CP_Box_135_Sys_036_301_729 IOc ST. JOSEPH the WORKER /" �---= Alvin Billimek, C.SS.R. NOVENA TO ST. IOSEPH THE WORKER ALVIN BILLIMEK, C.SS.R. COPYRIGHT 1960 REDEMPTORIST FATHERS LIGUORIAN PAMPHLETS Liguori, Missouri In the simple and heart warming prayers of this novena, working men and women will find not only a means of honoring St. Joseph and presenting their petitions to him, but also an examination of conscience reminding them of the duties of their state in life of which St. Joseph was so perfect a model. Imprimi Potest: Paul J. Baudry, C.SS.R. V. Prov.-New Orleans December 8, 1959 Imprimatur: St. Louis, March 1, 1960 æ Joseph E. Ritter Archbishop of St. Louis- -2- NOVENA TO ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER ALVIN BILLIMEK, C.SS.R. INTRODUCTION In establishing the new feast of St. J0- seph the Worker, the Holy Father, Pius XII, wished to stress the' fact that St. J0- seph, himself a working man, is a down-to­ earth patron for working people. This novena weaves into prayer the daily concerns of every worker, man or woman. In it we ask St. Joseph to help us meet the monotonous, though important demands of our daily work. By doing this work well, we can develop many virtues. In turn, these virtues will help us to live our lives more perfectly, and to .draw closer to God. You will find this novena to St. Joseph different. It is meant to be different. The fact is, our duties, pleasures, and sufferings are with us always. So we shall make them the subject of our novena prayers, and try to do so in clear-cut, straightforward lan­ guage. -3- God gave us St. Joseph as a patron and model for workers because most of us are working men and working women. This huge army of workers have a common uni­ versal claim on St. Joseph both as a model for their daily lives and as a saintly helper and guide in heaven. This novena gives us the opportunity of placing before St. Joseph all of the concerns of our life. We know he will intercede for us and guide us according to the will of God. The first four prayers are to be recited each day of the novena; add to these day by .day one of the nine prayers that follow. FAITH Dear St. Joseph, obtain for me a strong and lively faith. * I believe in God the Father * Who created the world; * I be­ lieve in Jesus Christ, His only Son * Who became man and died for me upon the cross; * I believe in the Holy Ghost * Who sanctifies me through the sacraments. * I believe that my life here on earth * is given to me to work out my eternal salvation. * Each day I see people around me living a godless way of life. * Some live simply for ... leasure; * some just for money and the " -- . . forts it brings; * some want only to ,_sd more 'and better things than their �� -4- �'" neighbors. * I know that I am weak. * I need a strong faith * to see beyond such a foolish outlook on life. * Especially when the world invites me * to "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die," * I must call to mind what St. Paul said, * speaking for God: * "Not in revelling and drunken­ ness, * not in lust and wantonness, * not in quarrels and rivalries" must, I live. * I believe all the truths that God has revealed to us through His Church. * Since God is a pure spirit, * I cannot see and feel Him with the senses of my body. * But I see His beauty and glory * reflected in the world which He has made. * I know that He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible * and in the teachings of His Church. * Dear St. Joseph, * it was your privilege to care for this same God * when -He walked the earth as a child. * You needed faith * to see in that tiny infant the Son of God. * No matter what happens, * help me always to believe and trust in Him. * Help me al­ ways to realize * that I have one most im­ portant work in life * - to save my soul, * and that no price is too great to pay * for the salvation of my soul. Amen. (Three times) St. Joseph, Patron of workers, pray for us. -5- HOPE • Dear St. Joseph, * deep within me * is a hunger for complete happiness. * My faith tells . me * that I cannot expect to be perfectly happy * in this life, but only in heaven. * In heaven, I know * that I will possess God, *, the infinite beauty, truth and goodness, * and find in Him all that my soul desires. * I recall what happened to Peter, James, and John on Mount Tabor. * When Christ was transfigured before them, * and they caught a glimpse of the beauty of God, * they were overcome with delight. * I am encouraged then * to yearn all the more * for the possession of my God in heaven. * Dear St. Joseph, * pray for me * in order that I may receive * all the graces that I need to get to heaven; * but more important still, * help me to make use of them. * I pray you to gain for me * a strong hope, * one that will fix my eyes * firmly on my future home in heaven. * Grant me the firm resolve * never to fall into mortal sin, * since this alone can ex­ clude me from heaven. * If I keep my eyes fixed on my eternal goal, * earthly things will fit into their proper place. * I know and believe * that God will keep His prom­ ise. * He has told us: * "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, * nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive, * what