Think as you say the rosary THINK AS YOU SAY THE ROSARY A WOMAN RELIGIOUS THE QUEEN’S WORK 3115 Soufh Grand Boulevard SAINT LOUIS 18 - . - MISSOURI Nihil obstat: William M. Drumm Censor Librorum Imprimatur: George J. Donnelly Administrator Sede Vacante Sancti Ludovici die 15 Aprilis 1946 Copyright, 1946 THE QUEEN’S WORK ThiiA As You Say the Rosary FOREWORD In a kind of way the rosary is thought about Christ and Mary set to music. Music is essentially rhythm, and the rosary IS the most rhythmic prayer that was ever written, the beat of the individual prayer, the beautiful repetition of the prayer, the grouping of the decades, the rhythm of each cycle of five decades bound together in the entire stream of music which is the rosary. Ardently Our Lady listens to the music of the voices that speak her prayers. Undoubtedly God is pleased when the “Creed’' and the perfect prayer — the “Our Father” —' are united with the “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost” in the repetition of faith, hope, and love. Like all great music the rosary was intended to inspire thought. It was meant to be the accompaniment for the lovely thoughts of the 3 joy that came to the heart of Mary when Christ entered the world, the sorrows that came to the heart of Mary when Christ suffered for the world's redemption, and the glories that were hers when Christ rose from the dead and raised her to be His Queen of Heaven. In these days the rosary is more than ever popular. People like to pray aloud. People love to join in that social prayer which is the united prayer of the rosary in the family living room or in the chapel or in the parish church. These days too mark an age when people are think- ing, and the rosary teaches them to think beautifully about the things that matter most. This lovely little pamphlet is an aid to think- ing about Christ, about Mary, and about the beautiful things that came into the world when Christ took up His place under the heart of the woman who was to be the Mother of Sorrows and the Queen of Heaven and of Earth. Daniel A. Lord, S. J. 4 THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES The Annunciation See Mary at prayer . . . Ask for the grace to pray well . . . Mary receives a visit from the Angel Gabriel . • . Ask for the grace to remember that my guardian angel is ever near me . . . Mary is troubled by the angel’s message . . . She remains calm and prays . . . Ask for the grace to pray for guidance when I am in doubt ... Mary is told that she has found favor with God... Ask for the grace so to live that I may win the approval of God . . . When Mary knows that God wills her to be His Mother, she says, “Behold the hand- maid of the Lord’’ . . . Ask for the grace to want what God wants • • 9 5 The Visitation Mary thinks of her copsin Elizabeth . . . Ask for the grace to think of others • • . Mary travels quietly and modestly . . . Ask for the grace to he Marylike in my behavior in public . . . Mary arrives at Elizabeth's house . . . She brings peace and joy . . . Ask for the grace to be a true child of Mary so that I too may be a source of happiness . . . Mary helps Elizabeth with the housework . . . Ask for the grace to be helpful at home . . . Mary and Elizabeth converse ... Ask for the grace to be Marylike in my conversations • . . 6 The Kativity At the word of Caesar, Mary and Joseph set out for Bethlehem . . . Ask for the grace to obey without com^ plaining . • • When they arrive, they find out that there is no room in the inn . • . Ask for the gxace not to allow anything to crowd Christ out of my life . . . Mary holds Christ for the first time . . . Joseph adores the Infant . . . Ask for the grace of fervor when I receive Holy Communion . • . The shepherds come to adore Christ . . . Ask for the grace to value virtue above riches . • . The kings arrive from the East . . . They forget all the hardships of the way as they embrace Christ . . . Ask for the grace of perseverance . . . 7 The Presentation Mary complies with the law of purification . . . Ask for the grace to obey the command- ments • . . Mary offers Christ to His heavenly Father . . . Ask for the grace to appreciate the Sacrifice of the Mass . • . Simeon rejoices as he holds Christ . . . Ask for the grace to appreciate Holy Communion . . . Simeon tells Mary that a sword of sorrow will pierce her heart . . . Ask for the grace to bear sorrow as Mary did . . • Mary brings Christ to Anna ... Ask for the grace to bring Christ into the lives of others . . . 