CP_Box133_Sys036466035 RAYERS . forthe . Catholic Fatni!Y Prayers for the Catholic Family RAYERS FOR THE . ) LAWRENCE G. LOVASIK, S.V.D. Divine Word Missionary CATHOLIC FAMILY CATECHETICAL GUILD EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY ST. PAUL 2, MINNESOT� IMPRIMI POTEST: REV. ROBERT C. HUNTER., S.V.D. Provincial, Girard, Pa. NllnL OBSTAT: A. H. WIERSBINSKI, LL.D. Censor IMPRIMATUR: � JOHN MARK GANNON, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D. Archbishop, Bishop of Erie October 5, 1954 Cover by Edward Diehl Ex�rpt from TREASURY OF PRAYER COPYRIGHT 1955, 1954, :BY CATECHETICAL GUILD EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. DESIGNED AND PRODUCED BY ARTISTS AND WRITERS GUILD, INC. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. BY WESTERN PRINTING. AND LITHOGRAPHING CO. PUBLISHED SIMULTANEOUSLY IN CANADA BY PALM PUBLISHERS, MONTREAL. CONTENTS FGREWORD INDULGENCED PRAYERS AND EJACULATIONS Part I-FAMILY PRAYERS Prayers for a Christian Family Prayers for Health and for the Sick .Prayers for a Happy Death Prayers of Parents for Each Other Prayers of Parents for Their Children Children's Prayer for Their Parents Prayers for Help in One's Vocation Part II-PRAYERS FOR EVERY DAY Morning Prayers Night Prayers Prayers 'During the Day The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Page 7 8 11' 11 17 I 22 26 30 36 37 43 43 46 49 54 - œæ' FOREWORD GOD has appointed, in addition to the sacraments, prayer as the source of grace. He has made prayer an absolute con­ dition for the bestowal of the graces you need for your sancti.. fication and salvation. It is a fundamental principle of re.. ligion that if you pray well; you will live well. Much prayer, much grace; little prayer," little grace; no prayer, no grace. This book offers a selection of prayers which will be used by family members. Part 1 consists of prayers relating to the family and its different members; part 2 contains simple forms of morning and night prayers, as well as prayers com­ monly said during the day, with a simplified form of assist- ing at the Holy Sacrifice-of the Mass. . The purpose of PRAYERS FOR THE CATHOLIC FAMILY is to encourage �u to .pray. It contains a careful selection of the finest and most loved prayers, the majority of which have been enriched with indulgences. These prayers have been simplified to make them more personal. May you find in them a treasury of richest graces to help you to deepen your union with God, Our Lady, and the Saints, and thereby to sanctify and save your soul .. INDULGENCED PRAYERS AND EJACULATIONS To GAIN an indulgence one must be in the state of grace, have a general intention of gaining indulgences, and fulfill the prescribed conditions. To gain a plenary indulgence one must also detest all venial sins. The usual conditionsare: 1. Confession. Weekly confession suffices for all the plenary indulgences to be gained during that time. , 2 COmmunion. Weekly Communion suffices for all the plenary indulgences to be gained during that time. 3. Visit to a church. The visit must be repeated for each plenary indulgence which requires this condition. 4. Prayers for the intention of the Holy Father. One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory' be to the Father or any other equivalent prayers suffice. They must be said orally and repeated for each plenary indulgence which requires this condition. NOTE: The numbers in parentheses in this book refer to the section numbers in the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum (1950), the latest, official edition of indulgenced prayers. The (*) indicates that a plenary indulgence may be gained once 'a month under the usual conditions: confession, Communion, visit to a church, and prayers for the Holy Father's intentions. \ Part I' Family Prayers Family-Prayers PRAYERS FOR A CHRISTIAN FAMILY GOD of goodness and mer�y, to Your fatherly protection we commend our family, our household, and all that belongs to us. We entrust all to Your love and keeping. Fill our home with Your blessings as Yo� filled the holy House,. I of Nazareth with the presence of Your divine Son. Lord Jesus, above all things else, keep far from us the stain of sin. We want You alone to reign over us. Help each one of us to obey Your holy laws, love You sincerely, and imitate Your example, the example of Mary, Your Mother and ours, and the example of Your holy guardian, Saint Joseph. Lord, preserve us and our home from all evils and misfor­ tunes, but grant that we may be ever resigned to Your divine Will even in the sorrows which it may please You to send us, or in any cross You may permit to come to us. Finally, give all of us the grace to live in perfect harmony and 'charity toward our neighbor. Grant that everyone of us may deserve by a holy life the comfort of Your holy sacra­ ments at the hour of death. Jesus, bless and protect our