CP_Box136_Sys036254654 PRAYERS FOR THE DAY By ARNOLD J ANS'SEN Divine Word Miseionaru DIVINE WORD MISSIONARY PUBLICATIONS TECHNY, ILLINOIS FOREWORD The Daily Prayers' bequeathed by Father Arnold Janssen to his spiritual sons and daughters, the members of the Society of the Divine Word, and the Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit, have aroused the admiration of many others. These prayers sound the depths of The­ ology and breathe a warmth which is excep­ tional. A selection of these prayers is here­ with offered to all those who may wish to join with the sons and daughters of Father Arnold Janssen, missionaries round the world, in honoring and praising God. INDEX Morning Prayers ---- -:-___________________ 3 Short form of Morning Prayers ------------ 11 Evening Prayers. --------------------------�-----------1·2 Short form of Evening Prayers 22 Shortest form of Evening Prayers ---- 25 Prayers at Midday -------_---- -------- 27 Prayer before Work -------------------- 3 é Prayers before and after Meals -------- 37 Acts of Virtue during .the day ----------------37 The ' 'S tation Crucifix t,t -r 3 8 Prayers for the Intentions of theHoly Father ----_� ��_�_.� � __ 39 2 MORNING PRAYERS Leader: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. THE ANGELUS £. The Angel of the Lord declared un­ to Mary. eA. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary. £. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. .Æ, Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary. £. And the Word was made flesh. .Æ. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. .Æ. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. £. Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, who have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection; through. the same Christ our Lord. ut. Amen. During Eastertide £. O Queen of heaven, rejoice, AIle .. luia! -Æ, For He whom thou didst merit to bear, Allel uia! .c. Has risen as He said, AlleI uia! -Æ, Pray for us to God, Alleluia! £. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia! .Æ, For the Lord has risen indeed, AIle .. luia! £. Let us pray: O God, who through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ didst vouchsafe to fill the world with joy; grant, we beseech Thee, that through His Virgin Mother Mary we may obtain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. -Æ, Amen. .c. O My Queen, -Æ, O my mother, I give myself entirely to thee, and to show my devotion to thee, I consecrate to thee this day, my 'eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, and my whole being without reserve. Wherefore, good mother, as I am thine own, keep me, guard me as thy property and possession. Invocation to the Holy Ghost £. Come, Holy Ghost, enlighten my mind and strengthen my will. All: Help me that I may say my prayers devoutly. Act of Adoration .c. O Holy and Triune God, .Æ. I believe that Thou art here present. £. I adore Thee with childlike reverence and love. ' 4 Act of Thanksgiving .c. O most Holy Trinity, .Æ, Praise and thanks be to Thee for the ineffable love and kindness, in which Thou hast created, redeemed and sanctified me. �. In union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of my Savior, with my Guardian Angel, Saint Joseph, my patron sain t and with all the angels and saints of heaven. . .c. I adore Thee in Thine omniscience, �. By which Thou knowest all things, even the most hidden thoughts of my mind and the most secret sentiments of my heart. .c. I adore Thee in Thine infinite justice. .Æ, In which Thou so bountifully re ... wardest the good, but severely punishest the wicked. £. I adore Thee in Thine infinite holi ... ness, -Æ, Which demands that I lead a sinless life and strive for the perfection becoming my state. aC. I thank Thee from the bottom of my heart, �. For Thy wise and kindly guidance in my past life, for Thy fatherly protection during the past night and for the new day which Thou hast granted me. aC. Out of gratitude for all these graces and favors, �. I wish to love Thee with my whole heart, my whole soul, my whole mind and all my strength. 5 Morning Offering .c. O Holy and Triune God, to Thee I dedicate anew my body and my soul. eA. I offer up to Thee all my thoughts and words, actions and sufferings of this day, to please Thee, to do Thee honor, to give Thee thanks for all the graces received, to make reparation for all the offenses com­ mitted against Thee, and to implore the tri­ umph of the Church, especially the conver­ sion of pagans and sinners, and the realiza­ tion of all the in ten tions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. £. I unite this offering eA. With all the prayers, labors and suf­ ferings of my dear Savior, with all the Holy Masses which will be celebrated throughout the whole world today, with the merits of my heavenly Mother Mary and all the angels and saints. .c. I intend eA. To gain today as many indulgences as I can. I offer them up through the hands of my Virgin Mother Mary for the poor souls, especially for my deceased relatives, friends and benefactors and for all the de­ parted bishops, priests and religious of the Church. Petitions .c. Bless us, O Holy and Triune God, in body and soul. eA. Bless our paren ts and relatives, our family, our parish, our country, the whole world. £,. O Holy Ghost, Guide and Ruler of hearts, 6 .Æ, Fill Thou my weak heart with the strength of Thy all-powerful grace, so that today all my doings may be in accord with Thy Divine Will. '£.. Let us pray with the Confraternity of the Holy Ghost to obtain His seven gifts for us and fat the whole Catholic Church. £. For the gift of Wisdom. .Æ, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. ' £. For the gift of Understanding. ,­ rA. Glory be. £. For the gift of Counsel. .Æ. Glory be. £. For the gift of Fortitude. .Æ, Glory be. £. For the gift of Knowledge. -Æ, Glory be. £. For the gift of Piety. -Æ, Glory be. aC. For' the gift of the Fear of the Lord. �. Glory be. As it was. £� Let us pray for the Propagation of the Faith, especially for the missionaries, Christians, catechumens and heathen in the missions. Our Father. Hail Mary. £. Saint Francis Xavier and Saint 'Therese of the Child Jesus. .Æ. Pray for us. Prayers in Honor of MarY,,:tb�;,·.i.\p'gels. and the Saints oG. O Holy Virgin r Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. ,_. ..«. Be and-remain myMother l Keep me from all. sin, . protect me .. � 'in" all dangers of. soul and body, Help. tPé:··,,*tQday to perforar 7' my duties most conscientiously. Obtain for me the grace of my vocation and a great zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. oG. Let us pray with the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart of Mary for the conver­ sion of the poor sinners and the perseverance of the just in grace. Hail Mary. oG. O Mary conceived without sin. -Æ, Pray for us who have recourse to thee. oG. Let us pray to our Guardian Angel. eA.. Angel of God, Guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here, Be thou always at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. £. Saint Joseph, eA.. My holy patron saint and all holy angels and saints be my protectors today and and for ever, especially in the hour of my death. £. Let us pray to honor God in the saints whose memory we celebrate today. .