8 The Finding Mary and Joseph find Christ in the Temple . . . Ask for a true devotion to the Blessed Sacrament • • • Mary does not understand why Christ has caused her such anxiety . . . Ask for the grace to realize that God*s ways are always best • • • Jesus goes down to Nazareth and is subject to Joseph and Mary . . . Ask for the grace of obedience • • • “Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart" . . . Ask for the grace to make my thoughts Marylike . . • “Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and grace before God and man" . . . Ask for the grace to grow better day by day • . . 9 THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES The Agony Christ institutes the Holy Eucharist and then leaves the supper room to begin His sorrowful Passion . . . Ask for the grace to love Him very much , . . Overwhelmed by the sight of the sins of the world, Christ suflFers a bloody sweat . . . Ask for the grace of perfect contrition for sin . • • Christ goes to the Apostles for comfort and finds them sleeping « . . Ask for the grace to be attentive at prayer . . . Christ returns to the garden and continues His prayer . . . Ask for the grace to realize that strength is always found in persevering prayer . . . Christ bravely accepts the sufferings ordained by His heavenly Father ... Ask for the grace to realize that my heavenly Father*s will is always best and infinitely loving • . . 10 The Scourging Influenced by fear of creatures, Pilate unjustly orders Christ to be scourged . . . Ask for the grace never because of human respect to fail my duty . . . Christ is stripped of His garments . . . Ask for the grace of perfect purity . . . Christ is cruelly scourged . . . Ask for the grace to bear physical suffering patiently . • . At the end of the scourging the body of Christ is one vast wound . . . Ask for the grace of a deep horror for sin . . . Christ is told to put on His garments . . . No one offers to help Him . . . Ask for the grace to be kind and helpful to those who are suffering . . . 11 The Crowning After the scourging Christ is dragged to an inner chamber . . . For Him no sympathy, no rest . . . Ask for the grace to love Him more and more . • • Christ is clothed in a purple robe in mockery of His kingship . . . Ask that His kingdom may reign in my heart and home • • • Christ is crowned with thorns . . . Ask for the grace not to sin by thought . . . Christ remains calm and silent in the midst of the rabble . . . Ask for the grace of self-control . . • The soldiers spit in His adorable face . . . Ask for the grace to be meek and humble of heart . • • 12 The Carrying of the Cross Christ receives the heavy cross on which He will die for love of me . . . Ask for the grace to accept my cross bravely . . , Christ falls under the cross . . . Ask for the grace not to fall into mortal or deliberate venial sin . . . Christ meets His Mother . . . Ask for the grace to realize that Mary is always near when I am suffering • . , Veronica wipes the face of Christ . . . He leaves the image of His face on her veil . . . Ask for the grace to be kind • . • Christ consoles the women of Jerusalem . . . -<45^ for the grace to realize how tender and infinitely worthy of love He is , , , 13 The Crucifixion Christ is stripped of His garments . . . Ask for the grace of purity . . . When told to do so, Christ meekly lies on the cross . . . Ask for the grace of obedience . . . Christ is raised up on the cross . . . Ask Him to draw souls to His love and service . . . Mary stands beneath the cross . . . Ask for the grace to appreciate the beauty and strength of Our Lady*s character . • . Christ dies upon the cross . . . Ask for the grace of a happy death . . i 14 THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES The Resurrection Christ appears to His Blessed Mother . . . Ask for the grace to share in His sorrow that I may share His joys • • . Christ appears to Mary Magdalen . . . Ask for the grace to love much . . . Christ appears to Peter . . . Ask for the grace of perfect contrition . . . Christ appears to the Apostles . . . Ask for the grace to realize that He is always ready to forgive . . . Christ appears to Thomas . . . Ask for an increased faith . . . 