things -6- God has in store for those who love Him." * Help me always to keep these words * and their glorious meaning before me, * so that my steps through this world * may never falter along the way. Amen. (Three times) St. Joseph, Patron of workers, pray for me. LOVE AND SORROW Dear St. Joseph, * our Redeemer asks us to love both God and our neighbor. * He has said: * "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God *. with thy whole heart and soul and mind and strength. * This is the first and greatest commandment. * And the sec­ ond is like to this: * Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." * I know that God is worthy of all my love. * Help me to love Him more than myself, * and to show this love by avoiding sin and keeping His com­ mandments. * Help me, too, * to love my neighbor for the sake of God, * and to show my love * by kindness and good ex­ ample. * Only too well do I recall * my past mistakes and failures. * Grant me the grace * to be truly sorry for all my past sins * and to remove them from my soul * by a good confession. * God's forgive­ ness has put me back on the road to heav­ en; * but to make certain * that my love for God wilI remain strong and constant, * I. need the protecting cloak of such vir- -7- I: tues * as humility, kindness, patience, and meekness. * In my daily living, dear St. Joseph, * win for me from God * the fa­ vors I ask in this novena. * (Pause here to recommend your own personal intentions to St. Joseph) Pray for me * that I may obtain the graces and favors that I need * and that I may love and serve God ever more and more * till the end of my life. Amen. (Three times) St. Joseph, Patron of workers, pray for us. PRAYER FOR A HAPPY DEATH Dear St. Joseph, * many people forget the most important duty of life, * the need to prepare for the moment of death. * Let me never forget that on that final moment * my eternity will depend. * So I turn to you, St. Joseph, * Patron of a Happy Death. * You earned that title * because, after living a good life, * you died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. * Please God,. and by your kind help, St. Joseph, * I also shall obtain a happy death. If it be God's will, * let me at that final moment * receive our Lord in Holy Communion. * May the Blessed Mother also be at my side. * And you, St. Joseph, please be there also to strengthen me. * Then I will be assured of heaven. * This is my sincere wish and -8- prayer. * Let me not fear death * but Iive every hour as if it were my last. * Then death shall find me ready. * Let me not be sad and afraid because one day I must die. * My faith tells me * that death is a blessed release * from the world of hard­ ship, sickness, and disappointment. * Best of all, * death ends all possibility of sin. * St. Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death, * I now accept as God's will, * whatever man­ ner of death is to be mine. * I accept the time and place * which God has determined for my death. I accept the sufferings, pains, and temptations * that may be sent to me at that hour. * All these I accept as the will of God. * With your help at that mo­ ment, * I shall have, * as you did - a happy death. Amen. V. Prosper for us, O Lord, the work' of our hands. (PS. 89, 17) R. Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it. (PS. 126, 1) LET US PRAY O my God, the Creator of all things, Who made work a law for all mankind, grant us the grace, after the example of St. Joseph, to do our work well and to fulfill Your holy will. Through his intercession, we hope to serve You faithfully in life and to be made worthy of the rewards that You -9- First Day have promised. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PROVIDENCE o blessed Joseph, * you are my model of trust in the Providence of God. * Dur­ ing ·life you were a poor man. * For the support of your family *, you did not have the security * of an insured income. * But you had something more important. * You had trust in God and a willingness to work. * You did not ask miracles * from the Christ Child Whom you fostered. * You were grateful for your ability to work; * for the health of your family; * for the happiness of your home. * Dear St. Joseph, * as a working man, I have troubles, * lack of security, problems, and worries, * You had them too. * You were suddenly told by God * during the night to move to a foreign land. * It meant giving up your established work in Nazareth * and rebuild­ ing it in a strange city. * You could bring with you on the journey only your skill and your 'trade, * your willingness to work, and your trust in the Providence of God. * You met all these problems manfully. * You trusted God to help you do * what you could not do alone. * You did not complain that the work was too hard. * You did not -10- worry excessively about the future. * You did your best * and left everything in God's hands * and since you placed your trust in Him, * God provided you and your fam­ ily with what they needed. * Dear St. J0- seph, * teach me to love my work, * to be glad for the simple blessings of my home. * Help me to meet my problems calmly and bravely; * keep me from growing nervous and tense * over