The way of the Cross. TK€. W<^Y ° ^ CroS^. f^QL^G’oh he- C.l OFTHE CROSS THE POPULAR LITURGICAL LIBRARY Series III No. 7 The Way of the Cross Adapted from an Old Latin Compilation of Liturgical and Biblical Texts Fourth Edition The Liturgical Press CoLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA 1942 IMPRIMI POTEST; *ALCUINUS DEUTSCH, O.S.B., Abbas S* Joan, Bapt. NIHIL OBSTAT; C. THIBAUT, Censor deputatus. IMPRIMATUR: *JOSEPHUS F. BUSCH, Episcopus S. Clodoaldi, Dec. 13, 1937. The cover design is the work of Miss A. de Bethune and Mr. William Cladek. The Latin words are from the consecration formula of the Mass: “Take, ye all, and dHnk of this.” .COPYRIGHT 1938 THE ORDER OF ST. BENEDICT, INC. Collegeville,. Minnesota ENTRANCE SONG 1. At the cross her sta-tion keep-ing 2. Through her heart His sor-row shar-ing, 1. Stood the mourn-ful 2. All His bit - ter Mo “ ther weep - ing an - guish bear - ing, 1. Close to Je - sus to the last. 2. Now at length the sword had passed. All the stanzas in these pages are from the sequence of the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Stabat Mater). They are to he sung by the entire con- gregation according to the above melody. The responses ^ marked R, are likewise said aloud by all. 3 PREPARATORY PRAYER In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. In a spirit of humility and with a contrite heart, we ofter unto Thee, eternal Father, this tribute of our worship, that it may re- dound to Thy honor and glory, and may avail us and all faithful Christians, both living and dead, unto the forgiveness of sins and the attainment of life everlasting/ J. IT BEHOOVES US TO GLORY IN THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Pv. IN WHOM IS OUR SALVATION, LIFE AND RESURRECTION.2 Let Us Pray O God, who in the passion of Thy Son didst show us the path to eternal glory by the way of the cross: graciously grant that as by our prayers we now follow Him to the place of Calvary, so we may also share His triumph with Him for all eternity. Who liveth and reigneth with Thee for ever and ever.^ R. AMEN. OH, HOW SAD AND SORE DISTRESSED WAS THAT MOTHER HIGHLY BLESSED OF THE SOLE-BEGOTTEN ONE! CHRIST ABOVE IN TORMENT HANGS; SHE BENEATH BEHOLDS THE PANGS OF HER DYING GLORIOUS SON. 1 Compiled from offertory prayers of the Mass. 2 Introit of Holy Thursday. 3 Rite of the erection of the Stations of the Cross. 4 FIRST STATION Jesus Is Condemned to Death J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. R. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD.i And in the morning the chief priests and the whole council, binding Jesus, led Him away and delivered Him to Pilate. And they all condemned Him and said: He is guilty of death. And Pilate sat in the place of judg- ment and delivered Him to them to be crucified.^ y. GOD SPARED NOT HIS ONLY SON. BUT DETLIVERED HIM UP FOR ALL OF US.s Let Us Pray O Lord, Jesus Christ, who didst come down to earth from the bosom of the Father in Heaven and didst shed Thy precious blood for the remission of our sins; we humbly beseech Thee, that on the day of judgment we may be found worthy to be on Thy right hand and to hear Thy words: Come, ye blessed of My Father! Who livest and reign- est for ever and ever.^ AMEN. WHO, ON CHRIST’S DEAR MOTHER GAZING PIERCED BY ANGUISH SO AMAZING, BORN OF WOMAN, WOULD NOT WEEP? 1 Tract of Votive Mass of the Holy Cross. 2Mk. 15:1, Mt. 26:66, and Jn. 19:16. 3 First antiphon of Lauds for Good Friday (Rom. 8:32). 4 Collect, Votive Mass of the Passion of Our Lord. 5 SECOND STATION Jesus Takes Up His Gross y. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And bearing His cross He went forth to that place which is called Calvary. Hail, O Christ our King! Thou alone hast had pity on the folly of our sins. Obedient to the Father, Thou art led forth to be crucified, like an innocent lamb to the slaughter. To Thee be glory; to Thee be triumph and victory; to Thee the crown of highest honor and acclaim J. THE LORD HATH LAID ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL. FOR THE WICKEDNESS OF HIS PEOPLE HE HATH STRICKEN HIM .2 Let Us Pray O Lord, who hast said: My yoke is sweet and My burden is light: grant that we may be able so to carry it as to obtain Thy grace. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.*^ B. AMEN. WHO, ON CHRIST’S DEAR MOTHER THINKING, SUCH A CUP OF SORROW DRINKING, WOULD NOT SHARE HER SORROWS DEEP? IJn. 19:17 and Alleluia Verse (Paschal Time) of Votive Mass of the Passion of Our Lord. 2 Is. 53:6 and 8. 