How to teach our little ones / by Rev. John A. Schmitt ; illustrations by Leone Hake Reagan. Nihil Obstat: REV. ANTHONY VOLKERT, D. D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur : MICHAEL J. GALLAGHER, Bishop of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, July 26, 1917 Imprimatur: JOSEPH GABRIEL PINTEN, Bishop of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, January 26, 1940 TWENTY-SECOND EDITION (revised) Copyright, 1917, by REV. JOHN A. SCHMITT Copyright, 1940, by THE BRECHTING PRINTING CO. (All rights reserved) Also Copyright, 1940, by THE BRECHTING PRINTING CO. in the Dominion of Canada, No. 50651 Printed in the United States of America HOW TO TEACH OUR LITTLE ONES By REV. JOHN A. SCHMITT Illustrations by Leone Hake Reagan * 4* * 4* 4* 4* A Primary Instruction in Religion for Children from 5 to 8 and a Preparation for First Holy Communion Suited for Use by 'Parents and Teachers Published by THE BRECHTING PRINTING CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. FOREWORD It is surprising how much religion can be taught to children between five and eight years of age. As most of them cannot read, the questions must be repeated to them again and again in simple language. It is not difficult to arouse their interest although it may take the instructor (teacher or parent) a week or two to get in perfect touch with the childmind. Most parents are not aware of how much they can accomplish in this all-important matter. I should like to see this booklet on the book-racks, to call the attention of fathers and mothers to the necessity of impressing the leading truths of our holy religion indelibly on the young minds at an early age. This booklet is not to take the place of the regular Catechism, which should be taken up in the third grade. It is merely intended to assist in preparing the little ones for the sacraments. REV. JOHN A. SCHMITT. SUGGESTIONS 1. Always give the explanation in the simplest language, so that each child may understand it; 2. Repeat the same subject in different words; 3. Take the more lengthy questions and answers in part; 4. Make each instruction short and repeat frequently, in order to impress it permanently; 5. Often ask the meaning of words and sentences; Urge the children to ask questions; 6. Let them answer in their own way; 7. Give the instruction the air of pleasant chat rather than of work: 8. Make frequent and good use of pictures, charts, the Bible History, stories, examples and other useful illustrations; 9. For beginners, especially very young children, take the questions marked with an asterisk (*) and add the others when you go over the lessons the second time. 2 DAILY PRAYERS THE SIGN OF THE CROSS In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. HAIL MARY Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. THE APOSTLES’ CREED I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from 3 thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church; the communion of Saints; the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. DOXOLOGY Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen. ACT OF FAITH O my God! I believe in You and all that Your Holy Catholic Church teaches. Amen. ACT OF HOPE O my God! I know that You will help me to be good and to get to heaven, for that is what You promised to do for us. Amen. ACT OF LOVE O my God! I love You dearly because You are all-good. I love everybody because You love them. I want to love You forever. Amen. ACT OF CONTRITION O my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. 4 SHORT ACT OF CONTRITION O my God! I am very sorry that I have sinned against You; because You are so good, and I will not sin again. Amen. BLESSING BEFORE MEALS Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. GRACE AFTER MEALS We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest forever; and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL Angel of God, my Guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side To light and guard, to rule, and guide, From sinful stain, Oh keep me free, And in death’s hour my helper be. Amen. My dear Patron Saint, pray for me. God bless father and mother; God bless my brothers and sisters and all my friends; God bless Reverend Father and all my kind teachers; God bless me and make me a good child. Make the sign of the Cross. Note—These may also serve as morning and night prayers. An Our Father and Hail Mary might well be added for the parents, priests, teachers and others for whom children should be taught to pray. 5 EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE For Confession, especially the first one, questions like the following, proposed on several consecutive days may be helpful. After each one ask: “How often?” ; Did I always say my night and morning prayers, my grace before and after meals? Was I ashamed to say my prayers? Did I say any curse or swear words? Did I use the name of God or Jesus in a wrong way? Did I call any one names? Did I always keep my promise? Did I always hear Mass on Sunday, go to instruc- tions? Did I come late through my fault? How did I behave in church? Did I laugh, talk or disturb others? Did I go to any Protestant church? Did I do any forbidden work on Sunday? Did I study my Catechism? Did I disobey my parents? Did I go to the store, get wood, etc., mind the baby, do work for them, get up at once when they called me? Did I call them names, make faces at them, or strike them? Did I make them feel bad or angry? Talk back to them? Was I stubborn? 