Æ, 'Glory be. As it was. oG. May the darkness of sin and the might of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace, eA.. And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men. Amen. In March, September and November the respective prayer is inserted here. Prayer to SainJ Joseph (In March) cC.' O guardian and father of virgins, �. Blessed Joseph, to whom was con­ fided the care of Jesus" Innocence itself, and Mary the Virgin of virgins: I pray and be- a seech thee by these dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, that being preserved from all un­ cleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart and chaste body, ever most chastely serve Jesus and Mary all the days of my life. Amen. £. Pray for us, most blessed Joseph, .Æ, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. £. Let us pray for Holy Church: O loving Saint Joseph, thou powerful protector and patron of the Church, look down on her great afflictions and the terrible vicissitudes, of so many souls within and without her fold! O do thou, with Jesus and Mary and all the blessed angels and saints, come to their assistance. Frustrate the plans of the godless and inflame the zeal of Christians, that they may confess Jesus free­ ly and openly, and may with body and soul, with life and all, defend the honor of His holy Name, unto victory. Amen. .Æ. O Saint Joseph, grant that we may strive tor the things that are eternal, not for what is transitory, and thus merit to be thine own true children. Amen. £. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus live and reign in our hearts and in the hearts of all men. eA. Amen. Prayer to the Holy Angels (In September) £. Let us pray in honor of the holy Angels. O God, who dispensest the services of Angels and men in a wonderful order; mercifully grant that we may be protected 9 on .earth by-those who serve Thee in heaven . . Through Jesus Christ our Lord . . �. Amen. £. O holy Cherubim and Seraphim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels, we praise and bless God with you. �A. Help the Church to combat the pow­ ers of darkness, of sin, and of unbelief, that the holy Kingdom of God may grow more and more upon earth and may lead men to eternal happiness. £. All you holy Guardian Angels, re­ strain what is evil and. promote the good. Holy Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, all you angels who stand before the throne of God, obtain for us and for the Church .the treas- ures of the HolyGhost. . , -Æ, .May the holy and eternal God be adored ever" more and more throughout. the world, and may 'all nations learn to know and love His most holy Name. Amen .. .. : Prayer .fòr,. ,tJ.te Poor S'ouls (In November) .c. Let us pray in: .honor of. .j.he five wounds. . .of Jesus, for the·· suffering: souls in purgatory: . My Jesus mercy! (Five times) �. Good Lord Jesus, give unto them eternal rest. £. Let us pray: O God, who in Thy kindness dost rr- ward, in Thy justice dost punish, and in Thy mercy dost pardon, in a manner that surpasseth our poor understanding: we offer Thee the Precious Blood of Thy Son and the countless merits of Thy saints, beseech- 10 ing Thee, O Lord, to be merciful to the suf­ fering souls in purgatory. Graciously for­ give their sins, remit their punishment and lead them through Thy holy angels to the Beatific Vision. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. .Æ. God Holy Ghost, Thou Father of all kindness, have mercy on the poor souls in purgatory. Amen. £. Praised and blessed through all eter­ nity, O Lord, rA. Be Thy cleansing and forgiving mercy. Amen. SHORT FORM OF MORNING PRAYERS £'. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Angelus or Queen of Heaven as on page 3 or 4. .c. My God and Father, e-A. With my whole heart I thank Thee for having preserved me during the past night, and fer having. granted- me this new day. £. Jesus, my Divine Redeemer, �. In Thy Sacred Heart, in Thy blood shed for us, in all Thy holy labors here on earth, and in all the Holy Masses which will be celebrated throughout the whole world today, I commend my actions, as well as those of my relatives and of all mankind. .c. I intend .Æ. To offer all my prayers, labors and sufferings of this day for Thy greater honor and for the fulfillment of the intentions for which Thou dost pray and immolate Thy­ self without ceasing in the most holy Sacra­ ment. u .c. I also desire .Æ, To gain today as many indulgences as I can. L. Let us pray for the conversion of the whole world, and for the realization of all the in ten tions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Father. Hail Mary. oG. Angel of God, c.A. My Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, be thou always at my side, to light and guard, to rule and- guide. Amen. oG. All you holy Apostles, c.A. Martyrs, Confessors, and Virgins, obtain for me God's assistance, that I may avoid sin, and faithfully perform all my duties this day. oG. Praised be Jesus Christ, c.A. Now and forever. Amen. In March, September and November the respective prayer on page 10 if is said bere. EVENING PRAYERS £. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Angelus or Queen of Heaven, if not said at twilight. is recited here. (See page 3 or 4). Invocation to the Holy Ghost cC. Come, Holy Ghost, enlighten my mind and strengthen my will. c.A. Help me that I may say my prayers devoutly. Acts of Adoration and Thanksgiving oG. O Holy and Triune God, .Æ. I believe that Thou art here present. 12 £. I adore Thee with childlike rever- ence and love, " �. .iln union with the Blessed; Virgin Mary, the Mother' of my Savior.vwith my Guardian Angel, Saint Joseph, trIi;, patron saint, with all the angels and saints of heaven. £. Praise and thanks be to Thee for the undeserved love with which Thou hast protected me today in so many dangers of body and soul. , �. Most of all I thank Thee for the great patience and fatherly 'kindness, with which Thou hast borne my sins and im­ perfections and preserved me in Thy grace, for the divine liberality with which Thou hast increased in me sanctifying grace, and hast accepted my humble service for Thy honor and the salvation of souls. Examination of Conscience £. O heavenly Dispenser of grace, God the Holy Ghost, come into my soul, .Æ, Enlighten my mind that I may clearly see my sins, move my heart that I may truly repent of them and endeavor to amend my life. Pause 2 or 3 minutes Act of Contrition c. My God and Father, .Æ, Have mercy on me according to Thy great mercy. Behold I am deeply sorry for all my sins, because I have deserved to be punished by Thee, the omniscient and just Judge, in this life and in the life to come, but much more because I have offended and grieved Thee, the most high and most lov­ able Good. cC. Out of Thy fatherly love Thou hast created met cA.. And I have been Thine unfaithful child. Through the precious Blood of Thy Son Thou hast redeemed me' and nourished me in holy Communion, and I have repaid all this love with shameful ingratitude. Thou hast sanctified my soul by Thy grace, and I have desecrated it by failings and sins. Out of thousands Thou hast chosen me and I have been unfaithful. From all eternity Thou hast loved met and from childhood I have grieved Thee. cC. Pardon met O Godt -Æ, And according to" the multitude of Thy tender mercy blot out my iniquity. Cast me not away from Thy face and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. I am firmly �resolved never to offend Thee again. Help me with Thy grace. O .. .J:.