Eucharistic hour devotion hour c/cvr/,tV( ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH Redemptoriat Fathers Cleveland Ave. and Eugenie St. CHICAGO, ILL. St. Alphonsus, St. Clement, St. Gerard, Pray for us. O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Imprimi Potest Sti Ludovici, Die 6 Mart., 1934. Thomas M. Palmer, C. Ss. R., Sup. Prov. Nihil Obstat P. L. Biermann Censor Librorum March 6, 1934 Imprimatur * George Cardinal Mundelein Archbishop of Chicago March 9, 1934 Compiled by Joseph P. Hahn, C. Ss. R. 0 Salutaris Hostia. 1. 0 Salutaris Hostia Quae coeli pandis ostium. Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxilium. 2. Uni Trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. (Priest) Jesus, meek and humble of heart, (People) Make our hearts like unto Thine. (Priest) 0 sweetest Heart of Jesus, we implore, (People) That we may love Thee more and more. Let us pray May Thy Holy Spirit we beseech Thee, 0 God, light up in our hearts that fire which our Lord Jesus Christ came to cast on earth and desired so earnestly to see enkindled. Amen. 3 (.Reading of Intentions ) Let us pray for our needs and intentions. (People) We beseech Thee 0 Lord, * mercifully to hear all our prayers * for all our intentions *. Lord, we know well * that Thou art infinitely rich. * We be- seech Thee * to look with especial favor * upon our petitions, * since they are the desires of those * who prefer Thy honor before all. * Thou canst read our hearts. * Thou knowest each one’s needs. * Grant, therefore, 0 most merciful Father * a speedy and abundant answer * to every prayer * which we commend to Thee * through the Sacred Heart of Thy divine Son. Amenr Visit to the Blessed Sacrament ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI (People) My Lord Jesus Christ, * who, for the love which Thou bearest to men, * re- mainest night and day in this sacrament * full of compassion and of love, * await- ing, calling and welcoming * all who come to visit Thee; * I believe that Thou art present * in the Sacrament of the Altar. * I adore Thee from the abyss of my nothingness, * and I thank Thee for ah 4 the graces * which Thou hast bestowed upon me, * and in particular for having given me Thyself in this Sacrament, * for having given me Thy most holy Mother Mary * as my advocate, * and for having called me to visit Thee in this church. * I now salute Thy most loving Heart; * and this for three ends: * First, in thanks- giving for this great gift; * secondly, to make amends to Thee for all the outrages * which Thou receivest in this Sacrament from all Thine enemies; * thirdly, I in- tend by this visit to adore Thee * in all the places on earth * in which Thou are present in this Sacrament, * and in which Thou art the least revered * and the most abandoned. * My Jesus, I love Thee * with my whole heart. * I grieve for having hitherto so many times * offended Thy infinite goodness. * I purpose by Thy grace * never more to offend Thee * for the time to come; * and now, miserable and unworthy though I be, * I consecrate myself to Thee without reserve; * I give Thee and renounce my entire will, * my affections, * my desires, * and all that I possess. * Henceforward do Thou dispose of me * and of all that I have as Thou pleasest. * All that I ask of Thee and de- sire * is Thy holy love, * final persever- ance, * and the perfect accomplishment of 5 Thy will. * I recommend to Thee the souls in purgatory, * but especially * those who had the greatest devotion to the most Blessed Sacrament * and to the most Blessed Virgin Mary. * I also recommend to Thee all poor sinners. * In fine, my dear Saviour, * I unite all my affections * with the affections of Thy most loving Heart, * and I offer them, thus united, * to Thy Eternal Father, * and beseech Him in Thy name, * to vouchsafe, for Thy love, * to accept and grant them. Spiritual Communion. My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present * in the most Holy Sacrament. * I love Thee above all things, * and I de- sire to receive Thee into my soul. * Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, * come at least spiritually into my heart. * I embrace Thee * as if Thou wert al- ready there, * and unite myself wholly to Thee: * never permit me to be separated from Thee. O Divine Jesus. (People) 0 divine Jesus * Lonely to- night in so many tabernacles * without visitor or worshipper * I offer Thee my poor but loving heart. * May its every beating * be a prayer