A QyEENSWORK PAMPHLET PRAYERS FOR THE DYING By FRANCIS P. LEBUFFE, S.}. THE QUEEN'S WORK. 3115 South Grand Boulevard St. Louis 18, Missouri lmprimi potest : Joseph A. Murphy, S. J. Provincial, Maryland-New York Nihil obstat: Arthur J . Scanlan, S.T.D. Censor IAbrorum Imprimatur: + Patrick Cardinal Hayes Archbishop of New York N ew York, September 13, 1935 Revised Edition ANY FINANCIAL PROFIT made by the Cen- tral Office of the Sodality of OUT Lady will be used fOT the advancement of th6 Sodality Movement and the cause of Catholic Action. Copyright 1935 THE QUEEN'S WORK PREFACE It has long been the desire of the writer to make a better translation and to make better known the exquisite "Prayers for the Dying." Few ever read them. Most hear them only when their minds are distracted and their hearts are being torn by the part- ing of a loved one. Sermons on death are so often filled with dread and fear. Yet in these official prayers of the Church there is nothing but the ten- derness that can come only from a mother's touch, that can be heard only in a mother's voice. All is consoling; all is hopeful. "Foulest Satan," "terrors," and "the vast chaos of eternal night" are mentioned only to be kept far away. The procession that is called forth of Angels and Confessors, of Martyrs and Virgins, of Patriarchs and Apo&- tIes is dramatic and intensely consoling, and the climax is reached when Mary "turns her eyes graciously" and Jesus Christ comes forth with "meek and festive countenance." (The Latin jestiv'U.!-"holiday" countenance.) Why can we not let the dread of death go, at least those who do try to love and serve God? Should 'we not remember that it is to "God the Father almighty," to "JeBUB Christ ... who suffered," to the "Holy Ghost . . . who was poured out" that we go forth? Is not that the fairer, truer way of looking on our going home' 3 The method of meditation herein employed is the "Second Method of Prayer" of St. Ignatius, wherein one dwells on each phrase so long as one finds profit therein. When a phrase ceases to provide food for thought, it is t ime to pass on to the next. The prayers have been given in full in the be- ginning, and thereafter developed for medita- tion. Not all the prayers here translated have been so developed, but only the major por- tioos. The rest can be readily developed by the one who is meditating. And if any are helped by this little book of meditation, may they say a prayer tha t the writer "may not fear the terrors of death,- but may come joyfully to the longed-for home of his heavenly fatherland, with her [Mary I as hi:! companion." Campion H OU8e Feast of the Nativity of B. v. M. 1956 4 RECOMMENDATION OF A DEPARTING SOUL· Peace be unto this house. R. And unto all who dwell therein. THE LITANY FOR THE DYING Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for him (her). All ye holy Angels and Archangels, pray for him. Holy Abel, All ye choirs of the just, Holy Abraham, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, St. P eter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. John, All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, All ye holy Disciples of our Lord, All ye holy Innocents, St. Stephen, St. Lawrence, All ye holy Martyrs, St. Sylvester, St. Gregory, St. Augustine, All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, St. Benedict, St. Francis, St. Camillus, • The very title itself is thought·provoking : Ordo Commendationis Animae-HThe Way of Commending a Soul." These prayers are, as it were, the "letter of recommendation" which our earthly Mother the Church gives us on our final departure. 5 St. John of God, All ye holy Monks and Hermits, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Lucy, All ye holy Virgins and Widows, All ye men and women Saints of God, make intercession for him. Be merciful, spare him, 0 Lord I Be merciful, Be merciful, From Thy anger, From the danger of death, From a bad death, From the pains of hell, From all evil, From the power of the devil, Through Thy nativity, Through Thy cross and passion, Through Thy death and burial, Through Thy glorious resurrection, Through Thy wonderful ascension, Through the grace of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, In the day of judgment, We sinners, beseech Thee, hear us. That Thou spare him, we beseech Thee, hear us. Lord, have mercy on UB. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Go forth, Christian soul, out of this world, in the name of God, the Father Almighty, who created thee; in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who suf- fered for thee; in the name of the Holy Ghost, who was poured out upon thee; in the name of the glorious and holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary; in the name of the blessed Joseph, glorious Spouse of the 6 same Virgin; in the name of the Angels and Archangels; in the name of Thrones and Dominations; in the name of Principalities and Powers; in the name of Virtues, Cheru- bim, and Seraphim; in the name of the Patri- archs and Prophets; in the name of the holy Apostles and Evangelists; in the name of the holy Martyrs and Confessors; in the · name of the holy Monks and Hermits; in the name of the Holy Virgins and of all the men and women Saints of God. Let thy place be in peace this day, and let thy abode be in holy Sion. