Novena of Our Lady's rosary : with meditations and indulgences i s \i Mc-Ca-fffe^ , Herrera a . UoizrQ of oor L&dij'& ficsc*ru , Aet 7/dd ( wdu ) ^ \ ; ! 1 V y V i i \ / \ Or. /, 1 : V!C hf .?', h\' . >. . • ) I ) V A t ; i .w iM .::s aiv!) iN^uiG! ::c;a •Siy » A. HcCaT) kv.v AA.C ?0O Imprimi Potest : George S. De Prizio, C.S.C. Provincial Nihil Obstat : Myles M. Bourke, S.T.D. Censor librorum Imprimatur : Francis Cardinal Spellman, D.D. Archbishop of New York November 4, 1959. The illustrations of the fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary are reproductions of the original mosaics at Lourdes, through the courtesy of Rev. Robert E. Southard. NOVENA OF OUR LADY’S ROSARY with MEDITATIONS AND INDULGENCES by Bernard A. McCaffrey, C.S.C. Dedicated to my Mother W- H. LITHO Co. New York, N. Y. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Rosary 4 Rosary Encyclical 7 The Recitation of the Rosary 16 How to Say the Rosary 19 Prayers of the Rosary 20 The Joyful Mysteries 23 Prayer After the Recitation 34 The Sorrowful Mysteries 35 Prayer After the Recitation 46 The Glorious Mysteries 47 Prayer After the Recitation 58 Indulgences to be Gained for the Recitation of the Rosary 59 The 54 Day Rosary Novena 63 Novena Daily Record Chart 64 Osatitiied Queen of the most holy Rosary , pray for us. Indulgence of 300 days (The Raccolta) 3 THE ROSARY THE ROSARY devotion was given toSt. Dominic by the Mother of God in the thirteenth century to overcome the heresy of the Albigenses who were materia- lists much like the Communists of our own day. The Rosary Crusade of Dominic was successful and the Albigenses were defeated. As a result devotion to the Beads spread throughout the Christian world. The origin of the word “Rosary” is attributed to the vision of the Blessed Virgin seen standing by a young man who was reciting his “AVES.” As he said the “HAIL MARYS” the Blessed Virgin gathered roses which issued from his lips, and weaving a crown, placed it on his head. Besides “Rosary” from the Latin “Rosa- rium” we have “Chaplet,” “Garland,” “Crown,” from the French “Chapelet.” Throughout history when Christianity or individual Christians have been subjected to the onslaughts of the devil, the Beads have come to save and protect. “It was not valor, nor arms, nor armies that gave us victory, but Our Lady of the Rosary,” said the Venetian Senate aftei the Battle of Lepanto. And they were 4 but repeating the words of the Christian sailors. October 7th 1571 On the seventh of October, 1571, the Christian fleet under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria, son of Charles V of Spain, received Holy Communion and was given the Apostolic Blessing. For three hours before the battle they recited the Rosary. Then began the most gigantic naval engagement ever seen up to that time. Mohammedan against Christian! When victory came to the Christian fleet at Lepanto over numerically stronger forces, the Holy Father 500 miles distant, was talking with several Cardinals. Suddenly he arose, walked to the window, and look- ing towards the East, said : “Enough of business, let us thank God for the great victory He has just given our fleet.” Pius V’s words were recorded, signed and sealed, but kept from the public. Two weeks later, a courier from Venice brought the news of victory. Our Lady of Victory In thanksgiving Pius V instituted the Feast of Our Lady of Victory and granted a Plenary indulgence as often as the people 5 visited the Rosary chapel or altar in a Church where the Rosary Confraternity was established. Pope Gregory XIII later made the Feast that of the Holy Rosary. ROSARY Feast Extended to Whole Church In 1683 John Sobieski, invoking Our Lady of the Rosary, defeated the Saracens as they stormed the gates of Vienna and all Western Europe. In 1716 on the Feast of Our Lady of the Snows, Emperor Charles VI appealing to Our Lady of the Rosary conquered the Moors at Peterwarden. After another victory on Corfu in 1717 Pope Clement XI extended the Feast of the Holy Rosary to the Whole Church. THE ROSARY in Modern Times Coming closer to our own day we have the example of Pope Leo XIII who in eleven different encyclical letters on the Rosary urged the Beads as an antidote to the Rationalism and Liberalism of the nineteenth century. Pius XI exhorted its recital in the struggle against Communism and its evils. Pius XII did likewise. Pope John XXIII in the first year of his Pontificate issued the following Encyclical on the Rosary : 6 ROSARY ENCYCLICAL OF POPE JOHN XXIII Sept. 26, 1959 FROM the years of our youth there oftencomes to our mind the grateful memory of those encyclical letters which our prede- cessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, ad- dressed to the Catholic world on several occasions when the month of October was imminent, to exhort the faithful, especially during that month, to the pious practice of the holy Rosary. (1) These encyclicals, because of their con- tents, are varied, rich with wisdom, vibrant with always new inspiration and more than ever timely for our Christian life. Recalling them was a strong and persua- sive reminder to address trustful prayers to God through the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mother