Communion prayers for children COMMUNION PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN By REV. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY Nihil Obstat : Imprimatur : Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop, Nezv York. Nezv York, September 24, 1932. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE U. S. A. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Copyright, 1932, by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle in the State of New York. New York THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS WHO USE THIS BOOK: Once, in the long ago, many chil- dren wanted to be near Jesus. They loved Him. They knew He was their Friend. Some big people tried to keep the boys and girls away. They thought that Jesus would not want the children. Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me ! ” He took them in His arms. He blessed them and made them very happy. After that, they wanted always to be very good. Today, as in the long ago, Jesus wants children near Him. Holy Com- munion is Jesus. It looks like bread. It tastes like bread. But It is Jesus. Jesus wants children to go to Holy Communion. He wants to be in their hearts. But we must never forget that Jesus is God. We must never “Praised be Christ the King !” forget that He is our King. If we do, we will not act as we ought when He conies. This little book will help you to act towards Jesus in the right way. It will help you to make a good Com- munion. Then, Jesus will be very near you. Then, you will want to be good always. In this book, there are three sets of prayers to use. One time you go to Holy Communion, you can use the first set. The next time, use the second set; the third time, the last set. By doing this, you will not grow tired of saying the same prayer^ nil the time. [ 5 ] I THE COMING OF THE KING Suppose some one was coming to visit your home. Suppose that he was a great man. Everyone would be waiting. Everyone would be watch- ing. How happy everyone would be! Now, when Jesus our King came to earth the first Christmas, only a very few were waiting for Him. They knew that He was coming, too. Jesus is God. Jesus is King. And only a very few watching for Him to come! Wasn’t that sad? Do you know why they did not watch and wait for Him? Because, they were thinking of other things. Some were thinking of money. Some were thinking of houses. Some were thinking of sleeping, and eating, and playing. And when Jesus came. [ 6 ] Jesus was born in a stable at Bethlehem they had no room for Him. His Mother Mary and Saint Joseph had to put Jesus in a stable. Jesus, my King, is coming to me in Holy Communion. When He comes, I must think of Him. I must think of Him the night before, when I am go- ing to bed. I must think of Him when I awake. I must think of Him on my way to Church, and in Church. I must say, “Come, Jesus, I am waiting for YOU!” If I do not, my soul will be a poor place to put Jesus. It will not be ready for my King. r o 1 L 3 J Prayers Before Communion ( Say these prayers slowly , thinking of what the words mean.) An Act of Faith Dear Jesus, You said once, “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE.” You were talking, then, of Holy Communion. I know that what looks like bread, and tastes like bread, is You. I know that You are the great and good God. I know that You are the only One who can make and keep me good. I know that You will do this for me when You come in Communion. Amen. An Act of Hope Lord Jesus, I hope to go to Your home in Heaven some day. You told us. “If anyone eat of this Bread, he “Dear Jesus , I love You above all things shall live forever.” I am going now to Communion to get this Bread, which is You. My Jesus, I trust in You. I hope in You. My Lord and my God. An Act of Love Dear Jesus, You are God, all good, all beautiful. I love You above all things. I will try to love everyone be- cause they are Your friends, because You love them. Amen. An Act of Sorrow O my Jesus, when I think of how good You are, and how many times I have been bad, I am ashamed and sorry. Help me by Your Coming, not to sin again. Amen. [in Jesus! Thou art coming, Holy as Thou art, Thou the God who made me To my little heart. Jesus! I believe it On Thy only word; Bowing, I adore Thee As my King and Lord. Dearest Lord, I love Thee With my whole, whole heart, Not for what Thou givest, But for what Thou art. Come, oh! come, good Jesus, Come to me, and stay, For I want Thee Jesus, More than I can say. [ 12 ] “This is My Body. This