family. Mary, Mother of grace and mercy, defend us against the wicked spirit. Reconcile us with Your Son and entrust us to His keeping that we may be made worthy of His promises. Saint Joseph, foster-father of our Saviour, guardian of His 12 Prayers for the Catholic Family holy Mother, head of the Holy Family, intercede for us, bless us, and defend our home at all times. Saint Michael, defend us against all evil that might threaten our souls. Saint Gabriel, make us understand the holy Will of God. Saint Raphael, keep us free from all sickness and from every danger to our lives. Our holy Guardian Angels, keep us safely on the path of .salvation. Our holy Patrons, pray for us at the throne of God. Bless this.house, God the Father, who created us, God the Son, who suffered for us upon the Cross, and God the Holy Spirit, who sanctified us in baptism. May the one God in three divine Persons preserve our bodies, purify our minds, direct our hearts and bring us all to everlasting life. Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son, glory be to the Holt Spiriti Amen.. 500 -days, (707) O Lord, through th� prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we beg You to guard this family from all danger. And as we humbly worship You with all our hearts, in Your mercy gra­ ciously protect us from all the snaresof the enemy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 3 years. (708) O Lord, we pray You to visit this home and drive far from it all snares of the enemy. Let Your holy angels dwell in it to preserve us in peace; and let Your blessing be always upon us. Through Christ our Lord .. Amen. 5 years. (62 ) Mary, bless this home where your Name is always praised .. Praise forever be to Mary Immaculate, the Virgin Mother, blessed among women, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Queen of Paradise. . . 300 days. (298) Prayers for a Christian Family 13 A BLESSING FOR THE FAMILY O God, may Your blessing graciously descend upon our family, and may the graces and gifts of Your Holy Spirit sanctify us all. May Your most just, most high, and most adorable Will be done in all things; may it be praised and glorified by us at all times. Jesus, may Your most holy and sweet Name, in which alone there is salvation, generously bring happiness and blessing to. each member of our family. Holy Spirit, God of Love, give us peace and true love, in­ nocence, piety, and the fear of the Lord. Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, watch over us with motherly care and preserve us from all dangers of soul and body. Good Saint Joseph, through your prayers obtain success in our undertakings and labors, and abundant merits for our trials and sufferings. - Holy guardian � angels, protect all the members of our fam­ ily from the snares of the enemy and from every misfortune and lead us safely to our eternal hornell Dear God, preserve us from an unprovided death and grant us the grace of final perseverance in Your love. May we re­ ceive the last sacraments worthily. May Your blessing, O Almighty God.the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, descend upon us and remain with us forever. Amen. CONSECRATION TO TIlE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, You revealed to Saint Margaret Mary Your desire to rule.over Christian families. Behold, in order to please You, we present ourselves before You this day to proclaim Your reign over our family. 14 Prayers for the Catholic Family From now on we want "to live Your life. We desire that the virtues to which You have promised peace on earth may flower in our family. We are determined tokeep far from us the spirit of the world which You have condemned. Be the King of our minds by the simplicity ofour faith. Be the King of our hearts by our love of You alone; help us to keep alive this flame of love in our hearts by receiving Holy Communion frequently. . . Sacred Heart, be pleased to preside over us when we as­ semble. Bless our spiritual and temporal affairs, ward off all trouble, sanctify our joys, and give us consolation in sorrows. If any of us should have the misfortune of offending You, Heart of Jesus, give him the grace to remember that You are kind and merciful to the repentant sinner. When the hour of-separation strikes and death enters our family circle, whether. we go or whether we stay, help us all to submit humbly to Your eternal decrees. Let it be our consolation to remember that the day will come when our entire family, once more united in heaven, will praise Your glory and goodness forever (I May the immaculate heart of Mary and the glorious Patri­ arch Saint Joseph be pleased to offer You this our act of con­ secration and keep the memory of it alive in our hearts each day of our lives. Glory to the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Fatherl 7 years (705)· To THE HOLY FAMILY Jesus, our most loving Redeemer, You