of God by the recita- tion of the Rosary. VERY EXCELLENT MEANS OF PRAYER AND MEDITATION The Rosary, as is known to all, is in fact a very excellent means of prayer and medi- tation in the form of a mystical crown in which the prayers “Our Father,” “Hail Mary,” and “Glory be to the Father” are 7 intertwined with meditation on the greatest mysteries of our faith and which present to the mind, like many pictures, the drama of the Incarnation of Our Lord and the Redemption. This sweet memory of our young years has nevei left us with the passing of time nor has it weakened. It has, indeed, helped — and we say this with paternal confidence — to make the holy Rosary very dear to our soul, and we never fail to recite it in its entirety every day, an act of Marian piety which above all we desire to perform with particular fervor in the month of October. In the course of this first year of our pontificate — which is drawing to a close — we have had occasion to exhort the clergy and Christian people several times to public and private prayers. But we now intend to do so with a still stronger and — we would say — more stirring exhortation for the many reasons which we will outline briefly in this encyclical. ANNIVERSARY OF PAPAL ELECTION 1. The forthcoming month of October will mark the first anniversary of the very pious death of our predecessor, Pius XII, of venerable memory, whose existence shone with so many and such great merits. 8 Twenty days later, without any merit on our part, through the hidden design of God, we were elected to the Supreme pontificate. Two Supreme Pontiffs stretched their hands out to one another as if to transmit the sacred heritage of the mystical flock and as if to proclaim together the continuity of their anxious pastoral concern and of their love for all peoples. Are not perhaps these two dates — the one of sorrow, the other of jubilation — a clear demonstration for everyone that, with the constant succession of human events, the Roman pontificate survives throughout the centuries, even though every visible head of the Catholic Church is called upon to leave this earthly exile when the time established by Providence has expired? Turning their eyes both to Pius XII and to his humble successor, in whom is per- petuated the office of the supreme pastor entrusted to St. Peter, may the faith- ful lift up to God the same prayer : “That You would preserve our Apostolic Prelate and all orders of the Church in holy religion, we beseech You, hear us.” (2) And moreover we wish to recall here that our immediate predecessor also, with the encyclical INGRUENTIUM MALORUM(3) 9 has already exhorted the faithful of the whole world, as we do today, to the pious recitation of the holy Rosary, particularly in the month of October. That encyclical contains an admonishment which we gladly repeat : “Always turn with ever-increasing confidence to the Virgin Mother of God, to whom Christians have always and princi- pally resorted in adversity, in as much as she was constituted the source of salvation for the whole human race.” (4) SUPERNATURAL PRINCIPLES INSPIRE CHURCH’S WORK II. On Oct. 11 we shall have the great joy of giving the crucifix to a large number of young missionaries who, abandoning their beloved fatherland, will assume the arduous duty of carrying the light of the Gospel to distant peoples. On the same day, in the afternoon, we wish to travel to the Janicu- lum (Hill) to celebrate with happy feelings the first centenary of the foundation of the North American College together with its superiors and students. The two ceremonies, though not set in- tentionally for the same day, have the same meaning : That is, the clear and decisive affirmation of the supernatural principles inspiring every activity of the Catholic 10 Church and the voluntary and generous dedication of her sons to the cause of mu- tual respect, of fraternity, and of peace among nations. The marvelous spectacle of these youths, who, overcoming innumerable difficulties and discomforts, offer themselves to God so that the rest of mankind “may gain Christ,” (5) both in distant lands not yet evangelized and in the immense industrial cities — where, in the whirling pulse of modern life, souls sometimes wither and allow themselves to become obsessed by earthly things — this spectacle, we repeat, is such as to move all and to encourage the vision of better days. The ardent prayer of St. Peter — “Grant to thy servants to speak Thy word with all boldness” (6) — blossoms on the lips of the aged who until now have borne the weight of these heavy responsibilities. We therefore earnestly wish that, during the coming month of October, all those sons of ours may be recommended with perma- nent prayers to the august Virgin Mary. PRAY THAT LEADERS FIND PATH TO PEACE III. There is, furthermore, another inten- tion urging us to raise more ardent prayers 11 to Jesus Christ and His most loving Mother and to which we recommend the prayers of the Sacred College of Cardinals; you, venerable brothers; the priests and conse- crated souls; the sick and the suffering; innocent children and Christian people. And this is that the men responsible for the destinies of the great and small nations, whose