Examination of conscience for teen-age and up Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 .-;1 https://archive.org/details/examinationofconOOflyn Examination of Conscience for Teen-Age and Up BY Reverend Paul F. Flynn, S.T.B. THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street New York, 19, N. Y. Nihil Obstat: John J. Collins, Censor Librorum. Imprimatur: )Jl Edmund F. Gibbons, Bishop of Albany. Albany, N. Y. Feast of the Presentation, 1949. Copyright, 1949, by The Missionary Society or St. Paul the Apostle IN THE State of New York printed and published in the u. s. a. BY THE PAULIST PRESS, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. DEDICATION To Mart Our Lady of the Rosart and the Mother of Boys and' Girls of Evert Age ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To the Sisters, Boys and Girls of Saint Colman’s Home, Watervliet, N. Y. To the Faculty and Students of Catholic Central High School, Troy, N. Y. To all who have encouraged and aided the author in compiling this work. THE REASON FOR THIS BOOKLET (Please Read First!) fOU want to be happy. That’s true of everyone. Youwant to live a full life ... a life that will lead you to an eternity of happiness. God has given you the means of happi- ness. You use them often; do you use them properly? Happi- ness is guaranteed if one makes PROPER USE of God’s gifts. But isn’t it true that often you do not stress the “proper use”? Happiness and Goodness go hand in hand. The two principal means which God gives us for our happiness are Confession and Holy Communion. This booklet is concerned with Con- fession. If you use it properly, happiness is guaranteed be- cause you’ll surely become a better person and consequently a happier one. You are urged to follow the Examination of Conscience as explained in this book. Use it for each Confes- sion. Be serious about it and you’ll find that it will help you. In the past you may have wondered why you do not improve after so many Confessions and Holy Communions. Here you’ll find the answer. Here is stressed the necessity of asking your- self not only WHAT sins you commit . . . but what is more important . . . WHY YOU COMMIT THEM. In this way you get at the very CAUSE of your sins . . . and you know that to conquer the sins you must FIRST conquer the causes. In addition, you will find in this booklet some practical ad- vice. It attempts to help you . . . should you feel the need of it. There is also a quick review of our Rules for Happiness: GOD’S COMMANDMENTS. You’ll find the PRECEPTS OF GOD’S CHURCH briefly explained as well as those vir- tues which will help you keep God’s Rules better. This review will also be helpful, so look it over now and then. All in all, whether you’re a young man or a young woman, if you’re inter- ested in happiness you’ll find this booklet very interesting . . . and if you’ll use this booklet habitually you will become better and better as time goes on. A lifetime of becoming better and better will give you more and more happiness in this life and a guarantee of eternal happiness later. Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. 1948 . — 5 — LEST YOU FORGET! (If your memory foils you now and then—look below) GOD'S COMMANDMENTS—WHAT'S FORBIDDEN! 1st Commandment: I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. Forbids: false worship, taking part in non-Catholic serv- ices, superstition, fortune telling, horoscope, tempting God, simony and sacrilege. 2nd Commandment: Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. Forbids: profanity, blasphemy, cursing, unlawful oaths and violation of vows. 3rd Commandment: Remember to keep holy the Lord*s Day. Forbids: all UNNECESSARY works of physical labor; missing Mass on Sundays and Holydays, and the desecration of Sunday. 4th Commandment: Honor thy father and mother. Forbids: all disobedience and disrespect toward our par- ents or lawful superiors: on the part of parents, neglect of the spiritual and temporal care of their children is forbidden. Sth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. Forbids: suicide, murder, injury, duelling, fighting, anger and scandal (bad example). 6th Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery. 9th Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. Forbids: all thoughts, words, actions or desires against the virtue of holy Purity. — 6 — 7th Commandment: Thou shall not steal, 10th Commandment: Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods. Forbids: all unjust taking or damaging another’s property. Tenth forbids also the desire to take or damage another’s prop- erty. In the case of actual theft or damage to property . . . the guilty party is bound to restore what was taken or its equivalent ... or to repair the damage done. 8th Commandment: Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Forbids: lying, rash judgment, backbiting, betrayal of secrets, ALSO . . . calumny—unjust injuring of another’s good name by lying; detraction—injuring another’s good name by speaking the truth; contumely—unjust dishonoring of an- other in his presence. COMMANDMENTS OF GOD'S CHURCH 1st. Attend Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation. 2nd: To fast and abstain on the appointed days. 3rd. To confess at least once each year. 4th. To receive Holy Communion during the Eastertime (First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday). Sth. To contribute to the support of our pastors. 6th. Not to marry non-Catholics, or those w'ho are related to us within the 3rd degree, or privately without witnesses. Not to SOLEMNIZE Marriage during Lent or Advent. YOU MAY MARRY ON ANY DAY OF THE YEAR . . . during the seasons of penance you may have no solemnity. See your Pastor or parish priest at LEAST three months before your Marriage date. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE I II Say this short prayer: ‘^Dear Jesus, help me to know my sins and the cause of them. Give me the grace to make a worthy examination of conscience. Mary, my Mother, please help me.’’ Read through the following list of sinful habits or faults. Which are yours? How often do you fail? WHY DO YOU FAIL? (Why is answered in Step II.) Selfishness Disobedience Cursing Profanity Impurity Jealousy Fighting Drinking Lying Cattiness Disrespect for Authority Carelessness in Prayer Carelessness at Mass Stealing (cheating) Dangerous Attitudes Here you’ll find the answer to ^WHY” you commit the same sins often. Look deep into your own soul now . . . and be honest with yourself. Which is the REAL reason for your bad habits? Is the REAL reason any one of the following? 1. Pride 2. Greediness 3. Impurity 4. Anger 5. Gluttony 6. Envy 7. Laziness or perhaps it may be Some person, place or thing. If you have difficulty in knowing the real reason for your habits of sin . . . you may check page 10 . . . find your habit as listed . . . and get practical help to know and conquer it. Realize: you’ll never conquer the sin • . . unless you first conquer the cause. Now think of any other sins NOT included in the above list . . . against God’s Commandments . . . the Commandments of the Church ... in thought, word, deed or desire. If the sin is SERIOUS it will come to mind. Remember: Sorrow for having offended God and the firm intention of not offending Him again are necessary for a worthy confession. Finally, say a fervent act of contrition and this short prayer. ^‘Dear God, please help me to confess my sins with a heart filled with real sorrow. Help me to realize the cause of my sins and give me the courage and strength to con- quer the cause so that I may conquer the sin. I ask these graces in the Name of Mary, through Jesus Christ her Di- vine Son and my Redeemer. Amen.” Now go to confession. Things to remember: 1. A mortal sin must have these three things • • • otherwise it is not mortal: (a) It must be something very serious; (b) You must know it to be serious; (c) You must have done it willingly. 