The hour of judgment 6Uurietj m>sa 8M Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 The Hour of Judgment! By Rev. Wilfred G. Hurley, C.S.P. * The Paulist Press New York 19, N. Y. Nihil Obstat: Imprimatur: John M. A. Fearns, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. © Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. New York, March 11, 1949. Copyright, 1949 , by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle in the State of New York. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE U. S. A. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK 19 , N. Y. The Hour of Judgment! You are not going to like this! It is not going to be very pleasant. You will probably think it is rather severe. And you are definitely right. It is severe! Even as death is severe. Even as the justice of God is severe. But you pride yourself that you like to face things just as they actually are. You boast that you can take it. You want to know the truth, and to know it fully, completely, without fear or favor. It does not matter if the truth is unpleasant. You want it given to you regardless. You want a clear-cut, definite statement of What is What. And you shall have it! However, remember, you are not going to like it. For this is concerning the infinite justice, holiness, and righteousness of Almighty God; and how it concerns you. Page 3 Not so long ago a rather noted writer in a magazine article pointed out that in the last four hundred years there has been given to the world an entirely one-sided view of God. That His infinite love, mercy and goodness have been extolled and empha- sized, while His infinite justice, holiness and righteousness have been overlooked and ig- nored. The truth of such a statement is only too obvious. It is shown only too clearly in the de- velopment of religious teachings. For out- side of the Catholic Church certainly not much is ever said today, concerning the malice of sin and the justice of God. The existence of Hell is sometimes admitted. But by many others it is flatly denied. How- ever, in either case, it is seldom mentioned. While God’s Mercy, Love and Kindness are preached in season and out of season. And much of such preaching approaches very closely to that infamous wise-crack of the atheistic Heine, who said: "Of course God will forgive me, that is His job.” In other words, sinners and sinning is the order of the day, and God will have to accept it whether He likes it or not. The over- emphasis on God’s Mercy has led to con- tempt of His Justice. And contempt has led to rejection. Page 4 But it may well be argued, that if the teaching of the Catholic Church is the full and complete revelation of God to man- kind, then Catholics should be free from such error. And such would be the case, were it not for the psychological fact, pretty well recognized, that whether we wish it or not, we are constantly being influenced by the environment in which we live. And living in a non-Catholic country, dominated on all sides by non- Catholic principles and teachings, and especially by this over-emphasis' on God’s love and mercy, we are perhaps far more than we realize, influenced by these false teachings. Surely God’s love and goodness is an exquisite, glorious and beautiful truth. But only is it so, when considered with God’s other attributes of infinite justice and holi- ness. For always in God is His love and mercy blended in an infinite union with His justice. Never the one without the other. No over-emphasis upon either. For God is all-perfect. And the realization of this was never more necessary than today, when on all sides the forces of vicious atheism and insidious neo-paganism are dinning into our ears their diabolical lies and falsehoods. False Page 5 teachings which can lead only to pre- sumption, carelessness, despair and sin. Never was it more imperative than today that using your God-given common-sense, reason and intelligence, you calmly and quietly face the whole truth concerning God, yourself, and eternal life. Thus, for instance, consider the words of Holy Writ. Remembering that these words' were inspired by God Himself. And they vitally concern you! But to the sinner God hath said: "Thou hast cast My words behind thee. Thou didst run with the thief and with adulterers thou hast been a partaker. Thy mouth hath abounded with evil and thy lips framed de- ceits. These things thou hast done and I was silent, and thou thought that I should be like unto thee. But now I am with thee alone. And I will set thy sins before thy face.” (Ps. 49) It is not too difficult to convince a man of his evil-doing. At times it is quite easy to show a man or woman that in sinning they are hurting themselves. That it is just a question of time when their sins will catch up with them. "Thy sin will always betray thee.” And when in the passing of time, they must Page 6 face these sins, they will realize it was never worth the price. It was the folly of a fool. A foolish soul which thought it could mock God and get away with it. Even