rights and whose immense spiritual riches must be scrupulously preserved in- tact, may attentively assess the serious duty of the present hour. We therefore pray the Lord that they may endeavor to know thoroughly the causes from which differences arise and that they may overcome them with good will and that they may above all assess the sad tally of ruin and of harm wrought by armed con- flict — from which the Lord preserve us — and that they may not place any trust in them. We pray that they may adapt civil and social legislation to the real needs of men, not forgetting eternal laws which come from God and which are the foundation and the pivot of civil life itself, and that they may always bear in mind the heavenly destiny of every single soul created by God to achieve it and enjoy it one day. One should furthermore remember that 12 there are today widespread philosophical positions and practical attitudes absolutely irreconcilable with Christian faith. We will continue with serenity, exactness and firm- ness to stress the irreconcilable nature of these concepts. MEN. NATIONS MADE FOR HEALTHY LIFE But God made men and nations for healthy existence. (7) And we, therefore, trust that, putting aside arid postulates of a crystallized thought and of ways of acting which are penetrated with laicism and ma- terialism, one may benefit from healthy doctrine, validated by experience more every day, and that one may find opportune remedies. Now that doctrine claims that God is “our salvation and our redemp- tion !” (8) Our gaze looks toward all continents, where people are moving toward a better time and where we see a reawakening of profound energies, leading one to hope for acts of honest consciences for the pro- motion of the real good of human society. So that this hope may be fulfilled in the most comforting manner — that is to say with the triumph of the reign of truth justice, peace and charity — we ardently 13 desire that all our sons may form “one heart and one soul” (9) and raise common and fervent prayers to the Heavenly Queen and our beloved Mother during the month of October, meditating on these words of the Apostle to the Gentiles : “In all things we suffer tribulations but we are not distressed ; we are sore pressed but we are not destitute ; we endure perse- cution but we are not forsaken ; we are cast down but we do not perish ; always bearing about in our body the dying of Jesus so that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodily frame.” (10) PRAYER FOR SYNOD, ECUMENICAL COUNCIL IY. Before ending this encyclical letter, venerable brothers, we wish to invite you to recite the Rosary with special devotion also for those intentions so dear to our heart : That is to say, so that the Roman synod may be fruitful and salutary for this, our dear city, and that there may be derived for the whole Church from the forthcoming ecumenical council — in which you will participate with your presence and advice — an affirmation so marvelous that the vigorous reflowering of all Christian virtue which we expect of it may serve as an in- 14 vitation and incentive for those, all our brothers and sons, who are separated from this Apostolic See. With this most joyful hope and with great affection we impart the Apostolic Benedic- tion to you, venerable brothers, to the faithful particularly entrusted to you, and in a special way to all those people who with piety and good will, welcome this invitation of ours. (1) Cf. Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, vol. Ill page 280 ff., to vol XVIII page 153 ff. (2) Litany of the Saints. (3) Acta Apostolica Sedis, vol. 53, p. 577 ff. (4) St. Irenaeus, Adv. Haer. Ill, 22 ; Migne, P. G. VII, 959. (5) Cf. Phil, iii, 8 (6) Acts, iv, 29 (7) Cf. Book of Wisdom 1, 14. (8) Sacred Liturgy. (9) Acts IV, 32. (10) II Cor. IV, 8-10. 15 THE RECITATION OF THE ROSARY UR LADY of Lourdes during her eigh- teen apparitions followed along on her Beads as Bernadette prayed the Rosary. She joined with Bernadette in the “Glory be to the Father.” Our Lady of Fatima, calling herself the “Lady of the Rosary,” said “Men must say the Rosary.” She also asked that the Beads be recited every day “with devotion”. Later in connection with the First Saturdays Mary requested “meditation on the Myster- ies of the Rosary.” The word meditation frightens many peo- ple because they regard it as difficult, but Our Blessed Lady would not have asked for it if she thought such was the case. Her invitation should allay any fears we might have. “Ad Jesum per Mariam... To Jesus Through Mary,” should be our motto. Pope John XXIII in a broadcast to Lourdes on February 18th, 1959, in closing the Lourdes Marian Year said, “Like our Prede- cessor, we ardently wish for the renovation of Christianity with a unanimous impulse of Marian piety. When understood accord- 16 ing to the doctrine of the Church, this Ma- rian piety cannot help but bring souls more rapidly and securely to Jesus Christ, our only Savior.” 