is My Blood ” Some Prayers After Communion ( When you come back to your seat, it is best to pray to Jesus in your own way first. Thank Him for coming to you. Tell Him you love Him. Ask Him for the things you want. Pray for others. Then , you can say these little prayers.) An Act of Welcome O my God, how good You are! I am happy that You have come to me. I bow down, knowing that You are God. I welcome You to my soul. It is not such a good place for You, my Jesus. It must remind You of the stable on Christmas day, long ago. But Mary and Joseph made up for the poor place by thinking of You only, by loving You. I join with them, and say to You, “Welcome, Jesus, wel- come!” An Act of Love and Sorrow My good Jesus, I love You very much. I want to keep from anything r 14 1 which does not please You. I want to do the things which You have told us to do. I will try, most of all, to be kind to others. I am sorry for all the times I did not love You and others. Help me, Jesus, to love You and others, always. Amen. An Act of Thanksgiving Dear Jesus, my God, really with me now, how can I thank You enough for coming! To come to me means that You died on the Cross. To come to me means that You love me so much. Thanks, many thanks, dear Jesus, for all You have done for me. A Prayer for Others My Jesus, I ask You now to bless our Holy Father, the Pope, all priests, [IS] “Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before Thy face I humbly kneel.” and all who are trying to save souls. Bless, too, my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, and all for whom I should pray. Bless all people who are sick, and sad, and have no one to pray for them. Bless the dying, and the poor souls. Help us all to get to Heaven with You. Amen. A Prayer Before Jesus on the Cross Look down upon me, good and gen- tle Jesus, while before Thy face J humbly kneel and with a burning soul, pray and beg Thee to fix deep into my heart, lively feelings of faith, hope and charity, true sorrow for my sins and a firm purpose to sin no more; while I think and go over in my mind, with great love and tender pity, Thy five wounds, keeping before my eyes what the Prophet David put I 17 I in Thy mouth about Thee, O good Jesus: “They have dug my hands and my feet; they have numbered all my bones.” (Say five times, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory to the Father, for the wishes of Our Holy Father, the Pope. You will gain a great In- dulgence, which you may offer for the poor souls.) (Do not forget Jesus during the day. Think about His coming to your soul. Once in a while, say, “1 love Thee, Jesus. Keep me from sin.”) I 18 ] II THE COMING OF A FRIEND Mary and Martha were friends of Jesus. Sometimes, Jesus came to visit them. When He did, they were very happy. Martha would be busy, get- ting something to eat. Mary would sit quietly near Jesus, listening to Him. Mary and Martha were very glad to have a visit from Jesus, their friend. Jesus was pleased at the way they tried to make Him feel at home. In Holy Communion, Jesus, my Friend, comes to visit me. T must be like Mary and Martha. I must be busy, praying. I must be quiet, know- ing that Jesus is very near. Then, Jesus will be pleased to visit me. Then, I shall make a good Holy Com- munion. [ 19 ] “Jesus comes to visit me” Prayers Before Communion An Act of Faith Dear Jesus, when You come to me in Holy Communion, I am nearer to You than Mary was, as she sat beside You. When You come, You live right in my very soul. I believe in You, Jesus, my God and my Friend. Amen. An Act of Hope O my God, when You made a visit to the home of Mary and Martha, You made them very happy. You helped them to be very good. 1 hope You will do that for me, dear Jesus, today. Amen. An Act of Love Dear Lord, Mary and Martha both loved You much. They showed their love by being good to You. I love r l You, Jesus, and when You come to me in Holy Communion, I will show my love by thinking of You only, and by trying to pray well. Amen. An Act of Sorrow Dear Jesus, I am sorry for the many times I have forgotten that You are my Friend. I have treated You rudely, often. When You come in Holy Communion, help me to be bet- ter. Amen. Who am I, my Jesus, That You come to me? I have sinned against You Often, cruelly. I am very sorry I have caused You pain, I will never, never Wound Your heart again. r 22 ] Prayers After Communion An Act oj Welcome Dear Jesus, my God, my King, You are also my friend. You are with me now because You love me. You want to save me