�SUSt for Thee I live, O .Iesus.vfor Thee I diet O Jesus, I am Thine in life and in_ death. .Amen. Evening Offering and Petition L. O most Holy 'Trinity, cA.. I offer up to Thee this night' s rest in union with the eternal test of Jesus in the bosom of His heavenly Father and the nightly rest He took on earth, to sanctify my night's rest. L. I unite myself with all the praises an d services , cA. ". Which during this night will be ren­ dered 'Thee, O·· Holy and Triune. Godt and with all the holy Masses that will be cele­ brated in other parts of the world. ,L.. Every beat 'of my heart, and every breath of my mouth, i4 -Æ, Take as an act of love and venera­ tion of Thee, O Holy and Triune God. L. O Holy Ghost, Father of love and holiness, .Æ, Fill my heart with the fire of Thy love, that I may serve Thee with a chaste body and please Thee with a pure heart. .,." .c. Holy Virgin Mary, c.A. Mother of Jesus and after Him my only hope, my Guardian Angel, Saint Joseph, my holy Patron Saint and an you angels and saints of heaven, pray for me, protect me during this night and my whole life, especially in the hour of my death. Amen. Petitions for Others £. O God, bless our parents, relatives, benefactors, friends and enemies. c.A. Send them help, O Lord, from Thy holy place; and defend them out of Sion. £. Let us pray for all the intentions of our community. .Æ, Almighty God, who workest all that is great, pour forth Thy Holy Spirit on our entire community, that they may faithfully serve Thee and truly please Thee in all things. £. Let us pray for those absent. c.A. Most merciful God, bless them in their labors and protect them on their jour­ neys at all places and in all vicissitudes of life. £. Let us pray for our sick. c.A. Eternal Father, look down with mercy upon those of Thy children who are suffering, and stretch forth Thy mighty hand to heal them. 15 o Mary, health of the sick, pray for them! Monday: Prayer to the Holy Ghost oG. O Holy Spirit, true Comforter and Sanctifier, pour into my heart and the hearts of all who are called to Thy service a love for those virtues which Thou dost especially . requite of us. Imbue us above all with the spirit of self-sacrifice that we may make any sacrifice to which Thy grace invites us, for Thine own glorification, for the honor of the Father and the Son, and for the salva­ tion of immortal souls. Bestow on us, we beseech Thee, a love of chastity that with tender solicitude we may watch over the purity of our body and soul. eA. And as Thou dost dispense Thy graces through prayer and the sacraments, grant that we may rightly love and esteem these precious means of grace and zealously make use of them. oG. Thus may we finally partake in the fulfillment of that promise made to those who remain faithful to the end: "Be Thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life" (Apoc. 2, 10). .Æ, God Holy Spirit, be Thou merciful also to the poor heathen, heretics, infidels, and sinners. We beseech Thee grant them grace to recognize Thee, with the Father and Son, as the only Source of true happi­ ness, and to love Thee with their whole hearts. Look graciously down upon the poor souls in purgatory; comfort and refresh them with the graces which flow from Thy merciful love. Amen. 16 Tuesday: Prayer to Saint Anne £. Saint Anne, mother of the Immacu .. late Spouse of the Holy Ghost. .Æ. Through the merits and holiriess with ,which the Holy Ghost has blessed thee, implore from this Divine Spirit many and worthy laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. Obtain, we pray, for all the Christian fami .. lies, the spirit of piety and self .. denial and for all called to the service of the Lord, true humility and fidelity, so that the Holy Ghost work in them with the power of His grace, and they may become fit instruments in the hands of the eternal High Priest. Amen. Wednesday: Prayer to Saint Joseph £. O guardian and father of virgins, .Æ, Blessed Joseph, to whom was con .. fided the care of Jesus, Innocence itself, and of Mary, the Virgin of virgins: I pray and beseech thee by these dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, that being preserved from all unclean .. ness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart and chaste body, ever most chastely serve Jesus and Mary all the days of my life. Amen. Saturday: Prayer to the Blessed Virgin .c. O Virgin Mother of Jesus, eA. Obtain for all who are called to the service of the Lord throughout the whole world, perfect purity of heart, so that they may serve thy Divine Son chaste and pure in all things. Be thou, O Virgin Mother, a strong wall of protection to all through the merits of thy spotless purity. Keep away from all and conquer by thy virgin power 17 the unclean spint. Thou art the Mother of fair love. Pray for them that they may ever be thy sons in the love of the Holy Ghost. Amen. cC. Let us pray for all the members and. candidates of the priesthood and the re­ Iigious state. �. O Holy Ghost, protect them in all dangers of body and soul, enlighten their minds so they may recognize Thee as the Father of love and light and keep away from them the prince of darkness and perdition, give them a pure and strong heart and be­ stow on them the spirit of humility and self -sacrifice. cC. Let us pray for an increase of mis­ sionary vocations. Our Father. Hail Mary. cC. Saint Therese, Patroness of the mis­ sions, �. Pray for us! cC. Let us pray with the Mission League for the conversion of the heathen. Hail Mary. cC. O Mary, Queen of Apostles, -Æ, Help the poor heathen! cC. Let us pray for those who are des­ tined to die within the next twenty-four hours. �. O most merciful Jesus, fond lover of souls, by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart and the sorrows of Thy immaculate Mother, I entreat Thee to purify in Thy Blood all sinners of the whole world who are now in their agony and are to die this day. Amen. Agonizing Heart of Jesus, have pity on the dying! £. Let us pray for our dead. 18 .Æ, Good Lord Jesus, give unto them eternal rest! My Jesus Mercy! Jesus, Mary, Joseph! £. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, .Æ, And let perpetual light shine upon them. £. May they rest in peace. �. Amen. £. Let us pray to the Holy Family for a happy death. �. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, l give you my .heart and my soul! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you! Amen. £. May the Darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. �. And may the Heart of Jesus live In the hearts of men. Amen. £. Praised be Jesus Christ, .Æ, Now and forever. Amen. £. Mary, with her loving Son, .Æ, Bless us each and everyone! Marian Antiphon From Saturday before the first Sunday in Advent to Compline of February 2, exclusively O loving Mother of the Redeemer, who dost remain the ever accessible portal of heaven, and the star of the sea, aid thy fallen people who strive to rise: thou who, a Virgin both before and after receiving that Ave from the mouth of Gabriel, didst while nature wondered, give birth to thy holy Creator; have pity on us sinners. 19 Until Christmas Eve, exclusively: £. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. -Æ, And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Let us pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we who have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection; through the same Christ our Lord. .Æ, Amen. From Christmas Eve, inclusively: £. After childbirth thou didst remain a pure Virgin. .Æ. O Mother of 'God, intercede for us. Let us pray O God, who by the fruitful virginity of the Blessed Mary hast given unto mankind the rewards of eternal salvation; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may feel that she in­ tercedes for us through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. .A, Amen. Hail! O Queen of Heaven From Compline of February 2, inclusively, to Trinity Sunday, exclusively Hail! O Queen of heaven enthroned! * Hail! by angels, mistress owned! * Root of Jesse, Gate of morn, * Whence the world's true light was born. * Glorious Virgin! joy to thee, * Lovliest whom in heaven they 20 see. * Fairest thou w here all are fair! * Plead with Christ our sins to spare. £'. Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O sacred Virgin. eA. Give me strength against thine ene- mies. __ Let us pray Grant, O merciful God, defense to our weakness; that we who now celebrate the memory of the Holy Mother of God may, by the aid of her intercession, rise again from the same Christ our Lord. eA. Amen. o Queen of Heaven Rejoice From noon on Holy Saturday to; the evening before Holy Thursday, exclusively O Queen of Heaven, rejoice! Alleluia! For He whom thou didst merit to bear, Allelu­ ia! Has risen, as He said, Allel uia! Pray for us to God. Alleluia. £'. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia! eA. For the Lord has risen indeed, Al­ leluia! Let us pray O God who through the resurrection of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, didst vouch­ safe to fill the world with joy, grant, we beseech Thee, that through His Virgin Mother, Mary, we may obtain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. l�. Amen. Hail, Holy -Queen From Trinity Sunday to Advent Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee 21 do we cry, poor banished children of .Eve ;-­ to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! £. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, .Æ, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray Almighty, everlasting God, who. by the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, didst pre­ pare the body and soul of the glorious Vir­ gin Mother, to becorne. the fit dwelling­ place of Thy Son; grant that we who now rejoice in her memory may by her gracious intercession be freed: from the evils that threaten us, and from everlasting death. Through the same Christ our Lord. .Æ. Amen. SHORT FORM OF EVENING PRAYERS Examination of Conscience £. O heavenly Dispenset of grace, God the Holy Ghost, come into my soul. �. Enlighten my mind that I may clearly see my sins, ,- move my heart that, I may truly repent 'of them and 'endeavor to amend my life. Pause 2 or 3 minutes The Angelus or Queen of Heaven if not said at twi- light is recited here (See page 3 or 4) . � Act of Contrition .c. My God and Father, .Æ, Have mercy on me according to Thy 22 great mercy. Behold I am deeply sorry for all my sins, because I have deserved". to be punished by Thee, the omniscient and just Judge, in this life and in thenMfe to.come, but much more because I have-offended and and grieved Thee, the most hi'gh and most lovable Good. £. Pardon me, O God, .Æ, And according 'to the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my iniquities Cast me not away from Thy face, and take not Thy holy spirit from me. I am firmly resolved never to offend Thee again. Help me with Thy grace. O Jesus, for Thee I live, O Jesus, for Thee I die. O Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen. Petitions .c. O ,Holy Ghost, Father of love and holiness. - .Æ, Fill my heart with ,the, fire of Thy love that I may serve 'Thee with a chaste body .and please Thee with a pure heart. , .c. Holy Virgin Mary, . -Æ .. Mother of Jesus, and after Him my only hope, my Guardian Angel, Saint Jo­ seph, my holy Patron Saint and all you angels .and saints of Heaven, pray for me, protect me during this night and my whole life, especially in the hour of my death. Amen. Petitions for Others £. Let us pray for all the intentions for J... which we usually pray: Our Father. Hail Mary. £. Let us 'pray for those who are des­ tined to die within the next twenty-four hours. ,23 -Æ, o most merciful Jesus, fond lover of souls,' by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart and the sorrows of Thy immaculate Mother, I entreat Thee to purify in Thy fBlood all sinners of the whole world who II are now in their agony and are to die this Iday. Amen. Agonizing Heart of .Iesus. have pity on the dying! £. Let us pray for our dead. -Æ, Good Lord Jesus, give unto them eternal rest! My Jesus mercy! Jesus, Mary, Joseph! £. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, .Æ, And let perpetual light shine upon them. £. May they rest in peace. .Æ. Amen. £. Let us pray to the Holy Family for a happy death. .Æ, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my 'heart and my soul! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you! Amen. £. May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. .Æ, And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men. The proper Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin. pp. 25 if. l £. Mary with her loving Son, �. Bless us each and everyone. 24 r I SHORTEST FORM OF EVENING PRAYERS £. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Angelus or Queen of Heaven if not said at twi­ light is recited here (See page 3 or 4) . £. Good Father in heaven, eA. Praise and thanks be to Thee for all Thy benefits; particularIy for those that I have received from Thee this day. £. This day has now passed, O God, eA. But our works shall follow after us. Grant that, when my last hour comes, all evil may be expiated, and all the duties Thou hast entrusted to me may be faithfully ac­ complished. £. Let us now examine our conscience and repent of our sins. (Pause) £. My Jesus, mercy! .Æ. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salva­ tion! £. Sweet Heart of Jesus, be not my Judge, but my Savior! eA . My Jesus, mercy! .c. O eternal Father, c«. I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in satisfaction for my sins and for all the intentions of our Holy Church. .c. In Thy name, O Lord, do I betake myself to rest. eA. Grant that my every breath may praise and glorify Thee. £. Have mercy likewise, O God, .Æ, On those poor sick who cannot sleep; on .poor sinners now in the sleep of spiritual death; on all men who need Thy assistance, as also on the suffering souls in purgatory. \ J 25 £. And to me, O Lord, grant this grace, -Æ. That I may always rest in Thy most holy will, and be ever zealous in fulfilling Thy divine commands. £. Let us pray for the conversion of the whole world and for the realization of all the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Father. Hail Mary. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday,the leader begins the respective prayer on pp. 20, 21 or44. £. Angel of God, cA. My Guardian dear, to. whom His love commits me here, be thou always at myside to light and guard, to rule and guide.Amen. £. All ye holy Apostles, cA. Martyrs, Confessors and ·Virgins,obtain for me the grace of perseverance; The proper Antiphon of the Blessed Vhg,.in, pp. 25 ff. oG. Mary with her loving Son, .