 35, 963 36, 096 64, 925 251, 954 318 6 15 84 1,600 1,635 2, 885 180 16, 552 319 Fayetteville 1 9 21 123 2, 561 2, 549 4, 546 180 18, 994 320 16 28 191 « 3, 292 8 3, 294 5,903 180 17, 215 321 Kinston 5 13 105 1,883 1,858 3,373 180 13, 053 322 Rocky Mount 2 10 24 141 2, 625 2, 717 4, 789 180 15, 534 323 Salisbury.. 1 8 21 106 1,787 1,748 3, 173 180 14, 467 324 Shelby 10 7 89 1, 548 1, 551 2, 876 180 12, 472 325 Statesville 1 6 14 85 1, 512 L 539 2, 715 180 14, 755 326 Thomas \ ille 1 5 12 71 1,284 1,316 2,363 180 11, 872 327 Wilson 1 8 26 126 6 2, 466 « 2, 469 4, 342 180 13, 707 328 6 67 143 807 15, 405 15, 420 27, 960 103, 333 329 6 89 251 4, 870 4, 637 8, 824 49, 728 330 Bismarck 3 2 32 60 1, 506 1,350 2,731 180 8, 907 331 Grand Forks. 3 5 39 88 1, 764 1,681 3, 030 180 7,404 332 Minot 2 18 103 1,600 1,606 3, 063 176 33, 417 333 Ohio 56 165 1,040 2, 893 54, 734 52, 730 98, 127 712, 514 334 Alliance 4 10 31 144 2, 549 2, 536 4, 625 179 22, 223 335 Ashland 1 5 32 74 1,388 1, 382 2, 631 180 31, 141 336 Ashtabula 4 32 94 1, 569 1.609 2, 893 177 22, 040 337 Barberton 7 12 43 107 2, 131 2,032 3, 877 182 26, 242 338 Cambridge 2 2 22 75 1,385 1, 277 2, 336 174 11, 711 339 Campbell 1 7 46' 44 1, 189 1,183 1,843 178 22, 902 340 Chillicothe 1 5 26 111 1, 999 1, 878 3, 721 178 14, 843 341 Coschocton 5 9 59 944 978 1, 775 175 11,345 342 Elyria 7 10 39 135 2,360 2,204 4,142 181 26, 932 343 Findlay ... 8 3 54 77 1,889 1,756 3,431 175 20, 406 344 Garfield Heights 4 5 23 63 1,164 1,129 2, 134 175 23, 009 345 Lancaster 3 7 27 115 2, 342 2, 096 4, 064 175 20, 007 346 Marietta 1 29 69 1,529 1, 500 2, 773 175 17, 411 347 Martins Ferry 3 1 20 67 1, 080 1,128 2, 069 173 21, 480 348 New Philadelphia 3 27 57 1,209 1, 134 2, 174 174 15, 650 349 Painesville.. 1 2 25 65 1, 062 1,110 2,032 180 11,890 350 Piqua 3 3 29 72 1, 413 1,362 2,602 179 17, 503 351 Salem 3 23 83 1,246 1, 292 2, 157 180 19, 569 352 Tiffin 2 23 58 970 963 1,908 176 12, 523 353 Wooster 1 26 53 1, 064 1,114 1,967 182 12, 562 354 Xenia. . 3 22 51 1, 253 1, 122 2,136 180 10, 082 355 Other cities 11 71 432 1, 220 22, 999 21, 945 40, 837 321, 043 356 Oklahoma 38 136 404 1, 654 32, 661 30, 777 53, 109 371, 360 357 Ada.... 3 9 21 87 1,726 1, 656 2, 764 180 19, 198 358 Enid 14 13 37 152 3, 066 2, 778 4,944 177 19, 159 359 Lawton.. _ 2 13 41 159 3,200 2, 961 5. 470 180 27, 637 360 McAlester 1 9 20 91 1,773 1, 779 2, 841 177 15, 750 361 Okmulgee 1 5 24 84 1,733 1,631 2, 837 176 13, 499 362 Stillwater 6 25 70 1, 415 1,384 2,329 180 19, 924 363 Other cities 17 81 236 1,011 19, 748 18, 588 31,924 256, 193 364 Oregon 18 40 192 560 9, 512 9, 169 16, 650 144, 631 365 Astoria 3 5 16 66 6 854 6 854 1,615 180 16, 249 366 Bend 5 35 79 1,303 1, 247 2,267 181 15, 019 367 Eugene 4 17 57 192 3, 443 3, 240 6, 008 185 57, 611 368 Klamath Falls 7 8 47 117 1,820 1,779 3,348 179 26, 412 369 Medford. 4 5 37 106 2,092 2, 049 3, 412 176 29,340 370 Pennsylvania 123 321 2,292 6, 120 103, 639 100, 335 188, 626 2,031, 543 371 Aliquippa 2 6 12 148 « 2, 322 6 2, 324 4, 143 180 47, 482 372 Arnold 1 3 19 44 748 743 1,402 180 16, 614 373 Bellevue 2 13 36 570 508 989 180 34, 042 See footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 55 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total < (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 44, 691 606, 723 6, 092, 834 44, 462 251, 691 7, 040, 401 518, 766 350, 972 8, 817 317 25, 090 265, 352 1, 000 8, 293 299, 735 14, 362 2,096 339 318 3, 800 39, 586 407, 023 2,070 1,736 454, 215 32, 581 12,113 541 319 60, 524 536, 250 2,500 28, 273 627, 547 41, 552 32, 285 762 320 24, 209 316, 799 1,787 8, 081 350, 876 34, 014 25, 422 531 321 9, 564 41, 828 487, 469 3, 000 10, 256 552, 117 44, 658 19, 337 649 322 3,800 34, 245 352, 539 10, 330 8,170 409, 084 30, 437 19, 908 497 323 42, 007 280, 267 1,416 14, 144 337, 834 20, 948 20, 205 412 324 3, 850 31, 323 276, 064 1, 250 8, 087 320, 574 20, 275 20, 050 505 325 2,916 21, 128 155, 496 6, 876 186, 416 19, 264 5, 582 258 326 4,721 3< 090 413; 180 4, 830 25, 594 482, 415 36, 357 20, 548 598 327 16, 040 252, 693 2, 602, 395 16, 279 132, 181 3,019,588 224, 318 173, 426 3,725 328 23, 986 42, 000 935, 100 8, 690 63, 392 1, 073, 168 218, 546 49, 885 1, 435 329 11, 986 9,500 212, 018 8,690 24, 834 267, 028 44, 485 19, 360 341 330 12, 000 22, 500 386, 071 27, 471 448, 042 92, 695 11, 580 597 331 10, 000 337, 011 11, 087 358, 098 81, 386 18, 945 497 332 226, 674 684, 211 11, 928, 554 191, 703 846, 284 13, 877, 426 2, 446, 901 1, 117, 141 19, 659 333 13, 825 41, 595 485, 079 7,445 37, 188 585, 132 102, 693 45, 678 786 334 3,688 21, 588 320, 969 3, 300 23, 255 372, 800 59, 757 17, 263 602 335 16, 500 377, 846 5, 960 21, 601 421, 907 83, 900 32, 158 588 336 31, 425 49, 135 469, 559 11, 793 44, 100 606, 012 84, 247 42, 739 830 337 7,600 7,650 252, 955 17, 754 285, 959 51, 733 14, 146 382 338 4, 638 29, 087 256, 845 1, 593 23, 444 315, 607 65, 539 20, 148 444 339 2,936 24, 232 380, 874 4,642 20, 363 433, 047 68, 545 13, 554 574 340 22, 750 151, 395 1,950 12, 979 189, 074 38, 642 54, 505 302 341 30, 750 40, 983 460, 052 5, 952 49, 879 587, 616 112, 747 30, 663 825 342 33, 021 12, 700 418, 064 3, 570 30, 343 497, 698 78, 124 31, 721 641 343 17, 000 22, 670 283, 399 12, 073 25, 620 360, 762 67, 600 17, 273 525 344 10, 807 26, 589 409, 696 4,436 20, 028 471, 556 72, 235 37, 257 711 345 4,767 275, 955 4,925 18, 002 303, 649 55, 274 14, 791 405 346 10, 428 3,525 213, 150 1,880 11, 524 240, 507 34, 739 13, 845 324 347 11, 310 236, 769 2,109 13, 570 263, 758 38, 643 22, 839 363 348 3,733 8, 950 265, 952 5,164 17, 315 301, 114 55, 844 24, 500 415 349 8,950 11, 029 279, 800 1, 904 25, 736 327, 419 50, 120 41, 995 461 350 11, 400 337, 964 1, 540 16, 905 367, 809 75, 064 8, 913 492 351 8,500 188, 663 14, 300 211, 463 41 285 42, 057 317 352 4,693 267, 873 2, 875 7,076 282, 517 50’, 797 10’ 505 380 353 11, 230 218, 107 16, 880 246, 217 47, 112 25, 903 344 354 47, 873 293, 328 5, 377, 588 108, 592 378, 422 6, 205, 803 1, 112, 261 554, 688 8, 948 355 151, 476 495, 452 5, 556, 184 41, 051 171, 832 6, 415, 995 792, 032 416, 033 8,329 356 9,536 28, 342 227, 820 3, 630 5, 716 275, 044 26, 622 9,055 342 357 54, 476 50, 396 518, 645 18, 300 12, 200 654, 017 103, 002 44, 621 835 358 6,920 44, 394 522, 287 3, 028 28, 413 605, 042 61, 278 41, 088 770 359 3, 600 30, 520 287, 045 2,760 9,155 333, 080 32, 881 15, 969 412 360 7,400 25, 060 286, 526 21, 180 340, 166 47, 285 14, 903 459 361 18, 250 251, 383 2, 700 272, 333 39 444 20, 791 361 362 69, 544 298, 490 3, 462, 478 10, 633 95, 168 3, 936, 313 48l’ 520 269’ 606 5,150 363 84, 028 180, 846 2, 752, 832 38, 071 226, 723 3, 282, 500 395, 670 204, 935 4,422 364 12, 000 22, 220 270, 342 4, 868 24, 907 334, 337 33, 559 27, 163 435 365 21, 059 395, 074 4,673 10, 839 431, 645 51, 746 9,758 569 366 18, 872 86, 918 967, 801 21, 520 81, 853 1, 176, 964 125, 089 75, 363 1, 612 367 34, 197 29, 367 629, 381 1, 552 55, 322 749, 819 119, 038 49, 421 1, 011 368 18, 959 21, 282 490, 234 5,458 53, 802 589, 735 66, 238 43, 230 795 369 483, 154 1, 403, 860 25, 355, 573 380, 837 1, 997, 465 29, 620, 889 5, 148, 252 2, 635, 898 42,644 370 8,633 31, 240 571, 978 14, 991 34, 874 661, 716 121, 478 62,468 1,000 371 3,766 12, 654 200, 627 2,250 16, 962 236, 259 29, 433 15, 189 322 372 8,200 153, 987 4,837 11, 616 178, 640 30, 958 29,016 293 373 _r 374 375 370 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—-Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group IIT.—CITIES OF City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current expendi- tures for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pennsylvania—Con. Bradford 3 2 41 103 8 1, 936 « 1, 936 3,473 180 34, 332 Bristol 1 19 49 821 772 1,439 181 17, 479 Canonsburg .. 2 4 13 69 1,100 1,089 2, 062 180 8, 000 Carlisle - 4 2 32 72 1,425 1,426 2, 767 185 28. 330 Chambersburg 1 1 37 80 •1,528 •1,529 2, 978 180 20,418 Charleroi 2 6 29 71 1,087 1,032 2, 007 180 24, 739 Cheltenham (P. O. El- 2 9 36 110 1,377 1,365 2, 513 184 23, 280 kins Park). Coatesville 1 7 «53 «104 1,715 1,725 3,185 182 24, 097 1 14 48 912 836 1,714 183 15, 022 Connellsville 2 3 28 75 1,277 1,280 2,176 180 14, 756 Conshohocken 2 15 41 669 635 1,211 183 9, 242 4 15 47 777 725 1,427 184 23, 929 Dormont 3 16 50 809 797 1, 524 180 24, 139 Du Bois 2 4 19 52 854 782 1,531 180 20, 482 Dunmore 1 9 26 86 1,484 1,515 2,844 185 29, 024 Elwood City 2 28 77 1,444 1,408 2, 668 180 18, 676 Greensburg 8 5 31 96 1,645 1, 635 3, 054 180 22. 622 Hanover Township 2 69 80 1,391 1,293 2,285 183 36, 208 Indiana 2 3 26 48 •907 •909 1,543 180 12,460 Jeannette 2 1 25 67 1,207 1, 156 2, 210 180 16, 859 Kingston 3 1 31 106 1,580 1,457 2, 801 184 30, 198 Lansdowne 1 4 22 58 889 845 1,584 181 23, 593 Latrobe 3 25 65 955 927 1,789 180 20, 533 Lebannon 1 3 50 110 2, 220 « 2, 201 4, 010 182 20, 460 Lock Haven 2 32 61 1, 150 1, 151 2, 034 182 16, 333 Mahanoy City 1 3 9 49 607 574 1,082 180 26, 517 McKees Rocks 4 18 52 862 868 1,533 183 24, 463 Monessen 6 24 97 « 1, 301 « 1, 300 2, 473 180 24,647 Mount Carmel 1 2 21 59 805 723 1,416 180 10. 864 Mt. Lebanon 3 6 44 153 2,124 2, 091 3, 875 180 58, 817 Muhlenberg 1 21 53 930 913 1,719 180 10. 758 Munhall. 6 24 72 1,220 1,187 2, 258 180 30, 450 Oil City 4 5 37 86 1,485 1,529 2, 792 180 24, 762 Old Forge 3 7 25 39 929 833 1,605 180 12, 338 Phoenixville 2 5 20 48 873 772 1,533 182 16, 835 Pottstown 5 4 41 95 1,750 1, 732 3, 232 183 34,416 Shamokin 1 1 38 67 1,354 1,187 2, 496 180 25,688 Shenandoah 2 10 51 675 686 1,292 183 26, 491 Steelton 2 24 54 825 843 1,651 182 19, 370 Tamaqua 2 2 19 43 964 952 1,797 186 14, 637 Uniontown 2 3 37 90 1, 578 1,511 2,922 180 39, 719 Vandergrift 1 13 60 864 828 1,625 180 16, 954 Warren 2 36 69 1,463 1,404 2,692 180 26, 129 Washington 3 7 18 116 2,103 2,059 3,724 180 19. 970 Waynesboro.. 3 19 46 824 810 1, 534 180 9,010 West Chester 5 27 82 1,230 1,217 2,189 187 32, 520 Wilkinsburg 7 38 121 2,188 2,114 3,852 180 47, 528 Other cities 56 143 953 2,475 41, 906 40, 201 75, 971 845, 311 PnnriE Tst.a"wt> 22 38 176 571 10, 467 9,762 18, 097 102,246 Bristol 4 4 15 50 895 901 1,630 180 10, 549 Central Falls 3 6 16 53 917 720 1,381 180 11, 026 Cumberland (P. O. 1 8 52 818 793 1,416 180 8,148 Valley Falls). Warwick (P. O. 4 4 62 187 3,543 3,324 6,244 180 14, 702 Apponaug). Westerly 2 2 25 53 1,022 922 1,706 183 12, 621 West Warwick 7 12 51 950 869 1,603 183 7,637 Other cities 9 14 38 125 2,322 2, 233 4,117 37,563 footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 57 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 10,000 TO 29,999 POPULATION Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total * (in thou- Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17,765 10 , 600 444,152 9,178 43, 606 525, 301 95, 292 14, 582 735 374 5,206 201,834 1,820 8,710 217,570 37, 667 22, 149 310 375 6, 000 15, 50C 243, 00C 3,200 21, 400 289, 100 31,000 21,000 395 376 13, 496 8,701 229, 36C 1,700 29, 599 282, 856 43, 974 17,638 422 377 3, 600 4, 60C 331, 031 4, 845 27, 874 371, 950 46, 626 17, 541 477 378 7, 258 21, 566 304, 202 2, 999 23, 583 359, 608 46, 331 10,712 483 379 12, 314 45, 935 516, 552 9,393 13, 316 597, 510 243, 232 38, 816 988 380 3,700 23, 830 404, 319 9,111 33, 000 473, 960 66, 092 95, 878 712 381 4, 000 175 293 11 000 190, 293 23 391 8 101 257 382 8,324 14, 892 289; 593 7, 800 6, 515 327, 124 5l| 695 24| 031 463 383 7, 733 151,792 1,467 4, 062 165, 054 24, 527 10, 977 247 384 16, 490 174, 320 6, 102 15, 521 212, 433 37, 238 23, 051 321 385 13, 233 216, 263 7, 159 14, 597 251, 252 45, 266 25, 005 376 386 8, 858 15, 850 214, 969 3, 185 14, 628 257, 490 33, 826 17, 814 365 387 3, 050 33, 300 298, 467 2,300 18, 687 355, 804 80, 594 34, 712 544 388 10, 793 318, 036 4, 279 22, 750 355, 858 40, 733 19,026 480 389 26, 574 21, 996 396, 065 5, 104 36, 089 485, 828 83, 507 33, 055 686 390 6, 910 421,866 2, 690 49, 219 480, 685 101,715 95, 564 760 391 10, 045 12, 380 232, 475 5,646 16, 129 276, 675 39, 274 15, 693 368 392 8 , 553 4, 816 279,417 3, 880 31, 203 327, 869 46, 152 32,814 457,393 10, 983 4, 588 393, 097 1,380 26, 555 436, 603 85, 526 47, 865 645 394 4, 316 14,181 250, 529 6,353 34, 805 310,184 55, 957 25, 228 448 395 13, 262 239, 548 2,028 19,219 274, 057 35, 928 104, 793 475 396 3,166 13, 057 457, 583 7, 956 39, 038 520, 800 92, 899 27, 953 711 397 8, 033 231, 075 3, 068 26, 970 269, 146 31, 439 9, 722 349 398 2, 966 12, 673 155, 370 1, 439 3, 156 175, 604 26, 997 19, 377 263 399 13, 967 208, 837 14, 090 236, 894 41, 326 21 775 346 400 30, 291 398, 886 5,000 32, 795 466] 972 95] 837 53; 150 698 401 2,441 8 , 329 187, 788 3, 239 6, 521 208, 318 16, 611 9,409 2451402 13, 392 34, 300 669, 657 19, 022 43, 610 779, 981 126, 771 61, 333 1, 1171403 3, 600 184, 236 1,700 14,318 203, 854 27, 438 25, 180 278,404 23, 461 328, 755 10, 232 23, 456 385, 904 75, 872 18, 528 567 j 405 15, 694 21, 981 347, 072 1,716 32, 902 419, 365 69, 089 30, 549 575i406 9, 000 21,000 152, 981 9, 991 192,972 29, 305 4, 570 255 407 7,342 18, 627 195, 052 3,526 14, 404 238, 951 33, 282 13, 640 331 408 16, 677 22, 394 442, 646 5,787 30, 097 517, 601 60, 460 68, 757 743 409 4,200 5,116 305, 239 1, 584 21, 598 337, 737 47, 643 29, 702 472 410 8, 865 178, 876 1,323 8 , 798 197, 862 36, 694 11, 106 3091411 9,000 242, 494 1, 255 18, 197 270, 946 45,132 19, 897 3881412 8,165 8,110 175, 669 1,900 14, 591 208, 435 38, 955 24, 542 307,413 9,814 14, 600 404, 388 9, 137 60, 483 498, 422 105, 165 57, 850 750 ,41 4 4, 118 193, 422 1, 359 13, 796 212, 695 30, 339 19, 633 364|4i 5 9, 792 346, 606 3,345 20, 432 380, 175 48, 397 11, 542 547416 11, 509 26, 983 375, 827 6 , 894 28, 667 449, 880 78, 644 13, 260 608 417 11, 625 186, 640 2,727 14, 371 215, 363 27, 806 11,372 284 418 16, 040 286, 776 4, 853 40, 485 348, 154 66, 149 27, 049 522 419 33, 434 546, 082 6, 047 37, 570 623, 133 145, 007 106, 875 981 420 221, 553 642, 008 10, 500, 844 154, 031 841, 610 12, 360, 046 2, 173, 683 1, 076, 409 17, 605 421 70, 860 147, 648 1, 773, 571 14, 291 111,901 2, 118, 271 436, 238 137, 887 3, 085 422 13, 283 16, 598 197, 909 198 18, 781 246, 769 37, 453 10, 319 317 423 9,981 24, 949 195, 784 3,672 11,182 245, 568 46, 582 3, 507 317 424 3,750 168, 818 7,416 179, 984 32, 196 9 351 251 '425 11, 529 11,829 376,038 4,990 20, 582 424, 968 151,906 44,616 673 426 8,689 8,717 209, 393 3,778 14, 550 245, 127 41,498 8,880 357 427 30, 548 203, 128 10, 423 244 099 42, 536 10 675 325 428 27, 378 51, 257 422, 501 1, 653| 28, 967 631* 756 84’ 067 so; 539 845 •429 43] 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAT SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 South Carolina. .. 