6 Did I pray for them? Did I go where they did not wish me to go? With children they did not wish me to go with? Ask similar questions about grandparents, priests, teachers, etc. Was I kind to my brothers and sisters? Did I like to play with them and help them? Was I good to old and poor people? Did I fight, hit others, quarrel, get angry, make others angry? Did I give bad example, teach others bad words, or things, tell them to do so? Did I go with bad children? Did I look at anything bad? Did I eat or drink too much, or eat things not good for me? Was I cruel to animals, did I beat them, kick them or make them suffer? Did I look at nasty pictures or things, say or do nasty things, wish to see or do them? Did I teach others to say or do them? Did I play in a nasty way? Did I steal anything? At home, in school, church, the store? Did you give it back or pay for it? Did I tear other children’s books, clothes, etc.? Did I break windows, take cake, cookies, candy, flowers, etc? Did I spoil other people’s things? Did I tell lies? To parents, teachers, children? 7 Did I talk bad about them? Did I tell lies about anyone? Did I make it right? Did I wish to have what others had? Was I sorry when they had things, were praised, got good marks, etc.? Did I eat meat on Friday? Was I glad when others were scolded, punished, were sick, had trouble, etc.? Did I love others as I love myself? PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION O my God, I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee, and I am very sorry for having offended Thee. Come, my Jesus! Come to my heart! PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION 0 my Jesus, I adore Thee. 1 was a poor sinner and Thou hast forgiven me. What can I offer Thee, for having given Thyself to me? Take my body and soul and all that I have, and do with them what Thou wilt. Dear Jesus, keep me from sin and grant me the grace of a holy death. Amen. 8 HOW TO TEACH OUR LITTLE ONES Lesson 1 — GOD 1. Who is God? God is the Creator of all things. Gen. 1, 3, etc. 2. Did God make heaven and the angels? Yes, God made all things. 3. Who made the earth, the people, the animals, the trees, the flowers, the sun, the stars, the moon, etc.? God made them all. 4. How did God make all things? By His word (He just said so and things came) . 2 Mach. 7, 28. 5. Can God make many other things? Yes, He can. Luke 1, 37. 6. Is it not hard for Him to do so? No, for God is almighty. 7. To what likeness did God make us? To His own image or likeness. Gen. 1, 26. 8. What do you mean by an image or likeness? It is a picture. 9 THE CREATION — GOD CREATED THE WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN IT 10 9. Where is God’s picture in us? In the soul. *10. What is our soul? Our soul is a spirit. 11. Where is our soul? In our body. *12. How long will your soul live? Forever, because it can never die. 13. How long will it stay in the body? Until we die. 14. What happens when we die? Our soul leaves the body. 15. Where does it go then? To the other world. See picture — Creation and explain it, page 10. Lesson 2 — THE UNITY AND TRINITY * 1. How old is God? God has no age. He always was and always will be. 2. Did God live before the angels and the first people were made? Yes, He always was and always will be. * 3. How long will God live? He will live forever, because He cannot die. 11 * 4. Is there more than one God? No, there is only one God. 1. John 5, 7. * 5. How many persons are there in God? There are three Divine Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Matt. 28, 19. * 6. What do we mean by the Blessed Trinity? We mean one God in three Divine Persons. Lesson 3 — GOD’S PRESENCE * 1. Where is God? God is everywhere. Ps. 138, 7. * 2. Is God in heaven, on earth, in this country, in this room, etc.? Yes, God is everywhere. * 3. Why can we not see God? Because He is a spirit and cannot be seen with the eyes of our body. 4. Will we ever be able to see God? Yes, after we die. 5. Does anyone see God now? Yes, the angels and the saints in heaven. 6. Does God see us? Yes, God always sees us. He can see and hear all we do and say. Matt. 6, 4. 7. Does God know what we are thinking about? 12 Yes, because God knows everything. Ps. 7, 10. 8. Does God see you when you are all alone in the woods, in the cellar and at night? Yes, God, and also our Guardian Angel are always with us and see us. Ps. 138, 12. * 9. Does God know when bad children steal, think bad thoughts, tell lies or do bad things? Yes, He knows all about us. *10. Will God remember all the good and bad we think or do? Yes, God will remember all things. 11. What will He do about our good thoughts and actions? God will praise and reward us for them. Matt. 6, 4. 12. What will God do about it when we have been bad? God will blame and punish us for all our bad thoughts, words and actions. Note— God is everywhere. The air is all over and yet we cannot see it. Lesson 4 — WHY WE ARE ON EARTH 1. Who made you? God made me. 2. Why are we on earth? To know God, to love Him, to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. * 3. What does it mean to be good? To be good means to obey God in all things. 13 GUARDIAN ANGELS PROTECT LITTLE CHILDREN FROM DANGER 14 4. Is it hard to be good? Not if we like to do it. Lev. 19, 2. 5. Can everybody be good and go to heaven? Yes, we can all be good if we wish to be. 6. Who is in heaven now besides God? The angels and the saints. 7. Did God tell us how we may go to heaven? Yes, and He showed us the way to heaven. 8. Who lived on earth for 33 years to teach us? Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Heb. 1, 1. 9. Who teaches us the way to heaven now? The Catholic Church. Matt. 28, 18-20, 10. How much must we believe about God? We must believe all His teachings. Num. 23, 19. 11. How much must we love Him? We must love God more than ourselves, than our parents, our brothers and sisters or play- mates. Matt. 19, 17. 12. How must we serve God? By doing all that He wants us to do. Lesson 5 — HEAVEN AND HELL 1. Where will the good people go when they die? To heaven. Matt. 25, 35. 2. How good must we be before we can go to heaven? 15 We must be perfect, that is free from all sin. Apoc. 21, 27. * 3. How long do people stay in heaven? Forever. * 4. What do they do in heaven? They are happy and adore God. 5. What does it mean to be happy? To have everything you can wish for. 6. WTiat do we call the good people who have gone to heaven? Saints. 