Æ, Bless us each and everyone. cC. May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the 'lightof the Word and the Spirit of grace. cA. And may the Heart of Jesus live In the hearts of men. Amen. 26 PRAYERS AT MIDDAY EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE "But if we judged ourselves we should not ... be­ judged" (1 Cor. 11, 31). Preparation .Æ, I firmly believe" my God, that Thou art here present, that Thou seest and hearest me, and lookest into my inmost heart. In this firm belief I adore Thee with deepest reverence and humility and ask of Thee the grace to examine my conscience: well. Thanksgiving ,A. I thank Thee, O God, from the depth of my heart for all the favors Thou hast bestowed upon me out of Thy fatherly kindness. Thou hast created and sustained me up to this very moment, redeemed me· through Thy only-begotten Son, given me the true faith and the gift of sanctifying: 'grace, and as an additional proof of Thy- loving providence hast granted me so many' favors, especially on this day. . . . Every' moment of my life is a new pledge of Thy' love and of Thy desire to make me happy. How can I repay Thee for Thy benefits SOl many and so great? Accept, O God, my most sincere and heartfelt thanks, and my­ promise to be ever grateful to Thee. Invocation to the Holy Ghost .Æ. Come, Holy Ghost, enlighten my' mind that I may see wherein I have this day' offended the infinite majesty and goodness' of God, that I may attain to an ever better knowledge of myself, of the means of my 27 salvation, and the dangers that threaten it. Move my heart that I may truly repent of my past sins and failings, and strengthen my will that I may amend my life. O Mary, refuge of sinners, pray for me! Examination of Conscience Examine yourself as to whether and how often you have fallen into your predominant fault which you have resolved in a special way to overcome: or as to whether and how often you have practiced the particular virtue you have determined to acquire. Beware of discouragement. Should you happen to have relapsed into the same fault even several times dur­ ing the day, rise with new confidence and new courage. Contrition rA. O my God, this very morning I promised Thee to commit no sin today, es­ pecially not to commit this sin of .... and yet I have offended Thee again, and have again been unfaithful and ungrateful toward Thee. Would that I had never offended Thee at all! Pardon me, O God, for this and for all the sins of my past life through the 'merits of the infinite satisfaction Thy well-beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has rendered Thee. I am heartily sorry for all my sins because I have deserved to be punished by Thee, the all-just Judge, but still more because I have been so ungrateful to Thee, my greatest benefactor, my most kind Father. Resolution rA. Trusting in Thy grace, O God, I firmly resolve never to offend Thee again and in particular never more to commit this sin of ... '. Accept, O God, this my resolu­ tion and my promise, so that strengthened 28 by Thy grace I may truly amend my life. Amen. Our Father. Means to' Persevere in Good Resolution 1. Renew your good resolution each morning and recommend it to your Divine Savior at Holy Communion. 2. Take care to foresee the occasions of relapse, in order to avoid or at least to pro­ tect yourself against them. 3. If you have relapsed, repent at once and say, HO God, be merciful to me, a sin­ ner!" 4. Each time you fall back into your ruling fault, impose a penance upon your­ self, even though small, in atonement and to increase your watchfulness. 5. Frequently consider the motives that should induce you to shun this or that fault. AFTER THE PARTICULAR EXAMEN The Angelus E: The Angel of the Lord declared un­ to Mary. eA. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. .c. Hail Mary. -Æ, Behold the handmaid of the Lord. .Æ. Be it done unto me according to thy word. .c. Hai1 Mary. cC. And the Word was made flesh. .Æ. And dwelt among us. c. HaB Mary. aC. Pray for, us, O Holy Mother of God. eA. That we may he made worthy of the promises of Christ. 29 Let us pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, who have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection; through the same Christ our Lord. �. Amen. From Holy Satu-rday noon to the Saturday before Trinity Sunday inclusive instead of the Angelus the following antiphon is recited standing: cC. O Queen of heaven, rejoice, Alleluia! �. For He whom thou didst merit to bear, AlleI uia! - cC. Has risen as He said, Alleluia! �. Pray for us to God, Alleluia! £. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, .Allel uia! ' �. For the Lord has risen indeed, Alle­ luia! Let us pray O God, who through the resurrection �f Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, didst vouchsafe to fill the world with joy; grant, we beseech Thee, that through His Virgin Mother Mary, we may enjoy eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. �. Amen. £. O my Queen, , ..«. O my Mother, remember that I am thine own. Keep me, guard me, as thy property and possession. £. Pray for us, O blessed Joseph, -Æ, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 30 Let us pray Vouchsafe, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of Thy most holy Mother's spouse, and that what of ourselves we cannot obtain, may be' given us through his intercession. Who livest and reignest world without end. eA. Amen. Come, O Holy Spirit (Omitted on Fridays) Holy Spirit, come and shine * On our souls with beams divine, * Issuing from Thy radiance bright. Come, O Father of the poor, * Ever bounteous of Thy store, * Come, our hearts' unfailing light. Come, Consoler, kindest, best, * Come, our bosoms' dearest guest, * Sweet refresh­ ment, sweet repose. Rest in labor, coolness sweet, * Temper .. ing the burning heat, * Truest comfort of our woes. O divinest light, impart * Unto every faithful heart * Plenteous streams from love's bright flood. But for Thy blest Deity, * Nothing pure in man could be; * Nothing harmless, noth­ ing good. Wash away each sinful stain; * Gently shed Thy gracious rain * On the dry and fruitless soul. Heal each wound and bend each will, * Warm our hearts benumbed and chill, * All our wayward steps control. Unto all Thy faithful just, * Who In Thee confide and trust, * Deign the seven­ fold gift to send. 31 Grant us virtue's blest increase, * Grant a death of hope and peace, * Grant the joys that never end. Amen. £. May the darkness of sin and the night or heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. .Æ, And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men. Amen. £. Praised be Jesus Christ. .Æ. Now and for ever. Amen. ON FRIDAYS, these special prayers are recited instead of Holy Spirit, come and shine. Offering of Our Crucified Savior for the Intentions of His Most Sacred Heart £. O God, come to my assistance. -Æ, O Lord, make haste to help me. £. Glory be. ..«. As it was. £. Let us adore God, our heavenly Father. .