of love to Thee. * 6 Thou art ever watching under the sacra- mental veils. * In Thy love Thou never sleepest * and art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners. * 0 good Jesus * I love Thee; * I am truly sorry for ever having offended Thee. * 0 lonely Jesus * May my heart be a lamp, * the light of which shall burn for Thee alone. * Bless me 0 Jesus. * Come spiritually into my soul * and fill my heart with love for Thee. * Make me Jesus wholly Thine. * Take this wayward heart of mine. * Guide me through this vale of tears. * Heart of Jesus hear me. * When I draw my parting breath * when my eyes shall close in death * then sweet Jesus hear me. * Watch 0 sacramental Jesus for the weary world, * watch for the wandering soul, * and watch for Thy poor lonely child. To Jesus Heart All Burning. 1. To Jesus Heart all burning With fervent love for men, My heart with fondest yearning, Shall raise the joyful strain. CHORUS While ages course along, Blest be with loudest song, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, By every heart and tongue. 7 2. 0 Heart for me on fire, With love no man can speak, My yet untold desire God gives me for Thy sake. Meditation and Silent Prayer. Litany of the Holy Name. Lord have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, God, the Son, Redeemer of the world. God, the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God. Jesus, Son of the living God, Jesus, Splendor of the Father, Jesus, brightness of eternal light, Jesus, King of glory, Jesus, Sun of justice, Jesus, most amiable, Jesus, most admirable, Jesus, mighty God, Jesus, Father of the world to come, Jesus, Angel of the great council, Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, most powerful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most obedient, 8 HAVE MERCY ON US Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Jesus, lover of chastity, Jesus, lover of mankind, Jesus, God of peace, Jesus, Author of life, Jesus, Model of virtue, Jesus, zealous for souls, Jesus, our God, Jesus, our Refuge, Jesus, Father of the poor, Jesus, Treasure of the faithful, Jesus, Good Shepherd, Jesus, true light, Jesus, eternal wisdom, Jesus, infinite Goodness, Jesus, our Way and our Life, Jesus, joy of the Angels, Jesus, King of Patriarchs, Jesus, Master of Apostles, Jesus, Teacher of Evangelists, Jesus, Strength of Martyrs, Jesus, light of Confessors, Jesus, purity of Virgins, Jesus, crown of all Saints, J Be merciful, Spare us 0 Lord, Be merciful, Graciously hear us 0 Lord, From all evil, \ 0, Lord, From all sin, ) deliver us 9 HAVE MERCY ON US From Thy wrath, From the snares of the devil, From the spirit of fornication, From everlasting death, From neglect of Thy inspirations, Through the mystery of Thy Incar- nation, Through Thy Nativity, Through Thy Infancy, Through Thy most divine life, Through Thy labors, Through Thy agony and passion, Through Thy cross and dereliction, Through Thy weariness and faint- ness, Through Thy death and burial, Through Thy resurrection, Through Thy ascension, Through Thy institution of the Most Holy Sacrament, Through Thy joy, Through Thy glory, j O Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us 0 Jesus, Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us 0 Jesus, 10 LORD DELIVER US Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us 0 Jesus, Jesus hear us, Jesus graciously hear us. Let us pray, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, who said: Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you; grant we beseech Thee, to us who ask the gift of Thy divine love, that we may love Thee with our whole heart, in word and deed, and never cease from showing forth Thy praise. Make 0 Lord that we may have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name: for Thou never failest to govern those whom Thou dost solidly establish in Thy love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. O Jesus, Jesus Dearest Lord 1. 0 Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord, Forgive me if I say, For very love, Thy sacred Name A thousand times a day. I love Thee so, I know not how My transports to control ; Thy love is like a burning fire, Within my very soul. it 2. 