CHILDREN'S M i m i Ì H L a é " / # Snodai Ss to With ThePriest WILLIAM J . HIRTEN CO., INC. 21 Barclay Street, New York City C O P Y R I G H T 1954, J A M E S & J O N A T H A N , I N C . P R I N T E D IN U . S . A Prayers by Daniel A. Lord, S. J. A d a p t e d Crom the Roman Missal and its^Spirit Pictures for T h e Child at M a s i by Gregor Owen m u p The Priest Prepares for Mass PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I have come to join you and the priest as you say Mass. With you I pray for the living and the dead. From .you I ask all that I need and all that is good for me. Please help me to love God and to make the earth happy and good. Nihil Obstat, John M. Fearns, S.T.D. • Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop, New York 'Htm iiriiniimi limn i itwh.wi Prayer Before Mass PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you want to come into the world. Dear Jesus, I believe that you come to us in the Mass. So I shall join the priest as he says Mass. I shall open the door to you. Please come to me. Please comq to all the world. The Confiteor PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I shall go up to the altar of God. I am very sorry for my own sins and the sins of the world. Please forgive me. I want to be good enough to help you say Mass. I ask you to forgive all who have spoiled your work and offended you. The Opening Prayers PRAYER: Blessed Trinity, I shall give you my gifts. First I shall give you Bread and Wine. Then I shall give you your dear Son, Jesus Christ. Last, I shall give you myself. Please, dear Mother Mary, help me to do this well. Glorious Angels, be near me all through the Mass. The Gloria PRAYER: Jesus, you first came to the world on Christmas. Now you come again in the Mass. So I say with the Angels: "Glory to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will'.' I kneel with the shepherds to adore you, because I be- lieve in you and I love you. The Prayer of the Day PRAYER: Dear Saints in Heaven, once you were boys and girls on earth. You loved Jesus and you prayed to Him and served Him. Now you are happy with Him forever in bliss. Please pray for me. Please teach me how to love Jesus. Please ask Jesus to keep on loving me and to continue to take care of me. The Epistle PRAYER: Dear God, the Epistles are happy messages from the Saints. They are letters that your friends wrote to me about you. Saint Peter and Saint Paul and your Saints of the Old and New Law, tell me about Jesus. I want to come to know Him. I want to become like Him. The Gospel PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you came to teach us about God and Heaven. You told us how to live and showed us how to be good and to help make others happy now and forever. You brought us the Gospel, the Good News, that God is our Father and you have saved us from sin. Jesus, speak to me. Jesus, let me learn about you. The Offertory PRAYER: Dear God, you have given me everything. Now I want to give you presents too. Good boys and girls always brought you their gifts. Sometimes they gave you a lamb; sometimes doves. I too shall give you my gifts in the Mass. The Offertory Goes On PRAYER: Blessed Trinity. I give you this Bread and this Wine. Bread is the staff of life. We wish to have those we love share our food with us. So please accept this Bread and Wine. And please let me give you my life. And make me strong to please you and to do what you want me to do. The Priest Washes His Fingers PRAYER: When I was very little, the waters of Baptism washed my soul clean and bright. Now with the priest, I pray, dear Lord, to be free from evil. Wash me and make my soul white and beautiful. I want to serve you with clean hands. Orate Fratres—Pray, My Brothers PRAYER: Dear Jesus, the priest invites me to offer my gifts with him. This is my Mass too. I am assisting as you, dear Jesus, and your priest say Mass. Please, Father in Heaven, accept my prayers. Receive my gifts. Let me offer you the Mass with joy. The Preface PRAYER: The most important moment of the Mass comes near. Jesus will soon come upon the altar. He will offer Him- self to the Blessed Trinity. I will offer him, too. Come, Angels and Saints. Be present when Jesus comes. Help me to cry joyfully: "Holy! Holy! Holy! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'.' •"St ' The Canon PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I believe that the Last Supper was the first Mass. I want to be present when in the Mass you repeat the Last Supper. I want to be like the Apostles who were with you that Holy Thursday. I want to be like all those who have said Mass or been present at Mass ever since that night. Like the great Saints, let me love you in the Mass. Prayer for the Living PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you are coming because you love us all. Be good to everyone, please, and give them what they need. Be generous to those I love. Give peace to your world. Don't let sinners die in their sins. Make good boys and girls strong. Teach your truth to those who do not know you. Bless my friends. Take care of us all. The Warning Bell Rings PRAYER: Dear Jesus, we are waiting. Come to us soon. You said, "This is my Body; this is my Blood'.' Soon the priest will say these words because you told him to. Then you will be with