the sane-thinking world knows it. Witness the worldly-wise sayings: "Crime doesn’t pay.” "Your sin will always find you out.” Or again, "You can’t get away with it.” Thus you fully realize that if you are drinking steadily, your career has begun to come to its close. That you have gone as far as you ever will go. You can see that. Down in your heart you know it is so. If you are living a life of debauchery, your health is beginning to give way. You under- stand that. You know it. If you are stealing, eventually some day you will let some little thing slip by you, and you will be found out. It will mark the end. You know that too. In adultery, some day certainly your sin, persisted in, will bring upon you disgrace and ridicule. It always does. Something always goes wrong. Some one always hap- pens to be around to see, to talk, to gossip. You understand these things perfectly. Page 7 But to convince you that God is con- cerned with your sin is another matter. It is almost impossible. ‘'There are none so blind as those who will not see.” To tell you that God is concerned, and deeply concerned with your sin, is like talking to a stone wall. You can not see it! You do not want to see it. And yet you will have to see it! You must see it! Why? Because only when you realize that God is very much concerned, only then, will you put your sins away from you forever. That’s the way it is! That’s the way it has to be! So, how about passing over a little time in your life? A few short years perhaps? It may be only a year. Maybe only a few weeks, or days, or hours. No one knows except God, when the moment is going to be. But anyway, pass on to the one supreme moment in the life of your soul. That moment when it shall stand before the Judgment Seat of God. First of all, however, remember that this teaching concerning the Judgment of God Page 8 and the individual soul, your soul, is not a figment of the imagination. It is not something some one dreamed up to scare you into being good. It is a definite, clear- cut teaching of Christ and the Sacred Scriptures. Nothing could be more definitely stated. Thus, 'Tor we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of God.” Or, "It is ap- pointed unto men once to die, and after this the Judgment.” And no one can avoid the issue! "Therefore every one of us shall render an account to God of himself.” But why go on? No one questions this. Everyone admits it. Even our idle words will be judged. It is rather an awesome, not too pleasant a thing to contemplate. To you much has been given, and from you there must be an accounting of every farthing. No man should ever fear to die. Dying is only the physical dissolution of the body. But the judgment of the soul is something else. God’s judgment of a sinner is a fear- some thing. It is a terrifying thing. A loathsome sinner falling into the hands of the Living God. Page 9 Only too well did the Psalmist say: "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” And again: "If in all thy works thou re- member thy last end, thou wilt never sin.” For the fact remains, it is appointed to every man, to die. And this death, and this Judgment, is coming closer and closer with every ticking of the clock, with the passing of every minute. Surely it does not take too great a stretch of the imagination to picture your home as it will be that day. Your family gazing at your remains and wondering when their turn will come. They are not too interested. For they realize this corpse is not the real "you.” This is only the shell. The outer covering of the soul. "You” are gone. Then too they have the care of your funeral. The inevitable expenses. The acknowledgment of regrets. And all the paraphernalia which modern times and modern convention have made necessary. The quietly efficient mortician glides solemnly around, cautiously sizing things up. He has done his work well. The funeral will follow later. And then that little space in the earth which will be your final resting place until the end of time itself. Page 10 Today, the opened grave is really a work of art. All is camouflaged. The upturned earth is covered with artificial grass mats. Flowers, heavy with musty odors’, are carefully and painstakingly placed to seem more than there really are. Today the world must have sham and pretense; glitter and make-believe, right up to the end. The idea is that they are simply laying you to sleep in a bower of flowers. And all is beautiful. They even speak of you as "at rest” or as "sleeping.” And so they leave you. But as they depart, do not try to fool yourself, they are beginning to forget you. Even now you are but a memory. A memory fast fading. They are talking and smiling about a million other things. For they are in the land of the living. YOU ARE A PART OF THE DEAD. And so your body begins to return to the dust whence it came. But never mind your body! What really matters is the condition of your soul. And where is your soul? Your soul is before the Judgment Throne of God! To receive its ETERNAL