7. Can everybody become a saint and go to heaven? Yes, and God wants us to do it. 8. What do we have to do so that we may go to heaven? We must believe all that God teaches and keep all His commandments. Heb. 11, 6. Matt. 19, 17. 9. Can any one keep us from going to heaven? No, nobody can. *10. Where do bad people go when they die? To hell. Matt. 25, 41. Ps. 9, 18. 11. In what kind of sin did they die? In mortal (big) sin. *12. How long do they stay in hell? Forever. 16 *13. What do they do in hell? They suffer for their sins. *14. Can anybody make us go to hell? No, nobody can. *15. Can the devil make us go to hell? No, because we have a free will and he cannot force us. Lesson 6 — PURGATORY * 1. Where do people go when they die, who are not very good and not very bad? To purgatory. II. Mach. 12, 46. 2. Why do they have to go to purgatory? To have their little sins taken away and to suffer for their other sins. * 3. How long do they stay in purgatory? Until their souls are pure and clean. * 4. Where do they go then? To heaven. * 5. Can we help the souls in purgatory? Yes, we can. II. Mach. 12, 46. 6. How can we help them to get out of purgatory? By praying, having Masses said, receiving Holy Communion, suffering, working, and doing ail kinds of good works for them. 17 THE ANNUNCIATION — THE BLESSED VIRGIN AND ANGEL GABRIEL 18 Lesson 7 — ANGELS 1. Who is in heaven besides God and the saints? The angels. * 2. What are angels? Pure spirits. * 3. What do the angels do in heaven? They love and praise God and are happy with Him forever. 4. Have angels a body like we have? No, they have not. 5. Did they ever have a body? No, they were always spirits. * 6. Are there any angels on earth? Yes, there are. * 7. What do we call them? Guardian angels. Ps. 90, 11. * 8. What do they do? They watch over us and help us to love and obey God, Matt. 18, 10. * 9. Should we pray to our guardian angel? Yes, every day. 10. Why should we pray to him? To thank him for what he has done for us and to ask him to help us to be good. 11. Who has a guardian angel? 19 Everybody; father, mother, brother, sister, etc. 12. Do bad people have guardian angels? Yes, everybody has. 13. Why do not these guardian angels make them good? Because bad people have a free will and do not listen to their guardian angel. See pictures — Guardian Angels Protecting Little Children, page 14; The Blessed Virgin and Angel Gabriel, page 18. Also Bible History: Tobias and the angel; also St. Joseph. Lesson 8 — THE SIGN OF THE CROSS * 1. How do we begin and end our prayers? By making the sign of the cross. * 2. How do you make it? By placing the right hand on the forehead, over the heart, on the left and then on the right shoulder. * 3. Is there another way of making it? Yes, by making a small cross on our forehead, our lips and over our heart. * 4. What words do we say when we make the sign of the cross? In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Matt. 28, 19. * 5. Why do we say these words? To show our faith in one God in three Divine Persons. * 6. Why do we make the sign of the cross? 20 Because our Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross. John 19, 18. 7. What does the sign of the cross show? It shows that we are Christians. 8. What is a Christian? A follower of Jesus Christ. * 9. What is a crucifix? A cross with the figure of Christ on it. 10. What is a figure of Christ? An image or picture of Him. *11. Do we pray to the crucifix? No, we do not. 12. Why not? It has no life and cannot hear us. 13. Why do we have a crucifix? To remind us (make us think) that Christ died for us on the cross. See picture — The Crucifixion, page 50. Lesson 9 — SIN * 1. What is a sin? A sin is a wilful breaking of the law of God. * 2. What do you mean by a wilful breaking of the law of God? When you know it is wrong and do it anyhow. 3. Is it a sin to do something when you do not know it is wrong? 21 BIRTH OF JESUS IN A POOR STABLE IN BETHLEHEM 22 No, that is just a mistake, but no sin. Example: It is no sin to take anything when you think it is yours, to eat meat on Friday when you think it is some other day. * 4. Name some sins? To say bad words, to think about bad things, to look at them, to do bad things, to steal, lie, swear, fight, quarrel, disobey, miss Mass on Sunday, to miss your daily prayers, to eat or drink too much, etc. * 5. Is one sin as big as another? No, some are big and others little. * 6. What do we call big sins? Mortal sins. * 7. Where do people go who die with a mortal sin on their soul? To hell forever. * 8. What do we call a little sin? A venial sin. 9. Where do people go who die with little sins on their souls? To purgatory. 10. Where do we get these sins? We do them ourselves. 11. Can anybody make us commit a sin if we do not wish to? No. We have a free will. 12. Can the devil make us sin? 23 No, he cannot. See picture — Jesus Drives the Sellers from the Temple, page 38. Also Bible History, Punishment for sin: the Deluge, Sodom and Gomorrha, the plagues and death of the Egyptians in the Red Sea, death by serpents, Eliseus and 42 boys devour- ed by bears, Annanias and Saphira. Lesson 10 — ORIGINAL SIN * 1. What other sin is there besides mortal and venial sin? Original sin. * 2. Where did original sin come from? From Adam and Eve. * 3. Who were Adam and Eve? The first man and woman. 4. Who made them? God made them. Gen. 1, 26, etc. * 5. Where did they live? In a beautiful garden, called Paradise. 6. What things were in the garden of Paradise? All kinds of trees, fruits, and flowers, and animals which were then tame and not wild. * 7. What wrong did Adam and Eve do in the garden? They ate the forbidden fruit. * 8. Who forbade them to eat it? God did. Gen. 2, 17. * 9. Who coaxed them to eat it? The devil. Gen. 3, 1, etc. 24 *10. How did God punish Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit? He drove them out of Paradise and made them suffer and die. Gen. 3, 17, etc. 11. How did the devil come to Adam and Eve? In the form of a serpent (snake). 