3 Vesting prayer before Mass. 6 THIRD STATION Jesus Falls the First Time Under the Cross J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself unto death, even to the death of the cross. For which cause God hath exalted Him and hath given Him a name that is above every name. Gome, let us adore and bow down before God, let us weep in the presence of the Lord who made us, for He is indeed the Lord our God.^ y. SURELY HE HATH BORNE OUR INFIRMl- TIES. AND HE HATH CARRIED OUR SORROWS.^ Let Us Pray Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we, who fail in so many adversities through our own weakness, may take heart again through the pleading of the passion of Thine only-begotten Son. Who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever.^ AMEN. BRUISED, DERIDED, CURSED, DEFILED, SHE BEHELD HER TENDER CHILD ALL WITH BLOODY SCOURGES RENT. 1 Epistle of Palm Sunday (Philip. 2:8-9) and Ps. 94:6-7 of daily Matins. 2Is. 53:4. 3^Collect, Monday in Holy Week. 7 FOURTH STATION Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother y. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. To what shall I compare thee; or to what shall I liken thee, O virgin daughter of Jeru- salem? For great as the sea is thy distress. O Mother of mercy, grant that we may ever realize in ourselves the death of Jesus and may share with Him in His saving passion.^ y. A SWORD OF SORROW HATH PIERCED THY SOUL. AND HATH FILLED THY HEART WITH BITTER PAIN.2 Let Us Pray O Lord Jesus Christ, grant that now and in the hour of our death we may obtain the favor of Thy mercy through the pleading of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose soul was pierced with a sword of sorrow in the hour of Thy passion. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.^ AMEN. O THOU MOTHER, FONT OF LOVE, TOUCH MY SPIRIT FROM ABOVE, MAKE MY HEART WITH THINE ACCORD. ILam. of Jer. 2:13 and Stabat Mater. 2Lk. 2:35 and Job 9:18, 3 Collect, Votive Mass of the Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M. s FIFTH STATION Simon of Gyrene Is Forced to Take Up the Cross J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And as they led Him away, they laid hold of one Simon of Gyrene, a passer-by, and forced him to take up the cross of Jesus* And they laid the cross on him, to carry after Jesus.^ J. WHOEVER DOES NOT CARRY HIS CROSS AND COME AFTER ME. B. CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE.2 Let Us Pray Receive our prayers, O Lord, and be ap- peased, and in Thy mercy subdue to Thy service even our rebellious wills. Through Christ our Lord.^ B. AMEN. FOR THE SINS OF HIS OWN NATION, SAW HIM HANG IN DESOLATION, TILL HIS SPIRIT FORTH HE SENT. iMt. 27:32, Mk. 15:21, and Lk. 23:26. 2Lk. 14 :27. 3 Secret, Saturday of Fourth Week in Lent. 9 SIXTH STATION Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus y. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. Lo, we have seen Him, and there is no beauty in Him nor comeliness; He is de- spised and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with infirmity. His countenance is as it were hidden, whereupon we esteemed Him not. His appearance is inglorious among men, and His form among the children of men. And yet He is the beautiful one above all the sons of men, and by His bruises we are healed.^ y. TURN NOT THY FACE AWAY FROM US. AND WITHDRAW NOT FROM THY SERV- ANTS IN THINE ANGER.2 Let Us Pray O God, who dost renew us to Thine image by the precious blood of Jesus Christ Thy Son: lead our footsteps in Thy paths, so that we may truly obtain the gift of Thy divine charity. Through the same Christ our Lord.^ n. AMEN. MAKE ME FEEL AS THOU HAST FELT; MAKE MY SOUL TO GLOW AND MELT WITH THE LOVE OF CHRIST MY LORD. 1 Third Responsory, Tenebrae of Holy Thursday, Is. 53:3, 52:14, Ps. 44:3. 2Ps. 26:9. 3 Secret “For Charity.” 10 SEVENTH STATION Jesus Falls a Second Time J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. They delivered Me into the hands of the impious, they cast Me out amongst the wicked, and they spared not My souL The powerful gathered together against Me, and like giants they stood against Me. And striking Me with cruel wounds, they mocked Me.^ J. BUT I AM A WORM AND NO MAN. THE REPROACH OF MEN AND THE OUT- CAST OF THE PEOPLE.2 Let Us Pray O God, who by the humility of Thy Son hast lifted up a fallen world: grant to Thy faithful people abiding joy; that those whom Thou hast delivered from the perils of eternal death, may come to enjoy unending happiness. Through the same Christ our Lord.