1 45 131 997 16,917 17,468 29, 949 170, 435 Anderson 11 37 211 3, 584 3, 834 6, 570 180 50, 604 Florence 6 16 164 2,760 2,871 4, 844 180 13, 071 Greenwood 7 19 183 2, 223 2,409 4,144 180 21, 353 Orangeburg 1 7 17 103 2,096 2,167 3, 606 180 21, 488 Rock Hill 9 12 143 « 2, 865 • 2, 797 4, 801 180 47, 154 Sumter... ...' 5 30 193 3, 389 3, 390 5,984 180 16, 765 South Dakota 14 23 117 411 6,943 7,073 12, 576 89, 538 Aberdeen 6 2 32 90 1, 562 1,600 3,149 180 17, 040 Huron 1 4 15 58 1, 108 1, 201 1,980 182 19, 892 Mitchell. 3 6 16 80 893 873 1,672 185 18, 584 Rapid City.. 4 9 30 115 2, 186 2, 196 3, 655 176 19, 264 Watertown 2 24 68 1, 194 1, 203 2,120 180 14, 758 Tennessee 7 47 171 753 12, 767 12, 734 22, 519 92, 417 Bristol 3 9 21 100 1,760 1,624 2, 945 179 12, 405 Clarksville 2 25 94 1,823 1,886 3,118 176 14, 249 Cleveland 2 6 5 83 1,157 1,212 1, 929 176 10, 820 Dyersburg 2 8 69 1,213 1, 291 2.245 180 9, 064 Jackson 9 29 143 2, 451 2, 405 4,453 180 14, 125 Johnson City 2 13 39 140 2,393 2,270 4, 273 ISO 17, 614 Kingsport 6 44 124 1, 970 2,046 3, 556 178 14, 140 Texas 47 210 775 3, 525 59, 797 57, 931 102, 147 769, 200 Abilene 3 13 38 185 3, 451 3, 101 5, 957 173 30, 718 Cleburne 1 3 21 82 1, 367 1,374 2, 474 175 14, 534 Corsicana 1 6 20 102 1, 774 1, 756 3, 089 172 26, 081 Greenville— 2 9 21 83 1, 510 1,480 2, 691 175 20, 067 Harlingen. 2 10 28 145 2, 903 2,655 4, 562 175 27, 091 Highland Park 1 8 39 170 2,188 2,209 4, 091 173 42, 801 Longview 2 12 39 135 2,260 2, 223 3, 960 177 33. 676 McAllen 2 8 20 124 2,299 2, 085 3, 535 175 30, 445 Marshall 2 11 25 190 2,679 2, 673 4,794 177 16, 246 Palestine.. 1 4 25 66 1,319 1, 351 2,286 175 18, 755 San Angelo. 3 11 46 200 2, 911 2, 924 4, 993 176 29, 573 Sweetwater 2 6 23 74 1,434 1,352 2, 351 175 19, 950 Terrell 1 5 6 57 1,080 1,081 1,779 172 14, 756 Texarkana 3 10 30 135 2, 307 2, 329 3, 935 176 19, 724 Tyler 4 11 37 212 3, 290 3, 306 5,543 174 35, 732 Other cities 17 83 357 1, 5b5 27, 025 26, 032 46, 107 389, 051 TTtatt 5 17 106 168 4, 296 4, 302 7,946 43, 307 Logan 3 7 35 59 1, 540 1,509 2,794 175 15, 838 Provo 2 10 71 109 2,756 2,793 5, 152 175 27, 469 Vermont 11 15 89 328 5, 670 5, 554 9,473 70, 879 Barre 7 1 14 58 1, 024 1,033 1,887 179 11, 766 Brattleboro 6 4 18 53 854 891 1,534 178 17, 262 Burlington 5 4 24 91 • 1, 734 •l, 735 2, 665 179 13, 323 Montpelier 2 9 36 660 578 1, 131 175 11, 186 Rutland 2 19 64 978 921 1, 592 171 13, 745 Winooski 2 5 26 420 396 664 177 3, 597 Virginia 10 29 80 485 7,491 7,617 13, 820 65,813 Charlottesville. 4 6 19 107 1,846 1,823 3, 3S0 180 13, 165 Fredericksburg 1 4 12 61 905 919 1,645 180 13, 657 Martinsville... 2 5 19 118 1,672 1,725 3,114 180 13,878 Staunton 2 3 7 58 889 972 1, 713 180 8, 058 Suffolk 1 6 10 69 •1,009 •1,009 1,857 180 6, 999 Winchester 5 13 72 1,170 1,169 2,111 180 10, 056 footnotes at end of Group III of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 59 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 10,000 TO 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Total * (in thou- sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4,300 164, 939 2, 391, 358 20, 893 103,912 2, 685, 402 220, 946 211,327 3,841 430 36, 150 400, 000 6,893 443, 043 46, 556 13, 609 585 431 25, 050 454, 448 6, 156 18, 390 504, 044 29, 148 15, 842 688 432 21, 334 352, 324 4, 537 4, 611 382, 806 23, 774 61, 582 530 433 4, 300 24, 537 309, 254 5, 412 20, 663 364, 166 25, 250 32, 640 553 434 35, 803 352, 656 36, 095 424, 554 52, 427 71, 973 670 435 22; 065 522, 676 4,788 17, 260 566, 789 43, 791 15, 681 815 436 51, 582 82, 835 1, 379, 592 20, 257 120, 416 1, 654, 682 334, 257 88,091 2,264 437 25, 757 8, 979 329, 354 7, 500 37, 869 409, 459 97, 323 36, 245 603 438 3,250 14, 000 212, 463 2, 474 13, 108 245, 295 54, 585 5,834 331 439 11, 250 22, 092 220, 255 2, 670 15, 477 271, 744 55, 484 9, 841 370 440 11,325 27, 416 378, 780 4, 655 36, 301 458, 477 68, 064 25, 593 593 441 10,348 238, 740 2,958 17, 661 269, 707 58, 801 10, 578 367 442 28, 523 181, 479 2, 283, 790 20, 657 82, 673 2, 597, 122 247, 202 67,459 3,263 443 10, 000 40,000 350, 292 1, 600 9, 100 410, 992 53, 295 3,375 490 444 8, 888 301, 425 2,624 14, 583 327, 520 43, 313 9, 641 426 445 8,734 22, 000 136, 999 2,840 4, 649 175, 222 19, 251 6, 218 222 446 4, 990 165, 787 7, 954 178, 731 24, 889 7,665 224 447 30,435 371, 777 4, 437 13, 111 419, 760 32, 151 3, 774 493 448 9,789 47, 500 443, 216 4, 230 17, 227 521, 962 42, 313 21, 566 670 449 27, 666 514, 294 4, 926 16, 049 562, 935 31, 990 15, 220 738 450 191, 515 936,008 13, 033, 489 158, 426 490, 239 14,809,677 1, 198, 890 656,362 18, 251 451 13, 954 62, 509 826, 405 10, 731 42, 866 956, 465 62, 900 53, 271 1,117 452 4, 360 12, 669 315, 813 2,000 12, 515 347, 357 20, 021 8, 558 403 453 3,690 26, 330 365, 180 3,370 8,241 406, 811 31, 822 9, 852 509 454 7,380 36, 008 322, 130 1,361 9,600 376, 479 15, 285 5, 212 443 455 7,940 31,328 473, 140 1, 150 16, 421 529, 979 41, 632 21, 691 660 456 4, 150 42,392 759, 886 20, 212 44, 570 871, 210 81, 811 35, 622 1, 045 457 8, 660 48, 909 513,324 14, 541 585, 434 63, 783 17, 583 737 458 7, 480 28, 510 427, 211 2,400 10, 500 476, 101 . 34, 994 22, 180 592 459 6, 000 33, 281 528, 826 5, 820 14, 112 588, 039 38, 689 15, 643 681 460 3,640 13, 620 286, 989 2,280 21, 685 328, 214 19, 002 15, 271 391 461 11, 161 50, 217 764, 254 10, 075 33, 411 869, 118 83, 228 18, 410 1, 018 462 7,090 24, 640 270, 832 1,000 303, 562 21,812 8, 456 378 463 4, 780 19, 904 193, 301 1,200 8, 000 227, 185 13, 650 3, 200 269 464 9, 893 47, 356 464, 890 11, 586 7, 028 540, 753 36, 695 15, 507 700 465 18,005 49,033 731, 129 21,491 30, 534 850, 192 67, 135 31, 598 1, 024 466 73, 332 409, 302 5, 790, 179 63, 750 216, 215 6, 552, 778 566, 431 374, 308 8,284 467 20, 120 69, 288 827, 014 18, 543 104, 478 1, 039, 443 103, 922 65, 450 1, 410 468 11, 920 24, 388 276, 912 4, 079 38, 544 355, 843 39, 390 25, 623 479 469 8,200 44, 900 550, 102 14, 464 65, 934 683, 600 64, 532 39,827 931 470 39, 920 66,079 1, 091, 933 24,078 87, 649 1,309, 659 214, 506 111,418 1,803 471 3,600 128, 296 1,551 13, 073 146, 520 30,073 14, 200 203 472 24, 109 17,868 176,318 6,391 17,366 242, 052 34, 368 11,853 339 473 15, 811 15, 940 344, 998 8, 550 22, 061 407, 360 65, 073 37, 574 543 474 10, 148 142, 286 3, 855 9, 040 165, 329 23,329 5, 778 219 475 11, 250 232, 638 3,731 22, 871 270, 490 46, 596 39, 348 397 476 7,273 67, 397 3, 238 77, 908 15, 067 2, 665 102 477 35, 737 108, 193 1, 379, 146 30, 282 76,073 1, 629, 431 158, 004 88, 077 2, 070 478 14, 970 22, 870 338, 519 6, 946 18, 330 401, 635 27, 349 11, 153 476 479 3, 850 11, 439 172, 588 1, 662 10, 159 199, 698 17, 106 26, 455 260 480 7,200 22, 400 346, 580 10, 871 18, 257 405, 308 50, 883 12, 788 497 481 6, 967 11, 792 158, 664 5, 591 6,231 189, 245 17,331 18, 589 306 482 2,750 17, 936 171, 572 1,000 9,241 202, 499 21,843 8,945 248 483 21, 756 191, 223 4,212 13, 855 231, 046 23,492 10, 147 283 484 60 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3<—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data Group III.—CITIES OF City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 485 Washington 36 98 575 1,414 31, 576 29, 312 49, 050 302, 660 486 Aberdeen 3 7 51 95 2, 310 2,115 3, 576 173 22’, 424 487 Bellingham 10 53 159 3, 277 3, 228 5, 460 172 26 921 488 Bremerton 6 17 77 241 4, 591 3, 994 6, 858 175 52,’ 278 489 Hoquiam 2 6 23 59 1,220 1,148 1,846 180 17,500 490 Longview . 3 9 51 109 2,959 2, 684 4,802 172 35, 939 491 Olympia 1 2 7 47 89 2,157 2,160 3, 649 174 20, 387 492 Vancouver 11 15 111 258 5, 808 5,197 8, 732 180 57. 631 493 Walla Walla 3 8 30 92 1,924 1,880 3, 244 180 25, 555 494 Wenatchee 1 7 39 116 2, 407 2, 220 3, 552 180 17, 809 495 Yakima 5 12 93 196 4,923 4, 686 7,331 180 26, 216 496 Wisconsin , 53 90 708 1,747 30, 749 30, 091 56, 259 419 728 497 Appleton 6 4 56 129 « 2, 487 6 2, 488 4,563 174 28,400 498 Beaver Dam 1 1 21 46 803 786 1,428 178 8, 309 499 Beloit 2 14 80 151 2, 935 2, 926 5, 318 190 36, 622 500 Cudahy... 3 2 19 47 799 782 1,352 185 15, 096 501 Janesville 6 8 41 116 1,949 1,973 3,452 184 15,432 502 Manitowoc 1 5 48 111 2, 009 1,845 3,642 184 35, 188 503 Marinette 2 1 23 54 1,076 1, 050 1,939 179 11,214 504 Marshfield 1 2 21 43 736 729 1,354 175 11,858 505 Manasha 1 1 16 39 729 665 1,221 185 11.293 506 Two Rivers 1 19 32 526 532 1,029 183 14, 592 507 Watertown 2 1 13 43 809 833 1,390 180 7, 422 508 Waukesha 3 3 46 109 6 1,919 6 1, 920 3, 374 188 23, 312 509 Wausau 3 11 35 138 2, 451 2, 445 4,636 180 32, 525 510 Wauwatosa 3 9 55 145 « 2, 609 8 2, 609 4, 691 183 45. 039 511 Wisconsin Rapids 1 1 25 61 « 1, 053 «1,050 2,641 176 13, 338 512 Other pities 18 26 190 483 7,859 7,458 14, 229 110, 088 513 Wyoming g 37 107 477 9, 033 8, 442 14, 643 110, 069 514 Casper _ _ 15 23 182 2,941 2, 645 4,602 181 45, 617 515 Cheyenne 2 10 45 167 3, 459 3, 245 5, 609 174 33, 132 516 Laramie 1 5 25 58 1,283 1,234 2,112 174 14, 938 517 Sheridan 6 7 14 70 1, 350 1,318 2, 320 171 16, 382 • Includes persons rendering instructional services supplementary to regular classroom instruction in libraries, study halls, guidance, health, psychological work, etc., provided half or more than half of their employment time is given to such instructional work. 2 The actual number of days in the school year that children were taught. 2 Includes instructional supplies; textbooks free to all pupils; school library books; and other expense, including salaries of full-time librarians. The expenditure for textbooks which are furnished gratis to in- digent pupils, only, is classified as an Auxiliary services item, and reported accordingly. * Includes amounts shown in columns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, plus amounts not tabulated but reported by city school systems as expenditures for the following current accounts: Auxiliary school services; fixed STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 61 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949—50—Continued 10,000 TO 29,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total < (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 181,402 472,205 6, 849, 992 217,208 617, 360 8, 338,167 1, 262,077 701, 132 11,614 485 16, 709 34, 710 484, 009 15, 618 47,483 598, 529 70,884 57, 082 810 486 56, 060 718, 228 14, 841 39, 874 829, 003 149, 702 70,182 1,153 487 42, 844 82, 843 1, 079, 817 43,096 112, 667 1, 361, 267 203, 134 140, 701 1,888 488 10, 760 25, 780 262, 896 3,800 13, 100 316, 336 40, 800 37, 000 478 489 15,413 44,186 622, 619 22, 136 51,579 755, 933 102, 183 30, 094 1, 041 490 10. 030 32, 955 490, 410 11, 980 29, 899 575, 274 80, 465 54, 792 772 491 46, 089 69, 962 1, 250, 540 64, 649 160, 146 1,591,386 271, 551 141,559 2, 303 492 12. 360 34, 000 410, 804 3,284 45, 357 505,805 80,459 51,916 743 493 3, 475 31,400 523, 332 15, 057 34, 986 608, 250 83, 670 56, 261 814 494 23, 722 60, 309 1, 007, 337 22, 747 82, 269 1, 196, 384 179,229 61,545 1,612 495 249, 360 426, 639 8, 080,279 184,858 500, 578 9,441,714 1, 669, 871 660, 185 12, 783 496 32, 329 24,762 627, 422 13, 908 40, 771 739,192 148, 879 34, 928 993 497 3. 