0 wonderful that Thou should’st let So vile a heart as mine, Love Thee with such a love as this, And make so free with Thine. The craft of this wise world of ours, Poor wisdom seems to me; Ah! dearest Jesus I have grown Childish with love of Thee. Act of Reparation. Adorable Heart of Jesus * glowing with love for us * and burning with zeal for our salvation * behold us prostrate be- fore Thee. * 0 Heart moved by the misery and wretchedness * to which our sins have reduced us * and rich in mercy to heal us * accept our heartfelt sorrow * for past coldness and indifference * to Thy num- berless benefits and graces. * Grieved by the outrages * heaped upon Thee by our sins * and the sins of others, * we desire to make solemn reparation * to Thy most Sacred Majesty. * We resolve for the future * to love and honor Thee more and more * in the most adorable Sacrament of the Altar. * We re- solve to assist at Mass * with more devo- tion, * to be more careful in our prepara- tion for communion, * more fervent in our thanksgiving. * 12 We intend to do all in our power * that the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar * may be better known and loved. 0 Sacramental Jesus * be Thou our mediator * with Thy heavenly Father. * Strengthen our feebleness. * Confirm our resolutions. * Make us love Thee more and more, * and grant that nothing in life or death * may ever separate us from Thee. Amen. Act of Petition. Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, * we adore Thee. * We offer Thee all we have * and all we are. * Soul and body * all our senses and affections * we consecrate to Thee. * We beg Thee to help us by Thy grace, * that we may persevere in Thy love, * to the end of our lives. * We be- seech Thee 0 tender Heart of Jesus, * over- flowing with goodness and mercy, * to bless our Holy Father, the Pope, * and Holy Church. * Take under Thy loving care all the people of this parish, * and all those who attend this holy hour, * our homes and families, * our country, * our bishops, priests, and religious. * We com- mend to Thy loving Heart * all whom we love, * and all who have asked our pray- ers; * all who are sick and suffering; * 13 the dying * and all who are in the state of mortal sin. * Bless in particular all who are laboring for the faith * at home and in foreign lands. * In behalf of all * we offer to the Eternal Father * all the merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus * and of our Immaculate Mother * Bless all 0 Jesus, * as Thy kind Heart knows how to bless them. Divine Heart of Jesus, * convert sin- ners; * save the dying; * and deliver the Holy Souls from purgatory. 0 Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, * Mother and Model of adorers, * pray for us who have recourse to thee. Act of Consecration for a Happy Death. 0 Jesus crucified and dying on the cross * for the sins of the world * I, though a most unworthy sinner * and guilty of Thy most bitter passion and death * wish to obtain the grace of a holy death. * Where- fore I consecrate myself entirely to Thee * in remembrance of Thy most precious death on the cross * and of the sorrows of Thy most Blessed Mother. * I beseech Thee 0 most merciful Redeemer * through Thy most painful death * and Thy most 3 precious blood, * through the sufferings 14 of Thy sorrowful Mother * to admit me within Thy most sacred wounds. * Accept this offering, * and place me in the num- ber of Thy servants * and perpetual ador- ers. * 0 Jesus help me. * 0 Mary assist me during my whole life * That I may deserve to die in your arms. * Forsake me not in the hour of death. (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) Invocations. Lord Jesus, gracious God, Father of mercy, I present myself be- fore Thee with an humble and contrite heart. I commend my last hour and all that shall fol- low into Thy hands. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When my feet shall warn me that my course in this life shall soon be finished. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When my eyes shall cast their dying looks towards Thee. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When my lips shall pronounce for the last time Thy adorable name. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. 15 (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) (Priest) (People) When my ears shall close to every human voice, and open only to hear the sentence of Thy justice. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When my mind shall struggle with the angel of darkness who would hide Thy mercies from me, and cast me into despair. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When I shall be surrounded by my relatives and friends offer- ing up to Thee their prayers in my behalf. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When I shall shed my last tears, receive them as a tribute of penance. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. When the last sighs of my heart shall force the soul from my body, accept them as an expres- sion of patience in my last agony. Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. (Priest) When my soul shall appear be* fore Thee for the first time to behold the glory of Thy coun- tenance, cast it not from Thee, but receive it into the bosom of Thy mercy to sing Thy praises forever. (People) Merciful Jesus, have pity on me. (Priest) Let us pray. 0 God grant that, spending all the days of our life in holiness and justice, we may have the happiness to breathe our last in Thy love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (People) Amen. Prayer for a Happy Death (People) 0 my Lord and Saviour * sup- port me in that hour * in the strong arms of Thy sacraments, * and by the fragrance of Thy consolations. * Let the absolving words be said over me * and the holy oil anoint me, * and Thy own body be my food, * and Thy own blood my sprink- ling, * and let my sweet Mother Mary breathe on me, * and my angel guardian whisper to me, * that in them all * I may 17 receive the gift of perseverance, * and die as I desire to live * in Thy church, * in Thy faith, * in Thy service, * and in Thy love. Amen. May Jesus support us all the day long * till the shadows lengthen * and the busy world is hushed, * and the fever of life is over, * and our work is done. * Then in His mercy * may He give us a safe lodging, * and a holy rest, * and peace at last. Prayer To Our Lord. Jesus, Son of God, * who for the love of our salvation * died amid the sufferings of the cross, * I entreat Thee * say to Thy Divine Father at the hour of my death, * “Father forgive him.” * Say to Thy be- loved Mother, * “Behold Thy Son.” * Say to my soul, “This day thou shalt be with Me in paradise.” * 0 God, my God, * forsake me not in that hour. * Yet a little while and all will be ended. * Where- fore, my adorable Saviour, * from this moment, * for all eternity * into Thy hands I commend my spirit. * Lord Jesus, receive my soul. Prayer For The Dying. 0 most merciful Jesus, * Lover of souls, is * we pray Thee by the agony of Thy Sa- cred Heart, * and by the sorrows of Thy Immaculate Mother, * to cleanse in Thy blood, * the sinners of the whole world, * who are now in their agony * and are to die this day. (Priest) 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, once in agony, (People) Have mercy on the dying. Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All. 1. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all How can I love Thee as I ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought? CHORUS Sweet Sacrament! we Thee adore, 0 make us love Thee more and more, 0 make us love Thee more and more. 2. Had I but Mary’s sinless heart To love Thee with, my dearest King, 0 with what bursts of fervent praise, Thy goodness Jesus would I sing. SILENT PRAYER Let us recommend to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: a) Our own spiritual wants. b) Our own temporal wants. 19 c) The church, and our Holy Father the Pope. d) The conversion of Those most dear to us. e) The sick and the dying. f ) The souls in purgatory. Let Us Pray For Our Homes. Visit, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, * our homes * and drive from them * all the snares of the enemy. * May Thy holy angels dwell therein * to preserve us in peace; * and may Thy blessing be upon us forever. Amen. Let Us Pray That God May Bless Our Sick. Almighty, everlasting God, * hear us in behalf of Thy servants who are sick, * and for whom we implore the aid of Thy mercy, * that, being restored to health * they render thanks to Thee, * through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Sweet Saviour Bless Us Ere We Go. 1. Sweet Saviour bless ere we go Thy word into our minds instill, And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. 20 CHORUS Through life’s long day And death’s dark night, 0 gentle Jesus be our light, 0 gentle Jesus be our light. 