^ AMEN. HOLY MOTHER, PIERCE ME THROUGH. IN MY HEART EACH WOUND RENEW OF MY SAVIOUR CRUCIFIED. LET ME SHARE WITH THEE HIS PAIN, WHO FOR ALL MY SINS WAS SLAIN, WHO FOR ME IN TORMENTS DIED, 1 Seventh Responsory, Tenebrae of Good Friday, First Respon- sory, ibid, 2Ps, 21:7. 3 Collect, Second Sunday after Easter. 11 EIGHTH STATION Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And there followed Him a great multitude of people and of women who bewailed and lamented Him. But Jesus turning to them said: Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.^ J. THEY THAT SOW IN TEARS. SHALL REAP IN JOY.2 Let Us Pray O God, who dost choose rather to have mercy than to be angry with those who hope in Thee: grant that we may truly grieve for the evil we have done, and so deserve to obtain the grace of Thy consolation. Through Christ our Lord.^ AMEN. LET ME MINGLE TEARS WITH THEE, MOURNING HIM WHO MOURNED FOR ME, ALL THE DAYS THAT I MAY LIVE. iLk. 23:27-28. 2Ps. 125:5. 3 Prayer for the People, Saturday of Fourth Week in Lent. 12 NINTH STATION Jesus Falls a Third Time J, WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. P^, BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. My people, what have I done to thee, or in what have I grieved thee? Answer Me. I brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and thou hast led Me to the gibbet of the cross. Forty years I fed thee with manna in the desert, and thou hast beaten Me with blows and scourges. What more ought I do for thee that I have not done?^ J, HE WAS LED AS A SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER. AND HE WAS MUTE AS A LAMB BEFORE THE SHEARER.2 Let Us Pray Guard us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, in Thy ever-present mercy; and since without Thee weak man must fail, keep us ever by Thy help from all things harmful, and lead us to all things profitable unto our salvation. Through Christ our Lord.^ AMEN. BY THE CROSS WITH THEE TO STAY; THERE WITH THEE TO WEEP AND PRAY; THIS I ASK OF THEE TO GIVE. 1 Reproaches of Good Friday. 2 Is. 53:7. 3 Collect, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. 13 TENTH STATION Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And they came to the place that is called Golgotha, which is the place of Calvary. And they gave Him wine to drink, mingled with gall. And when He had tasted. He would not drink. And they divided His garments, casting lots; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: They divided My garments among them ; and upon My vesture they cast lots.^ y. THEY GAVE ME GALL FOR MY FOOD. AND IN MY THIRST THEY GAVE ME VINEGAR TO DRINK.2 Let Us Pray Strip us, O Lord, of our former self with its evil deeds and ways; and clothe us with that new nature which is created after the manner of God in justice and in holiness of truth. Through Christ our Lord.^ AMEN. VIRGIN, OF ALL VIRGINS BLESTI LISTEN TO MY FOND REQUEST: * LET ME SHARE THY GRIEF WITH THEE. iMt. 27:33-35. 2Ps. 68:22. 3 Rite of religious profession. 14 ELEVENTH STATION Jesus Is Nailed to the Gross J, WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified Him there, and with Him two thieves, one on the right and the other on the left, and Jesus in the midst. My people, what have I done to thee? I have exalted thee with great power, and thou hast hanged Me on the gibbet of the cross.^ J. THEY HAVE PIERCED MY HANDS AND FEET. THEY HAVE NUMBERED ALL MY BONES.2 Let Us Pray O God, who by the passion of Thine only- begotten Son, and by the five wounds from which His blood was poured, didst repair the evil wrought by sin in our human nature: grant, we beseech Thee, that we who here on earth revere the wounds which He re- ceived, may be worthy to obtain in Heaven the fruit of His most precious blood. Through the same Christ our Lord.^ AMEN. LET ME TO MY LATEST BREATH, IN MY BODY BEAR THE DEATH OF THAT DYING SON OF THINE. iLk. 23:33, Jn. 19:18 and Reproaches of Good Friday. 2Pg. 21:17-18. 3 Collect, Feast of the Five Wounds. 15 TWELFTH STATION Jesus Dies on the Cross T. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. R. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. When Jesus therefore had seen His mother and the disciple whom He loved, He said to His mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that He saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And Jesus, when He had taken the vinegar, said: It is consummated. And again, crying with a loud voice. He said: Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit. And bowing His head. He gave up the ghost.