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Merciful God I Gracious God I 0 God who, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, blottest out the sins of those who repent and, through the pardon of forgiveness, remittest the guilt of past offences, mercifully regard this Thy servant, N., and as he (she) implores Thee, hearken to his (her). cry for the for- giveness of all his sins, which he confesses freely from his heart. Renew in him, 0 most loving Father, whatsoever hath been corrupted through the frailty of earthly nature, or out- raged through the deceits of the devil; and join him to the unity of the body of the Church as a member that has been redeemed. Pity, Lord, his sighs, pity his tears, and since he has no hope but in Thy mercy, admit him to the Sacrament of Thy reconciliation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. I commend thee, dear brother (sister), to Almighty God, and to Him I commit thee, whose creature thou art; that having paid the debt of human nature when death has come, thou mayest return to thy Maker, who • This change of gender will be supposed, and not indicated, throughout the rest of the prayers. i formed thee out of the slime of the earth . And so, may the brilliant company of Angels meet thy soul as it goes forth from the body; may the judgment-giving council of the Apos- tles come to thee. May the triumphant army of white-robed Martyrs join thee on the way; may the crowd of gleaming Confessors, clothed in white, encircle thee. May the choir of exulting Virgins receive thee; and may the embrace of a blessed repose in the bosom of the Patriarchs enfold thee; may St. Joseph, sweetest Patron of the dying, lift thee up unto high hope; may the holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, turn her eyes graciously upon thee; may the meek and festive* coun- tenance of Christ Jesus appear to thee that He may give thee a place among those who are to stand before Him forever. Mayest thou never know what is terrifying in the darkness, what is calling madly in the fl ames, or what is tortured amid the torments. May foulest Satan with his followers give way before thee; at thy approach encircled by Angels may he tremble and flee away into the vast chaos of eternal night. May God arise, and may His enemies be put to flight and may all who hate Him flee before His face. As smoke vanishes, so may they vanish; as wax melts before the face of fire, so let sinners perish in the sight of God; and may the just feast and rejoice in God's presence. And so may all the legions of Hell be filled with confusion and shame and let the minions of Satan not dare t o impede thy journey. May Christ, who was crucified for thee, de- liver thee from torments; may Christ, who vouchsafed to die for thee, deliver thee from eternal death. May Christ, the Son of the living God, place thee forever in the green • Festivus- Iiterally " holiday-eountenance" 8 pastures of His Paradise, and may He, the true Shepherd, own thee for one of His sheep . May He free thee from all thy sins and place thee at His right hand in the company of His elect. Mayest thou see thy Redeemer face to face alld, ever waiting upon Him in person, mayest thou gaze upon the Truth which is most clearly revealed to the eyes of the Blessed. And thus placed in the ranks of the Blessed, mayest thou enjoy the sweetness of the vision of God forever and ever. Amen. Receive Thy servant, 0 Lord t into the place of salvation which he has hoped for from Thy mercy . Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servant from all the dangers of Hell, and from the snares of punishment and from all tribulations. Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Enoch1 and Elias2 from the common death of the world. Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver NoeS from the flood. Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Abraham from Ur of the Chaldeans.4 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Job from all his afflic- tions. Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant., as Thou didst deliver Isaac from being sacri- ficed and from the hand of his father Abra- ham .5 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord t the soul of Thy servallt, as Thou didst deliver Lot from Sodom and from the flame of fire .6 Amen. 1 Genesis 5 • 4 Kings 2 • Genesis 6·9 • Ga.eai. 11: 31 • G .... eais 22 • Ga.""is 19 9 Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Moses from the hands of Pharoah, king of the Egyptians.7 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Daniel from the lion's den.8 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver the three young men from the furnace of raging fire and from the hand of the wicked king.9 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Susanna from the false charge of sin.10 Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver David from the hand of King Saul and from the hand of Goliath.ll Amen. Deliver, 0 Lord I the Boul of Thy servant, as Thou didst deliver Peter12 and Paul out of prison.18 Amen. And as Thou didst deliver that most blessed virgin and martyr, St. Thecla, from three ter- rible torments,14 so vouchsafe to deliver the soul of this Thy servant, and have it enjoy with Thee the pleasures of Heaven. Amen. We commend to Thee, 0 Lord I the soul of this Thy servant and we beseech Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, that Thou wilt not refuse to admit to the bosom of Thy Patriarchs the soul for which in Thy mercy Thou didst come down to earth. Recognize, 0 LordI Thy creature, created not by strange gods, but by Thee, who alone • Exodus 2·14 •• Daniel 13 .. Acts 16 • Daniel 6 • Daniel 3 11 1 Kings 17·26 11 Acts 12 U St. Thecla was a pagan of Iconium in Asia Minor. She was converted by St. Paul. The "three torments" were: eviction from the house of her pagan parents; escape from wild beasts to which she had been exposed; and escape from burning at the stake. 