came to enlighten the world with Your teaching and example. You willed to spend the greater part of Your life in humble obedience to Mary and Joseph in the poor home "of Nazareth. In this way You sanctified that Family which was to be an example for all Christian families. Graciously accept our family which we II Prayers for a Christian Family 15 dedicate and consecrate to Yau this day. Be pleased to protect, guard, and keep it in holy fear, in peace, and in the harmony of 'Christian charity. By conforming ourselves to the divine model of Your Family, may we all attain to eternal happiness.' Mary: Mother of Jesus and our Mother, by your merciful intercession make this our humble offering acceptable to jesus, and obtain for us graces and blessings .. Saint Joseph, most holy guardian of Jesus, and Mary, help us by your prayers, in all our spiritual and temporal needs so that we may praise Jesus, our divine Saviour, together with Mary and you for all eternity. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be (three times) 500 days. (706):1: Lord Jesus Christ who, being subject to Mary and Joseph, sanctified family life by Your beautiful virtues, grant that we, with the help of Mary and Joseph, may be taught by the ex.. ample of Your holy Family, and may after death enjoy its everlasting companionship. Who live and reign forever. Amen. 5 years (276)· Lord Jesus, help us ever to follow the example of Your holy Family, that in the hour of our death Your glorious Virgin Mother together 'with Saint Joseph may come to meet us, and we may be worthy to .be received by You into everlasting dwellings. Who live and reign forever. Amen. DEDICATION OF ONE'S ,FAMILY Most loving Jesus, who by Your sublime and beautiful vir­ tues of humility, obedience, poverty, modesty, charity, pa.. tience, and gentleness blessed with peace and happiness the family which You chose on earth; in Your mercy look upon' o this family, humbly kneeling beforeYou and imploring Your mercy. Remember that this family belongs to You, for we 3 years. (643)· 16 , Prayers for the Catholic Family have dedicated and devoted ourselves to You in a special way. Look upon us in Your loving kindness, preserve us from danger, give us help in time of need, and grant us the grace to per�evere to the end in the imitation of Your holy Family, , so that having revered You and loved You faithfully on earth, we may praise You eternally in heaven, Mary; sweetest Mother, to your intercession we have re­ course, knowing that your divine Son will hear your prayers" Glorious patriarch, Saint Joseph, help us by your powerful prayers and offer our prayers to Jesus through Mary's hands .. Amen. FOR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS O God, who poured the gifts of charity into the hearts of Your faithful by the" grace of the Holy Spirit, grant health of mindand body to Your servants for whom we pray, that they may love You with all their strength and perform with perfect love what is pleasing to You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. FOR FRIENDS O Lord, I beg You to bless with a very special blessing the friends of my heart. Give them an increase of faith, hope and love; give them a hunger and thirst for You and all heavenly. things. Make them dwell in the sunshine of Your approving smile and be more and more delicately alert to Your Voice speaking to their conscience, Lead them always to the full and glad accomplishment of Your adorable Will. Grant that we may all enter into Your joy in our dear and everlasting Home of Love. Amen. FOR BENEFACTORS May it please You, O Lord, to reward with eternal life all those who do good to us for Your Name's sake. Amen. 300 days. (666) Prayers for Health and for the Sz'ék 17 FOR OUR E�EMIES O God, who, because of Your great love of this world, rec­ onciled earth to heaven through Your only-begotten Son, grant that we, who by the darkness of our sins are turned aside from brotherly love, may by Your light shed forth in our souls, embrace our friends in You, and our enemies. for Your sake in a bond of mutual affection. Through the same - Christ our Lord. Amen. ' PRAYERS FOR HEALTH AND FOR THE SICK / . PuYER FOR HEALTH O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I come to ask of Your infinite mercy the gift cf health and strength that I may serve You more faithfully and love You more sincerely than in the past .. ' I wish to be well and strong if this be Your good pleasure and for Your greater glory. Filled with high resolves and deter­ mined to perform my tasks most perfectly for love of You, I wish to be enabled to go back to my duties. If it be Your Will, I will continue to. bear with patience my sickness and my suffering. But if, in Your designs, I may be restored to health and strength, I will.endeavor to show my gratitude by a constant and faithful service rendered to You. Amen. FOR A CURE Gentle