reward or punishment! Page 11 If you have lived up to your eternal heritage, lived a life worthy of your price- less birthright as the living child of the Living God, then all is well. For Heaven is' your eternal destiny! That Heaven of which St. Paul declared: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for those who love Him.” And you will gaze up to Him Whom you will see face to face for all the eternal years, and into your heart will come that love unutterable, as you hear Him say those words: "Well done, thou good and faith- ful child.” "Come ye blessed.” For you henceforth is the infinite love, glory, joy, happiness, peace and contentment of Heaven, for ever and ever more. But what if you are not worthy? What if you have spent your life, not as a child of God, but as a servant of Satan? "Amen, amen,” said Christ, "if any man love Me, he will keep My commandments.” There are no ifs nor ands, no pros or cons; with God it is either one or the other. You were either with Him, or you were not. There is no compromise between God and evil. Page 12 Thus the ultimatum of Christ, “Who- soever committeth sin is the servant of Satan.” And perhaps, for a few pieces of ill- gotten gain, for the satisfaction of lust and passion, for the cheap and shallow enticements of the world and evil, you deliberately betrayed Christ. Rejected Him again and again, in matters grave as well as small. Wilfully, deliberately, knowingly, you broke God’s Commandments. Spurned His proffered graces time after time. Until finally you were persisting in sin through mere force of habit. Turning aside His pleas with frivolous excuses and con- temptuous indifference. And so the hour came when thus you died, cut off in your sins. You would not fear God in life. But now a deadly fear grasps your soul as you realize what a despicable, con- temptible thing you must be in the presence of the all-holy, all-good, all-perfect God. He Who is now your Judge! And His words in thundering wrath shrivel your soul to its depths. "Thou has cast My words behind thee. Thou didst run with the thief and with Page 13 adulterers thou hast been a partaker. Thy mouth hath abounded with evil and thy lips framed deceits. These things thou hast done and I was silent, and thou thought that I should be like unto thee. Now I am with thee alone. And I will set thy sins before thy face.” Can this be your soul? It cannot be! But it is\ You are the one to whom God is speak- ing? But this is not the first time that God has spoken to you. He has spoken to you many times before. When? God spoke to you through the lips of His priests! On the altar and in the pulpit. In the Confessional. In chance meetings. But the priest was only "'professionally interested” in you? You know better than that! Men do not give up home, family, and the gay amusements of life because they are "professionally interested” in souls. The priest has spent year after year in studying, just so he could advise, direct Page 14 and help you reach your heavenly destiny. But you have your free will. You insisted on doing evil, living only for self-gratifica- tion and satisfaction of your evil tendencies, and so you refused to listen. God spoke to you through the lips of your beloved father and mother! But you cynically pretended that they were out- moded. "Times have changed” was your stock phrase. They were old-fashioned and the old-fashioned morality was past and gone. Morality is never past and gone, and well you knew it. The idea of any self- control, or self-restraint irked and angered you. And hence you affected contempt for your parents and their words and example. Again, you would not listen! God spoke to you in the changing of the seasons. In the order and law of nature. Spoke to you of death in Autumn, of the resurrection in the Spring. Of Eternity, in the unveiling of the Heavens at night. All nature crying out to you that God exists, and that you were God’s. That you were a living child of the Living God. That you must live up to your glorious birthright. God spoke to you by your conscience! You knew what was right and what was wrong. Your conscience pleading with you constantly to do the good, to avoid the Page 15 evil. It was the voice of God against your own will, your evil lusts and desires, your pride, your cupidity, your ideas of excite- ment, your desire for luxuries, your lack of decency. Until the day came when your hardened heart no longer cared, nor bothered. That "still, small voice” of conscience was despised, ridiculed, ignored completely. What scathing truth in God’s words to you. "Thou hast cast My words behind thee.” Why is it that every evil-doer is eventually a smart-aleck type? For instance, you knew life was passing by. You knew that some day there would come a reckoning. That death was certain. Surely you never questioned these truths'. But you were too clever to be judged as other people. Some of your acquaintances were good-living, upright, honest. They kept God’s laws in every way. Did you not look down on them as rather