919 4, 500 199, 800 2,708 17, 510 228,437 38, 789 21,035 312 498 8,690 69, 029 811,497 24, 997 19, 257 933, 470 118, 433 42,116 1,240 499 13, 143 9,677 218, 371 4,173 16, 524 261, 888 50, 918 20, 127 360 500 24, 647 30, 857 501,092 8,600 30, 372 595, 568 93, 835 30, 955 752 501 5,258 25, 043 554, 350 12, 432 54, 091 651, 174 123, 503 73, 796 916 502 8, 400 5, 575 230, 465 3, 563 15, 536 263, 539 41,817 16, 857 342 503 3, 260 6, 966 196, 808 5, 075 25, 813 237, 922 65, 789 19, 730 354 504 3, 633 4,633 180, 007 2, 550 10, 544 201,367 44, 703 9, 728 276 505 4, 900 167,190 3, 759 14,026 189, 875 35, 508 13, 398 268 506 8, 570 3, 913 155, 562 2, 836 10, 314 181, 195 25, 500 8, 258 228 507 16, 682 15, 252 549, 631 10, 805 20, 140 612, 510 88, 895 31,287 765 508 21, 280 46, 450 567, 044 8, 766 34, 000 677, 540 126, 851 52, 875 922 509 14, 244 47, 693 750,878 30, 927 18, 950 862, 692 126, 168 79, 743 1,145 510 4,200 5, 500 267, 880 4,560 15, 555 297, 695 65, 740 13, 669 410 511 81, 105 121, 889 2, 102, 282 45, 199 157, 175 2, 507, 650 484, 543 191, 683 3, 500 512 37, 215 162, 627 1, 892, 589 14,177 138, 064 2, 244, 672 303, 280 203, 978 3, 090 513 70, 342 746, 898 49, 965 867, 205 91,272 119,916 1. Iflfi 51 4 10, 515 45, 960 633, 071 14, 177 53, 992 757, 715 100, 824 57,114 1,056 515 5, 700 21,825 260, 928 9,715 298, 168 40, 793 8,898 388 516 21, 000 24, 500 251, 692 24, 392 321, 584 70, 391 18, 050 450,517 charges; community services to public and nonpublic schools paid from school district funds; and adult and summer schools. This total figure covers all school current expenditures whether or not same are directly allocable to the charge per pupil in average daily attendance for the public-school system reporting. * Number of positions and corresponding salary expenditures estimated on basis of previous report from city and from amounts reported as salary averages for similar positions in comparable school districts. ® Distribution by sex not reported. Total has been divided on basis of previous biennial reports on en- rollment made to this Office. 7 Used 1947-48 data in lieu of the 1949-50 report. » Estimated on basis of 1947-48 figures. 62 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 194 8-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance,' and current expenditure data GROUP IV—CITIES OF 5,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year2 Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Continental United 593 2, 549 13, 247 41, 729 770,961 752, 134 1,339,399 2 Alabama 32 133 693 13, 053 13, 015 23, 115 3 Alexander City 5 10 63 1, 267 1,314 2,349 176 4 Jasper 1 2 4 36 667 706 1,254 175 5 Opelika 2 11 65 1,353 1,257 2, 294 175 6 Sheffield. 4 10 61 1,128 1,076 1, 759 178 7 3 7 46 6 758 « 758 1,449 175 8 16 91 422 7,880 7, 904 14, 010 9 Arizona 4 41 246 550 12, 757 12, 197 21, 016 10 Bisbee 5 16 61 999 1,006 1,720 175 11 Douglas 6 30 74 1,540 1,487 2, 601 171 12 Globe 3 13 49 982 1,026 1,765 178 13 Nogales 1 1 18 38 786 784 1,335 180 14 Pi’escott 6 35 62 1,409 1,291 2, 217 178 15 Other cities 3 20 134 266 7,041 6, 603 11, 378 16 Arkansas 2 26 147 670 14, 098 14, 067 23, 739 17 Conway 2 10 55 1,123 1,116 1,876 175 18 Forrest City 4 20 112 2,696 2,694 3, 954 176 19 Paragould 1 13 35 862 806 1,355 173 20 Stuttgart 1 1 8 45 867 886 1,526 174 21 Van Buren 1 10 45 1,217 1,351 2,300 178 22 Other eities 1 17 86 378 7,333 7,214 12, 728 23 California. 61 240 1, 298 3, 219 64, 519 61, 329 114, 858 24 Antioch 5 25 71 1,355 1,339 2, 616 171 25 Corona 1 7 35 86 1, 579 1, 523 2, 971 172 26 Coronado 2 20 53 838 753 1,591 171 27 Grass Valley 2 15 46 1,194 1,081 1, 817 170 28 Watsonville 1 5 26 74 1,469 1,337 2, 546 176 29 Other cities 49 219 1,177 2,889 58, 084 55, 296 103, 317 30 Colorado 2 32 196 509 9,385 9,315 16, 694 31 Alamosa... j 2 2 14 41 720 758 1,393 180 32 Durango 2 17 41 801 806 1,530 178 33 La Junta 7 24 60 1, 361 1,345 2,300 190 34 Longmont 4 24 48 1, 105 1,077 1,846 180 35 Loveland 2 12 58 962 937 1, 800 178 36 Other cities 15 105 261 4,436 4,392 7, 825 37 Connecticut 7 22 86 359 5,708 5,580 9,265 38 Griswold (P. O. 1 7 23 356 365 613 180 Jewett City). 39 Putnam 3 7 27 459 473 847 180 40 Stafford Springs 1 1 9 26 433 473 815 180 41 Vernon (P. O. Rock- 5 3 15 47 752 71S 1,371 181 ville). 42 Winchester (P. O. 1 2 47 664 603 1,151 180 Winsted). 43 Other cities 1 13 46 189 3,044 2,948 4,468 Delaware 44 Dover 3 22 49 859 861 1, 557 1 180 45 Georgia 42 160 855 16, 682 16, 925 28, 388 46 Americus ... 5 7 56 1, 129 1, 131 2,001 176 47 Carrollton ___ 4 9 44 942 922 1, 558 175 48 Cedartown 4 10 67 1,201 1,267 2,209 175 $11, 992,190 Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Adminis- tration (general control) 112, 863 8,876 5,013 8, 268 9,708 8,063 72, 935 190, 264 15, 554 21,113 9,264 16, 944 17,143 110, 246 112, 217 9,032 17, 928 S, 768 4, 295 1,759 70,435 1, 148, 434 15, 608 32, 366 17, 560 9,062 25, 417 1,048,421 100,809 7, 072 9, 613 12, 104 10, 778 10, 086 51, 156 89, 406 11,308 9, 319 8, 183 8,300 43, 410 13, 596 107, 171 6,392 5, 469 10, 631 See footnotes at end of Group IV of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 63 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 9,999 POPULATION Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total < (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $3,320, 699 $10, 670, 793 $159,603,253 $3, 153, 949 $11,635,263 $186,382,956 $26, 539, 700 $12,055,478 $262, 767 1 111, 421 1, 829, 528 9,600 214, 538 2, 165, 087 145, 333 78, 953 2,748 2 18, 051 141, 468 8, 070 167, 589 18, 159 1, 802 264 3 6' 000 72, 049 1, 284 79, 333 9, 184 3, 305 96 4 7, 400 172’ 694 9, 624 189, 718 11, 183 14, 554 251 5 14, 750 16l’ 693 6, 615 183, 058 19, 491 11, 631 247 6 7,700 120, 000 2, 000 2, 000 131, 700 8, 000 3,000 185 7 57, 520 1, 161, 624 7, 600 186, 945 1,413,689 79,316 44,661 1,708 8 15, 930 211, 489 2,928,074 51, 110 189,951 3, 396, 554 395, 527 252, 947 4, 620 9 24, 920 310, 580 1, 500 13, 112 350, 112 28, 614 33, 394 436 10 39, 407 406, 158 4, 300 5, 450 455, 315 28, 998 15, 883 528 11 13, 700 201, 631 9, 600 13, 735 238, 666 26, 057 24,601 366 12 4, 750 5, 250 198, 753 2, 300 4, 869 215, 922 22, 735 22, 480 292 13 32, 760 363, 647 6, 586 13,983 416, 976 57, 857 17, 208 546 14 11, 180 95, 452 1, 447, 305 26, 824 138, 802 1, 719, 563 231, 266 139, 381 2,452 15 8,050 96, 493 1, 544, 853 7, 880 32,246 1, 689, 522 187, 938 74, 119 2,436 16 6, 630 124, 767 3,074 134, 471 11, 253 1,951 208 17 11, 840 213, 928 1, 412 11, 212 238, 392 43, 286 10, 525 424 18 3, 503 99, 314 1,468 1,956 106, 241 15, 346 6,489 140 19 5,350 5, 955 117, 258 500 129, 063 11, 926 7, 677 208 20 5, 000 130, 692 1, 378 568 137, 638 12, 217 5, 995 179 21 2,700 63, 565 858,894 3, 622 14, 936 943, 717 93, 910 41, 482 1, 277 22 1§5, 227 1, 214, 493 16, 729, 104 332, 697 1, 825, 807 20, 297, 328 2, 858, 686 1, 225, 474 28, 626 23 26, 200 326, 388 11, 422 44, 787 408, 797 58, 266 68, 851 605 24 4, 000 28, 000 433, 551 16, 000 72, 003 553, 554 68, 461 22, 906 740 25 10, 950 263, 469 7, 300 3,708 285, 427 46, 382 8, 496 372 26 9, 000 235, 628 3, 600 17, 658 265, 886 15, 095 8, 462 334 27 4,400 23, 073 375, 884 19,305 59, 137 481, 799 74, 763 20,732 721 28 186, 827 1, 117, 270 15, 094, 184 275, 070 1, 628, 514 18, 301, 865 2, 595, 719 1, 096, 027 25, 854 29 10,325 116, 277 1, 869, 168 13, 686 134, 706 2, 144, 162 280, 418 110, 551 3, 007 30 10,325 8,436 134, 217 1, 249 10, 110 164, 337 21, 788 6, 952 214 31 10, 140 152, 334 15, 774 178, 248 24, 524 9, 465 238 32 21,030 206, 254 I, 615 16, 200 245, 099 43, 573 27^ 731 501 33 13, 933 214, 340 3, 676 10, 492 242, 441 29, 956 6, 170 319 34 7, 655 201, 452 13, 179 222, 286 28 994 12, 557 305 35 55, 083 960, 571 7, 146 68,951 1, 091, 751 131, 583 47' 676 1,430 36 37, 185 104, 595 1,357, 651 19, 296 93, 988 1, 612, 715 203, 918 118, 149 2,240 37 3, 500 90, 153 7,798 101, 451 14, 778 14, 881 162 38 12, 150 116, 180 2,094 3, 144 133, 568 20, 021 17, 933 196 39 3, 085 4, 400 104, 469 1, 472 8,684 122, 110 18, 467 2,166 172 40 16, 100 14, 000 168, 221 . 1,900 15, 124 215,345 29, 730 18, 086 292 41 6,470 129, 300 9, 100 144, 870 15, 200 10, 350 210 42 18, 000 64,075 749, 328 13,830 50, 138 895, 371 105, 722 54, 733 1,208 43 12, 950 225, 100 3,895 13, 426 255,371 25, 916 42, 569 348 44 128, 690 1, 937, 413 11,384 85, 726 2, 163, 213 184, 501 96, 582 2,868 45 15,330 120, 468 1,680 6,064 143, 542 13, 173 4, 561 179 46 10, 936 95, 203 1,804 1,078 109, 021 9,895 1,688 137 47 15, 208 157, 598 900 10, 704 184, 410 17, 135 6,621 232 48 64 BIENNIAL SURVEY OP EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP IV.—CITIES OF 6,000 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught)Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 49 1 8 48 856 911 1, 535 175 50 Thomaston 6 23 91 1,588 1,712 2,881 176 51 22 103 549 10, 966 10, 982 18, 204 52 7 24 93 1, 902 1, 757 3,202 53 Caldwell 4 12 53 1, 249 1, 137 2, 018 173 54 3 12 40 653 620 1, 184 172 55 Illinois 29 139 690 2,351 40, 031 38, 796 69, 060 56 Batavia 2 9 42 653 593 1, 151 187 57 Charleston 6 21 47 1, 180 964 2, 144 186 58 Edwardsville— 1 1 12 63 875 911 1, 618 189 59 7 27 45 912 920 1, 569 188 60 6 15 55 1,117 1,179 1, 996 185 61 Monmouth 6 16 53 849 873 1,582 185 62 Other cities 28 111 590 2,046 34, 445 33, 356 59, 000 63 Indiana 27 97 491 1, 045 23, 067 22, 741 40, 531 64 Auburn 1 1 16 28 548 574 1,030 167 65 Brazil 3 6 20 19 790 815 1,442 177 66 Clinton 1 2 19 26 613 616 1,123 177 67 Franklin 2 19 26 695 647 1, 180 174 68 Valparaiso 2 4 21 43 999 965 1,750 183 69 Wabash 1 2 16 51 1,037 973 1,777 178 70 Other eif.ifts 19 80 380 852 18, 385 18, 151 32, 229 71 Iowa 12 53 305 903 15, 405 14, 710 26, 613 72 Albia 4 9 36 666 588 1,078 180 73 Cedar Falls 5 17 63 1, 049 968 1, 744 180 74 Knoxville 1 2 8 38 723 590 1,180 180 75 Oelwein 6 13 42 575 580 1, 107 180 76 Perry 2 4 11 37 626 630 1,082 180 77 Webster City 5 14 46 878 876 1,540 179 78 Other eit.ies 9 27 233 641 10, 888 10, 478 18, 882 79 Kansas.. 6 55 236 625 12, 435 11, 919 21, 037 80 Concordia 1 14 38 673 635 1, 131 180 81 Dodge City 1 6 37 68 1,501 1,411 2, 543 178 82 Garden City 2 2 25 57 1,213 1, 172 2, 022 175 83 Great Bend 1 5 22 61 1,268 1, 297 2, 208 180 84 Junction City 6 14 70 1, 488 1, 302 2.233 176 85 Pratt 4 24 41 902 883 1, 506 180 86 Other cities 2 31 100 290 5, 390 5, 219 9, 394 87 Kentucky 1 38 159 638 12, 034 12, 006 21, 230 88 Bellevue 2 13 25 463 414 820 189 89 Corbin 4 8 31 723 789 1,393 175 90 Glasgow 1 9 40 834 834 1,378 173 91 Jenkins 5 11 38 1, 079 1,128 1, 968 176 92 Ludlow 2 9 20 329 394 598 185 93 Mayfield 13 48 801 746 1,209 175 94 Other cities 1 24 96 436 7,805 7,701 13, 864 95 Maine 4 19 131 426 7,990 7,698 13, 889 96 Belfast, 2 9 31 599 592 1,128 180 97 Brewer 1 16 41 751 750 1,377 180 98 Gardiner 1 9 41 803 744 1,315 180 99 Old Town 3 3 23 51 1,158 1,080 1,958 181 100 Rockland 1 5 15 45 857 854 1,446 174 101 Saco 13 55 924 806 1,538 175 102 Other cities 7 46 162 2, 898 2,872 5, 127 See footnotes at end of Group IV of this table. Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Adminis- tration (general control) 10 9,431 11, 519 63, 729 21, 719 10, 736 10, 983 857, 715 11, 948 25, 207 7,800 20, 946 22, 840 9, 195 759, 779 320,988 6, 364 9, 002 7, 666 10, 392 9, 998 11,573 265, 993 203, 531 8,995 13, 543 8. 945 7, 544 9. 672 9, 598 145, 234 137, 211 11, 064 15, 092 18, 243 11, 879 11,519 11, 336 58, 078 166, 317 12,347 9,410 8, 528 11,378 9,290 10, 494 104, 870 50, 336 3, 057 6, 700 2,225 7, 264 5,875 19,542 5.673 STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 65 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 9,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total * (in thou- Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3. 500 119, 728 5,985 129, 213 3, 008 10, 774 152 49 16, 921 258, 785 1,950 8, 295 285, 951 17, 219 6, 219 345 50 66, 795 1, 185, 631 5,050 53, 600 1, 311, 076 124, 071 66, 719 1,823 51 21, 576 304, 782 1, 750 21, 806 349, 914 56, 980 14, 443 500 52 10, 626 164, 771 1, 750 15, 273 192, 420 26, 593 10, 828 273 53 10, 950 140, Oil 6, 533 157, 494 30, 387 3, 615 227 54 134, 179 591, 469 9, 268, 835 102, 063 616, 652 10, 713, 198 1, 882, 069 787, 578 15, 747 55 5, 646 155, 522 1,608 5,293 168. 069 23, 153 11,417 226 56 31, 495 237, 756 1,620 20, 817 291, 688 58, 222 19, 960 460 57 4, 000 5,000 332, 700 5, 000 2, 500 349, 200 10, 500 16, 200 390 58 22, 143 180, 240 2, 750 11, 053 216, 186 40, 827 11,414 368 59 28, 680 217, 343 12 536 258 559 39 925 13, 308 340 60 22, 400 206, 070 4, 395 16, 117 248^ 982 39, 592 12, 444 328 61 130, 179 476, 105 7, 939, 204 86, 690 548, 336 9, 180, 514 1, 669, 850 702, 835 13, 635 62 103, 721 405, 864 4, 868, 725 43, 884 220, 021 5, 642, 215 827, 363 411, 386 7, 530 63 4, 871 5,031 146, 379 1, 791 4, 920 162, 992 15, 423 23, 507 210 64 14, 762 24, 490 157, 619 5, 119 201, 990 29, 454 17, 400 268 65 6, 704 9,124 129, 592 810 4,781 150, 011 26, 370 11, 592 199 66 8, 970 144, 783 3,400 21, 891 179, 044 26, 236 14. 