Who was blessed John Bosco? BLESSED JOHN BOSCO? — ,— 4. WHO WAS WHO WAS BLESSED JOHN BOSCO? £Ty LESSED John Bosco was born Jj in 1815, at Murialdo di Castel- nuovo not far from Turin, Italy. Some secret call from the Most High had made him say while yet a child: “If I could be a priest I would dev- ote my whole life to the welfare of the young. I should call them around me; ive should be the best of friends; I should instruct them and exert oJl my energies to gain them eternal salvation.” I Ordained in 1841, his apostolate | i among the young took shape immedi- | i ately. It began by Sunday catechism, | | and a few weeks sufficed to draw j I hundreds of children around him. He j J established first in Italy and then j I abroad. Festive Oratories, day and f I evening schools, homes for poor Chil- | j dren, schools of Arts and Trades, J j churches for the people, establish- j j ments for emigrants and missions j I for the conversion of the heathens. The sun never sets on the fields of j *•——*—— - I * DsacFfW** T I I Salesian missionary labors, because j | there is no region on this globe that I I is not dotted with Salesian mission- I j ary stations, from the virgin forests I j of Brazil and Equador to the frozen j I marshes of Patagonia, and from Ter- I j ra del Fuego to the Vacariates ap- I j ostolic of China, Australia, India, I j Siam, Japan, and to the missions of 1 j Belgian Congo, Egypt, Tunis, and j I the Holy Land. j l The chief works founded by bless- | I ed John Bosco are : I 1. The Society of St. Francis of I J Sales, or the Salesian Fathers who i I study to follow in his steps and car- ! f ry on his work of zeal and charity, i 2. The Institute of the Daughters j f of Mary Help of Christians, which is j | a Society of nuns who do the same j f work for girls that the Salesian fa- j i thers do for boys. j 3. To carry on these works, Bless- j | ed John Bosco established the “As- f J sociation of Salesian Co-operators.” j J They assist the Salesians by prayers f I and alms. 1 1 I •I* ii—mi mi— mi—mi— nil—mi mi—mi—mi—mi mi—mi—mi— nn—mi i *|« A MAN OF GOD, whose extraor- j dinary virtues and inestimable bene- | fits, brought upon Christian society, j have been recognized by the Church, J which has sanctioned the unanimous J choice of her children. I I i I I i \ i I I I I I * I