^ J. CHRIST FOR OUR SAKE BECAME OBE- DIENT UNTO DEATH. R. EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS.3 Let Us Pray O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who at the sixth hour didst mount the gibbet of the cross for the redemption of the world, and didst shed Thy precious blood for the remission of our sins: grant us, we humbly beseech Thee, that after our death we may enter with joy the gates of Paradise. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.^ R. AMEN. LET HIS STRIPES AND SCOURGING SMITE ME, AT HIS HOLY CROSS REQUITE ME, LET HIS BLOOD REFRESH ME THERE. IJn. 19:26, 27, and 30 and Lk. 23:46 (Fifth Responsory of Tenebrae of Good Friday). 2Versicle of Good Friday (Philip, 2:8). 3 Postcommunion, Votive Mass of the Passion of Our Lord. 16 THIRTEENTH STATION I'lie Body of Jesus Is Placed m the Arms Of His Mother J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. Pk. because by thy holy cross thou HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. O ail ye that pass by the way, stop, and consider if there be any sorrow like to my sorrow. Mine eyes have failed with weeping ; my whole being is troubled, and my strength is poured out upon the earth, as I behold the cruel death of my Son, for the enemy hath prevailed against Him. Call me not Noemi (that is, beautiful), but call me Mara (that is, bitter), for the Almighty hath quite filled me with bitterness.^ J. THE TEARS ARE ON HER CHEEKS. R. AND THERE IS NONE TO COMFORT HER.2 Let Us Pray O God, at whose passion, as Simeon had foretold, a sword of sorrow pierced the sweet soul of Mary, the glorious Virgin Mother: grant that we, who reverently recall her an- guish and suffering, may obtain the blessed fruits of Thy redemption. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.^ AMEN. WHEN THE FLAMES OF HELL WOULD END ME AT THE JUDGMENT DAY, DEFEND ME, GENTLE VIRGIN, WITH THY PRAYER. iLam. of Jer. 1:12, 2:11, 1:16, Ruth 1:20. 2 Lam. of Jer. 1:2. 3 Collect, Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M. 17 FOURTEENTH STATION Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb J. WE ADORE THEE, O CHRIST, AND WE PRAISE THEE. R. BECAUSE BY THY HOLY CROSS THOU HAST REDEEMED THE WORLD. And Joseph, having taken down the body of Jesus, wrapped it up in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in a rock. And he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb.^ V. THOU WILT NOT LEAVE MY SOUL IN HELL. NOR WILT THOU GIVE THY HOLY ONE TO SEE CORRUPTION.2 Let Us Pray O God, who hast left us a record of Thy passion in the holy shroud, wherein Joseph wrapped Thy sacred body when taken down from the cross: mercifully grant that through Thy death and burial we may be brought to the glory of Thy resurrection. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.^ I^. AMEN. CHRIST, WHEN THOU SHALT CALL ME HENCE, BE THY MOTHER MY DEFENSE, BE THY CROSS MY VICTORY. WHILE MY BODY HERE DECAYS, MAY MY SOUL THY GOODNESS PRAISE, SAFE IN PARADISE WITH THEE. iMt. 27:59-60. 2Ps. 15:10. 3 Collect, Feast of the Holy Shroud. 18 CONCLUDING PRAYER Let Us Pray O God, who in order to drive far from us the power of the enemy, didst will that Thy Son should suffer for us on the cross: grant, we beseech Thee, that we who rejoice in honoring that same holy cross, may likewise everywhere rejoice in Thy loving care and obtain the grace of resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord.^ He. AMEN. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT O SALUTARIS HOSTIA, QUAE CAELI PANDIS OSTIUM, BELLA PREMUNT HOSTILIA, DA ROBUR, PER AUXILIUM. UNI TRINOQUE DOMINO, SIT SEMPITERNA GLORIA: QU! VITAM SINE TERMINO NOBIS DONET IN PATRIA. AMEN. TANTUM ERGO SACRAMENTUM VENEREMUR CERNUI: ET ANTIQUUM DOCUMENTUM NOVO CEDAT RITUI; PRAESTET FIDES SUPPLEMENTUM SENSUUM DEFECTUI. 1 Second collect, Wednesday of Holy Week, and collect of the Votive Mass of the Holy Cross. 19 GENITORI, GENITOQUE LAUS ET JUBILATIO, SALUS, HONOR, VIRTUS QUOQUE SIT ET BENEDICTIO: PROCEDENTI AB UTROQUE COMPAR SIT LAUDATIO. J. PANEM DE COELO PRAESTITISTI EIS. (/TV PASCHAL TIME ADD: ALLELUIA.) OMNE DELECTAMENTUM IN SE HA- BENTEM. (ALLELUIA.) Oremus. Dens, qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabili Passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti: tribue, quaesumus : ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae frueturn in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. li. AMEN. Psalm 116 LAUDATE DOMINUM OMNES GENTES: LAU- DATE EUM OMNES POPULI. QUONIAM CONFIRMATA EST SUPER NOS MISERICORDIA EJUS: ET VERITAS DOMINI MANET IN AETERNUM. GLORIA PATRI ET FILIO, ET SPIRITUI SANCTO. SICUT ERAT IN PRINCIPIO, ET NUNC ET SEMPER, ET IN SAECULA SAECULORUM. AMEN. 20