17 12 HOW TO SAY 1. Sign yourself Kiss the Cross Say the Apostles Creed 2. Recite the Our Father 3. Say three Hail Marys 4. Glory be to the Father * O Jesus forgive us our sins... Announcefirst Mystery Annunciation or Ago- ny or Resurrection 5. Recite the Our Father 6. Say 10 Hail Marys 7. Glory be to the Father * O Jesus forgive us our sins... Announce second Mys- tery Visitation or Scourg- ing or Ascension 8. Recite the Our Father 9. Say 10 Hail Marys 10. Glory be to the Father * 0 Jesus forgive us our sins... Announce third Mys- tery Nativity or Crowning * O Jesus, forgive from the fires of He Heaven especially th need of your mercy. THE ROSARY with Thorns or Descent of Holy Spirit 11. ' Recite the Our Father 12. Say 10 Hail Marys 13. Glory be to the Father * 0 Jesus forgive us our sins... Announce fourth Mys- tery Presentation or Carry- ing Cross or Assump- tion. 14. Recite the Our Father 15. Say 10 Hail Marys 16. Glory be to the Father * O Jesus forgive us our sins... Announcefifth Mystery Finding in Temple or Crucifixion or Coron- ation. 17. Recite the Our Father 18. Say 10 Hail Marys 19. Glory be to the Father * O Jesus forgive us our sins... us our sins, save us 11 ; lead all souls to >se who are most in 19 PRAYERS OF THE ROSARY THE APOSTLES’ CREED I BELIEYE in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth ; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord ; Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell ; the third day He arose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty ; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. OUR FATHER OUR FATHER, Who art in heaven,hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil. Amen. 20 HAIL MARY HAIL, MARY, full of grace ; the Lordis with thee ; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. GLORY BE TO THE FATHER GLORY be to the Father, and to theSon, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. FATIMA EJACULATION AFTER each decade may be said theFatima ejaculation : “O Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell ; lead all souls to Heaven especially those who are most in need of your mercy.” 21 The Family That Prays Together Stays Together . 22 OUR LADY’S PROMISES “ T F my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace in the World. If they are not, Russia will spread its errors throughout the World, raising up wars and persecutions against the Church ; many will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, many nations will be wiped out.” Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us. Indulgence of 300 days (The Raccolta) THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES The Joyful Mysteries commemorate the Infancy, Childhood and Youth of Jesus. They are said on Mondays and Thursdays, also on Sundays of Advent and Sundays from Epiphany to Lent. 23 “ Hail,full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.** Luke, 1,28 24 I. THE ANNUNCIATION O MARY, Queen of Angels, you andGabriel took part in a conversation which would renew the face of the earth. After your meeting a world formerly steep- ed in darkness and despair would emerge as one flooded with light and hope. The Angel was God’s messenger ; you were the repre- sentative of humanity. Gabriel asked your consent on behalf of God to be His Mother. After learning that such would be accom- plished by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit with the Conception of Jesus in your Immaculate womb, you replied : “May it be done unto me according to thy word.” Becoming a Mother you would remain a Virgin. The Angel’s greeting : * 6AVE MA- RIA” is the self-same we repeat over and over in the recitation of the Rosary as we say the “HAIL MARY.” Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of humility so that I may recite the Beads with devotion. 25 “Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.** Luke, 1,42 26 II. THE VISITATION MARY, Cause of our Joy, you brought great happiness to Elizabeth and her husband, Zachary, by your visit to their Judean home. St. John the Baptist, “leapt for joy” in his mother’s womb at the sound of your greeting. Everyone sought your company for the mere mention of your name spurred relatives, friends and acquaintances on to a greater love of God. How selfless you were ! In your own womb you carried the Maker of the World but that did not make you proud. Loving every- one you especially respected the aged. At the same time you did not forget your vo- cation as God’s Mother when you replied to Elizabeth’s greeting with the words of the MAGNIFICAT : “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Our Father, 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of fraternal charity so that I may always put myself out for my neighbor, loving him in God. 27 ' ' Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will.” Luke, 2,14 28 III. THE NATIVITY MARY, Mother of our Creator, your Son at Bethlehem did not despise the poor, the rustic, the simple, the forgotten of tiie world. Nor did He shun the wealthy and wise of the world as represented by the Magi. They were poor in spirit. He who made the whole world was placed in a man- ger at birth by you and St. Joseph. Jesus permitted that to happen so that men would not be blinded by His power and glory. He came as one of us and was first seen by shepherds while the dumb animals looked on. To men of good will who received Him as a Child he granted “Peace”. The Babe loved everyone but not everyone loved him. Recall to mind Herod who sought His death. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father. Mary , Queen of the Rosary , as I kneel be- fore the Crib close to you and Joseph , obtain for me from your Son the grace that I may be poor in spirit. 29 “A light of revelation to the Gentiles , and a glory for thy people Israel Luke 2,32 30 IV. PRESENTATION OF THE CHILD JESUS IN THE TEMPLE MARY Immaculate, you needed no Purification and your Son needed no Redemption but you were obedient to the Law. In accordance with the Mosaic Law a mother was unclean for seven days after the birth of a boy and had to remain home for another thirty-three days. Every firstborn son also had to be offered to the Lord and bought back or “redeemed” by a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons. You and Joseph offered the turtle doves. Those were symbolic of the immaculate purity and innocence of Mother and Child. He was Infinite Purity; you, the Immaculate Conception. Anna blessed you, while Simeon prophesied that a sword of sorrow would pierce your soul because of Jesus. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory op to the Father. Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of chastity in thought, word and deed, so that I may avoid sins of the flesh. 31 “And all who were listening to him were amazed at his understanding and answers.” Luke 2,47 32 THE FINDING OF THE CHILD JESUS IN THE TEMPLE MARY, Seat of Wisdom, it was diffi- cult for you to understand the action of Jesus in wandering off from you, Jo- seph, His relatives and acquaintances with- out a word to anyone. Your Boy, but twelve years old, remained in Jerusalem when you and Joseph started back to Nazareth. Both of you thought He was in the caravan with relatives and friends. Instead He made His way to the Temple, struck up an acquaintance with the Doc- tors of the Law and took part in their dis- cussions. They were amazed at His know- ledge. You felt proud of Him even though you dutifully expressed your surprise when you asked how He could have left you and Joseph seeking Him with heavy hearts. To which Jesus replied, “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Our Father, 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of zeal so that I may be industrious for the things of God. 33 PRAYER AFTER THE RECITATION of the Joyful Mysteries GOD, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that medi- tating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Let us pray for us. 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) 34 OUR LADY’S PROMISE “T PROMISE to assist at the hour of A death with the graces necessary for Salvation all those who on the First Satur- day of five consecutive months, go to Con- fession and receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary, keep me company for a quarter of an hour, while meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making Reparation.” THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES The Sorrowful Mysteries commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus. They are said on Tuesdays and Fridays, also on Sun- days during Lent. 35 “And his sweat became as drops of blood running down upon the ground.” Luke 22,44 36 I. THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN LADY of Sorrows, your Son in the Garden of Gethsemane took upon Himself the sins of all mankind. Offering Himself to the Father for us He became the “scapegoat.” His very own abandoned Him and one of the Apostles betrayed Him. At the beginning of the Passion the Disciples were in the Garden while he went apart to pray. Three of them, nearby, Peter, James and John fell asleep. They could not watch one hour with Him. Alone your Jesus suffered His agony entreating the Father to let the chalice of suffering pass, if possible, but at the same time He prayed that the will of the Father be accomplished. There on his knees in prayer Jesus sweat blood. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary , obtain for me fromyour Son the grace of contrition so that I may grieve over my sins which made Christ suffer. 37 “But Jesus he scourged and delivered to them to be crucified'.** Matth. 27,26 38 II. THE SCOURGING O LADY of Sorrows, I compassionateyou on the terrible scourging your Son endured at the hands of the Roman sol- diers. At the ends of their whips were leaden balls which not only cut the skin of Christ but dug into the flesh so that the blood flowed freely and the skin was ripped off. They beat Him almost into unconsciousness. Whenever the Master showed signs of giving way before the inhumane treatment they would desist till He had regained His senses. Then they would begin anew. There was another lashing to which Jesus was subject at the same time. That was the “tongue lashing” coming from their dirty, filthy and foul mouths. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father. Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of patience so that I may endure all suffering with resignation. 