10 art the living and true God; for "there is no other God besides Thee," and "there is none according to Thy works." Make his soul happy, o Lord, in Thy presence and remember not his former sins and excesses which violence or the heat of passion stirred up. For al- though he has sinned, he did not deny the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but believed in them; and he has had within him the zeal of God and has faithfully adored God who made all things. Remember not, 0 Lord I the sins of his youth and his lack of knowledge; but accord- ing to Thy great mercy, be mindful of him in the glory of Thy brightness. Let the heavens be open to him and let the Angels rejoice with him. Into Thy kingdom, 0 Lord, receive Thy servant. May St. Michael, the Archangel of God, who merited the leadership of the heavenly army, receive him. May the holy Angels of God come forth to meet him and lead him to the heavenly city, Jerusalem. May blessed Peter, the Apostle, to whom the keys of the kingdom of Heaven were given by God, receive him. May holy Paul, the Apostle, who was worthy to be a vessel of election, help him. May holy John, the chosen Apostle of God, to whom the secrets of Heaven were revealed, intercede for him. Mayall the holy Apostles, to whom the power of binding and loosing was given by the Lord, pray for him. Mayall the saints and elect of God, who, in this world, suffered hardships for the name of Christ, intercede for him, so that, being freed from the bonds of the flesh, he may be counted worthy to be admitted into the glory of the kingdom of Heaven, through the favor of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the 11 Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth forever and ever. Amen. May Mary, the most gentle Virgin, Mother of God, the most tender consoler of the afflicted, commend the spirit of this servant to her Son, that, through a mother's inter- cession, he may not fear the terrors of death, but may come joyfully to the longed-for home of his heavenly fatherland, with her ' as his companion. Amen. To thee I have recourse, holy Joseph, Pa- tron of the dying, and as at thy blessed pass- ing Jesus and Mary held watch, through these most cherished loved ones, I earnestly com- mend to thee the soul of this servant suffer- ing his last agony, that through thy protec- tion, he may be delivered from the snares of the devil and from eternal death j and may deserve to attain to eternal joys. Through Christ our Lord . Amen. THE LAST AGONY Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Into Thy hands, 0 Lord, I commend my spirit Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit: Holy Mary, pray for me. Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, do thou protect me from the enemy, and re- ceive me at the hour of death. St. Joseph, pray for me . St. Joseph, with the Blessed Virgin, thy Spouse, open unto me the bosom of divine mercy. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and soul. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, be near me in my laSt agony. 12 Jesus, Mary, Joseph , with you may I sleep in peace and find my rest. R. Come to his assistance, ye Saints of God; come forth to meet him, ye Angela of the Lord, receiving his soul, offering it in the sight of the Most High . V. May Christ, who hath called thee, re- ceive thee, and may the Angels bear thee into Abraham's bosom. R. Receiving his soul, offering it in the sight of the Most High. V. Eternal rest grant unto him, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him; offer- ing it in the sight of the Most High . V. Lord, have mercy . R. Christ, have mercy. V. Lord, have mercy. Our Father (inaudibly) . V. And lead us not into temptation, R. But deliver us from evil. V . Eternal rest grant unto him, 0 Lord, R. And let perpetual light shine upon him . V. ' From the gate of Hell, R. Deliver his soul, 0 Lord . V. May he rest in peace. R . Amen. V. 0 Lord, hear my prayer, R. And let my cry come unto thee. V. The Lord be with you, R. And with thy spirit. Let Us Pray To Thee, 0 Lord, do we commend the soul of Thy servant, N., that being dead to the world he may live unto Thee ; and whatso- ever sins he has committed throu gh the frailty of human ways, do Thou blot out. through the pardon of Thy merciful tendernt~ss. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 13 PRAYERS FOR THE DYING Go forth, Christian soul, out of this world Go forth- this is not your true home, only a tarrying place ... you came here on a visit; it is over now . . . your period of work is over, and judgment is now to be passed on it . . . the summons is imperative; and to obey it or not, does not lie with you ... Go forth I ... Christian soul- an immortal thing that had a beginning but will have no end ... that which has had the power of knowing truth and loving goodness, and yet of hearkening to the call of evil . . . the real master to whom the good and evil in life will be credited Christian soul- so loved of God, that He brought you into His holy Church through Baptism ... and made you part of His Mystical Body ... and His soldier at Confirmation . . . and forgave you your sins in Confession ... and fed you, when you would, on His own Body and Blood . . . and has just come to you as viaticum- food for your long, last journey .. . and has just cleansed your senses with His sacred anointing .•• and will give you Himself forever if you persevere a few moments longer . 