what tomorrow may bring. * I know that my Father in heaven * Who cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, * Who knows all my needs and cares, * will also watch over me and help me. * His goodness will supply help * for what I cannot do alone. * St. Joseph, strengthen my trust in the Providence of God. * Amen. Second Day PRUDENCE Dear St. Joseph, * I live today in a world that is confused * even about the most important things in life. * Sometimes this confusion enters my own life. * Many persons make the mistake of thinking * that human science can solve all problems. * It is true that science can give the answer to many practical problems. * But human minds cannot give the right answers * to the most important questions in life * unless -11- they measure all things * in accordance with the eternal will of God. * In this world knowledge is .a useful" thing; * but to put that knowledge to good use in life * is more important still. * To do this, I need to be prudent. * Each day of my life I must make many decisions. * Let me weigh carefully * what the results will be for me and for others. * Some decisions will af­ feet my children and their future, * the members of my families; * the household of which I am a part. * Some will affect my friends and business associates. ". And in all these circumstances, * first of all, * let me remember * never to make any de­ cisions * that will harm my soul, and its salvation, * or the salvation of another soul. * In making decisions, * help me to recall my past experience, * to learn from my own mistakes * and those of others. * Let me be willing * to listen to the advice of truly wise people. * Help me to consider and foresee * the possible consequences of my decisions * and the circumstances that may cause my plans to fail. * Guard me from deciding anything * while in a state of passion or emotional unrest. * A de­ cision made in the heat of passion * will usually be unwise, unfair, and very often foolish. * Help me to rid myself * of all prejudice in dealing with my fellow man. * St. Joseph, please gain for me * a practical, -12- down-to-earth prudence, * one steeped in humility and the love of God. * Let me burn deep into my memory the words of Christ our Lord: * "What does it profit a man to gain the whole, world * and suffer the loss of his own soul?" * Let that say­ ing of Christ be my yardstick * in making all the decisions of my life. Amen. Third Day TEMPERANCE J,; '�J l Dear St. Joseph, * you were reasonable and temperate in all your actions. * Share with me this beautiful virtue of temper­ ance. * In the world today * there are so many persons * who seek too eagerly for pleasure. * They eat too much, drink too much, * and spend too much time in rec­ reation and enjoyment. * Teach me how to control my desires, * to keep things � in proper balance. * God gave us material things * to use and to enjoy; * but He wants us to use them in moderation and not to excess. * At times He wishes us to prac­ tice self-denial * in penance for our sins * and to obtain mastery over our passions. * In this spirit of self-denial * give me cour­ age to fast and abstain on the days ap­ pointed, * to refrain from meat on Friday, * to control myself in eating, drinking, and the pursuit of every pleasure. * I see oth- -13- ers who work too eagerly for money. * And meanwhile their family suffers * in loss of love, affection, and understanding. * I see others in constant pursuit * of round after round of pleasure, * until their house resembles a hotel rather than a "home." * Sometimes this way of living * seems very attractive and appears so easy. * Help me to conquer the temptation * to join this army of seekers after earthly goods and pleasures. * To deny myself even in law­ ful things, * and to do penance willingly * is going to help me so much in my life. * Give me strength * to overcome the sloth and selfishness of my human nature, * and to do my duty day by day * in spite of the bad example and even the ridicule of those around me. *, Obtain for me the grace to take drink in moderation, * food to maintain health, * rest and pleasure ac­ cording to need. * Help me to guard my eyes, *. my passions of jealousy, fear, and anger. * Make me appreciate the beauty of purity. * May my passions * all be ruled with the help of God's grace * by my con­ science and my will. Amen. Fourth Day JUSTICE Dear St. Joseph, * the holy Bible calls you a "just" man. * This means a good -14- and holy man. * Before a man can be con­ sidered holy, * he must do his duty * and deal fairly with both God and his fellow man. * We call honesty and fair dealing justice. * lowe to God first of all * certain duties which I must perform. * Regularly I must go to holy Mass on Sundays. * Be­ cause I am a child of God, * I must wor­ ship and adore Him every week. * Even when a holyday falls on a working day, * if possible I must still attend Mass. * To my family lowe good example. * I should lead them often * to confession and to Holy Communion. * As a parent * it is my privilege and my duty * to lead my family in prayer. * lowe to God my service, * and to my employer an honest day's work; * these I intend to give. * I will do an honest day's work for an