2. A venial sin is any offense against God which does not have all three of the conditions necessary for a mortal sin. If one condition is not present, you are sure that the sin is venial or no sin. — 9 — Know the cause of your sins and how to conquer the cause (Turn to page indicated) EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE CONTENTS SIN SEE PAGE Selfishness 14 Disobedience 13 CUR&ING 11 Profanity 19 Impurity 16 Jealousy 30 Fighting 21 Drinking 22 Lying 25 Cattiness 35 Disrespect for Authority 27 Carelessness in Prayer and at Mass 31 Stealing (Cheating) 33 Bad Example (Scandal) 38 Dangerous Attitudes 40 Commandments and Virtues Reviewed 44 Should your habit of sin NOT be included in the above list, be sure to ask the advice of your CONFESSOR. Should your habit BE listed and you find that the advice contained here is not helpful for you, ask the advice of your Confessor. Remember again: YOU'LL NEVER CONQUER THE SIN UNLESS YOU CONQUER THE CAUSE! — 10 — HABITUAL SIN: CURSING AND VULGARITY HOW I ACT: Rarely a day goes by that I do not use un- becoming words about others. I realize that it’s wrong and can be very sinful . . . but somehow or other, I can’t stop. I sometimes wish evil on others (which is really what cursing means) and intend it. This is a serious sin. As far as vulgarity is concerned, I find that the habit of using words unbecoming a child of God has become second nature to me. FIRST CAUSE: Pride. I use expressions such as “go to hell” or “damn you” in order to appear “big.” At least that’s what I think. ur^: Bs humble. 1. Good habits are just as easy to form as bad habits. Get the habit of decent speech by substituting another expression for the sinful one . . . “good gravy” or some such harmless re- mark will express what you want to express with a much better effect. 2. Earnestly try to overcome the habit by checking your- self carefully each evening when you examine your conscience during your night prayers. Maybe a little fine of some kind for violations will help curb the habit. 3. Consider the effects: this habit makes you a vulgar per- son . . . one whom decent people should avoid. It betrays ignorance because it shows that your vocabulary is very lim- ited; it does no good to yourself or to anyone else. Aspiration: “Blessed be the Name of the Lord.” (500 days indulgence each time.) SECOND CAUSE: Anger. It’s usually when I am angry that I curse others. The habit is so strong that it always ap- pears when I’m excited. Cure: Self-control. 1. You must curb the anger then ... if you are to curb the habit of cursing. You know that such a habit is harmful — 11 — to you and to others . . . and can be seriously sinful. Try to be cool, collected, and calm in your ordinary actions. Perhaps you are excitable by nature. You must strive daily to be nice and easy in your manner. 2. Whenever anger comes—try not to become angry at yourself when you think about it later. Give yourself a “gentle” call-down and tell yourself “now you must do better next time.” This is the first step in conquering this tendency. If you have nerve trouble ... see a doctor. 3. Consider the effects: it makes you seem foolish and causes useless fighting and quarreling. It is bad for your moral health and your physical health as well. Try to change your quick, excitable nature into a mild, gracious one. Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time,) THIRD CAUSE: Lust. This is true if I am habitually VULGAR in speech. My mind tends toward sinful thoughts. I realize that if I control my thoughts the vulgar speech will cease. Cure: Be clean-minded. What applies to Lust as regards the sins of impurity can be well-applied here. Briefly, you must begin today to control your thoughts and strive to adopt a clean outlook on life and on sacred God-created gifts, such as the gift of sex. Read over the section on Impurity and you’ll find the necessary help to overcome VULGARITY OF SPEECH WHICH IS JUST THE EXPRESSION OF A VULGAR MIND. You need to develop a clean mind. FOURTH CAUSE: Persons, places, things. I find that the people with whom I associate are the main cause for my failure to overcome the habit of cursing or vulgarity. Cure: Be strategic! 1. Change the vulgar people for decent people as soon as you can. Change the vulgar places to decent places. The same applies if some vulgar things cause your vulgar speech. — 12 — 2. Realize that you’re as healthy as the air you breathe . . . so you are as- decent as the people with whom you associate. You’d never live in an atmosphere which would endanger the health of your body . . . why be more foolish and live de- liberately in one which will kill your soul ... for all eternity. Apply the same rule to books, magazines, movies, etc. 3. Consider the effects: “A person IS known by the com- pany he keeps” . . . you soon acquire the same reputation as your vulgar friends. You are interested in a successful, happy life—aren’t you? Of course you are . . . then begin to culti- vate persons, places, thoughts in your life which will make success and happiness really possible. Aspiration: “From all evil, deliver me, O my Jesus.” HABITUAL SIN: DISOBEDIENCE HOW I ACT: I do not do what I’m lawfully told to do. I offer excuses when asked to do something by those who have a right to ask—either at home or at school. I often refuse to do assigned work; I talk when I’m supposed to pay attention. I always seem to blame my superiors. . . . I’m rarely wrong. I’m the type who COULD BE a worthwhile, responsible per- son . . . but this habit makes those in authority shun me when something important must be done. FIRST CAUSE: Pride. If so, I find that commands from those in authority cause me to flare up and rebel. I hate to do anything I’m told to do. I sometimes look down on those in authority, considering them “dumb” — simply because I THINK I’m smart. Cure: Be humble. 1. Think and pray to know clearly that ALL PROPER AUTHORITY comes from God . . . when I obey authority, I’m obeying God. The same is true when I RESPECT authority. 2. Aim to live a USEFUL LIFE and realize that no life can be REALLY USEFUL AND DISOBEDIENT AT THE SAME TIME. — 13 — 3. Consider the effects of disobedience caused by Pride: I bring unhappiness to myself and others; I’m never considered when some worthy activity is planned. I’m spoiling my chances for success in life; my happiness in time and in eternity is most INSECURE. Aspiration: ‘^Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indtdgence each time,) SECOND CAUSE: Laziness. If so, making excuses is my main fault. I always make up reasons why I SHOULD NOT OBEY. I hate to be bothered. I put off as long as pos- sible doing what I should do. As a result, I do inferior work . . . when I could do much better. Cure: Busy-ness. 1. Remember often God’s twofold law: DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL. The first law is DO. You can’t avoid evil by sitting in it. ILat’s what you do when you’re lazy. 2. Force yourself to adopt this slogan: DO IT NOW! And make this rule: DO A GOOD JOB IN EVERYTHING YOU UNDERTAKE: DO THINGS HABITUALLY AT THE PROPER TIME. 3. Consider the effects of laziness as the cause of dis- obedience: Others distrust you because you’re irresponsible; you’re an easy prey for temptation because ^^idleness IS the devil’s workshop.” You’re building your life on a structure which is MOST INSECURE . . . when you might be building something noble and stable through BUSY-NESS AND OBEDIENCE. Aspiration: “St. Joseph, most obedient, pray for us.” HABITUAL SIN: SELFISHNESS HOW I ACT: I’m always thinking of MYSELF and act- ing on behalf of MYSELF. I’ll do anything I want. Too much “I” in my conversation and thoughts. I feel disturbed when I don’t get MY way. I betray my selfishness by being POUTY, SULKY, OR ANGRY IN PETTY MATTERS. — 14 — FIRST CAUSE: Pride. If so, I’m always thinking of myself; I consider myself more important than anyone else and at times I despise others. Cure: Be humble. 1. Begin today to THINK LESS OF SELF AND MORE OF OTHERS. Think often of what you can GIVE . . . and less and less of what you can GET. Be more grateful to God for what you HAVE . . . and stop complaining about what you HAVE NOT. 2. A little self-denial every day won’t hurt you ... it will help you realize that not everything you WANT AND DE- MAND is NECESSARY for your happiness. 3. Realize fully that selfishness founded on pride makes you mean, unkind and very hard to get along with. It narrows your life down to your own petty self. You’re missing the richest gifts in life which come to a GENEROUS HEART because you’re building your life on YOU. You should be building it on the LOVE OF GOD AND THE LOVE OF NEIGHBOR. Aspiration: ^^Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time.) SECOND CAUSE OF THIS HABIT: Laziness. I’m al- ways trying to GET OUT OF doing something useful or of doing nothing. My motto is: ‘‘Don’t bother me.” Cure of Laziness: Busy-ness. 1. GET THE HABIT OF KEEPING BUSY. God tells us to DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL. Put the pressure on the DOING GOOD and you’ll have little trouble avoiding evil. Start tomorrow morning on the happy habit of keeping busy. Get up when you’re called. Make a real effort to be on time in all your appointments. FORCE yourself, if necessary . . . you’ll probably have to do so for a little while. 