14 Out of this world- which God made . which has been for you- the scene of many real joys. and yet a vale, too, of many sorrows ... wherein you did, your life's work ... and thus merit Heaven . In the name of God, the Father Almighty, who created thee In the name of- at the command of under the protection of . shielded by the love of . God, the Father Almighty- your Creator and your loving Father "coward, wayward and weak" you have been, but He is strong ... swinging the thunderbolt and playing out the lightning, yet gentle not to break the bruised reed or to quench the burning flax .. Who created thee- out of the void of nothing and formed your soul by His fiat and guided your forming body until it could stand the light of day . . . and through all the years has continued this . creation by holding you in existence . and with the same love He comes now to call you home . . . In the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who suffered for thee I esus Christ- what memories of love and gracious conde- scension that sacred Name calls up--- 15 Bethlehem .. Egypt .. . Nazareth .. . the desert .. . Lake Tiberius . Mount of Beatitudes the sick, the blind, the lame, the lepers .. . Mary Magdalen . the Last Supper .. . the Agony ... the look at Peter . . the scourging and crowning the Way of the Cross the Crucifixion . . . -all for you . . . -as though you alone existed Son of the Iif/;ng God- Son- "begotten not made" . . . one in substance with the Father through whom all things were made Of the Iif/;ng God- of Him who is the unbegotten source of all things ... of Him "in whom we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17 :28) Who suffered for thee- "greater love than this no man hath than that he lay down his life for his friend" (John 15:13) ... love for your own individual soul moved Him to suffer- the rejection of Bethlehem .. . the blood-letting of the Circumcision 16 the hardships of Egypt . . . the burdens of a workman's life the weariness of the Public Life . . . the martyrdom of the Passion the oncoming of death . . . - and this "tremendous Lover," who loved you unto His own dying, is now coming to take you home . . . In the name of the Holy Ghost, who was poured out upon thee The Holy Ghost- the consubstantial love of the Father and the Son ... who descended upon our Lord at His Bap- tism as a dove . . . who came upon the Apostles as tongues of fire ... who is the guardian of the Church ... Who was poured out upon thee- when you were first made a child of God in Baptism ... in special wise at Confirmation . . . who dwelt in you as His temple when your soul had sanctifying grace . . . who prevented you by His holy inspiration and guided you by His gracious assist- ance ... who, as a last act of love, is now coming to take you home . . . In the name of the glorious and holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary who will solace your las t hours here . . . who protects you on your last journey .. . who is looking forward now to welcoming you into her Son's presence . . . who is coming now as your Mother to take her other child home 17 In the name of the blessed Joseph, glorious Spouse of the same Virgin who WII8 Protector of Jesus and Mary .. who is Patron of the Universal Church and so holds dear each individual soul and holds you most dear now . . . In the name of the Angels and Archangels who have been God's messengers to man .. . one of whom is your Guardian Angel- directing and guiding you by day guarding you by night . . . counseling you against the wrong urging you to do the right .. . In the name of Thrones and Dominations who reign in Heaven after their triumph over Satan ... and who now assist you by their prayers to win in this 1ll8t hour . . . In the name of Principalities and Powers whose strength comes from their union with God ... and who now are praying God to give you strength for your "last stand" . . . In the name of Virtues, Cherubim, and Sera- phim who are closest of the Angels to the inmost fires of the Godhead . . . and now beseech God to give you grace for final victory . . . 18 In the name of the Patriarchs and Prophets In the name of the Patriarchs- of Adam whose child you are . of N oe in whom you were saved ... of Abraham who will lead you into the eternal ranks of God's Chosen People of Moses who will bring you out of this land of bondage And Prophets- of Samuel who will usher you into the Holy of Holies ... of David who will welcome you into the true Jerusalem, "city of peace" . .. of Isaias who foretold your Redemption .. . of Jeremias whose call to repentance has often sounded in your ears . . . of Ezechiel who saw in vision the Judg- ment in Jehosophat . . . In the name of the holy Apostles and Evan- gelists Of the holy Apostles- of Peter who will win for you tears of true repentance ... of Paul whose thunders have often roused your soul . .. of all the Twelve who will welcome you into the Church Triumphant . . . And Evangelists- of Matthew who told you of your call in the coming of the Magi ... of Mark through whom the Baptist told you to make straight your path ... of Luke the physician who will heal you .. . 