007 235 67 6,292 16, 098 221, 486 2, 259 11, 869 258, 004 37, 905 13, 197 325 68 6, 848 8, 999 206, 974 675 5, 462 228, 958 37, 565 11,027 296 69 65, 244 333, 152 3,861,892 34, 949 165, 979 4, 461, 216 654, 410 320, 656 5, 997 70 37, 710 196, 893 3, 164,398 21, 222 226, 906 3, 647, 129 682, 044 208, 834 5, 279 71 13, 150 101, 310 975 5, 261 120, 696 24, 579 6, 391 179 72 20, 292 202, 053 1, 404 16, 127 239, 876 55, 302 15, 126 355 73 1,355 4, 839 122, 733 2,700 8, 965 140, 592 20, 905 16, 980 210 74 28, 850 138, 995 15, 448 183, 293 33 056 16 825 253 75 6,605 13, 340 128, 929 1, 360 11, 330 161, 564 28, 726 7, 107 218 76 12, 328 184, 388 11, 892 208, 608 47, 259 12, 707 306 77 29, 750 104, 094 2, 285, 990 14,783 157, 883 2, 592, 500 472, 217 205, 698 3, 758 78 21, 531 211, 508 2,324, 892 34, 105 138, 761 2, 730, 797 386, 261 161, 483 3, 555 79 4, 219 132, 802 1,809 6, 854 145, 684 21, 742 24, 331 209 80 4,000 21. 000 311,385 5, 941 30, 977 373, 303 44, 035 13, 272 456 81 6, 000 9, 000 251,355 5, 000 271, 355 52, 996 18, 752 382 82 3,314 22, 751 249, 203 4, 443 14, 559 294, 270 32, 528 12, 830 360 83 22, 644 197, 550 2, 080 10, 213 232, 487 26, 992 10, 922 288 84 15, 058 194, 146 5,235 8, 023 222, 462 27, 880 8,293 280 85 8,217 116, 836 988, 451 14, 597 63, 135 1, 191, 236 180,088 73, 083 1, 580 86 5, 728 142, 992 1, 517, 045 6,455 46, 784 1, 719, 004 234, 129 99, 994 2,430 87 7, 400 89, 127 400 3. 211 100, 138 13, 667 1,211 134 88 9, 063 68,075 210 2,532 79, 880 9, 250 6, 595 106 89 5,243 85. 843 1, 579 92, 665 8, 511 2, 004 121 90 16, 840 92, 896 1,664 111, 400 14, 478 5, 049 149 91 5, 800 61, 566 1, 930 3, 554 72, 850 12, 000 5, 059 105 92 14, 724 98, 927 5, 300 118, 951 18 030 12, 917 170 93 5, 728 83, 922 1,020, 611 3, 915 28, 944 1, 143, 120 158, 193 67, 159 1,645 94 14, 100 65,950 1,143,688 19,850 96, 692 1,340, 280 176, 883 57, 954 1,832 95 6, 200 77, 972 8, 483 92, 655 10, 582 3, 503 117 96 3, 800 128, 270 2,100 7. 000 141 ’ 170 2 200 149 97 3, 000 107, 625 1,000 8, 380 120, 005 19, 748 7, 065 157 98 16, 600 10, 900 161,851 550 15, 427 199, 328 38,030 7,389 276 99 3,500 18,650 113, 795 3, 400 4, 400 143, 745 13, 718 166 100 74 769 3 300 53, 002 131 071 20 378 5 981 211 101 23,400 479,406 e’ 500 612’ 306 88’ 145 18,’ 098 756 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP IV.—CITIES OF 5,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAT SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Massachusetts 62 82 362 1,348 23, 191 22, 380 41, 757 310, 636 3 7 32 566 550 1,033 181 9, 350 Concord 2 3 16 47 751 667 1,308 183 14, 207 Hudson - 2 1 9 27 538 418 903 180 5, 800 Ipswich 2 3 7 31 539 497 949 177 7, 635 Mansfield 1 2 8 37 614 630 1,151 180 4, 959 Middleboro 2 6 16 47 964 952 1,784 177 7, 352 53 64 299 1,127 19, 219 18, 666 34, 629 261, 333 Michigan 25 109 530 1,604 29, 685 29, 759 53, 239 515, 082 Albion 1 5 16 55 1,018 1,027 1,839 iio 11, 676 5 17 91 1,925 1,927 3, 492 184 23, 800 6 14 33 772 746 1,375 178 12, 504 Ishpeming 2 1 14 48 804 781 1,452 190 11,955 Sturgis 1 1 17 45 714 772 1,263 177 15,634 Trenton 4 27 34 725 721 1,306 199 21,159 Other cities 21 87 425 1, 298 23, 727 23, 785 42, 512 418, 354 Minnesota 16 68 474 1, 506 27, 340 27, 037 47, 421 424, 519 Alexandria 2 16 49 865 979 1,597 170 14, 729 Bemidji 4 23 62 1, 082 1, 117 1,910 172 11,443 Chisholm 1 4 10 63 764 716 1, 373 175 17, 811 Detroit Lakes.. 1 15 38 797 747 1,342 172 12, 519 Moorhead 2 16 54 980 1, 013 1, 766 172 14, 001 St. Peter 1 10 26 419 439 789 172 11, 584 Other cities 15 54 384 1,214 22, 433 22, 026 38, 644 342, 432 Mississippi 5 50 109 700 13, 792 14, 223 23, 876 120, 138 Brookhaven 2 14 67 1,220 1,291 2, 124 180 6, 964 Columbia 4 10 43 950 930 1,598 180 9,130 Grenada 2 3 7 54 992 1, 053 1,840 178 8, 070 McComb.. 3 6 6 50 989 996 1, 588 178 8, 491 Pasea gonla 7 16 60 1,257 1,190 2,123 180 16, 858 Tupelo. 6 10 82 1,294 1,458 2,549 180 10, 000 Other cities 22 46 344 7, 090 7, 305 12, 054 60, 625 Missouri 15 74 237 921 17, 743 17, 270 30, 587 202, 297 Charleston 1 4 11 28 716 753 1, 303 180 5, 297 Ferguson 3 22 52 1,243 1,100 1,998 185 16, 691 Lexington 1 2 9 28 492 492 839 181 5,929 Marshall 6 2 50 720 691 1,305 180 8, 922 Mexico 5 5 9 53 1,026 1,027 1,817 180 10, 045 Trenton 4 2 8 43 589 572 1,079 178 6, 499 Other cities 4 52 176 667 12, 957 12, 635 22. 246 148, 914 Montana 6 17 104 323 5, 566 5,444 9, 653 115, 096 Bozeman: Elementary District- 4 4 4 56 713 735 1, 314 180 12, 592 High-School District . 1 16 13 309 277 516 180 12, 121 Havre 4 15 45 791 755 1,342 178 12, 255 Kalispell: Elementary District- 5 4 48 814 768 1, 455 180 14, 790 High-School District 1 22 15 476 543 860 180 14, 803 Miles City: Elementary District- 4 37 645 545 1, 027 180 7,058 High-School District - 13 18 234 255 456 180 11, 768 Other cities 2 2 26 91 1,584 1, 566 2, 683 29, 709 footnotes at end of Group IV of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 67 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 9,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only Salaries and wages Principals Teachers Clerks Other 3 Total School plant Operation Mainte- nance Total * (in thou- sands) 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 229, 146 12, 700 6, 626 4, 866 Q 6’ 500 195, 154 98, 964 2, 793 6, 800 3,750 85, 621 59, 950 3,652 56, 298 14, 200 4,900 9, 300 47, 607 1,925 2,575 14, 391 15, 161 13, 555 33, 050 25, 300 7,750 331, 529 15, 180 14, 600 3,645 9,325 7, 775 19, 550 261, 454 474, 607 13, 710 23, 966 24,000 4, 958 5.000 21, 200 381, 773 296, 681 8, 107 12, 150 13, 815 5, 225 11,391 4, 450 241, 543 140,485 10, 260 10, 666 8. 000 14, 906 17, 873 17, 100 61, 680 249, 853 10, 683 15,036 7, 025 17, 553 17, 214 10,633 171, 709 61, 132 13,000 4, 000 16, 647 15, 320 3, 515 8, 650 4,798,344 99, 730 192, 340 112, 921 95, 527 130,869 167, 104 3,999,853 6, 579, 646 220, 912 333, 515 144, 752 188, 962 194,336 232, 951 5, 264, 218 5, 966, 994 196, 117 238, 160 219, 939 141, 901 198, 384 104, 012 4, 868, 481 1,379,638 137, 245 101, 407 117, 244 95, 582 185. 236 165, 900 577,024 2,708,046 82, 172 233, 787 82, 250 127, 756 164, 084 114, 264 1, 903, 733 1,279,023 144, 700 98, 530 196, 361 157, 797 111, 976 116, 487 71, 928 381, 244 32, 710 1,000 4, 615 4, 255 300 4, 566 17, 974 87, 794 1,600 13, 042 2,000 1,440 3, 268 4, 999 61, 445 87, 329 2, 000 9, 203 16, 560 4,051 55, 515 8, 520 2,400 1,000 1,237 1, 513 2,050 320 39,814 772 6, 095 1,440 2, 444 1 , “ 1,146 25, 933 8, 583 5, 083 ”’566 3, 000 357, 955 6, 646 17, 181 2,918 6,812 9, 493 12, 546 302, 359 574, 950 13, 637 27, 338 17, 589 9, 761 8, 750 21, 044 476,831 624,804 25, 471 29,839 17, 918 12, 664 18, 297 23, 375 497, 240 53,390 2, 242 2, 625 4, 650 5,073 5,015 11, 500 22, 285 253, 734 10, 514 14, 750 9, 768 18, 625 17, 780 8,637 175, b60 84, 512 13, 775 6, 521 8, 333 12, 953 12, 276 5,164 7, 334 18, 156 5, 749, 684 122, 556 241, 436 130, 365 116,530 151, 737 210, 266 4, 776, 794 7, 815, 961 252, 652 397, 861 188, 341 211, 921 215,104 280, 194 7, 035, 758 231, 695 289, 352 271,884 163, 841 228,072 131,837 5, 719, 077 1, 596, 233 152,147 114, ““ 135, 794 126, 098 209, 637 196, 550 661, 309 3, 299, 054 106, 066 269, 668 103, 058 164, 378 215, 453 149, 841 2, 290, 590 1,466,300 196, 775 109, 051 226, 424 186, 070 128, 267 121, 651 79, 262 418, 800 918, 971 23, 954 42, 816 3, 430 19,804 23, 551 24, 762 780, 654 1, 397, 130 45, 670 72, 417 30, 372 44, 316 39,057 62, 274 1, 103, 024 1,389,340 35, 791 40, 066 121, 518 32, 681 57, 215 17, 957 1,084, 112 11,131 6,896 10, 500 16, 829 31,822 17, 040 63,820 460,051 17, 246 36, 274 17, 168 21,341 39, 126 22, 546 306,350 221, 297 25,000 13, 591 28, 493 30,433 28, 255 18, 175 13, 708 63, 642 367, 901 7, 126 14, 262 2, 354 8, 291 7, 376 12, 065 316, 427 522, 472 16, 793 26, 724 12, 281 17,365 11,829 33, 236 404, 244 450, 896 22, 867 20, 657 32, 985 6, 556 54, 570 6, 477 306, 784 90,839 I, 045 3, 822 8, 200 2,784 13, 525 19, 900 41, 563 170, 638 8, 711 11, 123 4, 957 6,859 18, 208 10, 654 110, 126 122, 255 3, 000 9, — 5, 383 48, 043 22, 258 1 , II, 759 20, 184 8,175 177 336 152 164 210 294 6,842 11, 035 342 540 305 303 288 427 8,830 10, 731 356 449 503 246 388 204 8, 585 2, 154 186 139 168 160 288 265 948 4,826 203 357 165 234 306 196 3,365 2, 137 252 171 295 292 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP IV.—CITIES OF 5,000 Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current expendi- tures for: City- Super- visors (posi- tions) 1 2 Nebraska 9 Columbus 1 Falls City. — Fairbury— - Kearney Nebraska City 3 York 2 Other cities 3 Nevada 2 Las Vegas (Union 2 District). Sparks New Hampshire... 2 Derry Exeter Franklin Lebanon 2 Newport Somersworth New Jersey. Audubon Bogota Boonton Caldwell — Sayreville Secaucus — Other cities 42 ”2 40 New Mexico. Las Cruces Portales Silver City Las Vegas Other cities 15 1 1 2 11 New York. Bronxville Hudson Falls. Uion Lancaster Rye Scotia Other cities 44 1 1 North Carolina... 9 Asheboro 1 Mooresville... 1 Roanoke Rapids 1 Washington 1 Other cities 5 North Dakota 3 Devils Lake Dickinson. 2 Mandan Williston Other cities 1 Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29 114 330 6,034 5,745 10,173 76, 825 7 11 38 666 684 1,216 180 9, 298 4 10 36 676 594 1,156 176 6 , 954 2 18 43 655 640 1, 155 180 8, 607 2 19 58 1, 053 1, 012 1,743 180 13, 201 8 10 33 692 661 1,017 180 8, 678 1 10 37 576 506 948 180 9, 517 5 36 85 1,716 1, 648 2, 938 20, 570 14 53 200 3,835 3, 632 6, 261 51, 348 11 40 154 2,842 2, 756 4,680 174 42, 078 3 13 46 993 876 1,581 177 9, 270 12 57 163 2,840 2, 761 4,895 48, 190 3 22 406 359 679 179 7,188 2 10 28 409 471 792 178 8,390 2 15 30 497 498 883 180 6,985 4 14 39 690 650 1, 072 173 11, 333 2 10 28 548 527 977 180 6 , 057 2 5 16 290 256 492 180 8, 237 117 796 2, 393 39, 932 38, 380 68, 042 731, 751 1 19 53 893 927 1,625 183 11, 654 1 14 41 631 603 1,088 181 6, 441 2 18 50 844 818 1,451 183 17, 595 3 31 65 1,178 1,147 2, 013 185 55, 378 1 10 36 567 483 919 180 9,117 3 6 30 516 425 831 181 11, 357 106 698 2,118 35, 303 33, 977 60, 115 620, 209 44 184 548 11, 832 11,460 19, 304 129,001 4 26 87 1, 699 1,724 3, 012 180 9, 458 5 23 65 « 1, 500 8 1, 501 2, 332 180 12, 630 1 1 35 «625 8 626 1,016 172 11, 203 4 21 48 1,015 1, 087 1,770 180 15, 135 30 113 313 6, 993 6, 522 11, 174 80, 575 136 775 2, 465 38, 688 37, 358 65, 811 920, 106 2 19 55 541 593 1,013 182 36,187 3 14 41 725 728 1,288 180 12, 404 3 10 50 714 746 1, 313 180 11, 525 3 18 44 841 748 1,426 184 18, 525 3 18 55 780 725 1,281 190 36, 462 5 13 81 1,008 975 1,777 190 16, 400 117 683 2, 139 34, 079 32,843 57, 713 788,603 78 177 1,110 21, 514 21, 477 37, 505 188, 462 5 11 80 1,511 1, 536 2, 792 180 11,921 4 9 57 1, 020 1,042 1,906 180 11, 345 6 17 75 1, 368 1,315 2, 499 180 13, 288 4 16 91 1,808 1,683 3,013 180 10, 563 59 124 807 15, 807 15,901 27, 295 141,345 7 58 217 3, 597 3,635 6,503 56, 061 1 8 41 675 633 1,164 180 10, 726 1 7 23 441 479 786 180 1, 189 11 27 451 459 733 180 11, 263 10 43 737 771 1, 423 180 10, 202 5 22 83 1,293 1,293 2,397 22,681 See footnotes at end of Group IV of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 69 for public-school systems,'by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 9,999 POPULATION—Continued * Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Total « (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29, 094 113, 673 1, 099, 905 10, 595 107, 351 1, 360, 618 213, 411 97, 410 1,859 152 4, 000 28, 000 119, 685 13, 845 165, 530 29, 635 8,914 216 153 16, 472 108, 893 6, 243 131,608 21, 964 9, 936 185 154 6; 254 138; 322 1,583 31,603 177, 762 27, 579 12, 664 223 155 10, 556 198, 104 2, 765 17, 036 228, 461 31, 578 19, 575 321 156 11, 238 31,512 99, 794 1,077 13, 008 156, 629 27, 968 6, 919 200 157 4, 556 3, 075 122, 156 1,200 9, 859 140, 846 23, 805 10, 931 191 158 9, 300 17, 804 312, 951 3, 970 15, 757 359, 782 50, 882 28, 471 523 159 6, 000 57, 000 734, 068 99, 319 896, 387 138, 327 35, 326 1,163 160 6, 000 44, 000 553, 296 83, 690 686, 986 109, 867 23, 086 897 161 13, 000 180, 772 15, 629 209, 401 28, 460 12, 240 266 162 5,950 45, 379 579, 466 6,923 33, 804 671,522 110, 036 31, 172 1, 032 163 62, 768 4, 004 66, 772 10, 961 6, 038 148 164 8,800 118, 310 3, 301 8,122 138, 533 21,461 12, 014 199 165 7,104 106, 804 2, 656 6, 449 123, 013 21, 803 1,088 173 166 5,950 15, 075 134,377 966 9,759 166, 127 26, 089 4,828 251 167 7,500 103, 457 4, 071 115, 028 17, 780 5, 447 163 168 6, 900 53, 750 1,399 62, 049 11, 942 1,757 98 169 180, 577 533, 134 9, 994, 561 263, 313 778, 877 11, 750, 462 1, 865, 397 961, 096 17, 030 170 4, 600 221, 225 4, 080 19, 565 249, 470 41, 432 11,674 336 171 6,400 5,200 186, 410 3,355 13, 634 214, 999 38, 806 24, 743 298 172 9, 350 231,619 6, 502 25, 295 272, 766 35, 883 26, 339 367 173 14, 000 323, 459 12, 000 23, 178 372, 637 60, 516 34,113 559 174 4,620 139,085 4, 286 10,084 158, 075 37, 460 19,155 252 175 17, 300 97, 015 2, 200 9, 305 125, 820 28, 426 8, 691 235 176 174, 177 478, 064 8, 795, 748 230, 890 677, 816 10, 356, 695 1, 622, 874 836, 381 14, 983 177 68, 444 193,487 2, 299, 557 22, 910 82, 083 2, 666, 481 276, 543 107, 428 3, 530 178 7, 200 17, 540 382, 757 6, 595 1,359 415, 451 34, 895 24, 664 524 179 8, 690 21, 685 279, 018 3, 865 4, 500 317, 758 24, 204 13, 930 472 180 3, 776 128, 017 5, 000 5, 827 142, 620 10, 646 4, 967 181 181 11, 580 17, 000 231,180 7, 400 267, 160 30, 710 7, 550 339 182 40, 974 133, 486 1, 278, 585 7,450 62, 997 1,523,492 176, 088 56, 317 2, 014 183 194, 785 702, 658 11, 507, 891 289, 479 1, 023, 603 13, 718, 416 2, 073, 772 1, 060, 778 20, 543 184 6, 050 16, 800 360, 313 11,795 21, 322 416, 280 57, 237 28, 150 603 185 13, 330 183, 150 5, 515 12, 039 214, 034 34, 229 5, 530 314 186 3, 687 13, 100 179, 515 2,150 11,858 210, 310 26, 294 7,130 293 187 14, 000 216,233 5,200 10, 805 246, 238 29, 350 19, 015 331 188 24, 350 324, 974 10, 378 45, 270 404, 972 76, 483 19, 036 607 189 2, 772 23, 250 299, 656 7, 935 20, 377 353, 990 45, 410 27, 547 494 i 90 182, 276 597, 828 9, 944, 050 246, 506 901, 932 11, 872, 592 1, 804, 703 954, 370 17,901 191 29,332 313, 591 3, 467, 747 16, 179 98, 806 3, 925, 655 276, 503 233, 164 4, 976 192 3, 458 18, 514 254, 824 4, 127 280, 923 18, 535 17. 