Æ, Amen. £. Lord, Sovereign God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, �. Thou art our only true Master. De­ voutly we adore the majesty of Thy eternal Fatherhood. Would that all men might acknowledge Its might and love, and come to know how graciously It wishes to heal them of all their frail ties and to take them into Its paternal bosom. That this may be realized, we now offer to Thee our great Mediator, Thy well-beloved Son, through the hands of Thy most faithful daughter, and our most loving Mother, Mary. .c. 1. We offer Thee His five Wounds, for the just on earth, that through the strength of these Wounds they may remain 32 free from sin and tepidity, and may make progress in all virtues. Three times after each offering: £. My Jesus, mercy. .Æ. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salva­ tion. .c. 2. We offer Thee the Precious Blood of His Wounds for sinners, that they may amend their ways, and regaining the state of grace become children once more of their heavenly Father. .c. 3. We offer Thee all the terrible tortures of His Sacred Body for the allevia­ tion of the poverty, disease, and bodily woes which sin has brought upon this earth. £. 4. We offer Thee His awful derelic­ tion and distress of 'soul that all sadness and suffering, all actual and apparent dereliction which may afflict the hearts of men may be alleviated. .c. 5. We offer Thee His holy death, undergone in obedience to His heavenly Father, for the dying and the Poor Souls in Purgatory. £. Glory be. eA. As it was. £. Let us adore God, the eternal Son. eA. Amen. £. Lord, Sovereign God, Son of our heavenly Father, -Æ, Thou are our only true life. We adore the glory and wisdom of Thy eternal Sonship. Would that all mankind by hu­ mility and obedience to Thy divine precepts and by the zealous use of the means of grace might be cleansed from their sins and trans­ formed into images of Thy grandeur. For 33 this intention we now offer up to Thee through the hands of Thy Blessed Mother Thy sacrificial Body maltreated because of our sins. i: 1. We offer Thee Thy Body, stripped and nailed to the Cross, for the heathen who neither know nor love Thy Divine Majesty. .c. 2. We offer Thee Thy bleeding Body, disfigured by the scourging and the carrying of the cross, for the heretics who by their continued separation keep the body of the Church torn asunder. .c. 3. We offer Thee Thy Holy Head, crowned with thorns, for the separated Greeks and Orientals who fail to submit to the head of the Church. c. 4. We offer Thee Thy Sacred Face, all covered with blood, the jeer and mock of men, for the Jews and Turks who have rejected Thee. .c. 5. We offer Thee Thy Holy Mouth, parched with thirst, for the tepid sinful Catholics, who so little respond to the thirst of Thy Heart for their love. £. Glory be. eA. As it was. £. Let us adore God the Holy Ghost. eA. Amen. £. Lord, Sovereign God, Spirit and Gift of the Father and the Son, .A. Thou art our only true Consoler. We adore the sanctity of Thy eternal pro­ cession. Would that Thy pure selfless love might find a place in the hearts of men, that they might renounce their own wills and so become fit to partake of Thy unspeakable riches. That this may come to pass, we 34 offer up to Thee, through the hands of Thy Immaculate Spouse and our dearest Mother, the precious Sacrifice which Thou hast pre­ pared for Thyself as well as for the Father and the Son, in the most lovable Heart of our Divine Savior. .c. l. We offer Thee the omnipotence of Jesus, willingly become weak, that the spiritual pride of men may be humbled and broken. c. 2. We offer Thee the eternal wis­ dom of Jesus, looked upon as foolishness, that thereby the sinful blindness of men may be enlightened and that they may amend their ways. .c. 3. We offer Thee the gentleness and love of Jesus, undeservedly made an object of hate, that mankind's vain love of self and of the world may be directed to better things". the higher .and eternal gifts of God. .c. 4. We offer Thee the Incarnate Mercy, condemned to death, that all hard­ heartedness and unkindness may be wiped out among men. .c. 5. We offer Thee the sweetness of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus filled with the bitterness of death that -the hearts of all men may be united in His love and in the faithful service of the Father. £. Glory be. rA. As it was. £. Let us pray for our special .inten .. tions. Hail Mary, etc. £. Let us pray .A, Almighty, Eternal God, who hast prepared for Thyself in the sufferings and death of. our Lord, superabundant repara- 35 tion for the outrages and insults of man ... kind against Thy Divine Majesty, we pray Thee suppliantly, deign to accept our poor prayers which we unite with the prayers and sufferings of Jesus, His Holy Mother, Sain t Joseph, and the faithful. souls of all times. Look upon the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Its all-consuming desire for the salvation of all men. Vouchsafe to pour forth the grace of Thy Holy Ghost in richer streams over the earth, so that all may ac­ knowledge Thee as God and begin to praise Thee unto all eternity. Amen. But Thou, Majestic Queen of heaven, Supreme Mistress of the Angels, who hast received from God both the commission and the power to crush the head of the serpent: we humbly ask of thee, send thy holy le­ gions that under thy command and by thy power they may engage the host of hell, do battle with them unceasingly, bring their boldness to naught, and cast them into the abyss. Who is like to God! Holy Angels and Archangels, protect us, shield us! O good and tender Mother, thou wilt always remain our love and our hope. Amen. + + £. Praised be Jesus Christ, eA. Now and forever. Amen. Prayer Before 1Vork c. Most Holy Trinity, eA. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I offer up to Thee my entire work for Thy honor and the salvation of souls. Laboring under holy obedience in Thy -service, Thine eyes regarding me always, I purpose to be faith- 36 ful and diligent in every task, and above all never to lose sight of Thee, who art love eternal and my exceeding great reward in eternity. + Jesus in all my thoughts! + Jesus m my words! + Jesus in all I do! Amen. .c. God Holy Ghost, eA. All for the love of Thee! Amen. 37 SHORT FORM OF GRACE Before Meals i: Our Father. £. Let us pray: Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to re­ ceive from Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. .Æ. Amen. After Meals We give Thee thanks, Almighty God, for all Thy benefits. Who livest and reign­ est, world without end. eA. Amen. .c. Hail Mary. cC. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to reward with eternal life those who do us good, for Thy name's sake. .Æ. Amen. £. May the souls of the faithful de­ parted through the mercy of God rest in peace. eA. Amen. ACTS OF VIRTUE DURING THE DAY c. I believe in Thee, O my God, .n. Because Thou art the Eternal Truth. .c. I hope in Thee, O my God, .Æ, Because Thou art infinitely merci­ ful, faithful and almighty. .c. With my whole heart I love Thee, O my God, and am sorry for having of­ fended Thee. .Æ, Because Thou are ineffably good and lovable. c£ .. Out of love for me Thou are presentin the Blessed Sacrament. ..«. 'Therefore I long for Thee, O my dearest Jesus. £. Send me from the Fathèr the Holy Ghost with His seven gifts. .