honest day's ,pay. * I wish to be * a laborer "worthy of his hire." * Our Lord has said: * "The unjust shall not partake of the kingdom of heav­ en." * These are strong words * that frighten me with their severe truth; * but I know that they are true. * Obtain for me the courage * never to steal or cheat, * never to defraud my neighbor. * I am re­ solved * to pay to every man what lowe him, * as soon as I can. * Let me always be able to say: "What I have is mine; * I have worked for it and bought it honestly." * To those' who work for me * I will be -15- Fifth Day FORTITUDE honest, just, and fair. As far as I can * I will enable them to lead decent lives, * to serve God, and thus to save their souls. * In this way St. Joseph, * I will follow in your footsteps * and remain always a "just" man. Amen. Dear St. Joseph, * in my work and in my many duties * I need fortitude, * the courage to do what is right. * I need a firm and strong will * to do my work well, * despite the day after day grind of mo­ notony. * I need courage to endure ridi­ cule * from those who laugh at me * for doing my work conscientiously. * I know that I must not let * criticism or human respect * keep me from doing what I know is right. * Let me not displease God * in order to please men. * St. Joseph, you know what it means * to be laughed at for liv­ ing according to God's will. * People in our Lord's time * even laughed at Him. * Help me to remember * that these foolish people cannot send me to heaven or to hell. * But God can, * and I will serve Him to my dying breath. * All is worth bearing for God and for heaven. * Obtain for me the grace * to strengthen this weak will of mine. * Help me to fast on the -16- Sixth Day HUMILITY appointed days, * to do without meat on Fridays * and other days of abstinence. * When Lent comes, * let me enter into the spirit, * and deny myself in little ways, * so that my weak will may gradually grow strong. * Grant me courage * to make the decisions demanded in my life * with cour­ age and calmness, * and never refrain from doing my duty * because it requires effort and sacrifice. * In this way * I shall learn to walk in the footsteps of my Redeemer, * Who said to me: * "If any man will come after Me, * let him take up his cross and follow Me." Amen. Dear St. Joseph, * I look up to you as my model for daily living. * You are a pattern * of what I should be * and what I should do as a worker. * Among your many virtues * you were outstanding in humility. * I need this virtue, too, * in order to please God. * Our Lord said: * "Learn of Me, * for I am meek and humble of heart." * For many years, * He worked with you, * hidden from the eyes of the world * in the little carpenter shop at Naz­ areth. * Give me grace also * to be con- -tent with my humble station. * Help me to remember always * that all the talent, -17- skill, and ability I have * are loaned to me by God. * Remove from my' heart * all vanity, * jealousy, boasting, and hypocrisy. * I am totally dependent on" God, * breath by breath. * Why should I be proud * when I am so much in need of Him? * God holds me responsible * for the acts of my free will * and the use I make of the talent He has loaned me. * When I correct others, * or am corrected, * help me to be calm. * Let me listen humbly. * When I make mistakes, * help me not to grow angry at others, * or to make false excuses. * Let my past and present mis­ takes' * prove to me more and more * how utterly helpless I am. * If I should have the misfortune * to betray my God by sin, . * help me to be quickly sorry, * and to go and ask His forgiveness * in the confes­ sional. Teach me the great lesson * that all that is good in me * is from God. * Only my faults and sins * can I truly claim as my own. * Let me learn * that without God's help I am nothing. * To do my work well * or to perform any good ac­ tion, * I need the help of God's grace. * Each day I must fight thoughts of pride: * of how much I can do; * what I have so far accomplished; * and what people think of me. * St. Joseph, let me learn * it is only what God thinks of me that counts, * and then help me to work and Iive for -18- PURITY Him alone. * Drive home to me what the apostle Paul said: *. "What have you that you have not received? And if you have received, * why do you glory as if you had not received?" * Let one great truth fill my mind: * without God I am nothing. * I need Him for everything. * May this great truth keep me always humble. Amen. Seventh Day Dear St. Joseph, * when we say the di­ vine praises after Benediction, * we are atoning for blasphemy * and the disre­ spectful use of God's holy name. * During these same praises * we pray to you: * "Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse." * You have been considered through all the ages * as the model of purity. * Because of your purity, * God chose you * as the guardian of Mary's vir­ ginity. The very presence of God's holy Mother, * with whom you spent so many years, * filled your heart with reverence * and with the love of purity. * After your example, St. Joseph, * let me respect my own body * and the bodies of others. * Teach me to reverence the God-given pow­ er of fatherhood and motherhood. * Purity