us. Come, Jesus, come! We believe in you. We love you. We want you to be with us. The Consecration of the Host PRAYER: Dear Jesus, this is the most important part of the Mass. With the priest 1 say the words you told him to speak: "This is my Body'.' Now you are with us. You have come back to earth. This Bread is now your Body. I believe. I kneel and I adore you. The Elevation of the Host PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you have come to us. "My Lord and my God!" Now I can give God a perfect gift. Heavenly Trinity, I give you your own dear Son, Christ Jesus, Our Lord. I give you the dear Son of God. I give you Jesus Christ, the perfect man. Please accept this beautiful, precious gift I give you. The Consecration of the Chalice PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you shed all your Blood for me on Calvary. Now you want to give your Precious Blood to wash away my sins. You said over the wine, "This is my Blood'.' You told your priests to do this as you did. With the priest I say, "This is my Blood'.' Now I know the wine has become your Blood. You come to free us from sin. The Elevation of the Chalice PRAYER: My Lord and My God. I believe that you died for me on the Cross. I believe that you wash me free from sin with your pre- cious Blood. I give this Blood of my Savior as my Gift to God. Please, Father in Heaven, accept your dear Son from my hands. The Priest Prays PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I believe you are present upon the altar. I have helped to open a door to let you come into your world. You are praying to God the Father for me. Thank you so much for coming to earth. Thank you for loving me. Please ask the Heavenly Father to forgive and bless us all. Please stay with us forever. span The Prayer for the Dead PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I pray for the Souls in Purgatory. They are holy people still in prison for their sins. Let your sweet Blood fall upon them and cool their suf- ferings. Let your grace open the gates of Purgatory and bring them safe to Heaven. I pray for all, but especially for my relatives and friends, and for those who died in war. The Our Father P R A Y E R : Dear Jesus, once the people asked you how to pray. You taught them the beautiful prayer that is the Our Father. This prayer I must say all my life. Quietly and gratefully I say it now. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, A M E N ! ' Prayers Before Holy Communion PRAYER: Dear God, I have given you Bread and Wine and the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Now you return that Bread of Life to me. Now you wish to give me yourself in Holy Communion. Dear Jesus, I believe you are present in the Host. Dear Jesus, I beg you to come into my heart. I love you. I want you to remain with me forever. ilHSS " L o r d I Am Not Worthy" PRAYER: Please come to me, dear Jesus. I know I am not worthy. My faith is weak. My sins are many. I love you so little. But you can work wonders with a word. Make me worthy to receive you. Only say the word and my soul will be warm and clean and sweet, a happy place for you to come and dwell. The Priest's Communion PRAYER: It is the Communion of the Mass. Now, Jesus, you come to your priest. Soon you will come to your people. Dear Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Sweet Lamb of God, free my soul from all sins. Divine Lamb of God, I hold out my arms to welcome you. Precious Lamb of God, come to me with love and peace. The Child's Communion P R A Y E R : My Jesus, I believe you are present in the Host. I believe you love me and want me to love you. I am sorry I am not better and purer and more worthy to receive you. But I am waiting for you. I want you. Come to me now, and stay with me as long as I live. Thanksgiving after Holy Communion PRAYER: Lord Jesus, present in my heart, I believe in you. Lord Jesus, who has come to me because you love me, I love you; make me love you more and more. Jesus, my generous Friend, I thank you for all you-have given me throughout my life. Now may I ask you for all I need for myself? Please be generous to those I love. And give grace to all the world. Dear Jesus, stay with me today, tomorrow, and all my life. The Blessing PRAYER: The Mass is ended, and Jesus is with me. Bless • me, dear Savior. Bless me, Heavenly Father. Bless me, a Father, for you are God's priest. J May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be in my soul and on my life forever. The Last Gospel PRAYER: God so loved the world that He gave us His Son for our Salvation. The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. The Host became the Divine Flesh of Jesus on our altars. The Divine Flesh through Holy Communion came into my heart and soul. Jesus is with me. I shall not let Him go. Mass Never Ends PRAYER: Thank you, dear Jesus, for the Mass. I am so glad I can assist at Mass when you and the priest say Mass. This Mass is over, but all day long all the days of the year Mass is said across the earth. I am taking you home and to school with me, Jesus, really and by grace. Thank you for coming. I shall keep you with me and I shall be happy and safe. SAMPLE COPY New Children's Missal No. 2667 $16.00 per Hundred Order from WM. J. HIRTEN CO., INC. 21 Barclay Street New York 8, New York or From Your Local Dealer