Perpetual novena to Mary, Queen of All Hearts PerpetualNovena inHonorof MarijQueen ofAll Hearts Price of This Booklet 10c Quantity Orders 100 for $9.00 MONTFORT PUBLICATIONS Bay Shore, N. Y. AE££37^ Perpetual Novena to Mary Queen ofAll Hearts MONTFORT PUBLICATIONS Bay Shore, L. I. Imprirni Potest: Frank Setzer, Provincial Superior. Nihil Obstat : Thomas W. Smiddy, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. Imprimatur : Thomas Edmundus Molloy, S.T.D. Archiepiscopus-Episcopus Brooklyniensis. Brooklynii, Die XIV Martii, 1955. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO MARY QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS Sing, My Soul St. Louis De Montfort Music: Daily, daily sing to Mary I Sing, my soul, my Saviour’s glory Sing, my soul, our Lady’s name; Sing the great and gracious favors Mary’s servants all can claim. Oh, that I to all creation Could the joyful news attest That the the happiest of the happy Are the souls that serve her best. II When my soul is sore and troubled By my sins both night and day, Comes a peace all thought surpassing As for Mary’s help I pray. In the midst of all my combats She it is who says to me: “Courage, child, and fear no longer; I can ne’er abandon thee.” NOVENA TO MARY QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS Opening Prayer Priest and People: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I unite with all the saints in heaven / with all the just on earth / with all the faithful here assembled. / I unite with Thee / O my Jesus / in order to praise worthily Thy holy Mother / the Queen of All Hearts / and to praise Thee / the King and Center of All Hearts / in her and through her. I renounce all the distractions / which I may have / during this Novena. / I wish to pray / for the great intentions / of Thy Sacred Heart: / for the conversion of sin- ners / for the perseverance of the just / and for the relief of the souls in Purga- tory. / I wish to pray also / for my own intention / ( pause and name your own intention ) if this be for the greater glory of God / the good of my neighbor / and the salvation of my own soul. Amen. — 4 — LITTLE CROWN OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Priest: Grant that I may praise thee / holy Virgin! People: Give me strength against thy ene- mies. Crown of Excellence Priest: Our Father, etc. . . . People: Give us, etc. . . . Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 1—Blessed art thou / O Virgin Mary / who didst bear the Lord / the Cre- ator of the world; / thou didst give birth / to Him Who made thee / and remainest a Virgin forever. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . — 5 — Priest and People: 2 — O holy and immaculate Virgin / I know not with what praise / to extol thee / since thou didst bear in thy womb / the very one / Whom the heavens cannot contain. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 3 — Thou art all fair / O Virgin Mary / and there is no stain in thee. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 4 — Thy virtues / O Virgin / surpass the stars of heaven in number. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Glory be to the Father, etc. . . . People: As it was, etc. . . . — 6 — Crown of Power Priest: Our Father, etc. . . . People: Give us, etc. . . . Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 5 — Glory be to thee, / O empress of the world! / Bring us with thee / to the joys of heaven. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 6 — Glory be to thee / O treasure-house of the Lord’s graces! / Grant us a share in thy riches. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . — 7 — Priest and People: 7 — Glory be to thee / O Mediatrix be- tween God and man! / Through thee may the Almighty / be favor- able to us. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 8 — Glory be to thee / who destroyest heresies / and crushest demons. / Be thou our loving guide. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Glory be to the Father, etc. . . . People: As it was, etc. . . . Crown of Goodness Priest: Our Father, etc. . . . People: Give us, etc. . . . Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . — 8 — Priest and People: 9 — Glory be to thee / O refuge of sin- ners! / Intercede for us with God. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 10 — Glory be to thee / O Mother of or- phans! / Render the Almighty / favorable to us. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . Priest and People: 11 — Glory be to thee / O joy of the just! / Lead us with thee / to the joys of heaven. Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Hail Mary, etc. . . . People: Holy Mary, etc. . . . — 9 — Priest and People: 12—Glory be to thee / who are ever ready to assist us/ in life and in death ! / Lead us with thee / to the kingdom of heaven! Priest: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! People: Rejoice a thousand times! Priest: Glory be to the Father, etc. . . . People: As it was, etc. . . . Act of Consecration Priest and People: O Immaculate Mother / I renew and ratify today / in thy hands / the vows of my Baptism: / I renounce forever / Satan, his pomps and works; / I give myself en- tirely to Jesus Christ / the Incarnate Wis- dom / to carry my cross after Him / all the days of my life / and to be more faith- ful to Him / than I have ever been be- fore. / In the presence of all the heavenly court / I choose thee this day / for my Mother and Mistress. / I deliver and con- secrate to thee / my body and soul / my goods, both interior and exterior / and even the value of my good actions / past, — 10 — present and future; / leaving to thee / the entire and full right / of disposing of me / and all that belongs to me / without ex- ception / according to thy good pleasure / for the greater glory of God/ in time and in eternity. / Amen. Novena Prayer O Mary, Queen of All Hearts, / Advo- cate of the most hopeless cases; / Mother most pure / most compassionate; / Mother of divine love / full of divine light / we confide to thy care / the favors which we ask of thee today. Consider our misery / our interior trials and sufferings! / We know that thou canst help us / through the merits of thy Divine Son, Jesus. / We promise / if our prayers are heard / to spread thy glory / by mak- ing thee known / under the title of Mary / Queen of All Hearts / Queen of the Uni- verse. Grant, we beseech thee / hear our prayers at thine altar / where every day / thou givest so many proofs / of thy love and power / to heal both body and soul. We hope against all hope. / Ask Jesus to cure us / pardon us / and grant us final perseverance. — ll — Priest: O Mary, Queen of All Hearts ! People: Cure us / we have confidence in thee! (Repeat this invocation three times.) PIUS XIFS PRAYER TO OUR QUEEN Out of the depths of this valley of tears, / through which suffering humanity painfully struggles, / up from the billows of this sea, / endlessly buffeted by the waves of suffering, / we raise our eyes to you, / most beloved Mother Mary, / to be comforted by the contemplation of your glory / and to hail you / as Queen of Heaven and earth, / Queen and Mother of mankind. With legitimate filial pride, / we wish to exalt your queenship / and to recognize it / as due to the sovereign excellence / of your entire being, / O dearest one / truly Mother of Him Who is King by right, / by inheritance and by conquest. Reign, O Mother and Queen, / by showing us the path of holiness, / and by guiding and assisting us / that we may never stray from it. In the heights of heaven, / you exercise — 12 — your primacy over the choirs of angels, / who acclaim you as their sovereign, / and over the legions of saints / who delight in beholding your radiant beauty. / So, too, / reign over the entire human race / above all by opening the path of faith / to those who do not yet know your Divine Son. Reign over the Church / which ac- knowledges and extols your gentle do- minion / and has recourse to you as a safe refuge / amide the calamities of our day. / Reign especially over that part of the Church / which is persecuted and op- pressed; / give it strength to bear adver- sity, / constancy never to yield under un- just compulsion, / light to avoid falling into the snares of the enemy / firmness to resist overt attack, / and at every mo- ment / unwavering faithfulness to your kingdom. Reign over the minds of men, / that they may seek only what is true; / over their wills, / that they may follow solely what is good; / over their hearts, / that they may love nothing but what you your- self love. Reign over individuals and over fami- lies, / as well as over societies and na- tions; / over the assemblies of the power- — 13 — ful, / the counsels of the wise, / as over the simple aspirations of the humble. Reign in the streets and the squares, / in the cities and the villages, / in the val- leys and the mountains, / in the air, on land and on the sea; / and hear the pious prayer / of all those who recognize / that yours is a reign of mercy, / in which every petition is heard, / every sorrow com- forted, / every misfortune relieved, / every infirmity healed, / and in which, at a gesture from your gentle hands, from death itself there arises smiling life. Obtain for us / that all who now, / in every corner of the world, / acclaim and hail you Queen and Mistress, / may one day in heaven / enjoy the fullness of your kingdom / in the vision of your Divine Son, / Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, / liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. / Amen. Rosary (see page 21) or Sermon — 14 — BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT O Salutaris I O salutaris Hostia, O saving Victim, . Quae coeli pandis ostium, Who opens the gate of heaven Bella premunt hostilia; Evil forces press against us; Da robur, fer auxilium. Give us strength, send us help. II Uni Trinoque Domino To the Triune Lord Sit sempiterna gloria, Be everlasting glory, Qui vitam sino termino Who giveth life without end Nobis donet in patria. Amen. To us in our heavenly home. Amen. — 15 — Tantum Ergo Tanturn ergo Saeramentum This wonderful sacrament Veneremur cernui: Let us adore with heads bowed low, Et antiquum documentum And let the sacrifices of the Old Law Novo cedat ritui: Give place to the sacrifice of the New Praestet tides supplementum Let faith supply for Sensuum defectui. What our eyes do not see. II Genitori, Genitoque To the Father and to the Son Laus et jubilatio, Be praise and exaltation, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Salvation, honor and power — 16 — Sit et benedictio : And blessing to Them as well. Procedenti ab utroque To the Holy Spirit proceeding from Both Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Be equal praise. Amen. V. Panem de coelo praestitisti eis, R. Thou gavest them bread from heaven R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. Containing in itself all sweetness. Oremus Deus, qui nobis sub Sacramento mira- bili Passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti: tribue, quaesumus, ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis iugi- ter sentiamus: Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Prayer Priest: O God, what a wonderful remembrance of Thy passion Thou hast left us in this — 17 sacrament! Give us the grace to rever- ence this mystery of Thy Body and Blood, so as always to enjoy the fruits of Thy redemption. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen. The Divine Praises Blessed be God! Blessed be his Holy Name! Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man! Blessed be the Name of Jesus! Blessed be His most Sacred Heart! Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacra- ment of the altar! Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy! Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Con- ception ! Blessed be her glorious Assumption! Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother ! Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse! Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints! — 18 — Holy God Holy God, we praise Thy Name, Lord of all, we bow before Thee; All on earth Thy scepter claim, All in heaven above adore Thee. Infinite Thy vast domain Everlasting is Thy reign Hark, the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising. Fill the heavens with sweet accord, Holy! Holy! Holy Lord! — 19 — Immaculate Heart of Mary THE ROSARY (Method of St. Louis Mary De Montfort) Introductory Prayer Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Most Holy Trinity / this Creed / in honor of all the mysteries of our Faith / this Our Father / and these three Hail Marys / in honor of the unity of Thy Essence / and the Trinity of Thy Per- sons. / We ask of Thee a lively faith / a firm hope / and an ardent charity. / Amen. Apostles’ Creed Our Father Three Hail Marys Glory be to the Father Joyful Mysteries Page 22 Sorrowful Mysteries Page 26 Glorious Mysteries Page 30 — 21 — THE FIVE JOYFUL MYSTERIES 1. The Annunciation Priest and People: We offer Thee / 0 Lord Jesus / this first decade / in honor of Thy Incarnation in Mary’s womb / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through her intercession / a profound humility. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Annunciation / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / jorgive us our sins / save us jrom the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 2. The Visitation Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this second decade / in honor of the Visitation of Thy Holy Mother / to her cousin St. Elizabeth / and the sanctification of St. John the Baptist / and we ask of Thee / through — 22 — this Mystery / and through the inter- cession of Thy Holy Mother / charity toward our neighbor. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Visitation / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 3. The Nativity Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this third decade / in honor of Thy Nativity in the stable of Bethlehem / and we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / de- tachment from the things of the world / contempt of riches / and love of pov- erty. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . — 23 — Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Nativity / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 4. The Presentation in the Temple Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this fourth decade / in honor of Thy Presentation in the Tem- ple / and the Purification of Mary / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / purity of body and soul. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Presentation / come down into our souls. People: Amen. — 24 — Priest and People : 0 my Jesus / /orgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this fifth decade / in honor of Mary’s finding Thee in the Temple / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through her intercession / the gift of true wisdom. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Finding of Jesus in the Temple / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. — 25 — THE FIVE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES 6. The Agony in the Garden Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this sixth decade / in honor of Thy Agony in the Garden of Olives / and we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through the inter- cession of Thy holy Mother / contri- tion for our sins. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Agony in the Garden / come down into our souls. People: Amen Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 7. The Scourging Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this seventh decade / in . honor of Thy bloody Scourging / and — 26 — we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / the grace of morti- fying our senses. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Scourging / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 8. The Crowning with Thorns Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this eighth decade / in honor of Thy being crowned with thorns / and we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through the inter- cession of Thy holy Mother / contempt of the world. / Amen. Our Father . . . Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . — 27 — Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Crowning with thorns / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 9. The Carrying of the Cross Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this ninth decade / in honor of Thy carrying of the Cross / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / patience in bearing our crosses. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Carrying of the Cross / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of — 28 — hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 10. The Crucifixion Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this tenth decade / in honor of Thy Crucifixion and ignomini- ous death on Calvary; / we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / the conversion of sinners / the perseverance of the just / and the relief of the souls in Purgatory. / Amen. Our Father . . . Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Crucifixion / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. — 29 — THE FIVE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES 11. The Resurrection Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this eleventh decade / in honor of Thy glorious Resurrection / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / love of God and fervor in Thy service. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Resurrection / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 12. The Ascension Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this twelfth decade / in honor of Thy triumphant Ascension / — 30 — and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / an ardent desire for heaven our true home. / Amen. Our Father . . . Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Ascension / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / jorgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 13. The Descent of the Holy Ghost Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this thirteenth decade / in honor of the Mystery of Pentecost / and we ask of Thee / through this Mys- tery / and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother / the coming of the Holy Ghost into our souls. / Amen. Our Father . . . Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . — 31 — Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of Pentecost / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / jorgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 14. The Assumption Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Jesus / this fourteenth decade / in honor of the resurrection and triumph- ant Assumption / of Thy holy Mother into heaven / and we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through her intercession / tender devotion for so good a Mother. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Assumption / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of — 32 — hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. 15. The Coronation Priest and People: We offer Thee / O Lord Jesus / this fifteenth decade / in honor of the Coronation of Thy holy Mother / and we ask of Thee / through this Mystery / and through her inter- cession / perseverance in grace / and a crown of glory hereafter. / Amen. Our Father ... Ten Hail Marys . . . Glory be . . . Priest: May the grace of the Mystery of the Coronation / come down into our souls. People: Amen. Priest and People: O my Jesus / forgive us our sins / save us from the fire of hell / and lead all souls to heaven / especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. — 33 PERPETUAL NOVENA TO MARY QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS Christianity is the reign of Christ in the hearts of men. It is divine life flowing through human veins: a life that tends to reproduce Christ in human souls. In other words, the Kingdom of Christ is principally a spiritual kingdom. He reigns over a soul when, by His grace, He dwells in that soul and that soul dwells in Him. That is why the Church calls Him "The King and Center of All Hearts.” The aim of Christianity is, therefore, to estab- lish the reign of Christ in the hearts of men. All our efforts, all our prayers, all our devotions must have no other object in mind but to foster the reign of Christ in human souls. St. Louis De Montfort tells us that since it was through Mary that the reign of Christ was inaugurated, it is also through her that it will attain its fullness. "It was through the most holy Virgin Mary that Jesus came into the world, and it is also through her that He has to reign in the world!” ( True Devotion, No. 1.) This means that Jesus first came into the world (to save souls) through Mary, and that He still comes into the world (of human souls) — 34 — through her. She is the Mother who gives birth to Jesus in human hearts by her all-powerful mediation. But Mary’s Motherhood does not stop there. Like any mother, Mary has rights over her spir- itual children—rights by which she can guide and command us. She can say to us, as she said to the servants at Cana: "Do whatever He will tell you.” And thus the life of Jesus grows in us. In other words, our Blessed Mother is also a Queen. St. Louis De Montfort tells us that "Mary is Queen of heaven and earth by grace, as Jesus is King of them by nature and by con- quest.” She is Queen of the same spiritual domain over which Christ reigns supreme, that is, the hearts of men. "It is principally in the hearts that she is more glorified with her Son. And so we may call her, as the saints do, the Queen of All Hearts.” ( True Devotion , No. 38.) Echoing these words of St. Louis De Mont- fort, our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, says: "Mary is Queen by grace, by divine