12. Who is the devil? A bad spirit. 13. Was he always a devil? No, once he was an angel in heaven. 14. Why did he not stay in heaven? Because he disobeyed God. 2 Peter 2, 4. *15. Are we born in original sin? Yes, all of us. Rom. 5, 12 and 19. 16. Who never had original sin? The Blessed Virgin Mary. Gen. 3, 15. 17. Why was the Blessed Virgin Mary without original sin? Because she was the mother of God. Our Lord would not have any sin on his mother’s soul. 18. Do you still have the sin in which you were born? No, it was taken away by Baptism. John 3, 5, Acts 2, 38. See Bible History, Fall of angels. Lessen 11 — OUR SAVIOUR * 1. Who came from heaven to take away our sins? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Luke 1, 31. 25 26 * 2. Who is Our Lord? He is the real Son of God, the Father. Luke 1, 31. 3. Who is His Father? God, the Father. * 4. Who is His Mother? The Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke 1, 26-39. 5. Who is St. Joseph? The foster father of Our Lord. * 6. Is Jesus Christ really God? Yes, He is God. * 7. Is He also man? Yes, He is God and also man. * 8. WThat does the word Jesus mean? It means “Saviour.” Luke 2, 11. * 9. On what day was Our Lord born? On Christmas day over 1900 years ago. *10. Where was He born? In a poor stable in Bethlehem. Luke 2, 4 and 7. 11. Where is the town of Bethlehem? In the Holy Land, near Jerusalem. 12. Does Jesus love and honor His mother? Yes, He does. 13. Does He wish us also to do the same? 27 Yes, He is pleased when we love and honor her and pray to her. 14. Does the Blessed Virgin Mary love us? Yes, she loves us and prays to Jesus, her Son for us. See pictures — Birth of Jesus, page 22; Jesus Blesses the Children, page 34. Also Bible History, Shepherds, three Kings, Flight into Egypt, etc. Lesson 12 — LIFE OF OUR LORD 1. How many years did Our Lord live on earth? Thirty-three years. 2. Was He rich and high-toned? No, He was poor and humble. 3. Why was He born in a stable and why did he live a poor life? To show us that He loved poor people and that we do not have to be rich to go to heaven. 4. Did Jesus obey the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph? Yes, He always obeyed them to give us a good example. Luke 2, 51. 5. Why did Christ stay on earth for 33 years? To teach us, and to show us the way to heaven. 6. What else did He do? He blessed the children, healed the sick, made the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the dead live, he forgave sins and started the Catholic Church. 28 * 7. How did Our Lord die? He was nailed to the cross. John 19, 18. See picture — The Crucifixion, page 50. * 8. On what day did He die? On Good Friday. * 9. Why did Our Lord die? For our sins. 10. What does it mean to die? It means that the soul leaves the body. 11. Explain how after death the hands and feet cannot move, the eyes cannot see, the ears cannot hear, the tongue cannot speak; why? Because the soul has left the body, which is dead. 12. Where did Our Lord’s soul go after He died on the Cross? It went to the other world, to a place called Limbo. 13. What souls were in Limbo? The souls of all good people that had died before Christ. 14. What was done with Christ’s body after He died? It was put into a grave called the Holy Sepul- chre. John 19, 3-41. 15. Is Our Lord’s body still in that vault? No, He arose again on the third day. 16. What does it mean, “He arose again from the dead?” Our Lord came back to life again. *17. On what day did He rise from the dead? 29 30 On Easter Sunday. John 20; Mark 28, 6; Matt. 27, 53. Miracles of Our Lord: See picture — Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus from the dead, page 42. Also Bible History, He changed water into wine, healed the sick, raised the widow’s son, the storm at sea, multiplied the loaves, the sufferings, death and resurrection of Christ. Lesson 13 — THE ASCENSION 1. How long did Our Lord stay on earth after He arose from the dead? Forty days. 2. What did He do during those forty days? He visited the Apostles and taught them how to preach, to baptize, to forgive sins, to say Mass, to give Holy Communion and gave them the power to save people’s souls. John 20, etc. 3. What did He do after the forty days were up? He went to heaven. Acts 1, 9, etc.; Mark 16, 19; Luke 24, 51. 4. On what day did He go to heaven? On Ascension Thursday. 5. Did He go to heaven alone? No, He took with Him the souls of all the good people who had died. 6. Where is Our Lord now? He is still in heaven. Acts 7, 55. 7. Will He ever come down to earth again? Yes, He will come back at the end of the world to judge us. Matt. 16, 27; Matt. 24, 31, 32. See picture — The Ascension, page 54. 31 Lesson 14 — THE HOLY GHOST 1. Did Our Lord send any one from heaven to take His place? Yes, He sent the Holy Ghost. Acts 1, 8; Acts 2, 3 and 4. 2. Who is the Holy Ghost? The spirit of God, the third person of the Blessed Trinity. 3. Why did Our Lord send Him? To stay with His Church until the end of the world. 4. Why does the Holy Ghost stay on earth? To guide and direct the Catholic Church. 5. Why does the Holy Ghost guide the Church? So that it will always teach the right religion. 6. On what day did Our Lord send the Holy Ghost? On the feast of Pentecost, fifty days after Easter. See picture — The Descent of the Holy Ghost, page 58. Lesson 15 — THE TRUE CHURCH 1. Which is the true Church of Christ? The Holy Catholic Church. 2. Who started the Catholic Church? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Matt. 16, 18. 3. Why did Our Lord start it? To show us the way to heaven. 32 Mark 16, 15. * 4. When did He start the Catholic Church? About 1900 years ago. * 5. Did Christ start more than one church? No, only one. 6. How long will the Catholic Church last? Until the end of the world. Matt. 28, 19. * 7. How many people does Our Lord wish to belong to His Church? All the people on earth. Matt. 28, 19. 8. Could all people belong to the Catholic Church? Yes, they could if they wished. 