Æ, That I may glorify God in all things. Amen. "THE STATION CRUCIFIX" When unable to say. the regular "Way of the Cross," the same indulgences may be gained with a crucifix, also the . crucifix of the rosary, to which this special indulgence has been attached. This privilege holds good for the sick, those traveling, and those unable for any other reason to go the "Way of the Cross." Conditions are: to hold this crucifix on one's hand whilst meditating on the Passion of Our Lord and reciting 'devoutly and with a contrite heart' 20 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory be to the Father: 14 for the fourteen stations, 5 in honor of the five Holy Wounds, and 1 for the intentions of the Holy Father. The sick, who cannot even observe this shorter form, may gain all indulgences by 'devoutly and contritely' kissing the cruci­ fix, or at least by fixing their eyes upon it, 38 and recitmg some short prayer or ejacula­ tion in honor of the Passion of Our Lord. The indulgences to be gained are: a plen­ ary indulgence each time the conditions given above are fulfilled. No other condi­ tions are necessary. If the 20 Our Fathers cannot be completed there is an indulgence for every Our Father. PRAYERS FOR THE INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER Prayer Before a Crucifix, To Gain a Plenary Indulgence . £. Let us turn toward the crucifix and say : Look down upon me, eA. Good and gentle J esus, while, before Thy face t:Ilgu,mbly. kneel, ·and, with ,t,;DurniI\g' soul.. pray and beseech -Y, 'Thee-jto fix deep in my heart, lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, true' contri­ tion -for sins, and. a firm purpose of. amendment; while I contemplate with great love and tender pity Thy five wounds, ponder­ ing over them within me, calling to mind the words which David Thy prophet said of Thee, my good Jesus: "T'hey have pierced My hands! and My feet; they have numbered all My bones." 39 A plenary indulgence, if said before an image of the Crucified Savior, with the usual conditions of Confes­ sion, Communion and some prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father. One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be will suffice. Prayer for Good Priests £. O Jesus, eternal Shepherd of souls, eA.. Hear our prayers for our priests. In our prayers, Thou hearest Thine own infi ... nite desire. Yes, it is for priests through whom Thou dost embrace all souls in Thy' love, that Thy Heart beats most tenderly and warmly. We confess that we are unworthy to have holy priests. But Thy mercy is far greater than our folly and iniquity. O Jesus, do Thou Thyself provide that those only whom Thou dost call, ascend to the dignity of the priesthood. Enlighten superiors in their choice, enlighten confessors in their counsels, and educators who train them in this holy vocation. Give us priests pure as angels, perfect in humility, burning with hal y love like the Seraphim, heroic in sacri ... fice, full of apostolic zeal for Thy honor and for the salvation and sanctification of souls. Have mercy on the ignorant to whom the priest must be a light. Have compassion on all the laborers, who, protected from de ... lusion by them, shall be saved in Thy name. Have mercy on all the children and young people, who seek a leader to save them and lead them to Thee. Have pity on those who suffer and stand in need of a comforter, to comfort them in Thy Heart. Remember how many souls may attain to perfection through the activity of truly holy priests. O Jesus, be Thou touched once more at the 40 sight of the multitudes, who hunger and thirst! Gran t that Thy priests may lead mankind unto Thee, that through them the earth may once more be renewed, Thy Church exalted, and the Kingdom of Thy Heart be founded in peace. Immaculate Virgin, Mother of the eternal Priest, and thyself sacrificial priestess and sacrificial altar beneath the Cross, where thou didst take to thyself Saint John, the beloved priest, as thy son, take our humble petition upon thy lips; let it re-echo in the Heart of thy Divine Son, and effect with thy -in tercession a con tin uous Pentecost in the Holy Church of Jesus. Amen. Prayer for Sinners and the Erring £. Lord God, eternal Father, -Æ, Through the most pure hands of Mary, my Mother, I offer Thee the rich satisfaction which Thy only-begotten Son offered up to Thy divine justice on the tree of the cross, beseeching Thee at the same time to apply the merits of His Precious Blood to all guilty souls, slain by sin, that they may rise up anew and glorify Thee eternally. Amen. I offer Thee the infinite love with which the Sacred Heart of Jesus glows, to render The satisfaction for the tepidity and cow­ ardice of Thy elect, beseeching Thee that through the fire of that love which moved Thy Son to suffer death, Thou mayest be pleased to warm these cold hearts with Thy love, and to enkindle in them that same fire, that loving Him and Thee, they may be glorified eternally. Amen. 41 Finally, I offer Thee that submission of His will with which Thy dearly beloved Son obeyed Thy divine wishes, that through the merits of this precious obedi­ ence, the perfect fulfillment of Thy Holy Will may be attained on earth. Amen. Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity oG. Let us pray: O Lord, - .Æ, Heavenly Father, and great God! who hast made Jesus Christ the head of Thy Church, grant that we, being members of this Church, may obtain His strength and His blessing. Regard our fervent desire to serve Thee by our efforts to make known to our fellowmen Thy divine goodness. Vouchsafe, therefore, O Lord! to bless our petitions by that prayer which Thy well beloved Son continues to pour forth from the Sacrament of the holy Eucharist, and graciously hear our prayers. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ! Thou didst come. in­ to the world to sow the seed of all that is good, and it is Thy wilI that with the as­ sistance of the Holy Ghost, and' by the labors of Thy Apostles and their successors and of all Thy true disciples, it should de­ velop into a fruitful tree. Multiply in Thy holy Church -pious prayers and good works, that through the power of the - Holy Ghost the spirit of darkness may be. overcome and the kingdom of light be spread: through .the whole world. Amen. HoI y Spirit,' true: God! w bo in Thy Di­ vine wisdom preparest everything before­ hand and cornest at the seasonable time: who by the powerof Thy grace subduest the obdurate, inflamest those. that )h�ve_ 42 grown cold, and purifiest and sanctifiest the sinner, pour forth upon us, we beseech Thee, the spirit of love and prayer and unite us all with Thee, that through Thee we may be reunited with the Father and the Son. Amen. Most Blessed Trinity! Who wilIest not that anyone should be lost but that all should have life in Thy name; grant, we be­ seech Thee, that the work of redemption begun amid so much sorrow and pain, may, by the willing cooperation of all Thy chil .. dren, be brought to a prosperous end" that though begun in lowliness amid the scorn and contempt of the world, it may be com­ pleted with honor and glory and we by faithfully cooperating may share in the heavenly reward, which Jesus our Savior has merited by His sacred passion. Amen. Prayer for the Triumph of God's Kingdom £. Let us pray: O eternal Father, rA. Be mindful of Thy congregation which Thou hast possessed from the begin .. ning. Acknowledge the Church as the spouse of Thine only .. begotten Son, for which He hesitated not to shed His Blood. So