2. REMEMBER—it’s just as easy to FORM good habits as it is to form evil ones. WHY NOT form the GOOD — IS — HABITS? Why not taste the wholesome joy of doing the right thing at the right time in the right way. YOU CANT LOAF YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN. 3. Realize fully that laziness causes you to be the selfish person you are. It causes you to lose respect for yourself ; you find that others do not respect you either. You’re missing the happiness that comes from an UNSELFISH, BUSY life. Aspiration: ‘‘St. Joseph, model of workers, pray for me.” HABITUAL SIN: IMPURITY (Thought, Word, or Deed) HOW I ACT: My thoughts tend toward sins of the flesh . . . these thoughts sometimes (or often) lead me to say impure things and do impure things. My attitude makes ^^sex” some- thing sinful . . . when I should consider sex something very sacred. FIRST CAUSE: Lust. I constantly think impure thoughts and perhaps turn these thoughts into words or actions. Cure: Be pure. 1. Make yourself stronger SPIRITUALLY. Say the Ro- sary every day; develop a real, solid devotion to Mary, our Model of Purity. Get the habit of WEEKLY CONFESSION to a regular confessor. 2. Realize that no matter what you do in life, you’ll always have to live with yourself. No one wants to live constantly in a human “pig-pen.” YOU surely don’t! Aim for a happy life and realize that it cannot be happy and impure at the same time. 3. Consider the effects of impurity: it destroys your own self-respect and the respect of all decent people; consider the future . . . and realize that someday you’ll want to marry and become the parent of innocent little children ... or you may — 16 — be blessed with a vocation to serv’e God in religion. In either case, A LIFE OF PURITY WILL BE A DEEP SOURCE OF SATISFACTIOX ALL YOUR LIFE. Aspiratwn: “O heart most pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus a pure and humble heart.” (300 days indulgence each tune,) SECOXD CAUSE: Laziness. I spend too much time do- ing nothing and consequently am often tempted toward im- purity. Cure: Busy-ness. 1. Keep busy. Distract yourself with other thoughts when tempted. Push out the e\il thought with a good one; or leave the place of temptation. Stop day-dreaming. 2. Adopt a HOBBY. Good reading, practicing for base- ball, tennis, etc., or if you are so minded—collect stamps, get interested in wood-car\dng, photography, etc. The reason for ha\dng a hobby is this: It will give you something to think about, something to do when time hangs on your hands. 3. Consider the effects of laziness: It’s keeping you im- pure and making your life useless and miserable. It wHl spoil your future happiness in time and in eternity. Aspiratwn: “By thine Immaculate Conception, O Maiy’, make my body pure and my spirit holy.”—St. Alphonsus. (300 days each time.) THIRD CAL^SE: Persons, places, or things. I find that I’m weak in the presence of certain persons or when I’m in certain places ... or when I see certain things, such as bad books or magazines. Cure: Be watchful I 1. If possible, AVOID THESE OCCASIONS. If you can’t, tr\” to lessen the danger in them. Build up your spiritual — 17 — life by more frequent confession, Communion. Say the Rosary daily. Be determined to avoid the occasions as much as you can. 2. If persons, stop going with him or her unless you can prevent the situations which bring about the sins. If company keeping is the cause: go with groups on dates; avoid long periods of time alone—and both receive the Sacraments EVERY WEEK. Say the Rosary together when time hangs heavy on your date. 3. If things, such as magazines, books, movies—STOP LOOKING AT THEM. Get yourself some good reading material and begin to enjoy ONLY good movies. Read the classics which are recommended. Literature should enrich your life—not cheapen it. Use this thought: NEVER LET ANYONE DRAG YOUR SOUL INTO THE GUTTER. And consider the effects: your mind becomes drugged with evil; you are avoided by decent people. It will surely spoil your future happiness ... no decent boy or girl wants to share his or her happiness for life with an evil, impure mind. No children could ever look up to such a parent. Be deter- mined, then. RULE YOUR LIFE AND MAKE IT GOOD. Aspiration: ‘^O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee.” (300 days indulgence each time,) FOURTH CAUSE: Gluttony! I deny myself nothing. Eat and drink too much and too often. When it comes to satisfying my senses—I^m very weak. Cure: Self-control. 1. Stop giving in to yourself in lawful things. Refuse that extra piece of candy, cake, etc. Do that once or twice each day. Strengthen your will so that you’ll grow stronger against temptations of the flesh. Curb your flesh so that you—the real you—will be the master of your body. 2. Get the habit of DOING HARD THINGS BECAUSE THEY ARE HARD. It will be difficult at first, but they will — 18 — become easy as time goes on. Remember again and again: you can’t stop a bad habit by feeding it. 3. Consider the effects of gluttony: it makes you more and more like an animal and less and less like a human being. It leads to laziness and consequently to a useless, unhealthy life. It dulls your mind; it makes you a boresome type of person. Above all, it lessens your chances for success in time and in eternity. . . . HEAVEN IS FOR HUMAN BEINGS ALONE . . . GENUINE HUMAN BEINGS. Aspiration: ^^My Queen! My Mother! I give thee my- self and to show my devotion to thee, I consecrate to thee my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self. Where- fore, O loving Mother, as I am thine own, keep me, guard me, as thy property and possession.” (500 days indulgence each time,) HABITUAL SIN: PROFANITY (Taking God's Holy Nome in Vain) HOW I ACT: I constantly bring God’s Holy Name into my ordinary conversation or I use it whenever I become ex- cited. FIRST CAUSE: Pride. I began the habit because I THOUGHT it made me grown-up. Now I still seem to think it is the sign of adulthood. I derive pleasure from using it in front of those who are younger . . . just to show that I’m “Big.” Cure: Be humble. 1. Is it “big” to show disrespect to the good name of your mother or father? You know it isn’t! Now ask the same ques- tion concerning the HOLY NAME OF GOD or of JESUS. 2. Consider the fact that profaning God’s Holy Name shows a strange kind of love for God. It is also a sign of ignorance . . . your vocabulary is so limited that you need to express yourself — 19 — in profanity. Besides . . . you may give scandal—which is BAD EXAMPLE—to those younger than you or you may be the cause of others getting the habit. For this you will some day be judged by Him Whose Holy Name you profane! 3. Consider the effects: you are considered IGNORANT by worthwhile people; youVe somewhat of a hypocrite—you say God’s Name in prayer and then say it in the midst of vulgar or ordinary conversation; you give evidence of having a shallow mind and a cheap kind of appreciation for all that God has done for you. You can overcome this habit . . . you never say these words before your teacher or before a priest — do you? THAT’S THE BEST PROOF THAT YOU CAN OVERCOME THE HABIT IF YOU REALLY WANT TO! Aspiration: “Blessed be God; Blessed be His Holy Name; Blessed be the Name of Jesus.” SECOND CAUSE: Anger. Whenever my temper flares and I use God’s Name in vain, I insult God by breaking TWO of His Commands. Cure: Self-control. 1. Get the habit of using other harmless expressions in times of peace. Then in times of excitement . . . you’ll use inoffensive words and will temper your anger. 2. Overcome your quick temper ... by being more calm, more controlled in times of peace. 3. Consider the effects of Profanity caused by Anger: you are an undesirable person among well-bred people; you’re making your life unbearable for yourself and for others . . . and you give the impression that YOU REALLY DON’T LOVE GOD BECAUSE RESPECT AND LOVE GO HAND IN HAND. (See Cursing—^page ....—for further help.) Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time,) — 20 HABITUAL SIN: FIGHTING (and Quarreling) HOW I ACT: I am continually ‘‘flying off the handle’’; usually because of little things. I find myself being treated with “kid gloves” by others because they know how “touchy” I am. The things I say because of this tendency always make me feel ashamed. FIRST CAUSE: Pride. To be blunt, you just “can’t take it.” You are so much in love with yourself that your whole attitude is “don’t touch me—I’m too precious.” Cure: Be calm. 1. Realize how foolish it is to fight and become angry. You always do when you’re thinking things over afterward. A little thought before will do much to help you overcome this unpleasant habit. 2. Get the habit of calmness—coolness in times of peace. Learn to speak more slowly and more deliberately. In other words — “think before you speak.” Be less quick in your ac- tions; if you’re nervous by nature . . . see a doctor and ask his help. Your temper may be cooled by medicine PLUS the spiritual medicine of the virtue of MEEKNESS . . . meek- ness is the virtue which helps us be calm, cool, and collected. 3. Consider the effects: there are so many bad effects that all can’t be mentioned. In one sentence: fighting makes you a very UNDESIRABLE PERSON and you can be sure that this habit will never get you into heaven. You cannot Fight your way to God—you must reach Him through the way of Love, Love God. L^ve your Neighbor. Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time,) SECOND CAUSE: Anger. I have a bad temper. I know that the underlying cause of my anger must be PRIDE. Consequently . . . the CURE for ANGER is the same as the cure for pride. ~21 — Cure: Be cool . . . conquer pride. Read the cure for pride to help cure the anger. Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.’’ (500 days indulgence each time.) THIRD CAUSE: Envy. I become angry and fight with those who have better talents, more success than I. The very thought of those whom I envy causes me to flare up. Cure: Generosity. 1. Consider the foolishness of ENVY. After all, you have gifts and talents, too. You should realize that no one is perfect . . . no one has every possible gift. 2. Realize that GOD gives each person sufficient talents and gifts to help him live a happy, holy life and prepare for eternal happiness in heaven. If you would concentrate on USING the gifts GOD has given you . . . you wouldn’t be envious of the gifts He has given others. 3. Consider the effects of this smallness which causes you to fight and be quarrelsome: it makes life miserable for your- self and others; you’re continually regretting what you do . . . when a little forethought would change your regret into the happy realization that you are giving real service to others and to yourself. Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time.) HABrTUAL SIN: DRINKING (If not a habit, the danger of its becoming one is present alwoys) HOW I ACT: I take a drink to be smart, or to be con- sidered one of the crowd. I don’t like it but I feel out of place when I refuse. It embarrasses me and I can’t stand my friends calling me “sissy” when I refuse. Perhaps, it may be that I’m weak when it comes to drink and I can’t control myself once I get started. — 22 — FIRST CAUSE: Pride. I think I^m ‘‘big’’ when really I’m very small because I’m controlled by a simple thing like taste. Cure: Be humble. 1. Admit to yourself that it’s hard to control a habit of this kind. That’s humility and the first step toward building a right kind of life. 2. Keep thinking in terms of “man” and “animal.” The more this habit gets the upper hand, the more animal-like you become. The more you control it—the more noble you become. You’re young yet—^the habit can’t control you if you don’t want it to. If it is a habit—BREAK IT NOW. Take a pledge until you are twenty-one. Then take another pledge. 3. Consider the effects of this habit: it causes a ruined life — ^a ruined reputation. You’ll have no future security what- ever. You’ll cause heartbreaks to your parents . . . and to your boy or girl friend. You’ll become an irresponsible person; no one will be willing to entrust a decent job to your hands . . . you’ll be too great a risk . . . you’ll be too unreliable. Re- member again and again: THIS HABIT HAS RUINED AND IS RUINING MANY LIVES. . . . DON’T LET IT RUIN YOURS. Aspiration: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time.) SECOND CAUSE: Gluttony. I’m always giving in to my senses—especially to my sense of taste. Whenever I get started, I can’t control my taste for drink. Cure: Be prepared! 1. Make up your mind before you go out socially . . . NOT to take anything alcoholic. Persuade some good friends to make sure that you’ll keep your resolve. It would be better for you to take a pledge so that the habit will never control you. — 23 — 2. Deny yourself in other things . . . such as candy, cigarettes, etc. Get the habit of saying “no’’ to these ordinary things a few times each day. This will make your will stronger. Remember this: it’s rare that a heavy drinker is A PURE PERSON. 3. Consider the effects—no one will respect you. The so- called “Friends” will encourage you to “drink” but when you’re down and out, they’ll soon forget you. Recall the little story of the drunkard and the pig . . . sleeping side by side in the gutter. An elderly lady walking by made this remark as she stood over the sleeping pair: “A person is known by the com- pany he keeps.” Then the PIG got up and slowly walked away. Aspiration: “O Heart of Love, I put all my trust in Thee; for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness.”—St. Margaret Mary. (300 days indulgence each time,) CAUSE: Persons, places, or things. I may find it hard to stay away from drink because of the influence of some per- son who pretends to be my friend. Or it may be a place—such as a “hang-out” where I also become weak and over-indulge. The thing, of course, is any alcoholic drink. Cure: Be independent. 1. Drop the person . . . stay away from the place. No one but a fool would go into a burning building when death is cer- tain. Your going to such a place means “death” to your soul. . . . DON’T BE A FOOL! 2. Find yourself new friends . . . get new interests. Realize again and again: THESE PERSONS, PLACES, OR THINGS ARE NOT WORTH THE COST ... TO YOU OR THOSE DEAR TO YOU. 3. Consider the effects: your life will be wasted; you will ruin your health, your reputation, and the chance to make decent friends. You will cause many heartaches to those who love you and you’ll never amount to anything. You will de- — 24 — stroy your chances for success every time you take a drink. You are not human . . . you’re living as an animal. Remem- ber: heaven is for human beings . . . and God created you to KNOW, LOVE, AND SERVE HIM IN THIS LIFE SO THAT YOU MAY BE HAPPY NOW AND ENJOY ETER- NAL HAPPINESS LATER. You can’t possibly know, love, and serve God and at the same time overdrink. Once the habit gets control—you’ll be too weak to break it. The best way to prevent a bad habit is NOT to start it. The best way to over- come a habit is to STOP IT. Aspiration: ^^Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time.) HABITUAL SIN: LYING HOW I ACT: I habitually speak opposite to my thoughts. I consistently lie when the truth will cause me discomfort. I lie to get out of things, or when I want to feel important. My worst fault in this habit niay be the tendency to lie about others in order to hurt them and to make me feel more im- portant. CAUSE OF THIS HABIT: Pride. I lie to appear im- portant ... to be considered ‘^big.” Cure of Pride: Be truthful. 1. Correct the habit by telling the truth immediately after you know that you have lied. Say something like this: “I didn’t mean THAT, I meant THIS,” and then tell the truth. Try to be REAL always ... TO BE YOURSELF. If you stop trying to fool yourself, you’ll do much to overcome the useless habit of trying to fool others. 2. Set up a goal to become a worthy person . . . and re- member that some of the chief qualities of a worthy person are HONESTY AND TRUSTWORTHINESS. 3. Consider the effects of lying: the loss of self-respect and the respect of others; you become a special child of the devil who is the “father of lies”; your life is just a mask . . . you’re — 25 — a walking hypocrite ... a walking lie. One of the easiest types to discover is an habitual liar. Say this aspiration: Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, come into our hearts.’’ SECOND CAUSE: Laziness. I lie just to get out of things. ... I don’t want to feel uncomfortable. Cure of Laziness: Busy-ness. 1. Begin today to get the habit of doing what you should do, as you should do it, and when you should do it. This will eliminate the reason for lying through laziness. There’ll be nothing to want to get out of—if you acquire this spirit of industry. 