God's little ones (Eottfratenttg of (Eljrtsitan Boctrim God’s Little Ones Second Semester Copyright by the Parochial School Publications , Inc. Detroit , Michigan Printed in U. S. A. Spec APOSTLES* CREED 1. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead: He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; 2 . from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. GRACE BEFORE MEALS Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ Our Lord. . Amen. ACT OF CONTRITION 3. 0 my God I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee and I detest all my sins, because of your just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. 1 firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen. Jesus left His home when He was a man. Jesus went down to the Jordan River. Saint John was there* Saint John took some water. Saint John poured the water on the head of Jesus. Saint John baptized Jesus. A voice from Heaven said: % “This is My Son.” Jesus Christ is God. Once you were a little baby. Original Sin was on your soul. The priest poured some water on your head. The priest said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Baptism is a Sacrament. Baptism takes away Original Sin. Baptism gives us God's grace. Baptism makes us children of God. 6. JESUS - OUR FRIEND One day a mother came to Jesus. “Dear Jesus, help my sick child.” Jesus blessed the child. The child was well again. A man said, “I cannot walk.” Jesus blessed the man. He could walk again. God will help us. God helps all who ask Him. When we pray, we talk to God TEACH US TO PRAY 7. Jesus is with His Apostles. “Teach us to pray,” one said. Jesus said, “When you pray, say, “Our Father Who art in Heaven.” God is our Father. God made us. God watches over us. God gives us all that we have. Let us say the “Our Father” each day. God will help us if we pray. 8 . WE PRAY We must pray slowly. We think of what we say. We kneel up straight when we pray. Each morning we should pray. Each night we should pray. We should pray before we eat. We should pray after our meals. We should pray at Holy Mass. God hears our prayers. J p IJjSsillllI 1 L_J 9 . This is My Body. This is My Blood. 10. THE LAST SUPPER It was the night before Jesus died. Jesus was with His Apostles. Jesus took bread in His hands. Jesus blessed the bread. Jesus said, “Take and eat. This is My Body.” The bread became the Body of Jesus. Jesus took a cup of wine. Jesus blessed the wine. Jesus said,“This is My Blood. The wine became the Blood of Jesus. Jesus gave the Apostles His Body and Blood. Jesus will give us His Body and Blood. 11 .JESUS PRAYS It was the night before Jesus died. Jesus went to a garden to pray Jesus was very sad. Jesus was sad about the sins of the world. Big drops of blood came on the face of Jesus. Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven. My sins made Jesus sad. Dear Jesus, I am very sorry for all my sins. 12 . THE CROSS Jesus took His Cross up the hill. The name of the hill was Calvary. This was the first Good Friday. Jesus fell down three times. The Cross was very heavy. My sins made the Cross heavy. Jesus gave His life for me. The soldiers put Jesus on the Cross. See the big nails in the feet of Jesus. See the big nails in the hands of Jesus. Jesus died on the Cross. Jesus died for my sins. Two men took Jesus down from the Cross. They put the Body of Jesus in a grave. 14. EASTER SUNDAY It is Easter Sunday morning. The holy women came to the grave of Jesus. The women saw an angel. The angel said, “Jesus is not here. Jesus is risen. Go, tell His Apostles.” The women told the Apostles. They said, “Jesus is not dead. He is risen. He is risen.” ASCENSION DAY 15 . Forty days after Easter, Jesus was with the Apostles. Jesus took the Apostles up on a hill. Jesus said/ ‘You are My friends You will take My place. You will do My work. Teach all people to know God. Baptize all people.” Jesus went up to Heaven. We call this great day Ascension Thursday. PENANCE16 . See the boy and girl. The boy speaks to the priest. He tells the priest his sins. Soon the girl will tell her sins to the priest. The priest can take away sin. Jesus said to the Apostles, “You can take away sins.” Penance is a Sacrament. Penance takes away all sins after Baptism. PENANCE 17 . We tell the priest all our sins. The priest takes the place of Our Lord. We must be very sorry for our sins. Sin is against God. God loves us very much. God is our best friend. God hates sin. We must hate sin too. We tell God we are sorry for our sins. We tell God we will do better. The priest takes away our sins for God. Penance is a Sacrament. Penance takes away all sins after Baptism. 