To be or not to be a Jew / Jadt (Book JoA JawA The crying need for a book like this is the only reason for its existence: IT IS DEDICATED to the millions of Jews of past and present whose love for peace and goodness of life is a conclusive rebuttal to the flood of false accusations poured upon them. • Sholom CM&ohsum. As I sat down to arrange this little Work, I thought I felt something resting upon my shoulder; And, fearing for a moment it might be a 'chip'; I quickly turned my head But breathed easily and smiled When I beheld—an olive branch. • Not all has been said That could have been said, Within the folds of these pages; But enough has been said To put into your head The wisdom of ages and sages. Not to be sold.Cum Perm. OeackJifled DON’T READ THIS "Merely having an open mind is nothing; The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth is to shut it on something solid”, gkc Please do not read this if you are unwilling to shut your mind on something solid—if you are intellectually dishonest—if you are afraid of the force of truth as a coward is afraid of physical force—if you are a wishful thinker- one who doesn’t wish to think, but thinks as he wishes. When discussing the actions of our fellowman, the guiding question is not: ‘WHAT did he do’? but rather: ‘In doing it, did he act like a human being — rationally? Did he use his head for something more than a cot- ter-pin to prevent it from slipping through his collar? The definition in the margin is inadequate, as you may see; yet it does describe a lunatic with fair accuracy. Man is more than just a two-legged animal without feathers; he has a thinking brain, and a personality that lets you know it is he who is speak- ing to you, and not someone else. Beasts are slaves to touch and taste; men and women are slaves to Truth; but when they refuse to free themselves by slavery to Truth, they automat- ically become slaves to lie, and to its multiple ‘daughters’. “MAN IS A TWO-LEGGED ANIMAL WITHOUT FEATHERS” May I offer, that in these United States the number of intellectually honest Jews is not ‘legion’ but millions? It is to such Jews of — Page 3 — upright mind and heart, that the HAVF TFWS observations in this pamphlet as well nnnn Turninn as in those that wil1 COme later (G°d GOOD MINDS willing), are presented. The common disinclination of non-Jews to bestow compliments upon the Jewish character, is offset by the common admission of non-Jews, even if grudgingly given at times, that Jews as a Group are endowed with a high degree of mental acumen. Now if this be true it would seem that Jewish men and women should guard carefully against being led by the nose (not a pun) rather than by the head. People led by the nose help to swell the ranks of the prejudiced of this earth: they face fancies, whereas people of intelligence face facts, and are not like the good philan- thropic Jewish gentleman who dis- RFTiniflM missed the issue of Religion by ob- ntiLlulUll serving humorously to his Catholic IN DRUG- friend: “Stanley; if Religion was Lnnvc any good they would keep it in the MUHt!) drug-stores”. No, that is not the last word at all; drug-stores load their shelves with everything good for the broken body and for the un- broken one. Religion is the ‘drug-store of the spirit. Now facts are at hand bearing on this most important and intriguing phase of life—Religion; will you al least read them. Do you pray? — Page 4 — HAVE NO FEAR THERE IS—ALWAYS WAS — ALWAYS Will BE—A GOD ADONAI ECHOD Perhaps you have already heard the story of the good farmer who had never yet seen a circus. When his sons returned and told him, a- mong other things, about the great giraffe they had seen in the circus zoo, the gentleman re- mained stubbornly incredulous: “Nope”, he said confidently, “I don’t believe it”. Next day when the farmer accompanied his boys to the circus they marched him right to the gi- raffe’s paddock, and pointing triumphantly, they said: “There y’are Pop; that’s the giraffe; do you believe it now? After standing there for a half minute in silence staring at the animal the good farmer shook his head with finalitv and almost shouted: “Nope; don’t believe it; they ain’t no sech animal”; and walked away. None so blind as those who refuse to look; but blindest are those who stubbornly hold that they do not see what the whole world sees—that there is a God. A little boy will tell them without sweating his brow about it that the man who made that aircraft-carrier was ‘mighty’ smart; but the ‘grown-up’ will insist nobody made it. Shades of Aristotle and Ghosts of our Jewish Forefathers! On Tuesday night the place was an empty dry- dock; but on Wednesday morning behold — an aircraft-carrier all ready for launching, arrived overnight faster than a mushroom! — Page 5 — and nobody made it, mind you; it just ‘wuz’, This is what one hears from men so heavily freighted with ‘Degrees’ they can hardly walk: they say soothingly that the universe, the world, just ‘wuz-nobody made it. They take pity on those who cannot ‘see’ what is ‘so evident’, ‘so obvious’; they pity us for not having the horse sense to see it. It is these men who might tell you that because the sun is red in the morning we may have a cloudy or stormy day; and who in other matters too will reason from cause to effect and from effect to cause all the day long like their normal fellowmen; but when they are asked who made the world and us, their brain sud- denly becomes atrophied: “To dodge the Actual nobody so smart” “To shun the obvious their native art” “Their ostrich mind ... all mixtures can contain; “Save what is Actual, Evident and Plain” Do you ever ask God for Understanding, as King David did? • — Page 6 — ‘DEITY'DUCKERS’ A ‘Deity-ducker’ is one who ‘ducks’ when- ever he happens to see the ‘Brain-work of God in the multiplication table, the