19 of John who will make big your love of God .. In the name of the holy Martyrs and Con· fessors Of the holy Martyrs- who in every age have gone' to God robed richly red in their own blood . . . who have welcomed death forgetting the torments that preceded it ... And Confessors- who preached to you by their very lives .. . who taught God's love by their own love .. . In the name of the holy Monks and Hermits who sealed their lives away that they might be God's alone .. . who, still alive, died to the world ... In the name of the holy Virgins and of all the men and women Saints of God Of the holy Virgins- who gave up the pleasures of earth to seek those of Heaven .. . spotless in an unclean world . And of all the men and women Saints of God- who, having caught the vision of Heaven , knew the true value of earth . . . who fought the same fight as you-and won ... Let thy place be in peace this day even as the Psalmist says: " And his place is 20 III peace, and his abode in Sion" (PII. 75: 3) and this peace will begin today but it will last forever .. And let thy abode be in holy Sion in the true Sion, city of eternal peace . . . where God and His Angels and His Mints dwell unendingly . . . "enter thou into the joy of the Lord" (Matt. 25 :21) . Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. our prayers must go through Him . . . for He is "the mediator between God and man" (1 Tim. 2 :5) Amen, so be it ... Merciful God! Gracious God! "for the Lord is sweet and His mercy en- dureth forever" (Ps. 99:5) .. . yes, "the mercy of God is beautiful in time of affliction, as a cloud of rain in the time of drought" (Ecclus. 35:26) ... and You are "a forgiving God, gracious, and merciful, long-suffering, and full of com- passion" (2 Ead. 9:17) ... o God, who, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, blottest out the sins of those who repent and, through the pardon of for- giveness, remittest the guilt of past offences "Mercy shall encompass him that hopeth in the Lord" (PII. 30: 10) ... for "the compassion of man is towards his neighbor; but the mercy of God is upon 21 all flesh" (Ecclus. 18: 12) ... God, "forgive and forget" . . . Mercifully regard this Thy servant at this moment there are really only two who matter: God and the dying man ... hear our prayer for this one soul as though naught else existed . . . for eternity depends on this hour . . . And, as he implores Thee surely, at death's coming, his prayers rise to You as at no other hour . . . and we beg You now for all Your love to welcome this soul back home .. . Hearken to his cry for the forgiveness of all his sins, which he confesses freely from his heart approaching death frees his lips to acknowl- edge his sins without restraint ... let frankness win Your mercy . . . Renew in him, 0 most loving Father, what- soever hath been corrupted before he comes home to You, give him the wedding garment of a spotless soul . . . make this soul new again, and fresh and clean as it was at baptism . . . Through the frailty of earthly nature some sins were due to weakness . and only too frequently he saw what was good and approved it, but then followed what was wrong . . . for truly Paul said: "We have this treasure in earthen vessels" (2 Cor. 4:7) 22 Or outraged through the deceits of the devil weak he was but his enemy was crafty . and was set on ruining him- for hatred of You . and for jealousy of a soul You had re- deemed And join him to the unity of the body of the Church as a member that has been redeemed he has been a member of the Mystical Body of Christ here on earth . . . make him now forever a member of the Triumphant Body in Heaven . . . for he has been redeemed by You . .. and so he belongs home in Heaven Pity, Lord, his sighs, pity his tears of old You heard the groanings of Your Chosen People when in Egypt . . . of old You hearkened to them as they sat by the waters of Babylon and wept .. . of old You pitied the widow's tears .. . You Yourself wept for Lazarus . .. You Yourself grew sad and afraid in Your own agony ... And since he has no hope but in Thy mercy human help has never helped much . . . but now it is, indeed, a broken reed . . . human love and human hands cannot reach beyond the grave ... thither Your power alone can reach Admit him to the Sacrament of Thy recon- ciliation in Your mercy You instituted the means of grace- 23 Baptism, to cleanse original sin .. . Confirmation, to make us strong .. PQnance, to heal the wounds of our souls, and make us Your friends again . . . the Eucharist, to seal our friendsliip . . . Extreme Unction, to help weary soul and body on life's last journey ... admit him now to unending friendship we ask you to take him home commend thee, dear brother, to Almighty God beyond our human helping now, we com- mend you to God alone . . . we have done what we could; it is to God we must leave the rest ... And to Him I commit thee, whose creature thou art that is your claim on Him-that you are His handiwork . . . and He will not disavow it ... and He cannot disavow it . . . but is coming now to claim you as His and take you to your everlasting home . That having paid the debt of human nature when death has come "dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt re- turn" ... "we are born in another's pain, and die in our own" ... "it is appointed for all men once to die" .. . the body to the grave, the soul to God .. . Thou rnayest return to thy Maker who formed thee out of the slime of the earth God formed your body from the earth, but your soul from utter nothingness ... 