from Hell. How happy Your visit makes me! But it is not just a visit, being here a little while and then, going away. You are here now, to make me live close to You all the time. You will stay in my soul by Your grace, as long as I keep from sin. Welcome, my dear friend Jesus, to my soul! Amen. An Act oj Love and Sorrow O my God, I love You above all things. I think of Martha and Mary when You came to them for a visit. r 23 1 How they loved You! How they wanted to be near You always! Dear Jesus, I am sorry for all my sins. Help me by Your coming, not to sin again. Amen. An Act of Thanksgiving Dear Jesus, my friend, I thank You for coming. I thank You for every- thing You have ever done for me. I thank You for being my Friend, for loving me and blessing me. Amen. (Say the other prayers after Communion , given on page 15.) Ill THE COMING OF THE SAVIOR When Our Lord was taken away by the soldiers, and put to death, the Apostles ran away. They were afraid. They were very sad. They even won- dered whether Jesus was God, when He let men do such things to Him. They did not know that Jesus was go- ing to do a wonderful thing for every- body. They did not know that He would open Heaven for them, by dy- ing on the Cross. They were thinking only of themselves. When Jesus rose from the dead, He went to visit them. They were hiding in a room, afraid. Jesus came in and said, “Peace be to you.” He did not scold them. He was not angry with them because they ran away. He was kind to them. He made them happy. r 25 1 “He is risen, as He said ” When Jesus comes to me in Holy Communion, He brings peace to my heart. He knows that I have often run away from Him by sin. He knows that I have been afraid some- times, to do the right thing. But in Holy Communion, He says, “Peace be to you!” He makes me happy, like the Apostles. When the Apostles were no longer sad or afraid, they went out and made other people happy. Holy Communion will help me to do the same. Sometimes, my father and mother and other big people are sad, because of some trouble they have. If I am close to Jesus, I shall be happy and will be able to cheer others. [ 27 ] Prayers Before Communion An Act of Faith Dear Jesus, I want You to come to visit me in Holy Communion. I be- lieve that You are the same Jesus who died on the Cross for me. I believe that You are the same Jesus who went to the Apostles in that room, and made them so happy. I believe in You, dear Jesus, my God. An Act of Hope O my Jesus, You were so good to the Apostles even when they were bad. I hope that by Your death on the Cross, You will be good to me, too. I hope that by Your coming in Com- munion, You will make me worthy to live in Heaven some day. Amen. [28 1 An Act of Love Dear Jesus, how good You are! Even though I have not acted rightly, You are coming to me. I love You, Jesus, because of Your great goodness. 1 want to love You more and more. Amen. An Act of Sorrow My Lord and my God, I am very -orry for all the times I have sinned. To sin is to run away from You. To sin is to cause You to die on the Cross. Have pity on me, Jesus, and take away my sins. Come to my soul now, and say, “Peace be to you!” Amen. [ 29 ] An Offering lo Jesus Ah! what gift or present Jesus, can I bring? I have nothing worthy Of my God and King. But Thou art my Shepherd, I, Thy little lamb; Take myself, dear Jesus, All I have and am. Take my body, Jesus, Eyes, and ears, and tongue; Never let them, Jesus, Do Thee any wrong. Take my heart and fill it Full of love for Thee. All I have I give Thee Give Thyself to me. [ 30 ] Prayers After Communiou An Act of Welcome Dear Jesus, You are welcome to my soul ! I have many times run away from You by sin. I have rea- son to be afraid, because of what I have done. You have come in this Holy Communion, as You came to the Apostles. You say to me. “Fear not! Peace be to you!” O my God, by Your coming, make me strong against sin. Let me not be afraid to do the right thing. Let me be brave enough always to do Your will. Amen. An Act of Love and Sorrow Dear Jesus, my Savior, I am glad that You have come. It means that You love me, and forgive me my sins. [31 ] I will try, my Jesus, with Your help, not to sin again. Amen. An Act of Thanksgiving Dear Jesus, I want to say “Thank You!” for all that this Holy Com- munion means to me. Thank You, too, for making me a Catholic. Thank You for all the good things You have given me. Thanks very much for the peace You bring to my soul. Amen. (Say the other prayers after Communion, given on page 15.)