9. Has the Catholic Church a right to teach all people? Yes, Our Lord commanded it to do so. *10. Can the Catholic Church teach us any wrong religion? No, it cannot. 11. Why not? Because, the Holy Ghost always makes it teach the truth. *12. Who is the head man in the Catholic Church? Our Holy Father, the Pope. Note— He is like the President of the United States. 13. Where does the Pope live? In Rome, Italy. 14. Who was the first Pope? St. Peter. Matt. 16, 18. 15. Who made St. Peter the first Pope? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. John 21, 15, etc. 33 34 *16. Who started the Protestant Churches? Ordinary men and women. 17. Did they have any right to start any churches? No, they did not. 18. Why not? Because Our Lord did not wish it. 19. Why did he not wish them to start other religions? Because He wished all people to belong to His Church. 20. Is it right to belong to a Protestant Church? No, not for people who know better. 21. Is it a sin for us to go to Protestant services? Yes, because we do not belong there. Also because they do not serve God exactly as He wishes to be served. Lesson 16 — JUDGMENT * 1. What happens to us right after we die? Our soul goes before God to be judged. II. Cor. 5, 10. 2. What does it mean to be judged? To tell us how good or bad we have been. * 3. Is this the only time we will be judged? No, Our Lord will come to this earth to judge all the people together. Matt. 25, 31. * 4. When will that be? At the end of the world. 35 Joel 3, 2. 5. Will the dead be there too? Yes, God will bring them back to life again. 6. What do we call the day on which all will be judged? Judgment day. 7. Will everybody know and see on Judgment day all we have done? Yes, all will see and know all our thoughts, words and actions. II. Cor. 6, 15. 8. What will happen after this General Judgment? The good will go to heaven, and the bad to hell. Matt. 16, 27; John 5, 28. Lesson 17 — GRACE 1. Can everyone save his soul and go to heaven? Yes, with the help of God. 2. What must we do to save our souls? We must believe all of God’s teachings, obey His commandments, pray and receive the sacra- ments. Matt. 19, 17. 3. How will God help us to save our souls? By His grace. 4. What is God’s grace? God’s grace is His friendship and help. Explain how friends help us in various ways, God does even more. 5. How does God help us by His grace? He forgives our sins, gives us strength and makes it easier for us to do our duty. Tim. 2, 11. 36 6. What else does God’s grace do for us? It makes us holy, it helps us to keep from sin and do good. Jas. 4, 6; I. Cor. 15, 10. 7. Will God’s grace alone save our souls? No, we must also do our share. 8. How do we get God’s grace? Through prayer and the sacraments. Lesson 18 — PRAYER 1. What do we do when we pray? We speak to God. Jer. 29, 12; Mark 11, 24; Lam. 3, 56. 2. Can God hear us when we pray? Yes, He is everywhere and hears everything we say. Jude 4, 24. 3. Why should we pray to God? Because He is our Father and best friend. 4. How should we pray to God? We should thank Him, praise Him and ask Him for His grace and blessings. Matt. 6, 5; I. Cor. 14, 15. 5. In what way should we pray to God? We should think of what we say and mean it. 6. When should we pray? Every morning and night and before and after meals. Luke 18, 1; I. Tim. 5, 17. 37 38 * 7. At what other times should we pray? On Sundays and holydays, in sickness and trouble. 8. For what people should we pray especially? For ourselves, our parents, relatives, friends, pastors, teachers, playmates, for the sick, the poor, for sinners and the souls in Purgatory. Matt. 9, 37. * 9. May we pray to anyone else besides God? Yes, to the Blessed Virgin, to the other saints; and the angels. Job 53, 7. 10. Why should we pray to them? That they may ask God to bless and help us. THE SACRAMENTS Lesson 19 — BAPTISM * 1. What is a Sacrament? It is an outward sign or action by Jesus Christ to give us grace. * 2. How many Sacraments are there? Seven: (1) Baptism, (2) Confirmation, (3) Holy Eucharist, (4) Penance, (5) Extreme Unction, (6) Holy Orders and (7) Matrimony. * 3. What does Baptism do for us? It takes away Original sin and makes us chil- dren of God, and heirs of heaven. 4. Does Baptism take away all our sins? Yes, all of them. Acts 22, 16; Acts 2, 38. 5. If we died right after being baptized would we go straight to heaven? Yes. 6. Do we have to be baptized? Yes, (1) because Our Lord wants us to be baptized; (2) because without baptism we can- not go to heaven. John 3, 5. 7. Who baptizes us? The priest. I. Cor. 1, 17. 8. Can anyone else do it? Yes, if we cannot get a priest any one that knows how may baptize. 9. How is Baptism given? The priest pours water on the head and says at the same time: “I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 10. What do we promise when we are baptized? We promise to renounce (give up) the devil and all his works and pomps. 11. Why is Baptism the first of the seven Sacraments? Because we cannot receive any of the other sacraments before we are baptized. Lesson 20 — CONFIRMATION 1. What does Confirmation do for us? 40 It makes us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ. * 2. In what does Confirmation make us strong? In our faith and our religion. * 3. Against whom will soldiers of Christ have to fight? Against sin and the devil. 4. How do they have to fight? By praying, receiving the sacraments and resist- ing temptations. *5. Who comes to us in Confirmation? The Holy Ghost. Acts 8, 14 and 17. 6. How many gifts does He bring us? Seven. 7. Which are the gifts of the Holy Ghost? (1) Wisdom, (2) Understanding, (3) Counsel, (4) Fortitude, (5) Knowledge, (6) Piety and (7) the Fear of the Lord. * 8. Who confirms you? The Bishop. 9. How does the Bishop confirm you? He holds his hands over us and prays that the Holy Ghost may come down upon us, then he makes the sign of the Cross with Holy Chrism on the forehead and gives a slight blow on the cheek. 