39 * ' Andplaiting a crown of thorns , they put it upon his head." Matth., 27,29 40 III. THE CROWNING WITH THORNS LADY of Sorrows, because Jesus had called Himself a King, His enemies mocked, ridiculed and taunted Him. They could not let the opportunity pass. Here was a chance for fun and revenge. Plaiting a crown of thorns they pressed it down on His head while they clothed Him in a purple robe and placed a reed as a scepter in His hand. Then in derision they genu- flected, bowed down and prostrated before Him, laughing in His face and spitting into that Sacred Countenance. Taking the reed out of Jesus’ hand they kept strik- ing Him on the head and across the face. Jesus sat there as the King of Mercy. The time would come when He would be the King of Justice. Then they would ex- perience His wrath. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary , obtain for me from your Son the gift of mortification so that I may voluntarily suffer physical and spiritual pain for Christ the King. 41 “And bearing the cross for himself, He went forth to the place called the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha.* ’ John 19,17 42 IV. THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS LADY of Sorrows, tearfully you watch- ed the Roman soldiers thrust the heavy wooden Cross upon the back and shoulders of Jesus. The Man of Sorrows was one mass of wounds from head to foot. But that did not cause any sympathy on the part of His captors. They beat Him along the Way of the Cross. Everything was per- missible so long as He arrived at Calvary, the Hill of the Skulls. For fear that He might collapse before arriving there, they forced Simon of Cyrene to help carry the Cross. Along the way Jesus met you, Mary, at the turning of the street; He fell three times ; mercifully had His face wiped by Veronica who received His image on the veil ; consoled the holy women with the words : “Weep not for me but for your- selves and your children.” Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son a love of the cross so that I may carry it all the days of my life. 43 A " And bowing his head, he gave up nis spirit.** John 19,30 44 V. THE CRUCIFIXION LADY of Sorrows, as you stood at the foot of the Cross your heart was breaking. You heard Jesus utter His Last Words. The Master prayed that His Fa- ther forgive His enemies for they were ignorant ; promised Paradise to the Good Thief on that very day ; entrusted John to Mary and Mary to John in the relationship of Mother and Son ; appealed to the Father for help in His agony ; cried out in thirst ; spoke His “consummatum est;” and com- mended His Spirit to the Heavenly Father. Now, Mary, the Prophecy of Simeon is ful- filled ! The seventh sword has pierced your heart and you yourself would have died had not God sustained you. Longinus, the Roman soldier, thrust the spear into the side of Jesus from which blood and water came forth. Symbolically that represented the birth of the Church. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father. Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace to be “ obedient unto death even to the death of the Cross." 45 A PRAYER AFTER THE RECITATION of the Sorrowful Mysteries GOD, whose only-begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that medi- tating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Queen of the most holy Rosary pray O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Let us pray for us. 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) PRAYER to be recited after each decade of the Rosary. JESUS, forgive us our sins, save v-' us from the fires of Hell; lead all souls to Heaven especially those who are most in need of your mercy.” (The Fatima Ejaculation). THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES The Glorious Mysteries commemorate the Life of the Risen and Heavenly Jesus. They are said on Wednesday, Saturdays and Sundays (from Easter to Advent). 47 A “He is not here, for he has risen even as he said Matth., 28,6 48 I. THE RESURRECTION O MARY, Queen of the Universe, whatjoy you experienced on Easter Sunday when your Divine Son came forth from the tomb without breaking the seals. The Angel rolled back the stone. He told the holy women that Christ had arisen even as He predicted. You did not visit the tomb with those women to anoint the Body be- cause you knew there was no need to do so as He had already visited and showed you the glorified Wounds of victory. Later Jesus manifested Himself to the others : first to Mary Magdalene, then to Peter, to the disciples on the way to Emmaus; to the Apostles. The following Sunday Thomas the Doubter fell at Christ’s feet with the words “My Lord and my God.” Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of a renewal of spiritual fervor so that I may realize my richest gift is the Catholic Faith . 49 A “And when he had said this, he was lifted up before their eyes and a cloud took him out of sight." Acts 1,9 50 II. THE ASCENSION MARY, Queen of the Universe, the forty days after the Resurrection were glorious ones for the Infant Church. Jesus in speaking to the Apostles on the shores of Lake Tiberias made Peter the head of the Church and His Vicar on earth. On the Mount in Galilee the Master in- vested the Apostles with His power com- manding them to “go into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he that does not believe shall be condemned.” Previously they had received the power to forgive and retain sins in the Sacrament of Penance. With His Mission on earth complete the Savior led them to the top of Mount Olivet, raised His hands to heaven, blessed them and ascended to the Father. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory he to the Father. Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of detachment so that understanding the vanity of worldly things I may adhere to you and heavenly realities. 51 " And they were Spirit.” afl filled with the Holy Acts 2,4 52 III. THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY GHOST MARY, Queen of the Universe, ten days after the Ascension, fifty days after Easter, while the Apostles were gather- ed together with you in the Cenacle for prayer, a mighty wind arose. The Holy Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, settled over the heads of each Apostle. That wind and fire, symbolizing grace and holiness, initiated the visible mission of the Church. Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit who would teach, comfort and assist them. The Apostles received the “Gift of Tongues” so that they could swiftly and effectively carry on their apostolate of conversion. As soldiers of Christ they would soon go to the nations of the world. With them in spirit would be you, Blessed Mother. Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the gift of silence so that I may hear the Holy Spirit speaking in the temple that is my body . 53 “Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one , and come.** Canticles 2,10 54 IV. THE ASSUMPTION O MARY, Queen of the Universe, youlived many years on earth after the Ascension of your Son into Heaven. You were ever torn between the desire of rejoining Jesus above and the need of nour- ishing the Infant Church here below. Remaining on earth you had the happiness of seeing the Church leaven the world. You witnessed the courage of the Apostles, the Disciples and the Brethren of the Lord, who laid down their lives for the Master. After living many years with St. John the Apostle at Ephesus, Our Lord con- ducted you Body and Soul to a place at His right hand. Today we salute you as “Queen Assumed into Heaven.” Our Father , 10 Hail Marys , Glory he to the Father. Our Lady of the Rosary, obtain for me from your Son the grace to desire Heaven above everything in the world—power, wealth, honors. 55 ** A woman clothed with the sun , and the moon was under her feet , and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.*’ Apoc. 12,1 56 y. THE CORONATION MARY, Queen of the Universe, you were crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth on your arrival at the throne of God after the Assumption. Just as all creatures are subject to your Son and God by the rule of the Sacred Heart, so He has placed all under your rule of the Immacu- late Heart. You are Queen because you are “full of grace,” the Mother of Christ, the Co-redemptrix, and because you triumphed over the devil, sin, concupiscence and death. Christ, the Mediator between God and Man, has made you the Mediatrix of all Graces, permitting you to dispense all Heavenly blessings to us sinful creatures. Your most powerful prayer is the Beads. May we say them every day of our life. Our Father , 10 Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father . Our Lady of the Rosary obtain for me from your Son the grace of perseverance so that after death I may take my place with the Church Triumphant in Heaven . 57 PRAYER AFTER THE RECITATION of the Glorious Mysteries Let us pray O G0D, whose only-begotten Son, byHis life, death and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that medi- tating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray TOT US 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. 300 days indulgence (The Raccolta) 58 INDULGENCES TO BE GAINED for the recitation of the Rosary a) The faithful, whenever they recite a third part of the Rosary with devotion, may gain : An indulgence of 5 years (Bull “Ea quae ex fide- lium”, Sixtus IV, May 12, 1479 ; S. C. Ind., Aug. 29, 1899 ; S. P. Ap., March 18, 1932). A Plenary Indulg. on the usual conditions, if they do this for an entire month. Pius XII Jan. 22, 1952. b) If they recite a third part of the Rosary in company with others, whether in public or in private, they may gain : An indulgence of 10 years, once a day ; A plenary indulgence on the last Sunday of each month, with the addition of confession. Communion and a visit to a church or public oratory, if they perform such a recitation at least three times in any of the preceding weeks. If however they recite this together in a fa- mily group, besides the partial indulgence of 10 years, they are granted : A plenary indulgence twice a month, if they per- form this recitation, daily for a month, go to confes- sion, receive Holy Communion, and visit some church or public oratory (S. C. Ind., May 12, 1851 and Aug. 29, 1899; S. P. Ap., Mar. 18, 1932 and July 26, 1946). 