relation- ship, by right of conquest and by singular elec- tion. Her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, since nothing is excluded from her dominion.” (May 13, 1946.) If Mary is our Queen then we must be her — 33 — subjects, then we must serve her as loving chil- dren. Again, Pope Pius XII makes this clear for all to know: "Let all Christians, therefore, glory in being subjects of the Virgin Mother of God, who, while wielding royal power, burns with a mother’s love.” {Ad coeli Reginam.) The principal object of devotion to Mary Queen of All Hearts is precisely to acknowledge and to profess openly our Blessed Mother’s queenly power over our souls. This we do by consecrating ourselves totally to Jesus through the hands of Mary, as children and slaves of love, for time and eternity. That is the first step. The second consists in living this total consecration in our everyday lives by doing all our actions through Mary, with Mary, in Mary and for Mary. From all this it is obvious that the chief aim of this devotion is to hasten the reign of Christ in human hearts by fostering the reign of Mary. It is a perfect living of the well-known motto: To Jesus Through Mary. The purpose of the present Perpetual No- vena in honor of Mary Queen of All Hearts is twofold: first, and principally, to foster true and perfect devotion to Mary, our Queen and Mother, and thereby hasten the reign of Christ in the world; secondly, and secondarily only, to obtain through Mary’s intercession spiritual and — 36 — temporal favors, if such be God’s holy will to bestow them upon us. May these spiritual exercises draw more and more souls closer to Christ through a more per- fect dedication of themselves to Mary, the Queen of All Hearts. Explanation of Little Crown St. John, the beloved disciple of Jesus and Mary, was privileged to behold a wonderful sign in heaven: “A Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” ( Apoc. Ch. 12.) Scripture commentators tell us this vision portrays the Blessed Virgin with her virtues and privileges, especially her divine motherhood. This gave rise to the Triple Crown of Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin which heaven has blessed with countless favors. St. John Berch- mans and many other devoted children of Mary made the Little Crown their daily favorite. St. Louis Mary De Montfort, universally known for his Perfect Devotion to Mary, em- bellished the Little Crown by adding to each Hail Mary a distinctive invocation in praise of the Blessed Virgin’s excellence , power and goodness , ending with the joyful strain: ''Re- 37 — joice, O Virgin Mary! Rejoice a thousand times!” St. De Montfort gave the Little Crown as a morning prayer to both his religious families (The Montfort Fathers and the Daughters of Wisdom) . He heartily recommends it to all who embrace the holy and loving slavery of Jesus through Mary. Thus the world over, from the lips of Mary’s favorite children, the Little Crown rises like a fragrant incense to Our Blessed Mother’s throne in heaven and returns to earth in showers of divine benediction. TRUE DEVOTION TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN by St. Louis De Montfort 267 Pages, Cloth, $2.00; Paper, $1.00 St. Pius X: "I heartily recommend True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, so admirably written by Blessed De Montfort and to all who read it grant the Apostolic Benediction.” THE SECRET OF MARY by St. Louis De Montfort 81 Pages, 15c An abridgment of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin MONTFORT PUBLICATIONS Bay Shore, N. Y. — 38 — THE CONFRATERNTY OF MARY QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS The Confraternity of Mary Queen of All Hearts was first established on March 2 5, 1899. Pope St. Pius X erected it as an Archconfra- ternity in Rome, on April 28, 1913, and asked to be inscribed as its first member. Today there are approximately one hundred branches of the Confraternity in various parts of the world: the United States, Canada, Haiti, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. There are hundreds of thousands of members through- out the world. Object The object of the Confraternity of Mary Queen of All Hearts is to establish within us the reign of Mary as a means of establishing more perfectly the reign of Jesus in our souls. Conditions of Membership ( 1 ) Prepare yourself to make the act of consecration to Jesus through Mary on a special day, preferably a feast of our Lady. (2) Send in your name to be recorded in the official register by the Director, who will send you a membership leaflet. — 39 — Practices Every morning the members are asked to re- new their consecration to Jesus through Mary, at least by using the short formula: ”1 am all Thine and all I have is Thine, O most loving Jesus, through Mary, Thy holy Mother.” (In- dulgence of 300 days,) After that, they apply themselves zealously to live always in dependence on Mary and to do all their actions in union with her. This is the only obligation, and it will be easily fulfilled if during the day they renew from time to time the donation of themselves by repeating the short formula given above, or even by a mere interior act of the mind. SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS MAGAZINE For a better understanding of "The Secret of Mary" and "True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin." U. S. A.: 1 Year, $2.00; 3 Years, $5.00 Foreign: 1 Year, $2.50; 3 Years, $6.00 Address QUEEN OF ALL HEARTS Bay Shore, N. Y. — 40 —