15 The Ascension It has been announced that Christ is to be on Mount Olivet . . . The crowds hurry to meet Him . . . Ask for the grace to remember that it is the same Christ who is present in the Blessed Sacrament • . . Mary rejoices in spite of the pain of parting . . . Ask for the grace of an unselfish lore for Christ . . • Christ ascends into heaven . . . Ask for the grace to think more often of heaven • . . The Apostles, bewildered and afraid, seek Mary's aid . . . Ask for the grace to go to Mary when I am in trouble • • . Mary comforts and encourages them . . . Ask for the grace to be Marylike in my dealings with others . • . 16 The Coming of the Holy Ghost Mary and the Apostles persevere in prayer, waiting for the coming of the Holy Ghost . . . Ask for the grace of confidence in prayer . . . The Holy Ghost descends in the form of tongues of fire . . . Ask for wisdom—a love of the things of God . • . Ask for understanding—an insight into spiritual things . . • Ask for counsel — the grace not to be deceived by Satan . . . Ask for knowledge—the grace to know the will of God . . . Ask for fortitude—the grace to do the will of God . . . Ask for piety—the grace to love God as a Father . . . Ask for fear of the Lord—the grace to dread sin more than all other evils . . . 17 The Assumption After the Ascension, Mary spends her time doing the ordinary duties of John’s house- hold . . . Ask for the grace to realize that the best preparation for death is the fmthful dis- charge of duty • . • Mary receives Holy Communion tor the last time . . . Ask for the grace to make my Holy Com- munion more Marylike . . . Mary closes her eyes in death and opens them to the Beatific Vision . . . Ask for the grace of a happy death . . • Mary is welcomed into heaven . . . Ask for the grace to stay near Mary during my life that I may be with her for all eternity • • . Mary is named our advocate . . . Ask for the grace of perfect trust in her intercession . . • 18 The Crowning Mary is crowned Queen of Apostles . . . Ask for the grace to lead many souls to Christ by my good example . . . Mary is crowned Queen of Virgins . . . Ask for the grace of perfect purity . . . Mary is crowned Queen of All Saints . . . Ask for the grace to sanctify my daily actions by doing them for God . . . Mary is crowned Queen of the Holy Rosary . . . Ask for the grace of a true devotion to the rosary . . . Mary is crowned Queen of Peace . . . Ask that peace may reign in my heart, in my home, in my country . . . 19 A Companion Pamphlet for This Present One Is .. . Let's Really Pray the Rosary BY RICHARD L. ROONEY, S.J. Therein will be found an effective and easy method for praying each bead of the rosary with pleasure and profit 10^ a copy Quaiitiiy Prices on Request • THE QUEEN’S WORK 3115 South Grand Blvd. St Louis 18f Mo» HDW TO PRAY THE MASS By Daniel A. Lord, S. J. Gives six methods of offering the Mass with appropriate prayers for each. More pamphlets on the Mass and Eucharist . . . • For the Visitor at Mass • Last Supper, Calvary and the Mass • A Layman Looks at the Mass 10^ a copy Quantity Prices on Request • THE QUEEN’S WORK 3115 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis 18. Mo. Tbe Daily Eianen BY C3HARLES A. IMBS, S Revised, double-length edition. For those who are ambitious spiritually, here is a splendid sixteen-months program of character improvement. Contains the general examen with its five points: thanksgiving, petition for light, examination of conscience, contrition, and a purpose of amend- ment; also a group of aspirations and a monthly scorecard. Single copy, 20^ Quantity Prices on Request THE QUEEN'S WORK 3115 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis 18, Mo. HOW TO MAKE AN ACT OF PERFECT CONTRITION by Leo T* Dowling, SJ. This excellent pamphlet explains the mean- ing of imperfect contrition and the efficacy of perfect contrition and describes several methods that will help develop the habit of making contrition perfect. 10^ each TREASURY OF INDUL6ENCED PRAYERS by James A. Varni Contains all the popular ejaculatory prayers that are still in efFect that the Supreme Pon- tiffs have indulgenced for the Church Uni- versal. 10^ each Quantity Prices on Request THE QUEEN^S WORK 3115 South Grand Blvd. St. Louis 18, Mo. THE QUEEN’S WORK 3115 South Grand Boulevard St. Eouis 18, Missouri