2. Perhaps it may be FEAR which is another way of not wanting to feel uncomfortable. If so, the same suggestion of doing the right thing at the right time in the proper way still holds. This will eliminate all fear . . . because there’ll be NOTHING TO FEAR. 3. Consider the effects of lies caused by laziness; you grow steadily worse in your habit . . . and the more you seemingly fool others . . . the more you fool yourself because the liar in the long run hurts himself most of all. You build up an empty life . . . and an empty life cannot fit in with God’s plans for your eternal happiness. Say this aspiration: “St. Joseph, most faithful, pray for us.” THIRD CAUSE: Envy. I lie to hurt others so that I may gain some advantage. This is the worst kind of lie . . . it is called CALUMNY. With ENVY is involved HATRED. Cure of Envy: Be generous. 1. Get the habit of LOOKING UP . . . stop looking down. Pray for a real spirit of BIGNESS. Give credit whenever it’s due . . . base your life more and more on God’s TWOFOLD COMMAND: LOVE GOD AND LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. 2. Make this rule: IF YOU CAN’T SAY SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE . . . SAY NOTHING. 3. Consider the effects of this habit of lying through ENVY: You do unspeakable harm to another’s good name — 26 — . . . sometimes it’s impossible to repair the harm done. Your lies may be the cause of the loss of a soul . . . and GOD WILL JUDGE YOU. Prayer: Say the Our Father . . . and REALLY MEAN IT. HABITUAL SIN: DISRESPECT FOR AUTHORITY HOW I ACT: I speak deliberately against my parents . . . my superiors and, at times, against a person whose life is dedi- cated to God. I find that my ideas and their ideas differ very greatly. I feel that ^They’re old-fashioned”—that they “don’t understand” . . . and I think that I’m always right and they’re always wrong. CAUSE: Pride. I know more than my parents . . . per- haps they didn’t go beyond the eighth grade. Besides, they’re living in the past. Every time I speak or act disrespectfully toward those who are my superiors, it makes me feel “big.” Cure: Be respectful. 1. Do you realize that just living a life is an education? And that even though you may THINK that your parents are “dumb” or do not understand . . . remember this: THEY HAVE LIVED LONGER THAN YOU HAVE LIVED AND CONSEQUENTLY THEY DO KNOW MORE ABOUT LIFE AND ITS DANGERS FROM ACTUAL EXPERI- ENCE. The wise boy or girl LISTENS to the advice of good parents and superiors. It’s only the people WHO THINK THEY ARE WISE who refuse to listen. They seem to insist on learning life the HARD WAY. Following the advice of those who want to help them would make LIFE much more pleasant all the way. 2. Think once in awhile what you OWE your parents and your superiors. Then THINK what YOU have done on their behalf. You’ll be surprised and ... if you are honest with yourself . . . you’ll feel ashamed of your disrespect. 3. Consider the effects of disrespect for authority: if it is shown toward parents, it makes them look inferior in the eyes 27 — of others . . . and it sometimes causes them a lifetime of heart- aches; consider how you’ll feel when God calls your parents to Himself . . . your life will be haunted with the disrespect shown your parents while they were with you; if religious superiors are the object of your disrespect remember this: WHEN YOU SHOW DISRESPECT TO A PRIEST YOU ARE REALLY DISRESPECTING THE PRIESTHOOD . . . AND THE PRIESTHOOD IS CHRIST. Secondly, you harm your own RELIGION by so doing because even though you may say “I don’t like so and so PERSONALLY,” you can never escape the fact that this particular person IS CONSECRATED TO GOD AND THAT IT’S RARE FOR A PERSON TO MAKE THE FINE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE PERSON AND HIS OFFICE. Thirdly, the enemies of Christ are ex- perts in the field of disrespect toward priests and religious. DO YOU FEEL BETTER IN SUCH COMPANY? Aspiration: ^^Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time.) CAUSE: Laziness. Anyone who disturbs my “don’t bother me” attitude on life, is not worthy of my respect. After all, a person has to live his OWN life, doesn’t he? Those are some of my thoughts if I’m disrespectful from laziness. Cure: Busy-ness. 1. Remember that the luckiest boy or girl is one who is the chief concern of those who love him. If your parents or supe- riors didn’t care . . . they wouldn’t bother with you. But they do care. Show appreciation. 2. You don’t become any better by being disrespectful toward those who want to help you. You only hurt yourself and hurt them. Why not turn your whole attitude the RIGHT WAY? Give serious thought to the advice given you so freely and so gladly. 3. Consider the effects of laziness when it brings you to a disrespectful attitude: it destroys your self-respect arid the respect of others; your life is wasting away in laziness and in — 28 — tearing down ithe good names of your parents or superiors. Remember again and again: YOU CAN’T LOAF YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN . . . AND YOU CAN’T LAZILY DISRESPECT THOSE WHO LOVE YOU AND EXPECT GOD’S INFINITE JUSTICE TO ALLOW YOU TO EX- CUSE YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU’RE LAZY. Aspiration: ^‘Dear Lord, help me to strive always to please those who love me. In this way I’ll be loyal to them and above all, loyal to Thee.” CAUSE: Persons, places, or things. The crowd I go with or the places I frequent tend toward disrespect for author- ity . . . always talk down superiors. Because of this I’m be- coming jusit like the crowd. They talk so convincingly that I’m inclined to agree with them. Cure of Occasions of Sin: 1. If possible, try to convert them one by one, beginning with the person you know best. This may be done if you have a good strong character and really want to DO things in the spirit of Christ. 2. If you can, avoid the crowd or place—begin to asso- ciate with new and better people. There are many oppor- tunities to do so . . . join the parish societies; your school clubs, etc. 3. Consider the effects: talking down authority breeds dis- content and causes you to become a victim of self-pity. In- stead of building up—^you’re always tearing down. That’s no way to live and you know it. Remember, too, that the gang will not help you when you are down and out. Why let them spoil your life when you can be doing so much NOW to make your life constructive? Aspiration: ‘‘Dear Jesus, please grant me a proper respect for all authority . . . and help me to realize that all proper authority is founded in THEE.” — 29 HABITUAL SIN: JEALOUSY HOW I ACT: I’m possessive, especially about friendships. My friend belongs to ME and no one is going to come between us or share our friendship. CAUSE: Pride. Deep down in my heart, I’m worried about losing my friend and thus being pitied for the loss. I’m afraid to have others share my friend because I’m afraid of losing out to someone else. Cure: Generosity. 1. You do not OWN your friend. He has his own life to live . . . just as you have your life to live. Remember this and you’ll begin at once to lose this corrosive habit. 2. Strive to be GLAD when your friend is liked by others. That makes your friend much more valuable. Your willing- ness to share such friendship adds to your value also. 3. Consider the effects of jealousy: you rarely have any true peace of mind. You’re always worried whenever anyone acts kindly toward your friend: it causes hateful thoughts which are, at the same time, foolish and useless. Thank God for your friend and let him live his own life. That’s the way to keep a friend . . . jealousy leads to the loss of friendship. Aspiration: “O Lord, please give me a generous heart.” CAUSE: Envy. This is the deep-rooted cause of all jeal- ousy. It is closely allied to greed. I become enraged when others are about to take what I consider mine. Cure: Be generous. 1. Envy leads to harmful thoughts and desires toward others. It makes me a hateful person . . . when I could be a charming person. 