24 and now your Maker, who is your Father, too, is coming to claim His handiwork ... and He would have you come home to Him spotless and clean . . . and He would find in your soul nothing that can displease Him . . . for He "formed you out of the earth" but He built you for Heaven ... And so, may the brilliant company of Angels they protected you h('!re . . . they will welcome you to share their happi- ness .. . they have long awaited your coming . . . Meet thy soul as it goes forth from the body out fr om its tenement of clay ... away from its ally in sin .. . away from its partner in virtue .. . May the judgment-giving council of the Apostles come to thee for they are to be your judges . kindly judges, who will search out what- ever is good . . . gracious judges, for they themselves have been judged ... may they receive you as well worthy of eternal reward . May the triumphant army of white-robed Martyrs join thee on the way they fought and won, and they gladly wel- come another victor . . . they know the joy of rest after battle, and they are glad to share it 25 May the crowd of gleaming Confessors, clothed in white, encircle thee safe themselves after their struggles, their joy is great to find another struggler safe ... their own temptations conquered, they gladly find another wayfarer freed . May the choir of exulting Virgins receive thee spotless themselves, may they welcome you despite your sins .. . for your Boul is now purged clean- by the Sacraments you have received and by your patient suffering . And may the embrace of a blessed repose in the bosom of the Patriarchs enfold thee at peace themselves, may these ancient saints share their peace with you ... and it will be a blessed repose, because it is with God and for all eternity ... and the fmlb race will enfold you, touching every part of your being . May St. Joseph, sweetest Patron of the dying, lift thee up unto high hope Joseph who died with Jesus and Mary near him will bring them to your aid now . . . for he wishes to share with you the joys of his own dying and he will buoy your soul up to high hope ... for, with Jesus and Mary, your last long journey will be safe 26 May the holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, turn her eyes graciously upon thee to your Mother we commend you that she may greet you as only a mother can ... and after all your struggles may she wel- come J;'0u home . . . May the meek and festive countenance of Christ Jesus appear to thee Your Judge, but your lover, too and so His countenance will be meek- for "I am meek and humble of heart" .. . and He touches souls "with all the ten- derness of pierced Hands" ... and He will be all the more gentle when He welcomes you home . . and Jest'tve- because there will be high holiday in Heaven when you enter there . . . and none will be happier than our Lord Himself when He comes to take you home . .. a "holiday" countenance will be His, for He bought you "with a great price" ... That He may give thee a place among those who are to stand before Him forever your time of probation is over; your time of rest is at hand . .. your day of fitful change is drawing to its close; eternity begins for you ... may our Lord with "holiday" countenance welcome you among His friends . . . 27 Mayest thou never know what is terrifying in the darkness, what is calling madly in the flames, or what is tortured amid the torments you have "fought the good fight" and may peace be yours now . . . you have conquered evil here; and may it be far from you hereafter . . . May foulest Satan with his followers give way before thee at your Baptism you renounced Satan with all his works and pomps ... just now you were made pleasing to God- in Penance . .. in Holy Communion .. . in Extreme Unction . . . and J esus Christ is now your viaticum, your "food for your journey" . . . and so Satan dare not trouble you accom- panied by your Changeless Friend . . . At thy approach encircled by Angels may he tremble and flee away into the vast chaos of eternal night you are going forth, not alone, but Angels are all around about you . . . we leave you at the doors of death, they take you from our arms . . . and Satan will fear their presence, for they worsted him in battle long ago . . . and he will "flee away into the vast chaos of eternal night" . . . May God arise, and may His enemies be put to Bight and may all who hate Him Bee be- fore His face as He did when Debbora smote Sisara ... 28 as He did when Gideon slew the Madian- ites .. as He did when Samson slaughtered the Philistines . . . as He did when David laid Goliath low . . . as He did when Judith killed Holofernes . . . As smoke vanishes, so may they vanish; as wax melts before the face of fire, so let sin- ners perish in the sight of God that is the fate of sinners ' . .. but not your fate .. . for you have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb . . . And may the just feast and rejoice in God's presence they are in their Father's home, and so merrymaking is their right . . . they feast their minds on the inward beau- ties of the Godhead . .. and their wills rejoice in the possession of infinite Goodness . . . and you will be home with them soon . And so may all the legions of Hell be filled with confusion and shame and let the minions of Satan not dare to impede thy journey t hey ha ve tried to defe at y ou here ; let them now acknowledge t heir defeat . . . they have t ried to ruin you in this life; let them not harass your way into the next ... May Christ, who was crucified for thee, deliver thee from torments Christ knows what suffering is, and He will save you from it . . 