18 . GOD'S HOME The Church is the home of God. See the boys and girls. They are in Church. They are praying. They say, “Good morning, dear Jesus. Dear Jesus, I love you." The Church is the home of Jesus. Jesus waits for us in His home. He wishes us to. come to Him. GOD’S HOME 19 . How good we must always be in Church. We do not talk in Church to other boys and girls. We do not laugh in Church. We do not make others talk. We do not make others laugh. We do not look around when we are in Church. We pray in Church. When we pray, we talk to God. Jesus is on the altar. We are in His home. Jesus is glad to see us. The Church is God’s home. 20. AT HOLY MASS We go to Mass each Sunday. This is God’s holy law. At Mass the priest tells us about God. The priest says, “Dear children, God sees you God loves you. Your Church is God’s home. Jesus is here to bless you. Jesus is here to help you. You must pray every day. AT HOLY MASS 21. When you pray, use God’s name. Never use God’s name in any other way. Go to Mass on Sunday. Do all that your mother and father wish you to do. Be kind to others. Be pure in all you say and do. DO NOT take what is not yours Always tell what is true. Do not eat meat on Friday. These are God’s holy laws.” The priest tells us about God. We must listen to the priest at Mass. 22. THE PRIEST AT MASS See the boys and girls at Mass. They pray at Mass. We must pray at Mass. Jesus prayed at the Last Supper. Jesus took bread in His hands. He blessed the bread. Jesus said,“This is My Body.” The bread became the Body of Jesus. Jesus took a cup of wine. THE PRIEST AT MASS 23 Jesus said, “This is My Blood.’ The wine became the Blood of Jesus. The priest takes bread and wine at Mass. The priest says, “This is My Body.” The bread becomes the Body of Jesus. The priest says, “This is My Blood.” The wine becomes the Blood of Christ. The priest changes bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. The priest prays for us at Mass. Jesus gave the Apostles His Body and Blood. It was the night of the Last Supper. Jesus said, 4 ‘Take and eat. This is My Body.” Jesus said,“Take and drink. This is My Blood.” One day Jesus will come to us. He will give us His Body and His Blood. Jesus will come in the little white host. FIRST COMMUNION 25 . Jesus will come in Holy Communion. How good God is! He gave us our body and soul. He gave us our home. All that we have comes from God. God came down to earth on Christmas Day. He lives in our Church. He takes away our sins. He gives us His Body and Blood in Holy Communion. God loves us very much. 26. FIRST COMMUNION Jesus gave the Apostles His Body and Blood. It was the night of the Last Supper. How happy the Apostles were! One day Jesus will give Himself to me. Jesus will come in Holy Communion. The God of Heaven will come to me. How good God is! FIRST COMMUNION 27. Jesus comes only to His friends. There must be no big sin in my soul when Jesus comes. Confession takes away big sins. It makes us friends of God. We go to Holy Communion “fasting”. We may not eat anything after twelve o’clock at night. We may not drink anything after twelve o’clock at night. We go to Holy Communion fasting. We thank Jesus for coming to us. 28 . FACTS I MUST KNOW GOD 1. God is the creator of Heaven and of earth. 2. God made me. 3. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. 4. God is everywhere. 5. God knows and sees all things. ONE GOD 6. There is only one God. 7. There are three persons in God: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 8. We call the three persons in one God the Blessed Trinity. 29 . ADAM AND EVE9. The first man and woman were Adam and Eve. 10. Adam and Eve did not obey God. 11. The sin of Adam and Eve is called Original Sin. 12. Original Sin comes down to us. JESUS CHRIST 13. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. 14. Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day in the Stable of Bethlehem. • 15. Jesus Christ is true God and true Man. 16. The Blessed Virgin Mary 30 . is the Mother of Jesus. 17. Jesus ehanged bread and wine into His Body and Blood at the Last Supper. 18. Jesus died on the Cross on Good Friday. 19. Jesus came back from the dead on Easter Sunday. 20. Jesus went back to Heaven on Ascension Day. SIN 21. Sin is anything we do, think, or say against the law of God. BAPTISM 22. The Sacrament of Baptism takes Original Sin from . our soul. 23. Baptism makes us 31 .children of God. PENANCE 24. Penance is the Sacrament which takes away all sin after Baptism. 25. We must tell all our sins to the priest in Confession. 26. We must be sorry for our sins. 27. We must tell God that we will not sin again. 28. We must say the prayers which the priest gives us to say. HOLY EUCHARIST 29. Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of Our Lord’s Body and Blood. 30. There must be no big sin 32 . on the soul when we receive Holy Communion. 31. Those who receive Holy Communion must not eat or drink anything after midnight. SUNDAY 32. We must go to Mass on Sunday. 33. We must be on time for Mass. 34. We must pray at Holy Mass. FRIDAY 35. We may not eat meat on Friday. *3^73*3 Imprimatur: Edward Cardinal Mooney Hh Archbishop of Detroit March 1,1946