2. Envy will show itself in other problems of my life. It will grow with me unless I stop it NOW. 3. Consider the effects: I’ll lose my friend; become hateful toward others and eventually toward myself. I’ll waste pre- — 30 — cious time over what is really NOTHING. On the other hand^ without ENVY in my life as a cause of my JEALOUSY . . . I’ll grow daily into the kind of person I ought to be. Generous- hearted and willing to share my gifts with others . . . espe- cially the gift of my friendships. Aspiration: ^^Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.” (500 days indulgence each time,) HABITUAL SIN: CARELESSNESS IN PRAYER . . • AT MASS . . . SPIRITUAL DUTIES IN GENERAL HOW I ACT. ... I habitually say my prayers with little thought. At Mass, I’m more interested in other people or in doing nothing . . . than I am in what is going on at the Altar. I am not regular in receiving the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist. CAUSE: Pride. I feel* that I can get along quite well my- self. ... I do not need the help of God. Besides, I think that I’m doing quite enough by appearing at Mass and making a stab at prayer . . . without getting too much interested. When it comes to the Sacraments, I’m usually too busy to get to con- fession. My attitude sometimes is: “one has to live his life in the world, too. One can’t be too religious.” Cure: Be a Militant Catholic! 1. Other people have felt as you do now . . . and then won- dered why things didn’t turn out so well for them. In the end, you’ll sorely regret having carelessly tossed away your most priceless possession . . . your Holy Faith .... because that is surely the way things will finally end if you don’t wake up! • 2. Think seriously about yourself. Didn’t God create you to KNOW, LOVE AND SERVE HIM in this life? You know that He did so . . . you know that without God you wouldn’t be alive now to act carelessly toward Him . . . you know that without God’s help you can’t take a step or breathe. You also know that being careless about your duties toward God is no — 31 — way to know, love and serve Him. God loves you . . . isn’t this the least you can do . . . LOVE HIM AS YOU SHOULD? 3. Consider the effects of this pride: you are slowly but surely throwing away God’s Gift, your Faith. You are build- ing your life on sand . . . you’ll never be a success in life be- cause you’re destroying the REAL tools for your success. Your salvation lies in one thing: SERIOUSLY PLACE GOD, AND THE THINGS OF GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE. Remember this: your carelessness will have its effects on those who will someday depend on you for good example. Do you want to be responsible for the loss of the souls of innocent people? I’m sure you don’t. Then, stop the carelessness .. . . begin to live as God wants you to live. Be faithful and inter- ested in Holy Mass, in prayer and in the Sacraments. Aspiration: ^^Holy Spirit, Spirit of Love, enkindle in my heart, the fire of Divine Love. Make my faith strong and constant.” CAUSE: Laziness. I’m always “too tired” to pray. At Holy Mass I find it necessary to half-sit and half-kneel. When confession times comes around, I’m always too comfortable to become inconvenienced by confession ... or I’d simply rather not go. Cure: Self-knowledge. 1. Be honest with yourself. You’ve never really tried to pray as you should . . . that’s why you do not know the joy that comes to those who are diligent in prayer, at Mass and in the reception of the sacraments. Drop that lazy attitude . . . give yourself some real happiness. BE TRUE TOWARD GOD. 2. Notice how you’re living now. If you’re lazy toward spiritual things . . . you’re lazy in pther ways, too. Curing this terrible habit will make your WHOLE life a successful one. Right now, if you’re honest, you’ll admit that your life is NOT what it should be. You can make it so . . . but you have to begin NOW . . . shake off that cloak of laziness and put on the armor of God. — 32 — 3. Consider the effects of your laziness: it is bad example to those who, perhaps, may have some regard for you; it is leading you slowly but surely into a lifetime of unhappiness and an eternity of misery. It’s not worth it, and you know it. Knowing it ... do something about it. Get back to God in the right way. Stop spoiling your chance for a happy, successful life and eternal happiness. You can’t remember too often: IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO LOAF YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN. Aspiration: “St. Joseph, model of workers, please pray for me.” HABITUAL SIN: STEALING (Cheating) HOW I ACT: I cheat, but I know it’s wrong ... I know it’s unjust . . . but my attitude is: “others get away with it, why not I?” or “what’s the use of working . . . when I can get by without work?” CAUSE: Pride. I want high marks ... or I want to pass. I fear the loss of my prestige if I fail ... or I desire to hear the praise of others about my work. Cure: Be honest. 1. Realize that praise—undeserved—will never give your heart the happiness it desires. 2. Think often this thought: to fail when you deserve is far better for you than to win when you do not deserve it. God knows what you’re doing and after all is said and done, it’s how you stand with God that matters. Anything gotten cheaply is not worth much ... so it will be with any so-called “success” you may think you achieve by cheating ... it will never be anything but a cheap kind of success and that suc- cess will never do you any real good. 3. Consider the effects of cheating: it makes you a loafei ... it puts you in the class of the genuine “thief” only you’re a cheaper kind. It makes your life a false kind of life and it — 33 — doesn’t take anyone long to discover you. Your life and repu- tation mean all the world to you, so don’t stake your life and reputation on the cheap, petty habit of cheating. Aspiration: ^^St. Joseph, model of workers, pray for me.” CAUSE: Laziness. I hate to do practically ANYTHING . . . especially STUDY. I may be working after school . . . but I only do it so that I may have more money or get better clothes. If I didn’t need the money or the clothes, I wouldn't work either. My attitude always seems to be: “what’s the use?” Cure: Busy-ness. 1. There’s nothing that can cure laziness better than HARD WORK. That can’t be said too often. TRY IT . . . TRY IT TODAY AND SEE HOW MUCH BETTER YOU’LL FEEL TONIGHT . . . maybe you’ll be tired . . . but you’ll be tired in a happy sort of way. 2. Establish a goal for your life. Think of your future more than you do. What are you planning to do with your life later? Get advice from your parents or your guides in school. Once you set your goal—begin to WORK TOWARD IT. After all, you’ll have to live, and eat, and have some kind of independence later . . . and you can’t live on LAZINESS . . . and even if you think you can ... it will be a very sorry kind of life . . . “sad” that is! 3. Consider the effects of your laziness as it concerns cheating: you could -do the work—but you’d rather NOT . . . so you cheat. That puts you right in the class of UNDESIR- ABLE PEOPLE. And the word gets around! Why not KEEP REMEMBERING: YOU C\N’T LOAF YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE AND EXPECT GOD TO WEL- COME YOU INTO ETERNITY. Aspiration: “St. Joseph, model of workers, pray for me.” — 34 — OTHER POSSIBLE CAUSES: 1. Envy. . . . Possible Cure: Generosity. Realize that others are successful because THEY ARE USING THE TALENTS GOD HAS GIVEN THEM. If you used yours—YOU’D BE SUCCESSFUL, TOO. USE THEM! Furthermore, you’re letting other lives INFLUENCE YOU FOR EVIL . . . WHEN THOSE SAME LIVES COULD IN- FLUENCE YOU FOR GOOD. IT’S ALL UP TO YOU. 2. Persons, places, or things. . . . Possible Cure: Be different. Consider the opposite thought to the one you had about envy. STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE . . . STOP IMITAT- ING PEOPLE WHO ARE CAUSING EVIL IN YOUR LIFE . . . AND BEGIN TO IMITATE THOSE WHO WILL BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR EARTHLY AND HEAVENLY HAPPINESS IF YOU’LL LET THEM. The same applies to places and things. Be more serious when you examine your conscience ... so that you’ll see the harm caused by these things yourself . . . and do something about them. HABITUAL SIN: CATTINESS (Uncharitableness) HOW I ACT: I have a sharp tongue for the faults of others. This seems to be my vocation in life: to dig into others’ faults and bring them out in the open. A great deal of my time—of my life—is spent in trying to find out what’s wrong with the rest of the world. I have a gift for tearing down and I think I’m clever. CAUSE: Pride. My main reason for downing others is to make myself more important. Cure: Be humble. 