29 He died a cruel dea th for you and will not desert you now . . . May Christ, who vouchsafed to die for thee, deliver thee from eternal death He gave up His life that you might have eternal life . . . and He has taken away the sting of death ... and comes to give you life forever ... May Christ, the Son of the living God, place thee forever in the green pastures of His Paradise, and may He, the true Shepherd, own thee for one of His sheep you have been His sheep, and the good Shepherd is coming for you now . . . to take you into His eternal fold . . . t hen there will be one fold and one Shep- herd, never to be separated . . . May He free thee from all thy sins and place thee at His right hand in the company of His elect sin has stained your soul, but He is rich in mercy .. . weak you have been at times in the fight of life, but His strength is now yours H e comes now to take you home . Mayest thou see thy Redeemer face to face and, ever waiting upon Him in person, mayest thou gaze upon the Truth which is most dearly revealed to the eyes of the Blessed for with holy Job you have ever hoped that in your flesh you shall see God . . . and with him you know that your Re- deemer liveth .. . 30 and you shall see Him "face to face" and shall know Him even as He knows you ... And thus placed in the ranks of the Blessed, mayest thou enjoy the sweetness of the vision of God forever and ever it is the Vision that will never end the Vision that will never be dimmed . . the Vision that fills full every part of the soul with joy ... We commend to thee, 0 Lord! the soul of this Thy servant we are helpless now; to you, dear Lord, we hand this soul on it is the soul of Thy servant, made such by- creation .. . redemption .. . sanctification . . . yes, and more than a servant, for "I have called you friends" (John 15 :15) ... And we beseech Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, Re- deemer of the world, that Thou wilt not refuse to admit to the bosom of Thy Patri- archs the soul for which in Thy mercy Thou didst come down to earth think dear Lord- of Nazareth and the nine months of Bethlehem and the stable . . . of Egypt and the flight . . . of Nazareth and the carpenter's shop of Galilee and the roads You walked of Judea and all Your labors there. and, Lord, You did it all for him 31 Recognize, 0 Lord! Thy creature, created not by strange gods, but by Thee, who alone art the living and true God; for "there is no other God besides Thee," and "there is none according to Thy works" "Thy hands have made me and formed me" (Ps. 118 :73) ... "I am thy servant, and the son of thy hand- maid" (Ps. 115: 16) ... Thou art his God and he has not had strange gods before Thee . for "there is no other God besides Thee" (Deut. 4 :35) ... Make his soul happy, 0 Lord, in Thy presence long has he tarried in this "valley of tears" ... pain and sorrow have been his lot ... and much anxiety about each morrow . so make him happy now . and take him home . And remember not his former sins and ex- cesses which violence or the heat of passion stirred up he did sin, but mostly his heart was not in his sin .. and even when he sinned- passion blinded him . . . evil influences harassed him . bad companions led him on the devil tricked him . . . For although he has sinned, he did not deny the Father, and the Son, and· the Holy Ghost, but believed in them; and he has had within 32 him the zeal of God and has faithfully adored God who made all things with much unfaith about him he still be- lieved ... despite the bad example of those in high places, he still held to his faith . . . and he can rightly cry: "I have fought a good fight, 1 have finished my course, 1 have kept the faith" (2 Tim. 4:7) ... and so may it be true for him: "AP, to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just judge, will render to me on that day; and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming" . . . Remember not, 0 Lord! the sins of his youth ~nd his lack of knowledge these are Your inspired words (Ps. 24 :7), Lord, and we quote them to You now .. . for "the life of man upon earth is a war- fare, and his days are like the days of a hireling" (Job 7: 1) . . . remember, Lord, Your own prayer: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23 :24) .. . and remember too: "1 am poor, and in labors from my youth" (Ps. 87:16) .. . and again: "He knoweth our fame, He re- membereth that we are dust (Ps. 102: 14) ••• But according to Thy great mercy, be mindful of him in the glory of Thy brightness "the mercy of the Lord is from eternity and unto eternity upon them that fear Him" (Ps. 102 :17) ... 33 and You "will reform the body of our low- ness, made like unto the body of [Your] glory" (Phil. 3 :21) . . . You prayed: "Father, I will that where I am, they also, whom thou hast given me, may be with me" (John 17:24) Let the heavens be open to ' him "Lift up your heads, ye portals; and be ye lifted up, ye ancient gates" (Ps. 23:7) .. . that "the innocent of hands and the clean of heart" may enter in . . . . And let the Angels rejoice with him if they are joyful over one sinner doing penance, surely they will rejoice to have one come home ... let them cry unto each other : "Come, let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully sing to God our Saviour" (Ps. 94:1) .. . Into Thy kingdom, 0 Lord, receive Thy servant "give ear, 0 thou that rulest Israel ... thou that sittest upon the Cherubims . . . stir up Thy might, and come to save us" (Ps. 79: 1-3) ... say once more, 0 Lord: "This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23: 43) ... remember, 0 Lord, "that Thou shouldest render reward to Thy servants . . . little and great" (Apoc. 11 :18) . May St. Michael, the Archangel of God, who merited the leadership of the heavenly army, receive him St. Michael fought and conquered; you, too, 34 have fought valiantly and are dying 118 a true soldier of God . May the holy Angels of God come forth to meet him and lead him to the heavenly city, Jerusalem long have the Angels been in "the city of peace" •. joyfully will they now lead you thither ... they will come out to lead you home . . . May blessed Peter, the Apostle, to whom the keys of the kingdom of Heaven were given by God, receive him Peter sinned and repented . and thus pities repentant sinners and to open to them the gates of Heaven where God awaits them May holy Paul, the Apostle, who was worthy to be a vessel of election, help him of old, Paul declared: "I see another law in my members . . . captivating me in the law of sin" (Rom. 7 :23) ... and he cried out: "Unhappy man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death" (Rom. 7 :24) ... and he will gladly help a fellow sufferer .