10. Why does the Bishop give a slight blow on the cheek? To remind us that we must be ready to suffer for our faith. 41 JESUS RAISES THE DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS FROM THE DEAD 42 11. What is Holy Chrism? It is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, blessed by the Bishop. Lesson 21 — THE HOLY EUCHARIST 1. In what Sacrament do we receive the body and blood of Our Lord? In the Holy Eucharist. John 6, 52, etc. 2. When did Our Lord first give us the Holy Eucharist? At the Last Supper, the night before He died. 3. Who were with Him at the Last Supper? His twelve Apostles. Matt. 26, 26 and 28. 4. Who were the twelve Apostles? The first bishops of the Catholic Church. 5. What did Our Lord do at the Last Supper? He changed bread and wine into His real body and blood. Luke 22, 19 and 20. 6. How could Our Lord do that? Because He is God, and can do all things. 7. Did Our Lord give any one else the power to change bread and wine into His body and blood? Yes, He gave it to His Apostles and to all the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church. Luke 22, 19. 8. Can Protestant ministers do this? No, Our Lord did not give them the power. 43 9. When do the priests use this power? When they say Mass. *10. Who comes to us in the Holy Eucharist? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Explain how food is changed into our flesh and blood. How eggs are hatched into chickens, etc. Lesson 22 — THE MASS * 1. What does the priest do in the Mass? He changes bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. * 2. How can he do that? By the power which Our Lord gave him. * 3. When was the first Mass said? At the Last Supper in Jerusalem, nearly 1900 years ago. Matt. 26, 26 and 28; Luke 22, 19 and 20. * 4. Who said the first Mass? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. 5. Is the Mass the same as the Last Supper? Yes, because the priest in the Mass does what Our Lord did at the Last Supper. 6. What is that? The priest changes bread and wine into Our Lord’s body and blood. 7. Is the Mass also the same as the sacrifice of the Cross? Yes, it is. 44 8. How is it the same? Because on the Cross, Our Lord gave His body and blood for us by dying, and in the Mass He gives them by changing bread and wine into His body and blood. 9. Why do we have the Mass? To honor God, to thank Him, to obtain His graces and blessings, and to have our sins for- given. 10. What should we do at Mass? We should thank Our Lord and say our prayers. *11. When is it a mortal sin to miss Mass? On Sundays and holydays, if it is our own fault. *12. Is it good to go to Mass on other days also? Yes, it is very good. See picture — The Last Supper, page 46. Lesson 23 — HOLY COMMUNION * 1. What is Holy Communion? It is the receiving of the body and blood of Christ. I. Cor. 10, 16, I. Cor. 11, 27 and 29. * 2. How often should we receive Holy Communion? Every day if possible. * 3. How must we prepare (get ready) for Holy Communion? (1) We must pray and wish very much to 45 THE LAST SUPPER — APOSTLES RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION 46 receive Our Lord; (2) If we are in mortal sin we must go to confession. 4. What must we not do? We must not eat or drink anything after mid- night. 5. Are we ever allowed to eat or drink anything before Holy Communion? Yes, when we are very sick. 6. What must we do after Holy Communion? We must pray and thank Our Lord for coming to us. 7. Why does Our Lord wish us to receive Holy Com- munion? To feed our souls, to make us holy, and to keep us from sin. 8. Whom do we receive in Holy Communion? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Lesson 24 — CONFESSION 1. What does the Sacrament of Penance do for us? It takes away the sins committed after Baptism. 2. What must we do to have them forgiven? We must tell all our sins in Confession and feel sorry for them. John 20, 22 and 23; Cor. 5, 18. 3. What must we promise in Confession? To keep away from all sin. 4. Why does the priest give us a penance after Confession? 47 To make up for our sins. * 5. What do you mean by “a penance”? Some prayers or good works. 6. Is the Confession bad if we forget to tell some sins? No, because we did not mean to do it. 7. When is a Confession bad? When we do not wish to tell a sin, or when we are not sorry for our sins. * 8. What should you do if you are afraid to tell a sin? We should ask the priest to help us. 9. Is it a great sin to make a bad Confession? Yes, it is very great sin. 10. May a priest tell anyone what you say in Confession? No, he may never tell any one. 11. Should we be afraid to go to Confession? No, the priest will make it easy for us. 12. How often should we go to Confession? Every time we are in mortal sin. 13. How should we get ready for a good Confession? We should think of all our sins and ask God to help us to be sorry for all of them. 14. How many sins must we tell in Confession? We must tell all of them and also how often we have committed them. 15. What should we do after Confession? We should thank God and say our penance. 48 HOW TO GO TO CONFESSION Make the sign of the cross, and say: I confess to Almighty God and to you, father, that I have sin- ned. My last confession was . . . Then tell your sins ... I also accuse myself of all the sins of my past life, especially . . . Make an Act of Contrition. See Examination of Conscience, page 6. Lesson 25 — EXTREME UNCTION * 1. Which Sacrament do we receive when we are very sick? The Sacrament of Extreme Unction. Jas. 14, 15. * 2. What does that do for us? It makes us better or helps us to die well. 3. How does the priest give Extreme Unction? He prays over us and makes the sign of the Cross with holy oil on our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands and feet. 4. How often can we receive this Sacrament? Every time we are very sick. Lesson 26 — HOLY ORDERS AND MATRIMONY * 1. In what Sacrament are priests ordained? In the Sacrament of Holy Orders. * 2. Who gives this Sacrament? The Bishop. Acts 13, 3. 