1. Cattiness from pride is a cheap, ignorant act. It re- flects a character that is small and mean. Our lives become very, very important—but for one thing only: the cause of evil. — 35 — 2. Get the habit of looking on the bright side of life . . . especially of people. No one is ever evil for evil’s safe. Just as you are fooled many times by the devil—so are other peo- ple. It’s better to pick out the good than to dig into the evil . . . it’s' better for you . . . better for the person involved . . . better for the world. Be a BUILDER. 3. Consider 'the effects of cattiness from pride: it produces nothing good ... it doesn’t help you ... it doesn’t help the person involved ... it makes life in general more unpleasant. Cattiness or talking about others unkindly—EVEN THOUGH TRUE—demands that we REPAIR ANY DAMAGE DONE to a person’s character from our talk. NOTE WELL: ‘^EVEN THOUGH TRUE.” Aspiration: ^^Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us. CAUSE: Envy. I down others by speaking about them in a “catty” way because: they’re smarter, more beautiful, more talented, better-liked, etc., than I am. I can’t stand the popu- larity they enjoy . . . and I try to destroy it. Cure: Be a builder. 1. Remember that God gives everyone certain talents or gifts. You have gifts . . . perhaps better than those whom you envy. No one can have EVERYTHING. Realize that God will judge you in accordance with your use of the talents He has given you. This thought should help you to THANK GOD for all the gifts He has given to all mankind, including yours. Do your part to show God your gratitude: use your gifts properly and encourage others in the use of their gifts ... no matter how much better they may be than yours. 2. BE A BUILDER . . . BASE YOUR LIFE ON KIND- NESS. No one has ever regretted being kind . . . but thou- sands regret having been unkind or catty. 3. Consider the effects of cattiness from envy: you become smaller and smaller with each “catty” remark; you become the type whom everyone more or less thinks of as a “sour — 36 — grapes’’ person. Your cattiness may cause irreparable harm to another ... and GOD WILL JUDGE YOU SOME DAY. Aspiration: ‘^Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us.” CAUSE: Laziness. Because I’m lazy, I become catty toward the person who works hard, who makes her own clothes or who is successful in school or work. I use such terms as ‘^teacher’s pet” — ^^ambitious Joe” or the like in describing these praiseworthy people. Cure: Busy-ness. 1. Be honest . . . that is, be fair in your judgment. You know that when you condemn others you are simply trying to excuse yourself for something which you could have—but lack through laziness. 2. Build up your own life . . . become a worker and you’ll find that these people you don’t like are the most likeable peo- ple in the world. Climb to their level and you’ll find this to be true. 3. Consider the effects of laziness which causes your catti- ness: you’re wasting precious time and the wonderful oppor- tunity of following the good example of other young men and women. You’ll never build up your life by tearing down some- one else’s life. God will judge you on the proper use of the talents HE HAS GIVEN YOU BUT WHICH YOU ARE NOT USING AS YOU SHOULD. Aspiration: ‘^Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us.” CAUSE: Persons, places, or things. I am going with people who are “catty.” This makes me the same. I can’t seem to change them . . . but they are changing me. Cure: Be independent. 1. You have YOUR life to lead. Why not make the cir- cumstances the best. You can, you know, nine times out of ten. — 37 — 2. Be a builder. . . . Get the habit of helping people . . . destroy the habit of hurting them. 3. Consider the effects of these occasions of sin—^places, people, or things: iVs true that one is known by the company he keeps and if these people are the “catty’’ type they are definitely known as such and you are classified with them . . . this makes your reputation very unfavorable. Change friends, if necessary, and make sure this time that you are particular. Aspiration: “O God, be merciful to me, the sinner.” (500 days indulgence, each time,) HABITUAL SIN: BAD EXAMPLE (Scandal) This involves ALL SIN. It involves every action of your life. You probably don’t realize often enough these two truths: NO ONE GOES TO HEAVEN ALONE. NO ONE GOES TO HELL ALONE. How you live is being watched by hun- dreds of people. If you are known to be a Catholic . . . many non-Catholics observe your way of life. How you live may well mean the conversion of many ... it may also mean that many will never accept the Faith. Which way do you want to influence others? Ask yourself this question: Am I watchful about my actions so that I do not hurt the faith or the good lives of others? Particularly, in the presence of children or those who are not strong in the Faith or who are not of my Faith? If you have failed . . . realize that the failure in the past has perhaps been in part, due to carelessness. Make a resolve right now ... to be ever watchful in the future. To be the kind of Catholic who is truly MILITANT . . . who never loses an opportunity to lead others toward God and the things of God. Say this beautiful prayer now and then . . . better still, make it a part of your daily prayers: — 38 — '^LEARNING CHRlSr^ Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life ... in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my own pains and heartaches so that I may be the only one to suffer from them. Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may mellow me, not harden nor embitter me; that it may make me patient, not irritable; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness—not narrow, haughty and overbearing. May no one be less good for having come within my in- fluence, No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow-traveler in our journey toward eternal life. As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time, a word of love to Thee. May my life be lived in the supernatural . . . full of pK)wer for good and strong in its purpose of holiness. — 39 — DANGEROUS ATTITUDES Perhaps my ATTITUDE is becoming something like this: I am beginning to QUESTION some of the teachings of my Church. I don’t always agree with her laws. I sometimes think the Marriage laws are too strict; I may disagree with her stand on birth control; I sometimes think the Church is narrow-minded when it forbids my taking part in things which are non-Catholic. I complain when my Church condemns bad MOVIES, BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. CAUSE: I’m neglecting to live a truly Catholic life. I, perhaps, do not receive the Sacraments frequently nor proper- ly; I read too much pagan literature and not enough that is Catholic. I have developed the spirit of the world which is directly opposed to the spirit of Christ. When it comes to the question of bad movies and readings, I FORGET: MY EYES ARE THE WINDOWS OF MY SOUL . . . AND IT IS THE GOD-GIVEN DUTY OF THE CHURCH TO PRO- TECT MY SOUL AND LEAD IT TO ETERNAL HAPPI- NESS. Cure: Reflect on the God-given Authority of Your Church. 1st. It is the ONE TRUE CHURCH FOUNDED BY CHRIST. Remember when Christ said: “And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” These words were said to Saint Peter, the first Pope. Our present Holy Father, is the successor of Saint Peter. And Our Lord, speak- ing to His Apostles said: “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you!" Your Bishop, in keeping with Christ’s command, continues to teach you to observe all that you must do to fulfill the commands of Our Saviour . . . be- cause your Bishop is a spiritual descendant of the Apostles. 2nd. The Church is truly your Mother. Her mission is to lead you to God. Christ gave to her . . . and to her alone . . . — 40 — the threefold mission to teach you ... to govern you . . . and to sanctify you. Her laws are to help you live a holy, happy life. Keep remembering that YOUR FAITH is the GREAT* EST of God's Gifts to you. Cherish it by keeping the laws of your Church. 