•. assuring you of victory by the grace of God ... May holy John, the chosen Apostle of God, to whom the secrets of Heaven were re- vealed, intercede for him John laid his head on the breast of Christ ... he will now bring you to the very bosom of the Godhead 35 John "saw the holy city, the new Jeru- salem" (Apoc. 21 :2) ... and now he is coming to lead you thither where "God shall wipe away all tears . . . and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more" (Apoc. 21 :4) .. . Mayall the holy Apostles, to whom the power of binding and loosing was given by the Lord, pray for him through their power, now in the priest, you have been freed from your sins and they now pray for you ... May all the saints and elect of God, who, in this world, suffered hardships for the name of Christ, intercede for him, so that, being freed from the bonds of the flesh, he may be counted worthy to be admitted into the glory of the kingdom of Heaven "Write, blessed are the dead, henceforth, that die in the Lord" .. . "Yea," saith the Spirit, "In that they shall rest from their labors" (Apoc. 14 :13) ... so you who have gone ahead and "sleep the sleep of peace," pray for this struggler in his last moments of fighting ... that soon, too, he may hear "a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters, and as the voice of great thunder" (Apoc. 14 : 2) ..• and may see t he Lamb standing "upon Mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty-four thousand, having his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads" (Apoc. 14:1) 36 Through the favor of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth forever and ever for "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse" (Gal. 3:13) ... for now it is time to "look up and lift up your heads because your redemption is at hand" (Luke 21 :28) for "you are bought with a great price" (1 Cor. 6:20) ... ' and Christ is coming to take His "pur- chase" home . . . for in Him "the hope of a blessed resurrec- tion has shone forth for us" ... and through Him "the promise of future immortality consoles those to whom the evident necessity of dying brings sad- ness" (Requiem Preface) ... May Mary, the most gende Virgin in her last prayers before we die our earthly Mother the Church calls on our heavenly Mother ... because she is "most gentle" ... and we need Mother's protection now Mother of God powerful with God the Father ... having the right to command her Son being privileged to ask what she will of her Sp~)t\se, the Holy Ghost The most tender can soler of the afflicted "to thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve" ... "0 clement, 0 loving, 0 sweet Virgin, Mary" .. . "pray for lli! ... at the hour of our death" -which is now ... Commend the spirit of this servant to her Son, that, through a mother's intercession Mother, pray for him, he is your child ... and now needs a mother's prayers . . . your heavenly Son is to judge your earthly child ... and so plead with Him for him . . . He may not fear the terrors of death for a Mother's eyes watch him .. and a Mother's hands soothe him . . and a Mother's love stands guard . .. But may come joyfully to the longed-for home of his heavenly fatherland Mother, your child is tired now ... and wants to "sleep the sleep of peace" .. aud to wake up at home ... With her as his companion into your heavenly Mother's hand your hand is placed . . . and through the gates of death Mother and child will go . . . and up to the Throne of God ... and Mother will place her child's hand in Father's . .. and you will be home . . . for eternity-home . 38 To thee I have recourse, holy Joseph, Patron of the dying, and as at thy blessed passing Jesus and Mary held watch, through these most cherished loved ones, I earnestly com- mend to thee the soul of this servant suffer- ing his last agony, that through thy pro- tection, he may be delivered from the snares of the devil and from eternal death; and may deserve to attain to eternal joys. Through Christ our Lord your last moments were consoled by JeBUB and Mary ... through them we beg you now to console this dying servant of God ... that he may realize that "for the faithful life is changed and not taken away" . . . "and that when the house of this earthly tarrying is destroyed, an eternal home in H eaven is prepared" (Requiem Preface) ... come, holy Joseph, and, with Mary, take him safely home to Jesus ... Amen 80 be itt forever and ever with God ... at home . . • 39 PAMPHLETS on ••• • •• CHRIST • •• MARY • •• THE CHURCH • •• SOCIAL PROBLElVIS • •• CHARACTER • •• MARRIAGE • • • LITERATURE • •• VOCATIONS • •• DEVOTIONS • .. BIOGRAPHY · . . Many Other Subjects • Write for a Complete CATALOGUE • THE QUEEN'S WORK 3115 South Grand Boulevard St. Louis 18, Missouri THE QUEEN'S WORK ~ II :; Sou l h Grand Boul evard St. Lou is 18. Mo. Pri nted in U S. 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