stupid? Per- haps you mocked them behind their backs. You were even contemptuous, or at best, condescendingly tolerant, of their decency. For God would have to make allowances for you. Somehow you were going to "get by” into Heaven. You would put it over Page 16 in some way. Because you could have been so much worse, God should be glad to strike a balance. You never killed anybody. You never robbed a bank. You never com- mitted any "horrible” crime. So God would simply have to forgive and forget everything. After all God’s mercy was supreme. Anyway God would have to "understand.” God understood you, only too well. "Hast thou known God?”, asks God Himself. For what does God care for your asinine conceit. Your glorified touchiness. Your notorious pride in regard to criticism of any of your doings. Your thin-skinned re- sentment in regard to any questioning of your way of living. "But now I will set thy sins before thy face,” says Almighty God. "Out of thy own mouth will I condemn thee.” And so the tragedy begins. For instance, there are the Commandments of God. They are native to every informed soul. They are an integral part of your very being. And you have known them only too well. They were constantly held up to you by your conscience. They were Page 17 a definite part of your Christian inheritance. They were faithfully taught to you in Church and home. They were an essential knowledge of your education and even of your reading. You knew what they were all right. There is no possible evasion there. The question is, did you keep them? Or did you but re-echo the satanic words of Hell: "I will not serve!” Thus the first Commandment: “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.” Did you even acknowledge God? Did He ever have your loyalty? Or did you worship gods of money, human respect, and luxurious living? Was: it worship of Him, or worship of your own self? Your own desires? Your own passions? Your own greed? Your own wishes? Your own will? You realize it has been a pretty sordid life. Just how sordid, shallow, con- temptible and cheap you were, perhaps you never stopped to realize before. Although you did know it was rather beastly. But nothing could stop you. It was what you wanted. And that is how you lived. And as a man lives, so shall he die. And “it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the Judgment.” Page 18 Or for instance, take the second Com- mandment. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” That sacred, hallowed name at the mention of which every knee should bend. The name of Jesus which means "Saviour.” The name of Christ, which means "Anointed.” The name by which men are saved. That name which all men should love, and cherish, and wor- ship. This is the name which you have de- liberately cheapened, mocked and ridiculed. That sacred name which you have tossed about in reckless abandon. Which you have ripped out to give zest to a filthy story. Or to call attention to your disgusting little personality. Or to show your contempt for the decent-thinking and decent-speaking people around you at the time. And so it became a habit, filthy and vile. Debasing your very being. For, "Out of the mouth the heart speaketh.” Day after day, hour after hour, blaspheming, insulting, and re- viling the Infinite God before men. Pro- claiming the gospel of Hell. "Thy mouth hath abounded with evil!” Or consider the third Commandment. This Commandment which Almighty God has doubly emphasized with the word, "Re- Page 19 member.” "Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath.” But you have made it the most unholy day of the week! On the other days you had to work, to save, to devote your time to your business and work. And thus the pent-up evil, on this day, was given full sway. Your plans for sin, and your schemes for the indulging of all your vile sinfulness, were carefully set for "the Lord’s Day.” A day of worship? Morning attendance at church? But you had to sleep late that morning. At least too late for going to church. The debauchery, drinking, danc- ing, staying out until the early hours of the morning, with the coming of Sunday, found you in no condition to think of God, to pray, or to worship. It was your favorite answer, supposed to be horrifying to good people, and convuls- ing with laughter your boon companions, when you would scornfully remark: "If God interferes with my pleasure, it is just too bad for God.” And speaking of "good people,” there is a Commandment of God which says: "Honor thy Father and Mother.” This Page 20 father that worked for you from morning until night. Worked hard and long that you, his child, might fare better in this world than he did. How have you repaid him? Does he thank God for such a child as you have been? Or were his eyes filled with doubt and sadness as he saw you come and go? And this mother of yours? She who went down in the valley of the shadow of death to bring you into the world? You knew only too well how she denied herself constantly for you, slaved for you, watched