exalt it, I beseech Thee, with the beau .. ty of holiness, the riches of grace, and the fullness of Thine inheritance, that it may shine forth worthy of its Divine Spouse, and of the great price of its redemption. Look mercifully upon all the sons of this holy Mother and gather all nations into their number; that all with living faith" may ac­ knowledge Thee the Father, and Jesus Christ whom' Thou hast sent, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God; and that they 4-3 may call upon Thee with steadfast hope, and embrace Thee with perfect charity. Amen. O Jesus, the true light which enlighten­ eth every man that cometh into this world, grant, I beseech Thee, by the inestimable virtue of Thy passion and death, that, the darkness of heresies and errors being driven away, all may embrace the light of Thy truth, and be brought into the bosom of Thy Church. O Thou Good Shepherd, who didst lay down Thy life for Thy sheep, protect the flock and defend it from the violence and cunning of those who come in sheep's clothing, but in wardl yare raven­ ing wolves. Grant that all may acknowledge one shepherd, and be of one fold. Abide with us, O Lord, as Thou hast said: "Be­ hold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." Make mani­ fest that Thy Church is founded on a rock, _ and that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Amen. O Holy Spirit, Spirit of love and peace, who hast gathered so many and various na­ tions in the unity of the faith, vouchsafe to gran t to all Christian rulers and to their counselors, the abundance of Thy grace, and imbue their hearts with the new command­ ment of Thy love; that all men may know that they are to be counted among the num­ ber of Thine elect, and are worthy of the name of Christ. Grant that they may not be led through covetousness to do anything contrary to Thy Divine glory, and the peace of Thy Church; but that they may strive, with united efforts, to, bring the peo­ ple committed unto them, together with 44 themselves, to the VISIon of eternal peace, and to the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen. Prayer for Holy Church £'. Divine Savior, .Æ. Jesus Christ, exalt, protect, and govern Thy Holy Catholic Church, which as Thy bride Thou hast loved with a love so ineffable, that for her Thou didst die the painful death upon the Cross. Extend Thy Church throughout the whole world and let all nations find their happiness and sal­ vation through her. Bless her, and enlight­ en and strengthen the Pope, that, as Thy visible vicar on earth, he may worthily fill his high office. Grant Thy grace to all bishops and priests that they lead their flocks in good pastures, announce Thy word zeal­ ously, and be a light to all by the example of their virtue. Give to all the members of Thy Holy Church the spirit of true piety that, as Thy faithful servants on earth, they may glorify Thee, till finally they praise and bless Thee in everlasting bliss. Most loving Savior Jesus Christ, have mercy on the many schismatics and heretics, who, deceived by the lying spirit, do not rec­ ognize the Catholic Church which alone can make men holy, and lead them to Thee. Let not the infinite worth of Thy precious Blood be lost on them, but soften their hard hearts and lead them to the knowledge of the one true faith. Protect the faithful from pernicious skepticism and proud conceit; preserve in them the humble spirit of obedi­ ence to the Authorities of Holy Church, and grant them light and strength, that they be 45 not led astray by the false principles of the children of the world. Most loving Savior, Thou God of peace and of love, gran t to all Christian rulers wisdom, concord, and a peaceful disposition, that they promote what is to Thy honor and the welfare of their subjects. Bind us all here below, in the bonds of peace and love that, living a life well pleasing to Thee, we may finally praise and bless Thee, with all the saints, in the home of eternal peace. Amen. Prayer for Peace and Prosperity .c. O Almighty, .A. Eternal God, heavenly Father, look down with Thine eyes of boundless mercy upon our tears, our misery and our affliction. Have mercy on all the faithful for whom Thine only-begotten Son, our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, voluntarily gave Himself into the hands of sinners and shed His precious Blood upon the cross. Through Jesus our Lord, avert, most gracious Father, the well-deserved chastisemen ts, dangers present and to come, pernicious rebellion, preparation for war, famine, disease, sorrow and distress. Enlighten and strengthen our spiritual and secular superiors and rulers, that they may promote all that may be of service to Thy divine honor, to our salva­ tion, and to the common peace and welfare of Christendom. Grant us, O God of peace, true unity in Faith, with no schism nor dissension. Con­ vert our hearts to true penance and amend­ men t of life. Enkindle in us the fire of love; give us a hunger and thirst after all justice, 46 that as Thy obedient children, we may be acceptable and pleasing to Thee in life and in death. We pray, too, as Thou, O God, wouldst have us' to pray, for the sick and for the well, for sorrowing and afflicted Christians, for the living and the dead. To Thee, O Lord, do We commend ourselves, all that we are, all that we have and possess, in life and in death. Let us enjoy Thy grace here below, that finally with the elect above, we may honor, praise, and extol Thee in eternal joy and bliss. Grant our petition, O Lord, heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, true God, liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. Petitions to the Holy Trinity .c. God, heavenly Father, �A. Thou greatest Shepherd and Father of the faithful, who through Thy Spirit dost guide and sanctify the entire body of the Church, and who, through Jesus Christ, hast made the glory of Thy name known to every nation, preserve and further the work of Thy mercy that the Church may grow in good, extend itself throughout the whole world, and steadfastly persevere in the con­ fession of Thy name. Great and eternal Shepherd Jesus Christ, to Thee we recommend our Holy Father, Pope N . . . . Thy vica�n earth. Hear his prayers and grant his wi es, having as they do, Thy honor and the go cl of the Church for their object. Guide .him, enlighten him, strengthen, defend, andisupport him, that he may govern the Church worthily at all times. 47· G9d, Holy Ghost, Thou who givest peace and lovest unity; grant to all Christian rul­ ers, Thy servants, perfect concord, remove all war, unrest and "·dissension, that the faithful may serve' Th'ee in perfect freedom of faith. O most Holy Trinity, who hast called all men to be saved and wilIest not that any one should perish; look graciously on the souls whom the cunning of the evil spirit has deceived. Grant that Christians may put an end to all schism, lay aside all error, and return to the unity of Thy truth. Do Thou free the nations that languish in the dark­ ness of heathenism from the yoke of idola­ try and unbelief, and unite them with us in the bosom of Holy Church. Amen. IMPRIMI POTEST L. G. Mack, S.V.D., Provincial Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 1955 NIHIL OBSTAT Very Rev. Msgr. Cletus F. O'Donnell, Censor IMPRIMATUR + Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago 48