884 348 193 3,310 17, 910 182, 962 1,000 4, 392 209, 574 13, 017 19, 947 266! 194 4, 029 25, 968 254, 086 3, 713 6, 164 293, 960 22, 836 19, 304 401 i 195 3, 460 22, 288 275, 649 3, 978 3,610 308, 985 24, 104 19, 671 436 1 196 15,075 228, 911 2,500, 226 7,488 80, 513 2, 832, 213 198, 011 156, 358 3, 525 197 8,750 28, 700 777, 823 3, 975 30, 267 849, 515 132, 713 86, 524 1, 171 1 198 4, 000 139, 977 1, 575 8, 652 154, 204 29, 249 22, 764 232 199 6,000 4,230 94, 421 2,400 3,176 110, 227 13. 610 2, 864 136 200 106, 984 1,686 108, 670 20, 709 18, 937 165 201 159, 909 7, 227 167, 136 21 1 684 11, 734 21 1 1 202 2,750 20,470 276,532 9,526 309, 278 47, 461 30, 225 427 i 203 70 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP IV—CITIES OF 5,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Men Women Enrollment Boys Girls Aver- age daily attend ance Length school year (days taught) Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Adminis- tration (general control) 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 245 Ohio Athens Barnesville. Dover Gallipolis... Girard Jackson Troy Other cities. Oklahoma. Altus Alva Duncan Pauls Valley.. Other cities... Oregon... Corvallis Grants Pass. Pendleton... The Dalles. . Other cities.. Pennsylvania. Blainsville Glassport... Lehighton. Oakmont— Rankin Tarentum Other cities 24 Rhode Island Barrington Burrilville (P. O. Pas- coag). Warren South Carolina. Camden... Gaffney Laurens Marion Newberry Union Other cities South Dakota. Brookings Lead Madison. Yankton Alcoa Athens Morristown Paris Shelbyville. Union City Other cities 15 46 113 1 1 101 6 2 6 5 77 37 5 6 5 3 18 164 1 2 1 3 1 1 155 16 14 27 14 19 14 19 726 320 13 18 13 11 265 220 30 36 29 20 105 1, 575 14 11 18 12 20 23 1, 477 24 39 2,285 36 22 56 1, 012 56 37 90 43 786 396 57 70 48 42 179 3,785 26 29 30 37 36 42 3, 585 114 43 824 74 74 51 54 65 92 414 145 46 37 22 42,849 665 524 909 807 812 795 981 37, 356 20, 627 1, 154 645 1 , 16, 145 8, 574 1,233 1,492 1, 025 893 3,931 67, 247 456 »499 6 672 535 541 835 63, 709 719 541 15, 275 1,388 1, 371 1,049 1, 126 1, 107 1, 762 7,472 2,370 607 659 458 646 9,951 787 772 1, 355 681 616 1, 072 4,668 41, 517 611 492 858 801 795 796 889 36, 275 19, 904 1, 124 611 1 , 15, 591 8,341 1, 278 1,492 972 783 3,816 66, 341 478 6 500 6 627 558 565 939 62, 674 1,947 698 6 646 16,048 1, 499 1, 491 1,059 1, 177 1, 190 1,683 7, 949 2,346 601 685 483 577 9,742 796 743 1, 465 674 628 1, 058 4,378 77, 025 1, 162 1, 1 , 1, 479 1,424 1, 810 67, 060 33, 927 1, 838 1, 141 2,772 1, 516 26, 660 14, 903 2, 034 2,725 1, 742 1,412 6,990 123,846 1,254 1, 013 1, 007 1, 418 117,322 3, 427 1,230 1, 147 1,050 27, 339 2, 489 2 , — 1,909 1,950 2, 065 3, 106 13, 212 4.134 1, 076 1.135 17, 986 1, 445 1,392 2,179 1, 197 1, 183 1, 964 8,626 181 179 175 175 175 180 177 691, 454 9,891 8, 440 16, 817 9, 302 12, 394 12, 730 13, 754 608, 126 12, 279 6, 184 18, 680 17, 113 243, 930 136, 242 21, 055 19, 001 21, 576 15, 410 59, 200 1, 475, 644 10, 696 14, 958 13, 576 22, 399 17, 514 15. 357 1,381, 144 27. 491 10. 492 7,221 9, 778 119, 241 8, 823 10, 463 8,733 5, 478 7,118 20, 242 58, 384 42, 906 9.357 13, 125 7,823 12, 601 106, 765 10, 373 7, 029 11, 516 11, 740 9,997 56, 110 See footnotes at end of group IV of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 71 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 9,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total « (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 80,395 469, 842 8, 890, 312 111, 570 629, 437 10, 181, 556 1, 883, 259 824, 491 14,780 204 7,807 3, 70C 139, 752 9, 444 160, 703 35. 506 5, 830 220 205 3, 90S 95, 06S 4,085 103, 061 22, 254 4,292 171 206 14, 812 15’ 420 177, 630 13, 346 221, 208 40, 690 17, 058 314 207 7, 050 134, 723 2, 410 10, 819 155, 002 23, 673 10, 510 236 208 5, 199 211, 662 1, 131 13, 077 231,069 48, 419 27, 770 330 209 3, 70C 3.63S 134, 866 8, 591 150, 796 21, 284 7,441 238 210 6, 895 234,396 4,000 15, 288 260, 579 38, 295 22, 860 341 211 54, 076 424, 031 7, 762, 215 104,029 554, 787 8, 899, 138 1, 653, 138 728, 730 12, 930 212 14, 150 387, 282 3, 548, 441 1, 514 95, 946 4, 047, 333 380, 541 202, 754 5,302 213 22, 600 176, 634 7,896 207, 130 20,438 4, 443 251 214 9,000 145, 547 154, 547 17, 000 4,231 210 215 5,700 22, 810 283, 162 2, 494 314. 166 22, 093 14, 655 377 216 17, 680 163, 892 6, 075 187, 647 17, 145 (») 300 217 8,450 315, 192 2, 779, 206 1, 514 79, 481 3, 183, 843 303, 865 179,425 4, 164 218 53,010 153, 621 2, 020, 158 39, 186 227, 843 2, 493, 818 373, 203 177, 690 3,668 219 5, 158 15, 431 293, 414 21, 520 335 523 59, 401 19, 558 505 220 6,000 29, 091 343, 715 12, 164 62, 254 453, 224 65, 467 22! 301 662 221 25, 000 21,588 275, 202 3, 944 39, 581 365, 315 60, 693 19, 158 499 222 6,500 15, 647 206, 746 5,400 23,013 257, 306 38. 201 29,319 376 223 10,352 71, 864 901, 081 17, 678 81, 475 1, 082, 450 149, 441 87, 354 1, 626 224 182, 591 618,033 14, 537, 979 170, 437 1, 228, 560 16, 737, 600 2, 580, 878 1, 195, 003 24, 195 225 9,485 3, 900 104, 299 3, 420 9, 027 130, 131 23, 200 8, 860 192 226 8,366 5, 041 111,650 2,155 11,510 138, 722 18, 193 5, 910 191 227 3, 500 129, 039 11, 600 144, 139 15, 959 19, 717 206 228 8, 392 144, 143 3,250 19, 693 175, 478 32, 979 10, 026 264 229 3,567 127, 820 1,480 3, 196 136,063 44, 469 16, 342 228 230 4, 769 194, 148 2, 423 19, 633 220, 973 31, 923 29, 653 316 231 164, 740 588,864 13, 726, 880 157, 709 1, 153, 901 15, 792, 094 2, 414, 155 1, 104, 495 22, 798 232 36,536 429,334 2,551 11,845 480, 266 68, 681 26,353 652 233 12, 856 175, 471 1,250 5, 516 195,093 26, 188 11,081 261 234 5, 880 132, 160 2,461 140, 501 22, 539 10, 556 200 235 17,800 121, 703 1,301 3,868 144, 672 19, 954 4,716 191 236 9,975 119, 616 2, 145, 948 3, 895 66, 074 2, 335, 508 220, 074 114, 904 3, 320 237 19, 537 182, 928 1, 227 203, 692 18 079 1,902 277 238 4, 500 227, 826 2,100 4, 585 239, 011 20.516 9, 337 393 239 9, 147 140, 063 687 2,072 151, 969 12, 029 7, 668 187 240 7,800 142, 029 2,721 152, 550 13, 575 5, 269 208 241 7, 717 174, 367 1,820 183, 904 17, 140 27, 040 274 242 13, 700 246, 988 1, 108 5, 020 266, 816 31, 750 20,957 369 243 9,975 57, 215 1,031,747 38, 629 1, 137, 566 106, 985 42,731 1, 612 244 4,908 30, 780 567, 151 9, 102 41, 526 653, 467 114, 008 44,403 897 245 8, 023 141, 008 2,829 12, 247 164, 107 32, 063 6,740 226 246 7,060 160, 157 2,280 3, 598 173, 095 29, 953 17, 510 243,247 12, 523 91, 858 447 12, 783 117, 611 22, 780 10, 090 165 248 4,908 3,174 174, 128 3,546 12,898 198, 654 29, 212 10, 063 263 1 249 6, 065 135, 648 1, 361, 051 5,647 65, 111 1, 573, 422 147, 041 73, 849 2, 0391 250 18, 000 120, 546 7, 332 145, 878 12, 950 6, 117 178 251 7. 755 99, 117 6 172 113, 044 7, 575 7, 593 145 252 23, 800 181, 465 1, 220 11, 233 217,’ 718 18* 012 4,078 272 253 9,171 100, 692 1, 223 5, 881 116, 967 10, 640 4,305 154 254 7, 165 70, 642 3, 350 81, 157 10, 698 7, 868 115 255 9,403 112, 231 4,399 126’ 033 lo ’ 503 2, 994 156 256 6,065 60,254 676, 358 3,204 26, 744 772, 6251 76, 663 40, 894 1, 019 257 72 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP IV—CITIES OF 5,000 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAY SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES FOR: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff * (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 258 Texas 47 242 1,037 4,029 73, 555 70, 176 119, 655 1,197 159 259 Alice 2 6 31 88 2, 086 1, 882 3,248 176 30, 332 260 3 14 57 1, 019 991 1, 594 171 20, 678 261 Colorado City 4 14 46 861 960 1, 661 175 ll| 916 262 Rusk 1 2 10 29 *524 *526 927 175 9,795 263 *>64 San Marcos 1 3 5 18 16 71 52 1,096 1, 267 1,106 1, 128 1, 660 1,854 177 175 17, 027 17 620 265 Vernon 1 6 17 71 1 , 345 l| 281 2 , 268 175 20| 985 266 Other cities 43 213 917 3, 615 65, 357 62, 302 106, 443 1,068,806 Utah 267 Murray 1 5 15 54 1, 147 1, 135 2,087 176 11, 960 268 Vermont 16 8 43 125 2,140 1, 974 3,690 30, 953 269 Bellows Falls 7 5 10 34 512 459 851 180 7,948 270 Bennington 5 2 11 35 620 583 1,060 176 12, 733 271 Springfield 4 1 22 56 1, 008 932 1, 779 177 10, 272 272 Virginia. 16 33 90 479 7,481 7,158 13, 486 56, 250 273 Bristol 1 7 19 92 1, 501 1, 432 2,861 180 8,322 274 Clifton Forge 3 9 35 559 615 960 180 5,883 275 Hampton 3 14 42 707 687 1, 279 180 3,076 276 Harrisonburg 7 4 7 53 823 743 1, 428 180 8,482 277 Hopewell 5 4 17 73 1,159 1, 066 1, 994 181 7,135 278 Radford 5 9 63 876 843 1, 523 180 10, 195 279 South Norfolk 4 7 55 850 852 1, 527 180 4, 436 280 Waynesboro 3 3 8 66 1,006 1,020 1, 914 180 8,721 281 Washington 5 24 148 306 7,466 6,961 12, 129 83, 898 282 Anacortes 4 16 34 755 756 1, 282 180 10, 316 283 Centralia 3 36 67 1,563 1, 358 2,444 172 18, 134 284 Kelso 3 5 27 78 1, 754 1,702 2,900 180 20, 688 285 Port Angeles 2 5 30 62 1,584 1, 510 2,625 172 17, 144 286 Puyallup 7 39 65 1, 810 1,635 2,878 171 17, 616 287 Wisconsin 13 37 300 693 12, 352 12, 462 22, 127 167, 463 288 Antigo 2 2 22 52 947 873 1, 609 177 9,230 289 Kaukauna 1 14 29 515 515 938 177 10, 703 290 Sparta 1 1 13 30 582 603 1, 001 172 2, 020 291 Sturgeon Bay 3 19 28 659 594 1,089 177 9,044 292 Whitefish Bay 1 4 35 82 1, 319 1, 301 2,168 184 30, 083 293 Other cities 9 26 197 472 8, 330 8,576 15, 322 106, 383 294 Wyoming 12 14 135 2,507 2,605 4, 417 24, 789 295 Rawlins 6 73 1,281 1, 378 2,332 178 13, 972 296 Rock Springs 7 14 62 1, 226 1,227 2, 085 178 10,817 1 Includes persons rendering services supplementary to classroom instruction in libraries, study halls, guidance, health, psychological work, etc., provided half or more than half of their employment time is given to such instructional work. * The actual number of days in the school year that children were taught. * Includes instructional supplies; textbooks free to all pupils; school library books; and other expense, including salaries of full-time librarians. The expenditure for textbooks furnished gratis to indigent pupils, only, is classified as an Auxiliary Services item, and reported accordingly. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 73 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 9,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total 4 (in thou- Other 3 Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 196,042 1, 073, 698 15, 002, 600 145, 709 568, 123 16, 986, 172 1, 359, 858 598, 608 22, 148 258 7,440 22, 300 412, 206 12, 000 10, 578 464, 524 34, 728 3,700 552 259 17, 019 199, 071 7,823 223, 913 17, 419 6, 923 295 260 16; 000 221' 200 1, 500 3,515 242, 215 14, 720 6,052 338 261 4, 560 122, 925 1, 540 129, 025 6, 952 4, 677 180 262 4,601 15, 970 269; 781 3,117 6, 378 299, 847 5,622 4,968 350 263 28, 302 228, 562 320 4, 577 261, 761 21, 399 5, 662 314 264 4,279 24,111 263, 531 1,500 5,866 299, 287 20, 484 4,640 369 265 179, 722 945, 436 13, 285, 324 127, 272 527,846 15, 065, 600 1, 238, 534 561, 986 19, 750 266 3,985 19, 696 197, 726 1,855 11,081 234, 343 24,743 20,609 352 267 47, 986 31, 754 428, 169 4, 902 37, 073 549, 884 88, 617 41, 528 780 268 13, 333 15, 264 97, 698 1,800 8,636 136, 731 22, 355 6, 868 201 269 19, 275 11, 360 119, 680 1, 505 11, 948 163, 768 22, 125 20, 422 225 270 15, 378 5,130 210, 791 1, 597 16, 489 249, 385 44, 137 14, 238 354 271 54, 629 123, 476 1, 306, 315 21, 196 78, 368 1, 583, 984 196, 854 135, 147 2,091 272 6,400 25, 398 256, 935 2,710 4,010 295, 453 36, 407 25, 640 400 273 10, 100 104, 133 641 3, 962 118, 836 12, 343 8, 440 149 274 10, 660 117, 930 2,065 8, 951 139, 606 18, 679 5,313 177 275 21, 960 15, 240 136, 056 3,357 5,147 181, 760 24, 036 7,305 233 276 14, 269 17,800 218, 041 6,057 13, 288 269, 455 37, 636 33, 172 364 277 17, 657 153, 755 1, 570 7, 854 180, 836 30, 493 16, 981 255 278 14, 621 142, 919 3,437 15, 994 176, 971 18, 602 13, 187 229 279 12,000 12, 000 176, 546 1, 359 19, 162 221, 067 18, 658 25, 109 284 280 20,253 103, 753 1, 544, 123 26, 255 127, 202 1, 821, 586 237, 211 156, 185 2,623 281 16, 600 167, 705 3, 481 10, 692 198, 478 31, 666 25, 157 301 282 19, 100 350, 816 7,537 36, 289 413, 742 54, 247 32, 501 592 283 12, 729 22, 380 366, 905 6, 964 25, 094 434, 072 46, 951 31, 695 602 284 7,524 19, 650 315, 690 3,244 25, 003 371,111 49, 553 6, 337 512 285 26, 023 343, 007 5,029 30, 124 404, 183 54, 794 60, 495 616 286 57, 175 163, 472 2, 996, 568 46, 166 269, 800 3, 533, 181 625, 997 252, 414 5,101 287 10, 726 7,983 217, 461 4,295 19, 830 260, 295 41, 478 13, 680 371 288 4,737 138, 746 2, 079 9,163 154, 725 24, 174 4,147 198 289 5,500 3, 800 120, 016 2,200 8, 571 140, 087 19, 477 3, 513 191 290 12, 000 134, 138 9, 255 155, 393 23 019 3, 259 90S 9Q1 4, 107 23, 571 507, 598 31,416 566, 692 103, 126 25! 598 831 292 36, 842 111, 381 1, 878, 609 37, 592 191, 565 2, 255, 989 414, 723 202, 217 3, 302i 293 29, 116 440, 413 6,963 25, 809 502, 301 79, 240 40, 625 688' 294 18, 458 187, 887 6,963 6, 476 219, 784 33, 467 9,281 300 295 10, 658 252, 526 19, 333 282, 517 45, 773 31, 344 388 296 4 Includes amounts shown in columns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, plus amounts not shown but reported by city school systems as expenditures for the following current accounts: Auxiliary school services; fixed charges; community services to public and nonpublic schools paid from school district funds; and adult and summer schools. This total figure covers all school current expenditures whether or not same are directly allocable as a charge against per pupil in average daily attendance cost for the public-school system reporting. * Distribution by sex not reported. Total for 1949-50 has been divided on basis of previous biennial reports to this office. 74 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—-Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP V—CITIES OF 2,500 City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily Length of school year* (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control)tions) Men Women Boys Girls attend- ance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Continental United States... 293 2, 150 11, 793 35,091 649, 500 632,367 1,131,914 $10,762, 192 2 Alabama 5 22 65 434 8, 006 7,954 14, 236 78, 027 3 13 238 247 410 175 4, 275 4 2 5 28 541 543 997 175 4, 920 5 Jacksonville 3 5 29 586 599 938 175 991 6 6 37 613 650 1,138 176 4, 476 7 5 17 49 327 6,028 5, 915 10, 753 63,365 8 Arizona.. 6 15 102 251 5,162 4,896 8, 860 93, 989 Clifton: 9 Elementary District. 2 7 24 507 467 864 175 10, 466 10 High School District. 1 6 5 98 107 190 175 1,411 11 Miami 4 20 78 1, 395 1,395 2, 361 177 13, 750 12 Williams 1 2 9 15 318 294 526 174 11,787 13 Winslow.. 2 2 15 48 1, 051 967 1,749 176 10, 170 14 Other cities 3 4 45 81 1,793 1,666 3,170 46, 405 15 Arkansas 2 79 291 1,231 26, 792 26, 647 44, 037 220, 882 16 De Queen 1 8 28 * 595 «594 1,016 172 9,655 17 Mena 2 9 43 835 786 1, 365 176 4,102 18 Monticello 3 8 47 860 904 1,476 178 7,812 19 Newport 2 5 11 70 1,607 1,608 2, 335 174 11, 670 20 Trumann 2 11 44 1,195 1,120 1,573 178 4, 500 21 Other cities 66 244 999 21, 700 21, 635 36, 272 183, 143 22 California . 35 169 1, 287 2, 791 54, 431 52, 022 98, 541 1, 143, 683 23 Carmel 1 2 10 27 408 399 784 176 11, 834 24 Gilroy 3 55 13 ® 922 *924 1, 750 180 8, 905 25 Lindsay 4 15 53 700 690 1,171 172 10, 750 26 Needles 4 18 37 « 685 *686 1,254 172 16, 958 27 Paso Robles 2 13 41 740 760 1,405 175 13, 441 28 Other cities 34 154 1,176 2, 620 50, 976 48, 563 92, 177 1,081,795 29 Cr»T,r»n Ann 3 36 144 413 8, 279 7,912 14, 584 133, 703 30 Brighton 3 13 52 833 750 1,482 178 11,032 31 Florence. 1 9 20 350 339 569 172 6,377 32 Lamar 3 14 38 780 707 1, 319 179 12, 594 33 Lead villa 2 9 20 378 361 717 179 8, 530 34 Salida 2 15 21 461 438 857 179 7,276 35 Ofbar f>if.ias 3 25 84 262 5, 477 5, 317 9,640 87,894 36 Delaware . . H 69 209 3, 465 3, 494 6, 233 56, 297 37 Laurel 3 11 47 • 657 *657 1,233 181 11,222 38 Milford 3 13 42 705 707 1,224 180 8,242 39 Newark.. 1 12 44 728 730 1,355 180 11,420 40 New Castle 2 21 29 704 700 1,256 180 12, 081 41 fiaafnrd 2 12 47 671 700 1,165 13, 332 42 Georgia 8 49 198 3,766 3,803 6,637 41, 909 43 Barnesville 2 12 24 538 576 988 176 3, 975 44 Calhoun 6 24 479 383 747 175 5, 793 45 Hogansville i 5 39 697 661 1,177 180 7,262 46 Trion .. 3 4 27 471 459 846 175 7,156 47' Wast. Point 8 24 423 569 941 175 5, 000 48V Other cities 2 14 60 1,158 1,155 1,938 12, 723 See footnotes at end of Group V of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 75 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 4,999 POPULATION Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only Salaries and Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks Other * Total School plant Total « (in thou- sands) Operation Mainte- nance 17 18 19 $21,633,368 $10,301,660 $221,240 85, 840 49, 003 1,475 2 1,880 5,274 49 3 3, 691 961 69 4 5, 300 652 114 5 5, 405 1,696 119 6 69, 564 40,420 1, 124 7 163, 373 114,627 1,882 8 11,275 7,105 122 9 895 1,852 50 10 50, 982 52, 610 543 11 14, 876 8, 320 166 12 39, 761 14, 348 348 13 i 45, 584 30, 392 653 14 320, 884 127, 360 4, 365 15 i 6, 149 108 16 11, 810 1,287 138 17 8,842 4,267 130 18 l 15,450 11, 352 213 19 7,400 4,700 161 20 ! 271, 233 105, 754 3, 615 21 1 2, 971, 716 1,067,047 24, 799 22 1 36, 957 14, 075 341 23 > 35, 830 11,815 382 24 i 39, 021 33, 886 349 25 ) 21,689 29, 724 358 26 ' 27, 730 14, 133 320 27 5 2,810,489 963,414 23, 049 28 $ 249, 062 219,019 2, 683 29 5 24, 391 14, 693 279 30 ) 10, 489 2, 999 104 31 r 19, 336 16,410 218 32 l 16, 156 3, 630 120 33 ) 18, 043 3, 337 153 34 1 160, 647 177, 950 1,809 35 L 116, 574 81, 718 1,248 36 ) 27, 360 20, 323 262 37 1 24, 702 28, 886 307 38 ) 17, 406 19, 000 201 39 1 24, 609 219 40 ) 22, 497 13, 509 259 41 L 48, 414 22, 614 829 42 102 43 5 3, 861 938 92 44 1 7, 926 4, 719 144 45 5 19, 515 5, 224 178 46 3 4, 556 4, 400 78 47 ) 12, 556 7,333 235 48 11 13 14 15 16 $1,238,946 $8,535,063 $130,284,391 $1,413,060 $10,152,931 $151,614,391 11, 000 11,000 24, 597 3,921 8, 052 12, 624 6, 300 168,290 5, 000 163,290 12, 352 12, 352 63,298 4,230 12, 185 46,1 71, 944 5,179 5,111 20, 478 10, 640 10, 536 20, 000 240, 641 3,600 8, 610 7,820 10, 796 7,480 202, 335 809, 050 10, 000 15, 000 16, 844 13, 272 9,696 744,238 139,175 18, 848 3,500 16, 617 9, 583 7, 374 83, 253 49, 250 12, 950 16, 500 3. 000 8,550 8, 250 27, 164 7.000 3,600 9, 024 1, 040, 199 25, 245 55, 353 85, 015 92, 484 782, 102 1, 205, 004 79, 401 35, 297 340, 570 89, 765 242, 585 417, 386 2, 821,796 73, 807 92, 784 89, 393 126, 758 87, 531 2, 351, 523 13, 856, 763 184, 671 251, 230 190,400 178, 738 191, 397 12, 860, 327 1, 594, 245 144, 839 66,130 128, 776 72, 308 102, 257 1, 079, 935 817, 329 169, 392 194, 565 121,758 151, 903 179, 711 522, 472 83, 787 63, 102 76, 135 85, 905 62, 000 151, 543 5, 967 3,920 ~2 , 047 16. 387 2,012 864 1, 200 12, 311 210, 644 4, 350 4, 081 4,442 3, 504 194, 267 12, 314 250 2, 651 1,150 8,263 9, 869 1,784 6,575 1,510 5, 763 1 , 144 1,932 2, 007 24, 829 200 143 1 ,' 3, 282 19, 544 91, 681 3,114 21, 486 13, 171 8, 207 42, 123 45, 553 898 677 2 , 1,000 2, 500 37, 979 1, 788, 976 27, 439 18, 025 21, 640 28, 898 17, 040 1,675, 934 90, 042 16, 329 4, 321 5, 53, 130 67, 783 13,094 15, 364 8, 211 16, 085 15, 029 25,942 5,220 9, 368 6, 634 4,720 L, 139, 326 25,445 59, 726 1, 399, 193 92,467 76 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.-—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP V.—CITIES OF 2,500 TO City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Men Women Enrollment Boys Girls Aver- age daily attend- ance of school year (days taught) Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Adminis- tration (general control) 81 87 97 Idaho Blackfoot Emmett Jerome St. Anthony. Other cities.. Illinois Anna: Elementary District. High School District. Bradley Dolton East Alton-Wood River. Galva Oglesby Other cities Indiana... Alexandria.. Dunkirk East Gary... Gas City Union City. Other cities. 16 Iowa Anamosa Belle Plaine.. Eagle Grove. Pella Sac City Tipton Vinton Other cities— Kansas.. Belleville— Cherryvale. Galena Herington— Kingman— Russell Other cities. Kentucky Dawson Springs. Fulton Georgetown Harrodsburg Irvine Mount Sterling.. Murray Russellville Other cities 74 447 321 11 7 7 15 6 275 473 11 5 17 10 11 9 16 394 314 11 11 9 7 10 13 253 112 5 3 7 6 4 5 9 4 678 46 55 463 1,507 18 11 19 18 1,346 592 24 18 27 32 19 472 1, 182 23 13, 220 1, 109 986 1, 100 1 , 8,956 25, 565 322 262 439 433 295 22,812 13,552 668 * 373 611 823 326 10, 751 20, 211 319 333 523 332 406 *449 723 17, 126 14,681 321 363 489 344 355 642 12, 167 9,691 219 360 405 438 378 417 527 491 6,456 13,041 1, 107 1 , 951 1,052 8,840 24,897 319 633 453 434 260 22, 272 13, 162 466 *374 580 763 341 10, 638 19,984 337 291 572 334 385 t 635 16.981 14, 314 348 433 363 382 644 11.981 9,554 275 337 371 451 392 458 523 454 6,293 23,642 1,911 1, 1,957 1, — 16,078 45,090 450 520 1,094 812 770 502 40,349 23,708 1,012 661 1,055 1,425 602 18,953 35,441 582 555 919 566 718 778 1,206 30, 117 25, 567 645 865 581 613 1, 238 20, 994 17, 198 430 604 715 753 716 749 982 850 11, 399 177 173 174 175 176 180 177 176 180 177 180 172 161, 233 13, 10, 427 7, 941 13,526 115,651 544, i 7,731 3, 500 1, — 11 , 13,845 7,305 10, 395 6,512 7, 6,893 9,577 158, 103 371,891 5,440 4, 772 6,976 7,571 4,059 7,379 9, 929 325, 765 6, 976 7,438 4, 100 7,888 6,057 11, 426 204,965 5,149 6,797 7,052 9,395 6,734 9,839 5, 250 9,731 108, 619 footnotes at end of Group V of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 77 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued 4,999 POPULATION—Continued Ctjbbent eipenditubes fob— C ontinued Super- visors 11 9, 173 3,500 2, 142 3,531 Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Total * (in thou- sands) Principals Teachers Clerks 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 177,330 16, 741 6,707 12, 400 25,310 116, 172 2 , 120,832 200 , 787 112,428 141, 597 181 , 269 1 , 484 , 751 5,783 5,783 167, 097 17 , 714 5,968 3,927 20, 567 118,921 2 , 480,215 235 , 242 125, 103 161,424 229, 288 1 , 729, 158 417,639 47,015 17,800 24, 635 34, 897 293, 292 188, 347 14, 102 4, 468 11, 095 14, 105 144, 577 3, 913 374 173 242 343 2,781 69,977 344,001 5, 767,327 52,071 409,314 1, 162, 253 467,834 10, 479 3,300 4, 000 2,300 14.000 12.000 55,393 61, 000 38 , 760 1UU, uou 141, 223 3,700 3,810 700 1,563 17, 923 13, 926 59, 203 69,400 42,623 138, 508 170,449 13,039 8, 900 8,013 33,069 39, 977 651 2 , 778 3,043 4,015 90 119 58 199 260 5,500 6i ,‘ l77 9,500 3,645 298,556 111,518 65, 947 2, 500 5 , 186, 901 45, 871 12,934 6,082 352,376 139,452 78, 174 5 , 944,881 25, 512 13, 323 1 , 020,420 6,887 311 450, 149 208 133 9,412 30, 121 26, 941 162,496 10,000 8, 154 4,890 15, 337 4,500 119, 615 2 , 900, 955 112, 790 67,007 98,869 138, 481 69, 747 2 , 414,061 16,455 1, 650 50 1,282 346 13, 127 100,002 7,225 2 , 570 1, 916 5,330 1, 793 81, 168 3 , 210,029 131, 665 77, 781 108,855 160,430 76,386 2 , 654, 912 459 , 761 17,016 13,416 19, 421 24,601 11, 134 374, 173 202,948 8, 654 9, 589 4, 374 6,351 8,267 165, 713 4,338 170 10S 141 209 107 3,602 18, 288 18, 288 218, 228 5, 250 5, 144 9.000 8, 179 5.000 4,500 9.000 172, 155 4 , 292,380 78, 196 71, 340 121, 421 69, 454 109,827 107, 923 124, 607 3 , 609, 612 17, 581 " i,"430 16, 151 367, 740 5,964 3, 990 8, 449 2,110 9, 256 5,439 12,356 320, 176 4 , 914, 217 89, 410 81, 904 138,870 79, 743 124, 083 117,862 145, 963 4 , 136, 382 870, 008 16, 123 13, 520 22 , 963 10, 940 21, 140 21, 220 20, 899 743, 203 292, 304 2 , 991 3,686 2, 018 6 , 753 5, 180 3,019 6,312 263, 345 7, 236 124 105 192 130 157 181 215 6,132 31,895 6, 560 248, 187 5,200 4,393 10,844 11,350 3, 395 25,335 213,005 2 , 900, 541 62, 709 70,690 72, 549 65, 842 90,482 156, 100 2 , 382, 169 9,699 1, 183 486 8,030 216,839 5, 996 4,991 1,800 4,271 3,898 19,659 176, 224 3 , 407, 161 80, 465 81, 257 85, 679 81, 463 97, 775 175, 759 2 , 804,763 463 , 565 12 , 711 9, 380 10,368 12, 182 12, 325 16, 836 389 , 763 259, 473 6,024 5, 712 6, 109 7, 462 6,039 14 , 709 213,418 4,1 117 107m lie 12? 