over you, worried over you. Worked from morning until night for you. You know how she cried over you, not once, but times without number. There is the record. Did you honor or dishonor them? Bring them happiness or sorrow? Joy or sadness? Peaceful content- ment or bitter sufferings? In the deep recesses of their hearts, these parents of yours, did they perhaps, silently regret that you were ever born of them? "Thou shalt not kill.” There has been no murder, perhaps, in the sad, sordid story that is unfolding. Or has there been? For the taking of the life of the unborn child is killing. It is destroying life. It is murder of the most debased and cruel type. It is the murder of the innocents! Page 21 "Darkness may cover, and darkness may conceal. But I am the witness and I am the Judge,” says God Himself. And now the Witness and the Judge confronts you! And what about the breaking of this Commandment by the sins of anger, re- venge, vengeance. That anger which made the lives of those around you a life of dread and anxiety. For anger is always a sign of the bully. You prided yourself on your raging and sarcastic tongue. Driving hap- piness and joy out, and bringing in the dark- ness and gloom of Hell. It was even with a secret satisfaction that you could flare up in a second. Lashing forth in bitter in- vective, ugly and hating words. And all this over what you knew were little, harm- less, silly things that your pride and egotism magnified into things of great importance. And so you trampled down any peace around you. Blasted any contentment. Stirring up constantly resentment and dis- content. A perfect servant of Satan acting as a "fifth column” among the children of God. A perfect work of Satanic sabotage. A prized agent of Satan’s diabolic dominion. "Thou shalt not commit adultery.” You knew well that the virtue of pur- ity is most pleasing to Almighty God. So much so that thousands of men and women Page 22 have consecrated their lives to the follow- ing of it. But you with your manners, your talk, your clothing, your lewd tales and the re- tailing of filthy expressions and dirty stories have done your best to bring it into dis- repute. Done your utmost to destroy in- nocence wherever you found it. Delighted in ridiculing goodness and chastity. Sarcasti- cally mocking decency in others. At times, it would seem your one object in life was to ruin in every way possible, this angelic virtue among your companions and friends. You were always an influence to destruction. Always ready to give com- pliance. Always eager to add your little bit in favor of impurity and sin. Always giving your little word, your little urging, to a wavering soul, to aid in its downfall. Reading rotten books and recommending them to others. Handing them on in their work of defiling and besmirching minds and souls. Perhaps because of your evil influence there are already souls which have been lost for all eternity. And do not say you did not know, or did not realize what you were doing. You knew well what you were doing. But you did not care. Remember Page 23 you cannot lie to God! For God reads your heart! Knows your most secret thoughts! Your soul was created pure, holy, shining as the sun. It was created to be a "temple of the Holy Spirit.” While you have made it a dwelling place for evil. A home for the demons of impurity. Filled it to over- flowing with the demons of hellish thoughts, words, and actions. In your soul Satan found a stronghold, from which to go forth to ruin and destroy. "Thou shalt not steal. ” But you told yourself you deserved it. Told yourself you had it coming to you. When a person is right, there is no necessity to try to tell his conscience that it is right. When you talked like that you were simply trying to stifle your conscience. Trying to silence it. Trying to bully it into being quiet. It is the age-old story of the thirty pieces of silver. "Give it to me, and I will betray Him.” "Thou shalt not bear false witness.” God is a God of infinite and absolute truth. Any falsehood, any lie, any untruth is striking God at His very heart. Did that make any difference to you? Not at all! Truth or falsehood meant one and the same thing to you. Whatever served your purposes best, that was all that mattered. Page 24 Reputations ruined. Heartaches and suf- ferings. Hatreds engendered. All along your path through life lay wrecked hopes, shattered dreams, sorrow and sufferings. All resulting from your lying tongue, and your lips full of deceit. Falsity, to you, was an art. Skillful lying was a valued accom- plishment. Love of Truth was only a fetish of fools and children. But why go on? Thus you lived. Thus you went your way through the years. Thus you died. And now you stand before God’s Judg- ment Seat. You still cannot believe it is happening to you! You always got away with everything before. Your quick anger. Your bullying atti- tude. Your sarcastic, cutting tongue. Your lies and deceits. They seemed invincible in life. But this is . . . death! The sham, the pretense, the