Reading guide for parents of retarded children : a suggested list of the available reading information for the parents of retarded children for parents of Retarded Children A SUGGESTED LIST OF THE AVAILABLE READING INFORMATION FOR THE PARENTS OF RETARDED CHILDREN. CO c. ^er ^ (I This folder is not an exhaustive list of all the wonderful and useful material that has been written on the subject of re- tardation. It is rather a sincere attempt to acquaint parents of a retarded child with the various booklets, pamphlets, and articles that contain some of the answers to the many questions that will and do arise. May it prove useful and helpful to spir- itual advisors, doctors, lawyers, nurses, social workers, school directors, parents, relatives, friends, and all who may be called upon to assist a retarded child. The compiling of this reading list rep- resents the combined efforts of the following persons: • Sister Mary Charitas S.S.M., R.N., B.S. in Ed., M.S. in Nr. Ed., Assistant Pro- fessor of Nursing, chairman of St. Louis University graduate program in obstetric nursing. • Sister Marion S.S.M., B.S., M.A., Ph.D. • Gerard R. Breitenbeck, C.SS.R., Busi- ness Manager of the magazines pub- lished at Liguori Publications Center, Liguori, Missouri. • The graduate students in obstetrics at St. Louis University. What the Government Has to Say THE CHILD WHO IS MENTALLY RETARDED by CHILDREN'S BUREAU U.S.A. No. 43-1956 23pp. .10 per copy * * * * THE MONGOLOID BABY by CHILDREN'S BUREAU U.S.A. No. 50-1960 20pp. .10 per copy In these two pamphlets the United States Government provides background information on mental retardation and directs parents to- wards acceptance and care of their child. Obtainable from: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 World Wide Opinion THE MENTALLY SUBNORMAL CHILD by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (TECHNICAL REPORT SERIES NO. 75) .25 per copy This is a report from a joint expert committee that was convened by World Health Organiza- tion (WHO) with participation of the United Nations. It deals with such questions as: pre- valence, research, definition, parent and pub- lic education, etc. 46 pp. Obtainable from: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT SERVICE 2960 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10027 Clinical and Guidance Centers CLINICAL PROGRAMS COMPILED BY MR. RUDOLPH P. HORMUTH (Division of Health Specialist) Free per single copy The Division of Health for Mentally Retarded Children has prepared a listing of some of the special clinical, diagnostic, and guidance centers for retarded children. This listing is arranged according to State order. 28 pp. Obtainable from: CHILDREN'S BUREAU DEPT. OF H. E. W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 How to Train the Child at Home THE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILD AT HOME by LAURA L. DITTMAN (Children's Bureau No. 374) .35 per copy This is a manual for parents. It treats of home care and education. The author is a specialist in home training programs for mentally re- tarded children. 99 pp. Obtainable from: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 Another Home Training Plan TEACH ME by DIVISION OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS .25 per copy This booklet gives practical suggestions for the training of a retarded child in home train- ing, habit training, discipline, emotions, looks and manners. Irregular behaviour, and health, etc. 31 pp. Obtainable from: MINNESOTA DEPT. OF PUBLIC WELFARE 117 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 Teaching the Truths of God RELIGION FOR RETARDED by GERARD R. BREITENBECK C.Ss.R. $3.50 per Kit Without dependence on a printed text, spe- cialized audio-visual aids are employed to convey the truths of God to a retarded child. The simple questions and answers are set to music on 33 Va RPM phonograph records. Color contrast pictures, jigsaw puzzles, and word- matching sheets are also used. Obtainable from: LIGUORIAN - QUEEN'S WORK PAMPHLETS LIGUORI, MISSOURI 63057 Social Security Benefits WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY CHILD by MR. LEE MARINO Free Suggestions are offered on the Social Security Benefits that the parents of retarded children can obtain. The question of Wills and Trusts is also treated. 9 pp. Obtainable from: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN 386 PARK AVE. SOUTH NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016 An Insurance Plan NARC GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PLAN Free This pamphlet describes the principal features of a group insurance plan that has been de- veloped by a Committee from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN. 10 pp. Obtainable from: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN 386 PARK AVE. SOUTH NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016 A Positive Approach FOR THE PARENTS OF RETARDED CHILDREN by GERARD R. BREITENBECK, C.Ss.R. .25 per copy This booklet presents a positive approach to the various problems that parents of a re- tarded child will encounter. Besides spiritual considerations it contains many statements from the parents of retarded children. 61 pp. Obtainable from: LIGUORIAN - QUEEN'S WORK PAMPHLETS LIGUORI, MISSOURI 63057 A Mother^s Account THIS IS STEVIE'S STORY by DOROTHY G. MURRAY $1.00 per copy In a heart warming way Mrs. Murray recounts the day to day living with Stevie's retarda- tion. She also shows how she and her hus- band developed patience through suffering, a wiser sense of values, and above all, a more compassionate love for all mankind. 139 pp. Obtainable from: VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN 4705 LEONARD PARKWAY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23226 How to Keep Informed CHILDREN LIMITED $1.00 per year Subscription This publication comes out every two months. It keeps the parents of a retarded child In- formed about current advances in education, parent counseling, vocational rehabilitation, research, federal and state legislation. Significant efforts on the international scene are also reported. Obtainable from: CHILDREN LIMITED (Subscription Dept.) 386 PARK AVE. SOUTH NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016 Directory of Facilities DIRECTORY OF CATHOLIC FACILITIES FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN IN THE U.S.A. $2.75 per copy In this directory the various Catholic places, institutions, schools, etc. are listed according to the care provided and the facilities avail- able. 248 pp. Obtainable from: NATIONAL CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 1785 S. MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 Institutions and Training Schools LISTINGS OF STATE AND PRIVATE TRAINING SCHOOLS AND HOMES FOR THE RETARDED $1.00 per copy The places listed in this Directory are given according to state order. Although this pub- lication is primarily directed toward resi- dential training schools and homes, a number of day schools are also included. 151 pp. Obtainable from: A.A.M.D. CENTRAL OFFICE P.O. BOX 96 WILLIMANTIC, CONNECTICUT 06226 % Additional Copies of this Reading Guide can he % obtained from I LIGUORIAN-QUEEN’S WORK PAMPHLETS % LIGUORI, MISSOURI 63057 t PRICE: Single copies 10< 12 copies $1.00 125 copies $10.00 Kindly enclose cash and a self- addressed, postage-stamped enve- lope with all orders LESS than $1.00. Thank you.