Jesus, who cured the sick and laid a healing hand uPQn the lame, the blind and the crippled, look with com­ passion upon me in my suffering. If it is not Your Will to cure me, then give me strength to bear my burden and offer it up to You. You suffered so much for me. Give me grace to offer my sufferings in union with Your own, in reparation for my 3&0 days. (12) 18 Prayers for the Catholic Family sins and those of others, for the needs of this troubled world, and for the release of the souls in purgatory. .Mary, compas­ sionate Mother; pray for your weary child. Health of the Sick, Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for me. Amen. Keep me, O Lord, as the apple of Your eye; beneath the .. shadow of Your wings protect me. 500 days. (18)- FOR THE SICK Almighty and Everlasting God, the eternal salvation of those who believe in. You, hear us on behalf of Your servants � who are sick, for whom we humbly beg the help of Your mercy, so that, being restorea-to health, they may render thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. EJACULATORY PRAYERS Your Will be done. 500 days. (32)­ May the most just, the most high, and the most lovable Will of God be in all things done, praised and evermore exalted. -r: 500 days. (4)-' Teacp me, O Lord, to do Your Will, for You are my God. 500 days. (11) My God, I give You thanks forwhat You give, and for what You take away; Your Will be done. 300 days. (9) All through You, with You, and in You, O my God. 300 days. (29) Abide with me, Lord, and be my true joy. Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in You. 300 days. (226)­ . Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. 300 days. (229) Prayers for Health and for the Sick 19 Heart of love, I put all my trust .in You; for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Your goodness .. 300 days. (232) *' Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to You through Mary. 300 days. (238) * All for You, most Sacred Heart of Jesus. 300 days. (234) To JESUS, THE DIVINE PHYSICIAN Jesus, Divine Physician, You have created nature and' all the wondrous functions of the human body . You are the Mas­ ter of Your creation. You can and do suspend the laws of na­ turefor those who have' faith in Your goodness and entreat You in fervent prayer. You promised that my prayers would be heard when You said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks; receives;' and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened." You also said, "All things whatsoever you ask in prayer, believe that you shall receive, and they shall come to you." Full of confidence in these promises, I beg You to help me in my present affiic­ tion: (mention your request). Jesus, Divine Physician, during Your lifetime You cured sickness and disease, and even raised the dead to life, be­ cause people asked You to do so in prayer. I firmly believe that You will hear my prayers also, if this should be the Will _of God. Through the intercession of Your dear Mother of Sorrows, who was so closely associated with You during Your .holy Passion, I ask for' the grace to understand more and more the infinite love of Your Sacred Heart for me. I firmly believe that You love me with a love that ordains all things for my own good even though what You ordain might be difficult for my nature t� bear; a love that will eventually turn 20 Prayers for the Catholic Family to good all that I may at the moment consider evil. I love Your Heart that loves me so much. Jesus, Diyine Physician, I thank You for being my best Friend in my illness and my Companion in suffering, loving me with a Heart human like my own; a Heart that can un­ derstand my sorrows and problems since It has experienced all, that I must bear; a Heart that can sympathize with me and befriend me in �y hour of need; a.Heart that can love me with the love of the best of friends. Like a real furnace of fire Your Heart burns all for me with a love that knows no end, because It has its source in. the depths of the God­ head-all for me, as if there were no other to share Its infinite' warmth. Not all the affection You pòur out upon countless other souls lessens Your love for me. Even when I forget You � and begin to complain in my illness, You pray for me. EvenP when I disappoint You by trying to shake off the cross You have placed upon my shoulders, You sacrifice Yourself for me at Holy Mass. When I have pain, You are ready to con­ sole and strengthen me, for Your Sacred Heart ever 'calls to me, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." Dearest Jesus, Divine Physician, behold how I am burdened with this cross of illness. I come to You and beg You to give me rest. Jesus, Divine Physician, help me to realize that it is only through the Cross that I can attain to its glory; that it is only through suffering that l can possess the kingdom of heaven. Before Your own dear