self-deception of life has gone. You are seeing your life as it actually was. Page 25 The way you knew it actually was . . . in your heart! "These things thou hast done,” says God, "and I was silent. And thou thought that I should be like unto thee.” You thought you were fooling God? Mocking Him? Deceiving Him? True it was, things on earth did not seem to be going too badly for you. God was good to you. Others seemed to be going through certain sufferings and sorrows. Others were honest, but they did not get rich. Others were decent and good, but they missed much in excitement, good times, loose living. While you were breaking all of God’s Com- mandments, spurning all His graces: yet you seemed to have about everything that you wished. So you thought that God was deceived, or complacent and agreeable. Hence God’s blasting words of scorn and contempt to you, "Thou thought that I should be like unto thee.” For God is a Changeless God. An Infinite God of holiness, purity, truth, love, mercy, and justice! Why, then, this tolerance of you? Because even the worst of men have some good qualities! At least, they do at first. Page 26 In your life there were some good deeds. Kind words. Actions from motives, which if not too good, were not too bad, either. And for these good thoughts, words and actions, the infinitely good and just God has given you your reward. Right here on earth! Rewarded you for each and every good thing in your life! And rewarded you a hundred times and more. And so now, as you stand before Him, His debt to you has been completely, and more than com- pletely, paid. Paid in full! Hence it is that, as far as you are con- cerned, nothing remains but the punishment you have merited and laid up for your- self. Your prosperity in life. Your freedom from grave and serious sufferings. Protection from accidents which in your stupidity and carelessness you would have brought upon yourself. Even the prolonging of your life here on this world has been part of this payment. You have already received, in abundance and superabundance, your reward for any and all good which you may have done. The justice of God in His rewarding you has been fulfilled. Fulfilled so clearly and ob- Page 27 viously, that even you must acknowledge it. God has been only too good and kind! And so the Judgment ends! Life and death and Judgment are now past. Your Eternity begins! "Depart ye accursed into the everlasting fire created for Satan and those who have served him!” You were told you would not like this. And perhaps to your mind comes that old worn-out objection of all obstinate sin- ners, who want to hang on to their sins: "How can a good God send me to Hell for all eternity?” Of course, the answer is too simple. God does not send any soul to Hell. It is the sinner who sends himself! In the very essence of your being are these so-called "Ten Commandments.” You either keep them or you do not. "If any man love Me,” says Christ, "He will keep My Commandments.” Page 28 "And whosoever committeth sin, is a servant of Satan.” There is no compromise with God. You keep His Commandments or you do not. If you do, then your destiny is the eternal Kingdom of God. In indescribable bliss, happiness, joy, contentment, peace and love. If you do not, then notice if you will, God’s words concerning this "Everlasting Fire.’ Mark them well! "Created for Satan and those who have served him.” You have been a servant of Satan and this is your reward. You have your free will. You know what is right and what is wrong. You have chosen your own eternity. So be it. You were told these truths would not be very pleasant. Oftentimes the truth does hurt. And hurts deeply. And so these truths! But there are other truths. Glorious truths. Truths' of happiness and hope. Truths of God’s love and forgiveness. Truths of God’s mercy and aid.. Page 29 You live! And as long as you live you can turn back to God and win His forgive- ness of all sin. Hence in sincere repentance, confess your sins. With a true purpose of amendment, through God’s sacrament of the Confessional, regain your lost heritage as God’s child. Restore your soul to God’s love. But do remember, as St. Augustine re- minds us, that while God promises forgive- ness for your repentance, He does not prom- ise you “tomorrow” for any foolish pre- sumption or contemptuous delay. Page 30 % r? Pamphlets by Rev. Wilfred G. Hurley, c.s.p. . . . eight new titles with ...covers in seven J ...lovely colors t Covers with original paintings repro- duced in four colors, fundamental teach- ings of Catholicism prepared in simple, direct, popular style — you will be de- lighted with this new series by the popular author of I BELIEVE! God of Mercy! World Without End! Now Is the Time! Farewell to Sin! Home and Happiness! The Hour of Judgment! If Heaven Be Your Destiny! The Most Beautiful Adventure in Life! • Size 3 y2 x 6 5c each (single pamphlet 10c postpaid) $4.00 the 100—$35.00 the 1,000 • THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street, New York 19, N. Y.