59 i The faithful who daily recite a third part of the Rosary with devotion in a family group besides the indulgences already granted under b) are also granted a Plenary Indulgence on condition of Confession and Communion on each Saturday, on two other days of the week, and on each of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Universal Calendar namely — The Immaculate Conception, the Purification, the Apparition of our Blessed Lady at Lourdes, the Annunciation, the Seven Dolors (Friday of Passion Week), the Visitation, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ; Our Lady of the Snows, the Assumption, the Im- maculate Heart of Mary, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the Seven Dolors (Sept. 15), Our Lady of Ransom, the Most Holy Rosary, the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (S.P. Ap. Oct. 11, 1959) c) Those who piously recite a third part of the Rosary in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, publicly exposed or even reserved in the taber- nacle, as often as they do this, may gain : A plenary indulgence, on condition of confession and Communion (Apostolic Brief, Sept. 4, 1927). Note : 1. The decades may be separated, if the entire chaplet is completed on the same day (S. C. Ind., July 8, 1908.) 2. If, as is the custom during recitation of the Ro- sary, the faithful make use of a chaplet, they may gain other indulgences in addition to those enumerated above, if the chaplet is blessed by a religious of the Order of Preachers or another priest having special 60 faculties. (S. C. Ind., April 13, 1726, Jan. 22, 1858 and Aug. 29, 1899). Raccolta 395 Devout Exercises The faithful who at any time of the year devoutly offer their prayers in honor of our Lady of the Rosary, with the intention of con- tinuing the same for nine consecutive days, may gain : An indulgence of 5 years once on any day of the novena ; A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions at the close of the novena (Pius IX, Audience Jan. 3, 1849 ; S. C. Bishops and Religious, Jan. 28, 1850 ; S. C. Ind., Nov. 26, 1876 ; S. P. Ap., June 29, 1932). Raccolta 396 The faithful who resolve to perform a devout exercice in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary for fifteen uninterrupted Saturdays (or these being impeded, for as many respective Sundays im- mediately following) if they devoutly recite at least a third part of the Rosary or meditate on its mysteries in some other manner may gain : A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, on any of these fifteen Saturdays, or corresponding Sundays (S. C. Ind., Sept. 21, 1889 and Sept. 17, 1892 ; S. P. Ap., Aug. 3, 1936). Raccolta 397 The faithful who during the month of October recite at least a third part of the Rosary, either publicly or privately, may gain : 61 An indulgence of 7 years each day ; A plenary indulgence, if they perform this devout exercise on the Feast of the Rosary and throughout the Octave, and moreover, go to confession, receive Holy Communion and visit a church or public oratory ; A plenary indulgence, with the addition of confes- sion, Communion and a visit to a church or public oratory, if they perform this same recitation of the holy Rosary for at least ten days after the Octave of the aforesaid Feast (S. C. Ind., July 23, 1898 and Aug. 29, 1899 ; S. P. Ap., March 18, 1932). Raccolta 398 A 500 day indulgence may be gained once a day by the faithful who, kissing a blessed Rosary, which they carry with them, at the same time recite the first part of the Hail Mary up to “Jesus” inclusive. (Congregation of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, March 30, 1953.) 62 THE “54-day ROSARY NOVENA” IE “54-day Rosary Novena” is an un- interrupted series of Rosaries in honor of Our Lady, revealed to the incurably sick Fortuna Agrelli by Our Lady of Pompeii at Naples in 1884. On March 3rd of that year, after Fortuna and her relatives had begun a novena of Rosaries for a cure, Our Blessed Mother appeared to her saying: “Make three novenas and you will obtain your request.” Later Our Blessed Lady said to her : “Whoever wishes to receive favors from me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary in petition and three novenas in thanksgiving.” The devotion consists of the Rosary of petition said every day for twenty-seven days ; then regardless of whether or not you have received your request immediate- ly begin the Rosary of thanksgiving every day for twenty-seven days. 63 A Here is a table to assist you in making the novena. PETITION 19 d. G 10 d. G 1 d. G THANKSGIVING 19 d. G 10 d. G |1 d. G 20 d. S 11 d. S 2 d. S 20 d. S 11 d. s 2 d. S 21 d. J 12 d. J 3d. J 21 d. J 12 d. J 3d. J 22 d. G 13 d. G 4 d. G 22 d. G 13 d. G 4 d. G 23 d. S 14 d. S 5 d. S 23 d. S 14 d. S 5 d. S 24 d. J 15 d. J 6d. J 24 d. J 15 d. J 6d. J 25 d. G 16 d. G 7 d. G 25 d. G 16 d. G 7 d. G 26 d. S 17 d. S 8 d. S 26 d. S 17 d. S CO 27 d. J 18 d. J 9 d. J 27 d. J 18 d. J 9 d. J J = Joyful mysteries S = Sorrowful mysteries G = Glorious mysteries 64 International Copyright All rights reserved PRINTED IN BELGIUM The NEW with Indulgences and Meditations and Original Mosaic illustrations of the Mysteries of the Rosary from Lourdes Includes the 54 day Rosary Novena of Petition and Thanksgiving with dally record chart. No. 2442 Blue Paper Binding Rei No. 2443 Blue Morocco grained plastic with blue edge Order From William J. Hircen Co., 21 Barclay St., New York 8 From your LOCAL DEALER