Mother was crowned Queen of heaven, she became the Mother of Sorrows. All the saints suf­ fered during their lifetime. I, too, have been blessed with suffering. This is the only way I can follow You, for You said, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." Jesus, Divine Physician, I unite myself with You as You Prayers for Health and lor the Sick 2] offer Yourself during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and re- new Your sacrifice of Calvary. Give my heart sentiments like Your own, so that through frequent Holy Communion and prayer I may become a worthy co-victim with You, holy and pleasing to God, and that all the actions, sufferings, tears, and disappointments of my life may be thus consecrated to You as a sacrifice for the glory of God and the salvation of . souls, especially my own. Everything that YDU send me, or permit in my life, whether favorable Dr unfavorable, sweet or bitter=even this illness which I must bear-is acceptable to me, for I have resolved to conform myself to the divine Will in all things. You invite me to do so, for You said, "Take my yoke upon you. My yoke is easy and my burden light." May God's Will al ys be my will! Jesus, Divine Physician, cure me! Amen. . Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be. _ To OUR LADY, HEALTH OF THE SICK My dearest Mother Mary, I confidently invoke you as the Health of the Sick. You are the loving Mother especially of those who are blessed with a cross of sickness. Behold me in my suffering and have pity on me. I humbly plead for this special request: (mention your request). Mother of Perpetual Help, I beg you to present my peti... tion to your divine Son. If you will pray for me, I cannot be refused, for your prayers before God are all-powerful. With childlike trust I abandon myself to God's will concerning my request, Sweet Mother of Mercy, I love you! I put all my confidence in you. I offer to God through your hands every suffering that I must bear, with all the love of my heart. Make every pain an act of love for God, an act of atonement for my sins, and an act meritorious for the salvation of souls, especially my 22 Prayers for the Catholic Family own. Teach me patience and resignation to the holy Will of God, in imitation of you, dear Mother of Sorrows. My Mother, you are my hope! For the sake of your beloved Jesus, I beg you to grant my prayer. Amen. V. Pray for us, Our Lady, Health of the Sick. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Grant us, Your servants, we beg You" O Lord God, that we may be blessed with health of soul and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Health of the Sick, be freed from the sorrows of this present life and , enjoy everlasting bliss. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS FOR A HAPPY DEATH To ALMIGHTY GOD My adorable Creator, I ask of You the greatest of all Your graces, that of a holy death. No matter how greatly I have till now abused ille life You have given me, grant me the grace to end it in Your holy love. Let me die like the holy patriarchs, forsaking this valley of 'tears without sadness, to enter into the joy of eternal rest in my own true homeland. Let me die like the glorious Saint Joseph, in the arms of Jesus and Mary, repeating in turn each of these sweet Names which I hope to praisethroughout eternity. Let me die like the Immaculate and Blessed Virgin, in the purest love and desire to be reunited to the object of my love. · Prayers for a Ha'ppy Death 23 Let me die like Jesus on' the Cross, with the most lively sen- timents of hatred for sin, of charity toward You, Heavenly Father, and of perfect resignation in my agony. Holy Father, into Your hands I'commend my spirit. Be merciful to me! Jesus, who died for me, grant me the grace of dying in an act of perfect love for You. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me no}" and at the hour of my death. I My guardian angel, my holy patron saints, do not forsake me at the hour of my death.' Saint Joseph, obtain for me the grace of dying the death of the just. Amen. To JESUS CRUCIFIED Most merciful Lord Jesus, by Your agony and sweat of Blood, by Your holy Death, we beg of You, deliver us from a sudden and unprovided death. Most kind Lord Jesus, by Your most painful and shameful scourging and crowning with thorns, by Your holy Cross and Bitter Passion, by Your loving kindness, we humbly pray, do not allow us to die without Your holy sacraments .. Dearly beloved Lord Jesus, by all Your labors and sorrows, by Your Precious Blood and sacred Wounds, by Your last words on the Cross: "My God, my God, why hast Thou f-ar­ saken me?" and "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit," we most earnestly beg You to deliver us from a sud­ den death. Grant us, we pray, time for repentance and a happy death in the state of grace so that we may be able to love, praise, and thank You