22t 3 , 79? 122,888 8,815 5, 013 7,023 4,050 5,400 6,000 3,627 82, 960 1 , 204, 650 25, 635 41, 188 57, 176 55,955 41 , 708 70, 385 3,925 2,009 668 61,000 46, 376 805, 227 500 7481 35,820 1, 124 338 1,925 3, 109 815 1, 602 2,350 842 23, 715 1, 367,283 26 , 759 52,350 64, 114 66,087 47, 241 77, 387 69, 850 50, 845 912, 650 197,008 3,799 10 , 736 9, 424 8, 648 5, 160 10, 662 11,000 8,031 129. 548 70, 543 1 , 762 2,540 5, 361 7,212 1, 639 456 4 , 492 47. 081 , 975 47 75 95 10C 71 1.315 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP V.—CITIES OF 2,500 City Personnel and attendance in full-time DAT SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff • (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 *7 8 9 10 Maine 6 32 84 1,505 1,522 2, 781 11, 288 Eastport 1 5 22 322 306 579 180 2,803 Ellsworth 1 10 23 422 461 821 180 2, 735 Hallowell (P. O. Win- 2 4 16 320 300 557 179 3, 667 throp). Madison 2 13 23 441 455 824 180 2, 083 Massachusetts.. .. 6 12 56 174 2, 994 2,951 5, 370 55, 994 Blackstone 1 1 4 14 224 233 404 177 3, 888 Hopedale 3 6 16 275 263 497 175 5, 416 Lee 1 2 9 19 374 355 667 181 5, 275 3 5 17 321 261 524 175 7,133 Rockport 7 22 301 321 627 175 7,176 Other cities 1 6 25 86 1, 499 1, 518 2, 651 27, 106 Michigan 6 72 484 1,450 28, 040 26, 807 49, 713 579, 649 Allegan 2 18 30 697 631 1 173 190 13, 352 Bad Axe. 1 31 398 365 * 678 190 12, 468 Bessemer 1 12 18 313 312 563 190 11,947 Center Line 1 1 14 40 862 798 1, 526 200 15, 196 Munising 1 12 27 562 554 964 186 10, 510 Northville 2 11 28 516 473 913 200 10,417 Otsego 1 43 777 655 1,172 190 9, 861 Other cities 5 63 417 1,233 23, 915 23, 019 42,724 495, 898 Minnesota 5 42 350 974 17, 232 17, 390 30, 912 358, 220 Benson 2 14 24 571 574 1, 024 173 10, 720 Crosby 2 16 42 653 637 1,228 170 13, 108 Gilbert 2 8 22 * 292 *293 520 179 16, 727 Luverne 1 10 23 422 336 700 174 9,751 Northfield 1 16 36 704 666 1, 211 172 12, 150 Sauk Rapids 9 15 297 260 493 180 8, 233 Sleepy Eye i 6 13 225 245 431 173 8,254 Other eities 5 33 271 799 14, 068 14, 379 25, 305 279, 277 Mississippi 39 116 618 12, 531 12, 959 21, 886 138,493 Aberdeen 4 7 61 1, 230 1,237 2,133 180 8, 490 Holly Springs 1 6 29 515 475 885 180 6, 679 Moss Point 2 7 44 928 916 1,712 180 11,031 Oxford 4 9 33 681 718 1, 218 180 10, 050 Starkville 2 6 34 588 607 881 178 6, 810 Other cities 26 81 417 8, 589 9,006 15, 057 95, 433 Missonni 18 87 335 1,099 21, 425 20, 596 37, 138 273, 789 Aurora 1 2 7 27 489 493 908 180 4, 892 Berkeley 3 6 21 386 323 638 180 8,220 Crystal City 3 6 25 386 394 709 180 9, 940 Festus 3 9 31 674 642 1,159 180 5, 200 Lamar 2 8 17 333 392 622 178 5,700 Liberty 1 2 7 27 525 492 933 180 3, 713 West Plains 1 15 31 725 816 1, 314 180 7, 448 Other eities 16 71 277 920 17,907 17, 044 30, 855 228, 676 MnMT*w* 4 19 95 299 4,746 4, 832 8,627 107, 022 Cut Bank 3 8 29 422 433 824 180 11,085 Deer Lodge 3 8 25 420 382 718 182 8, 059 Glendive 4 10 39 499 622 1, 090 181 9,167 Laurel 3 3 9 32 596 580 999 179 9,644 Roundup 1 4 21 262 255 470 180 8, 333 Whitefish 1 7 27 553 531 946 180 8, 119 Other cities I 4 49 126 1,994 2,029 3,580 52, 615 footnotes at end of Group V of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 79 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 4,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only Salaries and wages Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks Other : Total School plant Operation Mainte- Total < (in thou- sands) 11 12 13 15 16 17 20,256 3,500 3, 6,280 6,976 232, 503 50, 566 70, 533 27, 189 84, 215 1, 500 1, 500 27, 893 5,767 11,135 2,584 8,407 282, 152 59, 833 36, 053 43,900 11, 311 11, 206 7,178 14, 205 17, 927 6, 264 2, 553 1,173 7,937 135 102 24, 475 3, 000 12,000 2,675 43, 245 3, 500 6, 625 6,400 6,800 26,720 610, 405 52, 663 55, 787 71, 183 74, 081 71, 410 285, 281 2,454 2,454 48, 978 2, 425 4,754 5,230 6,641 3,132 26, 796 729, 557 61, 588 72, 541 85, 713 87, 122 74, 542 348, 051 126, 700 12, 399 13, 734 13, 229 15, 169 13, 033 59, 136 47, 291 4, 099 2,440 2,843 2,339 1,249 34, 321 1,051 93 102 114 127 110 505 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 22, 930 19, 050 313, 775 8, 400 4.799 3,142 5,000 5.800 8,983 4, 672 272, 979 5, 892, 327 149, 677 96,160 64, 880 195, 810 109, 418 135, 248 118, 969 5, 022, 165 73, 718 1,500 1,000 2,200 696 2,900 1,194 64, 228 524, 650 13, 709 7,841 11, 501 16, 010 8,413 7,735 7,240 452, 201 6, 827, 400 173, 286 108, 800 80, 523 222, 900 124, 327 154, 866 132, 075 5, 830, 623 1, 204, 281 27, 290 4, 424 29, 823 29, 059 34, 121 27, 947 18, 250 1, 033, 367 584, 458 23, 452 8,564 10, 388 14, 423 7,524 6, 534 7,280 506, 293 10, 170 251 149 144 293 193 209 193 8,738 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 23,700 195, 389 7,800 11, 149 11, 500 3, 900 6, 620 23, 700 2,650 151, 770 3,788,883 107, 954 13, 270 155, 093 83, 225 98, 466 1,820 163. 689 56, 911 1, 200 53, 231 3, 070, 314 10, 250 376,288 9,205 14, 783 20 , 212 8,938 16, 518 4, 108 5, 463 297, 061 4,397,530 124, 959 181, 025 116, 757 111,304 188, 027 61, 019 61, 344 3, 553, 095 782, 349 19, 203 40, 441 48, 529 15, 262 23, 837 14, 022 9, 912 611, 143 285, 254 3, 644 23, 765 7,737 8,400 14, 388 7,416 2,796 217, 108 6,756 189 276 226 150 269 97 84 5,465 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 110, 354 11, 060 2,000 8,000 9, 000 7,375 72, 919 1, 276, 704 82, 092 50, 480 108, 233 91, 625 94, 130 850, 144 1, 436, 398 99, 256 53, 980 116, 233 106, 575 103, 002 957, 352 128, 251 7,501 4, 850 11, 932 8, 412 7,009 88, 547 82, 556 7,721 4, 735 17, 678 2,700 1,240 48, 482 1, 906 134 79 171 133 124 1, 265 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 64, 530 5,850 2,600 56, 080 297, 383 8,594 12, 393 10, 800 9,968 5,764 7,050 3,700 239, 114 3, 288, 975 71, 703 60, 896 89, 316 91, 869 56, 698 91, 763 101, 242 2, 725, 488 27, 059 561 581 2,435 1, 770 1, 000 20, 712 335, 352 9, 419 3, 849 7,315 9,295 6,872 9, 453 8,572 280, 577 4, 013, 299 96, 127 77, 719 107, 431 113, 567 69, 334 112, 636 114, 514 3, 321, 971 579, 955 7,338 9,758 15,454 10, 817 9,867 16, 074 15, 205 495, 442 221, 854 6,782 1, 014 15, 438 3,636 2,977 4,161 4, 403 183, 443 6,185 123 107 161 152 113 171 206 5,152 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 14, 186 10, 670 3,516 69, 392 11, 100 11, 234 17, 800 11, 966 3,100 4,602 9,590 1, 134, 973 118, 444 99, 227 153, 122 106, 419 70, 773 107, 952 479,036 5,587 3,007 2,580 94, 072 11, 266 6, 677 5,278 9,709 4, 799 11,217 45, 126 1, 318, 210 140, 810 117,138 179, 207 138, 764 78, 672 123, 771 539, 848 218, 464 16, 875 17, 824 15, 758 35, 860 13, 150 19, 052 99, 945 191, 289 54,482 16, 708 31, 102 21, 019 7,141 60,837 2,094 251 219 275 147 200 148 130| 149 178 150 841|151 80 BIENNIAL SURVEY OP EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3."—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP V.—CITIES OF 2,500 City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught)Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nebraska 4 31 134 457 8,372 8, 135 14, 470 Broken Bow 7 23 460 416 779 180 Holdredge 3 11 24 421 411 792 178 1 28 315 316 601 178 Seward 2 1 8 15 287 283 527 176 Sidney 1 3 11 31 *449 *449 764 180 West Point r 2 5 13 160 194 318 179 i 21 92 323 6,280 6. 066 10, 689 Nevada 3 26 39 757 758 1,337 Elko (County High 2 12 10 177 212 326 181 School Dist.) Ely: Elementary Dis- 3 17 302 294 531 177 trict). High-School Dis- trict). 1 11 12 278 252 480 181 New Hampshire 4 13 44 636 697 1,228 Littleton 3 7 19 290 318 544 177 Milford.... 1 6 25 346 379 684 175 Nf.w Jersey li 67 345 1,376 22, 488 21, 633 37, 983 Belmar i 1 1 24 *281 *281 483 180 Cape May 3 10 16 313 305 488 181 Hillsdale 1 2 17 319 274 487 182 New Milford... .... 2 7 22 458 419 741 180 Wanaque i 3 15 261 222 419 182 Other cities 9 60 322 1, 282 20, 856 20, 132 35, 365 New Mexico.. 2 22 122 340 7,253 7,025 11, 245 Deming 3 17 48 1, 104 1,102 1,579 180 Hot Springs 2 9 33 740 706 1, 014 180 Lordsburg 2 6 31 519 528 845 180 Socorro 2 10 27 534 461 813 180 Other cities 2 13 80 201 4, 356 4,228 6,994 New York.. 35 126 937 2,822 47, 179 44, 338 79, 100 Albion 1 10 42 649 612 1,078 177 Fort Plain.. 1 9 23 344 312 587 182 Goshen 1 18 32 596 504 928 180 Homer 2 6 46 744 642 1, 191 190 Palmyra 2 10 44 665 494 1,044 180 Saugerties 1 1 14 28 482 430 798 179 Suffern 1 «2 26 49 940 853 1, 573 177 Other cities 33 116 844 2,558 42, 759 40, 491 71, 901 North Carolina 3 50 134 728 13, 764 13, 490 24, 191 Marion 7 10 69 *1,348 * 1, 349 2, 460 180 North Wilkesboro 1 6 30 601 554 1,003 180 Southern Pines 2 33 545 484 862 180 Wadesboro 3 7 47 914 917 1,641 180 Other cities 3 37 111 549 10, 356 10, 186 18, 225 North Dakota 2 14 42 831 825 1, 453 Grafton 1 8 22 467 442 798 180 WahDeton 1 6 20 364 383 655 180 Current EXPENDI- TURES for: Adminis- tration (general control) 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 167 135, 488 8,154 6, 426 8,227 7,982 6, 550 91, 090 30, 974 13,764 7,834 12, 098 7,020 5,078 407, 861 2,446 7,990 2,085 2,308 2,303 390, 729 115, 792 13, 991 10, 580 10,440 9,646 71, 135 718, 145 12, 622 3, 263 11,630 9,495 4, 521 11,894 29, 168 635,552 136, 782 9,600 8,685 9,764 8, 598 100, 135 8, 157 5,358 2,799 See footnotes at end of Group V of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 81 forpublic-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 4,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures eor—Continued Instruction In full-time day schools, only School plant Total < (in thou- sands) Salaries and wages Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12, 027 95,075 1, 418, 706 6, 799 122, 693 1,655,300 244, 637 82,245 2, 098 152 84, 136 1,723 250 86, 109 6,941 5, 550 118 153 9, 057 88, 560 1, 166 8, 512 107, 295 14,010 7,938 141 154 4, 008 75, 844 340 6,733 85, 925 11, 129 2, 180 108 155 4, 575 3, 500 47, 096 4,532 59, 703 6, 422 1,571 85 156 5,690 12; 818 89,396 15, 191 123, 095 19, 224 7,004 169 157 6, 499 52, 157 900 5,600 65, 156 10,347 2, 194 88 158 1, 762 59, 193 981,517 2,670 82,875 1, 128, 017 176, 564 55,808 1, 399 159 11, 600 210, 489 23, 472 245, 561 56, 297 13, 805 382 160 8; 000 64, 117 6,709 78, 826 23, 569 6, 559 127 161 65, 330 6,388 71, 718 10, 380 5. 133 99 162 3,600 81,042 10, 375 95, 017 22, 348 3,113 156 163 11, 500 144, 961 12, 359 168, 820 21, 371 3,881 239 164 4, 300 66, 911 5, 509 76, 720 10, 799 2,267 116 165 7,200 78, 050 6, 850 92, 100 10, 572 1, 614 123 166 43,700 283, 206 5, 024, 903 100, 643 444, 262 5,896, 714 908,332 531, 764 9,856 167 3,300 5, 150 64, 913 2, 000 2, 825 78, 188 11,816 13, 403 154 168 15, 794 74, 458 1, 455 2, 074 93, 781 16, 658 6, 197 126 169 5, 100 67,002 1, 104 3,796 77, 002 12, 503 3,526 141 170 7,000 83,384 2,537 5. 549 98, 470 18, 673 4,730 164 171 3,700 40, 583 8, 662 52, 945 10, 052 3, 640 122 172 36, 700 250, 162 4, 694, 563 93,547 421,356 5,496,328 838, 630 500, 268 9,149 173 9,800 86, 128 1, 605, 629 16, 522 50,051 1, 768, 130 168, 887 58, 824 2,365 174 15,444 236,664 4,299 5, 906 262, 313 28, 716 7,700 352 175 9, 000 133,951 1, 550 6, 767 151, 268 14, 418 1,874 186 176 8, 650 124, 690 4,701 138, 041 10, 665 7, 182 177 177 9,300 128, 645 628 7, 766 146, 339 11, 941 588 182 178 9,800 43,734 981, 679 10, 045 24,911 1,070, 169 103, 147 41, 480 1,468 179 164, 606 595, 124 11, 486, 753 258,981 964, 477 13, 469, 941 2, 069, 584 1, 230, 177 20. 854 180 4,450 145, 290 1,365 8,686 159, 791 23, 849 14, 897 235 181 5, 300 84,436 1,070 5,412 96, 218 15, 509 10, 565 148 182 5,675 142, 230 4, 667 15, 616 168, 188 33, 891 14, 865 277 183 10, 650 139, 810 1,664 12, 513 164, 637 20, 514 19, 947 263 184 7,890 135, 067 2,587 5, 748 151, 292 23, 806 34, 798 251 185 4, 500 4, 500 128, 462 11, 881 149, 343 21, 656 9, 219 219 186 7, 000 (7) 279, 470 8,633 30, 640 325, 743 52, 057 42, 545 548 187 153, 106 556, 659 10, 431, 988 238,995 873, 981 12, 254, 729 1,878, 302 1,083,341 18,913 188 7, 181 190,846 2, 202, 159 4, 709 74,074 2, 478, 969 168, 732 103, 547 3,232 189 25,668 196, 141 9, 069 230, 878 15, 838 5, 642 276 190 4,746 92, 218 1,820 98, 784 6, 703 4, 061 136 191 8, 607 94,444 1, 911 104, 962 10, 486 2 377 155 192 11, 748 141, 916 215 6, 965 160, 844 18, 273 21,072 214 193 7, 181 140,077 1, 677, 440 4, 494 54,309 1, 883, 501 117, 432 70, 395 2,451 194 3,000 155, 460 13,851 172, 311 33, 292 13, 607 235 195 3,000 81, 481 6,654 91, 135 17, 635 8, 378 128 196 73, 979 7,197 81, 176 15, 557 5,229 107 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditures data GROUP V.