49 50 * 3. In what Sacrament are people married? In the Sacrament of Matrimony. Matt. 19, 6. * 4. To whom must Catholics go to be married? To their own pastor. Ephes. 5, 32. 5. Are they really married if they go to any one else, like a judge or a minister? No, they have not the power. 6. May Catholics marry Protestants? No, that is forbidden by the Church. Lesson 27 — THE SACRAMENTS IN GENERAL * 1. Which Sacraments are most necessary? Baptism and Penance. * 2. Why? Because they take away sin. 3. Which Sacraments can be received only once? Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. 4. Why? Because they make a spiritual mark on the soul. 5. How long does this mark remain? Forever. 6. Who comes to us in Confirmation? The Holy Ghost. 7. Who comes to us in Holy Communion? Our Lord, Jesus Christ. 51 SACRAMENTALS1. Why does the priest bless rosaries, holy pictures, cruci- fixes, water, candles, palms, ashes, etc.? To ask God’s blessing upon them and because they are used in serving God. I. Tim. 4, 5. Lesson 28 — THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Who gave the Ten Commandments? God gave them for all of us. Ex. 20, 1, etc. 2. Say the Ten Commandments. See page 63. 3. Why did God give us the Ten Commandments? To tell us what we should do and what we should not do to go to heaven. Matt. 19, 17. 4. What is the First Commandment? “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before me.” 5. What does it tell us to do? To worship God and pray to Him. 6. What else does the First Commandment tell us to do? To believe and hope in God, to love and serve Him. 7. May we also honor and pray to the angels and the saints? Yes, we may. 8. Why do we have crucifixes, statues and pictures of God, the angels and the saints? To make us think of God, the angels and the saints. 52 * 9. Do we ever pray to the crucifix, to statues, or holy pictures? No, they cannot hear us. See Bible History, Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. Explain how statues and pictures serve the same purpose as the photographs of our friends and relatives at home. Lesson 29 — SECOND COMMANDMENT * 1. What is the Second Commandment? “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain.” * 2. What does it tell us to do? To love and honor the name of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ. * 3. What does it tell us not to do? We must not curse or swear nor use any other bad words. * 4. Is it a sin to curse and swear? Yes. 5. What is a vow? A vow is a promise to God to do something good. Ecc. 5, 3. Note— Give example of vows and explain more about profane language. Lesson 30 — THIRD COMMANDMENT * 1. Say the Third Commandment? “Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day.” * 2. What does it tell us to do? 53 THE ASCENSION — JESUS GOES UP TO HEAVEN 54 To go to Mass on Sundays and holydays. 3. What else should we do on Sundays? We should pray more, read good books and do good works. * 4. What should we not do on Sundays? We should not do any unnecessary work. 5. What kind of work do you mean? We should not dig, saw, hammer, build, sew, bake, wash, iron, clean house, etc., when we do not have to do it. 6. Is it a sin, to cook, make beds, drive a car or run buses on Sunday? No, because that is necessary. * 7. Is it a sin to play games on Sunday? No, if we do not miss Mass. HOLYDAYS OF OBLIGATION (1) Christmas, (2) New Year’s Day, (3) Ascen- sion Thursday, (4) the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, (August 15th), (5) All Saints’ Day (November 1st), (6) the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th.) Lesson 31 — FOURTH COMMANDMENT * 1. What is the Fourth Commandment? “Honor thy father and thy mother.” 55 2. What does it tell us to do? To love, honor and obey our parents, pastors and teachers. 3. How do you love and honor your parents? By being good to them and using them well. 4. When do you obey your parents? When we do all they wish us to do. 5. How can we tell that children love their parents? When they treat them well and try to please them. Tob. 4, 3; Eccl. 29 and 30. 6. Why should children love their parents? Because parents love their children and do so much for them. Col. 3, 20. 7. Should children also help their parents? Yes, they should work for them and help them in every way. Eccl 3, 14. 8. What does the Fourth Commandment tell us not to do? We should not disobey our parents, talk back to them, make trouble for them or make them angry or feel bad. Deut. 21, 18, etc. 9. Must we obey the officers of the city, state and country? Yes, all the officers of the law. See pictures — Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple, page 26; Jesus Helps St. Joseph With His Work, page 30. Also Bible History, Isaac, etc. Children should not make fun of old peo- ple, the poor or cripples, etc. Eliseus and the 42 bad boys devoured by bears. Lesson 32 — FIFTH COMMANDMENT *1. Say the Fifth Commandment. 56 “Thou shalt not kill.” *2. What does it tell us not to do? Not to kill any person. *3. What else must we not do? Not to strike or hurt others, not to get angry or to fight, quarrel or give bad examples. Matt. 18, 7. *4. What else must we not do? We must not eat or drink too much, go into bad and dangerous places, not help others to steal, not teach them to say nasty words or do bad things. Luke 21, 24. 5. Is it a sin to kill animals? No, not if we need them. Explain how we need their flesh, wool, feathers, hides, etc. Lesson 33 — SIXTH COMMANDMENT *1. Say the Sixth Commandment. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” *2. What does it tell us to do? To be always good and pure. Apoc. 21, 8. * 3. What does it tell us not to do? Not to think or talk about bad things. * 4. What else does it tell us not to do? Not to look at bad things or go to bad shows. 5. What else? Not to look at nasty pictures or read bad books. 57 58 *6. What else does it tell us not to do? Not to do bad things alone or with others. 