is a very precious virtue. * Those who vio­ late it * for a short period of pleasure * -19- are degrading themselves * and those they love. * Let me hold sacred * the purity of all women, * as you held sacred the purity of Mary. * Let me not listen to the pagan lie * that it is impossible to be pure. * You and your holy spouse, Mary, * proved that with the help of God's grace * it is possible to keep oneself always pure and chaste. * Priests, Brothers, Sisters, * vir­ tuous single men and women the world over * prove the same. * Give me grace to love the beauty of purity * and the nobility of soul * that comes from chasity. St. Joseph, help me to realize * that true happiness lies in goodness, * virtue, and pure love, * not in the passion of lust. * Help me to remain pure and faithful in married life, * to live according to God's holy will, * 'and not according to my own lustful desires. * To protect my purity * let my ears be deaf to impure stories. * Help me to guard my eyes * and to watch over my thoughts. * In the moment of temptation, * remind me to turn to God in prayer. * I resolve * to say three Hail Marys each morning and evening * in hon­ or of the purity of Mary * so that I may be pure in body and in soul. * Dear St. Joseph, * chaste spouse of the mother of God, * help me to be pure all the days of my life. Amen. -20- Eighth D'ay RESIGNATION TO THE WILL OF GOD Dear St. Joseph, * I live in a world in which there is much suffering and sorrow; * and these often affect my own life. * Like all the rest of men, * I meet with sickness and physical pain, * with poverty and finan­ cial troubles, * with worries, fears, and disappointments. * Suffering, I know, is not good in itself; * but God permits it * be­ cause He can lead it unto good. * Suffering for me can either become a blessing * or a curse. * It all depends on how I accept my sufferings. * Give me grace * to suffer as a Christian should * with faith and hope and love. * I must do what I can * to rid myself of the evils of life; * but after that I must resign myself to God's holy will; * for He knows what is best for me. * Help me to accept God's will as you did, * blindly, willingly, and promptly. * Christ prayed in the Garden that the chalice of suffering should pass from Him. * So I too can pray in hope * that the crosses of life be not too great * for my feeble strength to bear. But when crosses come, * let me accept them as the will of God. * Through these trials, * my soul will be made beautiful * with the virtues of sym- -21- pathy, understanding, * long-suffering, and unselfishness. * St. Joseph, * the next time I suffer from sickness, * failure to gain promotion at work, * small salary and many bills to pay, * even loss of work at times, * let me be strong as you were. * You bore suffering and poverty bravely; * and today you are one of God's greatest saints. * Let me learn that by accepting God's will * as it comes in my life, * I am only letting God do my thinking and plan­ ning for me. * I cannot see into the future; * but God can; * and He is leading all things * to His own glory * and to the wel­ fare of those who love and serve Him. * I know that if I accept * the little sufferings that I now must bear, * that God will one day reward me * for every suffering * that I have born for love of Him. * Let me of­ fer these sufferings * in union with the pains of Christ upon the cross * for the salvation of souls. * Dear St. Joseph, * teach me like you * to accept the will of God in all things. * Let me always pray: * "My God, not my will but Thine be done." Amen. -22- Ninth Day DEVOTION TO MARY Dear St. Joseph, * it was your special privilege * for many years to care for, * protect, and to be near to Mary, * the Blessed Mother of God. * You knew better than anyone else * her goodness, purity, and kindness. * You saw the work of God's grace in her beautiful soul. * You knew that Christ, her Son, * could refuse noth­ ing to her prayers. * For years you saw Mary day after day. * You worked for her. * She took care of your home. * St. Joseph, you were the first * to have real devotion to Mary. * Your every look, * your every word revealed your reverence, * respect, and tenderness for her. * Help me to fol­ low in your footsteps in this true devotion. * St. Alphonsus Liguori, * who loved Mary so dearly, says: * "No true child of Mary is ever lost." * Other saints express it this way: * "Anyone who has a true and con­ stant ·devotion * -to the Blessed' Virgin Mary * will certainly save his soul." * Grant me the grace * of this true devotion to Mary * which is the guarantee of my salvation. * Help me to pray to her * in all my needs of body and soul, * especially in the time of temptation. * Remind me to say my Rosary each day, * and to recite my three -23- Hail Marys * morning and evening * in honor of her purity. * St. Joseph, you were the first * to have Jesus and Mary beside you * at the moment of death. * I trust that, * having practiced this devotion to her all my life, * I, too, may end my life in the arms of Jesus and Mary. * St. Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death, * be there also to help meet my God. Amen. -24- ·1' I � !' _/ ../ "--: ....., I V s i / tjÆi>t.