—CITIES OF 2,500 City Personnel and~attendance~in~full-time''DAT SCHOOLS Current EXPENDI- TURES FOR: Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff i (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ohio. 8 78 611 1,602 32, 182 31, 311 57, 991 567, 653 Bay Village 2 3 7 27 508 435 873 175 14, 560 Cadiz 1 10 25 427 428 726 172 7, 148 5 18 329 319 605 177 5,980 2 13 16 399 352 690 174 8, 040 Rittman 2 6 25 420 494 843 180 6, 316 Sebring 1 6 27 466 504 865 176 9, 600 1 15 29 682 688 1,288 180 11, 074 6 68 549 1,435 28,951 28, 091 52, 101 504, 935 Oklahoma 4 106 248 881 17, 792 17, 052 29, 959 288, 776 Drumright 1 3 6 36 686 681 1,137 177 11, 679 Mangum 4 5 33 525 514 794 176 5, 800 3 6 25 502 494 835 178 10, 164 Pawnee 1 2 9 24 498 443 827 178 5, 765 2 94 222 763 15, 581 14, 920 26, 366 255, 368 f)TiE«r»N 6 65 289 752 14 234 13 822 24, 487 241, 052 Ashland 6 19 45 ’941 ’943 1, 576 174 11, 708 Coquille 15 28 563 592 923 180 31, 761 Dallas 3 15 39 741 671 1,150 177 10, 170 Lebanon 1 3 17 47 932 940 1,565 182 11, 470 Ontario 4 16 47 939 905 1, 667 178 5, 993 Silverton. 3 11 31 539 530 909 180 9, 294 Other e.ities 5 46 196 515 9, 579 9,241 16, 697 160, 656 PENNSVT.V A NT A 22 144 1,210 2, 887 52, 280 51, 821 96, 604 825, 912 Aspinwall 1 7 29 398 416 756 190 6, 800 Birdsboro 1 8 18 269 265 504 180 4,209 Lemoyne 1 1 13 21 456 415 806 180 5, 618 Norwood 1 1 15 159 136 276 182 3,682 Patton 1 7 22 380 337 674 180 5, 942 Swarthmore 2 14 29 436 439 796 184 8, 055 Towanda 1 1 10 25 531 509 810 180 704 Other eities 20 136 1, 150 2, 728 49, 651 49, 304 91, 982 790, 902 Rhode Tst.and East Greenwich 1 8 25 456 391 752 180 7,209 Soxjth Carolina 50 179 1 009 17, 891 18, 526 31, 138 142, 921 Bamberg 4 3 48 809 735 1,333 180 5,193 Batesburg-Leesville 3 11 43 723 724 1, 238 180 8, 336 (P. O. Batesburg). Clover 1 8 31 663 645 1,093 180 6, 180 Mullins 2 13 47 949 986 1,704 180 2, 614 North Augusta 1 2 33 583 607 1,027 180 5, 681 Woodruff. 4 7 48 910 863 1,526 180 7,542 Other e.ities 35 135 759 13, 254 13, 966 23, 217 107,375 South Dakota.. .. 7 81 168 2,927 3, 065 5, 398 51, 156 Canton 12 15 281 283 519 176 4, 368 Pierre .. 13 35 494 526 976 177 7, 526 Sisseton 1 11 17 353 366 655 174 4,669 Vermillion 4 12 21 347 390 700 179 9, 213 Other eities 2 33 80 1, 452 1,500 2, 548 25, 380 Tennessee 1 12 29 239 4,457 4, 417 7,955 36, 906 Clinton 1 3 20 361 396 678 175 8,176 McMinnville 1 4 23 606 568 1,040 175 2,625 Sparta 1 1 23 424 408 671 180 534 Sweetwater 1 24 I 378 375 682 180 852 Tullahoma 2 8 46 j 884 892 1, 544 177 6,010 Other cities i 6 13 103 1 1,804 1, 778 3,340 18,709 footnotes at end of Group V of this table. STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 83 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 4,999 POPULATION—Continued Current expenditures for—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only and Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks Other * Total School plant Operation Mainte- nance Total * (in thou- 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 15, 775 292, 12 , 2. 15, 775 7 , 4 , 3, 255 , 368 5 , 863, 968 129, 604 78, 422 52, 339 68 , 266 85, 173 76, 172 121, 851 5, 252, 141 43,689 6,217 832 1,700 408, 807 9,010 4,367 4, 415 1,745 1,327 5, 451 7,481 375,011 6 , 624, 916 157, 591 85, 733 56 , 754 77,643 95, 425 85, 623 132, 912 5 , 933, 235 1 , 170, 932 33 , 760 12, 910 8,203 11,457 17, 588 25, 939 26, 384 1 , 034,691 535, 428 8, 170 6,036 3, 181 10, 633 3,479 6,544 4, 944 492, 441 10 , 261 114 84 111 131 129 236 9, 167 19, 483 3,110 4, 700 11,673 354,625 10 , 568 12 , 700 10,800 6,300 3 , 050, 526 112,695 1, 500 101,818 79 859 i,500 80,398 314 , 257 2 , 675,756 109, 271 4, 783 9,999 4, 660 3 , 535,405 131, 156 126,017 95, 319 6,993 98,391 82,836 3, 084,522 313, 820 20, 141 8, 476 7,244 6, 472 271,487 207, 234 15,928 8,579 380 4, 163 178, 184 4,727 190 159 133 128 4,117 207 208 209 210 211 212 33,448 316, 748 18,449 12,800 7, 238 14, 154 14,000 9,405 26, 210 247, 940 3 , 524,494 193, 242 112, 555 178, 121 197,463 227, 173 42,344 5,057 1,080 1,429 134, 162 2 , 481 , 778 34, 778 247,731 16, 984 10, 266 6, 190 9, 477 17,303 7, 494 180,017 4 , 164,765 233, 732 122, 821 198, 191 229, 761 258, 476 151, 061 2 , 970 , 723 645, 982 47, 131 19,688 26, 831 32,835 11 , 246 508 , 251 296,414 26,952 11, 985 7, 200 13 , 745 7,885 10,389 218 , 258 6,240 357 195 266 323 345 194 4, 560 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 84, 221 4,625 4,350 75,246 584, 246 4,000 3,950 3, 950 4, 125 3, 300 13, 132 1, 975 549, 814 10 , 865, 715 102,000 55, 529 100 , 717 35,943 71,080 154,394 115, 880 10 , 230, 172 184, 640 2,000 2,349 1,000 8,393 1,895 169,003 1 , 160 , 777 13, 492 7 , 212 8,018 3, 693 17, 299 13, 423 4, 432 1 , 093 , 208 12 , 879 , 599 121, 492 66, 691 119, 659 44, 761 91, 679 189, 342 128 , 532 12 , 117,443 1 , 751, 205 19 , 747 13, 521 18. 183 4, 756 3,067 30,054 14, 315 1 , 647,562 875, 503 4,000 3,782 2, 979 2,381 9, 729 19,232 833, 400 17,914 162 96 155 123 107 266 174 16,831 3,800 93, 616 2,274 5,381 105,071 16,858 5,900 145 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 148, 580 14, 136 10,013 2 , 280,091 72,870 104 , 520 1,450 "850 74,631 1, 508 724 2 , 504,752 88 , 514 116, 107 186, 586 4, 590 8,964 134, 140 1,264 8, 862 3, 520 119 211 3, 145 4 , 762 3, 210 9, 415 103, 899 73,065 121, 232 70,028 118, 398 1 , 719, 978 600 1,215 7, 254 2,002 2,564 59,364 77, 425 133, 248 75, 240 130,377 1 , 883,841 7,109 8,692 4, 291 5, 889 147, 051 2,561 6, 567 12,013 3, 355 99 , 518 121 181 98 168 2,622 235 236 237 238 239 24,382 3, 665 13,050 7,667 662,058 70, 493 131, 749 68, 620 90, 995 300, 201 3 , 210 120 3,090 71,484 6, 550 13,809 8,505 6,985 35, 635 761, 134 77,043 145, 558 80, 910 111 , 030 346 , 593 133, 708 13 , 701 34, 446 13, 192 7, 580 64 , 789 34, 730 6,097 9, 155 1,023 1,300 17, 155 1,058 108 205 103 137 505 2,550 2,550 35,728 2, 466 2,305 590,935 49 , 208 2,319 68,000 300 3, 303 3,563 7,206 44,519 40, 000 1,170 139, 668 16,885 249,540 849 25,738 1,937 2,000 2, 100 2,242 4,793 12,666 657, 270 53 , 611 72, 605 61, 092 45, 805 151, 667 282,490 66,368 6,119 9,000 4 , 778 4, 659 14, 115 27,697 17, 255 689 1,000 1, 202 1, 676 2,331 10,357 249 56; 250 187 251 3511252 84 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION, 1948-50 Table 3.—Personnel, attendance, and current expenditure data GROUP V—CITIES OF 2,500 City Personnel and attendance in full-time day schools Super- visors (posi- tions) Prin- cipals (posi- tions) Instructional staff 1 (positions) Enrollment Aver- age daily attend- ance Length of school year (days taught) Adminis- tration (general control) Men Women Boys Girls 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 253 1,097 3,884 67, 241 64, 580 112, 272 1, 381, 640 1 10 47 826 819 1, 217 176 15, 142 1 9 29 525 471 909 175 8, 271 2 11 46 730 725 1,299 177 12, 330 3 9 34 582 498 864 175 11, 867 246 1,058 3,728 64, 578 62,067 107, 983 1,334,030 7 18 68 1,073 1,123 2,017 14, 757 4 5 23 343 338 644 173 4, 538 1 6 22 305 339 584 175 3, 761 2 7 23 425 446 789 176 6,458 4 18 104 1,984 1,787 3, 274 26,318 1 28 530 486 909 180 3, 351 1 1 31 605 505 929 180 12, 900 2 17 45 849 796 1,436 180 10,067 76 391 922 20, 406 18, 904 32. 959 301, 597 5 27 70 1,517 1,444 2, 469 174 27, 189 4 17 37 777 736 1,299 172 13, 870 3 13 24 471 390 774 172 9,697 2 9 19 424 377 693 179 8,903 4 19 68 1,444 1, 272 2,244 171 24, 703 4 29 42 1, 070 874 1,627 174 16,045 4 15 32 700 691 1,126 174 9, 916 50 262 630 14,003 13, 120 22, 727 191, 274 52 397 971 16, 531 16, 438 30,074 255, 904 9 12 233 241 456 181 4,607 1 10 25 8 386 8 386 656 180 11, 199 1 43 468 435 826 186 9,020 7 8 38 576 553 1,033 174 5,318 1 14 25 505 494 908 176 10, 736 1 14 25 475 507 900 175 7, 440 1 12 29 506 496 933 175 13, 869 40 330 774 13,382 13,326 24,362 193, 715 13 57 184 3, 472 3, 341 5,890 67, 745 2 12 41 706 619 1, 127 176 13, 551 5 5 30 459 472 817 176 7,818 2 8 21 400 433 720 174 9, 027 1 2 19 371 303 564 175 6,339 1 6 5 147 149 289 172 8,987 2 13 32 584 616 1,089 180 8,665 3 30 663 583 998 174 6, 321 8 6 142 166 286 174 7,037 Current EXPENDI- TURES for: 267 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 292 Texas Ballinger Comanche... Stephenville. Taft Other cities- 26 Vermont. Newport Waterbury.. . Windsor Virginia Buena Vista — Falls Church mentary). Williamsburg— Washington. Auburn Chehalis Colfax. Dayton Kent Mount Vernon. Omah— Other cities (Ele- WlSCONSIN— Algoma Burlington... Greendale Hurley Lake Geneva. Spooner Tomah. Other cities... Wyoming.. Cody Evanston Green River. Lander: Elementary District- High School District. Riverton Worland: Elementary District. High School District * Includes persons rendering services supplementary to classroom instruction in libraries, study halls, guidance, health, psychological work, etc., provided half or more than half of their employment time is given to such instructional work . 3 The actual number of days in the school year that children were taught. 3 Includes instructional supplies; textbooks free to all pupils; school library books, and other expense, including salaries of full-time librarians. The expenditure for textbooks furnished gratis to indigent pupils, only, is classified as an Auxiliary Services item, and reported accordingly. 4 Includes amounts shown in columns 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, plus amounts not shown but reported by city school systems as expenditures for the following current accounts: Auxiliary school services; fixed STATISTICS OF CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS 85 for public-school systems, by State and by city: 1949-50—Continued TO 4;999 POPULATION—Continued Cubrent expenditures FOR—Continued Instruction in full-time day schools, only School plant Salaries and wages Total * (in thou- Other * Total Operation Mainte- nance sands) Super- visors Principals Teachers Clerks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 155, 462 1, 159, 123 14, 587, 918 116, 490 594, 300 16, 613, 293 1,314,458 637, 860 22, 241 253 4, 980 126, 150 4. 569 135, 699 11,903 2,895 176 254 3, 890 112, 213 2,264 118, 367 5,946 1, 896 178 255 4, 660 13, 557 175, 988 1,505 3, 147 198, 857 9,988 2, 554 247 256 11, 770 121, 849 8, 748 142, 367 10, 463 7,203 195 257 150,802 1, 124, 926 14, 051, 718 114, 985 575, 572 16, 018, 003 1, 276, 158 623, 312 21, 445 258 18, 115 22, 248 189, 941 1,300 13, 204 244,808 57, 586 23, 618 358 259 2, 961 11, 348 62, 397 8, 067 84, 773 16, 430 11, 712 119 260 5^ 600 3,900 56; 284 2,530 68, 314 15, 654 1, 583 ,98 261 9,554 7,000 71,260 1,300 2, 607 91, 721 25, 502 10, 323 141 262 2,700 15,302 281, 141 6,638 20, 463 326, 244 40,340 32, 854 446 263 2,610 59, 423 4, 501 66, 534 7,722 7,744 86 264 4,710 69, 634 2,396 2,271 79, 011 11, 989 8,751 121 265 2,700 7,982 152,084 4,242 13, 691 180, 699 20, 629 16,359 239 266 78,484 345, 574 4,331,825 75, 222 392,318 5, 223, 423 792, 257 484,332 7,988 267 6,193 26,003 330, 698 6,893 29, 767 399, 554 43, 940 42, 554 618 268 3,660 16, 308 177, 807 1, 247 15, 616 214, 638 38, 210 66, 641 386 269 12, 860 122, 942 60 10. 000 145, 862 17, 942 3, 192 216 270 8, 100 91, 211 13, 027 112, 338 16, 549 12, 036 178 271 12, 317 19,400 304,061 4,010 21,321 361, 109 52, 293 41, 696 579 272 3,300 19, 960 237, 467 6,262 29, 144 296, 133 49,352 17, 278 403 273 16, 550 153, 044 12, 594 182, 188 25, 680 11, 509 261 274 53,014 226, 393 2, 914, 595 56, 750 260, 849 3, 511, 601 548, 291 289, 426 5, 347 275 49,580 186,005 3, 771, 208 42, 934 377, 167 4,426,894 737, 742 361,000 6,724 276 2,303 57, 484 995 5, 477 66. 259 10, 542 5,342 97 277 4, 000 98, 327 9, 012 111, 339 18, 572 25, 015 180 278 5,700 128, 698 3,058 16, 312 153, 768 27, 750 985 212 279 15,593 24, 407 114, 552 3,563 17,857 175, 972 41, 298 17, 000 286 280 4,737 117, 723 1,400 10, 216 134, 076 20, 795 11, 778 201 281 4,836 106, 591 1, 418 13, 154 125, 999 17, 120 16, 298 217 282 4, 470 111, 651 9,330 125, 451 24, 833 6, 569 205 283 31, 684 137, 855 3,036,182 32, 500 295,809 3,534,030 576,832 278,013 5,326 284 46, 100 672, 632 4, 517 65, 062 788,311 124,397 24,076 1, 176 285 7,644 169, 032 15, 019 191, 695 25, 427 4,962 289 286 15, 803 83, 560 6, 669 106, 032 16, 413 3,983 153 287 11,000 83, 104 9,476 103, 580 21, 354 3, 524 144 288 46, 849 5,725 52, 574 6,087 2,335 75 289 3,987 36, 037 7,390 47, 414 7,206 2,862 99 290 7,666 124, 759 4, 517 11,270 148, 212 13,059 1, 155 188 291 87, 916 5,530 93, 446 16, 919 2, 978 145 292 41,375 3,983 45,358 17, 932 2,277 83 293 charges; community services to public and nonpublic schools paid from school district funds; and adult and summer schools. This total figure covers all school current expenditures whether or not same are directly allocable as a charge against per pupil in average daily attendance cost for the public-school system reporting. * Distribution by sex not reported. Total for 1949-50 has been divided on basis of previous biennial reports to this office. 6 Supervisory and high-school principals. Both serve also as administrators. 7 Expenditure for these salaries classified as Administration. O / 3 H. O M SO s ?- nal ff.8*S 3 >t3 crs © as t o ^ S^cl— o < o