3rd. When you seek advice, or when something troubles you . . . don't discuss it with people who cannot possibly know the answer . . . DISCUSS IT WITH A PRIEST. He will be more than glad to help you. Review now and then your cate- chism. Receive the Sacraments MORE FREQUENTLY. Try hard to LIVE your Faith. Only then will you see the laws of your Church in the proper light . . . then you'll see that the laws of your Church are the laws of Christ. You'll see that her authority comes from Christ . . . that she cannot go wrong in guiding you to your eternal destiny, because Christ is with her always as He promised: ^^Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." Resolve This Day: LIVE YOUR FAITH . . . THEN YOU CANNOT HELP BUT LOVE IT . . . AND ALL DIF- FICULTIES WILL DISAPPEAR. OTHERS HAVE DONE SO AND HAVE FOUND THIS TO BE TRUE. YOU'LL EXPERIENCE THE SAME. ASK MARY TO HELP YOU. SAY HER ROSARY DAILY. MARY HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND WANTING. Perhaps you could say a fer- vent “Hail Mary" now. — 41 — QUALITIES OF YOUR CONFESSION Your confession should be: 1. HUMBLE ... realize fully that youYe confessing your sins to God’s represent- ative . . . that the priest has God’s power to forgive your sins. Realize that youVe done wrong and that cohfession of sins is God’s special way to help you receive forgiveness and do right. Your confession should be: 2. SINCERE . . . tell the kind of sin and the number of times committed. Don’t try to make a mortal sin seem venial. Be exact . . . tell the kind of sin as well as anything else which may make it more or less serious. Your confession should be: 3. ENTIRE . . . tell all mortal sins and their number; then, your habitual venial sins or any other venial sins you may care to mention. Con- fess habitual venial sins because sometimes they are the direct causes for your mortal sins. How to Go to Confession CONFESS YOUR SINS TO THE PRIEST; THANK GOD; SAY YOUR PENANCE 1. Begin your confession by saying: “I confess to Almighty God and to you, Father, that I have sinned. It is (so many weeks, months) since my last worthy confession. I said my penance and received Holy Communion.” 2. Tell your sins . . . beginning with the most serious. Tell the number of times. Confess habitual venial sins. 3. When you’ve told all your sins . . . say immediately: 'Tor these and all the sins of my past life, especially the sin of (here mention some sin of the past for which you’re truly sorry) I’m truly sorry. Father.” 4. Listen to the advice of the priest. If you have a ques- tion to ask, say simply: "Father, I’d like to ask a question . . . or I’d like to ask your advice.” — 42 — 5. Say your Act of Contrition. 6. When leaving the confessional it is proper to say: “Thank you, Father.” 7. Return to your place in Church . . . say a word of thanks to God for the graces received . . . and then say your penance. Note: There are other methods of going to confession. Use the method you were taught—should the above method not appeal to you. Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Th^^ and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen. --43 — YOUR RULE OF LIFE Here you’ll find God’s rules for happiness in life and for all eternity. If you live these rules, you’ll find that your life will be far happier than it has ever been. After all, God owns you. . . . He knows what’s best for your happiness. Follow GOD’S WAY. BE HAPPY NOW AND FOREVER HAPPY LATER. I. God^s Commandments (Rules for Happiness) 1. Put (jk)d FIRST in your life. 2. Respect God’s Holy Name and the names of His friends. 3. Keep God’s day with proper respect. 4. Honor your parents and those in authority. 5. Be kindly toward others in thought, word and deed. 6. Be pure toward others and yourself. 7. Respect the property of others. Be thoroughly honest. 8. Be truthful. Respect the good name of others. 9. Be pure in thought and desire. 10. Respect the rights of others in thought and desire. II. Commandments of God's Church (These help you to moke sure that you keep God's Rules) 1. Put God first in your life by attending Holy Mass on Sundays and Holydays. 2. Fast and abstain on the proper days in order to control your body. 3. Confess your sins at least once a year. (Every week or two is BEST.) 4. Receive Holy Communion during the Easter time. (Every time you attend Mass is BEST.) 5. Support your Pastor so that the works of God will flourish and prosper. o. Keep the laws of God’s Church about Marriage. (See your parish priest long (three months at least) before your Marriage date. — 44 — III. Pillars Which Support Your Life of Happiness 1. Be Humble. 4. Be Meek. 2. Be Generous. 5. Be Temperate. 3. Be Pure. 6. Be Benevolent. 7. Be Diligent. IV. Foundations for Your Pillars of Happiness 1. PRUDENCE. . . . Act with forethought. . . . Never in haste. 2. JUSTICE. . . . Always be fair toward others. 3. FORTITUDE. ... Be determined to do the right thing no matter what the cost. 4. TEMPERANCE. . . . Eat and drink as befits a human being. Act the same in other matters as well. V. Some Practical Means of Loving Your Neighbor for the Love of God Corporal Works of Mercy 1. Feed the hungry. 2. Give drink to the thirsty. 3. Clothe the naked. 4. Visit the imprisoned. 5. Give shelter to the home- less. 6. Visit the sick. 7. Bury the dead. VI. Two Final Thoughts Spiritual Works of Mercy 1 . Admonish the sinner. 2. Instruct the ignorant. 3. Counsel the doubtful. 4. Comfort the sorrowful. 5. Bear wrongs patiently. 6. Forgive all injuries. 7. Pray for the living and the dead. 1. NEVER DESPAIR. ... NO SIN IS TOO GREAT TO BE FORGIVEN. 2. NEVER PRESUME ON GOD’S MERCY. REMEM- BER THAT GOD IS JUST AS WELL AS MERCIFUL. — 45 — GUIDE FOR TEACHERS IN PRESENTING THIS BOOKLET TO THEIR PUPILS Do Something About Sorrow for Sin 1st. Ask this question: you know how to examine your conscience properly? 2nd. When various answers are given ... or if there is a cold silence . . . tell them how the examination of conscience is usually made: 1st. . . . one asks God to help him make a good examina- tion of conscience. 2nd. ... he remembers certain habits of sins . . . and his serious sins. 3rd. . . . tries to recall the number of times. ... 4th. . . . tells God he is sorry and will try to do better next time. 5th. . . . goes to confession and tells WHAT he has done and the number of times (rarely asks advice . . . and be- cause of crowded Saturdays or First Fridays . . . advice cannot always be given). 3rd. Use blackboard and make a simple drawing of a house. Show the living room and draw in a foundation. See below.* R.OOM —46 — 4th. Then explain that one day the walls of the living room begin to crack . . . draw lines across so-called wall of the living room as below. Sth. Father gets all excited . . . decides to fix up the wall. He doesn’t bother to check the foundation which is the cause of the cracking walls. He just fixes the walls. When this is explained . . . erase the cracks and show the good job Father has done . . . all the while unmindful of the bad foundation. — 47 — 6th. The following week the same thing happens. Then Father asks WHY . . . checks and finds the foundation bad. Has that fixed . . . fixes the walls in the meanwhile . . . and the walls are sound and secure. Stress ... the reason: the CAUSE WAS DISCOVERED AND FIXED. 7th. Use the same set of illustrations . . . only this time make the house represent YOU. The walls will be the soul. The foundation . . . the causes of sin. Show how each week when one goes to confession . . . walls of soul are cracked from habitual sins. Foundation is the cause but it is IGNORED. Then we get smart and begin asking ourselves WHY do I have these habits. 8th. Then show where WHY may be found . . . write down the seven capital sins as shown in the booklet plus the occasions of sin. Then pass out the booklets . . . have a private (under the teacher’s instruction) examination of conscience. It would be helpful if each pupil would read the “Reason for this Book- let” first. First Thursday would be a good time to introduce this method. Note: This explanation has been used before some two thousand boys and girls. It always impresses and the results have been very good in practically every case. — 48 — For the man's pocket and the woman's purse— a compact, popular little Mass Book. 2,000,000 have been sold. THE MASS BOOK A VEST-POCKET PRAYER BOOK The purpose of this MASS BOOK is to pre- sent in the simplest form the Prayers that are the most useful in the devotional life of a Catholic. It gives the Mass Prayers al- most exactly as they are said by the Priest at the altar. It adds, moreover, such rubri- cal directions as are needful for one who is not tho|o^gl:dy| familiar |^th ^a^^^ follow t|i#^fi#t intd^^liiSly ^tlf^itli votion. The i^planatibris 'of the Doctrines of the Church, and the ordinary devotional practices that are interspersed throughout the book, may be found of very great value to non-Catholics, as well as to all classes of Catholics. Both prayers and explanations have been drawn only from authorized sources. Paper binding, 10c; $7.50 the 100, $66.00 the 1,000 postpaid Leatherette binding, 50c; $45.00 the 100 THE PAULIST PRESS 401 West 59th Street New York 19, N. Y.