2. Sweet Saviour bless us, night is come, Mary and Joseph near us be: Good angels watch about our homes And bring us ever nearer Thee. Chorus. An Evening Visit. And now, dear Jesus, * bless us before we go. * Stay with us 0 Lord tonight. * Stay to adore and praise, * and give thanks for us while we sleep; * to draw down mercy upon the world; * to help from earth’s tabernacles * the holy, suffering souls in purgatory * in their long night of weary pain. * Stay with us 0 Lord, * to ward off the anger of God * from our crowded cities * with their dens of vice and crimes * that call to heaven for ven- geance. * Stay with us to guard the in- nocent, * to sustain the tempted, * to raise the fallen; * to prevent sin. * Stay with us 0 Lord, * to comfort the sorrowing, * to grant contrition to the dying, * to re- ceive into the arms of your mercy, * the thousands, * who this night must come be- 21 fore Thee for judgment, * 0 good Shep- herd, * stay with your sheep. * Guard us against all dangers that beset us. * Stay above all * with the suffering and the dy- ing. * Grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. * Be our merciful Shepherd to the very last, * that without fear, * we may appear before you as our judge. Amen. Tantum Ergo. 1. Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui: Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui: Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. 2. Genitori Genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio: Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. (Priest) Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. (alleluja) (People) Omne delectamentum in se hab- entem. (alleluja) (Priest) Oremus etc. (People) Amen. 22 Closing Hymn To The Little Flower. 1. 0 blessed Little Flower With joy thy praise we sing! How wondrous great thy power. Dear spouse of Christ the King. Glory to Him who destined thee His merciful love to impart. Glory forever that thou shouldst be So loved of His Sacred Heart. Glory forever that thou shouldst be So loved of His Sacred Heart. 2. 0 blessed Little Flower Thy fragrance ne’er shall cease; Let roses in a shower Descend from thee, Therese, Roses of love, of love like thine, Roses of ev’ry grace. Happy Therese of the Child Divine, The Child of the Holy Face. Happy Therese of the Child Divine, The Child of the Holy Face. 23 Indulgenced Aspirations. I adore Thee, * 0 most Sacred Eucha- ristic Heart of Jesus. ( Ind . 300 days. Pius XI Aug. 23, 1922,) Love, honor, and glory to the Eucha- ristic Heart of Jesus. {Ind. 300 days. Pius XI May 10, 1924) Blessed be the most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. {Ind. 300 days. Pius X June 12, 190 \) Blessed and praised be the Sacred Heart * and Precious Blood of Jesus * in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. { Ind. 300 days. Pius X Aug. 25, 1908) Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, * burning with love of us, * enkindle in our hearts the love of Thee. {Ind. 200 days. Leo XIII Feb. 6, 1899) Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, * increase in us * Faith, Hope and Charity. (Ind. 300 days. Bened. XV April 5, 1917) Jesus, King and centre of all hearts, * through the advent of Thy Kingdom, * grant us peace. (Ind. 300 days. Pius XI June 23, 1923,) Heart of Jesus We Are Grateful.1. " Heart of Jesus, we are grateful, For Thy answer to our pray’r; We have sought Thee, ever hopeful That Thy blessings we might share; Thou hast heard us interceding, With Thy love which is untold, And in answer to our pleading All Thy treasures dost unfold. Heart of Jesus, we will thank Thee, We will love Thee more and more; Heart of Jesus, we will praise Thee, And we’ll thank Thee o’er and o’er. 2. Heart of Jesus, Thou hast taught us, — How to seek and how to find, And that lesson now has brought us To Thy Heart so sweet and kind. What we ask, with faith believing, Thou hast pledged Thy word to give, And Thy word is not deceiving, But the truth by which we live. O Sacred Heart! O Love Divine! 1. 0 Sacred Heart! 0 Love Divine! Do keep us near to Thee; And make our love so like to Thine That we may holy be. 26 CHORUS Heart of Jesus hear. 0 Heart of Love Divine! Listen to our prayer; Make us always Thine. 2. 0 Temple pure! 0 House of Gold! Our heaven here below! What sweet delights, What wealth un- told. From Thee do ever flow. Jesus the Very Thought of Thee. 1. Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills the breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see. And in Thy presence rest. 2. No voice can sing, no heart can frame Nor can the mem’ry find, A sweeter sound than Jesus’ Name, The Saviour of mankind. Holy God We Praise Thy Name. 1. Holy God, we praise Thy name; Lord of all, we bow before Thee; All on earth Thy scepter claim, All in heaven above adore Thee. Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign. Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign. 27 . 2. Hark, the loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising. Fill the heavens with sweet accord, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord. Fill the heavens with sweet accord, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord. Acts of Adoration and Reparation. to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament . 1. Profoundly I adore Thee, * my Jesus, * hid beneath the mystic emblems; * I acknowledge Thee very God and very man. * Accept this act of adoration, * by which I fain would make Thee reparation * for the cold hearts * of so many of Thy people, * who pass before Thy holy temples, * nay, before Thy very taber- nacle, * where hour after hour, * Thou dost deign to dwell * with loving impa- tience * to give Thyself to be Thy people’s food, * who yet do not even bend the knee before Thee, their God; * but like the Israelites in the wilderness, * seem by their indifference, * to loathe this bread of heaven. ! I offer Thee, then, * Thine own most precious Blood, * which Thou didst shed from the wound in Thy left foot, * in reparation for this hateful cold^ 28 ness; * and entering, in spirit, * within this same wound, * I cry aloud, in never- ending praise: * 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament divine ! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. 2. Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus; * I acknowledge Thy presence in this most holy Sacrament. * By this act of adoration, * fain would I make amends for Thy people, * so many of whom * seem as though they knew Thee not; * but, while they see Thee go to the poor sick, * to be their strength in their great journey to eternity, * leave Thee unescorted * and hardly give Thee one outward sign of homage. * I offer Thee, in reparation for this coldness; * Thine own most precious Blood, * which Thou didst shed from the wound in Thy right foot, * and entering therein, in spirit, * again I cry thousand and thousand times: * 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. 29 3. Profoundly I adore Thee, * my Jesus, * true bread of life eternal, * and by this act of adoration * I fain would make Thee compensation * for all the wounds * with which Thy sacred Heart doth daily bleed * to see the profanation of the churches * wherein Thou dost vouch- safe to abide * beneath the sacramental em- blems, * to receive the love and adoration of Thy people. * I offer Thee * in repara- tion for such great irreverence, * Thine own most precious Blood, * which Thou didst shed from the wound in Thy left hand, * and entering therein, in spirit, * I say at every moment. * 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament divine ! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. 4. Profoundly I adore Thee, * my Jesus, * living bread come down from heaven; * and by this act of adoration, * I fain would make amends * for all the acts of irreverence * which Thy people, * day by day, * commit in assisting at holy Mass, * wherein Thou dost renew, * though, bloodlessly, * that self-same sac- rifice * which once Thou didst consummate 30 on Calvary * for our salvation. * I offer Thee, * in reparation for all this ingrati- tude, * Thine own most precious Blood, * which Thou didst shed * from the wound in Thy right hand; * and entering therein, in spirit, * I uplift my voice, * and to- gether with Thy holy angels, * who stand around Thy throne, * I say: 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. 5. Profoundly I adore Thee, * my Jesus, * true victim of atonement for our sins; * and I offer this act of adoration * in compensation * for the sacrilegious outrages * which Thou dost receive * from so many of Thy ungrateful people, * who dare to draw nigh to Thee * and to re- ceive Thee in communion, * with mortal sin upon their souls. * In reparation for these hateful sacrileges, * I offer Thee * those last drops of Thy most precious Blood, * which Thou didst shed * from the wound of Thy most sacred side; * and entering therein, in spirit, * I adore Thee, * I bless Thee, * I love Thee, * and, 31 with all the holy souls * who love Thee in the most holy Sacrament, * I exclaim: 0 Sacrament most holy! 0 Sacrament divine ! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be, etc. Printed by M. J. Sitter, Chicago, III.. U.S.A.