7. Is it a sin to go with bad companions? Yes, it is a sin. 8. What should you do when other children say or do bad things? We should tell our parents or teachers. 9. What should you do when you are tempted to think or do bad things? We should pray and remember that God and our Guardian Angel see and hear all such things. Lesson 34 — SEVENTH COMMANDMENT * 1. Say the Seventh Commandment. “Thou shalt not steal.’ ’ * 2. What is stealing? Stealing means taking things we have no right to. I. Cor. 6, 10. 3. What else is forbidden? To tear, break or spoil other people’s things. Note — Give examples. 4. What else should we do? We must remember to bring back what we have borrowed and pay our debts. * 5. What must we do if we have stolen or spoiled things? * We must give them back or pay for them. 59 6. Must we tell people that we stole when we give anything back or pay for it? No, but we must tell it in confession. 7. What should we do if we see other children steal? We must tell them not to do it. 8. But what if they do it anyway? We should quietly tell their parents or teacher. Lesson 35 — EIGHTH COMMANDMENT 1. What is the Eighth Commandment? “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” 2. What does it tell us to do? Always to speak the truth. Prov. 12, 22. 3. What does it tell us not to do? Not to think or talk bad about anybody and not to tell lies. 4. May we ever tell a lie? No, it is always sinful. John 8, 44; Eccl. 20, 26. 5. What must we do when we have told a lie about somebody? We must take it back. 6. May we tell all we know about people when we are angry with them? No, we should never say bad things about anybody. Jas. 3, 2. 7. Is it a sin to get angry? 60 Yes, it is. See Bible History, Annanias and Saphira punished for lying. Lesson 36 — NINTH and TENTH COMMANDMENTS 1. Say the Ninth Commandment. ‘‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” 2. What does the word “covet” mean? To wish for something very much. 3. What does the Ninth Commandment tell us not to do? It tell us not to wish, to think, see, read, or do impure things. Matt. 5, 8. 4. What is the Tenth Commandment? “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” 5. What does it tell us not to do? It tells us not to wish for things which belong to other people. 6. What else? We must not feel bad when other people have things, or have more and better things than we. 7. Who is our neighbor? Everybody. John 15, 12. 8. What does Our Lord say we should do to our neighbor? He tells us to love our neighbor as we love our- selves. 9. Can we love everybody? Yes, if we try. 61 Gal. 6, 10. 10. Must we also love those who do not love us? Yes, and we should pray for them, speak to them, and make up with them. Matt. 5, 44. Lesson 37 — COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH 1. How many Commandments of the Church are there? Six. 2. What does the First Commandment of the Church tell us to do? It tells us to hear Mass on Sundays and holy- days of obligation. 3. What does the Second Commandment tell us to do? To fast and abstain on certain days. Explain the meaning of “fast and abstinence.” 4. What does the Third Commandment tell us to do? To go to Confession at least once a year. 5. What does the Fourth Commandment tell us to do? To receive Holy Communion during Easter time. 6. What does the Fifth Commandment tell us to do? To give money to keep up our church and school. 7. W7hat does the Sixth Commandment tell us to do? To be married by a priest according to the laws of the Church. 8. Is it a sin to break the Commandments of the Church? Yes, it is a sin. 62 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have any strange gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. 4. Honor thy father and thy mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH 1. To hear Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation. 2. To fast and abstain on the days commanded. 3. To confess our sins at least once a year. 4. To receive worthily the blessed Eucharist at Easter or within the time appointed. 5. To contribute to the support of our pastors. 6. Not to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times, nor to marry persons within the forbidden degrees of kindred, or otherwise prohibited by the Church, nor clandestinely. 63 INDEX Daily Prayers 3 Examination of Conscience 6 Prayers Before and After Communion 8 1 — God 9 2 — The Unity and Trinity 11 3 — God’s Presence 12 4 — Why We Are On Earth 13 5 — Heaven and Hell 15 6 — Purgatory 17 7 — Angels 19 8 — The Sign of the Cross 20 § — Sin 21 10 — Original Sin 24 11 — Our Saviour 25 12 — Life of Our Lord 28 13 — The Ascension 31 14 — The Holy Ghost 32 15 — The True Church 32 16 — Judgment 35 17 — Grace 36 18 — Prayer 37 19 — The Sacraments — Baptism 39 20 — Confirmation 40 21 — The Holy Eucharist 43 22 —- The Mass 44 23 — Holy Communion 45 24 — Confession 47 How To Go To Confession 49 25 — Extreme Unction 49 26 — Holy Orders and Matrimony 49 27 — The Sacraments In General 51 Sacramentals 52 28 — The Ten Commandments 52 29 — Second Commandment 53 30 — Third Commandment 53 Holydays of Obligation 55 31 — Fourth Commandment 55 32 — Fifth Commandment 56 33 — Sixth Commandment 57 34 — Seventh Commandment 59 35 — Eighth Commandment 60 36 — Ninth and Tenth Commandments 61 37 — Commandments of the Church 62 The Ten Commandments 63 The Commandments of the Church 63 ILLUSTRATIONS The Creation 10 Jesus Driving the Sellers Guardian Angels 14 from the Temple 38 The Annunciation 18 Jesus Raises the Daughter Birth of Jesus 22 of Jairus from the dead 42 Finding the Child Jesus 26 The Last Supper 46 Jesus Helps St. Joseph 30 The Crucifixion 50 Jesus Blesses the The Ascension 54 Little Children 34 Descent of the Holy Ghost 58 This book was set in Linotype “Textype”, which, as its name implies, is specifically a contemporary text book face. It is clear, readable and graceful, and is a member of the newly developed L inotype Legibility Group of type faces.