Cord, J(ule aNd J!less America Prayers for Our Country By DANIEL A. LORD, S.]. CHRIST taught us to pray that upon earth God's kingdom would come. This kingdom is a spiritual kingdom of peace and love, of obedience to the law of God and acceptance of the kingship of Jesus Christ. Governments like individuals are obliged to accept the law of God, the Ten Com- mandments which He gave for human happiness. Governments and nations can sin as individuals do , and be punished as individuals are. On the other hand, they can be virtuous as individuals are and like individuals will be rewarded by God . Obedience to just government is com- manded by the Fourth Commandment. When we obey just government, we obey the God who established authority. In disobedience, we sin against God. All authority comes from God. He gave this authority to the people who entrusted it to the form of government which they selected or accepted to handle their tem- poral affairs. The object of government is the safety and happiness of the human race. Good government must guarantee human right to life , liberty, truth , the pursuit of hap- piness in time and in eternity. Deactd1f!ed ------ We Pray To Be Good Citizens Lord God, King of Kings and Ruler of the Universe, by happy providence I was born into a democracy. I am grateful for the privileges of free government. Yet I realize the heavy responsibilities that are mine. Not as the tyrants meant it , but in humble truth, I am the government. The laws are of my making. The men in authority are selected by my vote. My taxes are freely voted and must be honor- ably paid. I have important obligations to my country which I must fulfill. Lord Jesus , let me remember my responsibility to my country and for my country's happiness. A great and good nation is made up of great and good individual citizens. Let me be a worthy Christian American. I shall not cheat nor dodge my duties. I shall vote for good officials. I shall approve only just and honorable laws . I shall try by my life to deserve the blessings you wish to give our land. We Pray for Fellow Citizens Lord God , in a land that is a democracy, the country is the people. If the people love you, the country loves you; if the people have faith in and loyalty to you, so has the nation. I beg for my fellow countrymen the grace to believe in you, to accept and follow your law, to serve the needs of our land, to be uncomplaining in difficult times and humble in prosperous times, to use and not waste our national resources, to share the riches of our land with all its citizens, and to advance through- out our country your reign and the king- dom of your peace and love. We Pray for Those in Authority King of Kings and Lord of Lords, from you comes all just authority. Yet that authority must be administered in our land by the men we have chosen for high office. Today their problems are heavy and their difficulties many. They must meet your enemies and listen to those who do not listen to you. In a world that so widely forgets or ignores you, they must re- member that their power comes from you alone. They must be courageous and far- sighted and provident and wise. For that, they need your enlightenment and grace. Grant them all the help they need to lead our country aright and bring us through perilous times to the peace of Christ in the reign of Christ. We Pray for Our Enemies Your enemy, Lord God, · is our enemy. Yet we do not ask you to be on our side; rather we ask that we may be on your side. For our real enemies are less those who openly make war upon us th"an those who, flouting your law and breaking your commandments, cause you to withdraw your help and turn away your face, while our open enemies triumph over us. M ake us Americans good and we need fear no foes. If you will give faith to the unfaithful and love to the loveless and wisdom to the unwise, and if you will teach us how we may help in all this, we shall not fear our enemies, for we shall win them to your kingdom and to your lasting peace. Lord God, Bless America Teach us , dear Lord , to deserve your blessings. Show us how to use the · great riches you have given us. Let wars end in peace, but then show us how in peace we may deserve your protection and your favors and share these wonderful graces with all mankind. Picture on front cover : Chr istu8 by Robert L. Heim, C.S.Sp. Printed With Ec cles iastical Approval First Printin g , March 1952. Copyri g ht 1952 The Eucharistic Crusade of the Knights and Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament 3115 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis 18, Mo. 757602-001 757602-002 757602-003 757602-004 757602-005 757602-006